This is the day that the Lord has made – REJOICE

Remembering Mother’s day on the 10th of May 2015...
Lieber Leser, liebe Leserinnen, dear readers,
Sitting on the veranda for my hour of quietness, I see the first hues of
yellow covering the skyline as the sun comes up – the valley is covered by
a light, narrow blanket of mist and the trees still wear their cloak of darkness – a beautiful picture! Suddenly, up pops the verse –
“This is the day that the Lord has made –
– Dies ist der Tag den der Herr gemacht -
The enormity of what HE has done for us at Easter became so real –
do we sit for a quiet moment and take in what this means for us? Machen
wir uns Zeit um dieses grosse Geschenk von ihm wirklich anzunehmen? Mit Himmelfahrt und Pfingsten erlaubt Er uns wieder neu zu
werden, neu voll zu tanken, und neu unsere Gaben zu entdecken. Start the
day with open
hands of faith and allow HIM to pour all that HE is into
this one portion of your life. Find Joy in
this one day and allow it to
———mom or dad
filter through into your twenty four hour
segments and then through to the rest of the
week and months to follow.
We wish you FAITH, PEACE AND JOY .
The Editorial Team
And Father’s day on the 21st June 2015!
“God is bigger than the monsters on TV?”
Philippians 4v13, “13 I can do all this through him who gives me
strength.” (Watchword for May)
The title forms part of a song my mother-in-law sang with her grandchildren.
“God is bigger than the boogie man, he’s bigger than Godzilla and the monsters on TV.” This song is the first one that has seemed to help my 4 year
old overcome her irrational fear when falling asleep. What monsters are
there in your life?
On TV there is currently a huge monster called xenophobia – an online website,, defines xenophobia as “an unreasonable fear or
hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.” If that is
the definition of xenophobia, then we all suffer from it in South Africa, the
fear of strangers or that which is strange, we are afraid of each other in
South Africa and so live parallel lives, afraid to break through perceived barriers.
My point is these attacks brought fear into my heart. I was surprised by the
attacks because to me it says people are very desperate and misinformed; together
form a very dangerous cocktail. If I was unaware of that, what else am I unaware
of? What is the next attack based on? How are the political leaders going to react?
Is my family in danger? I was so worried about this that for a day or two I could
not fully enjoy my holiday because I was so irritable with worry.
Wrestling with God about this, he won. He subdued my fear, reminding me
that he is bigger than the monsters on TV. He reminded me to trust him because he has overcome the world and he is more than able to hold us in his
hands. What are the monsters in
your life? What are you most
afraid of? Every fear you have, is
smaller than our Lord. The time of
darkness, sickness, loneliness, heartache, pain, anger or betrayal is not
the end of the world. With God
there is not only light at the end of
the tunnel, God can turn that tunnel
into light for you and others around
The newsletter of the Ev-luth. Neuenkirchen,Harburg.
Published on behalf of the Councillors by the editorial team .
