Thomas J. Bräuninger Professor of Political Economy Department of Political Science School of Social Sciences University of Mannheim A5, 6 68131 Mannheim Germany Tel: ++49 (0)621-181-2084 Fax: ++49 (0)621-181-3402 [email protected] Current Position Full Professor (W3) of Political Economy, University of Mannheim, 09/2009 – Present Dean, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, 09/2013 – Present Academic Director of the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, 11/2009 – Present Education Dr phil. habil. (Habilitation) in Political Science, University of Konstanz (thesis “Interests and Information. Papers on the Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions”), 02/2006 Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Mannheim, Department of Social Sciences (summa cum laude), 05/2000 State examination in Political Science and Mathematics, 04/1997 Studies in Political Science, Mathematics, and the Philosophy of Science, University of Mannheim, 10/1991 – 04/1997 Studies in Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe, 10/1990 – 09/1991 Employment and Appointments Fellow, Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz 07/2014 – Present Visiting scholar, University of Toronto, 07/2012 – 08/2012 Professor of Political Science, University of Mainz, 03/2009 – 08/2009 Visiting Professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung), University of Mainz, 10/2008 – 02/2009 Thomas J. Bräuninger 2 Visiting Professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung), University of Mannheim, 08/2007 – 07/2008 Co-director, Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz (extraofficial), 02/2006 – 09/2008 Visiting lecturer, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, 04/2004 – 07/2004 Head of Emmy Noether-Junior research group “Comparative Legislation” (German Science Foundation, DFG), 10/2003 – 02/2009 Visiting research fellow, Trinity College Dublin, 10/2002 – 09/2003 Visiting lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh, 01/2002 – 04/2002 Research associate, European Union Center, University of Pittsburgh, 10/2001 – 09/2002 Junior fellow, Center for Junior Research Fellows, University of Konstanz, 10/2001 – 09/2008 Emmy Noether research fellow, German Science Foundation (DFG), 10/2001 – 09/2003 Research assistant, Department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz, 07/2001 – 09/2001 Visiting lecturer, Department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz, 10/2000 – 04/2001 Research fellow, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 07/2000 – 06/2001 Visiting scholar, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), 03/2000 – 04/2000 Research assistant, Faculty of Administration, University of Konstanz, 10/1999 – 06/2000 Research assistant, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim, 06/1999 – 09/1999 Visiting lecturer, Institute of Political Science, University of Saarbrücken, 10/1998 – 04/1999 Research fellow, Baden-Württemberg post-graduate program, 06/1997 – 05/1999 Grants Research project “Spatial Models of Party Competition Applied” (with Franz Pappi) (DFG), 2013, 2 years: Euro 100,000 Graduate School grant, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) (one of 25 principal investigators, 1 of 3 grant proposal committee members) (The German Excellence Initiative), 2012, 5 years: about Euro 7,000,000 Stipend, Ontario Baden-Württemberg Faculty Research Exchange Program, 2012, 2 months: Euro 3,600 Research project “Reform agendas and intra-party programmatic position-taking” (with Marc Debus) (DFG), 2010, 4 years: Euro 295,000 Thomas J. Bräuninger 3 Collaborative research project “Representation in Europe: Policy Congruence between Citizens and Elites – REPCONG” (with Sylvia Kritzinger, Gail McElroy, and Georg Lutz) (European Science Foundation), 2000, 3 years: Euro 930,000 Research project “Comparative Legislation (III)” (DFG), 2007, 1 year: Euro 140,000 Research project “Informationelle und strukturelle Determinanten des Einflusserfolgs wirtschaftlicher Interessengruppen” (AFF, University of Konstanz), 2006, 3 months: Euro 7,500 Research project “Comparative Legislation (II)” (DFG), 2005, 2 years: Euro 270,000 Research project “Party Polarization of the German Bundesrat” (ZWN), 2005, 3 month: Euro 3,000 Research project “European Integration and Political Unification (II)” (with Thomas König and Jürgen von Hagen) (DFG), 2005, 2 years: Euro 110,000 Research project “Comparative Legislation (I)” (DFG), 2003, 2 years: Euro 260,000 Research project “European Integration and Political Unification (I)” (with Thomas König and