Touchstone Health’s Provider Directory 2015 New York County This Provider Directory was updated in June 2015. For more recent information or other questions, please contact Touchstone Health’s Member Concierge at 1-888-777-0204 or, for TTY/TDD users, 711, 8AM – 8PM, 7 days a week (Note: Member Concierge hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM, 7 days a week from October 15, 2014 to February 14, 2015. Hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM, Monday through Friday from February 15, 2015 to October 14, 2015) or visit Y0064_H3327_THPSMK_2347 Accepted Touchstone Health HMO, Inc One North Lexington Ave 12th Floor White Plains, NY 10601 Prospective members should call 1-888-777-0368 or TTY/TDD 711 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Current members should call 1-888-777-0204 or TTY/TDD 711 Hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM, 7 days a week from October 15, 2014 to February 14, 2015. We are available for phone calls 8:00AM to 8:00PM, Monday through Friday from February 15, 2015 to October 14, 2015 Make the most of Y0064_H3327_THPSMK_2347 Accepted Touchstone Health HMO, Inc. is a Medicare approved HMO with a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug contract with the federal government and a contract with the New York Medicaid Program. Enrollment in Touchstone Health depends on contract renewal. Touchstone Health’s HMO Plan Provider Directory This directory provides a list of Touchstone Health’s network providers. This directory is for New York County of New York. This directory is current as of June 1, 2015. Some network providers may have been added or removed from our network after this directory was printed. We do not guarantee that each provider is still accepting new members. To get the most upto-date information about Touchstone Health’s network providers in your area, you can visit or call our Member Concierge at 1-888-777-0204, 7 days a week, 8AM– 8PM. TTY/TDD users should call 711. (Note: Member Concierge hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM, 7 days a week from October 15, 2014 to February 14, 2015. Hours are 8:00AM to 8:00PM, Monday through Friday from February 15, 2015 to October 14, 2015) Touchstone Health HMO, Inc. is a Medicare approved HMO with a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug contract with the federal government and a contract with the New York Medicaid Program. Enrollment in Touchstone Health depends on contract renewal. This information is available in a different format, including CD and Spanish, and can be obtained via e-mail. Please call Member Services at the number listed above if you need plan information in another format or language. Esta información está disponible en un formato diferente, incluyendo CD e español, y también puede obtenerse a través de correo electrónico. Si necesita información del plan en otro formato o lenguaje, por favor llame a la línea de Servicio al Miembro al número mencionado arriba. Y0064_H3327_THPSMK_2347 Accepted Section 1 – Introduction This directory provides a list of Touchstone Health’s network providers. To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage. You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). The term “PCP” will be used throughout this directory. Generally, you must get your health care coverage from your PCP. Your PCP is a physician who meets state requirements and is trained to give you basic medical care. Your PCP will provide most of your care and will help arrange or coordinate the rest of the covered services you get as a member of the plan. Touchstone Health does NOT require a referral from a PCP to see an in-network specialist. The “network providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care coverage. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue going to that same provider. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. For some types of services, your PCP may need to obtain approval in advance from our Plan. This is called “prior authorization”. It is very important for your PCP to obtain prior authorization from our Plan before you see a NON-PLAN physician or NON-PLAN specialist. If you do not obtain approval to use a NON-PLAN physician or NON-PLAN specialist from our plan, you may be balanced billed from the NON-PLAN physician to pay for these services yourself. If the NON-PLAN physician wants you to receive additional services, you must continue to check with Member Concierge to see if the services require prior authorization. Point of Service Plans With the Touchstone Health Clear POS and the Touchstone Health Freedom POS plans, you are able to see non-plan providers (out-ofnetwork providers) to get care for covered services. You decide at the point of service whether you want to receive care in-network or whether you want to receive care out-of-network. Using your out-of-network benefits gives you access to non-network providers and facilities. You coordinate your own health services. However you will have increased out of pocket costs and may have to file some claims. With the exception of emergencies or urgent care, it may cost more to get care from out-of-care, it may cost more to get care from out-ofnetwork providers. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage for more details. When you receive care from in network providers you have a lower out of pocket cost sharing as there is usually a fixed dollar co-payment, and there is virtually no paperwork. What should I do if I have bills from non-plan providers that I think should be paid by Touchstone Health? We will cover certain health care services that you get from non-plan providers. These include care for a medical emergency, urgently needed care, renal dialysis (kidney) that you get when you are outside the plan’s service area, care that has been approved in advance by Touchstone Health, and any services which were ordered covered through an appeals process. If a non-plan provider asks you to pay for covered services you get in these situations, please contact us at our Member Concierge Department at 1-888-777-0204, from 8AM to 8PM, 7 days a week. TTY/TDD users should call 711 or mail to: Touchstone Health HMO Inc. One North Lexington Ave., 12th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601. You should never pay any non-plan provider more than what the plan is allowed by Medicare. The provider has a right to get his/her fees, but does not have a right to get them from you. Ask the non-plan provider to bill us first. If you have already paid for the covered services, we will reimburse you for our share of the cost. If you get a bill for the services, you can send the bill to us for payment. We will pay your non-plan provider for our share of the bill and will let you know what, if anything, you must pay. Getting care if you have a Medical Emergency Get help as quickly as possible. Call 911 for help or go to the nearest emergency room, hospital, or urgent care center. Call for an ambulance if you need it. You do not need to get approval or a referral first from your PCP. You may go to any emergency room if you reasonably believe that you need emergency care. Emergency care can always be obtained in or out of the service area from the nearest available provider. When in the service area you must use plan providers for urgent care. When out of the service area urgent care may be obtained from the first available provider. In addition, when out of the service area, you can obtain dialysis treatment from any qualified dialysis provider. As soon as possible, make sure that our plan has been told about your emergency. We need to follow up on your emergency care. You or someone else should call to tell us about your emergency care, usually within 48 hours. Touchstone Health’s phone number is listed on the back of your Touchstone Health Member ID card. If you receive emergency care at an out-of-network hospital and need inpatient care after your emergency is stabilized you must have your inpatient care at the out-of-network hospital authorized by the plan. You must use plan providers except in emergency or urgent care situations or for out-of- area renal dialysis or other services. If you obtain routine care from out-of-network providers neither Medicare nor Touchstone Health will be responsible for the costs. What is the service area for Touchstone Health? The counties in our service area are listed below. Bronx County, Kings County, New York County, Orange County, Queens County, Richmond County, and Westchester County. How do you find Touchstone Health providers in your area? Please choose a Primary Care Physician listed on this roster. All Touchstone Health Primary Care Physicians are listed alphabetically by last name. If you have questions about Touchstone Health or require assistance in selecting a PCP, please call our Member Concierge at 1-888-777-0204, 7 days a week, 8AM to 8PM. TTY/TDD users should call 711. Or, visit TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………… HOSPITALS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS ……………………………………………………………………………… SPECIALISTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… MENTAL HEALTH PHYSICIANS ………………………………………………………………………….. FACILITIES & ANCILLARY SERVICES …………………………………………………………………… Hospitals HOSPITALS Address City Zip Phone BRONX COUNTY Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center 1780 Grand Concourse Bronx 10457 (718) 590-1800 Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center-Concourse Division 1650 Grand Concourse Bronx 10457 (718) 590-1800 Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center-Fulton Division 1276 Fulton Avenue Bronx 10456 (718) 590-1800 St. Barnabas Hospital 4422 Third Avenue Bronx 10457 (212) 960-9000 KINGS COUNTY Brookdale Hospital Medical Center 1 Brookdale Plaza Brooklyn 11212 (718) 240-5000 Interfaith Medical Center 1545 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn 11213 (718) 613-4000 Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center 585 Schenectady Avenue Brooklyn 11203 (718) 604-5000 Long Island College Hospital 339 Hicks Street Brooklyn 11201 (718) 780-4651 Lutheran Medical Center 150 55th Street Brooklyn 11220 (718) 630-8000 Maimonides Medical Center 4802 10th Avenue Brooklyn 11219 (718) 283-6000 Mount Sinai Beth Israel Brooklyn 3201 Kings Highway Brooklyn 11239 (718) 252-3000 SUNY Downstate Medical Center 450 Clarkson Avenue Brooklyn 11203 (718) 270-1000 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center 374 Stockholm Street Brooklyn 11237 (718) 963-7272 NEW YORK COUNTY Beth Israel Medical Center First Avenue At 16th Street New York 10003 (212) 420-2000 Lenox Hill Hospital 100 East 77th Street New York 10075 (212) 434-4000 New York Eye And Ear Infirmary 310 East 14th Street New York 10003 (212) 979-4000 NYU Hospital Center 550 First Avenue New York 10016 (212) 263-7300 NYU Hospital For Joint Diseases 301 East 17th Street New York 10003 (212) 598-6000 HOSPITALS Address City Zip Phone ORANGE COUNTY Bon Secours Community Hospital 160 East Main Street Port Jervis 12771 (845) 856-5351 Orange Regional Medical Center 707 East Main Street Middletown 10940 (845) 333-1000 Orange Regional Medical Center- Goshen Campus 4 Harriman Drive Goshen 10924 (845) 333-1000 St. Anthony Community Hospital 15-19 Maple Avenue Warwick 10990 (845) 987-5317 St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital 70 Dubois Street Newburgh 12550 (845) 534-7711 QUEENS COUNTY Flushing Hospital Medical Center 4500 Parsons Blvd Flushing 11355 (718) 670-5000 Forest Hills Hospital (North Shore - LIJ Health System) 102-01 68th Road Forest Hills 11375 (718) 830-4000 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 8900 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica 11418 (718) 206-6000 St. John's Episcopal Hospital South Shore 327 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway 11691 (718) 869-7000 RICHMOND COUNTY Richmond University Medical Center 355 Bard Avenue Staten Island 10310 (718) 818-1234 Staten Island University Hospital 475 Seaview Avenue Staten Island 10305 (718) 226-9000 Staten Island University Hospital-North 375 Seguine Avenue Staten Island 10309 (718) 226-2000 WESTCHESTER COUNTY St. John's Hospital Dobbs Ferry Pavillion 128 Ashford Avenue Dobbs Ferry 10522 (914) 693-0700 SJRH - St. John's Division 967 North Broadway Yonkers 10701 (914) 964-4444 St. Joseph's Medical Center 127 South Broadway Yonkers 10701 (914) 378-7000 St. Joseph's Medical Center 275 North Street Harrison 10528 (914) 378-7000 Primary Care Physicians New York County - PCPs by Last Name LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 ZIP PHONE Akselrud Ilya 315 Madison Ave Rm 806 10017 (212) 850-1100 * Akselrud Mikhail 315 Madison Avenue 10017 (212) 850-1100 * Alerte Marc-antoine 154 W 127th St 10027 (212) 749-3507 * Alla Vijay 130 Wadsworth Avenue 10033 (646) 599-2982 * Ament Joseph 920 Park Avenue 10028 (212) 410-6200 * Antonios Vera 123-125 W 124 St 10027 (212) 531-1300 * Antonios Vera 179 E 116 St 10029 (212) 987-3707 * Ayinla Raji 1827 Madison Avenue 10035 (212) 722-1441 * Ayinla Raji 75 East 116th Street 10029 (212) 828-7700 * Aziz Michael 509 Madison Avenue 10022 (212) 906-9111 Aziz Michael 825 Seventh Avenue 10023 (212) 906-9111 Bellutta Henry 102 E 22nd St 10010 (212) 420-9788 * Bermudez Aramis 570 W 204 St 10034 (212) 567-3777 * Bernstein Alex 4405 Broadway 10040 (212) 740-2020 * Bhatti Mohammad 159 W 127th Street 10027 (888) 777-0204 * Chakote Vaijinath 330 West 58th Street Suite 301 10014 (212) 769-4200 * Chan Thomas 198 Canal