Erste Karnevals Gesellschaft Germania, Cincinnati, Ohio U.S.A. Since 1964 mit Bier und Wein A Section of Germania A Society of German Heritage 2015-2016 The Erste Karnevals Gesellschaft Presents the 2015—2016 Schedule of Events Liebe Naerrinnen und Narren! Ich habe die hohe Ehre, Euer Praesident des Frohsinns zu sein. Willkommen im land der Naerrischen Leute. Ich Gruesse Euch alle Meine Buerger mit dem Narrengruss “Helau”. The rumor is out. The Erste Karnevalsgesellschaft has traveled far and wide to find some attractive fools to be enthroned as Prinz and Prinzessin for our Gala 2015-2016 Karneval Saison. “Congratulations” to Prinz Michael II und Prinzessin Anita I, our 47th Royal Couple. Our Prinzenpaar will lead all fun-loving subjects throughout the land. From the opening Ball to Aschermittwoch (Ash Wednesday), they will embrace many memories that will last a life time. The places they will travel, the people they will meet, the foolishness they will encounter, will add to the fun and excitement just waiting to be shared. I know our beautiful and talented Prinzengarde will protect our Royalty and entertain us at our many functions and trips. Their colorful dance and entertainment will be enjoyed by all. So let’s join together in our Rheinischer Verein style celebration and make this year’s Karnevals session one never to forget. Thank you one and all as we have a year of merriment and foolishness in 2015-2016. Viel Spass! Ron Colwell, Praesident Erste Karnevals Gesellschaft Germania Saturday, November 14, 2015 Opening Ball Germania Society Clubhouse Doors Open at 7:11 p.m. Reservations: $11.00 per person Music by: Gebhard Erler Saturday, January 23, 2016 Maskenball Spass Muss Sein mit Bier und Wein Radisson Hotel in Covington Doors Open at 7:11 p.m. Reservations: $20.00 per person Music by: Prost Band Sunday, January 31, 2016 Kinderfasching Germania Society Clubhouse Doors Open at 1:00 p.m. Reservations: $4.00 in advance Saturday, February 6, 2016 Kehraus Germania Society Clubhouse Doors Open at 7:11 p.m. Reservations: $7.00 per person Music by: DJ Dave For information and reservations, contact: Maria Geers 513-508-7794 or [email protected] Carolyn Wieland 859-445-6308 or [email protected] Heidi Marx 513-417-7171 or [email protected] Prinz Michael II und Prinzessin Anita I DEUTSCHER HAUSVEREIN Edelweiss Sports Klub – Shooting Club 2361 Hamilton Cleves Road 45013-9604 Büttenmarsch: Bier Her Bier Her 513-863-6912 Club President: Klaus Giese – 513-571-6198 Our club meets on the first Friday of every month at 8:00pm. ______________________________________________________________________ Patrick G. Moeller Hamilton Ohio Mayor Attorney – 513-844-8515 233 S. Front Street Hamilton Ohio 45011 Alaaf and Helau To our fellow Narren, Jecks, Family and Friends As we are celebrating the 5th Season Fasching, Fastnacht, Karneval We invite you from near and far To join the 2015–2016 Prinzenpaar. By filling your Glasses with Schnapps, Bier and Wein, Let’s have a wonderful Karnevaltime SPASS MUSS SEIN MIT BIER UND WEIN Besttowishes to Prinzenpaar. Congratulations the new S.T. Prinz Michael II andRichard I.L. Prinzessin Anita I S.T. Prinz I May your season andbe full of fun, and foolish fulfilled fantasies. I.L. Prinzessin Leslie I From your Hofstatt May you “Rome” around the world during your reig�! S.T. Prinz John I and I.L. Prinzessin Becky I S.T. Prinz John I and I.L. Prinzessin Becky I Prinzenpaar 2011-2012 Prinzenpaar 2011-2012 Have a great season! S.T. Prinz Ron I and I.L. Prinzessin Mia I 2012-2013 To the Prinzenpaar and Hofstaat, I wish you a fun & foolish season! Best