Mega Star Dr. Leonard Coldwell "The Voice for Cancer Patients" Keynote Speaker at the worlds largest health event in the Dominican Republic Mega Star Dr. Leonard Coldwell “The Voice for Cancer Patients” is to event Peace Punta be the Keynote Speaker at the worlds largest health in the Dominican Republic. The 1 World Conference on and Light will be held Agust 23-25, 2015 in Bavaro, Cana – Dominican Republic. To Learn More Please Click Here Dr. Leonard Coldwell ( Dr C ) will be the Keynote Speaker in Brazil at the largest Anti-Cancer Event ever held in South America! To Learn more or atten d, pleas e click here! Event to take place in Brazil September 13-19, 2015 Dr. C (Dr. Leonard Coldwell) Has Done It Again! The MOST SUCCESSFUL Radio Show for Cancer Cures EVER broadcast in Europe! Millions of people listened live and over 10,000 views on the REPLAY Video within just 32 Hours! To Watch Please Click Here! Censorship: Facebook Bans Dr. Coldwell's German Account With his fan base building over in Germany, Dr. Coldwell started a second Facebook account specifically tailored to German speakers. With in the first 24 hours it had gained 900+ friends and followers and was shaping up to be a fantastic platform to get natural health and healing information over to the European market. He seems to have run into problems after only a few controversial posts, finding that his account has simply been deleted. More and more alternative health Doctors are having issues with media. This is just one more example. Please follow Dr. C on Facebook on his American account. He would love to add you as a friend but has reached the Facebook limit of 5,000 long ago. Wie Krebs in Wochen geheilt werden kann - Dr. C bricht sein Schweigen // Trailer Nach 43 Jahren bricht Dr Leonard Coldwell ( Dr C ) sein Schweigen über die kriminellen Machenschaften der Pharmazeutischen und Medizinischen Industrie und darüber we schnell, billig und ohne jegliche Nebenwirkungen Krebs geheit werden kann! Dr C wird am 24. July die Welt für die 300 Milliarden Dollar Krebs Industrie für immer Verändern. Es gibt mehr als 400 natürliche Krebsheilungsmethoden und seit 1911 und 1936 haven 2 Nobelpreistäger für Medizin bereits die physiche Ursache und Heilung für Krebs nachgewiesen. Dr C wird Ihnen davon berichten wie der seine Mutter von Hepatitis C, Leberzirrhose und Leber Krebs im Endstadium, mit 6 Monaten Lebenserwartung for 43 Jahren geheilt hat. Dr C berichtet über die erfolgreichen Krebsheilungsmethoden die er seit über 30 Jahren erfolgreich historischen Erfolge. praktiziert hat und über seine Lernen Sie von dem einzigen Menschen der Welt der bewiesen hat das er Krebs heilen kann. Lernen Sie wie auch Sie Ihere Gesundheit schnell und effektiv und ohne grossen finanziellen Aufwand verbessern können. Dr. C on The Lillian McDermott Radio Show (Audio Replay) Click to listen! ows/balancing-candida-dr-leonardcoldwell-6-8-15/ The Lillian McDermott Radio Show ~ When You need a Friend… ~ Monday thru Fridays from 9 am to 10 am ~ On “The Talk To Me Station” AM 1300 WMEL and Worldwide at: Have you been tuning in to the Dr. Coldwell Radio Show? Opinion If you haven’t been tuning in to the Dr. Coldwell Opinion Radio Show every Sunday, not to worry. The past shows are archived so you can listen to them at your convenience. Simply visit and enter the date of the show you would like to hear! For a listing of past shows please visit:!/cuy0 Dr. Coldwell Opinion Radio is broadcast live every Sunday afternoon 3:00 pm to 4:00pm EST. Just go!/cuy0 or call listen via phone or skype by dialing 605-562-7718. to into Topics are generally natural health based but also encompass world events, politics, finance, and much much more! Love, Your Dr. C Dr. C's German Book Tour SOLD OUT/Mega Success! With the release of Dr. C’s newest book, published in German, came the German Book Tour. Prior to the event, because it was so large in scale, and so much alternative health information and cures were to be given so freely many of the speakers received threatening phone calls intended to attempt to intimidate them out of keeping the engagement. To add to the intimidation factor there were also demonstrators, most likely paid off, during all three days of the conference just outside of the building. They even went so far as to have called the police in on the event coordinator to try and bring the event to a halt. Many of the scheduled doctors did not speak as planned. Of course that did not work on Dr. C as those of you who know him can imagine. He went on stage, filling their heads with mind blowing health information and natural cures. He had the crowd on their feet hanging on his every word. The new book sold out instantly in the first edition and we have already over 6,000 pre-orders for the 2nd Edition. Thanks to all! Love, Dr. C. Here are some of the pictures from the event! Wish you all could have made it in person to share in the energy and excitement. My very first Patient was able to attend: My MOTHER 43 ago she had Hepatitis C, Liver Cirrhosis and terminal cancer with the prognosis of a maximum of 6 month to Today she is 80 years old and supporting me at my book She spoke and told her story in her own words, live. I love you Mom. years Liver live. tour. If you speak German, here is the interview with Dr. C. Author: Sarah J. Barendse Dr. C LIVE TONIGHT on Tara Marie Live! TONIGHT on #TARAMARIELIVE! Optimal health and recovery from illness involves activating or re-activating the natural healing powers that we all have within ourselves. My guest, world-renowned expert on cancer and stress-related illnesses, Dr. Leonard Coldwell, joins me to talk about his Instinct Based Medicine System™ and book, The Only Answer to Surviving Your Illness and Your Doctor. Tune in from 6-8 pm ET, 3-5 Radio/SiriusXM Channel 154. PT Call with your questions: (888) 411-7242 on American Latino HEAL Featuring Dr. Leonard Coldwell 7
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