PUBLIKATIONSLISTE PD Dr. Pascal Frei 02/2016 „Science is fun“ – das war das Motto während meiner Dissertation, die ich 1998 begonnen habe. Diese Freude am Forschen hat sich gehalten. Forschung ist Teamarbeit und gelingt nie als one man show. Den grössten Teil meiner Forschungsarbeiten habe ich auf dem Gebiet der chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen gemacht, vieles aber auch auf dem Gebiet der Hepatologie. Danke allen meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, mit denen ich viele spannende Sachen erforschen, lernen und publizieren konnte! ORIGINALARBEITEN 1. Barthel C, Wiegand S, Scharl S, Scharl M, Frei P, Vavricka SR, Fried M, Sulz MC, Wiegand N, Rogler G, Biedermann L (2015). Patients’ perceptions on the impact of coffee consumption in inflammatory bowel disease: friend or foe? – a patient survey. Nutr J 14:78 2. Biedermann L, Fournier N, Misselwitz B, Frei P, Zeitz J, Manser CN, Pittet V, Juillerat P, von Känel R, Fried M, Vavricka SR, Rogler G; Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study Group (2015). High Rates of Smoking Especially in Female Crohn’s Disease Patients and Low Use of Supportive Measures to Achieve Smoking Cessation – Data from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study. J Crohns Colitis. June 26 [Epub ahead of print]. 3. Vavricka SR, Radivojevic S, Manser CN, Frei P, Burri E, Fried M, Schoepfer A, PeyrinBiroulet L, Michetti P, Rogler G, Biedermann L (2014). Addressing current treatment challenges in Crohn's disease in real life: A physician's survey. Dig Liver Dis. 46:1066-71. 4. Biedermann L, Brülisauer K, Zeitz J, Frei P, Scharl M, Vavricka SR, Fried M, Loessner MJ, Rogler G, Schuppler M (2014). Smoking Cessation Alters Intestinal Microbiota: Insights from Quantitative Investigations on Human Fecal Samples Using FISH. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 20:1496-501. 5. Manser CN, Frei P, Grandinetti T, Biedermann L, Mwinyi J, Vavricka SR, Schoepfer A, Fried M, Rogler G; the Investigators of the Swiss IBD Cohort Study (2014). Risk Factors for Repetitive Ileocolic Resection in Patients with Crohn's Disease: Results of an Observational Cohort Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 20:1548-54. 6. Frei P, Misselwitz B, Prakash MK, Schoepfer AM, Prinz Vavricka BM, Müllhaupt B, Fried M, Lehmann K, Ammann RW, Vavricka SR (2014). Late biliary complications in human alveolar echinococcosis are associated with high mortality. World J Gastroenterol. 20:5881-8. 7. Protic M, Seibold F, Schoepfer A, Radojicic Z, Juillerat P, Bojic D, Mwinyi J, Mottet C, Jojic N, Beglinger C, Vavricka S, Rogler G, Frei P.(2014). The effectiveness and safety of rescue treatments in 108 patients with steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis with sequential rescue therapies in a subgroup of patients. J Crohns Colitis. 2014. 8:1427-37. 8. Barthel C, Biedermann L, Frei P, Vavricka SR, Kündig T, Fried M, Rogler G, Scharl M (2014). Induction or exacerbation of psoriasis in patients with Crohn's disease under treatment with anti-TNF antibodies. Digestion. 89:209-15. 9. Vavricka SR, Manser CN, Hediger S, Vögelin M, Scharl M, Biedermann L, Rogler S, Seibold F, Sanderink E, Attin T, Schoepfer A, Fried M, Rogler G, Frei P (2013) Periodontitis and gingivitis in inflammatory bowel disease: a case-control study. Inflamm Bowel Dis Inflamm Bowel Dis. 19:2768-77. 10. Frei P, Leucht AK, Held R, Kofmehl R, Manser CN, Schmitt J, Mertens J, Rau M, Baur K, Gerlach T, Negro F, Heim M, Moradpour D, Cerny A, Dufour JF, Muellhaupt B, Geier A (2014). Elderly age is not a negative predictive factor for virological response to therapy with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin in chronic HCV patients. Liver Int. 34:551-7. PUBLIKATIONSLISTE PD Dr. Pascal Frei 02/2016 11. Vavricka SR, Rogler G, Maetzler S, Misselwitz B, Safroneeva E, Frei P, Manser CN, Biedermann L, Fried M, Higgins P, Wojtal KA, Schoepfer AM (2014). High altitude journeys and flights are associated with an increased risk of flares in inflammatory bowel disease patients. J Crohns Colitis 83:191-9. 12. Curkovic I, Rentsch KM, Frei P, Fried M, Rogler G, Kullak-Ublick GA, Jetter A (2013). Low allopurinol doses are sufficient to optimize azathioprine therapy in inflammatory bowel disease patients with inadequate thiopurine metabolite concentrations. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 69:1521-31. 13. Bickelhaupt S, Pazahr S, Chuck N, Blume I, Froehlich JM, Cattin R, Raible S, Bouquet H, Bill U, Rogler G, Frei P, Boss A, Patak MA (2013). Crohn’s disease: small bowel motility impairment correlates with inflammatory-related markers C-reactive protein and calprotectin. Neurogastroenterol Motility 25:467–73. 14. Biedermann L, Zeitz J, Mwinyi J, Sutter-Minder E, Rehman A, Ott SJ, Steurer-Stey C, Frei A, Frei P, Scharl M, Loessner MJ, Vavricka SR, Fried M, Schreiber S, Schuppler M, Rogler G (2013). Smoking cessation induces profound changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiota in humans. PLoS One. 8:e59260. 15. Spalinger MR, Lang S, Weber A, Frei P, Fried M, Rogler G, Scharl M (2013). Loss of protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 regulates interferon-γ-induced signaling in human monocytes. Gastroenterology. 144:978-988. 16. Pazahr S, Blume I, Frei P, Chuck N, Nanz D, Rogler G, Patak M, Boss A (2013). Magnetization transfer for the assessment of bowel fibrosis in patients with Crohn's disease: initial experience. MAGMA. 26:291-301. 17. Wojtal KA, Rogler G, Scharl M, Biedermann L, Frei P, Fried M, Weber A, Eloranta JJ, Kullak-Ublick GA, Vavricka SR (2012). Fc gamma receptor CD64 modulates the inhibitory activity of infliximab. PLoS One. 2012;7:e43361. 18. Biedermann L, Mwinyi J, Scharl M, Frei P, Zeitz J, Kullak-Ublick GA, Vavricka SR, Fried M, Weber A, Humpf HU, Peschke S, Jetter A, Krammer G, Rogler G (2012). Bilberry ingestion improves disease activity in mild to moderate ulcerative colitis - An open pilot study. J Crohns Colitis. 7:271-9. 19. Frei-Lanter CM, Vavricka SR, Kruger THC, Tutuian R, Geier A, Bauerfeind P, Krones T, Fried M, Frei P (2012). Endoscopy for repeatedly ingested sharp foreign bodies in patients with borderline personality disorder: an international survey. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 24:793-7. 20. Many N, Stickel F, Schmitt J, Stieger B, Soyka M, Frei P, Götze O, Müllhaupt B, Geier A (2012). Genetic variations in bile acid homeostasis are not overrepresented in alcoholic cirrhosis compared to patients with heavy alcohol abuse and absent liver disease. Mutagenesis. 27:567-72. 21. Baur K, Mertens JC, Schmitt J, Iwata R, Stieger B, Frei P, Seifert B, Ferrari HA, von Eckardstein A, Müllhaupt B, Geier A; the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group (2012). The vitamin D receptor gene bAt (CCA) haplotype impairs the response to pegylatedinterferon/ribavirin-based therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients. Antivir Ther. 17:541-547. 22. Scharl M, Frei S, Pesch T, Kellermeier S, Arikkat J, Frei P, Fried M, Weber A, Jehle E, Rühl A, Rogler G (2013). Interleukin-13 and transforming growth factor β synergise in the pathogenesis of human intestinal fistulae. Gut. 62:63-72. 23. Schmitt J, Roderfeld M, Sabrane K, Zhang P, Tian Y, Mertens JC, Frei P, Stieger B, Weber A, Müllhaupt B, Roeb E, Geier A (2012). Complement factor C5 deficiency significantly delays the progression of biliary fibrosis in bile duct-ligated mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 418:445-50. 24. Baur K, Mertens JC, Schmitt J, Iwata R, Stieger B, Eloranta JJ, Frei P, Stickel F, Dill MT, Seifert B, Ferrari HA, von Eckardstein A, Bochud PY, Müllhaupt B, Geier A; Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group (2012). Combined effect of 25-OH vitamin D plasma levels and PUBLIKATIONSLISTE PD Dr. Pascal Frei 02/2016 genetic vitamin D receptor (NR 1I1) variants on fibrosis progression rate in HCV patients. Liver Int. 32:635-43. 