Congregational Councillors (in bold) and Group Leaders:
Heinz Lütge
Dieter Küsel
Rolf Schmidt
033 5061003
Jaco Tredoux
Dieter Küsel
Deon Schröder
Judith Witthöfft
Men’s Auxiliary
Women’s Auxiliary
Care Group
Heinz Lütge
Pinkie Meyer
Carmen Lorenz
Werner Schröder
Heinz Lütge
Heinz Lütge
Rainer Talanda
Kinder Gottesdienst
Sunday School
Debra Schröder
Michelle Witthöft
Adina de Vries
Heidi Schröder
Louis Lorenz
082 4948752
Ingrid Lütge
Liesel Joosten
Louis Schröder
Annette Joosten
Christa Schröder
Henning Klipp
Heinz Küsel
Judith Witthöft
Heinz Lütge
Martin Schröder
Idwala Lomshwati
Youth (Scholars)
Youth Adults
Worship Team
Brass Band
Home groups: Eng
Fröhlicher Morgen
Men’s Interecession
Ladies’ Intercession
Retreat Centre
Annette Wortmann
Ingrid Lütge
Gemeindeveranstaltungen / Werke und Dienste
Congregational Activities / Ministries
1.+ 3. Mittwoch im Monat
8 Uhr 15 im Gemeindezentrum
Pastor Schmidt
033 5061003
Home groups
Wednesday evenings
Annette Joosten
Donnerstags Abends um 18:30
Louis Schröder
Chorüben mit Verabredung
Ingrid Lütge
Liesel Joosten
Einmal im Monat
Christa Schröder
Friday mornings at 7am
Judith Witthöft
Wednesday mornings at 5am
Heinz Küsel
033 5061213
Pastor email:
[email protected]
Congregation Office:
[email protected]
033 5011727
Cell: 082 3212358
Tel: 033 5061003
Fax: 086 6681073
Tel: 033 061073
Closing date for July/August 2015
START contributions:
31 May 2015
The Bible is full of people facing monsters, in
other words, scary things. Adam and Eve
were expelled from Eden and had to find a
way to live out in the world. Noah faced the
flood. Moses faced Pharaoh. Joshua and the
Israelites faced the walls of Jericho. David
faced Goliath. The Israelites experienced
their temple and city being destroyed and exile in Babylon. Isaiah was confronted by extreme depression and danger. Jesus faced the
anger of his own people and death on the cross.
God never let them go. God used their situations to bring good and healing. Yes,
they faced extreme dangers. Their whole world was turned upside down. They
experienced hardship and trials but God brought them through it. What’s more,
God turned their fears, their trials into something wonderful.
Adam and Eve experienced the faithfulness of God as he never left them. Noah
built God’s ark and saved his family and all manner of creatures for us today.
Moses saw his people being set free and the power of God displayed. He saw the
first signs of God’s plan through Jesus in the Passover. God brought down the
walls of Jericho. Goliath fell at David’s feet. The Israelites came back to God
from their sin and learned in exile that God was with them everywhere. They
learned that God was the God of gods and that everything was under His power.
Isaiah was fed and encouraged and protected by God and Jesus was raised from the
dead, breaking the chains of sin, death and the devil.
Now Jesus has all authority over heaven and earth. Jesus ascended to heaven. Jesus gave us two things, a purpose and the Holy Spirit. He said go out into all the
world and make disciples, be my witnesses. By your love the world will recognise
you. By the Holy Spirit I will empower and lead and teach and guide you.
Philippians 4v13, “13 I can do all this through him who gives me
strength.” (Watchword for May)
We do not have to be afraid of any earthly fear. God is bigger than all of your
monsters, all your fears. Ask God to help you trust him, to take your monster and
turn it into something good. Ask God to open your eyes to his presence in your
fear and give your fears to Him. There is nothing He cannot accomplish through
you if trust him.
Pastor Rolf Schmidt – 21 April 2015 – Harburg START Newsletter May-June
„Mit Gott zu ringen“
1 Mose 32,27, “Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich
denn.“ (Monatsspruch für Juni)
„Meine Gebetszeit ist sehr trocken“. „Hört Gott mich?“ „Ich finde es
schwer zu glauben, zu vertrauen“. „Ist Gott wirklich da?“
Solche Fragen habe ich schon oft selber gestellt in Zeiten des Zweifels
und Verlorenheit. Alle Christen haben schon solche Zeiten erlebt wo
man es schwer findet im Gebet Gottes Nähe zu spüren oder wo man
einfach nicht mit ganzem Herzen glauben kann.
In solchen Zeiten greif ich immer wieder nach Bibelsprüche, so wie
 „Verlass dich auf den HERRN von ganzem Herzen, und
verlass dich nicht auf deinen Verstand, sondern gedenke an
ihn in allen deinen Wegen, so wird er dich recht führen,“
Sprüche 3,5+6und
 „Denn ich weiß wohl, was ich für Gedanken über euch habe,
spricht der HERR: Gedanken des Friedens und nicht des
Leidens, dass ich euch gebe das Ende, des ihr wartet.“Jeremia
Mit anderen Worten, „Komm zurück zu Gott, lass ihn als alle erster
in deinem Leben da stehen. Vertraue Gott denn er will dir Gutes tun
und dich in seiner Hand tragen.
