Folie 1

95th Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society (DPG)
Symposium: Ion channels - from molecule to malady
University of Luebeck, 2nd March, 2016 | 9:00-18:00 | Hörsaalgebäude Vorklinik, Hörsaal / lecture hall V1
Chair: Birgit Liss
Birgit Liss
9:00 Institute of Applied Physiology, University of
Opening remarks / Introduction
Ulm, Germany
Thomas J. Jentsch
9:15 Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare
Pharmakologie und Max-Delbrück-Centrum für
Molekulare Medizin (MDC), Berlin, Germany
Jeffrey R. Holt
Molecular identity and properties of the
volume-regulated anion channel VRAC
TMC1 function in the mammalian inner ear
and the prospects for gene therapy to
treat genetic deafness
10:10 Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, USA
Thomas Voets
11:05 Laboratory of Ion Channel Research & TRPLe,
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine,
KU Leuven, Belgium
Function and modulation of TRP channels
in the somatosensory system
Lunch Break
Diane Lipscombe
Cell-specific regulation of calcium
ion channel function
13:30 Brown Institute for Brain Science, Brown
University, Providence, USA
14:25 Jörg Striessnig
L-type calcium channels in brain disorders
Institute of Pharmacy, Center for Chemistry and
Biomedicine, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Coffee Break
15:50 Benjamin Kaupp
Department of Molecular Sensory Systems,
CAESAR, Bonn, Germany
Electrical signaling in sperm exotic ion channels with weird properties
16:45 Gero Miesenböck
Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour,
University of Oxford, UK
17:40 Birgit Liss
Optogenetics: Lighting up the brain
Closing remarks