MEDIA DATEN 2016 ZENTRAL, MODERN UND MIT EINER FANTASTISCHEN ATMOSPHÄRE – MEININGER VERBINDET MENSCHEN, DIE SPASS AM REISEN HABEN! NEUGIERIG? WERFEN SIE EINEN BLICK IN DIE AKTUELLE AUSGABE. HIER KLICKEN. Meininger – The urban traveller’s home Ob Weltenbummler, Geschäftsreisender oder Familie – Meininger Hotels bieten Gästen aus aller Welt ein echtes Zuhause. Meininger vereint das Beste aus Hotel und Hostel und bietet somit komfortable, günstige Hotels – ideal für Städtereisen. Mit dem englischsprachigen Magazin „on the MOVE“, crossmedialen Werbeformen wie Content-Advertising, TV, Ambient-Bundles und Social Media bietet MEININGER ein einzigartiges Umfeld für Ihre moderne Marken- und Produktkommunikation. DATEN 16 exklusive Standorte in Europas Metropolen: pp 1,7 Mio. Übernachtungen pro Jahr pp 7.000 Betten in 16 Hotels in 10 Städten in 5 Ländern pp 35 % deutschsprachig, 65 % englischsprachig pp Altersgruppe im Kern: 18 – 35 Jahre Deutschland Berlin Hauptbahnhof Berlin Alexanderplatz Berlin Mitte Humboldthaus Berlin Airport Frankfurt/Main Airport Frankfurt/Main Messe Hamburg City Center München City Center Köln City Center Österreich Wien Hauptbahnhof Wien Downtown Franz Wien Downtown Sissi Salzburg City Center United Kingdom London Hyde Park Niederlande Amsterdam City west Belgien Brüssel City Center Weitere Eröffnungen in 2016! ZIELGRUPPE 45 % BACKPACKER & STÄDTETOURISTEN 35 % GRUPPEN GRÖSSTENTEILS SCHULGRUPPEN 10 % BUSINESS 10 % FAMILIEN 2 Werbepakete mit Durchschlagskraft Ob Weltenbummler, Geschäftsreisender oder Familie – MEININGER Hotels bieten Gästen aus aller Welt ein echtes Zuhause. Nutzen Sie alle MEININGER-Kanäle und erreichen Sie die größtmögliche Anzahl von potenziellen Kunden mit wenig Aufwand. MEININGER TOUCHPOINTS MAGAZIN SAMPLING BLOG & SOCIAL MEDIA ZIMMERKARTEN TV-TICKER Das hoteleigene „on the MOVE“-Magazin begeistert 300.000 Leser mit Trend themen rund um Reisen und Lifestyle und bietet eine zielgerichtete Produktplatzierung. Miniflyer, Schüttware, Produktproben – Ihr Samplingprodukt direkt am Kunden platziert und präsentiert! Im Zimmer, an der Rezeption oder in der Lunchtüte. Machen Sie Ihr Produkt erlebbar. Reise,- Lifestyle- und Shopping trends, Insidertipps und eine aktive Community mit über 42.000 Fans und Nutzern in den sozialen Netzwerken. Das perfekte Gespann für ihre indivi duelle Produktkommunikation. Im handlichen Kreditkartenformat sind die Zimmerkarten mit Ihrer Werbebotschaft individuell bedruckt. Erreichen Sie in der Gesamtauflage jährlich bis zu 1,7 Mio. Kontakte.Teilauflagen je Standorte sind möglich. Ein Flachbildschirm in jedem Hotelzimmer und in der Lobby lockt mit einem Rund-um-dieUhr-Programm. Überzeugen Sie die Kunden mit einem individuellen Newsticker. 1/1 Seite Anzeige 3.500 € Bundle #1 7.900 € statt 10.950 Bundle #2 5.900 € statt 7.200 Bundle #3 4.900 € statt 6.500 z. B. 20.000 Flyer 3.000 € z. B. Advertorial 700 € ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü z. B. 1.500 Stück 3.750 € ü 1 Haus 20 €/Tag AB 201 6 BUCHB AR Alle Preise in Euro zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst. 3 Werbeformen: Magazin PRINTANZEIGE REDAKTIONELLES THEMENFEATURE pp6 Seiten ppeigenes Look & Feel ppLogointegration möglich ppKennzeichnung als „Special“ BEILAGE Die Beilage, z. B. Stickerblatt, Coupon, Karte, Prospekt etc., wird dem Magazin lose beigefügt. 6.000 € Out & About Innenseite, 1/1 Out & About TWO WEEKS, ONE CAR, THREE FRIENDS A N D A T E N T. LET THE ADVENTURE B EGIN. 3.500 € scapes that attract hosts of nature lovers. The varied views of boundless expanses evoke a sense of freedom that photos and words are unable to reproduce. Stunning, unique wonders of nature scattered across two islands surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Welcome to our trip through the vast plains of the Green Island. Welcome to New Zealand. VISITING MIDDLE-EARTH New Zealand also serves as the backdrop for the enchanted world of J.R.R. Tolkien that Peter Jackson brought to life on the big screen More than twenty percent of the as the inspiring land of New Zealand land mass the Lord