Was mir aber am meisten hilft wärend eine „trockenen“ Zeit, sind die
Verse die gleich danach kommen, Jeremia 29,12-14a
 „und ihr werdet mich anrufen
und hingehen und mich bitten und
ich will euch erhören. Ihr werdet
mich suchen und finden; denn wenn
ihr mich von ganzem Herzen suchen
werdet, so will ich mich von euch
finden lassen…“ Gott hat es
verhießen dass wenn wir ihn von
ganzem Herzen suchen dann wird er
sich von uns finden lassen.
Tea will be served every Sunday after the service.
Milk must be supplied by the lady responsible for tea duty!
Tee wird an jedem Sonntag nach dem Gottesdienst serviert.
Die Frau, die den Teedienst hat, muss bitte selber Milch mitbringen.
The lady whose name is underlined, is responsible to remind
the other ladies of their tea and flower duties for that month.
Reminders are also on the current “START” calendar.
Please find a replacement if you are unable to do
your duty on that particular Sunday.
Tea & Flower Duty List
May 2015
Andrea Appelt
Adina de Vries
No Service in Harburg.
No Service in Harburg.
Edna Freese
Marie Fortmann
082 9364353
082 4948752
Himmelfahrt NH @ 18:30
3LC Youth Service NH
082 5777310 Pentecost
073 8685985
June 2015
Yvette Freese
082 9225904
Karen Gordon (Flowers) 082 9080861
Tanya Holley (Tea)
082 9759058
Helga von Fintel
082 4388147
Kate Johnston
082 4668483
NB !!! ONE flower arrangement is required in the Church and
ONE in the C.C.
It is up to each individual as to whether they feel they would like to do
two arrangements in the church.
Only ONE arrangement is needed when there is Holy Communion.
Geburtstage in der Gemeinde….
Christopher Junge
Marc Hillermann
Sven Stegen
André Stegen
Thelma Klipp
Yvette Freese
Liesel Joosten (Mark)
Myburgh de Vries
Nina de Vries
Kaila Talanda
Roland Meyer
Ronald Klipp
Amy du Pre
Ingrid Lütge
Camilla Klipp
Desmond Meyer
Horst Lorenz
Joshua Witthöft
Alexa Haasbroek
Oliver Appelt
Mark Klipp
Kevin Küsel
Dayna Kendall-Ball
Cara de Vries
Louis Schröder
Edmund Wittig
Samantha Klipp
Bjorn Klipp
Ramona Küsel
May your birthday and
everyday be filled with
the warmth of sunshine,
the happiness of smiles
the sounds of laughter,
the feeling of love
and the sharing of good
Happy birthday
Ein schöneres Geschenk können wir uns nicht wünschen. Wenn wir Gott
wirklich suchen und finden wollen, wird er sich von uns finden lassen.
Wenn wir uns mit Gott ringen und suchen, wird es sich von uns finden
lassen. Um Gott in meinem Leben gefunden zu haben, ist um gesegnet zu
sein. Gott wird sich gerade so verstecken dass wenn wir ihn suchen,
werden wir plötzlich und unerwartet ihn begegnen. Er wird sich uns
Die Frage ist aber, ringen wir mit Gott, suchen wir ihn wirklich von
ganzem Herzen? Oder wollen wir einfach dass Gott uns segnet ohne dass
wir ihn wirklich suchen müssen? Hoffen wir Gott in seinem
unvorstellbarer Segen zu begegnen in dem wir ihn suchen und mutswillig
nachfolgen oder sind wir zufrieden auf Gott zu warten bis er uns von
unsere Sünden überzeugt damit wir so seinen Segen als Vergebung
erleben? Christus ist für uns gestorben damit wir vergeben werden
können. Wir haben nur Zugang zu Gott durch unsere Sünde durchs
Kreuz, Gott will aber uns viel mehr durchs Kreuz segnen als was wir es
erwarten können.
