5th Tübingen PET/MR Workshop Feb 15 – 19, 2016 Programme at a Glance Block I&II (Wed) Block I (Mo - Wed) Time 08:00 08:30 Monday, 15th February Time Welcome Breakfast & Registration Block I 09:00 Tuesday, 16th February 08:00 08:00 08:30 08:30 09:00 10:00 10:30 UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging whole-body NonOncol. Tech. Aspects S. Bisdas & M. Reimold Tübingen 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 09:30 Updates & Refresher Oncol. F. Seith & J. Schäfer Tübingen J. Grüneisen & F. Nensa A. Kolb & H. Wehrl Essen Hands-On & Case-Demos Case Studies (reading-session) R. Hoffmann, S.-C. Schüle, F. Seith N. Schwenzer & C. la Fougère Pitfalls 11:30 12:00 (reading-session) B. Sattler Tübingen Leipzig 12:30 Tübingen 13:00 14:00 14:30 14:30 16:00 UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging whole-body NonOncol. Tech. Aspects J. Grüneisen & F. Nensa A. Kolb & H. Wehrl Tübingen 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 15:00 Updates & Refresher S. Bisdas & M. Reimold UR4 Tech. Aspects J. Grüneisen & F. Nensa A. Kolb & H. Wehrl S. Bisdas & M. Reimold Oncol. S. Gatidis & J. Schäfer Tübingen Essen Oncol. F. Seith & J. Schäfer Tübingen Essen Welcome Reception (Casino Conference Center) 09:30 Time Coffee Break Hands-On & Case-Demos PET/MR & Workflow Case Studies (reading-session) R. Hoffmann, S.-C. Schüle, F. Seith N. Schwenzer & C. la Fougère Pitfalls Welcome Breakfast & Registration Block II 08:00 09:00 08:30 09:30 Welcome Remarks: K. Nikolaou/C. la Fougère 09:00 How to move PET/MR into clinical routine Moderation: Rodney Hicks 15:30 & H. Schmidt Tübingen 09:30 Updates & Refresher UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging whole-body NonOncol. Tech. Aspects J. Grüneisen & F. Nensa A. Kolb & H. Wehrl Tübingen 16:00 Oncol. S. Gatidis & J. Schäfer Tübingen Essen 17:00 17:30 18:00 Hands-On & Case Demos (reading-session) R. Hoffmann, S.-C. Schüle, F. Seith N. Schwenzer & C. la Fougère Tübingen Case Studies 10:30 Dialogue Board 1 Brain Receptor Imaging 10:30 From status quo to status go in PET/MR 11:00 Moderation: Christian la Fougère 11:00 Moderation: Dale Bailey 11:30 11:00 11:30 10:00 (Leipzig, Germany) Alberto Signore (Roma, Italy) Lale Umutlu (Essen, Germany) 12:00 12:30 Rodney Hicks (Melbourne, Australia) Stephan Nekolla (Munich, Germany) Bernd Pichler (Tübingen, Germany) Coffee Break 12:00 Rupert Lanzenberger (Vienna, Austria) Henryk Barthel (Leipzig, Germany) Vesna Sossi (Vancouver, Canada) 11:30 Dialogue Board 5 Emerging Areas 12:00 Moderation: Bernd Pichler (Tübingen, Germany) 12:30 12:30 Lunch 13:00 13:00 13:30 Lunch Symposium* Siemens HC 13:30 13.30 14:00 K. Mourtzikos (Lynbrook, NY) C. Geppert (Siemens) 14:00 14:00 14:30 Meet the Industry - Short Talks 14:30 15:00 Moderation: T. Beyer (Vienna, Austria) G. Nemeth (Mediso GmbH), C. Burger (PMOD), S. Bond (Mirada Medical), M. Suminski (GE) 15:00 15.30 Coffee Break 16:00 Meet the Industry 16:30 Mediso GmbH, MIM Software Inc., Siemens HC Pitfalls 17:00 Coffee Break 17:30 Round-Table Dialogue Board 2 Cardiovascular Diseases Moderation: Konstantin Nikolaou 14:30 (Tübingen, Germany) 15:00 15:30 René Botnar (London, UK) Stephan Nekolla (Munich, Germany) Michael Schäfers (Münster, Germany) 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 15:30 16:30 Dialogue Board 3 Oncology 16:30 17:00 Moderation: Rodney Hicks 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:30 18:30 19:00 19:00 19:00 Moderation: T. Beyer (Vienna, Austria) K. Åhlström Riklund (Umeå, Sweden), M. Goyen (GE HC), D. Olego (Philips HC), D. Stein (Siemens HC) *Sessions are structured & held by industry representatives at their own responsibility 17:30 18:00 Ambros Beer (Ulm, Germany) Vicky Goh (London, UK) Patrick Veit-Haibach (Zürich, Switzerland) 18:00 18:30 Bus