Jürgen von Hagen) (DFG), 2003, 2 years: Euro 110,000 Research project “National Legislation in the Context of European Political and Economic Integration” (Center for Junior Research Fellows, University of Konstanz), 2002, 2 years: Euro 55,000 Research project “Partisan Preferences, Legislative Institutions, and the Composition of Government Expenditure”, 2001, 2 years: Euro 65,000 Research fellowship (Fritz Thyssen Foundation), 2000, 1 year: Euro 10,000 Publication grant (DFG), 2000: Euro 4,000 Research fellowship (State of Baden-Württemberg), 1997, 2 years: Euro 18,000 Courses Taught University of Mannheim, graduate level, 2009- (in English): Game Theory, International Political Economy, Modelling International Conflict, Legislative Politics University of Mannheim, graduate level, 2007-: Electoral Behaviour, International Comparative Social Research, Game Theory, Parties and Party Systems, European Integration and Cooperation University of Mannheim, undergraduate level, 2007-: Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Comparative Government, Coalition Theories, Party Competition, German Politics University of Mainz, undergraduate level, 2008/9: Introduction into International Relations, International Organizations and Regimes, International Relations, European Integration and Cooperation Thomas J. Bräuninger 4 University of Konstanz, undergraduate level, 2000-7: Party Politics at the Federal and State Level, Interest Mediation and Delegation, Comparative Political Economy; Parties, Voters, and Macroeconomic Policies; Interests, Institutions and Ideas in International Relations, Theories of Political Decision Making German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, graduate level, 2003: Politics and Economics University of Pittsburgh, graduate level, 2002 (in English): Formal Political Theory University of Saarbrücken, undergraduate level, 1998: Coalition Theories, Government Formation Students BA, MA and diploma level: since 2004; doctoral students: Nils Ringe (Committee member, University of Pittsburgh, 2006. Now, Assoc. Prof. of Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison), Marc Debus (Supervisor, University of Konstanz, 2006. Now, Prof. of Political Science, University of Mannheim), Brooke Luetgert (Committee member, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, 2007. Now, Visiting faculty member, Sabanci University), Lisa Dellmuth (Co-supervisor, University of Mannheim, 2010. Now, postdoc, Stockholm University), Carina Schmitt (Co-supervisor, University of Mannheim, 2011. Now, postdoc, University of Bremen), Martin Brunner (Supervisor, University of Konstanz, 2012), Sascha Meßmer (Co-supervisor, University of Konstanz, 2012), Julian Bernauer (Co-supervisor, University of Konstanz, 2012. Now, postdoc, University of Berne), Patrick Bayer (Co-supervisor, University of Mannheim, 2012. Now, postdoc, Washington University St. Louis), Susanne Michalik (Supervisor, University of Mannheim, 2013. Now, Federal Statistical Office), Michael Stoffel (University of Mannheim, 2013. Now, postdoc, University of Konstanz), Christian Wältermann (University of Mannheim, 2013. Now consulting), Jochen Müller (Co-supervisor, University of Potsdam, 2013. Now, DAAD lecturer, University of Essex), Patricia Wruuck (Co-supervisor, University of Mannheim, 2013), Ellen Schneider (Co-supervisor, University of Mannheim, 2013. Now, State Statistical Office), Sebastian Köhler (University of Mannheim, 2014. Now, lecturer, London School of Economics), Eva Bernauer (University of Mannheim, expected 2014), Matthias Haber (University of Mannheim, expected 2014), Markus Baumann (University of Mannheim, expected 2014), Anna-Sophie Kurella (University of Mannheim, expected 2015), Dominic Ponattu (University of Mannheim, expected 2016), Tilko Swalve (University of Mannheim, expected 2017), Jakob Willisch (University of Mannheim, expected 2017). Vocational Training Baden-Württemberg-Certificate “Hochschuldidaktik”’, Part I, Summer 2004 Professional and Academic Services, Lectures External examiner PhD program, Trinity College Dublin, 2012 – 2014 Thomas J. Bräuninger 5 Academic advisory board member Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, 2012 – Present Lecturer Summer Academy of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Salem 2009 Spokesman Section Analytical Politics, German Political Science Association, 05/2004 – 6/2010 Member of the board of directors Center for Junior Research Fellows, University of Konstanz, 04/2004 – 02/2006 Conference Organizer Annual Conference of the Analytical Politics Section of the German Political Science