Spezifische Bewerbungsinformationen ‐ Afrika und Asien Aktualisiert im Februar 2016 ACHTUNG: Diese Auflistung spiegelt nur jene Informationen wider, die wir laufend von den Partneruniversitäten erhalten. Für detailliertere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der jeweiligen Partneruniversität. Die Tabelle wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer zumindest Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Landessprache nachweisen müssen, auch wenn Sie an der Gastuniversität nur Lehrveranstaltungen auf Englisch besuchen möchten. Land China Universität China University of Political Science & Law (CUPL) Level undergraduate & graduate Language Requirements GPA Language of instruction is English n/a and Chinese. Exchange students are expected to have good command in English. Comments/Restrictions All courses are taught in Chinese, except law, political science and some Chinese cultural courses in English. Full Course Load China Nankai University Chinese: HSK level 5 n/a Most courses are taught in Chinese (only very few in English) 15-17 credits/sem. China Renmin University undergraduate & graduate undergraduate & graduate Chinese: HSK level 6 3.0 Students can take intensive Chinese language classes. English-taught classes are offered by the School of Business, School of Economics and School of International Relations. China The Chinese University of Hong Kong undergraduate & graduate English: TOEFL (ibt 71) or IELTS 3.0 (6.0) or written support of equivalent language proficiency (e.g. by Sprachenzentrum) Course restrictions: faculty of law, medicine, education; MBA courses, courses with prefix PHED (except for those with an X after the course number), College General Education courses, student oriented teaching courses, MSC in Hospitality & Real Estate Mangagement, FINA courses (Under MSc in Finance Programme of Department of Finance), MEDN courses under biology (School of Life Sciences) 9-18 units/term (= 3-6 courses) China City University of Hong Kong undergraduate & graduate English: TOEFL (ibt 79) or IELTS n/a (6.5); Law: TOEFL (ibt 100) or IELTS (7.0) Some courses with capacity limit do not accept exchange students. 12-18 credit units/sem. Chinese-instructed Courses: 3.0 above HSK Level 2 (score above 200) or confirmation of equivalent language proficiency Restrictions: MBA courses, LLM courses, medical courses, special programs 6-15 credits/sem. (= 2in faculties (e.g. International Cultural Exchange School) 8 courses), averiage: 10 credits There are three exchange categories. Students can only choose ONE category: 1) Chinese language student--Learn Chinese language ONLY 2) General Advanced student--learn undergrduate-level courses and one optional Chinese language course 3) Senior Advanced student--learn master-level courses and one optional Chinee language course China Fudan University, Shanghai undergraduate & graduate English-instrucetd Courses: TOEFL iBT above 80 or IELTS above 6.5 (no item below 6.0) Exchange students are normally allowed to take courses at undergraduate level only (course level: B1-B4) unless approved otherwise. Courses taught in English (very limited number of English-taught courses for graduate students) Confirmation of Chinese/Japanese/Korean proficiency can be issued by a professor of the respective department of the University of Vienna or by an official language school. Confirmation of English proficiency only by an official language school. Spezifische Bewerbungsinformationen ‐ Afrika und Asien Aktualisiert im Februar 2016 ACHTUNG: Diese Auflistung spiegelt nur jene Informationen wider, die wir laufend von den Partneruniversitäten erhalten. Für detailliertere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der jeweiligen Partneruniversität. Die Tabelle wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer zumindest Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Landessprache nachweisen müssen, auch wenn Sie an der Gastuniversität nur Lehrveranstaltungen auf Englisch besuchen möchten. Land Japan Universität Hitotsubashi University Level undergraduate & graduate Language Requirements GPA Japansese-instructed Courses: 2.7 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 (N2) or confirmation of equivalent language proficiency Comments/Restrictions Prerequisite: 2 years of university studies. English-taught classes are offered by the Hitotsubashi University Global Education Program (HGP) Full Course Load 12 credits (= 4 classes) Institutsabkommen Japanologie min. 9 classes/sem., (1-2 credits per English-instructed Courses: TOEFL (ibt 79) or IELTS (6.0) or confirmation of equivalent language proficiency Japan Hosei University undergraduate & graduate Language/s of instruction: Primary: Japanese Secondary: English n/a It depends on the results of the language placement test conducted at the beginning of the semester. Students with a high level of Japanese proficiency will be able to attend the regular courses and seminars conducted in Japanese. The Program Director will give advises on the course registration to exchange students. Copy of any English Language Proficiency Test score equivalent to B2, for non-native English Speakers ESOP offers 14 content courses on Japan-related topics in English (As of Academic Year 2013). Each faculty also offers some courses in English. Japan Kyoto University undergraduate & graduate Japanese: Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 (N1) is required for the General Exchange Program. n/a Kyoto University General Exchange Program is for graduates and undergraduates with Japanese language proficiency. Only undergraduate students can take part in KUINEP. Restricted field: medicine English: little Japanese proficiency but high English proficiency TOEFL (ibt 79) or IELTS (6) or confirmation of equivalent language proficiency (B2) is needed for KUINEP. Japan Meiji University undergraduate & graduate Japanese: Japanese Language Proficiency Test - score n/a General exchange informations Confirmation of Chinese/Japanese/Korean proficiency can be issued by a professor of the respective department of the University of Vienna or by an official language school. Confirmation of English proficiency only by an official language school. KUINEP: 6 courses (2 credits per class); general exchange program: 1-4 credits Spezifische Bewerbungsinformationen ‐ Afrika und Asien Aktualisiert im Februar 2016 ACHTUNG: Diese Auflistung spiegelt nur jene Informationen wider, die wir laufend von den Partneruniversitäten erhalten. Für detailliertere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der jeweiligen Partneruniversität. Die Tabelle wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer zumindest Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Landessprache nachweisen müssen, auch wenn Sie an der Gastuniversität nur Lehrveranstaltungen auf Englisch besuchen möchten. Land Japan Japan Universität Level Momoyama Gakuin - undergraduate St. Andrews & graduate University Osaka University undergraduate & graduate Language Requirements depends on the programme (Level N2/N3/N4) or Meiji University Japanese Language online test GPA Comments/Restrictions Full Course Load Japanese Language Program for International Students English programs: TOEFL (ibt 61/71/76/79) or IELTS (5.0/5.5/6.0/6.5), minimum scores depending on the programme Very basic Japanese, equivalent to Japanese Language Proficiency Test level N5, is required. Japanese language courses (4 levels, twice a week) are compulsory for all students. Only very few courses in English. Varies by program - typically n/a TOEFL iBT 80+/IELTS 6.0 for English or JLPT N4, N2 or N1 for Japanese. Closed program: Law, School of Medicine Graduate courses are mostly in Japanese. There are four student exchange programs: 1. Immersion Exchange Program Osaka (iExPO), 2. Osaka University Short-term Student Exchange Program (OUSSEP), 3. FrontierLab@OsakaU, 4. Maple Program (Maple). 15 credits (= 5-8 classes) Only official tests (TOEFL, IELTS, JLPT) or official assessment report of home university's language education centre (Sprachenzentrum) are accepted. Japan Tohoku University undergraduate & graduate Japanese: Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 (N1) is required for DEEP n/a There are four student exchange programmes: 1. Junior Program in English (JYPE) for undergraduate students, 2. International Program in Liberal Arts (IPLA), 3. Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS) for graduate students, 4. Direct Enrollment Education Program (DEEP) n/a Most courses at TMU are taught in Japanese. Only the SATOMU Program is 7-8 courses/sem. (= taught in English. 