Esther Kuehn, PhD EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL CAREER 07/2015 – present DZNE of Helmholtz Gemeinschaft, Magdeburg • Ageing and Cognition, Prof. Thomas Wolbers Post-‐doctoral Fellow (CNPS) 09/2014 – 06/2015 University College London • Sensory Mapping, Prof. Marty Sereno Visiting Researcher 12/2013 – 08/2014 Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig • Somatosensory Plasticity, Prof. Burkhard Pleger Post-‐doc 06/2013 – 11/2013 University College London • Action and Body, Prof. Patrick Haggard Post-‐doctoral Fellow (DAAD) 09/2009 – 04/2013 Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig • Body and Self, Prof. Simone Schütz-‐Bosbach PhD Fellow (IMPRS NeuroCom) 02/2007 – 03/2009 University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand) • MSc in Neuroscience 10/2003 – 09/2006 Westfälische Wilhelms-‐University, Münster • BSc in Biology STIPENDS, GRANTS & AWARDS 09/2015 09/2014 04/2013 04/2013 04/2011 01/2010 09/2012 01/2008 10/2007 CNPS Post-‐Doctoral Fellowship, provided by Center for Behavioral and Brain Sciences (CBBS) Gorter-‐Award for PhD Thesis, provided by German Chapter of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) DAAD Post-‐Doctoral Fellowship PhD award (summa cum laude), provided by University of Leipzig OHBM Trainee Abstract Travel Award DGP Stipend for Summer School „Functional magnetic resonance imaging in psychological research” IMPRS PhD Fellowship, provided by Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) University of Otago Masters Award University of Otago Summer Research Scholarship SCIENCE COMMUNICATION • • ZFD Terra X Documentary, “Geistesgiganten”, Scientific advisor Online Journal In-‐Mind, Science journalist • • • • Gehirn und Geist, Science journalist 1st Max Planck Society Conference “Visons in Science” Bremen, Concept development, PR, Leader of discussion groups and panel discussions, Design of conference flyer, Invitation of speakers and guests (until 2009) Kindergarten “Pünktchen und Anton” Berlin, Science communicator (until 2008) Otago Museum Dunedin, Science communicator PUBLICATIONS Kuehn E, Mueller K, Lohmann G, Schütz-‐Bosbach (2015). Interoceptive awareness changes the posterior insula functional connectivity profile. Brain Struct Funct. Kuehn E, de Havas J, Silkoset E, Haggard P (2015). On the bilateral integration of proprioceptive information. Exp Brain Res 233: 1273-‐1288. Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-‐Bosbach S (2014). Der soziale Homunculus im primären somatosensorischen Cortex (S1) beschrieben mit 7 Tesla fMRT. 17th Ann Meet Ger Chapter Int Soc Magn Reson Med, 29-‐33. Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-‐Bosbach S (2014). The functional architecture of S1 during touch observation described with 7 T fMRI. Brain Struct Funct 219: 219-‐40 Schütz-‐Bosbach S, Kuehn E. Die soziale Perspektive (2014). In Prinz W. Experimentelle Handlungsforschung: Kognitive Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung und Steuerung von Handlungen, Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart: 106-‐157. Kuehn E, Trampel R, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-‐Bosbach S (2013). Judging roughness by sight: A 7-‐Tesla fMRI study on responsivity of the primary somatosensory cortex during observed touch of self and others. Hum Brain Map 34: 1882-‐95 Wartenburger I, Kuehn E, Sassenberg U, Foth M, Franz L, van der Meer E (2010). On the relationship between fluid intelligence, gesture production, and brain structure. Intelligence 38: 193-‐201 Bein D, Kuehn E, Meuth A, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Sauerland C, Luger T, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Evaluation of disease activity and damage in different subtypes of cutaneous lupus erythematosus using the CLASI. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol 25: 652-‐9 Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Amler S, Kuehn E, Haust M, Messer G, Bekou V, Sauerland C, Metze D, Köpcke W, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Lupus erythematosus tumidus is a separate subtype of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Br J Dermatol 162: 64-‐73 Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Meuth AM, Haust M, Nyberg F, Werth V, Ruzicka T, Schmitt V, Bonsmann G (2009). Development of a core set questionnaire by the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE). Autoimmun Rev 8: 702-‐12 Kuehn E, Kuhn A. Alphee Cazenave – Pionier der Dermatologie des 19. Jahrhunderts (2008). In Löser C, Plewig G. Pantheon der Dermatologie, 142-‐58 Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Bonsmann G, Sunderkötter, C. Dermatologische Differentialdiagnosen kutaner Durchblutungsstörungen. (2006) in: Ladner U. Raynaud-‐Syndrom und akrale Ischämiesyndrome, Unimed Verlag, Bremen, S.58-‐74
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