Association (Mannheim 2005, Bad Bevensen 2006, Jena 2007, Mainz 2008, Bern 2009, Mannheim 2010) Section and Panel Organizer ECPR General Conferences 2007, 2009, 2011, EPSA Conference 2012, SGEU Conference 2012 Duncan-Black-Award Selection Committee Member, ECPR Standing Group on Analytical Politics and Public Choice, 2007 Associate Editor Research and Politics, 2013 – Present Reviewer American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Electoral Studies, Environmental Practice, European Central Bank Working Paper Series, European Integration online Papers, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Political Economy, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, German Economic Review, Homo Oeconomicus, Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Management Science, Mathematical Social Sciences, New Zealand Economic Papers, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Party Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Political Science Research and Methods, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Public Choice, Review of International Organizations, Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies), Swiss Political Science Review, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft — Michigan University Press, Routledge London, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften Wiesbaden — Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Israeli Foundation, Schweizer Nationalfonds, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes — personal cases for universities in Germany, Europe and the US Thomas J. Bräuninger 6 Invited Lectures European Central Bank, Free University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, New York University, Nuffield College Oxford, Trinity College Dublin, University of Berne, University of Geneva, University of Göttingen, University of Innsbruck, University of Kiel, University of Mainz, University of Mannheim, University of Oldenburg, University of Pittsburgh, University of Siegen, University of Stuttgart, University of St. Gallen, University of Vienna, University of Zurich Practical Experience External Consultant, European Central Bank, 2007 Membership American Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association, European Political Science Association, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wahlforschung, ECPR Standing Group on Analytical Politics and Public Choice Publications Articles in peer-reviewed journals: Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus and Fabian Wüst (2015): “Governments, Parliaments, and Legislative Activity”, Political Science Research and Methods (forthcoming) Däubler, Thomas, Thomas Bräuninger and Martin Brunner (2015) “Is Personal Vote Seeking Behavior Effective?”, Legislative Studies Quarterly (forthcoming) Bräuninger, Thomas (2012) ’Fruchtbarer Boden oder doch nur Wüste? Eine Replik auf Tina Freyburg’, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 19: 85-101. Bräuninger, Thomas, Martin Brunner and Thomas Däubler (2012) “Personal Vote-Seeking in Flexible List Systems: How Electoral Incentives Shape Belgian MPs’ Bill Initiation Behaviour”, European Journal of Political Research 51: 607-645. [] Bräuninger, Thomas, Thomas Gschwend and Susumu Shikano (2010) “Sachpolitik oder Parteipolitik? Eine Bestimmung des Parteidrucks im Bundesrat mittels bayesianischer Methoden”, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 51(2): 223-249. [] Linhart, Eric, Marc Debus and Thomas Bräuninger (2010): “The 2009 Elections in Schleswig-Holstein: Polarised Electoral Campaign, Exceptional Election Results, and an Unspectacular Process of Government Formation”, German Politics 19(2): 237-253. [] Benoit, Kenneth, Thomas Bräuninger and Marc Debus (2009) “Challenges for Estimating Policy Preferences. Announcing an Open Access Archive of Political Documents”, German Politics 18(3): 441-454. [] Thomas J. Bräuninger 7 Bernauer, Julian and Thomas Bräuninger (2009) “Intra-Party Preference Heterogeneity and Faction Membership in the 15th German Bundestag. A Computational Text Analysis of Parliamentary Speeches”, German Politics 18(3): 385-402. [] Bräuninger, Thomas and Marc Debus (2009) “Legislative Agenda-Setting in Parliamentary Democracies”, European Journal of Political Research 48(6): 804-839. [] Bräuninger, Thomas and Marc Debus (2008) “Der Einfluss von Koalitionsaussagen, programmatischen Standpunkten und der Bundespolitik auf die Regierungsbildung in den deutschen Ländern”, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49(2): 309-338. [] Bräuninger, Thomas (2007) “Stability in Spatial