10-14 credits) English: little Japanese proficiency but high English proficiency (=B2) is required for JYPE, COLABS and IPLA. Japan Tokyo Metropolitan University undergraduate & graduate Japanese-instructed courses: level of Japanese equivalent to Confirmation of Chinese/Japanese/Korean proficiency can be issued by a professor of the respective department of the University of Vienna or by an official language school. Confirmation of English proficiency only by an official language school. Spezifische Bewerbungsinformationen ‐ Afrika und Asien Aktualisiert im Februar 2016 ACHTUNG: Diese Auflistung spiegelt nur jene Informationen wider, die wir laufend von den Partneruniversitäten erhalten. Für detailliertere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der jeweiligen Partneruniversität. Die Tabelle wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer zumindest Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Landessprache nachweisen müssen, auch wenn Sie an der Gastuniversität nur Lehrveranstaltungen auf Englisch besuchen möchten. Land Universität Level Language Requirements the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 is required GPA Comments/Restrictions Courses offered in English SATOMU program (courses in English): basic Japanese Proficiency Japan Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Japan Waseda University undergraduate & graduate JLPT N1 or N2 OR TOEFL (ibt 71), IELTS (6.0), Cambridge CAE - Grade C, or Cambridge CPE - Grade C English: TOEFL (ibt 80) or IELTS n/a (6) is required for the one year study abroad program at the SILS. Undergraduate & Graduate Studies Programs: English or Japanese depending on the study program. If applicants wish to take classes in Japanese: Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1, if applicants wish to take classes in English, TOEFL is required. Japan Yokohama City University undergraduate & graduate Libanon Université St. Josef undergraduate & graduate French B2 or Arabic communication quality Institutsabkommen Japanologie There are four student exchange programs There are two Japanese Language Programs: Short-term Japanese program (3 or 6 weeks) & Japanese Language Program (1/2 or 1 academic year) Applicants must be between 18 and 30 years of age. Students must have completed at least 2 years of study at their home university. Restrictions: September admission is not available for UNDERGRADUATES for School of Law, School of Education, School of Human Science and School of Sport Sciences; one semester students are not allowed for School of Law, School of Education, School of Human Science and School of Sport Science; GRADUATES: only one student is accepted to enroll in GSAPS, the GITS, the IPS or the WBS Focus on Islamic-Christian relations Confirmation of Chinese/Japanese/Korean proficiency can be issued by a professor of the respective department of the University of Vienna or by an official language school. Confirmation of English proficiency only by an official language school. Full Course Load SATOMU program participants: 7 credits/sem. Spezifische Bewerbungsinformationen ‐ Afrika und Asien Aktualisiert im Februar 2016 ACHTUNG: Diese Auflistung spiegelt nur jene Informationen wider, die wir laufend von den Partneruniversitäten erhalten. Für detailliertere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der jeweiligen Partneruniversität. Die Tabelle wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer zumindest Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Landessprache nachweisen müssen, auch wenn Sie an der Gastuniversität nur Lehrveranstaltungen auf Englisch besuchen möchten. Land Universität Singapore Singapore Management University Level undergraduate Language Requirements TOEFL (93 with 22 for both reading and writing), IELTS (7 with reading score 7 and writing score 6.5) GPA 3.0 Comments/Restrictions Fakultätsabkommen (I)BWL Full Course Load 2-4 credits/sem. New “Asian Studies Programme” certificate possible. Undergraduate level and limited course codes from 0xx to 4xx, except for Business Study Mission undergraduate courses Some courses require students to fulfil pre-requisites before reading. Internships and career services are not open to exchange students. Südafrika University of Pretoria undergraduate & graduate TOEFL: ibt 83 (writing 22, n/a speaking 23, reading 21, listening 27) Faculty of Health Sciences has course restrictions. Selection courses or year courses may be restricted (under and postgraduate) Südkorea Korea University undergraduate & graduate Korean: basic knowledge Restricted subjects: medicine, nursing, law, all graduate programmes at the bussiness school Südkorea Seoul National University undergraduate & graduate 2.5 English: TOEFL or IELTS is not mandatory. However, students who want to attend courses in English need an English language certificate. Korean: basic knowledge or 3.0 KLPT level 5 or TOPIC level 5 Undergraduates are NOT allowed to take graduate courses undergraduates: 12-18 credits postgraduates: 6-12 credits Students can take part in a Korean language program. 