Wishes, — Mom Congratulations & best wishes to Prinzengarde S.T. Richard I & I.L. Leslie I Have a great Karneval Season with Wonderful memories & friendships! The Current 1KG • Karnival Geselschaft Cincinnati, Ohio 2015 - 2016 Helau und Alaaf! Senior Garde Elizabeth Davis, Lauren Schuster, Sarah Geers, Emily Schuster Kelsey Herndon, Colleen O’Connor, Brittany Doan S.T. Dieter II und I.L. Monika I Prinzenpaar 1982 - 1983 E�i�� Pro�uc�i�n� �J S���i�� Dave Emery, Owner/Disc Jockey Junior Garde Katie Dashley, Alainna Jones, Victoria Marx Mikayla Baldwin, Mary Southwick, Jasmine Washburn Specializing in weddings, parties and corporate events 513.628.3784 Kinder Garde Madalyn Emery, Riley Wilkerson, Mikala Brewer, Rebecca Baldwin Best wishes to the new Royal Couple Herzlichen Glueckwunsch! S.T. Prinz Michael II and I.L. Prinzessin Anita I Viel Spass fuer eure Saison, Herzlichen Glückwünsch! Alaaf und Helau Viel Spaß für Ihren Saison, For a marvelous and Exciting year Immer Ihre Narren, Alaaf und Helau Immer Ihren Narren, S.T. Prinz Chris I S.T. Paul II and I.L. Shirley I Prinzenpaar 1997-1998 +HODXXQG$ODDI:HZLVK3ULQ]0LFKDHO,,DQG3ULQ]HVVLQ$QLWD,DIXQDQGIRROLVKUHLJQ ZLWKORWVRIJUHDWPHPRULHV I.L. Heidi S.T.Prinzessin Prinz Chris I II I.L. Prinzessin Heidi II Habt eine tolle zeit mit viel heiterkeit Spass muss sein drum schenk noch einen ein Unserem neuen prinzenpaar S.T. PRINZ Prinz MICHAEL Richard I IIund UND I.L. Prinzessin PRINZESSIN leslie ANITA II )URPWKH6FRXWVDQG/HDGHUVRI7URRS*HUPDQLD6RFLHW\%R\6FRXWV :DQWWRMRLQ7URRS":HPHHWRQ0RQGD\VDW30DWWKH*HUPDQLD6RFLHW\.OXEKDXV 6FRXWPDVWHU0DUN3HJUDPPDUNSHJUDP#]RRPWRZQFRP &RPPLWWHH&KDLU±-DVRQ*RROVE\JRROVEMS#\DKRRFRP 0RUHLQIRDWJHUPDQLDVRFLHW\FRPER\VFRXWV WUENSCHENwir WIR eine EINE TOLLE Wuenchen tolle regentschaft im land der REGENTSCHAFT IM LAND DER narren NARREN S.T. Konrad und I.L. Maria 1976 - 1977 Viel spass, Let the 2015-2016 Karneval Saison Begin! Let the 2013-2014 Karneval Season Begin! Prinz Michael II & Prinzessin Anita I The CincinnaƟ Donauschwaben Society extends its best wishes to the Germania Society’s new Prinzenpaar. May they reign over a successful Karneval Season! BERND K. RAU Alpha-Liberty C Sales &BROWN Service BRIAN Sales & Service Balances and Scale P.O. Box 276 West Chester, OH 4 513-777-1525 Fax 513-777-0819 513-777-1525 Cell 513-777-0819 513-382-5246 Fax -Beth & Dave Balances and Scales Balances and Scales Alpha Liberty Company, Inc. Alpha Liberty Company, Inc. P.O. Box 276, West Chester • Ohio 45071-0276 [email protected] 32%R[:HVW&KHVWHU2KLR %ULDQ#$OSKD/LEHUW\FRP Wishing you a wonderful season Come join fellow fools at the GAMGA Gala January 15th & 16th, 2016 Tuscaney Suites & Casino Las Vegas May you treasure song, love and laughter throughout your reign as Prinz and Prinzessin S.T. Prinz Mark I und I.L. Prinzessin Maria II Best wishes to our new Royal Couple S.T.Prinz Prinz Richard S.T. MichaelI II I.L.Prinzessin Princessin Leslie I.L. AnitaI I Have a great, memorable, unforgettable, fun-filled, and successful Karneval session with lots of laughter, humor and good times! Have the time of your life! S.T. Prinz Dana I I.L. Prinzessin Edeltraud I 1992 - 1993 Printing Graphic Layout & Design 1394 Stella Drive Loveland, Ohio 45140 Phone: 513.575.0131 [email protected] Family Owned and Operated since 1967 Congratulations on your 51st Anniversary and Best Wishes to the New Prinzenpaar! From Your Friends at Servatii “Home Of The Best Decorator In Ohio” Try Our "Original" Deli Stuffed Pretzel (Serves 16) Salem & Beechmont 513-231-4455 Kenwood & Cooper Rd. 513-791-3013 8 Mile & Beechmont w Ne ion 513-474-6840 cat o L Hyde