Scientific Publications (1980-present) 1. Algers, B., G. Bertoni, D. Broom, J. Hartung, L. Lidfors, J. Metz, L. Munksgaard, T. Nunes-Pina, P. Oltenacu, J. Rehage, J. Rushen, F.J.M. Smulders, E. Stassen, G. Stillwell, S. Waiblinger and J. Webster (2009). Scientific report of EFSA prepared by the Animal Health and Animal Welfare Unit on the effects of farming systems on dairy cow welfare and disease. European Food Safety Authority. Annex to EFSA Journal 1143, 1-284. 2. Algers, B., D.M. Broom, E. Canali Caniattti, J. Hartung, F.J.M. Smulders, C.G. van Reenen and I. Vessier (2006). The risks of poor welfare in intensive calf farming systems. Annex to the EFSA Journal 366, 1-36. 3. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, K.-D. Jany, M.-J. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, J.-C. Larsen, D. Lovell, B. Nørrung, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2011). Guidance on the risk assessment of the application of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the food and feed chain. EFSA Journal 9(5), 2140 [36 pp.] 4. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, A. Mortensen, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2012a). Compendium on botanicals reported to contain naturally occuring substances of possible concern for human health when used in food and food supplements. EFSA Journal 10(5),2663-2663. 5. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, A. Mortensen, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2012b). Scientific Opinion on Exploring options for providing preliminary advice about possible human health risks based on the concept of Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC). EFSA Journal 10(7), 2750-2750. 6. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, A. Mortensen, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2012c). Scientific Opinion on Risk Assessment Terminology. EFSA Journal 10(5), 2664-2664. 7. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, A. Mortensen, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2012d). Update on the state-of-play of Animal Health and Welfare and Environmental Impact of Animals derived from SCNT Cloning and their Offspring, and Food Safety of Products Obtained from those Animals. EFSA Journal 10(7), 2794-2794. 8. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, J.-C. Larsen, D. Lovell, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, I. Rietjens, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2011). Scientific opinion on genotoxicity testing strategies applicable to food and feed safety assessment. EFSA Journal 9(9), 2379-2903. Stand September 2015 9. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, I. Rietjens, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2011a). Scientific opinion: Guidance on conducting repeated-dose 90-day oral toxicity study in rodents on whole food/feed. EFSA Journal (9-12), 2438 21-2438. 10. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, I. Rietjens, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2011b). Scientific opinion: Statistical Significance and Biological Relevance. EFSA Journal 9(9), 2372-2372. 11. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, D. Lovell, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, I. Rietjens, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2012). Statement on the applicability of the Margin of Exposure approach for the safety assesment of impurities which are both genotoxic and carcinogenic in substances added to food/feed. EFSA Journal 10(3), 2578 [5 pp.] 12. Antunovic, B., S. Barlow, A. Chesson, A. Flynn, A. Hardy, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, D. Lovell, B. Nørrung, I. Pratt, I. Rietjens, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2012). Guidance on selected default values to be used by the EFSA Scientific Committee, Scientific Panels and Units in the absence of actual measured data. EFSA Journal 10(3), 2579. 13. Awaiwanont, N., F.J.M. Smulders and P. Paulsen (2013). Microbiological quality of typical foods served in Thai restaurants in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Food Safety and Food Quality 64(3),78-83. 