design for a smile design for a smile ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Autumn 2015 INHALT TREND DRINKS WINE & MORE BEER & SCHNAPPS HOT DRINKS POS PEARLS EDITION RED WHITE Champagnerglas Champagne glass Proseccoglas Prosecco glass Rotweinglas Red wine glass Weißweinglas White wine glass RED & WHITE CARAFE NEU Glaskaraffe Glass carafe 10 12 14 15 16 BEER SCHNAPPS WEIZEN LA GRAPPA Bierglas Beer glass Schnapsglas Schnapps glass Weizenglas Wheat beer glass Grappaglas Grappa glass 20 21 22 23 MY DARLING MY LITTLE DARLING Kaffeebecher Coffee mug 26 Espressotasse Espresso cup 27 POS Poster, Aufsteller Poster, Stand up display 28 POS CHAMPUS TREND DRINKS 6 BEER & SCHNAPPS WINE & MORE Aperitif -Designglas Aperitif design glass HOT DRINKS APERITIVO ROSATO COCKTAIL CULTURE AT HOME TREND DRINK EDITION APERITIVO ROSATO TREND DRINKS APERITIVO ROSATO Die Designgläser für die aktuellen gespritzten Cocktails gibt es in jeweils unterschiedlichen prickelnden Dekoren. Damit kann man die neuesten It-Drinks stilvoll zu Hause genießen. Mixen und cheers! /// The design glasses for the cocktails currently trending are available in different refreshing decors. Made for enjoying the latest “it-drinks” at home in real style. Simply mix and enjoy – cheers! APERITIVO ROSATO Aperitifglas // Aperitif glass // Glas // Glass: H 240 mm, Ø 55 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,6 l Aperitifglas // Aperitif glass Spülmaschinenfest // Dishwasher safe MADE IN GERMANY 6 Sandra Brandhofer Selli Coradazzi Michaela Koch 2015 / 3240007 2015 / 3240008 2015 / 3240009 TREND DRINKS TREND DRINKS Hyazinth Pakulla Virginia Romo Dominique Tage 2015 / 3240010 2015 / 3240011 2015 / 3240012 7 D E SIG G N E D I TII O N CHAMPUS /// PEARLS /// RED /// WHITE /// RED & WHITE C AR AFE Die eleganten Designgläser sind die perfekten Begleiter für Gourmetgenüsse aus erlesenen Trauben. /// The elegant GHVLJQJODVVHVDUHWKHSHUIHFWDFFRPSDQLPHQWIRUJRXUPHWVWRHQMR\DQ\SURGXFWPDGHIURPÀQHJUDSHV NEW 9 WINE & MORE CHAMPUS Glas // Glass: H 240 mm, Ø 70 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,2 l Serviette // Napkin: 250 x 250 mm Champagnerglas mit Serviette // Champagne glass with napkin MADE IN GERMANY 10 Pietro Chiera Ulrike Klaus Helena Ladeiro 2015 / 1070223 2015 / 1070224 2015 / 1070225 Nuno Ladeiro Dominika Przybylska Andrea Vecera 2015 / 1070226 2015 / 1070227 2015 / 1070228 CHAMPUS Glas // Glass: H 240 mm, Ø 70 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,2 l Serviette // Napkin: 250 x 250 mm Champagnerglas mit Serviette // Champagne glass with napkin WINE & MORE MADE IN GERMANY Jahrgangsglas special edition glass 2016 Virginia Romo NEW / 1079006 11 PEARLS EDITION Glas // Glass: H 220 mm, Ø 64 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,16 l mb mb »» 12 12 pcs pcs Stückpreis Stückpreis //// Unit Unit price: price: 6,38 6,38 Euro Euro Proseccoglas // Prosecco glass MADE IN GERMANY 12 Liana Cavallaro Iris Interthal Anissa Mendil 2015 / 3250007 2015 / 3250008 