Street Suite 602 10013 (212) 693-1800 * Chen Henry 128-138 Mott Street 10013 (212) 966-9889 * Chowdhury Reza 2450 Frederick Douglass Boulevard 10027 (888) 777-0204 * Coe Maria 128 Mott Street Suite 601 10013 (212) 267-9818 Cruz Juan 38 Post Ave Apt 43 10034 (917) 558-5798 Diaz Maria 210 East 73rd Street Suite 1 C 10021 (212) 249-4219 * Dyrszka Herbert 60 Gramercy Park N Ste 1B 10010 (212) 254-1220 * Dyrszka Herbert 250 Park Avenue South 8th Floor 10003 (212) 979-3732 * Elango PeggyRose 201 E 65th St 10065 (212) 879-4700 Elango PeggyRose 121 East 84th St 10028 (212) 717-9470 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 Fl 3 Suite 1111 Suite 1 * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Last Name LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 ZIP PHONE Fafalak Robert 4470 Broadway Suite #4 10040 (212) 569-7144 Fagelman Andrew 155 Spring St. Fl 4 10012 (212) 343-0080 Felix David 161 Madison Ave STE 2E 10016 (212) 213-1777 * Fresneda Caridad 701 West 177th Street, Suite #2 10033 (212) 928-6580 * Gahr Herbert 460 E 79 St, STE 1A 10075 (212) 535-7785 Garofalo Raffaele 1249 Fifth Avenue 10029 (212) 360-3600 * Gonjon Cheng 3-9 Sickles St STE 1A 10040 (212) 304-0096 * Gualtieri Nicholas 59 W 12th Street Apt 1 D 10011 (646) 638-1528 Guo Jing 217 Grand Street 6th Floor 10013 (212) 422-7562 Han Hwang Seol Young 275 Seventh Avenue Fl 3 10001 (646) 660-9999 He Yong Kang 81 Elizabeth Street Suite 301 10013 (212) 966-8216 * Hernandez Enrique 130 East 77th Street 9th Floor, Black Hall 10075 (212) 434-2606 * Hernandez Enrique 4290 Broadway 2S 10033 (212) 781-5075 * Hirschman Richard 247 3rd Avenue 10010 (212) 228-0471 * Hitzeman Lawrence 275 Seventh Avenue Fl 3 10001 (646) 660-9999 Hsu Ricky 154 W 14 Street 4th Fl 10011 (212) 627-7560 Ibekwe Chima 870 St Nicholas Ave, #A8 10032 (212) 926-6900 * Jackson Mark 4470 Broadway Suite #4 10040 (212) 569-7144 * Kane Jamie 530 First Avenue HCC 7B 10016 (212) 263-0433 Kavet Jay 147 East 26th Street 2nd Floor 10010 (212) 889-8568 * Kempin Sanford 325 West 15th Street 10011 (212) 844-8456 * Kleyn Ilya 225 Broadway 1420 10007 (212) 571-5000 * Kleyn Sofya 225 Broadway Suite 1420 10007 (212) 571-5000 * Lau Raymond 217 Grand Street, Suite 401 10013 (212) 390-1830 * Lazar Jason 635 Madison Ave 3rd Floor 10022 (212) 289-7777 * Li Jianjun 139 Centre Street Suite 704 10013 (212) 219-8878 * Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 * * * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Last Name LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 ZIP PHONE Liong Fei-Lien 110 Lafayette Street 3rd Floor 10013 (212) 226-6610 Liss Polina 305 2nd Avenue Suite 4 10003 (212) 375-0005 Manessis Anastasios 275 7th Avenue 2nd Floor 10001 (212) 675-9332 * Marsh Franklin 1879 Madison Avenue 10035 (212) 423-4000 * Marsh Franklin 342 E 67th St 10065 (212) 288-8820 * Martirosyan Zara 201 E 65th St 10065 (212) 879-4700 Medvedovsky Mihail 4405 Broadway 10040 (212) 740-2020 * Moutoussis George 1365 York Avenue Apt 22a 10021 (212) 529-6486 * Moutoussis George 222 E 19th St #1e 10003 (212) 529-6486 * Moutoussis George 247 3rd Avenue #301 10010 (212) 529-6486 * Myers Cynthia 464 West 145th Street 10031 (212) 926-5050 * Navarro Victor 530 First Avenue Suite 9U 10016 (212) 263-7751 * Nguyen Dang 41 Elizabeth Street Suite 302 10013 (212) 334-8108 * Oboler Lara 130 East 77th Street 9th Floor 10075 (212) 434-2606 * Orin Gary 311 East 79th Street Suite C 10075 (212) 288-4300 * Paradkar Shilpa 201 E 65th St 10065 (212) 879-4700 Paradkar Shilpa 121 E. 84th St. 10028 (212) 717-9470 Patel Hemant 33 West 125th Street 10027 (212) 289-5795 * Patel Kanu 145 E 15th St Apt 1A 10003 (212) 673-3737 * Patel Rushita 303 2 Ave STE 9 LL 10003 (212) 752-0533 * Pesala Naveen 51 Saint Nicholas Avenue Suite 1 10026 (212) 360-5752 * Peterson Keri 110 East 59th Street Suite 9C 10022 (212) 583-2962 * Preddie Dean 1775 York Avenue 10128 (212) 427-9895 * Radin Arthur 247 Third Avenue 10010 (212) 387-0655 * Ramirez Lissette 4405 Broadway 10040 (212) 740-2020 Rathi Dwarka 1090 Amsterdam Avenue 10025 (212) 866-7783 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 Ste 1d Suite 301 Suite 9C * * * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Last Name LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 ZIP PHONE Resnick Jack 501 Main St Suite C 10044 (212) 832-2310 * Saftchick Stuart 920 Park Avenue 10028 (212) 779-4848 * Salinas Jean-Louis 275 Seventh Avenue Fl 3 10001 (646) 660-9999 Sanghavi Bharat 44 Gramercy Park N Suite 1A 10010 (212) 777-6017 * Santoni Rugiu Francesco 1421 3rd Avenue 6th Floor 10026 (212) 249-6500 * Seilhan Kamila 201 E. 65th St. 10065 (212) 879-4700 Seilhan Kamila 121 E. 84th St. 10028 (212) 717-9470 Shah Alan 347 East 37th Street 10016 (212) 726-7415 * Shah Sangita 231 Sherman Avenue 10034 (718) 220-7677 * Shah Sangita 651 Academy Street 10034 (212) 569-2035 * Shah Tushar 231 Shermane Avenue 10034 (212) 569-2035 * Shah Tushar 651 Academy Street 10034 (212) 569-2035 * Shen Kuan 139 Centre Street # 709 10013 (212) 965-0496 * Shirazi Michael 110 East 40th St Suite 201 10016 (212) 983-0088 Shum Kee 254 Canal Street Suite 3001 10013 (212) 941-0660 * Singh Varinder 130 East 77th Street 10075 (212) 434-3090 * Suprin Gregory 2130 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 10027 (518) 339-8097 * Suprin Gregory 2381 Frederick Douglas Boulevard 10027 (212) 866-4400 * Tam Cynthia 139 Centre Street # 709 10013 (212) 965-0496 * Tam Steve 110 Lafayette Street 3rd Floor 10013 (212) 226-6610 * Tolston Evelyn 161 Madison Avenue 3rd Floor 10016 (646) 424-0400 * Tom Winston 139 Centre Street Suite 511 10013 (212) 941-8273 * Viswanathan Anand 550 First Avenue 10016 (212) 263-2868 Vizel-schwartz Monique 247 Third Avenue 10010 (212) 228-7645 Wallach Ilisa 50 E 81st St 10028 (212) 717-5700 Wallach Ilisa 100 East 77th Street 10075 (888) 777-0204 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 1F Suite 301 * * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Last Name LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 ZIP PHONE Wang Jen 2 Mott Street #205 10013 (212) 227-4505 * Weinstein Jay 927 Park Avenue Ground Floor 10028 (212) 584-2619 * Weissman Audrey 129 Wadsworth Ave Ste# 4 10033 (973) 718-2626 * Wilkes Barry 885 Park Avenue Suite 1A 10075 (212) 861-3534 * Woronoff Richard 275 7 Ave Fl 3 10001 (646) 660-9999 * Wu Henry 70 Bowery Suite 303 10013 (212) 925-4088 * Yellen M 33 W 42nd St 10036 (212) 938-4000 Zaman Mohammad 137 West 96th Street 10025 (212) 749-7400 * Zhang Jian Wei 139 Centre Street Suite 709 10013 (212) 965-0496 * Zhou Eric 39 East Broadway Suite 307 10002 (212) 766-8168 * Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Zip Code ZIP LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 10001 Han Hwang Seol Young 275 Seventh Avenue Fl 3 (646) 660-9999 Hitzeman Lawrence 275 Seventh Avenue Fl 3 (646) 660-9999 Manessis Anastasios 275 7th Avenue 2nd Floor (212) 675-9332 Salinas Jean-Louis 275 Seventh Avenue Fl 3 (646) 660-9999 Woronoff Richard 275 7 Ave Fl 3 (646) 660-9999 * 10002 Zhou Eric 39 East Broadway Suite 307 (212) 766-8168 * 10003 Dyrszka Herbert 250 Park Avenue South 8th Floor (212) 979-3732 * Liss Polina 305 2nd Avenue Suite 4 (212) 375-0005 Moutoussis George 222 E 19th St #1e (212) 529-6486 * Patel Kanu 145 E 15th St Apt 1A (212) 673-3737 * Patel Rushita 303 2 Ave STE 9 LL (212) 752-0533 * Kleyn Ilya 225 Broadway 1420 (212) 571-5000 * Kleyn Sofya 225 Broadway Suite 1420 (212) 571-5000 * Bellutta Henry 102 E 22nd St Suite 1 (212) 420-9788 * Dyrszka Herbert 60 Gramercy Park N Ste 1B (212) 254-1220 * Hirschman Richard 247 3rd Avenue (212) 228-0471 * Kavet Jay 147 East 26th Street 2nd Floor (212) 889-8568 * Moutoussis George 247 3rd Avenue #301 (212) 529-6486 * Radin Arthur 247 Third Avenue Suite 301 (212) 387-0655 * Sanghavi Bharat 44 Gramercy Park N Suite 1A (212) 777-6017 * Vizel-schwartz Monique 247 Third Avenue Suite 301 (212) 228-7645 * Gualtieri Nicholas 59 W 12th Street Apt 1 D (646) 638-1528 Hsu Ricky 154 W 14 Street 4th Fl (212) 627-7560 Kempin Sanford 325 West 15th Street 10012 Fagelman Andrew 155 Spring St. Fl 4 (212) 343-0080 10013 Chan Thomas 198 Canal Street Suite 602 (212) 693-1800 10007 10010 10011 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 PHONE (212) 844-8456 * * * * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Zip Code ZIP LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 10013 Chen Henry 128-138 Mott Street Coe Maria 128 Mott Street Suite 601 (212) 267-9818 Guo Jing 217 Grand Street 6th Floor (212) 422-7562 * He Yong Kang 81 Elizabeth Street Suite 301 (212) 966-8216 * Lau Raymond 217 Grand Street, Suite 401 (212) 390-1830 * Li Jianjun 139 Centre Street Suite 704 (212) 219-8878 * Liong Fei-Lien 110 Lafayette Street 3rd Floor (212) 226-6610 * Nguyen Dang 41 Elizabeth Street Suite 302 (212) 334-8108 * Shen Kuan 139 Centre Street # 709 (212) 965-0496 * Shum Kee 254 Canal Street Suite 3001 (212) 941-0660 * Tam Cynthia 139 Centre Street # 709 (212) 965-0496 * Tam Steve 110 Lafayette Street 3rd Floor (212) 226-6610 * Tom Winston 139 Centre Street Suite 511 (212) 941-8273 * Wang Jen 2 Mott Street #205 (212) 227-4505 * Wu Henry 70 Bowery Suite 303 (212) 925-4088 * Zhang Jian Wei 139 Centre Street Suite 709 (212) 965-0496 * 10014 Chakote Vaijinath 330 West 58th Street Suite 301 (212) 769-4200 * 10016 Felix David 161 Madison Ave STE 2E (212) 213-1777 * Kane Jamie 530 First Avenue HCC 7B (212) 263-0433 Navarro Victor 530 First Avenue Suite 9U (212) 263-7751 * Shah Alan 347 East 37th Street (212) 726-7415 * Shirazi Michael 110 East 40th St Suite 201 (212) 983-0088 Tolston Evelyn 161 Madison Avenue 3rd Floor (646) 424-0400 Viswanathan Anand 550 First Avenue Akselrud Ilya 315 Madison Ave Akselrud Mikhail 315 Madison Avenue 10017 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 ADDRESS_2 PHONE (212) 966-9889 * * (212) 263-2868 Rm 806 (212) 850-1100 * (212) 850-1100 * * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Zip Code ZIP LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 ADDRESS_2 10021 Diaz Maria 210 East 73rd Street Suite 1 C (212) 249-4219 * Moutoussis George 1365 York Avenue Apt 22a (212) 529-6486 * Aziz Michael 509 Madison Avenue Suite 1111 (212) 906-9111 Lazar Jason 635 Madison Ave 3rd Floor (212) 289-7777 * Peterson Keri 110 East 59th Street Suite 9C (212) 583-2962 * 10023 Aziz Michael 825 Seventh Avenue 10025 Rathi Dwarka 1090 Amsterdam Avenue Zaman Mohammad 137 West 96th Street Pesala Naveen 51 Saint Nicholas Avenue Santoni Rugiu Francesco Alerte 10022 10026 10027 10028 10029 PHONE (212) 906-9111 Suite 9C (212) 866-7783 * (212) 749-7400 * Suite 1 (212) 360-5752 * 1421 3rd Avenue 6th Floor (212) 249-6500 * Marc-antoine 154 W 127th St Fl 3 (212) 749-3507 * Antonios Vera 123-125 W 124 St (212) 531-1300 * Bhatti Mohammad 159 W 127th Street (888) 777-0204 * Chowdhury Reza 2450 Frederick Douglass Boulevard (888) 777-0204 * Patel Hemant 33 West 125th Street (212) 289-5795 * Suprin Gregory 2130 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard (518) 339-8097 * Suprin Gregory 2381 Frederick Douglas Boulevard (212) 866-4400 * Ament Joseph 920 Park Avenue (212) 410-6200 * Elango PeggyRose 121 East 84th St (212) 717-9470 Paradkar Shilpa 121 E. 84th St. (212) 717-9470 Saftchick Stuart 920 Park Avenue (212) 779-4848 Seilhan Kamila 121 E. 84th St. (212) 717-9470 Wallach Ilisa 50 E 81st St (212) 717-5700 Weinstein Jay 927 Park Avenue Antonios Vera Ayinla Raji (212) 584-2619 * 179 E 116 St (212) 987-3707 * 75 East 116th Street (212) 828-7700 * Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 Ground Floor * * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Zip Code ZIP LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 10029 Garofalo Raffaele 1249 Fifth Avenue (212) 360-3600 * 10031 Myers Cynthia 464 West 145th Street (212) 926-5050 * 10032 Ibekwe Chima 870 St Nicholas Ave, (212) 926-6900 * 10033 Alla Vijay 130 Wadsworth Avenue (646) 599-2982 * Fresneda Caridad 701 West 177th Street, Suite #2 (212) 928-6580 * Hernandez Enrique 4290 Broadway 2S (212) 781-5075 * Weissman Audrey 129 Wadsworth Ave Ste# 4 (973) 718-2626 * Bermudez Aramis 570 W 204 St (212) 567-3777 * Cruz Juan 38 Post Ave Shah Sangita 231 Sherman Avenue (718) 220-7677 * Shah Sangita 651 Academy Street (212) 569-2035 * Shah Tushar 231 Shermane Avenue (212) 569-2035 * Shah Tushar 651 Academy Street (212) 569-2035 * Ayinla Raji 1827 Madison Avenue (212) 722-1441 * Marsh Franklin 1879 Madison Avenue (212) 423-4000 * 10036 Yellen M 33 W 42nd St (212) 938-4000 10040 Bernstein Alex 4405 Broadway (212) 740-2020 * Fafalak Robert 4470 Broadway Suite #4 (212) 569-7144 * Gonjon Cheng 3-9 Sickles St STE 1A (212) 304-0096 * Jackson Mark 4470 Broadway Suite #4 (212) 569-7144 * Medvedovsky Mihail 4405 Broadway (212) 740-2020 * Ramirez Lissette 4405 Broadway (212) 740-2020 10044 Resnick Jack 501 Main St 10065 Elango PeggyRose 201 E 65th St Marsh Franklin 342 E 67th St Martirosyan Zara 201 E 65th St 10034 10035 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 ADDRESS_2 #A8 Apt 43 1F Suite C PHONE (917) 558-5798 (212) 832-2310 * (212) 879-4700 Ste 1d (212) 288-8820 * (212) 879-4700 * - Accepts Medicaid New York County - PCPs by Zip Code ZIP LASTNAME FIRSTNAME ADDRESS_1 10065 Paradkar Shilpa 201 E 65th St (212) 879-4700 Seilhan Kamila 201 E. 65th St. (212) 879-4700 Gahr Herbert 460 E 79 St, STE 1A (212) 535-7785 Hernandez Enrique 130 East 77th Street 9th Floor, Black Hall (212) 434-2606 * Oboler Lara 130 East 77th Street 9th Floor (212) 434-2606 * Orin Gary 311 East 79th Street Suite C (212) 288-4300 * Singh Varinder 130 