14. Awaiwanont, N., F.J.M. Smulders and P. Paulsen (2014). Physico-chemical characteristics of traditional austrian cooked-cured meat products and their significance for multiplication of Listeria monocytogenes. Folia Veterinaria (58, Suppl. II), 30-32. 15. Awaiwanont, N., F.J.M. Smulders and P. Paulsen (2015). Growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes in traditional Austrian cooked-cured meat products. Food Control 50, 150-156. 16. Aydin, A., P. Paulsen and F.J.M. Smulders (2009). The physico-chemical and microbiological properties of wheat flour in Thrace. Turk J. Agric. 33(5),445-454. 17. Barlow, S., A. Chesson, J.D. Collins, A. Flynn, C.L. Galli, A. Hardy, K.-D. Jany, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, J.-C. Larsen, D. Lovell, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2010a). Guidance on human health riskbenefit assessment of foods. EFSA Journal 8(7), 1673-1673. 18. Barlow, S., A. Chesson, J.D. Collins, A. Flynn, C.L. Galli, A. Hardy, K.-D. Jany, M. Jeger, A. Knaap, H. Kuiper, J.-C. Larsen, D. Lovell, J. Schlatter, V. Silano, F.J.M. Smulders and P. Vannier (2010b). Scientific Report of the Endocrine Active Substances Task Force. EFSA Journal 8(11),1932-2903. 19. Barnier, V.M.H., E. Wiklund, A. van Dijk, F.J.M. Smulders and G. Malmfors (1999). Proteolytic enzyme and inhibitor levels in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L) vs. bovine longissimus muscle, as they relate to ageing rate and response. Rangifer 19, 13-18. Stand September 2015 20. Den Hertog-Meischke, M.J.A., R.E. Klont, F.J.M. Smulders and J.G. van Logtestijn (1997). Variation in post-mortem rate of glycolysis does not necessarily affect drip loss of non-stimulated veal. Meat Sci. 47, 323-329. 21. Den Hertog-Meischke, M.J.A., H.L.J.M. van Laack and F.J.M. Smulders (1997). The water-holding capacity of fresh meat. Vet. Quart. 19, 175-181. 22. Den Hertog-Meischke, M.J.A., F.J.M. Smulders, J.H. Houben and G. Eikelenboom (1997). The effect of dietary vitamine E supplementation on drip loss of bovine longissimus lumborum, psoas major and semitendinosus muscles. Meat Sci. 45, 153-160. 23. Den Hertog-Meischke, M.J.A., F.J.M. Smulders, J.G. van Logtestijn and F. van Knapen (1997). The effect of electrical stimulation on the water-holding capacity and protein denaturation of two bovine muscles. J. Anim. Sci. 75,118-124. 24. Den Hertog-Meischke, M.J.A., F.J.M. Smulders and J.G. van Logtestijn (1998). The effect of storage temperature on drip loss from fresh beef. J. Sci. Food Agric. 78, 522-526. 25. Den Hertog-Meischke, M.J.A., M. Vada-Kovàcs and F.J.M. Smulders (1997). The effect of simulated transport of fresh meats on their water holding capacity as assessed with various methods. Meat Sci. 46, 1-8. 26. Duong, V.N., P. Paulsen, W. Suriyasathaporn, F.J.M. Smulders, M.N. Kyule, M.P. Baumann, K.H. Zessin and H.N. Pham (2006). Preliminary analysis of tetracycline residues in marketed pork in Hanoi, Vietnam. Ann. NY Acad. Science 1081(8), 354-542. 27. Eikelenboom, G., V.M.H. Barnier, A.H. Hoving-Bolink, F.J.M. Smulders and J. Culioli (1998). Effect of pelvic suspension and cooking temperature on meat tenderness as assessed with shear and compression tests. Meat Sci. 49(1), 8999. 28. Eikelenboom, G. and F.J.M. Smulders (1986). The effect of electrical stimulation on veal quality. Meat Sci. 16, 103-112. 29. Eikelenboom, G., F.J.M. Smulders and H. Rudérus (1985). The effect of high and low voltage electrical stimulation on beef quality. Meat Sci. 13, 247-254. 30. El-Ghareeb, W.R., F.J.M. Smulders, A.M.A. Morshdy, R. Winkelmayer and P. Paulsen (2009). Microbiological condition and shelf life of meat from hunted game birds. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 55(4), 317-323. 31. Farghaly, R., P. Paulsen und F.J.M. Smulders (2001a). Zum Nachweis von Salmonellen in Fleisch und Fleischwaren. Erfahrungen mit dem DIASALMNährboden im Vergleich mit dem MSRV- Medium. Fleischwirtschaft 81, 69-71. 32. Farghaly, R., P. Paulsen und F.J.M. Smulders (2001b). On the efficacy of a biofilm-dissolving agent (Sprycult TM) to improve recovery of bacteria from surfaces of meat processing equipment (short communication). Ernährung/Nutrition 25, 400-402. 