2015 / 3250009 Burkhard Neie Burkhard Neie Rachael Taylor 2015 / 3250010 2015 / 3250011 2015 / 3250012 13 WINE & MORE RED Glas // Glass: H 240 mm, Ø 94 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,58 l Design Rotweinglas // Design red wine glass MADE IN GERMANY 14 Sandra Brandhofer Liana Cavallaro 2015 / 3000017 2015 / 3000018 Virginia Romo Alice Wilson 2015 / 3000019 2015 / 3000020 WHITE Glas // Glass: H 225 mm, Ø 79 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,36 l Design Weißweinglas // Design white wine glass WINE & MORE MADE IN GERMANY Sandra Brandhofer Liana Cavallaro 2015 / 3010017 2015 / 3010018 Virginia Romo Alice Wilson 2015 / 3010019 2015 / 3010020 15 RED & WHITE DESIGN WINE CARAFE Weinkaraffe mit Korkverschluss // Wine Carafe with cork stopper Glas // Glass: H 267 mm, Ø 150 mm Korkverschluss mit Edelstahlblende // Cork stopper with stainless steal cover plate Inhalt // Volume: 1,5l mb » 12 pcs Stückpreis // Unit price: 6,38 Euro HANDMADE 16 Sandra Brandhofer Liana Cavallaro 2015 / 3280001 2015 / 3280002 WINE & MORE NEW Virginia Romo Alice Wilson 2015 / 3280003 2015 / 3280004 17 D E SIG GN EDITION B E E R / / / W E IZEN N / /// S C H N A P P S / / / L A G R A P PA Zünnftigee s Weizeenbierr, selbss tggezaapftee s Bloondes odder ein eiskalteer Hochhprozzentt iger zischen auss den p opppigeen RITZEEN HO OFF Dee signnglääsern mit humoorvvollenn Dekkoren gleeich nocc h besseer. /// An exceellent weizen beeer, a freeshlyy tap pped lagger or an icce-- co old shot or lonng drin nk aree douubly reff reshingg when enjjoyed d f rom m th he hum morous and trenddy RII TZ Z ENHOF FF FF desiign glasssess. BEER & SCHNAPPS BEER & SCHNAPPS WEIZEN LA GRAPPA BEER Bierglas // Beer glass Glas // Glass: H 216 mm, Ø 55 mm Deckel // Mats: 75 x 75 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,3 l Bierglas mit Bierdeckeln // Beer glass with beer mats Spülmaschinenfest // Dishwasher safe MADE IN GERMANY 20 Julien Chung Dorothee Kupitz Marie Peppercorn 2015 / 3220013 2015 / 3220014 2015 / 3220015 Angela Schiewer Michal Shalev Gabriel Weirich 2015 / 3220016 2015 / 3220017 2015 / 3220018 SCHNAPPS Schnapsglas // Schnapps glass // Glas // Glass: H 111 mm, Ø 38 mm Deckel // Mats: 50 x 50 mm Inhalt // Volume: 40 ml Schnapsglas // Schnapps glass Spülmaschinenfest // Dishwasher safe BEER & SCHNAPPS MADE IN GERMANY Julien Chung Dorothee Kupitz Marie Peppercorn 2015 / 3230013 2015 / 3230014 2015 / 3230015 Angela Schiewer Michal Shalev Gabriel Weirich 2015 / 3230016 2015 / 3230017 2015 / 3230018 21 WEIZEN Weizenglas // Wheat beer glass // Glas // Glass: H 230 mm, Ø 85 mm Deckel // Mats: Ø 107 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,5 l Weizenglas mit Bierdeckeln // Wheat beer glass with beer mats 22 Markus Binz Sandra Brandhofer Sandra Brandhofer 2015 / 1020189 2015 / 1020190 2015 / 1020191 Kurz Kurz Design Burkhard Neie Alice Wilson 2015 / 1020192 2015 / 1020193 2015 / 1020194 LA GRAPPA Glas // Glass: H 200 mm, Ø 42 