Full CV - Institut für Mechanik (Bauwesen)

Curriculum Vitae
Mylena Mordhorst
Universität Stuttgart
Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE)
Chair II (Continuum Mechanics)
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.mechbau.uni-stuttgart.de/ls2/jrg/People
Phone: +49 711 685 60045
Born on September 11, 1986 in Eckernförde (Germany)
2011 – 2013
M.Sc. in COMMAS, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Thesis title: “Mathematically modelling surface EMG signals”
Advisors: Prof. Oliver Röhrle, PhD and Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Heidlauf
Final grade: 1.1
2007 – 2011
B.Sc. in Mathematics, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany.
Thesis title: “Numerische Behandlung der Darcy-Gleichung”
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Steffen Börm and Dipl.-Math. Knut Reimer
Final grade: 1.9
General qualification for university entrance (Abitur).
11/13 – now
Research Assistant of the “Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Research
Group” at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Chair II and at the Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology (SimTech - Cluster of Excellence), University of
Stuttgart, Germany.
04/12 – 10/13
Student Assistant at the Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Chair II, University of
Stuttgart, Germany.
08/10 – 09/10
Internship at the Department “Simulation of Solids and Structures”, Institute of Materials Research, Materials Mechanics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany.
2006 – 2007
Stay abroad as au pair in Sydney, Australia.
Curriculum Vitae
Mylena Mordhorst
Mordhorst, M., Strecker, T., Wirtz, D., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “POD-DEIM reduction of
computational EMG models”, submitted.
Mordhorst, M., Wirtz, D. and Röhrle, O., “Model order reduction of dynamic skeletal muscle
models”, ScienceOpen Posters, 2016.
Mordhorst, M., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “Predicting electromypgraphic signals under realistic conditions using a multiscale chemo-electro-mechanical finite element model”, Interface
Focus, 2015, 5 (doi: 10.1098/rsfs.2014.0076).
Mordhorst, M., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “Mathematically modelling surface EMG
signals”, Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2014 (doi:
Poster presentation, Mordhorst, M., Wirtz, D. and Röhrle, O., “Model order reduction of
dynamic skeletal muscle models”, MoRePaS 2015 - Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems
III, October 13–16, 2015, Trieste, Italy.
Presentation, Mordhorst, M., Wirtz, D. and Röhrle, O., “Challenges facing MOR for dynamic skeletal muscle models”, Reduced Basis Summerschool 2015, September 14–18, 2015,
Konstanz, Germany.
Presentation, Mordhorst, M., Wirtz, D. and Röhrle, O., “POD-DEIM reduction of dynamic
skeletal muscle models”, 6. Workshop junger Nachwuchswissenschaftler in der Mechanik,
March 9–13, 2015, Zell am See, Austria.
Presentation and Poster, Mordhorst, M., Wirtz, D. and Röhrle, O., “POD-DEIM reduction
of dynamic skeletal muscle models”, 2nd International Workshop on Order-Reduction Methods for application to mechanics of materials (2nd WORM 2014), August 27–29 2014, Bad
Herrenalb, Germany.
Presentation, Mordhorst, M., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “Towards a simulation-based EMG
benchmark for analysing motor unit firing strategies”, The XX Congress of the International
Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), July 15–18 2014, Rome, Italy.
Presentation, Mordhorst, M., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “Mathematically modelling surface EMG signals”, 85th Annual Meeting of GAMM by FAU, March 10–14, 2014, ErlangenNürnberg, Germany.
Presentation, Mordhorst, M., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “Mathematically modelling surface
EMG signals”, 5. Workshop junger Nachwuchswissenschaftler in der Mechanik, February 8–
13, 2014, Zell am See, Austria.
Poster presentation, Mordhorst, M., Heidlauf, T. and Röhrle, O., “Mathematically modelling
surface EMG signals”, Second DEMOVE Symposium at UMG, October 22–23, 2013, Göttingen, Germany.
Invited colloquium presentations
Invited colloquium presentation at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University,
Melbourne, Australia (January 27, 2016, Prof. Hans de Sterck) “Model order reduction of
dynamic skeletal muscle models”.
Curriculum Vitae
Mylena Mordhorst
Invited colloquium presentation at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia (January 25, 2016, Prof. Peter Lee) “Mathematically modelling
surface EMG signals”.
ST 2014
Modellierung und Simulation in der Biomechanik (für Master Medizintechnik):
Organisation, development and realisation of the entire exercises, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Chair II, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
WT 2013
Einführung in die Kontinuumsbiomechanik (für Master Medizintechnik):
Organisation, development and realisation of the entire exercises, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Chair II, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Student tutor
WT 2011
Höhere Mathematik III (für Ingenieurstudiengänge):
Realisation of exercises (2 SWS) and correction of home exercises, Department of Mathematics, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
ST 2011
Mathematik für Physiker II:
Realisation of exercises (2 SWS) and correction of home exercises and final exam, Department of Mathematics, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany.
WT 2010
Mathematik für Physiker I:
Realisation of exercises (2 SWS) and correction of home exercises and final exam, Department of Mathematics, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany.