EN Trig Social Media AB (publ) Corporate Identity Number: 556788-2807 Three Months Report January 1 – March 31, 2015 First Quarter, January - March 2015 • • • • • Net sales amounted to 26 337 Euro Operating loss amounted to -1 589 283 Euro Losses after taxes amounted to -1 589 283 Euro Losses per share amounted to -0,004 Euro Cash flow for the period amounted to -147 054 Euro First Quarter, January - March 2014 • • • • • Net sales amounted to 46 481 Euro Operating loss amounted to -216 932 Euro Losses after taxes amounted to -217 468 Euro Loss per share amounted to -0,002 Euro Cash flow for the period amounted to 65 000 Euro Comments by Mr. Phillip Cook, Managing Director Dear Reader, As the company published its’ audited annual report just a few days ago, very few if any, events have materialized in the time leading up to this report. I would however like to put additional emphasis on the fact that Trig having gone through a trying period now feels confident of its capabilities in terms of further expanding the distribution of its Trig Money product. The management has chosen to apply very conservative views, such as writing down software development costs entirely during the quarter, to the group’s numbers in this report, just as in the audited annual report for 2014, and in doing so ensuring that there is very little room for deviating results in the coming quarters. Investments Nor the company or any of its subsidiaries has entered into any new major investments during the period. Organization As previously announced the company has initiated a process of moving parts of its operations into its Spanish subsidiary to achieve a closer relation to the market where Trig is making the most progress. The Nacka office will function as a hub for management and from which administration of the group will be handled. This involves a program to reduce the number of employees in Sweden which has been initiated and negotiations are currently pending with the involved unions and other affected parties. On the other hand has the development in Spain made further progress and the opening of the office in Madrid has given Trig a stronger presence on the Spanish market. The number of employees and consultants engaged in Spain have increased during the period and currently there are approx. 20 people engaged in Spain. The reorganization of the business involves also a cost reducing program which is continuing and the savings will become clearer in the second half of the year. 2 Future Plans As we are entering the summer months, Trig is racing to launch a number of marketing activities to gain momentum. We are focusing heavily on distributed partnerships as well as whitelabel licensing in order to further expand our reach, alongside existing content products. Operations Operations according to the strategy have started on all projects, although the work has reached different levels. In the recently released audited annual report a comprehensive description of the Groups different services has been provided. Group sales amounts to 26 337 (46 481) Euro and the net result is -1 589 283 (-217 468) Euro. Cash assets as of 31 March 2015 amounts to 40 691 (65 000) Euro. The equity ratio is 6 % (82%). For the day to day operations the company is dependent on loans from the parent company, Trig Media Group AB and third parties in order to secure going concern principles. This situation is expected to continue until the next coming months. Financial Position - Parent Company Sales in the parent company amounts to 1 509 Euro and net result for the period is -253 820 Euro. Significant Risks and Uncertainty Factors Through its business operations, Trig is exposed to various risks, both financial and operational. Operational risks relate to Trigs' day-to-day business and the financials risks relate to the capital requirements of Trig's different operations. Operational and Development Risks For a developer of IT related services in the field of Social media and income generating applications like Trig Money there is always a risk that the services are not generating the expected market penetration and that the implementation phase is being delayed or even stopped due to technical aspects. Trig always tries to achieve risk-limitation during the process. The strategy of Trig is to adopt a selective approach to tendering in order to reduce the risk to engage in unprofitable projects or projects that may not become a success. When selecting suitable projects to involve itself in, Trig prefers projects whose risks, if possible, are able to be identified and thus manageable and calculable. To reduce these risks and subsequently costs, Trig is trying to developing applications primarily in large growth user services. Trig has consciously decided to refrain from excessively niche-oriented projects intended for narrow target groups. Financial Risks Through its business operations Trig is exposed to financial risks. The principal risks are interest-rate, currency risks and financing risk. The company is, as stated in its recently released annual report, in discussions with its banks in order to enter into various loan agreements as well as part in an ongoing financing scheme involving private investors. 