Dass Gott uns vergibt ist nur aus seiner Gnade. Dass Gott uns segnet ist
nur aus Gottes Gnade. Dass wir Gott suchen ist nur aus Gottes Gnade
und Willen. Gott suchen aber, müssen wir trotzdem mit ganzem Herzen.
Aus Gottes Gnade finden wir Wasser, wachsen die Blumen und das
Gemüse. Aus Gottes Gnade gibt es immer wieder Tag und Nacht, aber
um Diamanten zu finden muss man graben, schwitzen und arbeiten. Aus
Gottes Gnade stellt er diese
Diamanten uns in den Weg
damit wir sie entdecken wenn
wir sie mit ganzem Herzen
suchen. Plötzlich erlebt man
wieder Gottes Gnade und
Nähe. Plötzlich erleben wir
wieder einer Zeit des
Überzeugens und Freude und
Gott sitzt wieder da als alle
erste in unserem Leben.
Birthdays in our Congregation
May the joy of a happy
Heart and all he luck of
the clovers be with you
throughout the year.
ungest participant
he e Quip Retreat 2015 took place from 2 to 7 January in
Hermannsburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal under the leadership of Bishop
Horst Muller and his team, Uli Johl, Pastor Edwin and Elisabeth
Dedekind, Pastor Volker Keding and Edwin Bunge. Participants came
from about ten different congregations within the ELCSA-NT.
Accommodation was in the school hostels of the Deutsche Schule
Hermannsburg. Meals were provided by parents and scholars, who
cooked in aid of the class 10 exchange programme to Germany.
The theme of the retreat was Equip for Discipleship. The sub-themes
were: Nature of Discipleship; Cost of Discipleship; Calling of a disciple;
Nurture of a disciple. These topics were each addressed on separate
days in sequence. Formal presentations followed by small group
discussions. Two relevant films were shown in the evenings. Personal
testimonies and life stories were presented. These promoted worthwhile
discussions, interaction and elaborated on the topic of the day. On the
last day a session on Quiet time was included for personal reflection and
to become still.Overall the programme allowed for an opportunity to gain
knowledge and insight into the topic of Discipleship, spiritual growth and
time for fellowship and relaxation. The music team consisted of
Marianne von Delft at the piano and Uli Johl and Eli Dedekind guitar.
Möge die Freude
eines fröhlichen Herzens
und alles Glück
der Kleeblätter das ganze
neue Lebensjahr
mit Dir sein.
Peter Klipp
Peter v. Fintel
Adina de Vries
Eugen Thies
Dieter Junge
Heidi Schröder (Roger)
Liezl Joosten
Friedhold Schröder
Frank Klipp
Sonja Phillips
Donna Küsel
Pieter van Rensburg
(Annette Stegen)
Karen Gordon
Amy Johnson
Michael Junge
Anna Schmidt
Gary Halvorsen
Shantal Pearce
Andrew Holley
Yashar Klipp
Karen Tredoux
Joshua Schröder
Daniela Küsel
Gregory Küsel
Calvin Freese
Rudi Meyer
Alexis Ray Redinger
Brandon Fortmann
Irmela Schröder
Please update Lynton Kaiser’s change of e-mail address on the
congregation address list to read: [email protected]
10 May 2015 Muttertag
14 May 2015 Himmelfahrt in NH (Ascension Day) no Service in Harburg
16 May 2015 Co-Workers meeting in Kempton Park. And NewGermay in
Durban.Contact Lieslotte Knöcklein at [email protected]
17 May 2015 3LC Youth Service in NH no Service in Harburg
24 May 2015 Pentecost (Pfingsten)
06 June 2015 NH Basaar
21 June Fathers Day
28 June-04 July 2015 Kai Lager
06 July-11 July 2015 KT Camp @ Kai Lager
Remember: 22August 2015
Please save the date in your
diaries, phones, PCs etc …
we need you on the day!
