GERMAN MASTERS SALE ‘15 Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015, 17:00 Uhr | Friday, October the 9th 2015, 17:00 hr Bitburg - Germany WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM INNOVATIVE BAUTECHNOLOGIEN für die Zukunft von Wolf FERTIGHAUS GEWERBE UND INDUSTRIE LANDWIRTSCHAFT Niedrigenergie-Häuser als Einfamilien-, Doppel-, Mehrfamilien- oder Reihenhäuser Industrie- und Gewerbehallen Rinder- und Schweineställe | Geflügelställe Güllebehälter | Kläranlagen | Dachkonstruktionen Maschinen- und Lagerhallen | Biogasanlagen Fahrsilos | Reithallen | Mehrzweckhallen Wolf System GmbH Am Stadtwald 20 l 94486 Osterhofen Telefon +49 (0) 9932-37-0 l H 23. WILLKOMMEN RZN EROIN / WELCOME Consignor L DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 iebe Züchterfreunde, DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen den Katalog zur zweiten Auflage des German Masters Sale präsentieren zu können. SCS DPR SCE FLC 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 ear breeders, RZS RZD RZN 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG D RZM PL UDC PTAT NM GTPI 134 124 99 121 124 144 We are113 very 105 excited to present113 you the catalogue of the second German Masters Sale. Die tollen und positiven Rückmeldungen im Anschluss an den German Masters Sale 2014 gaben uns den Ansporn, dieses Jahr den zweiten German Masters Sale zu veranstalten. Wir sind wirklich begeistert und überwältigt von den Anmeldungen, die wir hierfür von Züchtern aus ganz Europa bekommen haben. The great responses we had after the German Masters Sale 2014 motivated us extra to organize this year the second German Masters Sale. We are extremely happy and thankful for the consignments we received for this edition from breeders from all over Europe. Wir möchten uns bei den Beschickern bedanken, die uns ihre allerbesten Tiere gemeldet haben und somit einen Katalog mit dieser Qualität erst möglich machen. Ein großer Dank geht auch an die vielen Sponsoren, ohne die diese Auktion nicht durchzuführen wäre. We want to thank the consignors which entered their very best and made it possible to make this great selection we have for the German Master Sale 2015. Also we want to thank our sponsors which help us makes this event possible. Durch die vielen tollen Anmeldungen ist es uns gelungen, Ihnen ein breit gefächertes Angebot von über 100 Katalognummern aus den momentan besten Kuhfamilien der Welt zusammen zu stellen. Für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei. Im Katalog finden sie einige der höchsten genomischen Rinder die jemals angeboten wurden, fertige Schaukühe, junge melkende Färsen, Schaurinder, eine große Auswahl an hornlosen Rindern, wobei mehrere Tiere sogar homozygot hornlos sind, und das alles in rot oder schwarz. Das erste rote Wagyu Rind, was jemals in Europa Cookiecutter Hue sowie VG-88-CAN 2yr. angebotenMOM wurde ein unglaublich gutes Jerseyrind runden das Angebot ab. Und das in allen Preiskategorien, Für jeden ist etwas dabei!! Because of the many signups we received for this edition we had the great position to make a catalogue with over 100 lots out of the greatest cow families World Wide available. There is something for everybody! In the catalogue you will find the highest genomic animals, fantastic show cows, young milking 2yr. olds, polled and homozygous polled animals, B&W and R&W! Also the first Red Wagyu every in Europe will sell in this sale, as well a show winning Jersey heifer! And that, in all priceranges. SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY!! De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN We look forward to seeing you all on Friday, October the Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, Sie am 9. Oktober zum 2. 