of the Rings. This is where Frodo, consists of national parks, forests Bilbo Baggins and nature reserves. and the other characters found their fictive Add to that 34 marine protected home. In all areas. On average, of New Zealand you can follow their tracks. only sixteen persons live on each of the country’s 270,000 square kilometres. The low population density, One of the most popular sights is the village the isolated location, the many of Hobbiton hours of sun and high close to Matamata. Every day it attracts precipitation rate make for an extraordinary, roughly 2,000 diverse and tourists from around the world. And on a regular basis, almost untouched vegetation with picturesque land- couples get married under the 80 metre tall tree where Umschlagseiten U2 oder U4 "HELLO LITTLE FELLA" – C U T E K E A PA R R OT 4.500 € Fox- Umschlagseite U3 Awa rd SILB ERSCHEINUNGSWEISE Quartalsweise REICHWEITE mind. 300.000 Leser pro Ausgabe The New Zealand Adventure TEXT + PHOTOS NINA SARTORIUS Beispiel 4.000 € ER AT T H E W A I - O -TA P U THERMAL WONDERLAND ON THE MOVE MAGAZINE #03 Out & About After having been immersed in the fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien, we’re now bound for Rotorua. The spa town has around 50,000 inhabitants and is surrounded by 18 enchanting lakes. And this place is hot! Rotorua is located in one of the most active geothermal areas in the world, which is why the locals use geothermal heating and an unmistakable smell of sulphur lingers in the air. During the first stroll around town, its mythical attraction becomes obvious to us. This town is virtually steaming. From the sewer and the many little pools in the park a smelly hot smoke is rising, hissing and fizzing. Considering that you quickly get accustomed to the odour, it shouldn’t stop anyone from experiencing Rotorua and the unique feeling of an unpredictably simmering underground. ROTORUA'S A R R AY O F GEOTHERMAL F E AT U R E S ARE SURE TO IMPRESS AMSTERDAM VENICE OF THE NORTH EN CKERLE PAWELT AN BEN ERLEBEN DIE WELT UND UND DIE PARKED BIKES ALONG PRINSENGRACHT We gave ourselves a task: to test all of the surrounding lakes in one day in order to find our personal favourites. However, we didn’t manage to see all 18 lakes since the scenery is simply too impressive to be rushed through. Another feature of the town is the integrated Maori village, which is far less touristy than others in the region. But be advised that restrained and respectful behaviour should have a high priority during a visit. One of the definite highlights of our stay in Rotorua was the visit to the Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland (Maori for "sacred waters"), which beat everything we had experienced so far. Every morning at exactly 10.15 am, the Lady Knox geyser is artificially induced to erupt through the addition of soap flakes. This is the only way to predict this natural phenomenon and to create a 10 to 20 metre high water fountain that amazes visitors every day. Afterwards, we recommend a quiet walk through the volcanic and thermally active landscape. The trip takes you by bubbling pools of mud, the Devil’s Home and Devil’s Bath, neon marshes and the big and colourful Champagne Pool. We have never experienced nature’s chemistry as close as this, and never have we seen anything like these wonderful splashes of colour in the middle of nowhere. Another recommendation after a long and eventful day is a visit to one of the many hot springs. It pays to ask one of the friendly and helpful residents for a good tip. If you are lucky, you might find yourself in a natural whirlpool surrounded by waterfalls deep in the light-flooded rainforest. Towards the end another must is a walk through the wonderful forest area Whakarewarewa, with its 5,600 acres, also known by the locals as the Redwoods. Here, the beautiful gigantic trees and impressive plants will leave you breathless. 