3 Interest-rate Risk There is currently no interest-rate risk since the company does not have any loans or debt where changes in interest rates will affect net interest items and cash flow. Currency Risks The currency risk is the risk that changes in exchange rates will affect the consolidated income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. The functional currency of the Trig group is euro while the operating currency in projects in Poland is both Swedish kronor and Euros. Financing Risk The financing risk is the risk that the Trig Group will not be able to raise enough funds to finance its operations and the development of launched projects and finalization of future services under development. Legal Risk During the period the German Financial Supervisory authorities, BaFin, has announced it is investigating a suspicion of so called “cold calls” and possible market manipulation. The company has engaged German legal expertise to deal and co-operate with BaFin. Trig is of the opinion that no errors or wrongdoings have been committed and that the company runs no legal exposure in relation to this. The Swedish operating entity, Trig Entertainment AB, has recently been summoned to court by a former employee for not respecting the Swedish labor law rules for priority order when laying people off. Trig is of the opinion that the claim, which is unsubstantial in relation to trigs operation, is wrongful. Trig Social Media AB has, as stated in the annual report, been summoned to court by a company that has asked the court to put Trig Social Media AB into bankruptcy. Trig has rejected the claim since it lacks all basis and legal grounds. It is the management’s absolute opinion that there is no legal risk connected to the matter. 4 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Amounts in Euro Q1 Q1 JAN-MAR JAN-MAR JUL 2013DEC 2 015 2 014 2 014 Net sales Net sales Other income Gross operating income Other external costs Personnel costs Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets 26 337 46 481 412 970 1 357 0 0 27 695 46 481 412 970 -1 090 078 -149 201 -2 832 613 -469 858 -104 247 -878 243 -47 038 -9 965 -368 101 Operating income -1 579 278 -216 932 -3 665 987 Financial items, net -10 005 -536 -51 137 0 0 -7 356 076 -1 589 283 -217 468 -11 073 200 0 0 0 -1 589 283 -217 468 -11 073 200 Asset write-down Income after financial items Tax Income for the period Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations Other comprehensive income 0 0 386 325 Total comprehensive income -1 589 283 -217 468 -10 686 875 -1 589 283 -217 468 -11 073 200 0 0 386 325 363 749 998 108 334 000 193 120 907 -0,004 -0,002 -0,057 Attributable to the equity holders of the parent company -Income for the period -Other comprehensive income Average number of shares, before and after dilution Earnings per share CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Amounts in Euro 2015-03-31 2014-03-31 2014-12-31 Intangible assets 1 127 985 3 941 818 1 063 878 Tangible assets 37 659 0 37 659 Financial assets 0 0 0 1 165 645 3 941 818 1 101 537 889 140 441 515 889 982 3 146 0 2 303 Total fixed assets Short term receivables Tax receivables Cash and bank balances Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS 40 691 65 000 55 231 932 977 506 515 947 516 2 098 623 4 448 333 2 049 054 Equity Share capital 72 950 65 000 72 950 9 140 240 6 798 509 9 100 979 Retained earnings and other reserves -7 496 385 -3 213 093 Profit/loss for the period -1 589 283 0 1 850 678 -10 686 875 127 522 3 650 416 337 732 0 0 0 1 794 832 730 807 1 809 371 176 269 67 110 176 269 Total current liabilities 1 971 101 797 917 1 985 640 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2 098 623 4 448 333 2 323 372 Additional paid in capital Total equity Long term liabilities Current liabilities Accrued expenses and deferred income Change in Consolidated Equity Amounts in Euro Opening balance Total comprehensive income for the period Total transactions with equity holders Closing