9th at the 2nd German Masters Sale in Bitburg, Germany! German Masters Sale in Bitburg in der Auktionshalle Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA begrüßen dürfen. Lookout PescezuEpic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September M LOOKS GREAT! it besten Grüßen, • ihr UneGerman des meilleures filles Epic de la Race, Masters SaledeTeam +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! est regards, 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale Sale organisation German • De laMasters famille Sale Dellia comme de nombreux of Stars 2012 taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the Iota, Durham… most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! NH Goldfever VG-88-DE 3yr. | She sells! B 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P Conf. EX-91-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H 23. RZN EROIN AUKTIONSINFO Consignor USA | 80K DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F ADRESSE %E 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 #3 gPFT heifer in theBalisto breed!World DE Milk %F %E #1 RZG WideFlush - GTPI +2624 age! 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 AUKTIONSHALLE BITBURG (Eifelhalle) Adresse: Südring 8 - 54634 Bitburg - Germany Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 BITBURG CONTACTS Deutschland Nici Nosbisch +49 (0)1714368388 [email protected] Deutschland Uwe Müller +49 (0)1725353691 [email protected] Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Deutschland Andreas Middelkampf +49 (0) 1711979157 [email protected] Deutschland Hartwig Wagener +49 (0) 1725366189 [email protected] Deutschland Gerd Grebener +49 (0) 1725353693 [email protected] Nederland Jan de Vries +31 (0)6 26250502 [email protected] Nederland Arjan van der Vlis +31 (0)6 43985150 [email protected] Nederland Jan Postma +31 (0)6 42778550 [email protected] Nederland Roelof Dekker +31 (0)6 44016220 [email protected] United Kingdom Alison Maddrell +44 (0)7748960267 [email protected] United Kingdom Isaac Lancaster +44 (0)7739 566538 [email protected] United Kingdom Andrew Cope +44 (0)7778056327 [email protected] Luxembourg Arno Grengs +352 (0)621326128 [email protected] France Jan van den Oord +33 (0)679961625 [email protected] Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. France Louis Jacquin +33 (0)[email protected] Denmark Niels Erik Haahr +45 (0)61181631 [email protected] USA Steve Mower +1 240-520-5906 [email protected] De-Su 11236 BALISTO Italy Angelo Pozatti [email protected] Genervations +39 EPIC(0)3356776396 Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN (Bookem x Watson) ItalyCarlo Valsecchi +39 (0)[email protected] Cookiecutter [email protected] Hue TB-88-CAN 2a SpainPablo Reboiro+34 Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. TB-88-CAN TB-88 MA Richard Hull +612a 419951810 [email protected] LookoutAustralia Pesce Epic Hue Conf. EX-91-USA Ivo Hulsbosch +32 (0)496614477 [email protected] A termeBelgium fin Septembre / Due September 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P Ireland Joseph O’Callaghan +353 862607445 [email protected] 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P LOOKS GREAT! • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of +41 (0)798142573 Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 Pedigrees +49 (0)1737793828 • Une des meilleures filles de Epic Cord de laHormann Race, (DE) • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic Mark daughter Lee (UK) +44 (0)7980 924179 Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the World Wide, GTPI+2354 most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 Auktionator Ringmen Andreas Aebi • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… Arno Grengs (LUX), Matthias Mertes (DE), Henrik Wille (DE), Isaac Lancaster (UK), Jörg Seeger (DE) / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! Fitting Crew Torben Melbaum (DE), Alberto Medina (ES), J. Schweigen (LUX), Cameron Baty clipping team (UK) NEXT DAMS • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM SALE ORGANISATION NOSBISCH HOLSTEINS, EUROGENES & RUW 