33. Fettinger, V., F.J.M. Smulders, P. Lazar, I. Omurtag and P. Paulsen (2010). Lesions in thighs from hunted Brown Hares (Lepus europaeus) and microflora under vacuum-packaging storage. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 56(6), 943-947. Stand September 2015 34. Fettinger, V., F.J.M. Smulders, R. Winkelmayer and P. Paulsen (2010). Mikrobiologische Eigenkontrollen bei der Wildfleisch-Direktvermarktung in Niederösterreich. Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung 62(4), 118-120. 35. Flekna, G., W. Schneeweiss, F.J.M. Smulders, M. Wagner and I. Hein (2007). Real-time PCR method with statistical analysis to compare the potential of DNA isolation methods to remove PCR inhibitors from samples for diagnostic PCR. Molecular and Cellular Probes 21(4), 282-287. 36. Flekna, G., P. Stefanic, M. Wagner, F.J.M. Smulders, S. Smole Mozina and I. Hein (2007). Insufficient differentiation of live and dead Campylobacter jejuni and Listeria monocytogenes cells by ethidium monoazide (EMA) compromises EMA/real-time PCR. Research in Microbiology 158(5), 405-412. 37. Formato, G. and F.J.M. Smulders (2011). Risk management in primary apicultural production. Part 1: bee health and disease prevention and associated best practices. Vet Q. 31(1), 29-47. 38. Formato, G., R. Zilli, R. Condoleo, S. Marozzi, I. Davis and F.J.M. Smulders (2011). Risk management in primary apicultural production. Part 2: a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point approach to assuring the safety of unprocessed honey. Vet Q. 31(2), 87-97. 39. Geesink, G.H., H.L.J.M van Laack, V.M.H. Barnier and F.J.M. Smulders (1994). Does electrical stimulation affect the speed of ageing or the ageing response? Sci. Alim. 14, 409-422. 40. Geesink, G.H., A. Ouali, F.J.M. Smulders, A. Talmant, C. Tassy, F. Guignot and H.L.J.M. van Laack (1992). The role of ultimate pH on proteolysis and calpain/calpastatin activity in bovine muscle. Biochemie 74, 283-289. 41. Geesink, G.H., F.J.M. Smulders and H.L.J.M. van Laack (1994). The effects of CaCl2, NaCl and ZnCl2 treatment on the quality of beef. Sci. Alim. 14, 485-502. 42. Geesink, G.H., F.J.M. Smulders, H.L.J.M. van Laack, H.L.J.M. van der Kolk, Th. Wensing and H.J. Breukink (1993). Effect on meat quality of the use of clenbuterol in veal calves. J. Anim. Sci. 71, 247-254. 43. Gonzales, F., P. Paulsen, F.J.M. Smulders, O. Skewes, E., Polster- Heindl, R. und H.E. König (2003).Exotisches für die Fleischtheke. Fachgerechte Zerlegung handelsüblicher Teilstücke von Guanakofleisch. Fleischwirtschaft 83, 32-37. 44. Gonzales, F., F.J.M. Smulders, P. Paulsen, O. Skewes, R. und H.E. König (2003). Guanakofleisch, ein hochwertiges und dietätisches Nahrungsmittel. Lamas. ISSN B 129347, 14-16. 45. Gonzalez, F., F.J.M. Smulders, P. Paulsen, O. Skewes, R. und H.E. König (2004). Anatomical investigations on meat cuts of guanacos (Lama guanicoe, Müller, 1776) and chemical composition of selected muscles. Veterinary Medicine Austria / Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 91(3), 77-84. 46. Hellström, S., S. Mayrhofer, B. Rippel-Rachle, F.J.M. Smulders and H. Korkeala (2007). Prevalence and genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes in foods markted in Vienna, Austria = Verbreitung und genetische Verschiedenheit von Listeria monocytogenes in Lebenmitteln, die in Wien (Österreich) vermarktet werden. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 58, 116-120. Stand September 2015 47. Hilbert, F., S. Mayrhofer and F.J.M. Smulders (2002). Rapid urease screening of Yersinia on CIN agar plates. Int. J. Food. Microbiol. 84, 111-115. 48. Hilbert, F., P. Paulsen, B. Rippel-Rachlé und F.J.M. Smulders (2001). Die Bedeutung antibiotikaresistenter Keime im Lebensmittel tierischer Herkunft. Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 88, 97-105. 49. Hilbert, F. und F.J.M. Smulders (2000). Kälte ist kein vollständiger Schutz. Fleischwirtschaft 80, 26-28. 50. Hilbert, F., F.J.M. Smulders, R. Chopra-Dewasthaly and P. Paulsen (2012). Salmonella in the wildlife-human interface. Food Res. Int. 45(2), 603-608. 