10 ON THE MOVE MAGAZINE #03 ON THE MOVE MAGAZINE #03 WORK & TRAVEL SPRACHREISEN AU PAIR FREIWILLIGENARBEIT 11 109 € Check out the charming night tour of Hobbiton with everything elegantly illuminated. Middle-earth, an enthuAlong with 20 to 30 other fans of the 500 acres of the siastic guide will lead you through hear lots of entertaining fabulous parallel world. You will information. anecdotes and learn exciting background to admire and photoThe tour is long enough for you detailed hobbit caves, graph all of the 39 meticulously mind that this is a place and it certainly might cross your leave. to that you will never want village. The artful It took one year to build the hobbit of flowers; vegetable caves were surrounded by seas created along with a gardens, ponds and lakes were a water mill and a rustic stone bridge accompanied by real, but two special style guest house. All flowers are order to fit the literary features will be revealed here: in were dressed up with source, a couple of apple trees top of the village was plums and the gnarled oak at the destroyed during the "made in Korea". The original was but since it was essenshooting of the Lord of the Rings, films, it had to be retial for the following series of Hobbit and decorated with placed. A "tree double" was created thousands of plastic leaves. Stickerblatt als Beileger INSIDER TIP famous film location Elijah Wood once danced. The most to the public unless is on a secret site and not accessible New Zealand cent. A you pay. But the visit is worth every out meadows sprinkled bus takes you past hilly and dried arrive in a lush, brightly with sheep and cows before you oasis. coloured and meticulously maintained PRAKTIKUM #03 12 ON THE MOVE MAGAZINE INSIDER TIP We recommend a boat ride through the Waitomo Glowworm Caves. It’s pure magic! Out & About TEXT + PHOTOS GESA TEMMEN permeate (or "grachten") and 1,281 bridges days I think more The 165 canals than Amsterdam, oh Amsterdam! Some Since the city has more canals think about their boy- all of Amsterdam. about this city than most women Venice, it has romantically been called and leaning town our friends. I see the adorable narrow "The Venice of the North". We start decorated shops and of the houses, the streets full of carefully AMSTERDAM trip at the Westerdok just north hurrying cyclists. Dayrental I hear the impatient chimes of main train station by the boat countless canals that HAS MORE Canal Motorboats. In the harbour, dreaming, I see before my eyes the firm I remember the magical CANALS THAN first give Amsterdam its familiar face. we have plenty of space to try the canals. the a cruising while city the VENICE. feeling of taking in curves with our new acquaintance: Good steady aluminium motorboat. never seen Amsterdam valuable One could claim that he who has skills can surely prove themselves seen Amsterdam at all. manoeuvring rules here from the view of a boat has never canals further on. But the traffic Amsterdam as the city in the narrow to bigger ones. Come with me, and let’s discover are simple: smaller boats give way canals. the of tour looks from a 07 Out & About NEW ZEALAND´S COOLEST HOT SPOT Format: 20 x 26 cm zzgl. 3 mm Anschnitt zu allen Seiten Out & About Karte TONGARIRO N AT I O N A L PA R K CHILLIN´ IN THE REDWOODS on the MOVE magazine AUFLAGE 50.000 Stück Prospekt (per 1.000 Stk.) Ihr individuelles und speziell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenes Angebot. Material bis max. 150g/m2 MANY OF THE FIGHT SCENES FROM LORD OF THE RINGS WERE SHOT IN T H E D R A M AT I C LANDSCAPES OF TONGARIRO tour, every visitor gets As a special treat at the end of the Inn where homea free drink in the quaint Green Dragon produced. brewed hobbit beer and cider is ALPINE CROSSING THROUGH MORDOR LIKE FRODO AND HIS BUDDIES world of Frodo and his If you prefer to experience the fashion, the buddies in a more sporty and adventurous Park might be just Alpine Crossing of Tongariro National from Middle-earth your thing. Many of the fight scenes atmosphere of the were shot here, and the gloomy profoundly frightening black-reddish earth created the effect of Mordor. traversed in one day, The 19.4 kilometre trail can be routes to take on. but there are also shorter and simpler popular trails