More information will be comCalling all Volunteers: Update
Due to Helga and Peter von Fintel’s postponed move, we are
delighted to have Helga stay on in her post for now. Helga, we
thank you most sincerely for your dedication and vigour in keeping
us up to date with our members’ activities. May God continue to
bless you as you bless others.
The singing actually “decorated” our programme. Morning and evening
devotions were held by participants. Sunday service was held by the
Bishop on the topic of Cost of Discipleship. Pastor René Risch had just
moved to Hermannsburg two weeks prior to the retreat and was
welcomed to the service and the retreat. The children were daily taken
care of by Elsa Schärf an Occupational Therapy student.
The siestas allowed for time for sports such as swimming, soccer or
tennis and just rest. On Monday afternoon we had an hour to visit the
Museum in the old Hermannsburg Mission House. This visit gave
participants a little insight into the beginnings of the Hermannsburg
Mission in SA in 1854.
The last evening was celebrated with a braai in the lapa and a feedback
session of the Retreat. According to the feedback the retreat was
enrichment and a time of personal growth in every participant’s life. The
e Quip 2015 ended with a communion service after breakfast on the 7th
January 2015. Everyone went home joyfully and blessed.
Report by Christa Meyer and Sam Tsim
Be obedient to God… spend your lives in
reverence for Him… for you know what
was paid to set you free — the costly sacrifice
of Jesus Christ (a lamb without defect or
flaw) - He had been chosen by God
before the creation of the world..
1 Peter1:14-20
Wir heißen Hildegard Garz in unserer
Mitte als Gemeindemitglied
Hildegard und ihr verstorbene Mann,
Ehrhard, haben außerhalb Nelspruit
mit ihren Kindern gewohnt und hatten
vor zusammen nach Brunfelsia zu
Leider ist Ehrhard gestorben vordem der Umzug stattfinden konnte.
Hildegard wohnt jetzt in Brunfelsia. Seine Asche ist in Harburg
beigesetzt worden.
Sie ist vor kurzem gefallen und hat ihre Hüfte gebrochen und ist sehr
dankbar für die Unterstützung die sie von der Gemeinde bekommen hat.
 They put food in my mouth and clothes on my back.
 As a child my mother taught me to fold them in prayer.
 They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots.
 They have been dirty, scraped and raw, swollen and bent.
 Decorated with my wedding band they showed the world that I was
married and loved someone special.
 They were uneasy and clumsy when I tried to hold my new-born son.
 They trembled and shook when I buried my parents and spouse.
 They have covered my face, combed my hair, and washed and
cleansed the rest of my body.
 They have been sticky and wet, bent and broken, dried and raw.
And to this day, when not much of anything else of me works real well,
these hands hold me up, lay me down, and again
continue to fold in prayer.
 These hands are the mark of where I've been and the
ruggedness of my life.
 But more importantly it will be these hands that God will reach out
and take when he leads me home.
 And with my hands He will lift me to His side and there I will use
these hands to touch the face of Christ."
I will never look at my hands the same again. But I remember God
reached out and took my grandpa's hands and led him home.
Lasting joy comes when you put
Christ first.
When my hands are hurt or sore I think of Grandpa.. I know he has
been stroked and caressed and held by the hands of God. I, too, want to
touch the face of God and feel His hands upon my face.
a (NT)
Grandpa, some ninety plus years, sat feebly on the patio bench. He didn't move, just sat with his head down staring at his hands. When I sat
down beside him he didn't acknowledge my presence and the longer I
sat, I wondered if he was OK. Finally, not really wanting to disturb him
but wanting to check on him at the same time, I asked him if he was OK.
He raised his head and looked at me and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine.
Thank you for asking," he said in a clear strong voice.
"I didn't mean to disturb you, Grandpa, but you were just
sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you
were OK," I explained to him.