Voting Games with Restricted Preference Maximizing”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 19(2): 173-191. Ganghof, Steffen and Thomas Bräuninger (2006) “Government Status and Legislative Behaviour. Partisan Veto Players in Australia, Denmark, Finland and Germany”, Party Politics 12(4): 521-39. Bernhagen, Patrick and Thomas Bräuninger (2005) “Structural Power, Information Asymmetry and Public Policy: A Signaling Model of Business Lobbying in Democratic Capitalism”, Political Studies 53(1): 43-64. Bräuninger, Thomas (2005) “A Partisan Model of Government Expenditure”, Public Choice 125: 409-429. Bräuninger, Thomas (2004) “Fiscal Constitutionalism in EMU”, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behaviour 7(4): 530-554. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2004) “Accession and Reform of the European Union. A Game Theoretical Analysis of Eastern Enlargement and the Constitutional Reform”, European Union Politics 5(4): 419-440. Bräuninger, Thomas (2003) “When Simple Voting Doesn’t Work: Multicameral Systems for the Representation and Aggregation of Interests in International Organizations”, British Journal of Political Science 33(4): 681-703. Bräuninger, Thomas and Thomas König (2000) “Making Rules for Governing Global Commons. The Case of Deep-sea Mining”, Journal of Conflict Resolution 44(5): 604-29. Bräuninger, Thomas and Thomas König (1999) “The Checks and Balances of Party Federalism. German Federal Government in a Divided Legislature”, European Journal of Political Research 36(2): 207-35. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1999) “Finnland auf dem Weg zum Mehrheitssystem? Eine vergleichende Analyse der politischen Willensbildung vor und nach den finnischen Verfassungsreformen der 90er Jahre”, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 40(1): 39-62. Thomas J. Bräuninger 8 König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1998) “The Inclusiveness of European Decision Rules”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 10(1): 125-41. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1998) “The Formation of Policy Networks. Preferences, Institutions and Actors’ Choice of Information and Exchange Relations”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 10(4): 445-71. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1996) “Power and Political Coordination in American and German Multi-chamber Legislation”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 8(3): 331-60. Articles in other journals: Pappi, Franz Urban and Thomas Bräuninger (2014) “Direktkandidaten und die Wahlerfolge ihrer Partei im deutschen Zweistimmensystem. Das Beispiel der Bundestagswahl 2013 in Stuttgart”, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen xxx(4): 828-848. Bräuninger, Thomas and Marc Debus (2009) “Schwarz-Gelb, Schwarz-Rot, Jamaika oder die Ampel? Koalitionsbildungen in Bund und Ländern im Superwahljahr 2009.”, Zeitschrift für Politikberatung 2(3): 563-567. [] Bräuninger, Thomas (2003) “Legitimacy Without Legality? War-Making With and Without the UN”, European Political Science 2(4): 19-24. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2000) “Decisiveness and Inclusiveness: Two Aspects of the Intergovernmental Choice of European Voting Rules”, Homo oeconomicus 17(1/2): 107-23. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2000) “Governing the Enlarged European Union: Accession Scenarios and Institutional Reform”, Central European Political Science Review 1(1): 42-62. König, Thomas, Andrea Volkens and Thomas Bräuninger (1999) “Regierungserklärungen von 1949 bis 1998: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung ihrer regierungsinternen und -externen Bestimmungsfaktoren”, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 30(3): 641-59. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1998) “A-, B- und C-Länder. Zur Verwendung des Arguments ’Sprachgebrauch und benötigte Kategorie’”, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 29(2): 350-2. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1998) “Az Európai Unió átalakı́tása a bóvı́tés jegyében” (The Transformation of EU in View of Expansion), Politikatudományi Szemle 4: 107-29. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1997) “Wie wichtig sind die Länder für die Politik der Bundesregierung bei Einspruchs- und Zustimmungsgesetzen?”, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 28(4): 605-28. Books: Bräuninger, Thomas and Marc Debus (2011) Parteienwettbewerb in den Bundesländern. VS Verlag: Wiesbaden. Thomas J. Bräuninger 9 Bräuninger, Thomas (2000) Internationale Institutionenpolitik. Die Wahl von Entscheidungsregeln für die Meeresbodenbehörde. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. Edited Volumes: Thomas Bräuninger, André Bächtiger and Susumu Shikano (eds) (2012) Experiment und Simulation (Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Vol. 7). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Joachim Behnke, Thomas Bräuninger and Susumu Shikano (eds) (2010) Neuere Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Rationalität und ihre Anwendungen (Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Vol. 6). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Shikano, Susumu, Joachim Behnke and Thomas Bräuninger (eds) (2009) Theorien des Verfassungswandels (Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Vol. 5). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Bräuninger, Thomas and Joachim Behnke (eds) (2006) Parteienwettbewerb und Wahlen (Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, Vol. 4). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Studien zur Neuen Politischen Ökonomie. Buchreihe. Edited by Gerald Schneider, Thomas Plümper and Thomas Bräuninger. VS Verlag. Articles in books: Shikano, Susumu, Thomas Bräuninger, and Michael Stoffel (2012) “Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data”, in Bernhard Kittel, Wolfgang J. Luhan, and Rebecca B. Morton (eds) Experimental Political Science: Principles and Practices. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave: 163-177. Bräuninger, Thomas and Marc Debus (2010) “Die Regierungsbildung nach der Bundestagswahl 2009: Wie wahrscheinlich ist eine Neuauflage der großen Koalition?”, in Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer (ed.) Politik im Klimawandel: Keine Macht für gerechte Lösungen?. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 261-286. Bräuninger, Thomas and Marc Debus (2010) “The Sources of Bipartisan Politics in Parliamentary Democracies”, in Thomas König, George Tsebelis and Marc Debus (eds) Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-making in Modern Democracies. New York: Springer: 145-164. Bräuninger, Thomas (2009) “Responsivität und strategische Adaption im Parteienwettbewerb in den deutschen Bundesländern”, in Christian Henning, Eric Linhart and Susumu Shikano (eds) Parteienwettbewerb, Wählerverhalten und Koalitionsbildung. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 27-46. Debus, Marc and Thomas Bräuninger (2009) “Intra-party Factions and Coalition Bargaining in Germany”, in Daniella Giannetti und Kenneth Benoit (eds) Intra-party Politics and Coalition Government. London: Routledge: 121-145. Thomas J. Bräuninger 10 Bräuninger, Thomas and Thomas König (2008) “Making Rules for Governing Global Commons. The Case of Deep-sea Mining”, in: Beth A. Simmons (ed.) International Law (SAGE Library of International Relations). London: SAGE [Reprint]. Bräuninger, Thomas and Steffen Ganghof (2005) “Parteienwettbewerb im Zweikammersystem”, in Steffen Ganghof and Philip Manow (eds) Mechanismen der Politik. Strategische Interaktion im deutschen Regierungssystem. Schriftenreihe des MPIfG Köln, Vol. 54. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus:149-81. Bräuninger, Thomas and Thomas König (2004) “Senden und Empfangen: Informationstransfer in Politiknetzwerken als Vermittlung von Verhandlungsvorschlägen”, in Christian H.C.H. Henning and Christian Melbeck (eds) Interdisziplinäre Sozialforschung. Theorie und empirische Anwendungen. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus: 205-24. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2003) “The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union – An Institutional Analysis of Policy Positions, Accession Scenarios and Institutional Reform”, in Manfred J. Holler, Hartmut Kliemt, Dieter Schmidtchen and Manfred E. Streit (eds) European Governance [Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie, Bd. 22]. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2002) “From an Ever-growing Towards an Ever-slower Union?”, in Madeleine Hosli, Adrian van Deemen, and Mika Widgrén (eds) Institutional Challenges in the EU. London: Routledge: 243-59. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2002) “The Politics of Institutional Change: Diverging Goals for Reforming the European Legislature”, in Bernard Steunenberg (ed.) Widening the EU. London: Routledge: 80-96. Bräuninger, Thomas (2001) “Die Bildung von Regelpräferenzen. Institutionenpolitische Entscheidungen im Schatten der Zukunft”, in Ulrich Druwe, Thomas Plümper and Volker Kunz (eds) Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie. Opladen: Leske + Budrich: 129-152. Bräuninger, Thomas, Tanja Cornelius, Thomas König and Thomas Schuster (2001) “The Dynamics of European Integration. A Constitutional Analysis of the Amsterdam Intergovernmental Conference”, in Gerald Schneider and Mark D. Aspinwall (eds) The Rules of Integration. Institutionalist Approaches to the Study of Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press: 46-68. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2001) “Decisiveness and Inclusiveness: Two Aspects of the Intergovernmental Choice of European Voting Rules”, in Manfred Holler and Guillermo Owen (eds) Power Indices and Coalition Formation. Dordrecht: Kluwer: 273-290. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2000) “Europa am Scheideweg? Erweiterungen und die Handlungsfähigkeit der Union”, in Maurizio Bach (ed.) Die Europäisierung nationaler Gesellschaften [Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Special issue 40]. Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag: 112-29. Thomas J. Bräuninger 11 König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2000) “Politikwechsel im Föderalismus”, in Everhard Holtmann and Helmut Voelzkow (eds) Zwischen Wettbewerbs- und Verhandlungsdemokratie. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag: 129-47. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (2000) “The Union’s Institutional Reforming and Enlargement”, in Lars Hedegaard and Bjarne Lindström (eds) The NEBI Yearbook 2000. North European and Baltic Sea Integration. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer: 227-242. Bräuninger, Thomas (1999) “Europäische Institutionenpolitik zwischen individueller und kollektiver Rationalität”, in Hermann Schwengel (ed.) Grenzenlose Gesellschaft? 29. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie – 16. Österreichischer Kongress für Soziologie – 11. Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie Freiburg im Breisgau 1998. Bd II/2: Ad-hoc-Gruppen – Foren. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus: 220-4. Bräuninger, Thomas and Thomas König (1999) “Die Einrichtung von Abstimmungsregeln zur Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter. Das Beispiel der Meeresbodenbehörde”, in Karl-Ernst Schenk, Dieter Schmidtchen, Manfred E. Streit and Viktor Vanberg (eds) Globalisierung der Wirtschaft und Rechtsordnung: Zur Neuen Institutionenökonomik internationaler Transaktionen [Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie, Bd. 18]. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck): 132-59. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1997) “Europäische Integration: Institutionenpolitik zwischen Parlamentarismus und Intergouvernementalismus”, in Thomas König, Elmar Rieger and Hermann Schmitt (eds) Europäische Institutionenpolitik [Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung, Vol. 2]. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus: 267-88. König, Thomas and Thomas Bräuninger (1995) “Anhang zur Berechnung der Shapley-Abstimmungsmacht”, in Franz U. Pappi, Thomas König and David Knoke, Entscheidungsprozesse in der Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik. Der Zugang der Interessengruppen zum Regierungssystem über Politikfeldnetze: Ein deutsch-amerikanischer Vergleich. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus: 266-77. Working papers and other sources (since 2001): Bräuninger, Thomas (2005) Interests and Information. Papers on the Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions. Unpublished Habilitation thesis, Konstanz. Ganghof, Steffen and Thomas Bräuninger (2003) Partisan Veto Players in Australia, Denmark, Finland and Germany: Government Status and Legislative Behavior. MPIfG Working Paper 03/11. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung. Bräuninger, Thomas (2001) Nationale Interessen und internationale Verhandlungen. Determinanten von Staatenpositionen in der internationalen Politik. Final Report to the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Konstanz, August. Review articles: Bräuninger, Thomas (2007) “Party Policy in Modern Democracies by Kenneth Benoit and Michael Laver”, West European Politics 50(5): 1207-1208. Thomas J. Bräuninger 12 Bräuninger, Thomas (2005) “Die Institutionalisierung internationaler Verhandlungen by Franz U. Pappi, Eibe Riedel, Paul W. Thurner and Roland Vaubel (eds)”, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 57(1): 175-6. Bräuninger, Thomas (2001) “Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization by Peter Burnell (ed.)”, Political Studies 49(5): 1069. June, 2015
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