25. Scharl M, Wojtal KA, Becker HM, Fischbeck A, Frei P, Arikkat J, Pesch T, Kellermeier S, Boone DL, Weber A, Loessner MJ, Vavricka SR, Fried M, McCole DF, Rogler G (2011). Protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 2 regulates autophagosome formation in human intestinal cells. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 18:1287-302. 26. Vavricka SR, Bentele N, Scharl M, Rogler G, Zeitz J, Frei P, Straumann A, Binek J, Schoepfer AM, Fried M; for the Swiss IBDnet and the Swiss IBD Cohort Study Group (2011). Systematic assessment of factors influencing preferences of crohn's disease patients in selecting an anti-tumor necrosis factor agent (CHOOSE TNF TRIAL). Inflamm Bowel Dis. 18:1523-30. 27. Mertens JC, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Frei P, Bruners P, Herweg C, Mahnken AH, Müllhaupt B, Geier A (2012). Multikinase inhibitor sorafenib transiently promotes necrosis after radiofrequency ablation in rat liver but activates growth signals. Eur J Radiol. 81:1601-6. 28. Scharl M, Frei P, Fried M, Rogler G, Vavricka SR (2011). Association between Cogan's syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease: a case series. J Crohns Colitis. 5:64-8. 29. Iwata R, Baur K, Stieger B, Mertens JC, Daly AK, Frei P, Braun J, Vergopoulos A, Stickel F, Sabrane K, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Goetze O, Day CP, Müllhaupt B, Geier A; Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group (2011). A common polymorphism in the ABCB11 gene is associated with advanced fibrosis in hepatitis C but not in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Clin Sci. 120:287-96. 30. Scharl M, McCole DF, Weber A, Vavricka SR, Frei P, Kellermeier S, Pesch T, Fried M, Rogler G (2011). Protein tyrosine phosphatase N2 regulates TNFα-induced signalling and cytokine secretion in human intestinal epithelial cells. Gut. 60:189-97. 31. Iwata R, Stieger B, Mertens JC, Müller T, Baur K, Frei P, Braun J, Vergopoulos A, Martin IV, Schmitt J, Goetze O, Bibert S, Bochud PY, Müllhaupt B, Berg T, Geier A; Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study Group (2011). The role of bile acid retention and a common polymorphism in the ABCB11 gene as host factors affecting antiviral treatment response in chronic hepatitis C. J Viral Hepat. 18:768-78. 32. Frei P, Huber LC, Simon RW, Bonani M, Lüscher TF (2009). Insufficient medication documentation at hospital admission of cardiac patients: a challenge for medication reconciliation. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 54:497-501. 33. Frei P, Fried M, Hungerbuhler V, Rammert C, Rousson V, Kullak-Ublick GA (2006). Analysis of risk factors for low bone mineral density in inflammatory bowel disease. Digestion. 73:40-6. 34. Frei P, Gao B, Hagenbuch B, Mate A, Biber J, Murer H, Meier PJ, Stieger B (2005). Identification and localization of sodium-phosphate cotransporters in hepatocytes and cholangiocytes of rat liver. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 288:G771-8. FALLBESCHREIBUNGEN (CASE REPORTS) 1. Imhof L, Meier B, Frei P, Kamarachev J, Rogler G, Kolios A, Navarini AA, Contassot E, French LE (2015). Severe Sweet’s Syndrome with Elevated Cutaneous Interleukin-1B after Azathioprine Exposure: Caser Report and Review oft he Literature. Dermatology 230:2938. 2. Scharl M, Frei P, Frei SM, Biedermann L, Weber A, Rogler G (2014). Epithelial-tomesenchymal transition in a fistula-associated anal adenocarcinoma in a patient with longstanding Crohn’s disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 26:114-8. PUBLIKATIONSLISTE PD Dr. Pascal Frei 02/2016 3. Frei P, Minder EI, Corti N, Muellhaupt B, Geier A, Adams H, Dutertre JP, Rudiger A, Dutkowski P, Maggiorini M, Ganter CC (2012). Liver Transplantation because of Acute Liver Failure due to Heme Arginate Overdose in a Patient with Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 6:190-6. 