East 77th Street (212) 434-3090 * Wallach Ilisa 100 East 77th Street (888) 777-0204 Wilkes Barry 885 Park Avenue Preddie Dean 1775 York Avenue 10075 10128 Touchstone Health / New York Directory / June 2015 ADDRESS_2 Suite 1A PHONE (212) 861-3534 * (212) 427-9895 * * - Accepts Medicaid Specialists SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Zip Phone Suite 202 Suite 202 Fl 2 Room 314 Suite 202 3rd Floor Ste# 4 10038 10016 10017 10022 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10033 (212) 964-1295 (212) 260-6078 (212) 260-6078 (212) 826-0815 (212) 685-4225 (212) 685-4225 (516) 822-6655 (212) 681-6200 (212) 685-4225 (646) 424-0400 (973) 718-2626 #509 6th Floor Suite 910 Suite 902 10013 10013 10019 10019 (212) 966-3886 (212) 422-7562 (917) 441-6094 (212) 399-7329 4th Floor Suite HW225 Suite TH576 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10003 10001 10001 10016 10035 10016 10016 10016 10016 10022 10013 (212) 263-7149 (212) 263-5668 (212) 263-5555 (212) 263-5656 (212) 263-5656 (212) 979-9224 (646) 660-9999 (212) 812-3556 (212) 263-5665 (212) 348-9400 (212) 263-5555 (212) 263-7149 (212) 263-5668 (212) 263-5555 (212) 289-7777 (212) 226-6610 Allergy/Immunology Bassett Bassett Bassett Dobozin Ehrlich Parikh Patel Schnipper Teitel Tolston Weissman Clifford Clifford Clifford Bruce Paul Purvi Harshit Steven Michael Evelyn Audrey 150 Broadway 381 Park Ave South 425 Madison Ave 121 East 60th Street 35 East 35th St 35 East 35th St 110 E 40th St 345 E 37th St 35 East 35th St 161 Madison Avenue 129 Wadsworth Ave STE 1601 STE 1020 11 FLR Audiologist Feng Guo Servedio Shamoil Kathy Jing Dominick Lauren 128 Mott Street 217 Grand Street 200 West 57th Street 1776 Broadway Cardiology Aizer Aizer Aizer Babaev Babaev Berdoff Bernaski Bernaski Bernaski Bernstein Bernstein Bernstein Bernstein Bernstein Borer Chang Anthony Anthony Anthony Anvar Anvar Russell Edward Edward Edward Neil Neil Scott Scott Scott Jeffrey Fang 403 East 34th Street 550 First Avenue 550 First Avenue 550 First Avenue 560 First Avenue 67 Irving Place 275 Seventh Avenue 275 Seventh Avenue 560 First Avenue 1787 Madison Ave 550 First Avenue 403 East 34th Street 550 First Avenue 550 First Avenue 635 Madison Ave 110 Lafayette Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 7th Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor Suite 50C Suite TH576 F4 Suite HW225 Suite TH576 3rd Floor 3rd Floor SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Zip Phone Chen Chin Chinitz Coppola Coppola Deutsch Deutsch Diwan Dubois Dubois Fernaine Friedman Golduber Gorelik Hadpawat Han Hwang Han Hwang Hernandez Hernandez Holmes Holmes Holmes Jayasundera Kassotis Keller Kesanakurthy Kezerashvili Kim Kwan Lau Lazar Lee Lee Liou Jennifer Warren Larry John John Adam Adam Ravi Nicholas Nicholas George Howard Gary Dmitry Narendra Seol Seol Young Enrique Enrique Douglas Douglas Douglas Timothy John Seth Srinivas Anna Back Tak David Jason Hung-Sam Hung-Sam Michael 139 Centre Street 254 Canal Street 275 7th Avenue 275 7th Avenue 560 First Avenue 33 West 125th Street 354 Fort Washington Avenue 139 Centre Street 177 East 87th Street 638 Colombus Avenue 130 E 77th St 650 First Avenue 4446 Broadway 560 First Avenue 158 W 27th St 275 7th Avenue 275 Seventh Avenue 130 East 77th Street 4290 Broadway 403 East 34th Street 530 First Avenue 550 First Avenue 184 E 70th St. 635 Madison Avenue, 1421 3 Ave 177 Fort Washington Avenue 920 Broadway 727 6th Avenue 139 Centre Street 139 Centre Street 635 Madison Ave 227 Madison Street 36 West 44th Street 139 Centre Street Suite 307 Suite 3002 3rd Floor 3rd Floor HW228 10013 10013 10001 10001 10016 10027 10033 10013 10128 10024 10075 10016 10040 10016 10001 10001 10001 10075 10033 10016 10016 10016 10021 10022 10028 10032 10010 10010 10013 10013 10022 10002 10036 10013 (212) 334-3507 (212) 431-8808 (646) 660-9999 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5665 (212) 289-5795 (212) 781-0100 (212) 334-3507 (212) 828-3200 (212) 828-3200 (212) 434-2606 (212) 889-9393 (212) 567-6000 (212) 263-5656 (212) 563-2627 (646) 660-9999 (646) 660-9999 (212) 434-2606 (212) 781-5075 (212) 263-7149 (212) 263-5656 (212) 263-5555 (718) 763-6666 (212) 289-7777 (212) 390-1020 (212) 342-3616 (212) 475-8066 (718) 997-9000 (212) 334-3507 (212) 334-3507 (212) 289-7777 (212) 238-7614 (212) 730-9010 (212) 334-3507 Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Room 307 3rd Floor 3rd Floor Fl 3 9th Floor, Black Hall 2S F4 Suite TH576 ofc B2 3rd Floor 5 Fl Milstein Hospital, 2nd Fl Suite 600 4th Floor Suite 307 Suite 307 3rd Floor Suite 307 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Zip Phone Marmur Marrero Mascarenhas Mascarenhas Mascarenhas Messineo Morlote Morlote Morlote Navarro Oboler Osher Osher Platania Preibisz Rim Rubenstein Saint-Jacques Santoni Rugiu Sehhat Shah Singh Staniloae Staniloae Staniloae Suri Tam Tarkoff Vales Lay Vartolomei Weiss Weiss Weiss Woldenberg Jonathan Daniel Mark Mark Mark Frank Manuel Manuel Manuel Victor Lara Annette Annette Joseph Jacek An-Moo Stephen Henock Francesco Khashayar Alan Varinder Cezar Cezar Cezar Ranjit Steve David Lori Roxana Stephen Stephen Stephen David 635 Madison Ave 27 W 86 Street 403 East 34th Street 550 First Avenue 550 First Avenue 403 East 34th St 275 7th Avenue 560 First Avenue 560 First Avenue 530 First Avenue 130 East 77th Street 103 East 81st Street 941 Park Avenue 920 Park Avenue 525 East 68th Street 4405 Broadway 920 Broadway 1787 Madison Ave 1421 3rd Avenue 460 Park Avenue 347 East 37th Street 130 East 77th Street 275 7 Ave 560 First Ave HW228 560 First Ave TH 225 1421 3 Ave 110 Lafayette Street 29 W 34th St 275 7th Avenue 550 1st Ave 111 West 57th Street 142 West 57th Street 15 West 65th Street 121 E 60 St 3rd Floor 1B 4th Floor Suite HW225 Suite TH576 4th Fl 3rd Floor 10022 10024 10016 10016 10016 10016 10001 10016 10016 10016 10075 10028 10028 10028 10065 10040 10010 10035 10026 10016 10016 10075 10001 10016 10016 10028 10013 10001 10001 10016 10019 10019 10023 10022 (212) 289-7777 (718) 423-3355 (212) 263-7149 (212) 263-5668 (212) 263-5555 (212) 263-7149 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5665 (212) 263-5668 (212) 263-7751 (212) 434-2606 (212) 861-6161 (212) 861-6161 (212) 535-3436 (212) 746-5454 (212) 740-2020 (212) 475-8066 (212) 348-9400 (212) 249-6500 (212) 686-2220 (212) 726-7415 (212) 434-3090 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5665 (212) 263-5668 (212) 390-1020 (212) 226-6610 (718) 734-3018 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5664 (212) 765-0765 (212) 765-0765 (212) 769-6313 (212) 230-1144 Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite 9U 9th Floor Ste 600 Suite 50C 6th Floor Suite 208 3 Fl 5 Fl 3rd Floor Fl 4 Floor 3 Tisch 2 Suite 1403 Suite 503 STE 9B SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Woldenberg Wu David Henry 920 Broadway 70 Bowery Ste 600 Suite 303 Bass De la Cruz Odulak Santoro Kenneth Juan Taras Jamie Lau David Bernstein Penzer Mitchell Jason Chan Chernyavskiy Coppola Coppola Zaman Thomas Igor John John Mohammad Alvarez del Manzano Azfar Brand Coven DeFelice DeFelice Fellner Fox Goldburt Green Greenspan Greenspan Hardick-Dacko Heller Heller Gilberto Rahat Rena Todd Taylor Taylor Michael Joshua Valerie Richard Alan Alan Anne Bruce Bruce Chiropractic 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd 33 East 7 St 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology 139 Centre Street Suite 307 Colorectal Surgery (formerly proctology) 530 First Ave Suite 7V 515 Madison Ave STE 705 Critical Care (Intensivists) 198 Canal Street Suite 602 4405 Broadway 275 7th Avenue 3rd Floor 560 First Avenue HW228 137 West 96th Street Dermatology 130 West 42nd St Suite 1900 161 6th Avenue Ste 1304 345 E 37th St Rm 307 130 West 86th Street 36 East 36th Street Suite 202 71 Park Ave 4470 Broadway Suite #4 130 West 86th Street 130 West 86th Street 200 Central Park South Suite 107 39 Broadway Rm 3005 39 Broadway Suite 1911 24 east 12th Street Suite 304 110 East 55th Street 21 West 19th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Zip Phone 10010 10013 (212) 475-8066 (212) 925-4088 10026 10026 10003 10026 (212) 864-1500 (212) 864-1500 (212) 260-2213 (212) 864-1500 10013 (212) 334-3507 10016 10022 (646) 501-0584 (212) 675-2997 10013 10040 10001 10016 10025 (212) 693-1800 (212) 740-2020 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5665 (212) 749-7400 10036 10013 10016 10024 10016 10016 10040 10024 10024 10019 10006 10006 10003 10002 10011 (212) 391-8600 (212) 242-1023 (212) 532-5355 (212) 787-2929 (212) 683-6073 (212) 689-9587 (212) 569-7144 (212) 787-2929 (212) 787-2929 (212) 262-2500 (212) 509-5201 (212) 509-5200 (646) 421-6064 (212) 283-3000 (212) 203-5519 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Heller Hughes Katz Kihiczak Kihiczak Kleinberg Kleinberg Lebovits Lebovits Levit Long Long Long Mitchell Marchbein Orbuch Patterson Quintana Radoszycki Radoszycki Saini Torres Torres Weinberg Weinberg Bruce Melville Bruce George George Charles Charles Pinkas Pinkas Eyal William William Wendy Shari Philip Bentley Adelle Helen Helen Ritu Omar Omar Jeffrey Jeffrey Suite 405 Aberg Aberg Adler Adler Albert Albert Ambrosino Ambrosino Axel Caroline Caroline Ronald Ronald Robin Robin Michael Michael Leon 315 West 57 Street 58 East 116th Street 60 East 56th Street 36A E. 36th St. 71 Park Ave. 1000 Park Ave at corner of 84th St 275 7th Avenue 200 West 58th Street 427 Fort Washington Avenue 880 5th Avenue 36 E 36th St 71 Park Ave 71 Park Ave 36 A East 36th St 345 East 37th St 200 Central Park South 130 West 42nd St 150 Broadway 5 Harrison Street 345 E. 37th St. 117 E 18th Street 117 East 18th Street 10 Union Square East 1090 Amsterdam Avenue Diagnostic Radiology 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 403 East 34th Street 560 First Avenue 207 East 84th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite 202 Suite 1A 1st Floor 1C Suite 1 Suite 1K Suite 202 Suite 1A Suite 202 STE 307 Suite 107 Suite 1900 Suite 1110 Ground Floor Suite 209 Frnt 1 Suite 1 Suite 3 C Suite 11 D Zip Phone 10019 10029 10022 10016 10016 10028 10001 10019 10033 10021 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10019 10036 10038 10013 10016 10003 10003 10003 10025 (212) 245-8123 (212) 876-9700 (212) 688-5882 (212) 683-6073 (212) 689-9587 (212) 288-1399 (212) 924-2510 (212) 757-7010 (212) 461-0605 (212) 288-6100 (212) 683-6073 (212) 689-9587 (212) 689-9587 (212) 683-6073 (212) 532-5355 (212) 262-2500 (212) 391-8600 (212) 962-1115 (212) 619-0666 (212) 263-7222 (212) 673-5633 (212) 673-5633 (212) 844-8800 (212) 523-5898 10016 10016 10016 10028 10028 10016 10016 10016 10016 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-8396 (212) 263-7216 (646) 754-3300 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Axel Baxter Baxter Beltran Beltran Bencardino Bencardino Bennett Bennett Beranbaum Beranbaum Bernstein Bernstein Birnbaum Birnbaum Boltin Boltin Bonavita Bonavita Bosniak Bosniak Bosniak Brandes Brusca-Augello Bryk Chandarana Chang Chapnick Charles Chhor Chhor Cho Cho Ciavarra Leon Alexander Alexander Luis Luis Jenny Jenny Genevieve Genevieve Elliott Elliott Mark Mark Bernard Bernard Carolyn Carolyn John John Morton Morton Morton Kathy Geraldine Hillel Hersh Gregory Jeffrey Hearns Chloe Chloe Kyunghee Kyunghee Gina 333 East 38th Street 111 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 111 Broadway 207 East 84th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 301 East 17th Street 403 East 34th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 221 Lexington Avenue 403 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10028 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10003 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-9700 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-9700 (646) 754-3300 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 598-6000 (212) 263-8396 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-8396 (212) 731-5002 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Cohen Cohen Dalton Dalton Davis Davis Dunham Elias Falk Farquharson Farquharson Fatterpekar Fefferman Frenna Frenna Frenna Friedman Friedman Genieser Genieser George George Ghesani Ghesani Ghesani Giovanniello Giovanniello Girvin Girvin Golimbu Golimbu Gross Gross Grossman Benjamin Jodi Jack Jack Adam Adam Kevin Kristin Abigail Sean Sean Girish Nancy Thomas Thomas Thomas Ariel Ariel Nancy Nancy Ajax Ajax Munir Munir Munir Giovanna Giovanna Francis Francis Cornelia Cornelia Jonathan Jonathan Robert 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 1421 3rd Avenue 61 E 77th Street 301 East 17th Street 403 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 403 East 91st Street 221 Lexington Avenue 403 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 221 Lexington Avenue 240 East 38th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 1000 Tenth Avenue 1111 Amsterdam Avenue 325 West 15th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 324 East 23rd Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 560 First Avenue 660 First Avenue 333 East 38th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 2nd Floor Zip Phone 10016 10016 10028 10075 10003 10016 10016 10016 10128 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10019 10025 10011 10016 10016 10016 10010 10016 10016 10028 10016 10016 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 772-2130 (212) 772-2130 (212) 598-6000 (212) 263-8396 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 427-9895 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-8396 