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,09 l Grappaglas // Grappa glass BEER & SCHNAPPS MADE IN GERMANY Kurz Kurz Design Petra Mohr 2015 / 2450054 2015 / 2450055 Astrid Müller Christian Westarp 2015 / 2450056 2015 / 2450057 23 HOT DRINKS DESIGN EDITION MY DARLING /// MY LITTLE DARLING Der dampfende Kaffee am Morgen, die köstliche Latte Macchiato am Nachmittag – die RITZENHOFF Designdekore zaubern ein Lächeln in den Alltag und verschönern jeden Moment – Design for a smile. /// A freshly-brewed, piping hot coffee in the morning, a latte macchiato in the afternoon – the RITZENHOFF design decors bring a smile to your day and make every moment even more enjoyable – design for a smile. HOT DRINKS MY DARLING MY LITTLE DARLING MY DARLING Becher // Mug H 95 mm, Ø 89 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,3 l Kaffeebecher // Coffee mug 26 Maya Franke Sabine Gebhardt 2015 / 1510166 2015 / 1510167 Virgina Romo Michal Shalev 2015 / 1510168 2015 / 1510169 MY LITTLE DARLING Tasse // Cup: H 50 mm, Ø 64 mm Untertasse // Saucer: Ø 125 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,08 l Espressotasse // Espresso cup Sabine Gebhardt 2015 / 1580119 2015 / 1580120 Virgina Romo Michal Shalev 2015 / 1580121 2015 / 1580122 HOT DRINKS Maya Franke 27 POS SCHNAPPS Stückpreis // Unit price: Schnapsglas // Schnapps glass // Glas // Glass: H 113 mm, Ø 35 mm Deckel // Mats: Ø 58 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,04 l 13,95 Euro Poster // Poster Schnapsglas mit Schnapsdeckeln // Schnapps glass with mats ASPERGO designed by Alain Langlois, Gourmet ASPERGO: 9RQ:HLQNHQQHUQIU*HQXVVPHQVFKHQHQWZLFNHOW 'LH.ROOHNWLRQEHVWHKHQGDXVGUHL:HLQJOlVHUQHLQHP&KDPSDJQHUJODV XQGHLQHPHUJlQ]HQGHQ7XPEOHUZXUGHVSH]LHOONUHLHUWXPDOOHVSH]LÀ VFKHQ%HVRQGHUKHLWHQGHUNODVVLVFKHQLQWHUQDWLRQDOHQ7UDXEHQVRUWHQXQG LKUHV7HUURLUVRSWLPDO]XEHWRQHQ 6SOPDVFKLQHQIHVW_0DGHLQ*HUPDQ\_:HLWHUH,QIRUPDWLRQHQÀQGHQ6LHLP)DFKKDQGHORGHULQXQVHUHP2QOLQH6WRUHXQWHUZZZULW]HQKRIIGH Cocktail Culture at Home Bavarian Party 60 x 84 cm / 1370213 59 x 95 cm / 1370247 59 x 95 cm / 1370248 Made in Germany Aspergo Golden Pearls Black Label 59 x 95 cm / 1370249 59 x 95 cm / 1370250 60 x 84 cm / 1370270 Made in Germany Magic Tea Time Gemeinsam für die NCL-Stiftung Spülmaschinenfest / Dishwasher safe Jan Josef Liefers, NCL Botschafter und Olaf Hajek, Künstler Pets Neuheiten Frühjahr 2014 Poster White Label 2015 60 x 84 cm / 1370277 60 x 84 cm / 1370276 60 x 84 cm / 1370292 Made in Germany Made in Germany APERITIVO ROSATO Neuheiten Herbst 2014 60 x 84 cm / 1370284 28 Einleger im DIN A4 Format für Acryl-Aufsteller ca. 22 x 30 cm // Inlet sheet for acrylic stand-up displays ca. 22 x 30 cm format Black Label Limoncello Beer & More Pets 1370265 1370273 1370274 1370275 Champus Jahresglas 2015 Beer / Schnapps 1370285 Everyday Darling White Label 1370294 1370299 1370283 Champus Jahresglas 2016 1370309 DER RITZENHOFF ADVENTSKALENDER ER IST WIEDER DA! Ab einer bestimmten Einkaufssumme erhalten Sie diesen GRATIS. Sprechen Sie uns jetzt an und sichern Sie sich Ihren Adventskalender 2015 für Ihr Geschäft – Ihre Kunden werden begeistert sein. THE RITZENHOFF ADVENT CALENDAR IT IS BACK! Aufsteller RED & WHITE CARAFE 1370291 1370310 POS Aufsteller Pearls Edition Purchase for a minimum amount and we give you the RITZENHOFF calendar FREE OF CHARGE. Contact us now to reserve your 2015 advent calendar for your store – your customers will be thrilled! 