Park Plaza 513-871-3244 Symmes (Harper’s Point) Clifton - 286 Ludlow Ave. 513-861-0672 Anderson Ferry & Crookshank 513-241-7500 513-385-3503 513-469-2277 Downtown-Cinti. (Court & Walnut) 513-922-0033 White Oak Shopping Center ORDER ONLINE AT Award Winning “Hall Of Fame Bakery” - Cincinnati Magazine Since 1983 S.T. RichardIII S.T. Prinz Prinz Michael I.L. Prinzessin Leslie I I.L. Prinzessin Anita I Viel undeine eine Viel spass Spassan an der der Freud’ Freud’ und tolle Session Session 2015-2016 2011-2012 mit tolle mitHumor Humor und fuers undguten gutenErinnerungen Erinnerungen fuers Lebenwuenschen wuenschen von ganzen Leben ganzen Herzen mit einem Koelle Alaaf Herzen mit Alaaf und 4 x Cincinnati Helau! und 4 x Cincinnati Helau! Euer ErnstI Iund und Euer ex-Prinz ex Prinz Ernst ex-Prinzessin Camilla Camilla II ex-Prinzessin 1986 -- 1987 1987 1986 In Freundschaft liegt der Wert In Freundschaft liegt der Wert des Lebens! des Lebens! Then came 1964-the year that established the name of Germania in Cincinnati; the first full year in the life of our club and probably one of the busiest any board of Germania would ever see. We started the year by initiating a new custom in Cincinnati with the introduction of a Rheinland Karneval, kicked off in February with our first “Faschings Ball” at the Cotillion Hall in Kennedy Heights. The dance became an instant success and were well received and made most enjoyable through the efforts of Mrs. Emily Schneider. Emily showed inexhaustible talent and delighted our guests with her wit and humor, which was amply displayed in her barrel talks and the programs which she designed. The Rheinland Karneval’s celebration was later in 1967 enlarged and expanded by Mr. Ernst Schwab, who founded the first Elferrat (Council of Eleven). Through his work, the club has established an official season and tradition, complete with Elferrat, Prinz and Prinzessin and Prinzengarde and two dances each season. (A paragraph from a speech at the Germania flag dedication by Wilfried Kollner-1973.) Recipient of a Service Orden In Branford, Ontario, Canada, Ernst Schwab, on behalf of the 1KG Germania Society, is awarded the verdienst orden (gold with jewels) by Armin Hellman, president of the BDKK. Also present was Volker Wagner, president of the BDK, Köln, Deutschland. On S.T.S.T. Prinz Michael and I.L. Onbehaof behalfofofthe theElferrat, Elferrat,I wish I wish Prinz Rick III and I.L.Prinzessin PrinzessinAnita LeslieI aI most a most humorous Karnevals “Session”. humorous Karnevals “Session”. May wonderful memories to last a lifetime. Mayyour yourreign reignbebefilled filledwith with wonderful memories to last a life time. Ron Colwell, Elferrat, Praesident Mark B. Geers, Elferrat Präsident The Elferrat Praesident MarkGeers Geers Präsident - -Mark Ron Colwell, Doan, Earl John Hollis, William Doan,William Earl Hickson, JohnHickson, Hollis, Peter Kinne, Peter Kinne, Walt Pegram, Mike Rampello, Don Lichtenberger, Walt Pegram, Paul Rauf, Rick Schultz Dana Reed, Rick Schultz Senate Bruce Cruikshank,Ernst Dietrich Lohff, Dana Reed, Bruce Cruikshank, Schwab, Dietrich Lohff, KonradHans Schantz, Hans Schmithusen, Ernst Schwab Schmithusen, Konrad Schantz The Elferrat is responsible for all the rules and regulations of the 1.K.G. Germania. Orden der Guten Tat Each year the honor of the “Good Deeds” is given to someone in the Erste Karnevals Gesellschaft for their outstanding service. Past Recipients Everyday, maythis thisReign Reignbe beexciting exciting and successful. Everyday, may and successful. For PrinzMichael RichardII Iand andPrinzessin PrinzessinAnita Leslie For our