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H 23. RZN EROIN AUKTIONSINFO Consignor USA | 80K DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 PROGRAMM & INFORMATION #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 UDC DATUM / DATE FREITAG, 9. OKTOBER 2015 / FRIDAY, OCTOBER THE 9TH 2015 ORT / PLACE AUKTIONSHALLE BITBURG (EIFELHALLE) - Südring 8 - 54634 Bitburg - Germany BESICHTIGUNG DER AUKTIONSTIERE / SALE BARN OPEN, AUKTIONSHALLE BITBURG - GERMANY 14:00 17:00 START GERMAN MASTERS SALE 2015 ANSCHLIESSEND / AFTER SALE GERMAN MASTERS SALE OKTOBERFEST Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. TOUR Lassen sie sich diese einmalige Veranstaltung nicht entgehen. Es werden touren aus verschiedenen Ländern organisiert. Ein Kurzausflug mit maximalem Spaßfaktor * BETRIEBSBESICHTIGUNGEN * FANTASTISCHE LIVE-AUKTION * OKTOBERFEST * Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Join this great event, several tours will be organized from different countries, a short trip with maximum pleasure: * FARM VISITS * GREAT LIVE SALE * * GERMAN OCTOBER FEST PARTY * MORE INFO @ WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM Genervations EPIC HOTELS Lookout Pesce Epic Hue buchen/ Due wir September für sie ihr Hotel: A terme Gerne fin Septembre Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P Jutta Nosbisch - Tel. +49 (0)65687187 - Email. [email protected] LOOKS GREAT! Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle We will be happy to assist in your travel arrangements and for hotel reservations. Stars 2012 / Sold $ 200,000 in the Sale • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux Do not hesitate to contact us. Jutta Nosbisch - Tel. +49 (0)65687187 - Email. [email protected] of Stars 2012 • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the - Bitburg - Tel. +49 (0)6561 9100 Hotel Bitburger Hof - Bitburg - Tel. +49Iota, (0)6561 94520 World Hotel Wide, Eifelbräu GTPI+2354 Durham… most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Mère de Ms Leander Hue Tango 57644,- Tel. GTPI+2606 Hotel - Bitburg +49 (0)6561 3422 Hotel Sportschule - Bitburg - Tel. +49 (0)6561 6070 / NM +910 / DamMüller to Ms- Hue Tango 57644, Hotel!Louis Bitburg - Tel. +49 (0)6561 9190 Kontaktieren sie uns für Übernachtungen mit Preisnachlass. GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! Hotel Eifelstern - Bitburg - Tel. +49 (0)6561 91500 CONTACT us for reservations withNEXT discount! DAMS • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM AIRPORTS & PICK-UP SHUTTLE SERVICE The following airports are all within one hour from the sale place and open day: F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! F * Frankfurt / Hahn * Luxembourg irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! * Köln * Düsseldorf h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a We can organize for you the Transport from the Airport and back again and help with your reservations. Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Nici Nosbisch: 0049/1714368388 [email protected] September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H 23. RZN EROIN AUKTIONSINFO Consignor USA | 80K DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat TRANSPORT - EXPORT Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 #3 gPFT heifer in theBalisto breed!World DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR #1 RZG WideFlush - GTPI +2624 age! 