4. Frei P, Weber A, Geier A, Mertens JC, Kohler S, Rogler G, Müllhaupt B (2011). Lessons from a transplant patient with diarrhea, cryptosporidial infection, and possible mycophenolate mofetil-associated colitis. Transpl Infect Dis. 13:416-8. 5. Frei-Lanter CM, Heinrich S, Bauerfeind P, Frei P (2010). Bouveret’s syndrome. Br J Surg 97:1436 (Snapshots in Surgery) 6. Bonani M, Frei P, Glaab R, Lenzlinger PM (2008). [Will broken glass bring luck?] Praxis 97:949-51. 7. Frei P, Fatio R, Fenner T, Stäubli M (2006). [Maxillary sinus infection with emphysema of the head as a "red herring" in steroid associated colon perforation]. Ther Umsch. 63:763-6. ÜBERSICHTSARBEITEN (REVIEWS) 1. Frei P, Straumann-Funk (2016). Mikroskopische Colitis. Schweiz Med Forum. 16:190-193. 2. Frei P, Rogler G (2016). Calprotectin: sinnvoller Test in der Praxis?. Der informierte Arzt_01_2016. 3. Frei P (2015). Differentialdiagnostik abdomineller Schmerzen. Praxis 104:959-965. 4. Frei P (2014). Orale Mesalazintherapie bei Colitis ulcerosa: Welches Präparat? Welche Dosis? Leading Opinions 4:8-10. Reprint in: Crohn Colitis info – der Zeitschrift der SMCCV August 2015 / Nr. 84. 5. Frei P (2013). Chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen. Der informierte Arzt_09_2013. 6. Frei P, Rogler G (2013). Topische Therapie bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen: ein häufig unterschätzter Therapiebausstein. Der Gastroenterologe. 8:197–204. 7. Frei P, Biedermann L, Nielsen OH, Rogler G (2013). Use of Thiopurines in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. World Journal of Gastroenterology 19:1040-8. 8. Frei P, Biedermann L, Manser CN, Wilk M, Manz M, Vavricka SR, Rogler G (2012). Topical therapies in inflammatory bowel disease. Digestion. 86 Suppl 1:36-44. 9. Girardin M, Manz M, Manser C, Biedermann L, Wanner R, Frei P, Safroneeva E, Mottet C, Rogler G, Schoepfer AM (2012). First-line therapies in inflammatory bowel disease. Digestion. 2012;86 Suppl 1:6-10. 10. Manz M, Vavricka SR, Wanner R, Lakatos PL, Rogler G, Frei P, Safroneeva E, Schoepfer AM (2012). Therapy of steroid-resistant inflammatory bowel disease. Digestion. 86 Suppl 1:11-5. 11. Frei P, Rogler G (2011). Das ABC der Gastritiden. Hausarztpraxis 7:35-38. 12. Frei P, Biedermann L, Rogler G (2011). Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa – Wichtiges für den Nicht-Gastroenterologen. Schweiz Med Forum. 11:718–726. 13. Frei P, Rogler G (2011). Darmerkrankungen und Spondyloarthritis. Rheuma Schweiz. 2:1217. 14. Frei P, Geier A, Dutkowski P, Müllhaupt B (2011). [Liver transplantation]. Ther Umsch. 68:219-24. PUBLIKATIONSLISTE PD Dr. Pascal Frei 02/2016 BUCHBEITRÄGE 1. gastrix 2015: Klinikleitfaden für die klinische Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie. Herausgeber: Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich (Mitarbeit an einzelnen Kapiteln). 2. Frei P (2013). Erkrankungen des Dickdarms. In: Module Innere Medizin – Magen-DarmTrakt. 1. Auflage. Fried M, Manns M, Rogler G, Lüscher T, Steffel J (Herausgeber). Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg. 3. Frei P (2012). Differentialdiagnostik. In: Aktuelle Therapieoptionen bei chronischentzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. 2. Auflage. Rogler G (Herausgeber), pp. 59-68. Uni-Med Verlag: Bremen, London, Boston. ANGELEITETE DISSERTATION Leucht A.-K. Die Wirksamkeit und Durchführbarkeit der antiviralen Therapie der Hepatitis C mit pegyliertem Interferon α und Ribavirin beim älteren Patienten. Dissertation Universität Zürich 2012. (unter der Leitung von Frei P und Geier A) EIGENE DISSERTATION Frei P (2002). Die Bedeutung der Enzyme Cyclooxygenase-1 und Cyclooxygenase-2 in hepatischen Erkrankungen – Eine immunhistochemische Studie. Inaugural Dissertation, Universität Zürich. PD Dr. P. Frei, aktualisiert Februar 2016
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