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-5230 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 590-2900 (212) 590-2900 (212) 504-6000 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 598-6104 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-7216 (212) 263-6246 (212) 263-5212 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Gyftopoulos Gyftopoulos Hagiwara Heffernan Heffernan Hindman Hindman Jacobs Jacobs Katz Katz Kim Kim Kim Kim Knopp Knopp Ko Ko Kovacs Kovacs Kricheff Kricheff La Rocca Vieira La Rocca Vieira Lala Lala Lao Latson Lee Lee Lefleur Lefleur Lefleur Soterios Soterios Mari Cathleen Cathleen Nicole Nicole Jill Jill David David Danny Danny Sooah Sooah Edmond Edmond Jane Jane Sandor Sandor Irvin Irvin Renata Renata Shailee Shailee Roger Larry Jiyon Jiyon Richard Richard Richard 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 301 East 17th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 111 Broadway 207 East 84th Street 221 Lexington Avenue 111 Broadway 310 East 22nd Street 333 East 38th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Fl 2 Zip Phone 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10003 10016 10016 10016 10028 10016 10016 10016 10016 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 598-6000 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5230 (646) 754-3300 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-9700 (212) 674-0531 (212) 263-5212 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Leitman Lim Lim Loh Lui Mason McGuinness McMenamy Mechlin Mechlin Mechlin Megibow Melsaether Melsaether Melsaether Mercado Mercado Mercado Milla Milla Mitnick Mitnick Moore Moore Mourtzikos Mourtzikos Moy Moy Moy Muscato Muscato Naidich Naidich Naidich Barry Ruth Ruth John Yvonne Derek Georgeann John Michael Michael Michael Alec Amy Amy Amy Cecilia Cecilia Cecilia Sarah Sarah Robin Robin Sandra Sandra Karen Karen Linda Linda Linda Christa Christa David David David 160 East 34th Street 240 East 38th Street 324 East 23rd Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 240 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 111 Broadway 310 East 22nd Street 403 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 111 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 310 East 22nd Street 301 East 17th Street 310 East 22nd Street 324 East 23rd Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 301 East 17th Street 310 East 22nd Street 324 East 23rd Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 111 Broadway 310 East 22nd Street 324 East 23rd Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10016 10016 10010 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10003 10016 10010 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10003 10016 10010 10016 10016 10016 10016 10010 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5230 (212) 598-6104 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5230 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-9700 (212) 674-0531 (212) 263-8396 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-9700 (212) 731-5002 (212) 674-0531 (212) 598-6000 (212) 674-0531 (212) 598-6104 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 598-6000 (212) 674-0531 (212) 598-6104 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-9700 (212) 674-0531 (212) 598-6104 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Needelman Needelman Nelson Nelson Nusbaum Nusbaum Nusbaum Ohson Ohson Petchprapa Petchprapa Pinkney Pinkney Pugach Pugach Pysarenko Pysarenko Recht Rivera Rosenberg Rosenberg Rosenkrantz Rybak Rybak Rybak Sadarangani Sanger Seltzer Shapiro Shapiro Shaylor Shepherd Shepherd Shiau Paul Paul Peter Peter Annette Annette Annette Aspan Aspan Catherine Catherine Lynne Lynne Mark Mark Kristine Kristine Michael Rafael Zehava Zehava Andrew Leon Leon Leon Gurmukh Joseph Alexandra Maksim Maksim Sara Timothy Timothy Maria 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 221 Lexington Avenue 240 East 38th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 403 East 34th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 301 East 17th Street 530 First Avenue 560 First Avenue 227 E 19th St 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 111 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 660 First Avenue 240 East 38th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Fl 2 Fl 2 Zip Phone 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10003 10016 10028 10003 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-5230 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 263-8396 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 731-5002 (212) 598-6000 (212) 263-7195 (212) 263-7216 (212) 995-6587 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-0050 (212) 263-0050 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-6246 (212) 263-5230 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Shiau Silvers Singer Slywotzky Slywotzky Srichai-Parsia Sridhar Sridhar Sridhar Strubel Strubel Testa Testa Tiu Tiu Toth Toth Wadler Wadler Wetter Wetter Wickstrom Wickstrom Yaghoobian Yaghoobian Yaghoobian Yee Yee Maria Adam Cory Chrystia Chrystia Monvadi Divya Divya Divya Naomi Naomi Jane Jane Serafin Serafin Hildegard Hildegard Beth Beth Ellen Ellen Maj Maj John (Jahanguir) John (Jahanguir) John (Jahanguir) Joseph Joseph Manessis Purohit Young Anastasios Amar Iven Bratcher Jason 324 East 23rd Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 221 Lexington Avenue 240 East 38th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 111 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 403 East 34th Street 560 First Avenue 111 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 221 Lexington Avenue 240 East 38th Street 530 First Avenue 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street Endocrinology 275 7th Avenue 155 East 76th Street 275 7th Ave Gastroenterology 305 Second Avenue Lower Level Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10010 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10028 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 (212) 598-6104 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-5230 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 263-9700 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-8396 (212) 263-7216 (212) 263-9700 (212) 731-5002 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 731-5372 (212) 263-5230 (212) 263-7195 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 2nd Floor Suite #1J 2nd Floor 10001 10021 10001 (212) 675-9332 (212) 879-3497 (212) 675-9332 Suite 3 10003 (212) 734-8874 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Chu Chu Chu Dyrszka Dyrszka Eng Foong Freiman Gualtieri Gurvits Li Litvak Marsh Marsh Masood McCabe Meltzer Mendelsohn Narasimhan Narasimhan Palmon Renvoize Romeu Samuel Sanghavi Shvarts Tom Danny Mark Mark Herbert Herbert Rene Anthony Hal Nicholas Grigoriy Jianjun Yevgeny Franklin Franklin Omer Evin Robert Robert Gopal Gopal Ron Guy Jose Shelby Bharat Alexander Winston #608 Ste. 608 Suite 202 8th Floor Ste 1B 7th Floor Suite 601 Suite 1D Apt 1 D Ste 9N Suite 704 STE 1A Bebawi Bebawi Berland Berland Berland Bernik Magdi Magdi Todd Todd Todd Stephanie 13-17 Elizabeth Street 13-17 Elizabeth Street 20 East 46th Street 250 Park Avenue South 60 Gramercy Park N 217 Grand Street 210 Canal Street 59 W 12th Street 59 W 12th Street 530 First Ave. 139 Centre Street 7 Lexington Ave 1879 Madison Avenue 342 E 67th St 33 West 125th Street 305 Second Avenue 629 West 185th Street 65 East 96 Street 4405 Broadway 481 Fort Washington Avenue 1049 Park Avenue 4470 Broadway 65 East 96 Street 470 Lenox Avenue 44 Gramercy Park N 232 E 12 St 139 Centre Street General Surgery 33 W 125 St 765 Amsterdam Ave 111 Broadway 301 East 17th Street 530 First Ave. 100 East 77th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Ste 1D Lower Level - Suite 3 Suite 1-C Suite #4 Suite 1F Suite 1A APT 1F Suite 511 APT 1F Fl 2 Suite 6F 3 Wollman Zip Phone 10013 10013 10017 10003 10010 10013 10013 10011 10011 10016 10013 10010 10035 10065 10027 10003 10033 10128 10040 10033 10028 10040 10128 10037 10010 10003 10013 (212) 219-8031 (212) 219-8031 (646) 867-3680 (212) 979-3732 (212) 254-1220 (212) 941-0988 (212) 693-2100 (212) 206-0074 (646) 638-1528 (212) 263-3095 (212) 219-8878 (212) 420-0104 (212) 423-4000 (212) 288-8820 (212) 289-5795 (212) 734-8874 (212) 928-3900 (212) 534-6747 (212) 740-2020 (212) 781-8088 (212) 427-9888 (212) 569-7144 (212) 534-6747 (718) 498-7888 (212) 777-6017 (212) 460-5622 (212) 941-8273 10027 10025 10006 10003 10016 10075 (212) 289-5795 (212) 663-3600 (212) 263-9700 (212) 263-7311 (646) 263-7311 (212) 434-6970 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Bernik Bernstein Cioroiu Cioroiu Ferstenberg Gave Gave Gelbfish Godfrey Harrington Harrington Hon Hopkins Hopkins Kundel Levinson Malhotra Newman Ogilvie Pachter Pamoukian Pamoukian Patel Patel Piper Rockman Rockman Rockman Schanzer Shemen Wong Zisbrod Stephanie Mitchell Michael Michael Henry Asaf Asaf Gary Henry Elizabeth Martin Peter Mary Ann Mary Ann Anna Adam Sunil Elliot Jennifer Leon Vicken Vicken Kepal Nirav Greta Caron Caron Caron Harry Larry Steven Zvi 3rd Floor Suite 7V L-3 Cheung William 100 East 77th Street 530 First Ave 247 Third Avenue First Avenue at 16th Street 461 Park Avenue South 10 Union Square East 10 Union Square East 449 East 58th Street 1919 Madison Avenue 1115 5th Avenue 1115 5th Avenue 4405 Broadway 301 East 17th Street 530 First Avenue 530 First Ave 5 E 98th St 530 First Avenue 530 First Avenue 530 First Ave 530 First Avenue 130 East 77th Street 4405 Broadway 530 First Ave 20 East 46th Street 530 First Avenue 207 East 84th Street 301 East 17th Street 530 First Ave. 993 Park Avenue 233 E. 69th Street 139 Centre Street 4405 Broadway Hematology 19 Bowery Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 11th Floor Suite 2N Suite 2-P Ofc 1 Suite 1C Suite 1C Suite 6C Fl 6 Suite 9V Suite 6C Suite 6H Suite 6C 13th Floor Suite 6H 9th Floor Suite 6C Suite 6F #1D Suite 512 2 Floor Suite 8 Zip Phone 10075 10016 10010 10003 10016 10003 10003 10025 10035 10128 10128 10040 10003 10016 10016 10029 10016 10016 10016 10016 10075 10040 10016 10017 10016 10028 10003 10016 10028 10021 10013 10040 (212) 434-6900 (646) 501-0584 (212) 995-8099 (212) 420-2300 (212) 768-0562 (212) 844-1026 (212) 844-1026 (212) 593-3004 (212) 987-1777 (212) 876-7400 (212) 876-7400 (212) 740-2020 (212) 263-7302 (212) 263-7302 (212) 263-7710 (212) 241-8711 (212) 263-7707 (212) 263-7302 (212) 263-7710 (212) 263-7302 (212) 434-3420 (212) 740-2020 (212) 263-7710 (646) 490-5475 (212) 263-7302 (646) 754-3300 (212) 263-7311 (646) 263-7311 (212) 396-1254 (212) 472-8882 (212) 431-6463 (212) 740-2020 10002 (212) 226-2251 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Culliney Culliney Culliney Dalton Dalton Hirschman Kempin Kreditor Levy Levy Mastan Radin Vizel-schwartz Wang Bruce Bruce Bruce Jack Jack Richard Sanford Maxim Benjamin Benjamin Alina Arthur Monique Jen Yoe Yoe Yoe Joseph Joseph Joseph Chowdhury Kavet Reza Jay Falk Abigail Ament Cheung Culliney Culliney Culliney Dalton Dalton Grossbard Grossbard Hirschman Joseph William Bruce Bruce Bruce Jack Jack Michael Michael Richard 10 Union Square East Suite 4C 1st Avenue and East 16th Street 325 West 15th Street 1421 3rd Avenue 61 E 77th Street 247 3rd Avenue 325 West 15th Street 380 Second Ave STE 1003 10 Union Square East Suite 4A 325 West 15th Street 247 3rd Ave Ste 403 247 Third Avenue Suite 301 247 Third Avenue Suite 301 2 Mott Street #205 Hematology/Oncology 1919 Madison Ave 535 West 110th Street Ste 1D 84 Bowery St 5th Floor Infectious Disease 2450 Frederick Douglass Boulevard 147 East 26th Street 2nd Floor Interventional Radiology 403 East 91st Street 2nd Floor Medical Oncology 920 Park Avenue 19 Bowery 2 Floor Suite 8 10 Union Square East Suite 4C 1st Avenue and East 16th Street 325 West 15th Street 1421 3rd Avenue 61 E 77th Street 160 East 34th Street 240 East 38th Street 247 3rd Avenue Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10003 10003 10011 10028 10075 10010 10011 10010 10003 10011 10010 10010 10010 10013 (212) 844-8287 (212) 844-8287 (888) 442-2623 (212) 772-2130 (212) 772-2130 (212) 228-0471 (212) 844-8456 (212) 448-9555 (212) 844-8456 (888) 442-2623 (212) 228-4600 (212) 387-0655 (212) 228-7645 (212) 227-4505 10035 10025 10013 (212) 987-1777 (212) 864-8888 (212) 925-8183 10027 10010 (212) 889-8568 10128 (212) 427-9895 10028 10002 10003 10003 10011 10028 10075 10016 10016 10010 (212) 410-6200 (212) 226-2251 (212) 844-8287 (212) 844-8287 (888) 442-2623 (212) 772-2130 (212) 772-2130 (212) 731-5196 (212) 731-5180 (212) 228-0471 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Kempin Klein Klein Klein Kreditor Levy Levy Li Malamud Malamud Malamud Patel Radin Shum Wang Wilson Sanford Paula Paula Paula Maxim Benjamin Benjamin Zujun Stephen Stephen Stephen Kanu Arthur Kee Jen Melissa 325 West 15th Street 10 Union Square East 1000 10th Avenue 325 W 15th Street 380 Second Ave 10 Union Square East 325 West 15th Street 160 East 34th St 10 Union Square East 1st Ave at 16th Street 325 West 15th Street 145 E 15th St 247 Third Avenue 254 Canal Street 2 Mott Street 160 East 34th Street Address 2 Suite 4C 11th Floor STE 1003 Suite 4A Suite 4C Apt 1A Suite 301 Suite 3001 #205 Zip Phone 10011 10003 10019 10011 10010 10003 10011 10016 10003 10003 10011 10003 10010 10013 10013 10016 (212) 844-8456 (212) 604-6021 (212) 604-6021 (212) 367-1826 (212) 448-9555 (212) 844-8456 (888) 442-2623 (212) 731-5165 (212) 844-8280 (212) 844-8280 (888) 442-2623 (212) 673-3737 (212) 387-0655 (212) 941-0660 (212) 227-4505 (212) 731-5452 10013 10013 10013 10016 10001 10128 10013 10013 10021 10003 10010 10013 10075 10027 10128 10025 10040 (212) 966-0808 (212) 226-8027 (212) 334-1207 (212) 599-0313 (212) 807-8817 (212) 427-9895 (212) 966-0808 (212) 966-0068 (212) 529-6486 (212) 529-6486 (212) 529-6486 (212) 334-8108 (212) 288-4300 (212) 289-5795 (212) 427-9895 (212) 866-7783 (212) 740-2020 Nephrology Sun Chan Chung Chung DeFabritus Jotwani Liang Ma Moutoussis Moutoussis Moutoussis Nguyen Orin Patel Preddie Rathi Shtern Wei Richard Susie Susie Albert Manish Elizabeth Chan George George George Dang Gary Bindi Dean Dwarka Yana 139 Centre Street 139 Centre Street 139 Centre Street 345 East 37th Street 352 7th Avenue 1775 York Avenue 139 Centre Street 128 Mott Street 1365 York Avenue 222 E 19th St 247 3rd Avenue 41 Elizabeth Street 311 East 79th Street 33 West 125th Street 1775 York Avenue 1090 Amsterdam Avenue 4405 Broadway Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite 703 Suite 712 Suite 320 Suite 308 Suite 1003 Suite 703 Suite 405 Apt 22a #1e #301 Suite 302 Suite C Suite 9C SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Soomro Soomro Soomro Spinowitz Wilkes Zhou Irfana Irfana Irfana Noam Barry Eric 530 First Ave 550 First Ave 560 First Ave 1775 York Avenue 885 Park Avenue 39 East Broadway Suite 9N Tisch 18th Floor Ofc 1p Suite 1A Suite 307 Zip Phone 10016 10016 10016 10128 10075 10002 (212) 839-0700 (212) 839-0700 (212) 839-0700 (212) 427-9895 (212) 861-3534 (212) 766-8168 10007 10065 10013 10013 10016 10016 10016 10001 10065 10016 10013 10024 10007 10016 10016 10016 10017 10017 10017 10003 10007 10007 10016 10016 10017 10016 10016 (646) 781-9229 (212) 288-4181 (212) 226-6780 (212) 226-6780 (646) 558-0803 (646) 558-0803 (212) 871-0227 (212) 924-2510 (212) 288-8832 (212) 239-2112 (212) 796-7088 (212) 874-2726 (718) 371-4400 (718) 332-7878 (646) 558-0869 (646) 558-0869 (212) 661-7486 (212) 661-7486 (212) 661-7486 (212) 844-8489 (646) 781-9229 (212) 790-6000 (646) 558-0805 (212) 871-0227 (212) 661-7486 (212) 263-7744 (212) 213-0270 Neurology Briskin Carasca Ding Ding Dugan Dugan Dugan Fitzpatrick Frid Hausknecht Hon Klapper Kolesnik Krishna Kuzniecky Kuzniecky Laban-Grant Lambrakis Lancman Lee Leybel Leybel Luciano Luciano Mesad Minen Minen Klara Andrei Lei Lei Patricia Patricia Patricia Christine Elena Aric Jade David Dmitriy Ranga Ruben Ruben Olgica Christos Marcelo Kyusang Boris Boris Daniel Daniel Salah Mia Mia 225 Broadway 875 Fifth Ave 139 Center Street 265 Canal St 223 East 34th St. 240 East 38th St. 724 Second Ave 275 7th Avenue 151 East 62 St 19 East 37th Street 128 Mott Street 7 West 81st Street 225 Broadway 164 Madison Avenue 223 East 34th St. 240 East 38th St. 820 2nd Avenue 820 2nd Avenue 820 2nd Avenue 10 Union Square East 225 Broadway 223 East 34th St. 724 Second Ave 820 2nd Avenue 240 E. 38th St. 650 First Avenue Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 STE 1012 Suite 102 Ste 416 Fl 4 STE 1A Suite 607 1A Suite# 2018 4th Floor Suite 6C Suite 6C Suite 6C Suite 5D 14th Floor 1420 STE 1012 Suite 6C SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Mortati Nadkarni Nadkarni Nadkarni Pacia Pacia Pacia Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Shapiro Shapiro Sherer Thakur Yohay Yohay Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhou Katherine Siddhartha Siddhartha Siddhartha Steven Steven Steven Alcibiades Alcibiades Alcibiades Maksim Maksim Mira Neelima Kaleb Kaleb Xishan Xishan Xishan Guoping Suite A Chang Martin Edwin Denny Chang Friedman Friedman Ghesani Ghesani Ghesani Kezerashvili Kim Kwan Liou Fang Kent Kent Munir Munir Munir Anna Back Tak Michael 450 Clarkson Avenue 223 E. 34th St. 240 East 38th St. 724 Second Ave 130 East 77th St 223 East 34th St. 240 East 38th St. 223 East 34th St. 240 East 38th St. 724 Second Ave 111 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 4405 Broadway 820 2nd Avenue 160 East 32nd Street 240 E. 38th St. 210 Canal Street 301 East 17th Street 318 East 23rd Street 1787 Madison Avenue Neurosurgery 139 Centre Street 39 Broadway Ave Nuclear Medicine 110 Lafayette Street 160 East 34th Street 333 East 38th Street 1000 Tenth Avenue 1111 Amsterdam Avenue 325 West 15th Street 920 Broadway 727 6th Avenue 139 Centre Street 139 Centre Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Zip Phone Suite 50C 10017 10016 10016 10016 10065 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10016 10040 10017 10016 10016 10013 10003 10010 10035 (718) 270-2734 (646) 558-0870 (646) 558-0870 (212) 871-0227 (212) 434-2277 (646) 558-0867 (646) 558-0867 (212) 871-0227 (212) 871-0227 (212) 871-0227 (212) 263-0050 (212) 263-0050 (212) 740-2020 (212) 661-7486 (212) 263-8400 (212) 263-7744 (212) 233-3310 (212) 263-6008 (212) 263-6008 (212) 348-9400 Suite 608 25 FL 10013 10006 (718) 667-7500 (212) 263-1000 3rd Floor 10013 10016 10016 10019 10025 10011 10010 10010 10013 10013 (212) 226-6610 (212) 731-5002 (212) 263-5212 (212) 590-2900 (212) 590-2900 (212) 504-6000 (212) 475-8066 (718) 997-9000 (212) 334-3507 (212) 334-3507 7th Fl Fl 2 Fl 2 Suite 6C Room 410 Suite 600 4th Floor Suite 307 Suite 307 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Morlote Morlote Morlote Platania Ponzo Rentrop Rim Rotatori Stroe Weiss Weiss Weiss Manuel Manuel Manuel Joseph Fabio Klaus An-Moo Francesco Angela Stephen Stephen Stephen 3rd Floor Chee Curtis Dudek Holt Hyacinthe Irby Johnson III Keenan Nadeau Park Richey Romeo Schoen Np Spellman Thompson Zamora Zamora Benjamin Lisa Mona Elizabeth Ashlyn Shani Julius Kathleen Cheryl Jinhee Monica Sarah Mary A James Maureen Myra Myra Abrams Abrams Agarwal Janet Janet Ruchi 275 7th Avenue 560 First Avenue 560 First Avenue 920 Park Avenue 160 East 34th Street 920 Broadway 4405 Broadway 20 East 46th Street 4470 Broadway 111 West 57th Street 142 West 57th Street 15 West 65th Street Nurse Practitioner 83 Maiden Lane 75 Broad Street 150 Essex Street 266 West 145th Street 75 Broad Street 75 Broad Street 83 Maiden Lane 300 E 66th St 75 Broad Street 420 Lexington Avenue 4470 Broadway 81 West 115th Street 353 E 68th St 1305 York Avenue 4th 83 Maiden Lane 275 7th Avenue 75 Broad Street Obstetrics/Gynecology 111 Broadway 207 East 84th Street 303 2nd Ave Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite 600 7th Floor Suite #4 Suite 1403 Suite 503 6th Floor Suite 815 Suite 815 Suite 815 6th Floor Ste 815 Suite 1644 Suite 4 6th Floor Fl 3 Suite 815 Fl 2 Suite 9 Zip Phone 10001 10016 10016 10028 10016 10010 10040 10017 10040 10019 10019 10023 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5665 (212) 263-5668 (212) 535-3436 (212) 731-5002 (212) 475-8066 (212) 740-2020 (212) 758-3939 (212) 569-7144 (212) 765-0765 (212) 765-0765 (212) 769-6313 10038 10004 10002 10039 10004 10004 10038 10065 10004 10170 10040 10026 10065 10021 10038 10001 10004 (212) 895-3410 (877) 456-0369 (212) 477-1120 (646) 224-7116 (877) 456-0369 (877) 456-0369 (212) 780-4459 (646) 888-5200 (877) 456-0369 (212) 861-3313 (212) 569-7144 (212) 426-0088 (646) 422-4317 (646) 962-5483 (212) 780-4459 10006 10028 10003 (212) 263-9700 (646) 754-3300 (212) 777-3920 (877) 456-0369 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Agayeva Chan Eng Esses Levy Loehrke-Sichhart Nayak Newman Ngai Ramirez Styler Sy Tsyba Kamila Edward Lisa Jacob Yakov Lisa Sandhya Joyce Man Ling Christina Marianne Manuel Yelena Tan Byron Aleksandrovich Aljian Arnett Barest Batri Battu Berman Blum Chan Chynn Cohen Condax Cotliar Cotliar Cotliar Cotliar Criss Curreri Leon John Maria Jessica Adel Vijay David Lawrence Ian Emil Ben Peter Arthur Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jonathan Anthony 629 Park Avenue 128 Mott Street 128 Mott Street 4470 Broadway 4405 Broadway 5 E. 98th Street 20 East 46th St 233 E 69th Street 244 Grand Street 220 East 63rd St 7 West 81st St. 98 East Broadway 68 East 131st Street Occupational Therapy 68 East 131st Street Ophthalmology 4470 Broadway 310 East 14th Street 409 East 14th Street 340 E 49 St 247 3rd Avenue 150 E 56th Street 60 Riverside Drive 572 Park Avenue 139 Centre Street, 102 East 25th Street 140 E 80 St 30 West 60th Street 635 W 165th Street 130 Fort Washington Ave 2091 Amsterdam Ave 635 W. 165th St 235 Park Avenue South 247 Third Avenue Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone (212) 744-0392 (212) 587-8838 (212) 219-2723 (212) 569-7144 (212) 740-2020 2nd Floor Suite 100 10065 10013 10013 10040 10040 10029 10017 10021 10002 10065 10024 10002 10037 Suite 100 10037 (212) 281-8600 Suite #4 10040 10003 10009 10017 10010 10022 10024 10065 10013 10010 10075 10023 10032 10032 10032 10032 10003 10010 (212) 569-7144 (212) 979-4000 (212) 679-3280 (800) 778-6005 (212) 674-1233 (212) 755-8808 Suite 501 Ste. 401 Suite 4 Suite 1A 6th Floor Lobby J Suite A Suite 204 Apt 1A Sute 16 C PH 113 Suite 1 Y Suite 104 Suite 1M Suite 104 2nd Floor Suite 204 (718) 285-8781 (212) 517-8140 (212) 334-9898 (212) 308-3088 (212) 777-4577 (212) 625-9889 (212) 281-8600 (212) 751-8374 (631) 213-1668 (212) 741-8628 (212) 772-0600 (212) 813-9339 (212) 305-2241 (212) 568-2600 (212) 568-2600 (212) 568-2600 (212) 844-2020 (212) 979-2020 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Danias Dauhajre Dauhajre Dayan Dworecki Esposito Esposito Esposito Eviatar Fecarotta Felder Flanagan Flanagan Gelman Giovinazzo Glickman Goldberg Gordon Guberina Herschitz Herschorn Jacobson Jofe Kaufman Kaufmann Keyhani Khadem Khadem Khan Ko Laroche Lazzaro Levine Ligh John Jacqueline Jacqueline Alan Roman Donna Donna Donna Joseph Christopher Kenneth John John Rony Vincent Gary Daniel Leslie Carmen Izak Brian Lawrence Mark Stephen Cheryl Kayvan John John Sameena Wilson Daniel Douglas Arnold Jonathan 150 Broadway 140 East 80th Street 629 West 185th Street 33 W 42 St 409 East 14th Street 218 2nd Avenue 36 7th Avenue 49 West 23rd Street 33 W 42 St 150 Broadway 310 East 15th Street 218 Second Avenue 950 5 Avenue 150 Broadway 460 Park Avenue 30 Park Ave 55 East 86th Street 3777 Broadway 136 East 64th Street 4405 Broadway 30 East 65th Street 40 Park Avenue 218 Second Avenue 150 Broadway 121 East 60th Street 310 East 14th St 20 West 13th Street 36 7th Avenue 145 E. 32nd Street 128 Mott Street 49 West 127th Street 150 Broadway 205 West End Ave 345 E 37th St Suite 502 Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite A Ste. 417 12th Floor Fl 5 Suite 4 8th Floor Suite 403 Suite 422 Ste. 303 Suite 408 Suite 502 Apt 1r Rm 315 Zip Phone 10038 10075 10033 10036 10009 10003 10011 10010 10036 10038 10003 10003 10075 10038 10022 10016 10028 10032 10021 10040 10065 10016 10003 10038 10022 10003 10011 10011 10016 10013 10027 10038 10023 10016 (212) 732-5612 (646) 553-5220 (646) 553-5220 (212) 938-4001 (212) 677-3200 (212) 979-4000 (212) 255-4373 (212) 255-4373 (212) 938-4001 (646) 682-9192 (212) 533-3322 (212) 979-4253 (212) 535-8783 (646) 682-9192 (212) 861-9730 (212) 532-2500 (718) 798-3030 (212) 926-0336 (212) 628-5442 (212) 740-2020 (212) 772-8699 (212) 981-9812 (212) 979-4192 (212) 732-5612 (212) 838-8533 (212) 979-4410 (212) 604-9800 (212) 604-9800 (212) 777-2749 (212) 732-0073 (212) 663-0473 (212) 732-5612 (212) 580-0100 (212) 983-4510 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Magramm Marcovici McNally Miller Miller Moskowitz Moskowitz Moskowitz Nadel Nagel Naing Najac Paccione Pamel Pan Patel Pollack Pollack Poole Rabin Raviv Raviv Roberts Rothstein Rubinstein Shen Shen Shen Shen Sperber Spitzer Spitzer Stegman Stegman Irene Eli Lois Cynthia Samuel Bruce Bruce Bruce Alfred Dalia Andrew Richard Jeffrey Gregory Jane Payal Aryeh Aryeh Thomas Sheldon Tal Tal Bingjing Robert Marc Edward Edward Edward Ivy Laurence Jeffrey Jeffrey Zeev Zeev 220 E 63 St 1090 Amsterdam Avenue 229 East 79 Street 101 Riverside Drive 160 East 56 St 218 Second Avenue 310 East 14th Street 310 East 14th Street 140 East 80th Street 33 W 42 St 128 Mott Street 310 East 14th Street 109 Lafayette Street 115 East 61 Street 20 West 13th Street 240 East 38th Street 310 East 14th Street 345 East 37th Street 116 East 63rd Street 225 East 57th Street 218 Second Avenue 310 East 14th Street 185 Canal St 310 East 14th Street 340 East 49th Street 128-138 Mott Street 310 East 14th Street 65 Broadway 13 Elizabeth Street 166 East 63rd Street 20 East 46th Street 30 East 40th Street 101 Sherman Avenue 911 Park Avenue STE LM Suite 9A Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 STE 900 Suite 401 Suite 303 4th Floor Suite 1B Suite 212 Apt 1B Suite 306 Ste 608 6 Fl. Room 901 #704 Penthouse Suite 203 Zip Phone 10065 10025 10075 10024 10022 10003 10003 10003 10075 10036 10013 10003 10013 10065 10011 10016 10003 10016 10065 10022 10003 10003 10013 10003 10017 10013 10003 10006 10013 10065 10017 10016 10034 10021 (212) 644-5100 (212) 662-0399 (212) 228-0905 (212) 501-8558 (212) 758-3838 (212) 979-4192 (212) 979-4586 (212) 979-4000 (212) 772-0600 (212) 938-4001 (212) 966-7583 (212) 979-4000 (212) 274-1900 (212) 355-2215 (212) 604-9800 (212) 263-2367 (212) 439-9009 (212) 439-9009 (212) 838-4800 (718) 424-6569 (212) 979-4253 (212) 979-4000 (212) 219-7786 (212) 979-4253 (212) 750-2666 (212) 343-8399 (212) 979-4200 (212) 514-6933 (212) 941-8833 (212) 753-8300 (212) 353-0030 (212) 448-1005 (212) 569-2020 (212) 722-1703 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Terraciano Wald Weseley Wisnicki Wolintz Yuan Yuan Zazzali Anthony Kenneth Peter Herbert Robyn Rumei Rumei Albert Bryk Fleiss Fleiss Goldstein Harwin Kassapidis Kenan Lajam Sekhon Sekhon Shur Tress Youm Ziets Eli David David Robert Steven Elias Samuel Claudette Jaspreet