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 Alle Tiere können am Samstag nach dem Sale innerhalb von Deutschlands und Luxemburg für einen Pauschalpreis von EUR 95€/ Tier geliefert werden. Transporte in andere Länder werden ebenfalls von uns kostengünstig organisiert. Für Tiere die nach dem Sale in Quarantäne verbleiben müssen, ist ein seperater Quarantänestall vorbereitet, Diese Quarntäne ist für 30 Tage kostenlos. UDC PTAT NM GTPI 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 FL UDD. RZE RZG 113 121 124 144 All sale animals qualify for export within Europe, exceptions will be mentioned in the sale update. Diamond Genetics / Eurogenes will take care of the export until your barn with our speciliazed elite animal transport. We have regularly shipments to different countries within Europe and we will make sure we export your animals as soon as possible to your farm. Heifers in flush age could be started to flush at Nosbisch Holsteins. Heifers can be housed at Nosbisch Holsteins until the export, the first 30 days will be for free, after that EUR 3 / day. Cookiecutter MOM Hue TRANSPORT PRICES (Flat prices, delivered at home) * GERMANY * LUXEMBOURG * NEDERLAND * BELGIUM * FRANCE * SWITZERLAND * UNITED KINGDOM * DENMARK * Export documents EUR 95 EUR 95 EUR 150 EUR 150 EUR 150-300 EUR 275 EUR 275 EUR 275 EUR 50 / animal Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. REQUEST for the price to your country & conditions +49 (0)1714368388 VG-88- QUARANTÄNE UND / ODER SCHAUVORBEREITUNG Vorbereitungs- / Qurantänemöglichkeiten sind durch das Team J. Seeger gegeben. Ebenfalls besteht hier die Möglichkeit der Vorbereitung der Tiere für die Swiss Expo 2016. Kontaktieren Sie die Auktionsorganisisation fur weitere Informationen. QUARANTAINE AND / OR SHOW PREPERATION Housing / Quarantaine possibilities arranged with team J. Seeger, including possibilities to prepare the Swiss Snow-N Denises Delliafor EX-95-USA Expo 2016. Contact the sale organisation for more info! [email protected] De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-91-USA SALE UPDATE & NEWS ONLINE BIDDING 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P LOOKS GREAT! Für das Auktionsupdate und die aktuellen For interested people who can not attent the sale, • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of News besuchen Sie: de Shottle by Shottle thereinisthe theSale option•toFille follow the sale/ Sired live and bid Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux online through the sale website of Stars 2012 For the sale updates latest • Une des /meilleures filles de Epicand de la Race,news visit: taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM Man-O-Man au Monde! / HueWWW.LIVEDAIRYAUCTION.COM is one of the World Wide, GTPI+2354 Iota, Durham… most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! FREE DRINKS & AFTER PARTY Für das leibliche Wohl ist den ganzen Abend durch einen professionellen Caterer bestens gesorgt, dazu können Sie den ganzen Abend alle Getränke kostenlos genießen. F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! F NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Catering will be available at the sale place with several dinners served. h out for theThe Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a whole night you can enjoy the free drinks. Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H 23. RZN ERFOLGEEROIN / RESULTS Consignor USA | 80K DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Erst ein German Masters Sale wurde veranstaltet, doch bereits jetzt gibt es großartige Resultate für die neuen Besitzer! Und genau das ist es wonach wir streben. Kühe die ihre Kaufer glücklich machen, egal ob sie Schauen gewinnen hohe genomische großartige ihre Herde zu verbessern! 08/14 +2346 -0.07wollen, -0.04 67 61Tiere züchten 2.85 wollen, -0.5oder2.6 8.3Zuchtkühe 1.94 um1.89 +2.69 559 Hier 2179 gPFT heifer in einige Beispiele von Verkaufstieren des ersten German Masters Sales: #3 theBalisto breed!World DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG #1 RZG 1 German Masters Sale held yet, but with so many great results already for their new owner! And that’s what we are looking for. Cows which please their new owners in WideFlush -Only GTPI +2624 08/14 -0.25transmit -0.13 66 64 134 herd113 105examples 124 with 99 some 113 121 of the124 144 the wayage! they buy them for, for if they want to+2323 win the show, high genomics, being a great cow! Some great