Buecher: Tentmaking, Business as Mission

Buecher: Tentmaking, Business as Mission & Entrepreneurship
Professional church planter Patrick Lai provides an in-depth reference for tentmakers--businessas-mission practitioners operating in regions of great antagonism to the Christian message. Those
who are unfamiliar with the world of tentmaking will find valuable information to introduce them
to the concept and to help in getting started. Designed to be a manual, Tentmaking is more than
just an overview of questions and issues. This work will serve as an in-depth reference for existing
tentmakers. This thoroughly researched collection is the result of interviews from over 450
people serving in the 10/40 window. It provides a unique viewpoint on missions, sharing proven,
workable alternatives to conventional missionary life. Tentmaking provides an important and
much needed resource to this specialized area of world missions.
7 Reasons Tentmaking Businesses fail. TobyMiles
Why do so many Christian tentmaking businesses fail? Have you ever wondered if tentmaking is a
realistic model for missions today? The head of a funding organization said to me, “I’ve been
working along side tentmakers for 20 years and I have never seen a business that is profitable,
sustainable, and effective in ministry! So why should we invest our time and energy into a model
that doesn’t work?” Since that time I have been asking myself? “Is the model wrong?”
A study of actual Business as Mission companies which are seeking to integrate the Great
Commission into their business in various ways. Rundle and Steffen seek to analyze and
evaluate these against key Biblically based objectives and standards to move forward our
thinking about Christians running businesses as Great Commission-Kingdom committed
people. And they are specifically looking at the impact and potential of such companies
extending the gospel through planting growing church movements. The concrete, wellresearched stories and their analysis are very helpful. They provide us with much more than
interesting stories of how businesses can be used in Christian missions and bless people. They
look at the range of issues involved in starting and running such businesses--starting them in
business-challenging countries, bureaucracy, corruption, work ethics, profit and being selfsustaining, integrity, integrating faith and witness into business, and more.
How Christians Can Use Their Influence in the Marketplace to Change the World In this
expanded version of the best-selling Anointed for Business, Ed Silvoso reminds us that the
heart of our cities is the marketplace. Yet the perceived wall between commercial pursuit and
service to God continues to be a barrier to advancing His kingdom. Silvoso invites all Christians
in business to knock down that wall and build the foundation for an unparalleled marketplace
The book provides real step-by-step practical guidance on setting up and developing a startup
based on Blank's renowned customer development approach (see The Four Steps to the
Epiphany): Customer discovery, validation, creation, and company building. It covers both
software companies as well as companies developing physical products (differences are clearly
pointed out).
Buecher: Tentmaking, Business as Mission & Entrepreneurship
Ian C. MacMillan and James D. Thompson
In The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook, Wharton professor Ian C. MacMillan and Dr. James
Thompson, director of the Wharton Social Entrepreneurship Program, offer a proven, tough-love
approach to launching a successful social enterprise.
Because they believe in taking their own medicine, MacMillan and Thompson used their own
systematic framework to publish this book. To test the market, they offered the first phase in their
three-step method as a free ebook. Readers were invited to join The Social Entrepreneur’s
Playbook Advisory Group, and nearly 300 aspiring and active social entrepreneurs shared feedback
that helped shape the complete edition of the book.
Based on this crowd-sourced feedback from readers of the free ebook and drawing on the
authors’ more than 26 years’ combined experience developing and studying social enterprises in
the field across Africa and in the United States, this new edition provides guidance for each phase:
 Phase One: Pressure Test Your Start-Up Idea
 Phase Two: Plan Your Social Enterprise
 Phase Three: Launch and Scale Your Social Enterprise
Filled with accessible frameworks and tools, as well as inspiring stories of social entrepreneurs,
The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook is a must-read for any aspiring or active social entrepreneur, as
well as philanthropists, foundations, and nonprofits interested in doing more good with fewer
In this book, Whole Foods Market cofounder John Mackey and professor and Conscious
Capitalism, Inc. cofounder Raj Sisodia argue for the inherent good of both business and capitalism.
Featuring some of today’s best-known companies, they illustrate how these two forces can—and
do—work most powerfully to create value for all stakeholders: including customers, employees,
suppliers, investors, society, and the environment.