"Have you ever looked at your hands," he asked. "I mean really
looked at your hands?"
I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. I turned
them over, palms up and then palms down. No, I guess I had
never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point
he was making. Grandpa smiled and related this story:
"Stop and think for a moment about the hands you have, how
they have served you well throughout your years. These hands,
though wrinkled, shriveled, and weak have been the tools I have
used all my life to reach out and grab and embrace life.
Fröhlicher Dienstag
Anwesend waren 25 Personen unter Leitung von Christa,
Annette,Helga und Carmen. Die Senioren kamen aus Harburg,
Neu Hanover, Wartburg und Pietermaritzburg. Walter und Ramona
Kűsel gaben einen Vortrag ueber ihre Reise mit Edna, Heinz und
Donna nach Zambien zu Edna’s Tochter Karen, die dort mit ihrem
Mann auf einer Farm wohnt, Nord-östlich von Lusaka. Eine
aufregende Reise! Es wurde auch Geburtstag gefeiert, Trudie
Drögemoller feierte an dem Tag ihren 90. Geburtstag. Es wurden
mehrer Gedichte und Geschichten erzaehlt und vorgelesenes
wurde gesungen und Annette hielt eine schoene Andacht.Es gab
Tee und Kuchen und wurde geschwatzt und gelacht. Hab Dank
fuer den froehlichen Vormittag. Wir fuhren alle dankbar wieder
Hallo Ihr lieben!
Zunächst möchte ich mich bei der “Care Group” bedanken für den interesannten “Love bag” (Nasch Paket) in dem viele Leckerneien waren. Die
‘frozen meals’ waren auch sehr wilkommen.
Einen grossen Dank auch für die Anrufe und an alle
die mich besucht haben nach der Fuß Operation und
mit Plauderei meine Langeweile verkürzten.
In der Hoffnung bald wieder gut gehen zu können,
grüsst Euch Euer Dieter Junge.
Die Familie der verstorbenen Sieglinde Bartels dankt ganz
herzlich für alle erwiesene Teilnahme durch Besuche,
Anrufe, SMS und Gebete.
Einen besonderen Dank an diejenigen die bei der Trauerfeier
mitgeblasen oder sonst irgendwie beigetragen haben.
Wir schätzen es sehr.
Danke schön
20 – 22nd March 2015, 50 years of Kailager were celebrated – not counting Izotsha members, who were close, Harburg probably had the most representatives taking part in this celebration ! Well done HARBURG! Overall
the total participation from
congregations was poor and obviously it was a disappointment for the
Youth Council. During the weekend it became clear to us what this property means to the Youth - prime land – 3.5 hec right on the beach - given
by Tante Agnes Kaiser to the Church. We all weren’t aware as to how big
this property is.
- Friday night was spent setting up tents, which was followed by a bring
and braai – some 20 people attended. The stories of past camps started
emerging around the “Laager Feuer”
– Saturday was spent swimming, walking along the beach, listening to a
presentation of how the Kailager started and looking at
pictures of some of the first camps up to the recent ones. There was certainly a difference in the camping sites and kitchen
facilities available then and now.
- Sunday, the actual celebration took place with a church service at the
camp – a brassband with members from various congregations accompanied the hymns. The day ended with a bring and share at the camp – with
approximately 55 attendees.
In discussions
during the
weekend it was
felt that the
Kailager should
be advertised
more widely –
anybody can go
and camp
there and enjoy a weekend
on the beach –
camp sites
have cement
foundations &
tents are
available –
Bookings can
be made at
R20.00 per
person and
tents wlll be
put up for you
on request ready for your arrival !
News from the WA
The Charity Dinners are in full
Carmen Lorenz hosted a raclette
dinner recently. The ‘aim’ behind
the dinners besides collecting
money for charity is to nurture
friendships and for fellowship with
congregation members. So if you
are hosting, enjoy the preparation
and God Bless.
News from the library:
We are not leaving yet...
Our farewell note in the previous Start was not an “April Fool’s Joke”.