Shuttle 18:30 19:00 Conference Dinner (Die Kelter) 19:00 How to build and sustain innovation Tübingen Robert J. Gillies (Tampa, USA) Martin Gotthardt (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) Rodney Hicks (Melbourne, Australia) Concluding Remarks B. Pichler & T. Beyer (Tübingen & Vienna) (Melbourne, Australia) Leipzig & H. Schmidt Software Solutions* Coffee Break (Tübingen, Germany) (Sydney, Australia) (reading-session) B. Sattler Tübingen Moderation: Henryk Barthel Tübingen Coffee Break PET/MR & Workflow 09:30 Coffee Break Tübingen 16:30 Chair: Ulrike Ernemann (Tübingen, Germany) Dialogue Board 4 Infection & Inflammation 10:30 Coffee Break Friday, 19th February 09:00 Johan Nuyts (Leuven, Belgium) 10:00 13:00 Lunch S. Bisdas & M. Reimold PET/MR image reconstruction 10:00 Leipzig Tübingen Chair: Claus Claussen (Tübingen, Germany) Time (Melbourne, Australia) Marcus Lentschig (Bremen, Germany) Michael Wissmeyer (Geneva, Switzerland) (reading-session) B. Sattler Tübingen Thursday, 18th February Tübingen 13:30 14:00 15:30 UR3 NonOncol. & H. Schmidt Lunch 15:00 UR2 whole-body Tübingen 10:30 11:00 PET/MR & Workflow UR1 Brain Imaging Wednesday, 17th February Tübingen Coffee Break Tübingen 10:00 09:00 Updates & Refresher Welcome & WS-Organization: B. Pichler 09:30 Time Block II (We - Fri) Farewell Lunch Packages 5th Tübingen PET/MR Workshop Monday, 15th February 2016 Block I Time 08:00 Welcome Breakfast / Registration Block I nd Casino Conference Center (CCC, 2 floor) 08:30 09:15! Welcome Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Bernd Pichler & Brigitte Gückel (Tübingen, Germany) Updates & Refresher 09:30 10:00 10:30 Seminar Room K1 CCC Seminar Room K2 CCC Lecture Hall Children’s H. Seminar Room NucMed UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging Oncology Sotirios Bisdas & Matthias Reimold Ferdinand Seith & Jürgen Schäfer London, UK & Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany 11:00 Non-Oncology Technic. Aspects (Cardiology & Infection) Armin Kolb & Hans Wehrl Johannes Grüneisen & Felix Nensa Essen, Germany Coffee Break Tübingen, Germany nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 11:30 12:00 Hands-On & Case Demos Building 562, Level 2, Room 941* Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital PET/MR 12:30 13:00 Seminar Room K1 CCC Case Studies Pitfalls & Workflow Rüdiger Hoffmann, Susann-Cathrin Schüle, Ferdinand Seith Reading Session Reading Session Nina Schwenzer & Christian la Fougère Holger Schmidt Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany & Bernhard Sattler Leipzig, Germany 13:30 14:00 Lunch nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 14:30 Updates & Refresher 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 Seminar Room K1 CCC Seminar Room K2 CCC Lecture Hall Children’s H. Seminar Room NucMed UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging Oncology Sotirios Bisdas & Matthias Reimold Ferdinand Seith & Jürgen Schäfer London, UK & Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany Non-Oncology (Cardiology & Infection) Johannes Grüneisen & Felix Nensa Essen, Germany Welcome Reception Casino Conference Center 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 *The Meeting Point for guided tours to the PET/MR (Building 562) will be directly in front of the Casino Conference Center, 5 min before the start of the session. Technic. Aspects Armin Kolb & Hans Wehrl Tübingen, Germany 5th Tübingen PET/MR Workshop Tuesday, 16th February 2016 Block I Time 08:00 08:30 Updates & Refresher 09:00 09:30 10:00 Seminar Room K1 CCC Seminar Room K2 CCC Lecture Hall Children’s H. Seminar Room NucMed UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging Oncology Sotirios Bisdas & Matthias Reimold Sergios Gatidis & Jürgen Schäfer London, UK & Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany 10:30 Non-Oncology Technic. Aspects (Cardiology & Infection) Armin Kolb & Hans Wehrl Johannes Grüneisen & Felix Nensa Essen, Germany Coffee Break Tübingen, Germany nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 11:00 11:30 Hands-On & Case Demos Building 562, Level 2, Room 941* Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital PET/MR 12:00 12:30 Seminar Room K1 CCC Case Studies Pitfalls & Workflow Rüdiger Hoffmann, Susann-Cathrin Schüle, Ferdinand Seith Reading Session Reading Session Nina Schwenzer & Christian la Fougère Holger Schmidt Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany & Bernhard Sattler Leipzig, Germany 13:00 13:30 Lunch nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 14:00 Updates & Refresher 14:30 15:00 15:30 Seminar Room K1 CCC Seminar Room K2 CCC Lecture Hall Children’s H. Seminar Room NucMed UR1 UR2 UR3 UR4 Brain Imaging Oncology Sotirios Bisdas & Matthias Reimold Sergios Gatidis & Jürgen Schäfer London, UK & Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany 16:00 Non-Oncology Technic. Aspects (Cardiology & Infection) Armin Kolb & Hans Wehrl Johannes Grüneisen & Felix Nensa Essen, Germany Coffee Break Tübingen, Germany nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 Hands-On & Case Demos Building 562, Level 2, Room 941* PET/MR Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Case Studies Seminar Room K1 CCC Pitfalls & Workflow Rüdiger Hoffmann, Susann-Cathrin Schüle, Ferdinand Seith Reading Session Reading Session Nina Schwenzer & Christian la Fougère Holger Schmidt Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany Tübingen, Germany & Bernhard Sattler 18:30 19:00 *The Meeting Point for guided tours to the PET/MR (Building 562) will be directly in front of the Casino Conference Center, 5 min before the start of the session. Leipzig, Germany 5th Tübingen PET/MR Workshop Wednesday, 17th February 2016 Block I & II Time 08:00 Welcome Breakfast / Registration Block II nd Casino Conference Center (CCC, 2 floor) 08:30 09:00 09:30 Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Welcome Notes Konstantin Nikolaou & Christian la Fougère (Tübingen, Germany) How to move PET/MR into clinical routine Moderation: Rodney Hicks (Melbourne, Australia) 10:00 Marcus Lentschig (Bremen, Germany): MR/PET in private institute - already working or still a fight? Michael Wissmeyer (Geneva, Switzerland): How to move PET/MR into clinical routine - from the university's point of view. 10:30 Coffee Break nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 11:00 Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital 11:30 Moderation: Dale Bailey (Sydney, Australia) 12:00 Rodney Hicks (Melbourne, Australia): An outsider agnostic's view of PET/MRI. Stephan Nekolla (Munich, Germany): Munich’s PET/MRI five years after installation: 1000 patients per year? Bernd Pichler (Tübingen, Germany): PET/MRI: from basic research to translational research and beyond. From status quo to status go in PET/MR 12:30 Coffee Break nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 13:00 Seminar Room K1&K2, CCC Lunch Symposium Siemens Healthcare* 13:30 14:00 Karen Mourtzikos (Lynbrook, NY): Why PET/MR in clinical oncology? Christian Geppert (Siemens): Recent developments in MR-PET. 14:30 Seminar Room K1&K2, CCC 15:00 Moderation: Thomas Beyer (Vienna, Austria) 15:30 Meet the Industry - Talks Gabor Nemeth (Mediso GmbH): Towards high performance preclinical PET/MRI. Cyrill Burger (PMOD): PMOD as a tool in PET/MR research. Sarah Bond (Mirada Medical): Collaborative approaches to PET/MR with Mirada Medical. Matt Suminski (GE): Time-of-Flight SIGNA PET/MR status update. Coffee Break 16:00 16:30 Meet the Industry - Software Solutions** Lecture Hall Children’s H. Mediso GmbH 17:00 