12-18 credits Applicants, who apply for the Korean History major, must provide a proof of Korean language ability (min. level 5 of KLPT or min. level 5 of the Korean Test conducted at the SNU Language Institute) English: TOEFL (ibt 88) or IELTS (6) or a language certificate with an equivalent English proficiency The college of business administration is restricted to students who are currently studying business at their home university. Südkorea Yonsei University undergraduate & graduate Classes in Korean: KLAT level 4 2.5 Restricted courses/faculties: medicine, dentistry, nursing, music, law, MBA Classes in English: Korean basic knowledge, TOEFL (ibt 79) or IELTS (6) or a language certificate with an equivalent English proficiency Confirmation of Chinese/Japanese/Korean proficiency can be issued by a professor of the respective department of the University of Vienna or by an official language school. Confirmation of English proficiency only by an official language school. undergraduate: 9-18 credits (for exchange students taking Korean language course: max. 12 credits) graduate: 9-15 credits Spezifische Bewerbungsinformationen ‐ Afrika und Asien Aktualisiert im Februar 2016 ACHTUNG: Diese Auflistung spiegelt nur jene Informationen wider, die wir laufend von den Partneruniversitäten erhalten. Für detailliertere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der jeweiligen Partneruniversität. Die Tabelle wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie immer zumindest Grundkenntnisse der jeweiligen Landessprache nachweisen müssen, auch wenn Sie an der Gastuniversität nur Lehrveranstaltungen auf Englisch besuchen möchten. Land Taiwan Universität National Chengchi University Level undergraduate & graduate Language Requirements Classes in Chinese: Chinese proficency at least equivalent to TOCFL Superior / CEFR B2 / HSK (Level IV) Classes in English:Chinese basic knowledge, TOEFL (ibt: 79-80) or IELTS (6) Taiwan National Taiwan University undergraduate & graduate Good command of English or Chinese (B1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference) GPA 2.5 Comments/Restrictions IMBA / IMAS / IDAS / IMES / IMPIS / IMICS courses are not available to exchange students 4 types of class modules: 1. Full‐Time Mandarin Class ONLY (3 hours of Mandarin class every day), no academic courses at any department except for auditing. 2. Academic classes ONLY: focus on academic classes, up to 15~18 credits (5~6 subjects) per semester. 3. Academic classes + Part‐Time Mandarin Class: combination of 1 & 2. Mandarin class: 3‐hour class twice a week. Part‐time Mandarin class available in Fall and Spring term. 4. Full‐Time Mandarin Class ONLY (first 6 months) + Academic Class ONLY (last 6 month) Restricted courses: Practice and Internship courses in the College of Medicine; Department of Anthropology (only for students with Chinese language proficiency) Full Course Load 3‐5 academic courses from student’s major (6‐15 credits) and part‐time Mandarin Class at Chinese Language Center min. 2 courses or 4 credits per sem. Course information Courses taught in English Taiwan Tamkang University Adequate level of both Chinese and English is recommended. Joint projects in the following fields: Business Studies, European Law, German Philology, Sinology Except for English taught programs, most of the courses are taught in Chinese, though many text books may be in English. Please check the application handbook to know the language requirementes for the program you want to apply. Application handbook Tansania University of Dar Es Undergraduate Salaam & Graduate English Institutsabkommen Afrikawissenschaften Types of Exchange programs: Occasional Student- attends for one semester Short-term Student- attends for one year Confirmation of Chinese/Japanese/Korean proficiency can be issued by a professor of the respective department of the University of Vienna or by an official language school. Confirmation of English proficiency only by an official language school. Course load 15 credits/sem.
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