CURRICULUM VITAE FRIEDERIKE HOPPE Friederike Hoppe was born 29.05.1992 in Bielefeld, an unknown city in the west of Germany. She grew up a little, did normal things like sleeping, breathing, eating and some teenage stuff- she also liked: writing, music and sketching things on toilet paper. Some day she thought that film is a great medium to combine all this. So she made her first film knowing that she knew almost nothing about making films. She did it anyway and she noticed it feels great. And she wants to continue making films. Her first short film TO BE NAIVE AND TO KNOW IT'S OK won the YOUNG GERMAN FILM PRIZE 2011 and was shown e.g. at 16th SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL. EXPERIENCE AS DIRECTOR 2011: NAIV SEIN UND WISSEN DASS DAS EIN WEG IST (TO BE NAIVE AND TO KNOW IT’S OK) (30 min) 11th UP AND COMING INT'L FILM FESTIVAL HANNOVER (Germany, Competition) * DEUTSCHER NACHWUCHSFILMPREIS 2011 / YOUNG GERMAN FILM PRIZE 2011 16th SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL (B&H, Int'l Short Competition) SYNOPSIS DRAUSSEN IST WO DU NICHT BIST WE ARE OUTSIDE PLAYING IN THE GARDEN Die Indoorgarten © Institution zur Stärkung der mentalen Zufriedenheit ist eine Indoorgarten© Institution zur Stärkung der mentalen Zufriedenheit und des Glücks. Kommen Sie vorbei, lassen Sie sich fallen, einfach mal vom Alltag abschalten. Wir offerieren u.a. Hüpfburg, Ponys, Kostümierung (div.) und so viel bunten Schleckerkam, wie das Ihr Herz begehrt. Bei Unzufriedenheit Geld zurück. Seien Sie schnell! Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. The indoor garden © institution is an indoor garden institution where people can apply to go on holidays from their everyday life. WE OFFER PONIES, GARDEN GAMES, PRINCESS COSTUMING ETC. FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! PARTY PARTY! YAY PARTY! YAY! CREW, FESTIVALS & CO DRAUSSEN IST WO DU NICHT BIST WE ARE OUTSIDE PLAYING IN THE GARDEN end of production: 11/2013 short Director: Friederike Hoppe Screenplay: Friederike Hoppe Producer: Markus Kaatsch, Niklas Warnecke Country: Germany Genre: short Festivals: 21.11.2013 * 12th UP-AND-COMING INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL HANNOVER (Competition, Germany) * NOMINATION: DEUTSCHER NACHWUCHSFILMPREIS 2013 / YOUNG GERMAN FILM PRIZE 2013* 23.11.2013 * YOUKI – INTERNATIONAL YOUTH MEDIA FESTIVAL (Int’l Competition, Wels, Austria) 25.01.2014 * 16th SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, USA) 27.03.2014 * 18th FILMFEST SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN (Competition, Germany) 04.04.2014 * WORLDFEST – 47th HOUSTON INT'L FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, USA) *SILVER REMI AWARD" (Live Action Narrative Shorts)* 11.04.2014 * 2nd FILM FESTIVAL OF LAUGHTER (Official Selection, Zagreb, Croatia) 10.05.2014 * 11th GREEN FILM FESTIVAL (Green Competition, Seoul, Korea) 15.05.2014 * FISH-FESTIVAL IM STADTHAFEN ROSTOCK (Competition, Germany) *FILM DES JAHRES / FILM OF THE YEAR* 22.05.2014 * 16th KURZFILMFESTIVAL WEIMAR - BACKUP (Official Selection, Germany) 30.05.2014 * BROOKLYN FILM FESTIVAL 2014 (Official Selection, USA) 30.05.2014 * 1st SAMYAK SHORTFILM & DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, India) 06.06.2014 * FESTIVAL OF NATIONS 2014 (Official Selection, Austria) 09.06.2014 * 49th WERKSTATT DER JUNGEN FILMSZENE (Competition, Germany) 03.07.2014 * REVELATION PERTH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2014 (Official Selection, Australia) 03.07.2014 * VIDEO ART FESTIVAL MIDEN (Official Selection, Greece) 16.07.2014 * 12th CINEMADAMARE 2014 (Official Selection, Italy) 31.07.2014 * CINEFRINGE FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Edinburgh, Scotland) 14.08.2014 * 38th OPEN-AIR FILMFEST WEITERSTADT (Competition, Germany) 20.08.2014 * 29th FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE FILM AMATEUR DE KELIBIA (FIFAK) (Int’l Competition, Tunisia) 21.08.2014 * 16th SEOUL INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, South Korea) 22.08.2014 * FESTIVAL DE INTERNACIONAL DE CURTMETRATGES MAS SORRER (Official Selection, Spain) 23.08.2014 * „BERLINFILME IM ESPERANTOGARTEN“ (Interkulturelles Theater Zentrum, Berlin, Germany) 23.08.2014 * STRANGERS WITH MY FACE HORROR FILM FESTIVAL (Int’l Shorts program, Tasmania) 23.08.2014 * AEROE SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2014 (Official Selection, Denmark) 27.08.2014 * 11th BAYSIDE FILM FESTIVAL (Jump Cut Competition, Australia) 02.09.2014 * 10th BUDAPEST SHORT INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL – BUSHO (Information Screening Program, Hungary) 19.09.2014 26.09.2014 29.09.2014 04.10.2014 09.10.2014 