
Technische Beschreibung:
LUPEX Contact Printing Paper
Lupex is a slow speed fibre paper featuring a silver chloride emulsion in order
to make contact prints from large format negatives.
Next to the fine grain and the optimized contrast control the low speed
enables the photographer to dodge and burn his prints comfortably.
Contact printing means that the negative is placed directly onto the photo
paper and a glass is placed on top to keep it flat.
This sandwhich is then exposed with a regular light bulb hanging 1 meter
above (aprox. 100 Watts). Because the light is not diffused, filtered and sent
through a lens like in regular enlarging about 6 times more light hits the paper
in contact printing.
Therefore a contact printing paper must be of much lower speed in order to
obtain long enough exposure times to dodge and burn. LUPEX has compared
to MCC an 8 times lower speed.
Seit 1860
Fotobaryt-Kontaktpapier • Feinstkörnig • Niedrigempfindlich
Fibre Base Photopaper • With Fine Grain And Slow Speed
For Contact Printing
B/W Fibre Base Paper • Grade 3 • Glossy
S/W Barytpapier • Gradation Normal • Glänzend
Photographic paper • Open only in darkroom under safelight
Fotografisches Papier • Nur in der Dunkelkammer unter
Schutzlicht öffnen • Suitable photographic safelight colors:
orange or red • Schutzlichtfarbe: orange oder rot
Dieses Produkt wird, falls es fehlerhaft hergestellt, verpackt oder beschrieben ist, durch neue
Ware ersetzt. Weitere Ansprüche sind - ausser bei Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit
unsererseits - ausgeschlossen. Da sich Farbstoffe oder Bildsilber im Laufe der Zeit verändern
können, leisten wir bei Farb- bzw. Bildsilberveränderungen keinerlei Ersatz.
This product will be replaced if defective in manufacture, labelling or packaging. Except for
such replacement, this product is sold without other warranty or liability, unless malice or
gross negligence on our part is involved. Since Color dyes or print silver may change over
time, this paper will not be replaced for, or otherwise warranted against, any change in color
or print silver.
ADOX Fotowerke GmbH • www.adox.de • Made in Germany
LUPEX comes in the universal grade 3. The grade can be reduced by preexposing the paper. In order to do this the paper is exposed under the
lightbulb for a few seconds* before the negative is placed on top and the
„real“ exposure takes place.
* The optimal pre exposure has to be found by tests. It is usually between 5
and 15 seconds.
The curve was obtained using ADOX NEUTOL NE developer.
The Dmax can be further enhanced by selenium toning.
Emulsion: Silverchloride
Speed: Very low
Resolution: Very high
Grade: Normal (3)
Base: 255 Gramm Fibre Base Baryta
Keeping Properties: From production date (indicated on package) 3 years and
ADOX Fotowerke GmbH • Pieskower Str. 30A • 15526 Bad Saarow
11. März 2016