results animals from the 1st German Masters Sale for their new owners: M.E.Dal Goldwyn Inlove VG-87-DE 2yr. >20 embryos sold for her new owner Owned by: Holstein Select & Jungclaus Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. CNN Mogul Chamea Pulsar son >2700 GTPI Owned by: Holbra Holsteins & DG I-Cow Aurora Shown 2 x: WON 2 x!! Incredible heifer Owned by: Hullcrest Holsteins Büttighofer Beacon Queen VG-DE 2yr. Multiples embryos exported for her new owner Owned by: J. & W. v.d. Weij PG De-Su Stylish #5 gNVI heifer in the Netherlands Owned by: Hul-Stein Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. RR Applause Red Top 25 GTPI Red heifer Owned by: Az. Scoglio De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September LOOKS GREAT! • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter Icow Mc Barbie WorldHuddlesford Wide, GTPI+2354 sold and57644, contracts GTPI+2606 for 25 embryos! • MèreFirst de 14 Msembryos Hue Tango Owned by: Hullcrest Holsteins / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! DKR Boss Bayla 2 Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux of Stars 2012 taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, au Monde! Hue is owner one of the Siepermanns NHMan-O-Man HS Marilyn Monroe with her /Canadian Aida VG-85-NL 2yr. Iota, Durham… mostAlready exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Numerous embryos S. Dion >15 pregnancies exported for her new owner Owned by: Sunview Holsteins Owned by: ARGH Holsteins NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Anthony’s Belle Vue Aikm Sirene Red h out for the Genomics of this in the August run! She isforamany embryos Already >15 pregnancies for heifer her new owner Contracted by: Hackett Holsteinssold & DGfor $ 155,000. SheOwned by: Vekis Balisto outOwned of Epic Hue which will be freshGenetics in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! NH Supersire Realtime VG-85-UK 2yr. h out for the Genomics of this the/ ABS August run! She is a Her Kingpin sonheifer sold to in Genus Ownedwhich by: R. Spackmann Balisto out of Epic Hue sold for &$ Cottonabbotts 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H / PICTURES 23. RZN EROIN BILDER SALE INFO Consignor of the German Masters Sale ‘15 heifers DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] | 80K Milk %F %E Fat FÜR Eiw WEITERE SCS DPR PL DER SCE AUKTIONSTIERE FLC UDC PTAT WELCHE NM GTPI BESUCHEN SIE USA WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM BILDER BIS ZUR AUKTION HINZUGEFÜGT WERDEN. / 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 #3 gPFT heifer in theBalisto breed!World DE Milk %F %E Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE #1 RZG VISIT WWW.GERMANMASTERSSALE.COM FORFatMORE PICTURES OF THE SALE ANIMALS WHICH WILL WideFlush - GTPI +2624 age! 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 BE ADDED UNTIL THE START OF THE SALE Lot 3. NH Goldsun Bella Lot 8. NH HS Supershot Lazira Lot 4. Lis Tilly Red RZG 144 Lot 11. Corringham KB SS Crimson Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Lot 15. Beechrow Twain’s Atwood Lot 16. AH Jasper Sambuca EX-92-DE Lot 22. Wilcor Goldwyn O’Karina Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Lot 26. NH HS Anton Mellow Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. EX-91-USA Septembre / Due Lot 41. NH Indiansunshine Red Lot A 34.terme NH DGfin Debutant Appleblack *RCSeptember Lot 38. Lis Miss Magic Lot 42. NH Dakker Indiangirl Red 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P LOOKS GREAT! • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux of Stars 2012 • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the World Wide, GTPI+2354 Iota, Durham… most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for Lot 43. NH Indianmove Red Lot $155,000! 