Jaspreet Vladimir Vladimir Thomas Robert Arick Cheng Huo Jacobson Jacobson Kieserman Le Lee Lee Lee Daniel Andrew Jerry Adam Adam Stefan Bich Judy Judy Judy 218 Second Avenue 140 East 80th Street 310 E 14th Street 235 Park Ave S 33 W 42 St 139 Centre Street 81 Elizabeth Street 352 7th Avenue Orthopedic Surgery 170 W 12th St 4470 Broadway 942 Fifth Avenue 145 East 32nd Street 910 Park Avenue 1790 Broadway 317 E 34th St 303 Second Avenue 18 East 48th Street 37 Union Square West 4405 Broadway 301 E 17th St 1056 5th Avenue 10 Union Square E Otolaryngology 150 Broadway 110 Lafayette Street 552 Broadway 160 East 34th Street 240 East 38th St 61 East 86th Street 262 Central Park West 111 Broadway 530 First Avenue 550 First Avenue Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 2 Fl Ste 610 Suite 805 Suite #4 4th Fl. 10th Floor 9th Fl Suite 802 3rd Floor STE 5P Rm 713 Suite 501 3rd Floor Fl 9 Suite 1H Fl 2 Zip Phone 10003 10075 10003 10003 10036 10013 10013 10001 (212) 979-4192 (212) 772-0600 (212) 677-7200 (212) 844-2020 (212) 938-4001 (212) 966-5880 (718) 886-8318 (212) 807-8866 10011 10040 10021 10016 10075 10019 10016 10003 10017 10003 10040 10003 10028 10003 (212) 604-6262 (212) 569-7144 (212) 988-9400 (212) 427-3986 (212) 861-9800 (212) 265-2828 (212) 684-5511 (212) 598-6290 (212) 750-1110 (212) 750-1110 (212) 740-2020 (718) 261-9100 (212) 348-3636 (212) 717-1285 10038 10013 10012 10016 10016 10028 10024 10006 10016 10016 (212) 608-0700 (212) 925-3569 (212) 925-0620 (212) 731-5329 (212) 731-5329 (212) 717-8008 (212) 873-6036 (212) 263-9700 (212) 263-7022 (212) 754-1208 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Mehta Persky Persky Rothfeld Shawl Shemen Stern Tran Tran Yung Navin Mark Mark Ira Matthew Larry Jordan Theresa Tuyet-Phong Theresa Tuyet-Phong Raymond Canty Canty DeNatale DeNatale DeNatale Doan Doan Doan Khan Leybel Patel Shah Wang Zou Zou Timothy Timothy Christopher Christopher Christopher Lisa Lisa Lisa Mohammed Boris Kiran Binod Jing Shengping Shengping Chao Chao Cheng Dai Dauhajre Gross Hinke Tsai Tsai Daniel Guorong Richard Jeffrey Christine 303 2 Ave STE 10 160 East 34th Street Fl 9 240 East 38th St (5329) 172 East 71st St Ground Floor 853 Broadway Suite 903 233 E. 69th Street #1D 65 Broadway Suite 901 240 East 38th St 550 First Ave 217 Grand Street 6th Floor Pain Management 149 Madison Avenue Suite 702 50 orchard st apt 1c 301 East 17th Street 333 East 38th Street Ground Fl. 560 First Avenue 207 East 84th Street 301 East 17th Street 317 East 34th St Ste 902 240 East 38th Street 225 Broadway 14th Floor 1420 860 Fifth Avenue 1B 4915 Broadway St 1G 240 East 38th Street 240 East 38th Street 560 First Avenue Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 39 East 20th Street 5 Chatham Square 128 Mott Street Suite 710 118-122 Baxter Street Suite 503 66 Fort Washington Avenue 32 Union Sq East Fl 7 10 Union Square East Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10003 10016 10016 10021 10003 10021 10006 10016 10016 10013 (212) 505-9640 (212) 731-5329 (212) 731-5329 (212) 861-6655 (212) 787-6900 (212) 472-8882 (212) 683-0174 (212) 263-3808 (212) 754-1208 (212) 625-8069 10016 10002 10003 10016 10016 10028 10003 10016 10016 10007 10065 10034 10016 10016 10016 (917) 524-7546 (617) 642-0141 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (646) 781-9229 (212) 724-7246 (914) 207-1161 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 (212) 263-5072 10003 10038 10013 10013 10032 10003 10003 (212) 473-9155 (212) 566-4887 (212) 274-1577 (212) 343-9500 (212) 927-0013 (212) 529-5100 (212) 844-6028 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Hinke Hong Hryhorowych Huang Huang Jaff Jaff Jaff Lee Lippman Lu Nir Pak Perry Perry Podhorodecki Portugal Qu Ross Ross Ruiz Shah Shapiro Song Song Sukhov Wang Zhang Christine Yuanze Arthur Zhaoming Zhaoming Stacey Stacey Stacey Simon Eric Chao Jacob Nanwai Jeffrey Jeffrey Areta Salvador Xuemei Marc Marc Armando Binod Larry Lijun Lijun Renat Limeng Victoria Wong Toa Argade Bhalodia Bulanov Prajakta Rinkalben Tatiana 1st Avenue @ 16th Street 217 Grand Street 8th Floor 67 Irving Place South 6th Floor 39 East 20th Street 5 Chatham Square 382 Central Park W Apt 2g 43 Central Park North 1B 43 W 110th St Apt 1B 81 Elizabeth Street Suite 602 629 West 185th Street 41 Elizabeth Street Suite 703 681 Lexington Avenue Suite 4 A 130 W 12th St 303 2nd Avenue 333 E. 38th Street 44 Saint Mark's Place 333 East 38th Street 81 Elizabeth St Suite 303 158 W 127th St 227 E 19th St 4470 Broadway Suite 4 4915 Broadway St 1G 520 W 218th St 39 E 20th St Ofc 1 5 Chatham Sq Fl 2 400 East 34th Street 5th Floor Room 518 820 Second Avenue Suite 6A 70 Bowery Suite 308 Physical Therapist in Private Practice 84 Bowery 5th Floor Physical Therapy 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 4405 Broadway Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10016 10013 10003 10003 10038 10025 10026 10026 10013 10033 10013 10022 10011 10003 10016 10003 10016 10013 10027 10003 10040 10034 10034 10003 10038 10016 10017 10013 (212) 844-5525 (212) 966-8216 (212) 673-7500 (212) 473-9155 (212) 566-4887 (212) 222-1007 (212) 222-1007 (212) 222-1007 (212) 219-9262 (212) 781-9223 (212) 219-0534 (212) 980-1200 (212) 604-8633 (212) 598-6625 (212) 598-6625 (212) 529-5966 (646) 356-9400 (212) 219-8987 (212) 995-6661 (212) 995-6661 (212) 569-7144 (914) 207-1161 (212) 304-1755 (212) 473-9155 (212) 566-4887 (212) 263-5619 (212) 867-6681 (212) 966-9818 10013 (212) 925-8183 10026 10026 10040 (212) 864-1500 (212) 864-1500 (212) 740-2020 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Chi Daniel Elsheikh Kim Klurfeld Laysa Laysa Losquadro Mui Patel Peter Platsman Plopinio Rupapara Wong Zhan Zhan Zheleznova Changyong Thomas Ahmed SoonOk Alex Nestor Nestor Jon Henry Kinjal Joseph Ninel Matias Neha Martin Frank Frank Elena Cenedese Goldstein Lerman Lerman Lerman Sadeh Shawl Luis Robert Oren Oren Oren Amnon Matthew Appel Castro Ferguson Fox Fox Gaudino Goez Beth Diana Christopher Joseph Joseph Salvatore Juan 139 Centre Street PH101 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 18 E 116th Street 12 W 32 St 2FL 452 Fort Washington Avenue Suite 7 701 W 177th Street Suite 1 8 Chatham Square Suite 704 225 Broadway STE 1420 84 Bowery 5th Floor 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 231 Sherman Ave STE 1F 4405 Broadway 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 1970 Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard 84 Bowery 5th Floor 139 Centre Street 709B 185 Canal Street Ste 505 153 Bennett Avenue Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 30 Central Park South 1123 Park Avenue 100 East 77th Street 3rd Floor 130 East 77th Street 13th Floor 210 East 64th Street 140 W 58 St Ste A 853 Broadway Suite 903 Podiatry 175 East 79 St 154 West 127th Street 250 W. 90th St 170 William Street Surgical Practice 5th Floor 33 5th Avenue One Maiden Laine 2nd Floor 81 West 115th Street Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10013 10026 10029 10001 10033 10033 10038 10007 10013 10026 10034 10040 10026 10026 10013 10013 10013 10040 (212) 343-8210 (212) 864-1500 (212) 828-8844 (718) 463-2700 (212) 795-9100 (646) 360-3879 (212) 962-0711 (212) 571-5000 (212) 925-8183 (212) 864-1500 (347) 357-7729 (212) 740-2020 (212) 864-1500 (212) 864-1500 (212) 925-8183 (212) 966-3040 (212) 966-3040 (212) 928-7800 10019 10028 10075 10075 10065 10019 10003 (212) 371-0468 (718) 405-7500 (212) 434-6980 (212) 434-3420 (212) 434-6980 (212) 459-9500 (212) 787-6900 10075 10027 10024 10038 10003 10038 10026 (212) 249-6644 (212) 749-3507 (212) 874-1190 (646) 898-4744 (212) 473-3049 (212) 343-3668 (212) 426-0088 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Goldman Goodman Guarino Guarino Hausman Hausman Hoang Joshi Lai Lashley Levy Levy Liang Lurie Menna Menna Merola Miller Muradov Muradov Pace Rauchwerger Rosas Rossman Silverstein Soo-hoo Soo-hoo Soo-hoo Springer Stepensky Vincent Williams Wolfson Zwiebel Gershon Warren Anthony Anthony Lionel Lionel Hao Jignasa Katherine Bruce Brian Brian Jian Scott Steve Steve Arthur Jeffrey Julia Julia George Orna Howard David Alan Dorene Dorene Dorene Keith Leon Lise Alecia Jeffrey Neil 231 Sherman Avenue 83 Maiden Lane 274 Madison Avenue 35 E 35th St 157 East 18th Street 205 E 22nd St 210 Canal Street 33 West 125th Street 111 East 88th Street 353 Lexington Avenue 1990A Lexington Ave 2597 Frederick Douglas Blvd 139 Centre Street 133 E 58th Street 347 5th Avenue 52 Duane Street 330 West 34th Street 115 E 61 St 231 East 106th Street 2597 Frederick Douglas Boulevard 347 5th Avenue 33 Park Avenue 4960 Broadway 133 East 58th Street 212 West 71st Street 110 Lafayette Street 227 Madison Street 95 University Place 220 E 63rd Street 208 East 116 Street 215 East 95th Street 4470 Broadway 233 West 14th Street 105 East 63rd Street 1F 6th Floor Room 605 Rm 1h Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite 204 Suite 1501 Suite #211 407 Suite 1110 15th Floor STE 3 Suite 1110 Suite 1C Suite 407 Suite #603 8th Floor Suite LN Suite #4 Suite 1D Zip Phone 10034 10038 10016 10016 10003 10010 10013 10027 10128 10016 10035 10030 10013 10022 10018 10007 10001 10065 10026 10030 10018 10016 10034 10022 10023 10013 10002 10003 10065 10029 10128 10040 10011 10065 (718) 457-7443 (212) 780-4459 (212) 532-8278 (212) 532-8278 (212) 532-2220 (212) 532-2220 (212) 571-7922 (212) 369-7340 (212) 996-1900 (212) 949-2901 (212) 534-5009 (212) 510-7160 (212) 619-2539 (212) 753-3520 (212) 629-5090 (212) 349-7676 (212) 947-5770 (212) 935-2330 (212) 534-5009 (212) 510-7160 (212) 629-5090 (212) 532-1800 (212) 569-3310 (212) 355-0964 (212) 362-6741 (212) 274-9988 (212) 238-7724 (212) 366-1718 (212) 751-2069 (212) 831-8940 (212) 996-8000 (212) 569-7144 (212) 645-3462 (212) 207-4360 SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Ayinla Ayinla Chan Chernyavskiy Diaz Klapholz Miranda Staniloae Staniloae Staniloae Woronoff Yadgarov Zaman Raji Raji Thomas Igor Diego Ari Rodolfo Cezar Cezar Cezar Richard Dmitriy Mohammad Friedman Kang Lipsztein Sadarangani Shasha Shasha Shasha Wu Xiao-Li Yeung Isaiah Josephine Roberto Gurmukh Daniel Daniel Daniel Elisa Helen Vincent Dasari Fafalak Teitel Suma Robert Ariel Anastasi Crawford Crawford Galloway John Bernard Bernard Aubrey Address 1 Pulmonary Disease 1827 Madison Avenue 75 East 116th Street 198 Canal Street 4405 Broadway 110 E 59 275 7 Ave 275 7th Avenue 275 7 Ave 560 First Ave HW228 560 First Ave TH 225 275 7th Avenue 355 West 52nd St., 137 West 96th Street Radiation Oncology 47 Essex Street 47 Essex Street 61 East 77th Street 227 E 19th St 10 Union Square East 1000 10th Avenue 1st Avenue at 16th Street 47 Essex Street 47 Essex Street 47 Essex Street Rheumatology 5 E 98th St 4470 Broadway 37 West 26th St. Thoracic Surgery 20 East 46 Street 160 E. 34th Street 530 First Avenue 530 First Avenue Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 2 Zip Phone 10035 10029 10013 10040 10022 10001 10001 10001 10016 10016 10001 10019 10025 (212) 722-1441 (212) 828-7700 (212) 693-1800 (212) 740-2020 (212) 583-2800 (646) 660-9999 (646) 660-9999 (646) 660-9999 (212) 263-5665 (212) 263-5668 (646) 660-9999 (646) 754-2100 (212) 749-7400 Ground Floor 10002 10002 10021 10003 10003 10019 10003 10002 10002 10002 (347) 532-2888 (347) 532-2888 (212) 772-2130 (212) 995-6587 (212) 844-8020 (212) 844-8020 (212) 844-8020 (347) 532-2888 (347) 532-2888 (347) 532-2888 Fl 11 Suite #4 Suite 204 10029 10040 10010 (212) 241-1671 (212) 569-7144 (212) 221-7971 Suite 501 Fl 8 Suite 9V Suite 9V 10017 10016 10016 10016 (212) 889-1171 (212) 731-5414 (212) 263-7365 (212) 263-7185 Suite 602 STE 9C Fl 3 3rd Floor 3 Fl 3rd Floor 7th Fl Ground Floor Ground Floor Ste 4F Ground Floor SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Zip Phone Grossi Hemli Malhotra Smith Williams Zisbrod Eugene Jonathan Sunil Deane Mathew Zvi 530 First Avenue 130 East 77th Street 530 First Avenue 530 First Avenue 530 First Avenue 4405 Broadway Suite 9V 4th Floor Suite 9V Suite 9V Suite 9V 10016 10075 10016 10016 10016 10040 (212) 263-7452 (212) 434-3000 (212) 263-7707 (212) 263-2329 (212) 263-7185 (212) 740-2020 5th Floor 10016 10003 10016 10016 10016 10021 10016 10032 10016 10038 10016 10003 10003 10128 10075 10040 10016 10021 10016 10128 (212) 679-6464 (212) 673-7300 (212) 686-1140 (212) 686-1140 (212) 684-4900 (516) 239-8877 (212) 683-1008 (212) 305-6905 (212) 686-9015 (212) 686-9015 (212) 686-1140 (212) 727-2887 (212) 727-2887 (212) 996-8000 (212) 737-2330 (212) 740-2020 (212) 686-9015 (212) 628-1800 (212) 686-1140 (212) 876-9811 10006 10028 10016 10025 10128 10128 (212) 263-9700 (646) 754-3300 (646) 263-7311 (212) 593-3004 (212) 876-7400 (212) 876-7400 Urology Bakal Berman Gluck Gluck Heyman Hochsztein Hom Jacobs Kaminetsky Kaminetsky Khanna Nadelson Nadelson Pike Plawner Plawner Provet Schwartz Warner Young Ron Steven Robert Robert Jacob Paul David Ben Jed Jed Himansh Elliot Elliot Sheldon Janusz Janusz John Barry Roger George Cayne Cayne Cayne Gelbfish Harrington Harrington Neal Neal Neal Gary Elizabeth Martin 461 Park Avenue South 201 East 19th Street 120 E 34 St 120 East 34th Street 109 E 38th Street 133 E 73rd St 251 East 33rd Street 161 Fort Washington Avenue 215 Lexington Avenue 96 Fulton St 120 East 34th Street 24 East 12 Street 88 University Place 215 E 95th St 205 East 78th Street 4405 Broadway 215 Lexington Ave 23 E 79th Street 120 E 34 St 1060 Fifth Avenue Vascular Surgery 111 Broadway 207 East 84th Street 530 First Ave. 449 East 58th Street 1115 5th Avenue 1115 5th Avenue Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Lower Level 11th