Adam and Eve worked. Jacob and Joseph worked. So did Ruth, David, Daniel, Jonah, Martha,
Priscilla and Aquila, Paul and most people in the Old and New Testaments.
In Work Matters marketplace theology expert R. Paul Stevens revisits more than twenty biblical
accounts from Genesis to Revelation exploring through them the theological meaning of every
sort of work, manual or intellectual, domestic or commercial. Taken together, his short, pithy
reflections on these well-known Bible passages add up to a comprehensive, Bible-based theology
of work one that will be equally useful for seminars, classes, Bible studies, and individuals seeking
to grasp more fully the theological dimensions of their daily labor.
Christians have likely been struggling with the place of business in the life of faith ever since Pauls
days as a tentmaker. Just how do the spheres of private devotion and public business intersect in
a meaningful way? Paul Stevens has been exploring this question since his earliest working days in
his fathers steel business. His Doing Gods Business tells how readers can find lasting and satisfying
meaning for marketplace involvement in the light of the Christian faith and tradition. Stevens
explores the potential of business as a location for practicing everyday spiritual disciplines and as
a source of creativity and deeper relationship with God.
Buecher: Tentmaking, Business as Mission & Entrepreneurship
The Missional Entrepreneur. Principles and Practices for Business as Mission
Mark Russell, New Hope Publishers – Impact, 2010
The Missional Entrepreneur takes an in-depth look at business as missions in action with an eye to
expose the most effective principles and practices of this movement. Based on the author’s
firsthand research in more than 70 countries, The Missional Entrepreneur offers a uniquely
informative book that helps readers see business as mission in action and understand its reality
for today. This book explores the nuances of BAM and includes both theological reflections and
contemporary case studies.
Building the Kingdom Through Business. A Mission Strategy for the 21st Century World, Bridget
Adams and Manoj Raithatha, Instant Apostle, 2012
If it is business that shapes the world, then how can we use it to shape the world for good and for
God? Against the background of an international debate on business ethics and more just
societies, this book looks at Godly business in Biblical, historical and practical ways. It includes
advice on starting a business, and case studies of businesses already making a difference. There
are lessons to be learned! And the world needs us to learn them. If you want to discover a new
way of doing business then this book is for you. Whether you are a would-be entrepreneur, a
church leader with a vision that mission can be different or simply someone who wants to catch
the new wave of what God is up to in the world of business, read this book and be inspired!
Business as Mission. A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice
C. Neal Johnson, IVP, 2010
Business as mission (BAM) is a mission strategy whose time has come. But Christian companies
and business leaders do not automatically accomplish missional purposes. BAM requires mastery
of both the world of business and the world of missions, merging and contextualizing both into
something significantly different than either alone. C. Neal Johnson offers the first comprehensive
guide to business as mission for practitioners. He provides conceptual foundations for
understanding BAM’s unique place in global mission and prerequisites for engaging in it. Then he
offers practical resources for how to do BAM, including strategic planning and step-by-step
operational implementation. Drawing on a wide variety of BAM models, Johnson works through
details of both mission and business realities, with an eye to such issues as management,
sustainability and accountability.
Business as Mission. The Power of Business in the Kingdom of God
Michael R. Baer, YWAM Publishing, 2006
Like never before, Christian business leaders have the chance to play a pivotal role in transforming
society and spreading the gospel. But seizing this opportunity requires thinking differently about
God, about his kingdom, about his purposes in the world, and about business. In this book, Mike
Baer rejects the unbiblical thinking that ministry and business are by definition separate activities
– that our lives can be compartmentalized into the sacred and secular. Instead he guides business
leaders in developing the vital characteristics of a kingdom business – the kind of business that
will free them live fully integrated lives and lead organizations that significantly impact the world.
God is at Work. Transforming People and Nations Through Business
Kenneth Eldred, Regal Books, 2005
There is an important role for Christian business people in effecting real change in developing
countries, and many are already taking up the mantle. They are pursuing Kingdom business, forprofit business ventures designed to facilitate the transformation of people and nations. God is at
Work deals with this emerging missions movement, one in which Christians are meeting
significant spiritual and economic needs in the developing world. Learn why Christian business
people are uniquely equipped to address poverty, a disease that afflicts many millions around the
world. Discover the colorful two thousand year history of business as a missions vehicle. Meet
those engaged in exciting Kingdom business ventures today even in areas mostly closed to the
gospel. This book is a must read for Kingdom-minded business people, development workers,
pastors, missionaries, students, in short, for anyone who wants to see God at work transforming
the world.
