January 2016 – Dr. Jessica Kunert Publications, Presentations & Awards ________________________________________________________________________ PUBLICATIONS Accepted: Kunert, Jessica (2016): Informations- und Transparenzelemente auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments, for a special issue of the Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft on “Web 2.0 Demokratie 2.0” (eds. Prof. Dr. Marianne Kneuer and Prof. Dr. Samuel Salzborn) In press: Kunert, Jessica (2015): Review of “Social-Media-Kommunikation nationaler Regierungen in Europa. Theoretische Grundlagen und vergleichende Länderanalysen”, by eds. Holger Sievert and Astrid Nelke, Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft (2015). Kunert, Jessica (2015): Die Webseiten der Europaabgeordneten: Wie informativ und transparent präsentieren sich MdEP im Netz. On the German weblog „Hamburger Wahlbeobachter“. URL: http://www.hamburgerwahlbeobachter.de/2015/08/die-webseiten-der-europaabgeordneten.html Kunert, Jessica (2015): How websites help MEPs to reconnect with citizens. On the Political Studies Association UK “Political Insight” weblog. URL: http://www.psa.ac.uk/insight-plus/blog/how-websites-help-meps-reconnect-citizens. Kunert, Jessica/Schmidt, Jan (2011): Hub, Fine-Tuner oder Business as Usual? Social Network Sites und die Bundestagswahl 2009. In: Schweitzer, Eva J./Albrecht, Steffen (eds.) (2011): Das Internet im Wahlkampf. Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 226-243. Interviews with Darryn Lyons, Michael Kneissler; In: Bergmann, Jens/Pörksen, Bernhard (eds.) (2009): Skandal! Die Macht der öffentlichen Empörung. Köln: Halem-Verlag. ________________________________________________________________________ CONFERENCES AND PRESENTATIONS Presentation “Parliamentarians on the Web – what do their websites tell us about them? Members of the European Parliament and national parliamentarians in comparison” at the General Online Research Conference in Cologne, 20.03.2015 Presentation “MEPs on the Web - different from national MPs or just the same? Socialisation and the new digital media in the European Parliament“ at the Political Science and Political Economy Research Group Doctoral Seminar of the Government Department of the London School of Economics and Political Science in London, 28.10.2013 Presentation „MEPs on the Web. The European Parliament, its communications function, and the new digital media“ at the Tuesday Seminar of the Centre for the Study of Democracy of Leuphana University Lüneburg in Lüneburg, 25.06.2013. Presentation “MEPs on the Web – The European Parliament, its communication function and the new digital media” at the 13th European Union Studies Association 1 January 2016 – Dr. Jessica Kunert Biennial Conference 2013 in Baltimore, 09.05.2013 Presentation „E-Participation in the European Multi-Level System. Supply and Use of New Digital Media in the European Parliament.“ at the Tuesday Seminar of the Centre for the Study of Democracy of Leuphana University Lüneburg in Lüneburg, 29.05.2012. Presentation “Building a digital electoral connection: MEPs' websites and Facebook profiles. How do MEPs present themselves online?” at the General Online Research Conference 2012 in Mannheim, 06.03.2012 Presentation “Hub, Fine-Tuner or Business as Usual? Social Network Sites in the 2009 Federal Election” with Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt at the General Online Research Conference 2010 in Pforzheim, 28.05.2010. ________________________________________________________________________ AWARDS Fully funded, three-year PhD Studentship at the Center for the Study of Democracy at the Leuphana University Lüneburg Winner of the “Thesis Competition” (best master’s thesis) at the 14th General Online Research Conference 2012 in Mannheim 08/2012-07/2015 03/2012 2
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