in New However, this is one of the most impressive mountain Zealand that takes you through warning signs that formations, turquoise lakes and the volcano. The view is inform you about the activity of definitely worth the effort. WELCOME TO HOBBITON ON THE MOVE MAGAZINE #03 09 #03 08 ON THE MOVE MAGAZINE Alle Preise in Euro zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst. 4 Werbeformen: Ambient s e al Mark ner! e r Ih üröff T Beispiel Betthupferl HIER! ger in Mein SAMPLING Miniflyer, Schüttware, Produktproben – Ihr Samplingprodukt direkt am Kunden platziert und präsentiert! ppZimmer (Badezimmer, Bett) ppGästeküche ppGamezone ppRezeption ppBuffet ppLunchtüte TV Lunchtüte Die direkteste Art, den Kunden für Ihr Produkt zu begeistern. Anlieferung: Mindestens 10 Tage vor Kampagnenstart. ZIMMERKARTEN Im handlichen Kreditkartenformat sind die Zimmerkarten mit Ihrer Werbebotschaft individuell bedruckt. Die Karten sind ein Jahr im Umlauf. Produktionsvorlauf: 8 – 12 Wochen BEISPIEL: 20.000 Stück 0,15 €/Sampling BEISPIEL: 1.500 Stück 2,50 €/Karte 3.000 € 3.750 € TV-TICKER Ein Flachbildschirm in jedem Hotelzimmer und in der Lobby lockt mit einem Rund-um-die-Uhr-Programm. Überzeugen Sie die Kunden mit einem individuellen Newsticker. AB 2016 BUCHBAR PRO HAUS 20 €/Tag Gesamtauflage: 10.000 Stück, 25.000 €, bis 1,7 Mio. Kontakte Alle Preise in Euro zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst. 5 Werbeformen: Digital Yeah! 42.000 Fans ingerwww.mein SOCIAL MEDIA Aktionen wie die Pancake-Partys, Fotowettbewerbe oder tolle Insidertipps der MEININGER Mitarbeiter sind die Zutaten für gelungenes Social Media Marketing. Mit z. B. 42.000 Fans auf Facebook, treffen Sie Ihre Zielgruppe in den sozialen Netzwerken. /blog BLOG Die MEININGER Hotels senden renommierte Blogger aus, um die Community auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Was sind aktuelle Highlights bezüglich Shopping, Sightseeing, Bars oder Restaurants? „Europe‘s vibrant cities“ sind immer für eine neue spannende Entdeckung gut. Alles exklusiv auf dem MEININGER Blog. Wir folgen Ihrer Strategie – Sie haben die Wahl: Banner, redaktionelle Vorstellungen, Gewinnspiel-Aktionen, Video-Implementierung Panca ke-Pa rty BEISPIEL ADVERTORIAL: Blogeintrag – Facebook Post – Twitter Post 700 € Alle Preise in Euro zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst. 6 Erscheinungstermin Kontakt Anzeigenschluss* Druckunterlagenschluss # 06 Anfang April 2016 09.03.2016 16.03.2016 # 07 Anfang Juli 2016 15.06.2016 22.06.2016 # 08 Anfang Oktober 2016 14.09.2016 21.09.2016 # 09 Anfang Januar 2017 30.11.2016 07.12.2016 * Anlieferung der redaktionellen Themenfeatures mind. 8 Wochen vor Anzeigenschluss. Terminänderungen vorbehalten Termine 2016 – on the MOVE magazine ANSPRECHPARTNER Julia Kreutner [email protected] +49 (0)30/890 48 - 1227 Sprech en uns an, Sie wir ber Sie ger aten ne. Bianca Welsch [email protected] +49 (0)30/890 48 - 1221 Anzeigendaten ANZEIGENDATEN Druck-PDF (X-1a, 300 dpi, CMYK) per E-Mail an: [email protected] Farbverbindlicher Proof bitte per Post oder Kurier an: Vogel Corporate Media GmbH Christiane Maurer Leipziger Straße 126 D-10117 Berlin FARBRAUM ISOcoated_v2_eci Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre Druckunterlagen in englischer Sprache zu. FORMAT 1/1 SEITE 20 x 26 cm, zzgl. Beschnitt ANSCHNITT 3 mm zu allen Seiten MAXIMALES FORMAT BEILEGER 19 x 25 cm, zzgl. Beschnitt zu allen Seiten bei max. Gewicht 35g Stefanie Berger [email protected] +49 (0)30/890 48 - 1223 VERMARKTUNG Leitung: Julia Kreutner Vogel Corporate Media GmbH Leipziger Straße 126 D-10117 Berlin +49 (0)30/890 48 - 10 PROJEKTKOORDINATION Christiane Maurer [email protected] +49 (0)30/890 48 - 1224 AGENTURPROVISION Werbeagenturen oder Werbungsmittler erhalten eine Agenturvergütung von 15 % auf die AnzeigenNettorechnungsbeträge (Bruttoanzeigenpreis ohne Mehrwertsteuer, abzüglich etwaiger Rabatte, vor Skonto), sofern sie von ihrem Auftraggeber zur Schaltung beauftragt sind und dies nachweisen. Ausgenommen sind Advertorials. 7
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