
Work sheet – Autonomous Learning
Subject: Englisch
Form 3A Hob
Ausgegeben: 10. Jänner 05
Abgabetermin: 15. Jänner 05
Titel: Grammar and reading comprehension
Ziele: The past perfect kennen lernen und Leseveständnis üben.
Form: ☺/☺☺
Material: Arbeitsblatt
Kontrolle: Lehrer- und Selbstkontrolle (Schularbeit und mündliche Prüfung)
Task I: ☺☺ (compulsory)
Read the text below attentively and underline the different tenses. Which tense didn’t you
know? ………………………………………… It is the tense which is conjugated with the
past of the verb ………………………… + the ………………………… of the main verb.
Now you are going to learn about the new tense. So, please read the explanation below
The past perfect
The Pilgrims landed near Plymouth Rock.
They had been at sea for six weeks.
Das past perfect verwenden wir, um auszudrücken, dass eine Handlung vor einer einer
anderen Handlung oder vor einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit stattfand.
Das past perfect bildet man mit HAD und dem past participle (Partizip Perfekt).
Beachte: Im Deutschen verwendet man hatte oder war:
I had been there and had seen the castle.
(war ... gewesen)
Simple past und past perfect
Mit dem simple past drücken wir aus, dass etwas zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der
Vergangenheit stattfand:
z.B. Die Boston Tea Party ereignete sich im Jahre 1773.
e.g. The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773.
Vorher war bereits etwas anderes geschehen: Die britische Regierung hatte eine neue Steuer
auf Tee erhoben. Was vorher geschehen war, steht im past perfect.
e.g. It happened because the British government had put a new tax on tea.
Das past perfect beschreibt immer die Handlung, die weiter zurück liegt!!!!
• The movie had started when Kate arrived. Hier hatte der Film bereits begonnen, bevor
Kate ankam. Sie versäumte den Anfang.
• The movie started when Kate arrived. In diesem Fall began der Film erst, als sie
ankam. Sie kam bereits rechtzeitig.
Task 2: ☺ (compulsory) Part 1 -
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………
8. …………………………………………………………………………………………
9. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2 – optional:
Complete the conversation. Put the verbs in the past. Use a short form (‘d or hadn’t) in the
statements where possible!
How long did it take me?
Task 1 ………………………………………………
Task 2 ………………………………………………
Task 3: ☺☺ (compulsory) Reading Comprehension
Read the text below attentively,
Now read the following statements and then decide if they are true or false. If a
statement is true, find the words in the text which show that it is true. If a statement is
false, you should correct it or explain why it is false.
Jamestown was the perfect place for a colony.
People were already living in Virginia when the colonists arrived.
When the whites landed, the Indians started a war with them.
John Smith could talk to the Indians.
Things happened exactly as in the Disney cartoon.
They say that Pocahontas saved John Smith’s life.
Pocahontas married a tobacco farmer, went to England and met the King.
The Indians couldn’t defeat the settlers because the settlers had guns.
Native Americans like the Pocahontas story.
Task 4: ☺☺ (compulsory)
Look at the explanation below and give the word.
• where the land meets the sea:
• a journey on the sea
• a group of people with a chief
• to run or ride after an animal and kill it
• kinds of food such as potatoes or beans
• to buy and sell things
• something exciting that happens to you
• the number of people who live in a place
• a children’s toy which is a model of a person
All the words are in the text about
Task 5 ☺☺ (optional)
Put each verb into the correct form. Use the simple present, the simple past, the past
progressive or the past perfect.
• The Indians had been in America for many thousands of years when Europeans first
came there.
• At the end of Jamestown’s first year the colony …………… (be) in trouble. More
than half of the settlers ………………… (die).
• The Indians ………………… (help) the white settlers in the colonies, and so they
………………… (be) able to survive.
• When John Smith first ……………… (meet) Pocahontas, she ……………… (be)
about ten years old.
• Most of the Americans today …………………………………… (know and love)
the story of Pocahontas.
• Even today no one …………………… (know) if Pocahontas really ………………
(save) John Smith’s life or not.
• Rolfe and his wife …………… (get) ready for the voyage back to America when
she suddenly …………… (fall) ill.
• Soon there ……………… (be) war between the settlers and the Indians. Powhatan
……………… (die) some time before. The whites ………………… (be) sorry
because he ……………… (be) a good friend to them.
How long did it take me?
Task 3 ………………………………………………
Task 4 ………………………………………………
Task 5 ………………………………………….
With my signature I confirm to have read and understood all the tasks:
Name: .................................................
Signature: ........................................