29 POS Out-Artikel l Katalog I Aufkleber I Acryl-Markenschriftzug // Out-article / catalogue / sticker / acrylic lable sign OUT-ARTIKEL Katalognr. design for a smile ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Spring 2015 Katalog Frühjahr 2015 1370070 Aufkleber // Sticker WEIZEN 0,5 l CHAMPUS MY DARLING 1020084 Kunath 2006 1070180 Wüllner 2011 1510139 Chung (Brasil) 2013 1020161 Klar 2013 1070193 Gockel (Frau) 2013 1510152 Jacquart 2014 1020164 Weiss 2013 1070194 Gockel (Vögel)2013 1510153 Melzer 2014 1020170 Schiewer 2013 1070197 Tage2013 1510158 Chiera 2014 1020175 So 2014 1070198 Wurm 2013 1020178 Harari 2014 1070207 Mendil 2014 1020181 Mohr 2014 1020182 Mohr 2014 PEARLS MY LITTLE DARLING 1580087 Bierenbroodspot 2012 1580091 Rotzsche 2012 1930043 Biber 2008 1580092 Warren 2012 WINE RED 1930062 Hilles 2009 1580098 Hoetzel 2013 3000001 Farias 2013 1930074 Koch 2010 3000002 Gebhardt 2013 1930090 So 2011 BACIONE 3000004 Neie 2013 1930102 Tage 2012 2610004 3000007 Jawitz 2014 1930116 Dardik 2014 2610008 Weirich 2011 1930119 Shalev 2014 2610012 Lorenzo 2012 Ito 2011 WINE WHITE 3010001 Farias 2013 LA GRAPPA 3010002 Gebhardt 2013 2450030 3010004 Neie 2013 2450035 Winter 2011 3010007 Jawitz 2014 2450038 Mendil 2012 2450041 Przybylska (Noten) 2012 AMORE MIO Shalev 2011 2450043 Kupitz 2012 2450047 Coradazzi 2013 1610026 Gunga 2004 THERMO JUG MILK 3210001 Gunga 2014 3210004 Petit-Roulet 2014 gratis // free Acryl-Markenschriftzug // Acrylic lable sign 30 Beschreibung 21 x 98 cm 10 x 48 cm 6,5 x 30 cm 1370045 1370046 1370047 gratis // free Mit Fuß // With stand Ohne Fuß // Without stand 1370173 1370174 Einleger im DIN A4 Format für Acryl-Aufsteller ca. 22 x 30 cm // Schnapsglas mitacrylic Schnapsdeckeln // Schnapps glass mats Inlet sheet for stand-up displays ca. 22 x 30 cm with format Australia: H.A.G. Import Corporation (Australia) PTY. LTD., Brooklyn Estate, 11-27 Millers Road, Victoria 3012, +61 3 9318 0466, [email protected] • Austria: Concept Vertriebs GmbH,+49 221 69 92 76, Fax: +49 221 47 17 276 • Azerbaijan: Italdizian Group, 33/35 Uz. Hajibeyov Str. 1000 Baku, +994 124 932 016, [email protected] • Belgium: Ritzenhoff B.V., Design House, Fultonbaan 30, 3439 NE Nieuwegein, Netherlands, +31 306 302 313, [email protected] • Bolivia: 220 DOS VEINTE, Ms. Rosemarie Ortiz, Calle 24 de Septiembre # 220, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, +591 3 336 1306, [email protected] • Brazil: Cristaleria Ruvolo Ltda., Mr. Tennison H. Ruvolo, Estrada de Santa Isabel 7085, Itaquaquecetuba 08586-260, +55 11 4649 2229, [email protected] • Bulgaria: KREO GROUP EOOD, Mrs. Irina Petkova, 27 Gladstone Str., 1000 Sofia, +359 2 821 14 34, [email protected] • Canada: Euro Design Canada, Mr. Marc Gagnon, 1390 St-Jacques suite # 5, Montréal, Québec, H3C 4J4, +1 514 932 026, [email protected] • Chile: T-Zeta Comercializadora Ltda., Mrs. Luz Elena Zea, AV PDTE. Kennedy 5600 Oficina 615, Vitacura, Santiago de Chile, +56 2 22953 5340, [email protected] • China: Beijing Oriental New Fashion Trading Co. Ltd., No. 8, Guangqumen St., Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, +86-010-58614806, [email protected] • Costa Rica: Corporacion C.R. Watersonn S.A., Mrs. Guisela Ostaszynki, De Jardines del Recuerdo 900 mts Oeste, Lagunilla de Heredia, +506 22 63 21 21, imports@ • Cyprus: Three S Trading Ltd., Mr. George A. Strovolides, Hermes Building Office 501, 31. Chr. Sozos Street, 1096 Nicosia, +357 22 818 530 • Denmark: Etcetera Marketing AB, Mrs. Anna-Lena Niléhn, P.O. Box 8114, 200 41 Malmö, Sweden, +46 40 67 285 00, [email protected] • El Salvador: LineaDue, Ms. Maria de los Angeles Murray, Blvd. del Hippodromo # 333, Colonia San Benito, San Salvador, +503 2243 0409, [email protected] • Finland/Estonia: ICY Form Oy, Mr. Riku Solapuro, Henry Fordinkatu 5K, 00150 Helsinki, +358 9 7510 2700, [email protected] • France: Mr. Jean-Claude Gottardini, Les Hières, 67130 Barembach, +33 6 85 20 64 42 • Georgia: Italdizian Group, 33/35 Uz. Hajibeyov Str. 1000 Baku, Azerbaijan +994 124 932 016 • Greece: Denovo Ltd., 08 Marathonos Str., 18540 Piräus +30 210 4 11 56 77 • Guatemala: Franbo S.A., 5 Avenida 1144 Zona 14 Guatemala, Guatemala, +502 23 33 50 79 • Hong Kong: Ex-Libris Pisces Ltd., Rua do Regedor, No. 125 Chun Fok Village, R/C H, Taipa, Macau, +852 8179 9731, offi[email protected] • Iceland/Greenland: Flaedi ehf, Mr. Skúli Rósantsson, Skeifan 8, 108 Reykjavik, +354 5880 640, [email protected] • India: SIS India, Mumbai, +91 22-24467750/52 • Hyderabad, +91 40-23550346/47, New Delhi, +91 11-41553333 • Bengaluru, +91 080-25504444 • Italy: Livellara S.R.L., Via Bovisasca, 59, 20157 Milano, +39-02-39322741, [email protected] • Iran: Italdizian Group, 33/35 Uz. Hajibeyov Str. 1000 Baku, Azerbaijan, info@italdizian. az • Japan: YO-KO Corporation, Mr. Kazuhiko Kato, 1-629 Shindeki Higashi, Nagoya 461-0038, +81 52935 6251 • Jordan: Canadian Jordanian Furniture Company Al Baraka Mall, Sweifiye Area, Amman, +962 6581 3647 Fax: +962 6581 3651 • Kuwait: L & V Interiors Co., Mr. Armen Vanlian, The Avenues Mall, Ground Floor, Units G08-G09, Al-Rai, 5th Ring Road, Kuwait City, +965 259 Stückpreis // Unit price: 13,95 Euro 73 49 / 50 •Lebanon: Vanlian Freres, Mr. Armen Vanlian, Dora Highway, Shell Street, Beirut, +961 1 241 951 • Luxembourg: Generalvertretung durch Concept Vertriebs GmbH, +49 221 69 92 76, Fax +49 221 47 17 276 • Malta: Studio Moda Limited, Mr. Mark Borg, Naxxar Road, San Gwan SGN 08, +356 2138 6812, [email protected] • Macau: Ex-Libris Pisces Ltd., Rua do Regedor, No. 125 Chun Fok Village, R/C