51. Hofbauer, P., F. Gonzalez Schnake, O. Skewes Ramm, A.J. Lobos Lopez, F.J.M. Smulders, F. Bauer, R. Macher, H.E. König and P. Paulsen (2005). Studies on muscular topography and meat properties of beavers (Castor canadensis) caught in Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Veterinary Medicine Austria / Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 92, 157-164. 52. Hofbauer, P., F.J.M. Smulders, M. Vodnansky, P. Paulsen and W.R. ElGhareeb (2010). A note on meat quality traits of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 56(5), 809-813. 53. Humphrey, T., P. Paulsen, A. Pfeifer and F.J.M. Smulders (2012). Campylobacter as the main zoonotic pathogen in poultry and strategies for its control. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 99(11-12),330-336. 54. Kainz, R., P. Kranner, W. Luf, F.J.M. Smulders und P.-V. Stangl (2006). Lebensmittelrecht und -kontrolle im Umbruch. 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Demographic/socio-economic factors and dietary habits determining consumer exposure to foodborne bacterial hazards in Turkey through the consumption of meat. Food Secur 5(1), 103-115. 87. Omurtag, I., P. Paulsen, F. Hilbert and F.J.M. Smulders (2013b). The risk of transfer of foodborne bacterial hazards in Turkey through the consumption of meat; risk ranking of muscle foods with the potential to transfer Campylobacter spp. Food Secur 5(1), 117-127. 88. Paulsen, P., F. Bauer, R. Winkelmayer, F.J.M. Smulders und P. Hofbauer (2005). Zu Qualitätsparametern von vakuumverpacktem Rehfleisch: gewonnen durch Zerlegung 12 bzw. 24 Std. nach dem Erlegen. Fleischwirtschaft 85(11), 114-117. 89. Paulsen, P., C. Borgetti, E. Schopf and F.J.M. Smulders (2008). Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in various foods with a new automated most-probablenumber method compared with petrifilm and international organization for standarization procedures. Journal of Food Protection 71(2), 376-379. Stand September 2015 90. Paulsen, P., J. Ehebruster, I. Irschik, E. Lucker, K. Riehn, R. Winkelmayer and F.J.M. Smulders (2012). Findings of Alaria alata mesocercariae in wild boars (Sus scrofa) in eastern Austria. Eur. J. Wildlife Res. 58(6), 991-995. 91. Paulsen, P., U. Hagen, P. Hofbauer, D. Mate und F.J.M. Smulders (2003). Zur Bestimmung der Gesamtkeimzahl und der Enterobacteriaceenzahl an Rinderund Schweineschlachtkörperoberflächen mittels Simplate™ Nährmedien. Ernährung/Nutrition 27, 101-104. 92. Paulsen, P., U. Hagen, F.J.M. Smulders und H.E. König (2001). Zur Bolzenschußbetäubung bei Schlachtrindern und -schweinen: anatomische Überlegungen. Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 88, 210-218. 93. Paulsen, P., U. Hagen, F.J.M. Smulders und H.E. König (2003). Bolzenschussbetäubung bei Rindern; Kurze Übersicht zu technischen, anatomischen und hygienischen Aspekten. Fleischwirtschaft 83, 80-86. 94. Paulsen, P., U. Hagen, F.J.M. Smulders and H.E. König (2004). Captive bolt stunning of cattle. Correct placement of stunners, possible failures in stunning and their anatomical implications. Fleischwirtschaft International 1, 14-18. 95. Paulsen, P., J. Hiesberger, S. Giefing und F.J.M. Smulders (2006). Modified amtmosphere storage under sub-atmospheric pressure and beef quality: I. Microbiological effects. Journal of Animal Science 84(9), 2448-2455. 96. Paulsen, P., F. Hilbert and F.J.M. Smulders (2002). Behaviour of pathogens isolated from muscle foods under selected food processing conditions. Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 89, 152-156. 97. Paulsen, P., Hilbert, F. and Smulders, F.J.M. (2009a). A model to establish a “Performance Objective” (PO) for Campylobacter spp. in broiler carcasses at retail. Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 60(2), 61-65. 98. Paulsen, P., Hilbert, F. and Smulders, F.J.M. (2009b). Planziele festlegen Berechnungsmodell für die Campylobacter-Keimzahl in Hühnerfleisch. Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung 61(7), 297-299. 99. Paulsen, P., F. Hilbert, R. 