balance 2015-03-31 2014-03-31 2014-12-31 79 532 31 655 31 655 -1 589 283 -217 468 -10 686 765 1 637 273 3 836 229 10 734 642 127 522 3 650 416 79 532 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Amounts in Euro Operating profit/loss Adjustment for non-cash items Q1 Q1 JAN-MAR JAN-MAR JUL 2013DEC 2 015 2 014 2 014 -1 579 278 -216 932 -3 665 987 47 038 9 965 368 101 -10 005 -536 -55 631 Interest income 0 0 4 494 Income tax paid 0 0 0 Interest paid Cash flow from operating activities before working capital changes -1 542 246 -207 503 -3 349 024 Changes in receivables 130 463 -420 936 -625 347 Changes in liabilities 227 816 245 800 1 671 442 Cash flow after working capital changes Acquisition intangible assets Acquisition tangible assets Acquisition subsidiaries -1 183 967 -382 639 -2 302 928 0 -6 404 870 -3 994 225 -4 120 -2 648 949 -38 704 0 0 -2 648 949 Cash flow from investment activities -4 120 -6 404 870 -6 681 878 Shareholders contributions 39 261 6 798 509 6 870 603 0 54 000 1 664 978 992 236 0 573 360 1 031 497 6 852 509 9 108 941 -156 590 65 000 124 135 109 242 0 0 Translation differences 88 039 0 -14 893 Cash at the end of the year 40 691 65 000 109 242 New share issue Equity instruments at fair value Cash flow from financing activities Cash flow of the year Cash at the beginning of the year CONSOLIDATED KEY FIGURES Q1 Q1 (18 months) 2015, JanMar 2014, JanMar 2013-07-01 2014-12-31 (4 months) 2013-09-01 2013-12-31 (TE) (12 months) 2012-09-01 2013-08-31 (TE) (12 months) 2011-09-01 2012-08-31 (TE) 0 Amounts in Euro Net sales 26 337 46 481 412 970 18 054 0 Operating profit/loss -1 579 278 -216 932 -3 665 987 -213 602 -163 793 0 Operational margin Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Balance total 2 098 623 4 448 334 2 308 831 572 850 389 768 237 227 Solidity 6% 82% 3% 5% 8% 100% Investment non current assets 4 120 6 404 870 4 032 929 0 0 237 227 Number of shares at the end of the period 363 749 998 325 000 000 363 749 998 275 000 275 000 275 000 Earnings per share -0,004 -0,002 -0,057 -0,777 -0,596 0,000 Dividends per share N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Number of Employees 33 11 36 4 0 0 Accounting Principles, Group This report has been compiled in accordance with IAS 34, Financial Reporting. The report is compiled in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and with International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), the interpretations of financial standards approved by EU, as well as the Swedish Accounting Standards Council’s RFR 1 recommendation, Reporting for Groups, and accompanying references to Chapter 9 of the Annual Accounts Act. The report has been prepared in accordance with the same accounting principles and methods of calculations as the 2014 Annual Report. Note 1 Segment Reporting Trig is conducting its operations in one business segment and one geographical area. The business segment is social media services and related income generating activities. The geographical area is global. Trig will start segment reporting when income generated from the Trig Money operations have become more substantial. Note 2 Long-term Liabilities The group does not have any long-term liabilities. Note 3 Cash Flow Statement Payment of debts has been financed by new borrowings and investments. The board and the Managing Director ensures that the Group accounts have been drawn up in accordance w i t h IFRS international accounting standards as adopted by the EU and give a fair picture of the Group’s position and profit/loss. The report has been drawn up in accordance with good accounting practice and gives a fair picture of the parent company’s position and profit/loss. The company’s auditor has not audited this report. Nacka, Sweden, 2 nd of June 2015 The Board of Directors of Trig Social Media AB (publ) Phillip Cook Managing director Juan Carlos Castro Anthony Norman Chairman of the board Ruben Amaryan Peter Kristoffersson Contact' ' Trig'Social'Media'AB'(publ)' ' Visiting'address'Vikdalsgränd 10 B Post address: P O Box 1268, 131 28 Nacka Strand,'Sweden ' Phone: +46 406 06 02 84 E-mail: [email protected] Web:'www.trig.com Investor'Relations' ' GFEI AG: Mr Lars Kuhnke Address: Office Center Plaza, Mailänder Straße 2, 30539 Hannover, Germany Phone: +49 511 474 023 10 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.gfei.de Postal address: P O Box 1268, S- 131 28, Nacka Strand, Sweden Visiting address: Vikdalsgränd 10B, Nacka Strand, Sweden Phone: +46 (0) 40-60 60 284 Fax: +46 (0) 40-69 29 252 E-mail: [email protected] www.trig.com
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