Buecher: Tentmaking, Business as Mission & Entrepreneurship
Wir sind das Kapital, Erkenne den Entrepreneur in Dir. Aufbruch in eine intelligentere Ökonomie.
Guenter Faltin, 2015
Anstiftung zur persönlichen Revolution! Die wachsenden Probleme unserer Zeit sind mit
herkömmlichen Mitteln nicht mehr zu lösen. Heute sind Entrepreneure mit überzeugenden und
tragfähigen Unternehmenskonzepten gefragt. Noch nie war es in der Geschichte so greifbar nahe,
ein Unternehmen zu gründen, ja sogar im Konzert der Großen mitzuspielen. Günter Faltin ist ein
großer Wurf gelungen - für Gründer, Selbständige und Unternehmen. Er bietet eine präzise und
sehr systematische Methode an: das Entrepreneurial Design. Damit lernt man, sinnvoll aktiv zu
werden und gerade deswegen erfolgreich zu sein. Bescheidener, was den Verbrauch an Ressourcen
angeht. Anspruchsvoller, wenn es um geglücktes Leben geht. Wir sind das Kapital. Die große
Ideenschmiede für Entrepreneure: vom ersten Einfall bis hin zum ausgearbeiteten Konzept. Damit
wir anfangen, intelligenter zu wirtschaften.
Kopf schlägt Kapital: Die ganz andere Art, ein Unternehmen zu gründen Von der Lust, ein
Entrepreneur zu sein. Guenter Faltin, 2012
Viele glauben zu wissen, wie es geht. Wenige tun es wirklich. Noch weniger sind damit erfolgreich.
Nämlich damit, ein Unternehmen zu gründen. Günter Faltin, Gründer der Teekampagne, weiß aus
Erfahrung, worauf es ankommt: ein Ideen-Kunstwerk zu schaffen aus vorhandenen, jedermann
zugänglichen Komponenten. Den Kopf freizuhalten für die wichtigen Fragen. Den Horizont im Auge
zu behalten, statt in den Alltagsanforderungen unterzugehen. An vielen Beispielen zeigt er, wie
jeder ganz praktisch an eigenen Ideen arbeiten kann – je unkonventioneller man denkt, umso
Business for Transformation. Patrick Lai, 2015
Available as Ebook: Business for Transformation focuses on answering the question: “How do you
start a business that transforms communities of unreached peoples?” Starting a business crossculturally involves thousands of decisions. Until now, BAM and B4T practitioners have been lacking
a tool that explains how to start a business that engages unreached people for Jesus’ sake. This
book draws on years of experience from scores of OPEN workers who are BAM/B4T practitioners.
BAM/B4T are among the faster growing segments of the worldwide mission movement. It is
written for new workers and coaches who need practical guidance in setting up and doing
business in hard, church-less areas. BAM is about shaping business for God and the common good;
bringing solutions to global issues like human trafficking, poverty, creation care, and unreached
peoples. Patrick Lai’s book is an important guide for those who are serious about transformational
business, especially in areas where the name of Jesus is rarely heard. This book is very practical
with tools, stories and resources. Read it, use it!
Mission: Startup, Christoph Warmer & Soeren Weber, 2014
Eine App, die Taxizentralen überflüssig macht? Dunstabzug von unten, statt von oben? Oder
einfach eine neue Cola? Das sind die Geschäftsideen der Startups myTaxi, Bora und fritz-kola. Sie
haben es geschafft, und aus ihren Ideen florierende Unternehmen gemacht. Nur, wie? Um dieser
Frage nachzugehen sind die Autoren quer Deutschland gereist und haben sich mit erfolgreichen
Gründern zum Gespräch getroffen.
Im Zentrum des Buches stehen persönliche Interviews mit Gründern. Gemeinsam mit den Autoren
zeichnen sie die Entstehungsgeschichte der Startups nach – inklusive der Rückschläge,
Wendepunkte und Erfolge. Der Leser erfährt aus erster Hand vor welchen Herausforderungen die
Gründer standen, wie diese angepackt und letztlich auch gelöst wurden.