our new new Prinz I. I. Peter II und Brenda I Kinne 1998 - 1999 and 1999- 2000 (Millennium Year) 1991-1992 Hella Rehner 1998-1999 Hans Schmithuesen 2005-2006 Lydia Waldleitner 1992-1993 Elli Doan 1999-2000 Heidi Schmithuesen 2006-2007 Paul Rauf 1993-1994 Hans Waldleitner 2000-2001 Marie Lichtenberger 2007-2008 Dieterich Lohff 1994-1995 Shirley Rauf 2001-2002 Camilla Schwab 2008-2009 Mark Geers 1995-1996 Monica Lohff 2002-2003 Paul Trepaney 2009-2010 Dana Reed 1996-1997 Konrad Schantz 2003-2004 Don Lichtenberger 2010-2011 Peter Kinne 1997-1998 Ernst Schwab 2004-2005 William Doan 2011-2012 Maria Geers 2013-2014 Leslie Schultz S.T. Prinz Michael II Mitglieder der I.L. Prinzessin Anita I Erste Karnevals Gesellschaft Wishing you a wonderful Germania and happy session S.T. Prinz William I I.L. Prinzessin Elli I Vorstand Vorstand 1991 - 1992 Praesident Ron Geers Colwell Präsident - -Mark ViceVize PraesidentWieland Präsident - Phil Paul Rauf Schatzmeister - Henry Newberry Schatzmeisterin - Diane Pegram Protokollfuehrerin- -Carolyn Heidi Marx Protokollfuehrerin Wieland Korrespondent - Maria Geers Korrespondent - Maria Geers Vorstand Emeritus Ernst Schwab Vorstand Emeritus - Ernst Schwab ICH WUENSCHE DEM NEUEN PRINZENPAAR Gesellschaft Gesellschaft Barb & Colwell Frank Sandra Butz RonColwell Colwell & Mia Schmitt Barb ElliColwell & William Doan Ron & Mia Schmitt Beth Dave Emery Elle && William Doan Amy&&Dave JoshEmery Finnegan Beth Maria&&Mark MarkGeers Geers Maria Barbara&&Earl EarlHickson Hickson Barbara Becky&&John JohnHollis Hollis Becky S.T. PRINZ MICHAEL II I.L. PRINZESSIN ANITA I Brenda Kinne Shirley & Paul&Rauf Brenda && Peter Peter Kinne Edeltraud Dana Reed Marie && Don Lichtenberger Edeltraud Dana Reed Monica Dietrich Lohff Maria &&Konrad Schantz Monica Dietrich Maria & Konrad Heide &&Chris MarxLohff Heidi & Hans Schantz Schmithuesen Heidi Marx Brian & & Chris Jill Moran Henry PaulineNewberry Newhouse Heidi & Hans Schmithuesen Leslie & Rick Schultz Leslie & Rick Schultz Camilla & Ernst Schwab Pauline Diane &Newhouse Walt Pegram Diane Walt Pegram Frieda&Potzner Camilla & Ernst Carolyn & PhilSchwab Wieland Jim Tolliver Frieda Anita &Potzner Mike Rampello Anita & Mike Rampello Carolyn & Phil Wieland EINE SCHOENE SAISON! Prinzessin Frieda u. Prinz Henry I 1981-1982 HELAU UND ALAAF! - PRINZESSIN FRIEDA Prinz Walt I and Prinzessin Diane I Viel Spaß from Carolyn & Phil Wieland 2010 - 2011 Congratulations to Prinz PrinzRichard Michael IIIand andPrinzessin Prinzessin Leslie Anita II &NBJMIBNNBOOTDBUFSJOHDPN (513) 858-3237 Fax (513) 858-3223 their new adventure, Germania Prinzenpaar 2015-2016. onontheir new adventure, Germania Prinzenpaar 2013-2014. May your reign be foolish and as much fun as ours. Love from your soul, laugh from your belly but stay on your toes! There is always mischief not far away. Homemade Soups, Sandwiches and Sausages USDA Choice Beef - Party Trays “AFFORDABLE CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS” Voted best by Ohio Magazine 6180 Old Winton Road Fairfield, Ohio 45014 Viel Spaß! Congratulations & best wishes to S.T. Michael RichardIII & I.L. I.L. Anita Leslie I S.T. from Dieter Dommick, President 1.R.C.V. Bad Rappenau Have a great Karneval Season with Wonderful memories & friendships! Helau und Alaaf! S.T. Dieter II und I.L. Monika I Prinzenpaar 1982 - 1983 The German-American Citizens League Promoting German Heritage in the Tri-State Area Founded in 1895 The German Heritage Museum 4764 West Fork Road Cincinnati, OH 45247 Open Sundays mid-May through October and on the first Sunday in December for St. Nikolaus Day, also by appointment. For information visit: Best Wishes to the new Royal Couple S.T. Prinz Michael II and I.L. Prinzessin Anita I HOURS: Mon.