UCL has been very, very generous and has allowed Helga and I to
stay on in their house in Dalton thus giving me the chance to make use
of employment opportunities in the area.
May God bless UCL and its management.
We will keep you updated of developments.
Kind regards.
Peter and Helga von Fintel.
We have lots of books and DVD’s in our library which is situated in the Congregational
A DVD which appeals to adults and teens is
‘To save a life’. Here is a short report on it:
Some people are just dying to be heard.
This is a story about two childhood friends. As
a teenager, Jake Taylor has everything – he
has a beautiful girl, he’s the champion basketballer + is invited to parties, whereas his
friend is not welcome to come.
This friend eventually commits suicide in front
of Jake and other students. Jake is deeply affected by this, and feels he must change his life and sacrifice his dreams
to save the lives of others. After a party, his girlfriend leaves with his car.
In desperation, he calls a pastor and is invited to a service. He meets a
new group of friends and commits his life to Christ. . . .
A worthwhile watch indeed. If anyone would like to recommend any book or
DVD they have read from the library, please share it with Annie via e-mail:
[email protected] or text: 0829237712 or give me a shout. Thank you.
Let us really make use of this lovely resource which is freely available to us.
Happy reading...
Annette Wortmann
Ascension day—14. May 2015
Glory Be To God The Father,
Glory Be To God The Son,
Dying, Risen, Ascending For Us,
Who The Heavenly Realm Has Won.
Glory To The Holy Spirit;
To One God In Persons Three
Glory Both In Earth And Heaven,
Glory, Endless Glory Be.
Eine beliebte Zierpflanze, die nach dem Pfingstfest benannt ist, ist die
Pfingstrose. Die Pfingst-Rose steht jedoch nur aufgrund ihrer Blütezeit und
weniger inhaltlich in Bezug zu dem Spätfrühjahrsfest in Zusammenhang.
In Europa, Asien und Nordamerika sind mehr als 30 Arten von Pfingstrosen verbreitet. Rosen sind sie allerdings nicht, sondern Hahnenfußgewächse.
Sie sind ausdauernde Pflanzen mit krautigen oder verholzenden Stengeln ohne
Dornen, zusammengesetzten Blättern und großen weißen, gelben, rosafarbenen
oder roten Blüten. Wegen ihrer heilenden Wirkung bekam sie ihren griechischen
Namen von dem Götterarzt Paeon.
Die bedeutendsten Arten sind die Edelpäonie, die Strauchpfingstrose und die bis
zu 60 cm hoch werdende Echte
Pfingstrose, zu der unter
anderem die Bauernpfingstrose,
die Gichtrose und die Klatschrose
Since our last report in START
we have remained busy in the
Retreat Centre. March saw two
groups coming – the confirmants
of our three congregations with
their three pastors and the Wartburg School Choir with their
Choirleaders and some mothers
who catered. Much fun was had
by all especially with the outdoor games purchased and to be
used during fee time. Multisaw hired three rooms for a month till the end of
April. At the beginning of April we had Pastor Ron Kuesel and his Councillors for a weekend of working,
getting to know each other and bonding. They left Harburg feeling very
blessed. A big thank you to Horst and Ronelie, Michelle ad Kelvin who
catered for this group.
Some of you may have already driven past the retreat centre and seen the new
look. We have put up a wooden fence along the cement path from the hall
round the quad and here and there along the beds. This was done mainly to
keep people from driving onto the grass patch which houses the septic tank for
the hall toilets – our pots seemed to be in the way !
Then somebody was so kind as to donate a washing machine to the Retreat
Centre – we are so grateful – it will certainly assist persons who stay longer
Am 15.März 2015 wurden neue
Lektoren (Readers) Edna Freese,
Anneliese Junge und Ralph Appelt
Pinkie Meyer ist als Frauengruppen
Leiterin (WA Leader) ebenfalls
eingesegnet worden
Wir wünschen allen Gottes Segen
und Freude im neuen Amt.