Floor Fl 20 Suite 1 Suite 2-1 Room 24 Fl 20 Suite 1E/F Fl 2 Suite 6F Suite 1C Suite 1C SPECIALISTS Last Name First Name Address 1 Address 2 Jacobowitz Jacobowitz Jacobowitz Kabnick Kabnick Lamparello Lamparello Lamparello Maldonado Maldonado Maldonado Mussa Mussa Pamoukian Pamoukian Qin Rockman Rockman Rockman Sadek Sadek Schanzer Glenn Glenn Glenn Lowell Lowell Patrick Patrick Patrick Thomas Thomas Thomas Firas Firas Vicken Vicken Feng Caron Caron Caron Mikel Mikel Harry 111 Broadway 207 East 84th Street 530 First Ave. 449 East 58th St. 530 First Ave. 111 Broadway 207 East 84th Street 530 First Ave. 207 East 84th Street 301 East 17th Street 530 First Ave. 111 Broadway 301 East 17th Street 130 East 77th Street 4405 Broadway 123 Lafayette Street 207 East 84th Street 301 East 17th Street 530 First Ave. 449 East 58th St., 530 First Ave. 993 Park Avenue Fl 2 Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Suite 6F Suite 6F Second Floor Suite 6F Suite 6F Fl 2 13th Floor Suite 6F Suite 6F Zip Phone 10006 10028 10016 10022 10016 10006 10028 10016 10028 10003 10016 10006 10003 10075 10040 10013 10028 10003 10016 10022 10016 10028 (212) 263-9700 (646) 754-3300 (646) 263-7311 (212) 263-7311 (646) 263-7311 (212) 263-9700 (646) 754-3300 (646) 263-7311 (646) 754-3300 (212) 263-7311 (646) 263-7311 (212) 263-9700 (212) 263-7311 (212) 434-3420 (212) 740-2020 (212) 966-5522 (646) 754-3300 (212) 263-7311 (646) 263-7311 (212) 263-7311 (646) 263-7311 (212) 396-1254 Mental Health Physicians MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS Provider Name Ahmad, Maha APICHA Community Health Center Barnes, Cynthia D Barnes, Cynthia D Bellevue Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Blanton-Peale Counseling Center Care For The Homeless Center For Comprehensive Health Practice Center For Comprehensive Health Practice Chan, Andrew Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Collazo, Yasmin Community Association of Progressive Dominicans Community Health Project David Szuster Psychiatry PC Dr. Da Wang Psychiatric Consultation, PC Echevarria, Juan C. Federation Employment And Guidance Service (FEGS) Federation Employment And Guidance Service (FEGS) Fernando T Taveras MD PC FULL CIRCLE HEALTH Greenwich House Inc Greenwich House Inc Greenwich House Inc Greenwich House Inc Guz, Eugenia Halfiger, Sylvia Hamilton Madison House Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 1 33 W. 125th St. 400 Broadway 352 Seventh Avenue 623 W 145Th St 462 First Avenue First Avenue 7 West 30th Street 1 Wards Island 1900 Second Avenue 1900 Second Avenue 17 Elizabeth Street 125 Walker St 268 Canal Street 936 Fifth Avenue 3940 Broadway 356 West 18th Street 25 East 10th Street 8 Chatham Square 20 East 68th Street 203 West 12th Street 80 Van Dam Street 629 West 185th Street 19 West 34th Street 122 West 27th Street 190 Mercer Street 27 Barrow Street 27 Barrow Street 250 West 57th Street 622 West 168th Street 253 South Street Address 2 at 16th Street 9th Flr 9th floor 12th Floor #502 Suite 4 2nd Floor Suite 9F #301 Suite 206 2nd Floor Floor 3 2nd Floor Suite 2231 Zip 10027 10013 10001 10031 10016 10003 10001 10035 10029 10029 10013 10013 10013 10021 10032 10011 10003 10038 10065 10011 10013 10033 10001 10001 10012 10014 10014 10019 10032 10002 Phone (212) 427-2100 (212) 334-6029 (212) 563-1112 (212) 234-0100 (212) 562-4141 (212) 420-2000 (212) 725-6311 (212) 534-3866 (212) 360-7874 (212) 360-7874 (212) 431-9884 (212) 226-8866 (212) 941-2213 (212) 452-9671 (212) 781-5500 (212) 271-7200 (212) 460-5053 (516) 830-0229 (212) 535-8990 (212) 604-8201 (212) 366-8040 (212) 543-3500 (800) 518-3855 (212) 677-3400 (212) 677-3400 (212) 677-3400 (212) 677-3400 (718) 715-4768 (212) 305-9691 (212) 720-4564 MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS Provider Name HECTOR H GOA MD PC HENRY STREET SETTLEMENT Heritage Psychiatry Services, PC Heritage Psychiatry Services, PC Heritage Psychiatry Services, PC Heritage Psychiatry Services, PC Heritage Psychiatry Services, PC Housing Works Health Services, Inc. Housing Works Services II Inc Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc. JGB Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services Kochen, Ilana Kremberg, Marvin LAAKSO ULLA K Lenox Hill Hospital (NSLIJ) Lenox Hill Hospital (NSLIJ) Leonard J Rubin MD MARKEWICH MAURICE Medical Healthcare Services P.C. Metropolitan Center for Mental Health Metropolitan Center for Mental Health Metropolitan Center for Mental Health Miguel R Hernandez MD PC Miguel R Hernandez MD PC New York Presbyterian New York Presbyterian Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 1 185 East 85Th Street 40 Montgomery St 121A West 20th Street 305 West End Avenue 510 West 46th Street 515 Audubon Avenue 644 Greenwich Street 743 - 749 East 9th Street 320 West 13th Street 114 West 91st Street 135 West 50th Street 34 West 139th Street 386 Park Avenue South 5030 Broadway 15 West 65Th Street 45 East 89th St 2109 Broadway 910 Park Ave 100 East 77th Street 210 E. 64th Street 200 West 57th Street 301 East 21St Street 157 East 72nd Street 1090 Saint Nicholas Avenue 160 W 86Th Street 336 Central Park West 286 Fort Washington Avenue 311 Audubon Avenue 21 Audubon Avenue 622 West 168th Street Address 2 Suite 3 2nd Floor 4th Floor 6th Floor Suite 401 Suite 201 #18E Suite 14-54 8 Uris 4th Fl Suite 305 Suite H Suite 1I 2nd Floor Zip 10028 10002 10011 10023 10036 10040 10014 10009 10014 10024 10020 10037 10016 10034 10023 10128 10023 10075 10021 10065 10019 10010 10021 10032 10024 10025 10032 10033 10032 10032 Phone (212) 289-4839 (212) 233-5032 (917) 359-1096 (917) 359-1096 (917) 359-1096 (917) 359-1096 (917) 359-1096 (212) 677-7999 (212) 645-8111 (212) 632-4735 (212) 582-9100 (212) 690-7234 (212) 481-2500 (212) 795-9888 (212) 769-6263 (212) 369-5969 (212) 875-8568 (212) 517-3900 (212) 434-2000 (212) 434-3365 (212) 245-5748 (212) 674-2979 (718) 239-0030 (212) 543-2379 (212) 864-7000 (212) 864-5333 (917) 557-1748 (212) 256-0725 (212) 342-3200 (212) 305-6196 MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS Provider Name NEW YORK PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES PC Pekovic, Dusan Powsner, Daniel J Promesa, Inc. Resnick, Richard Robbins Edwin Robotti, Flavia Ruiz, Peter R Ryan Chelsea-Clinton Cimmunity Health Center Salkin, Paul SCHNEIDER TATIANA Segal, Timothy D. Service Program For Older People, Inc. Shiloh Consulting LLC St Lukes Roosevelt Hospital Center St Lukes Roosevelt Hospital Center St Lukes Roosevelt Hospital Center Tapia, Gerardo Tate, Derek The Bridge The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health The Institute For Urban Family Health Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 1 225 Broadway 333 East 46th Street, 1150 5th Avenue 266 West 145th Street 43 West 94th Street 49 East 96 Street 247 3rd Avenue 145 Vermilyea Avenue 645 Tenth Avenue 110 East End Avenue 30 West 63 Street 1435 Lexington Avenue, 302 West 91st Street 214 West 29th Street 1000 Tenth Avenue 1111 Amsterdam Avenue 411 West 114th St 140 Wadsworth Avenue 36 West 44th Street 248 West 108th Street 113 East 13th Street 16 East 16th Street 1824 Madison Avenue 1865 Amsterdam Ave 1879 Madison Avenue 2465 Broadway 324 East 23rd Street 41 East 11th Street 4337 Broadway 690 Amsterdam Avenue Address 2 Suite 1605 Ste 1G Suite 1C Suite 14B Suite 503 Suite 1 Suite 1K Suite 12N Suite 1H 2nd Floor Suite 703 Suite 1203 5th Floor Zip 10007 10017 10128 10039 10025 10128 10010 10034 10036 10028 10023 10128 10024 10001 10019 10025 10025 10033 10036 10025 10003 10003 10035 10031 10035 10025 10010 10003 10033 10025 Phone (212) 693-4010 (212) 661-9449 (212) 534-0868 (646) 224-7116 (212) 678-6949 (212) 369-5382 (212) 982-5006 (212) 942-3434 (212) 265-4500 (212) 737-0136 (212) 217-1516 (212) 828-1909 (212) 787-7120 (212) 564-7631 (212) 523-6491 (212) 523-4000 (212) 523-7156 (212) 543-9700 (646) 413-1825 (212) 663-3000 (212) 253-1830 (212) 206-5200 (212) 423-4500 (212) 491-2400 (212) 423-4500 (212) 712-1038 (212) 460-7800 (845) 255-2930 (212) 568-6300 (212) 865-4104 MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS Provider Name Trustees of Columbia University Trustees of Columbia University Trustees of Columbia University Trustees of Columbia University Trustees of Columbia University Union Settlement Association Mental Health Services Upper AIDS Room Ministry - Harlem United Upper AIDS Room Ministry - Harlem United Upper East Side Medical PC Upper Manhattan Mental Health Center Inc Village Care Diagnostic & Treatment Center William F. Ryan Community Health Center William F. Ryan Community Health Center William F. Ryan Community Health Center William F. Ryan Community Health Center Yu, Kang Y Zvereva, Galina Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Address 1 177 Fort Washington Avenue 3959 Broadway 5141 Broadway 622 West 168th Street 177 Fort Washington Avenue 2089 Third Avenue 123-125 West 124th Street 179 East 116th Street 416 East 76th 1727 Amsterdam Ave 121-A West 20th Street 110 West 97th Street 279 East 3rd Street 565 Manhattan Avenue 801 Amsterdam Avenue 445 Fifth Ave, 436 Fort Washington Ave Address 2 Suite AR3E 4th Fl #16-A Suite 1H Zip 10032 10032 10034 10032 10032 10029 10027 10029 10021 10031 10011 10025 10009 10027 10025 10016 10033 Phone (212) 305-9985 (212) 305-3093 (212) 932-4165 (212) 305-9985 (212) 305-3090 (212) 828-6144 (212) 531-1300 (212) 987-0737 (212) 434-5680 (212) 694-9200 (212) 337-9290 (212) 749-1820 (212) 477-8500 (212) 222-5221 (212) 316-8300 (201) 888-1823 (212) 781-4720 Facilities and Ancillary Services NEW YORK COUNTY FACILITIES AND ANCILLARY SERVICES Facility Name Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Cp Advanced Imaging Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, Pc Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, Pc Gramercy Cardiac Diagnostic Services, Pc Gramercy Mri & Diagnostic Radiology, Pc Lenox Hill Hospital Long Island Radiology Associates Pc Madison Ave Radiology Mt Sinai Radiology Assoc Remote Diagnostic Imaging, Pllc Stand-up Mri Of Manhattan, Pc Address City Ambulatory Surgery Center First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Cardiac Catheterization Services First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Cardiac Surgery Program First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Critical Care Services / Intensive Care Units (ICU) First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Diagnostic Radiology First Avenue At 16th St New York 155 Canal St New York 130 West 79th Street New York 4120 Broadway New York 920 Broadway New York 380 Second Avenue New York 100 East 77th Street New York 316 East 30th St New York 1825 Madison Ave New York 1176 5th Ave Box 1235 New York 751 Second Avenue New York 191 Avenue A New York Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Zip Phone 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10013 10024 10033 10010 10010 10075 10016 10035 10029 10017 10009 (212) 420-2000 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (212) 434-4000 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 NEW YORK COUNTY FACILITIES AND ANCILLARY SERVICES Facility Name Stand-up Mri Of Manhattan, Pc Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Cp Advanced Imaging Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, Pc Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, Pc Gramercy Cardiac Diagnostic Services, Pc Gramercy Mri & Diagnostic Radiology, Pc Lenox Hill Hospital Long Island Radiology Associates Pc Madison Ave Radiology Nyu Hospital Center Arimed Orthotics Prosthetics And Pedorthics Inc. Confucius Pharmacy And Surgic Eastside O&p Empire P&o, Llc Eschen Prosthetics & Orthotics Laboratories Inc Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics John Rheinstein Cp, Inc New England O&p Ortho-medical Orthotic Consultant, Inc. Park Avenue Orthotics, Inc. Address City Diagnostic Radiology 253 East 77th Street New York Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Services First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Mammography Center First Avenue At 16th St New York 155 Canal St New York 130 West 79th Street New York 4120 Broadway New York 920 Broadway New York 380 Second Avenue New York 100 East 77th Street New York 316 East 30th St New York 1825 Madison Ave New York 550 First Avenue New York Medical Supply Company Orthotist 362 2nd Ave New York 25 Bowery New York 417 East 72nd Street New York 119 West 23rd Street New York 510 East 73rd Street New York 317 East 34th St New York 905 West End Ave New York 235 E 38th Street New York 315 East 83rd Street New York 119 West 57th Street New York 202 East 39th Street New York Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Zip Phone 10021 (888) 777-0204 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10013 10024 10033 10010 10010 10075 10016 10035 10016 (212) 420-2000 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (212) 434-4000 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (212) 263-7300 10010 10002 10021 10011 10021 10016 10025 10016 10028 10019 10016 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 NEW YORK COUNTY FACILITIES AND ANCILLARY SERVICES Facility Name Progressive Dynamic Designs Prosthetics In Motion Avenue A Pharmacy Bra Smyth Buy Rite Pharmacy Canal Pharmacy Inc. Homed Inc Mager & Gougelman Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Address City Medical Supply Company Orthotist 420 E 82nd Street New York 12 East 33rd Street New York Medical Supply Company with Respiratory Therapist 72 Avenue A New York 2177 Broadway New York 215-7 Grand St New York 196 Canal St