-Wed. = 11 am - 11 pm Thu. = 11 am - 12 am Fri.-Sat. = 11 am - 2 am Sun. = 11 am - 11 pm Email: (513) 858-3237 Fax (513) 858-3223 Homemade Soups, Sandwiches and Sausages USDA Choice Beef - Party Trays “AFFORDABLE CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS” Voted best by Ohio Magazine 6180 Old Winton Road Fairfield, Ohio 45014 Congrats to the new royal couple, Prinz Michael II and Prinzessin Anita I May you have a wonderful and festive Karneval session! Barb and Earl Hickson About the number “11” The number “11” plays a key role in Karneval. The Rheinische Karneval starts on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:11 AM. The “Elferrat has 11 members. All functions start 11 minutes after the hour. In the middle ages, the church branded the number “11” as extremeness, excessiveness, sinful, devilish number. It was one more than the Ten Commandments, one more than the ten fingers on your hands, etc. Beside that, the “11” is a “Schnapszahl” (schnapps number - prime number) and as such may be symbolic for all fools (Narren). During the revival of the Rheinische Karneval at the beginning of the 19th century, the “11” was interpreted as equality of all people under the “Narrenkappe” or foolscap. Besides being the slogan of the French Revolution, “Egalite’, Liberte’, Fraternite’, ELF in German means eleven =11. 21 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the new Prinzenpaar Prinz Michael II and Prinzessin Anita I S.T. Prinz Richard I und I.L. Prinzessin Leslie I Past Prinzenpaare 1967 – 1968 Fritz I und Lanelle I Prochnow 1968 – 1969 Ben I und Ingrid I Lane 1969 – 1970 Heinz I und Elizabeth I Probst 1970 – 1971 Erwin I und Anni I Dobler 1971 – 1972 Holger I und Trudi I Schwab 1972 – 1973 Hans I und Ingrid II Ruecker 1973 – 1974 Gebhard I und Marilyn I Erler 1974 – 1975 Peter I und Gisela I Krimmer 1975 – 1976 Joseph I und Joann I Herold 1976 – 1977 Konrad I und Maria I Schantz 1977 – 1978 Hans II und Gitta I Kaiser 1978 – 1979 Horst I und Barbara I Gessner 1979 – 1980 Tom I Pinken und Regina I Schwab 1980 – 1981 Dieter I und Irene I Waldowski 1981 – 1982 Henry I und Frieda I Potzner 1982 – 1983 Dieter II und Monika I Lohff 1983 – 1984 Hans III und Heidi I Schmithuesen 1984 – 1985 Andrew I und Maria II Dienesch 1985 – 1986 Mike I und Linda I Walsch 1986 – 1987 Ernst I und Camilla I Schwab 1987 – 1988 Walter I und Henny I Bednar 1988 – 1989 Bruce I und Dolly I Cruickshank 1989 – 1990 Ernst II und Anni II Payer Past Prinzenpaare 1990 – 1991 Hans IV und Lydia I Waldleitner 1991 – 1992 William I und Elli I Doan 1992 – 1993 Dana I und Edeltraud I Reed 1993 – 1994 James I und Sabine I Scholz 1994 – 1995 Andrew II und Barbara II Kaiser 1995 – 1996 Don I und Maria I Lichtenberger 1996 – 1997 Paul I und Roxanne I Trepany 1997 – 1998 Paul I und Shirley I Rauf 1998 – 1999 Peter I und Brenda I Kinne 1999 – 2000 Peter I und Brenda I Kinne 2000 – 2001 Charles I und Linda II Antel 2001 – 2002 Dennis I und Trudy I Jeske 2002 – 2003 Don I und Marie I Lichtenberger 2004 – 2005 Bill I und Valerie I Browning 2005 – 2006 Henry II und Pat I Newberry 2006 – 2007 Chris I und Heidi II Marx 2007 – 2008 Mark I und Maria III Geers 2008 – 2009 Roger I und Wendy I Altendorf 2009 – 2010 Chris II und Dawn I Kamlage 2010 – 2011 Walt I und Diane I Pegram 2011 – 2012 John I und Becky I Hollis 2012 – 2013 Ron I Colwell und Mia I Schmitt 2013 - 2014 Rick I und Leslie I Schultz 2014 - 2015 No Prinzenpaar
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