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Hillebrand (1992). Influence des procédés de découpe accélerée sur les qualités sensorielles, microbiologiques et technologiques des viandes de boeuf, de veau, de porc et de dinde. Viandes et Produits Carnés 13, 112-120. 135. Smulders, F.J.M., B.B. Marsh, D.R. Swartz, R.L. Russell and M.E. Hoenecke (1990). Beef tenderness and sarcomere length. Meat Sci. 28, 349-363. 136. Smulders, F.J.M. and P. Paulsen (1997). Reform der Fleischuntersuchung und warum? Oder: vorgefasste Meinungen, Wissenschaft und die Leistungsfähigkeit des gegenwärtigen Fleischuntersuchungssystems gegenüber zukünftigen Systemen. Wien. Tierärztl. Mschr. 84, 280-287. 137. Smulders, F.J.M., P. Paulsen, S. Vali and S. Wanda (2013). Effectiveness of a polyamide film releasing lactic acid on the growth of E. coli O157:H7, Enterobacteriaceae and Total Aerobic Count on vacuum-packed beef. Meat Sci. 95(2), 160-165. 138. Smulders, F.J.M. and M. Upmann (2000a). Verminderung der bakteriellen Belastung auf frischem Fleisch. 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On the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in cold smoked fish: an overview. Veterinary Medicine Austria / Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 93, 145-149. 152. Suppin, D. und F.J.M. Smulders (2005). Zum Hygienestatus von frischen Fischfilets auf Handelsebene. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 92(11), 259264. 153. Suppin, D., R. Zahlbruckner, C. Krapfenbauer-Cermak, C. Hassan-Hauser and F.J.M. Smulders (2005). Mercury, lead and cadmium content of fresh and canned fish collected from Austrian retail operations. Ernährung/Nutrition 11, 456-460. 154. Taylor, R.G., R. Labas, F.J.M. Smulders and E. Wiklund (2002). Ultrastructural changes during ageing in M. longissimus thoracis from moose and reindeer. Meat Sci. 60, 321-326. 155. Upmann, M., P. Paulsen, S. James and F.J.M. Smulders (2000). The microbiology of refrigerated meat. Fleischwirtschaft International 3, 38-45. Also published in German, Fleischwirtschaft 80(8), 90-97. 156. Vagsholm, I. and F.J.M. Smulders (2012). Symptomless carriers and the rationale for targeted risk management strategies. Wien. Tierärztl. Monat. 99 (11-12), 272-277. 157. Van Nhiem, D., P. Paulsen, W. Suriyasathaporn, F.J.M. Smulders, M.N. Kyule, M.P.O. Baumann, K.H. Zessin and P. Hong Ngan (2006). Preliminary analysis of Tetracycline Residues in Marketed Pork in Hanoi, Vietnam. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1081, 534-542. 158. Villaneuva Valero, B., F. Bauer, F.J.M. Smulders, A. Arino, U. Hagen and P. Paulsen (2005). Biogenic Amines and Polyamines and Total Aerobic Count During Storage of Vacuum-Packaged Porcine Kidney, Liver and Spleen. Food Science and Technology International 11(5), 337-344. Stand September 2015 159. Wal, P.G. van der, G. Mateman, A.W. de Vries, G.M.A. Vonder, F.J.M. Smulders, G.H. Geesink and B. Engel (1993). `Scharrel`(free-range) pigs: carcass composition, meat quality and taste-panel studies. Meat Sci. 34, 27-37. 160. Walter, S., R. Winkelmayer, F. Bauer, P. Hofbauer, F.J.M. Smulders und P. Paulsen (2004). Zur substantiellen Zusammensetzung von Fleisch mitteleuropäischer Wildtiere. Ernährung/ Nutrition 28, 110-117. 161. Wanda, S., P. Paulsen, M. Budai, S. Vali and F.J.M. Smulders (2013). Incorporation of lactic acid as an antimicrobial agent in polyamide foodpackaging films. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 64(1), 8-14. 162. Wanda, S, P. Paulsen and F.J.M. Smulders (2011). Verbesserte Lebensmittelsicherheit durch antimikrobielle Verpackungen bei Rindfleisch? Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung 63(5), 159-160. 163. Weijtens, M.J.B.M., F.J.M. Smulders, P.-V. Stangl, T. Sterneberg-van der Maaten, R. Kainz and W. Luf (2005). Fundamental changes in food legislation Part B: The new EU- food safety legislation - consequences for the veterinary profession. Lebensmittelrecht und Kontrolle im Umbruch; Teil B: Konsequenzen für den Tierärztestand. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 92, 191-195. 164. Wiklund, E.M., V.M.H. Barnier, F.J.M. 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