16.10.2014 21.10.2014 25.10.2014 01.11.2014 06.11.2014 11.11.2014 12.11.2014 * 3rd EKA DESHMA – FESTIVAL DE CONTEMPORARY CINEMA (Official Selection, Kathmandu, Nepal) * MOONDANCE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2014 (Official Selection, USA) * SZCZECIN EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL (FISH program, Poland) * KURZFILMABEND IM “GELEGENHEITEN” (Screening, Berlin, Germany) * 2nd INTERNATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Portugal) * 25th NEW ORLEANS FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, USA) * INNSBRUCK NATURE FILM FESTIVAL 2014 (Official Selection, Austria) * 12th RAVENNA NIGHTMARE FILM FEST (Int’l Competition for Short Films, Italy) * 11th KIN WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Armenia) * 8th PSSST! SILENT FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Hungary) * 28th INTERNATIONALES FILMFEST BRAUNSCHWEIG (Competition, Germany) * 14th FLENSBURGER KURZFILMTAGE (Competition, Germany) MUMBAI WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, India) 16th MADURAI INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY AND SHORT FILM (Official Selection, India) 9th THE HAGUE – STREAMING FESTIVAL FOR AUDIO AND VISUAL ART (Official Selection, Netherlands) 3rd MUMBAI SHORTS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL – 14 (Official Selection, India) 18th JAPAN MEDIA ARTS FESTIVAL (Competition, Japan) *JURY SELECTION* 05.02.2015 * 3rd BODDINALE 2015 (Competition, Berlin, Germany) 11.02.2015 * THE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SARAJEVO “SARAJEVO WINTER” 2015 (Official Selection, Bosnia- 06.12.2014 06.12.2014 09.12.2014 20.12.2014 04.02.2015 * * * * * Herzegovina) 13.02.2015 * 5th FILUMS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Pakistan) 19.02.2015 * 11th INT’L SHORT FILM FESTIVAL OF GENEVA COURTOUJOURS (Official Selection, Switzerland) 06.03.2015 * WATERSPRITE 2015 – THE CAMBRIDGE INT’L STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL (Shortlisted, UK) *SHORTLISTED IN BEST EDITING, BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN* 06.03.2015 * BYRON BAY INT’L FILM FESTIVAL 2015 (Official Selection, Australia) 21.03.2015 * 22nd SGUARDI ALTROVE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (Competitive Section, Milano, Italy) 26.03.2015 * 3rd INTERNATIONAL MOTION FESTIVAL – IMF 2015 (Official Selection, Cyprus) 18.04.2015 * 52nd YOUNG COLLECTION (Competition, Bremen, Germany) 16.05.2015 * KUNSTHANDFEST BARNITZ (Kurzfilmrolle Extra, Germany) 02.07.2015 * FLOßKINO 2015 (Screening, Berlin, Germany) 18.07.2015 * KURZFILMWANDERUNG LEIPZIG (Screening, Germany) 27.07.2015 * 16th INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL MALESCORTO (Official Selection, Italy) 15.08.2015 * PARKFLIMMERN 2015 (Screening, Parkclub Fürstenwalde, Germany) 19.11.2015 * BUILT YOUR OWN WORLD (Special Screening event of Kalamata Youth Center (Festival Miden), Greece) 18.12.2015 * 7th ARES FILM & MEDIA FESTIVAL (Int’l Competition, Italy) 18.12.2015 * TAKAMATSU MEDIA ARTS FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Takamatsu, Japan) 19.02.2016 * EYEMYTH MEDIA ARTS FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Mumbai, India) Cast: Ingeborg - Ulrike Johannson Oswald - Derrek „Del“ Keens Wilhelm - Veit Stiller Erich - Harald Geil Herr M. - Michael Bendler David - Frank Droese Sekretärin - Victoria Pickett Mathelehrer - Klaus Hoppe Rocker - Mario “Harley Barny”Demski Sparkassenangestellter - Thomas Giegerich Hausfrau - Beatrice Murmann Busfahrer - Falk Schirmacher Hipster - Steven Kuppe Grundschullehrerin - Karoline Günst Biofrau - Elisabeth Biegal Pastor - Moritz Berg Clerk - Torsten Köchlin Wachtmeister - Andy Suess Empfangsdame - Mandy Singh Nachrichtensprecherin - Irina Wrona Bär - Leo Pflugradt Kindergärtnerin - Sonja Dickel Frührenter - Wolfgang Schreiber Hippie -Komet Department Activity Name Director Producer Screenplay Art Department Camera Editing Music Director Producer Screenplay Art Department Director of Photography Editor Music Friederike Hoppe Markus Kaatsch, Niklas Warnecke Friederike Hoppe Caroline Ohmert, Marta Mastronani Anselm Belser Friederike Hoppe Ludwig Plath Shooting Days Location Running Time 5 Germany, Berlin 10:00 Shooting Format Screening Format Aspect Ratio Sound HD DCP, BluRay, HDCam, DigiBeta, .mov, BetaSP, DVD, miniDV 1:1,78 (16:9), Colour 5.1 Stereo, German, English subtitles CONTACT DISTRIBUTION & PRODUCTION DIRECTOR aug&ohr medien Markus Kaatsch Riemannstr. 21 10961 Berlin, Germany Friederike Hoppe +49 (0) 176 92 63 84 73 [email protected] +49 (0) 176 – 62 96 5 299 [email protected]
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