TSX-V MMY FSE D7Q1 A Gold Producer Developing Mining Assets February 2016 Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V:MMY, FSE:D7Q1) is an established Canadian gold producer that owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia, and is advancing several exploration and development projects including the Mengapur Polymetallic Project, in Pahang State of Malaysia, and the Murchison Gold Projects comprising Burnakura, Gabanintha and Tuckanarra in the Murchison area of Western Australia. Monument also entered Earn-In and JV agreement on the Matala Gold Project in the DRC, Central Africa. Monument has formed a strong asset base with its project portfolio and has positioned the Company targeting a large scope of production. The Company employs over 260 people and is committed to the highest standards of environmental management, social responsibility, and health and safety for its employees and neighboring communities. RE C ENT P RO D UCT IO N P E R FO RM AN C E Fiscal 2015- year ended June 30, 2015: • Gold production was 36,473 ounces • Sold 36,500 ounces at an average price of US$1,228/ounce • Gross revenue of US$44.84 million • Total average cash cost was US$587/ounce PR O PE RT Y PO RT FO L IO Property January 8, 2016 SHARE PRICE: 52 WEEK High/Low: MARKET CAPITALIZATION SHARES OUTSTANDING: FULLY DILUTED $0.11 $0.14/$0.08 C$35.7 MILLION 324.2 MILLION 339.6 MILLION W W W . M O N U M E N T M I N I N G . C O M Interest Acres Status Selinsing 100% 776 Production Buffalo Reef 100% 444 Production FELDA 100% 3,930 Exploration Famehub 100% 32,000 Exploration Mengapur 100% 2,310 Development Murchison 100% 24,216 Development Tuckanarra 100% 102,796 Exploration Matala Earn-In 486,770 Exploration S EL IN S ING S EL IN S ING G O L D M INE Commercial gold production at the Selinsing processing plant commenced in September 2010. The Selinsing gold plant has capacity of 1,000,000 tonnes per annum (“tpa”) since June 2012, increased from an initial 400,000 tpa. The tailing storage facility was upgraded at the same time to accommodate 10 years of production. 2013 2014 2015 Ore Mined (tonnes) 882,159 494,141 421,845 Ore Processed (tonnes) 938,498 1,018,972 954,165 2.07 1.31 1.45 Average Mill Feed Grade (g/t) 87.0% 75.9% 82.4% Gold produced (oz) 52,982 35,983 36,473 Gold Sold (oz) 57,905 37,670 36,500 During Fiscal 2015, exploration drill programs at Selinsing and Buffalo Reef area consisted of 83 drill holes totaling 8,848 metres, focused on replacement of oxide ore and the discovery of new gold deposits to extend the life-of-mine at Selinsing. A Selinsing-Buffalo Reef Resource update, as of August 31, 2012 was completed by Practical Mining LLC (May 23, 2013): Category OXIDE kTonnes g/t SULFIDE Gold (kOz) kTonnes g/t Gold (kOz) Reserves (based on a USD1550/oz gold price) P+P M URCHI SO N G O LD P RO J E CT The Murchison Gold Project in Western Australia including: a property tenement package holding a historical JORC resource estimate of 546,000 ounces of gold (6.41 million tonnes at an average of grade of 2.7 g/t)*, a fully functional gold processing plant, a 118 man camp with all amenities, equipped assay lab, and all necessary infrastructure. The nearby Tuckanarra property was acquired as a strategic asset in November 2014.*Historic resource (BM Geological August 12, 2015 filed an (Amended) NI 43-101 Technical Report describing the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Alliance/New Alliance gold deposit. An Indicated Mineral Resource of [email protected]/t Au for 98,400oz and an Inferred Mineral Resource of [email protected]/t Au for 4,400oz was reported at a 0.5g/t Au grade cut-off. The ongoing drill program work continues over the remainder of the historical Resources. September 2015, began the first phase of the heap leach construction project targeting commissioning of heap leach facilities by the end of June 2016. M ENG AP U R PO LY M ET ALL IC PRO J ECT The Mengapur Polymetallic deposit contains a historical Copper (Cu), Sulfur (S), Gold (Au), Silver (Ag) oxide and sulphide resource. “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Mengapur Project (Amended) (Snowden, January 2012)”. Extensive metallurgical work was completed at the Company’s inhouse R&D laboratory to support the design and construction of an iron/copper beneficiation plant. The Company had been refurbishing and upgrading its 1,000 tpd pilot plant, but with the sharp decline in iron price and the slide of copper, the start-up has been put on hold. The Company intends to exploit Intec Technology in copper sulphides to assess economic viability of copper metal production. 2,360 0.7 54.6 266 2.5 21.4 496 1.7 26.7 1,768 2.1 120.2 M AT AL A G O LD PRO J ECT 2,857 0.9 81.3 2,034 2.2 141.7 The Matala Gold Project is located in the southern portion of the Twangiza-Namoya Gold Belt,South Kivu Province, DRC, Central Africa, and comprises 14 exploration titles covering 1,969.9 square kilometres. Company has a JV agreement to Earn-in up to 90% in the project in stages. At Ngoy has existing historic 2012 JORC inferred resources: Kadutu-1.8Mt @3.2g/t Au for 186,900oz and Nyamikundu-0.2Mt @ 4.3g/t Au for 26,500oz. Proposed 2016 exploration program with potential to expand existing resources at Ngoy and discovery of new resources with drill ready targets. Resources including Reserves (based on a USD1700/oz gold price) Measured DE V E LO P M ENT as it provides an indication of the mineral potential of the project. RE S O U RC E S AN D E X PLO R AT IO N Probable & Services Dec. 2013) is not NI 43-101 compliant and should not be solely depended on. This historic resource is relevant Processing recovery rate Proven R E SE ARC H Monument acquired an interim license from Intec International Projects Pty Ltd to exploit sulphide gold and copper recovery technology using the Selinsing gold processing plant as an alpha site. The Intec pilot plant was constructed and commissioned and pilot plant trial testing work has commenced to further demonstrate scale-up capability. 2,361 0.7 54.6 322 2.1 21.7 Indicated 588 1.6 29.5 3,036 1.9 183.6 Inferred 268 1.2 10 801 1.5 38 M AN AG EM E NT T E AM Investor Relations Contact: Richard Cushing Robert Baldock President & CEO +1.604.638.1661 x102 Cathy Zhai CFO, Director of Human Resources & Corporate Secretary [email protected] Zaidi Harun VP, Business Development Kevin Wright General Manager, Operations Malaysia Group Roger Stangler Chief Managing Geologist Grant Schofield Senior Project Manager, Technical Support
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