New York 4876 Broadway New York 345 E 37th St New York Nuclear Medicine First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Obstetrics/Gynecology First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Occupational Therapy First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Outpatient Dialysis First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Zip Phone 10028 10016 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 10009 10024 10013 10013 10034 10016 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 NEW YORK COUNTY FACILITIES AND ANCILLARY SERVICES Facility Name Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Beth Israel Medical Center Cp Advanced Imaging Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, Pc Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services, Pc Gramercy Cardiac Diagnostic Services, Pc Gramercy Mri & Diagnostic Radiology, Pc Lenox Hill Hospital Long Island Radiology Associates Pc Madison Ave Radiology Mt Sinai Radiology Assoc Nyu Hospital Center Remote Diagnostic Imaging, Pllc Stand-up Mri Of Manhattan, Pc Stand-up Mri Of Manhattan, Pc Dewitt Nursing Home Beth Israel Medical Center Lenox Hill Hospital Nyu Hospital Center Address City Outpatient Infusion/Chemotherapy First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Physical Therapy First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Radiation Therapy Center First Avenue At 16th St New York 155 Canal St New York 130 West 79th Street New York 4120 Broadway New York 920 Broadway New York 380 Second Avenue New York 100 East 77th Street New York 316 East 30th St New York 1825 Madison Ave New York 1176 5th Ave Box 1235 New York 550 First Avenue New York 751 Second Avenue New York 191 Avenue A New York 253 East 77th Street New York Skilled Nursing Facility 211 E 79th St New York Speech Therapy First Avenue At 16th St New York 100 East 77th Street New York 550 First Avenue New York Touchstone Health / New York County Directory / June 2015 Zip Phone 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 10003 10013 10024 10033 10010 10010 10075 10016 10035 10029 10016 10017 10009 10021 (212) 420-2000 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (212) 434-4000 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (212) 263-7300 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 (888) 777-0204 10075 (888) 777-0204 10003 10075 10016 (212) 420-2000 (212) 434-4000 (212) 263-7300 Touchstone Health’s Directorio de proveedores 2015 Condado de New York Este Directorio de proveedores fue actualizado en junio de 2015. Para obtener información más reciente o si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con el Servicio de Atención para Miembros de Touchstone Health al 1-888-777-0204, o al 711 para usuarios de TTY/TDD, 8AM a 8PM, los 7 días de la semana (Nota: El horario de nuestro Servicio de Atención para Miembros será de 8AM a 8PM, los 7 días de la semana desde el 15 de octubre de 2014 hasta el 14 de febrero de 2015. El horario de atención será de 8AM a 8PM, de lunes a viernes desde el 15 de febrero de 2015 hasta el 14 de octubre de 2015. También puede visitor Y0064_H3327_THPSMK_2347 SP Accepted Touchstone Health HMO, Inc One North Lexington Ave 12th Floor White Plains, NY 10601 Los miembros potenciales deben llamar al 1-888-777-0368 o TTY/TDD 711 Las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana Los miembros actuales deben llamar al 1-888-777-0204 o TTY/TDD 711 El horario de atención será de 8:00AM a 8:00PM, los 7 días de la semana, desde el 15 de octubre de 2014 hasta el 14 de febrero de 2015. Atenderemos las llamadas telefónicas de lunes a viernes, de 8AM a 8PM desde el 15 de febrero de 2015 hasta el 14 de octubre de 2015 aproveche al máximo su cuerpo su mente su tiempo Y0064_H3327_THPSMK_2347 SP Accepted Touchstone Health HMO, Inc. es una Organización para el Mantenimiento de la Salud aprobada por Medicare con un contrato de medicamentos recetados de Medicare Advantage con el gobierno federal y un contrato con el programa de Medicaid del estado de Nueva York. La inscripción en Touchstone Health depende de la renovación del contrato. Touchstone Health’s Plan HMO Directorio de Proveedores Este directorio proporciona una lista de proveedores de la red de Touchstone Health. Este directorio es para el condado de New York en Nueva York. Este directorio estará vigente a partir del 1 de junio de 2015. Es posible que se hayan agregado o eliminado algunos proveedores de nuestra red después de la impresión de este directorio. No garantizamos que todos los proveedores aún acepten a miembros nuevos. Para obtener la información más actualizada sobre los proveedores de la red de Touchstone Health en su área, puede visitar o llamar a nuestro Servicio de Atención para Miembros al 1-888-777-0204, los 7 días de la semana, de 8AM a 8PM Los usuarios de dispositivos TTY/TDD, deben llamar al 711. (Nota: El horario de nuestro Servicio de Atención para Miembros será de 8AM a 8PM, los 7 días de la semana desde el 15 de octubre de 2014 hasta el 14 de febrero de 2015. El horario de atención será de 8AM a 8PM, de lunes a viernes desde el 15 de febrero de 2015 hasta el 14 de octubre de 2015.) Touchstone Health HMO, Inc. es una Organización para el Mantenimiento de la Salud aprobada por Medicare con un contrato de medicamentos recetados de Medicare Advantage con el gobierno federal y un contrato con el programa de Medicaid del estado de Nueva York. La inscripción en Touchstone Health depende de la renovación del contrato. Esta información está disponible en un formato diferente, incluido CD y en inglés, y puede obtenerse a través de correo electrónico. Si necesita información sobre el plan en otro formato o idioma, llame al Servicio para Miembros al número antes mencionado. This information is available in a different format, including CD and Spanish, and can be obtained via e-mail. Please call Member Services at the number listed above if you need plan information in another format or language. Y0064_H3327_THPSMK_2347 SP Accepted Sección 1 – Introducción Este directorio proporciona una lista de proveedores de la red de Touchstone Health. Para obtener información detallada sobre su cobertura de atención médica, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Deberá elegir uno de nuestros proveedores de la red que se incluyen en este directorio para que sea su médico de atención primaria (Primary Care Provider, PCP). La sigla “PCP” se usará a lo largo de todo este directorio. Por lo general, usted debe obtener su cobertura de atención médica a través de su PCP. Su PCP es un médico que cumple con los requisitos estatales y está capacitado para brindarle la atención médica básica. Su PCP proporcionará la mayor parte de su atención médica y lo ayudará a organizar o coordinar el resto de los servicios cubiertos que usted recibe como miembro del plan. Touchstone Health NO exige una derivación por parte de su PCP para una visita a un especialista dentro de la red. Los “proveedores de la red” que se incluyen en este directorio han aceptado brindarle su cobertura de atención médica. Puede visitar a cualquiera de nuestros proveedores de la red que se incluyen en este directorio. Si ha estado visitando a un proveedor de la red, no se le exige que continúe consultando a ese mismo proveedor. En algunos casos, puede obtener servicios cubiertos de proveedores fuera de la red. Para algunos tipos de servicios, es posible que su PCP deba obtener la aprobación previa del plan. Esto se denomina “autorización previa”. Es muy importante que su PCP obtenga autorización previa de nuestro plan antes de que usted consulte a un médico o especialista QUE NO FORMA PARTE DEL PLAN. Si usted no obtiene aprobación por parte de nuestro plan para usar un médico o especialista QUE NO FORMA PARTE DEL PLAN, es posible que el médico QUE NO FORMA PARTE DEL PLAN le facture el saldo para que pague usted mismo esos servicios. Si el médico QUE NO FORMA PARTE DEL PLAN desea que usted reciba servicios adicionales, usted debe continuar consultando con el Servicio de Atención para Miembros para ver si los servicios requieren una autorización previa. Planes de punto de servicio (POS) Con el plan Touchstone Health Clear POS y el plan Touchstone Health Freedom POS, puede visitar a proveedores fuera del plan (proveedores fuera de la red) a fin de obtener atención para los servicios cubiertos. Al momento de recibir el servicio, usted decide si desea recibir atención dentro de la red o si desea recibir atención fuera de la red. Al usar los beneficios fuera de la red, puede acceder a proveedores y centros fuera de la red. Usted coordina sus propios servicios de salud. No obstante, sus costos directos serán mayores y es posible que tenga que presentar algunos reclamos. A excepción de la atención de urgencia o emergencia, es posible que la atención de los proveedores fuera de la red sea más costosa. Consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura para obtener más detalles. Cuando recibe atención de los proveedores de la red, sus costos directos son más bajos, ya que se suele establecer un copago fijo en dólares, y prácticamente no hay documentos para completar. ¿Qué debo hacer si tengo facturas de proveedores que no forman parte del plan y creo que debería pagarlas Touchstone Health? Cubriremos determinados servicios de atención médica que reciba de proveedores que no formen parte del plan. Estos incluyen la atención para una emergencia médica, atención de urgencia, diálisis renal (riñones) que reciba cuando se encuentre fuera del área de servicios del plan, atención que haya sido autorizada por adelantado por parte de Touchstone Health, y servicios para los cuales se haya solicitado cobertura a través de un proceso de apelación. Si un proveedor que no forma parte del plan le solicita que pague servicios cubiertos que usted recibe en estas situaciones, comuníquese con nosotros a nuestro Departamento de Servicio de Atención para Miembros al 1-888-777-0204, de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m., los 7 días de la semana. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711 o comunicarse por correo a: Touchstone Health HMO Inc. One North Lexington Ave., 12th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601. Nunca debe pagar a ningún proveedor que no forme parte del plan más de lo que Medicare le permite al plan. El proveedor tiene derecho a recibir sus honorarios, pero no a recibirlos de usted. Pídale al proveedor que no forma parte del plan que primero nos facture a nosotros. Si usted ya pagó por los servicios cubiertos, le reembolsaremos nuestra parte del costo. Si recibe una factura por los servicios, puede enviárnosla para que la paguemos. Le pagaremos a su proveedor fuera de la red nuestra participación en los costos de la factura y le informaremos lo que usted debe pagar, en caso de que tenga que pagar algo. Cómo obtener atención si tiene una emergencia médica Obtenga ayuda lo antes posible. Llame al 911 para obtener ayuda o visite la sala de emergencias, hospital o centro de atención de urgencias más cercano. Solicite una ambulancia si fuera necesario. No es necesario que primero obtenga la aprobación o derivación de su PCP. Puede ir a cualquier sala de emergencias si cree, de manera razonable, que necesita atención de emergencia. La atención de emergencia siempre puede obtenerse dentro o fuera del área de servicios a través del proveedor disponible más cercano. Si se encuentra dentro del área de servicios, debe usar los proveedores del plan para obtener atención de urgencia. Si se encuentra fuera del área de servicios, puede obtener atención de urgencia a través del primer proveedor disponible. Además, si se encuentra fuera del área de servicios, puede obtener tratamiento de diálisis a través de cualquier proveedor de servicios de diálisis calificado. Tan pronto como sea posible, asegúrese de que se haya informado a nuestro plan sobre su emergencia. Necesitamos hacer un seguimiento de su atención de emergencia. Usted u otra persona deberían llamarnos para informarnos sobre su atención de emergencia, generalmente, en un plazo de 48 horas. El número de teléfono de Touchstone Health se encuentra en el reverso de su tarjeta de identificación de miembro de Touchstone Health. Si usted recibe atención de emergencia en un hospital fuera de la red y necesita atención para pacientes internados después de que su afección de emergencia se haya estabilizado, debe obtener autorización del plan para recibir atención como paciente internado en el hospital fuera de la red. Debe usar los proveedores del plan, salvo en situaciones de emergencia o urgencia o para recibir servicios de diálisis renal u otros servicios fuera del área. Si obtiene atención de rutina de proveedores fuera de la red, ni Medicare ni Touchstone Health serán responsables de los costos. ¿Cuál es el área de servicios de Touchstone Health? Los condados de nuestra área de servicios se enumeran a continuación. Los condados de El Bronx, Kings, Nueva York, Orange, Queens, Richmond y Westchester. ¿Cómo puede encontrar proveedores de Touchstone Health en su área? Elija un médico de atención primaria de esta lista. Todos los médicos de atención primaria de Touchstone Health están enumerados alfabéticamente por apellido. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de Touchstone Health o necesita asistencia para elegir un PCP, llame al Servicio de Atención para Miembros al 1-888777-0204, los 7 días de la semana, de 8AM a 8PM. Los usuarios de TTY/TDD deben llamar al 711. O deben visitar
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