52. Welcome Supersire Lisbeth F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Lot 64. NH Mogul Brasiliangirl Lot 67. FG Ladd Madagaskar *P Red Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing More picturesof @this over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Lot 57. NH Anderstrup KB Evelyn NEXT DAMS Lot 58. NH Goldfever 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Lot 87. NH Emerald Relaxtime Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Lot 81. SPH Mariam *RC RAFFLE / VERLOSUNG DG SEIKO TR NL 758117616 Geb. Datum. 22.08.2014 Gespendet / founded durch Diamond Genetics (NL), Nosbisch Holsteins (DE) & Anderstrup Holsteins (DK) 08/15 08/15 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1271 -0.06 -0.02 31 33 2.72 -0.3 3.9 7.6 1.25 2.19 +1.73 454 2253 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1525 -0.10 -0.05 43 44 2.63 109 101 105 -2 6 9 +7 2649 GROßE TOMBOLA FÜR EINEN GUTEN ZWECK …Villa Kunterbunt (Klinikum Mutterhaus, Trier) Hilfe, wo sie besonders nötig ist: krebs-, chronisch- oder schwerstkranke Kinder und deren Familien werden durch die Villa Kunterbunt am Klinikum Mutterhaus der Borromäerinnen in Trier unterstützt. Kaufen sie vor Ort Lose und helfen sie mit. Der komplette Erlös wird an die Villa Kunterbunt gespendet!! GREAT RAFFLE FOR A GREAT CHARITY …Villa Kunterbunt (Hospital motherhouse,Trier) Help, where it’s necessary: Cancer, chronic or terminal ill children and their families will be helped in the house Villa Kunterbunt, organisated by the Motherhouse hospital in Trier. Buy tickets and help them with, the entire revenue of the lottery will be donated to the Villa Kunterbunt! Mutter: Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Ladys-Manor OLYMPIAN (Alchemy x Dorcy) Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 87 84 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. 1st test: 40.3kgM 4.08%F 3.52%P • Vollschwester zu Sympatico RC @ Semex / Full sister to Sympatico RC @ Semex • Halbschwester zu Stoic RC & Seneca RC / Maternal sister to Stoic RC & Seneca RC • Mehrere Töchter in der TOP 25 GTPI RCD / RBT Rinderliste in Europa / Several daughters in the top 25 GTPI RC / RED Heifers in Europe • Vollschwester ist die Mutter von SUNFISH *RC @ Masterrind / Full sister is dam to SUNFISH *RC @ Masterrind Enkeltochter aus Silk Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA EX-92-MS 2.02 365d 13.603kgM 4.5% 613F 3.2% 435P 4.01 196d 8.760kgM 4.2% 350F 3.1% 273P inc. • Ehemalige #1 GTPI RCD Kuh der Rasse / Former #1 GTPI RC Cow in the breed • Für 1.000.000 $ verkauft / Sold for $ 1.000.000 • Mutter & Großmutter zu einigen hochplazierten RCD / RBT Rinder / Dam and grand dam to several chart topping RC / Red Heifers Olympian Enkeltochter aus der weltbekannten Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90-USA, sie wurde im Paket mit einigen Nachkommen für 1.000.000 $ verkauft!! Die Mutter von Seiko ist die Vollschwester zu Sympatico @ Semex und ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Sunfish @ Masterrind! Die Familie geht zurück auf die Rotbunte Weltkuh des Jahres, Gen-I-Beq GW Secret! Ensenada Taboo PLANET Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN Conf. VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.04 365d 13.609kgM 4.6% 631F 3.6% 485P 4.09 365d 13.203kgM 4.1% 357F 3.5% 466P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Secure Red, Mr Savage, Durham Red, September Storm, Sahara RC, Seaguall & u.v.m • Nächste Mutter ist die Rotbunte Weltkuh des Jahres ‘11/ Next dam is the R&W Global Cow of the Year ‘11 NEXT DAMS 4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7* 6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38* 7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14* 9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* Grand dtr of Silk Olympian grand dtr of Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90-USA, she sold with her offspring in a package for $ 1.000.000!! Dam of Seiko is the full sister to Sympatico @ Semex and her full sister is dam to Sunfish @ Masterrind!! Goes back on the Global R&W Impact Cow of the Year: Gen-I-Beq GW Secret! H 01. SID 23. ROCCA-DG RZN EROIN A BRICOT BE Geb. Datum. 