H, Taipa, Macau, +853 2825 6319, offi[email protected] • Malaysia: Gift Concept Sdn. Bhd, Mr. Gerard Ng, 20, Jalan Datuk Sulaiman 4, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, +6012 2119700 • Netherlands: Ritzenhoff B.V., Design House, Fultonbaan 30, 3439 NE Nieuwegein, Netherlands, +31 306 302 313, [email protected] • New Zealand: H.A.G. Import Corporation (New Zealand) PTY. LTD., Brooklyn Estate, 11-27 Millers Road, Victoria 3012, +61 3 9318 0466, [email protected] • Norway: Howard AS, Mr. Tom Howard, Hansteensgate 12, 0253 Oslo, +47 2308 4130, [email protected] • Panama: INTERGIFT S.A., Av. Italia, CC Bal Harbour, Local G27, Paitilla, Ciudad de Panama, +507 393 4207 • Philippines: Kauflust Incorporated, Ms. Penelope Cindy Ang, 608 Camba Street, Binondo Manila 1006, +632 242 41 97 • Poland: AWA Design sp.z o.o., Szalwiowa 47, 03-167 Warszawa, +48 2 26 79 07 02, [email protected] • Portugal: Nuno Ladeiro, Lda., Mr. Arch. Nuno Ladeiro, R. Eng. Ferreira Dias, 1B, 1950-802 Lisboa, +351 211 990 807, info@[email protected] • Romania: Almarom Ltd., Ms. Simona Radulescu, Bd. Ion Mihalache nr. 98, Bl.44A, Etaj 9, Ap. 26 Sector 1 Bucharest, +40 213611668 • Singapore: a´moz concept pte ltd., Mr. Amos Ng, 3 Pickering Street #0143, China Square Nankin Row, Singapore 048660, +65 62 24 16 12, [email protected] • South Africa/ Namibia: Laundresse International (Pty) Ltd., 3rd Floor, Yodata House, 25 Hulbert Road, New Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa +27 11 466 9259, david@coopergroup. • South Korea: SEVO Korea Co. Ltd., 3FL, Ace High End Tower #6, 60-25, Gasan-Dong Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul, +82 2 34 81 09 00, [email protected] • Spain: RITZENHOFF - Studio Glass, Mr. Emmanuel Lorenzo, C/Còrsega 240-bajos, 08036 Barcelona, +34 93 3 18 18 91, [email protected] • Sweden: Etcetera Marketing AB, Mrs. Anna-Lena Niléhn, P.O. Box 8114, 200 41 Malmö, +46 40 67 285 00, [email protected] • Switzerland: Mayer & Bosshardt AG, Mr. Rene Mayer, Riehenring 175, 4058 Basel, +41 61 690 9730, [email protected] • Taiwan: Ex-Libris Pisces Ltd., Rua do Regedor, No. 125 Chun Fok Village, R/C H, Taipa, Macau, +853 2825 6319, office@ • Turkey: Vatan Ileri Teknoloji Urunleri Dis Ticaret A.S., Vali Konagi Caddesi No:9 B, Sisli, 34371 Istanbul, +90 212 2338318, [email protected] • United Kingdom: White Brand Agency, Mr. Laurence White, Unit Foxley G, Kington Park Ind. Estate, Malmesbury Road, Chippenham SN15 5PZ, +44 12 49 75 00 06, info@ • Germany: Ritzenhoff AG, Generalvertretung durch Concept Vertriebs GmbH, +49 221 69 92 76, Fax +49 800 230 20 20 • Industrie-/Werbemittel: studio L, Essen, +49 201 85 32 677, Fax +49 201 8532 670 POS PARTNER SCHNAPPS Schnapsglas // Schnapps glass // Glas // Glass: H 113 mm, Ø 35 mm Deckel // Mats: Ø 58 mm Inhalt // Volume: 0,04 l design for a smile RITZENHOFF AG Postfach 1344 34419 Marsberg Germany Fon +49 2992 981 300 Fax +49 2992 981 310 E 0020090 ExH
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