Seminar Room K1 CCC Seminar Room K2 CCC MIM Software Inc. Coffee Break Siemens HC nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 17:30 18:00 18:30 Seminar Room K1&K2, CCC Round-Table How to build and sustain innovation Moderation: Thomas Beyer (Vienna, Austria) Katrine Åhlström Riklund (Umeå, Sweden), Mathias Goyen (GE Healthcare), Diego Olego (Philips Healthcare), David Stein (Siemens Healthcare) 19:00 * Lunch Symposium and Software Solution sessions are structured & held by industry representatives at their own responsibility. ** Attendees may switch between different Software Solution sessions. 5th Tübingen PET/MR Workshop Thursday, 18th February 2016 Block II Time Chair: Claus Claussen (Tübingen, Germany) 08:00 08:30 09:00 Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Highlight Lecture: PET/MR Image Reconstruction 09:30 Johan Nuyts (Leuven, Belgium) 10:00 Coffee Break nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 10:30 Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Dialogue Board 1 Brain Receptor Imaging 11:00 Moderation: Christian la Fougère (Tübingen, Germany) 11:30 12:00 Vesna Sossi (Vancouver, Canada): Simultaneous PET/MR - neurotransmitter release and brain activation. Rupert Lanzenberger (Vienna, Austria): PET/MR in neuropsychopharmacology. Henryk Barthel (Leipzig, Germany): Imaging pathology and neurotransmission: key apps for brain PET/MRI. 12:30 13:00 Lunch nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 13:30 14:00 Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Dialogue Board 2 Cardiovascular Diseases 14:30 Moderation: Konstantin Nikolaou (Tübingen, Germany) 15:00 15:30 PET/MR in Cardiovascular Diseases: Breakthrough or Hype? René Botnar (London, UK): Coronary PET/MR: promise and challenges. Stephan Nekolla (Munich, Germany): Cardiac PET/MRI: daily, monthly and general obstacles… and how to overcome them. Michael Schäfers (Münster, Germany): What do/will we gain from vascular PET/MR imaging? 16:00 Coffee Break nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 16:30 17:00 Lecture Hall Children’s Hospital Dialogue Board 3 Oncology Moderation: Rodney Hicks (Melbourne, Australia) 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 Ambros Beer (Ulm, Germany): 5 years of PET/MR in oncology: Killer applications revisited. Vicky Goh (London, UK): Added value – possible in oncology? Patrick Veit-Haibach (Zürich, Switzerland): Clinical protocols – going forward. Bus Shuttle to “Die Kelter” (meeting point in front of the Casino Conference Center) Conference Dinner "Die Kelter" (historic centre Tübingen) 5th Tübingen PET/MR Workshop Friday, 19th February 2016 Block II Time Chair: Ulrike Ernemann (Tübingen, Germany) 08:00 08:30 09:00 Seminar Room K1&K2 CCC Dialogue Board 4 Infection & Inflammation 09:30 Moderation: Henryk Barthel (Leipzig, Germany) 10:00 Alberto Signore (Roma, Italy): SPECT, PET or hybrid imaging. What strategy for imaging infection? Lale Umutlu (Essen, Germany): Imaging inflammatory disease: clash of the titans. 10:30 11:00 Coffee Break nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) 11:30 12:00 Seminar Room K1&K2 CCC Dialogue Board 5 Emerging Areas Moderation: Bernd Pichler (Tübingen, Germany) 12:30 13:00 13:30 Robert J. Gillies (Tampa, USA): Imaging habitats in tumors. Martin Gotthardt (Nijmegen, The Netherlands): Added value of simultaneous imaging of beta cell function and beta cell mass by PET/MR. Rodney Hicks (Melbourne, Australia): Integrating PET/MRI into phase I clinical trials of novel PET radiopharmaceuticals. Concluding Remarks Bernd Pichler (Tübingen, Germany) & Thomas Beyer (Vienna, Austria) 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 Lunch Packages nd Casino Conference Center (2 floor) Good Bye
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