23.06.2015 DE 856153957 0666519828 26-07-2014 Consignor Roccafarm Holsteins - Tel. +32 (0) 496614477 Tel. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Full sister to Abrianna Dam: BVK Atwood Abrianna EX-92-USA (MAX) Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Pine-Tree SID BALISTO De-Su 11236 (Mr Sam xxFinley) (Bookem Watson) BVK Atwood Abrianna EX-92-USA 3yr. (MAX) Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. E Efin E VSeptembre E / EX-92-USA (MAX) A terme / Due3yr. September 2.02 9.547kgM 4.0% 379F 3.1% 300P LOOKS310d GREAT! 3.02 355d 12.759kgM 4.9% 625F 3.2% 411P • 2nd Old & Best Madison Une Jr. des3-Yr. meilleures fillesB&O de Epic de la‘13 Race, • +2354 Res. All-American Jr.the 3-Yr. Old ‘13daughter GTPI / One of best Epic • Grand Champion Illinois Stare Fair & Grand World Wide, GTPI+2354 Champion Championship Show ‘13 • Mère de MsIllinois Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 • /Vollschwester sister NM +910 ! / zu Dam/ Full to Ms Hue to Tango 57644, BVK Atwood Arianna 1st Jr. 2-Yr. GTPI+2606 / NM +910EX-94-USA, ! @ Madison Royal 2012 • Vendue pour& 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! BVK Atwood Abrianna Snow-N Denises DelliaEX-92-USA EX-95-USA@ Madison Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD Genervations EPIC Ms Kingstead MOM ChiefHue Adeen EX-94-USA Cookiecutter TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-94-USA TB-88-CAN 2E 2a DOM TB-885*MA 3.05 13.689kgM4.2%G 4.0% 548F 2.04 310d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.6% 3.7%P489P 421P 6.04 365d 13.073kgM 4.1% 540F 3.5% 459P 4.05 324d pour 11.000kgM 3.8%durant 423F 3.7% 405P • Vendue 200.000$ la Sale of Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • Großmutter von Atlee / Grand dam to Atlee, of Stars 2012 dam est to: /une Mutter von: intéressantes Atwood, Aftershock, • Hue des plus filles de Golden Dreams, Delete &/ more Man-O-Man au Monde! Hue is one of the • 24 EXZELLENTE Nachkommen! / 24 most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in theEXCELLENT breed! offspring! • 2x Member All-American Produce & All-American Nominee • Selbe Familie wie ARCHRIVAL, der #2 PTAT Bulle in der Welt / Same family as ARCHRIVAL, the #2 PTAT bull in the World S Direkte Tochter aus Abrianna! F chaustyle!! irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Tolles Schaukalb von Sid, aus BVK Atwood Abrianna EX-92-USA h out for the Genomics ofdirekt this heifer in the August run! She is a 3yr. (MAX), welche 2te in Madison Res. All-American imfresh selben Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold ´13 for $&155,000. She will be in Jahr war. Sie zu Arianna EX-94-USA, welche September ofist thiseine yearVollschwester and looks incredible! She has progeny testing 1te Madison auf derGrand Royaldam ´12 war, dahinter overin2600 GTPI &already! MOMdirekt Hue sold for $ kommt 200.000MSin Kingstead dieDellia Vollschwester Alicia the Sale ofChief StarsAdeen 2012! EX-94-USA, Great branchsieofist the EX-95 cowzufamily, EX-97-USA, die die Stammkuh hinter Aftershock, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen Atwood, and manyArchival others! und vielen weiteren ist. Donnandale SKYCHIEF Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Aitkenbrae Ada EX-94-USA 2E DOM CookiecutterStarbuck Shthollerwood EX-91-USA Conf. EX-94-USA EX-91-USA 2e DOM 4* 2.06 11.340kgM4.9%G 3.6% 412F 2.04 362d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.4% 3.5%P383P 409P 3.07 365d 11.084kgM 3.7% 408F 3.4% 372P 5.06 356d 13.633kgM 3.5%by473F 3.5% 376P • Fille de Shottle / Sired Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, Mutter von: / Dam to: Shoremare S Alicia Halogen, Iota, Durham… / EX-97! • Mehrere All-American / From Dellia family, as Nominierungen several bulls, Halogen, Several Iota, All-American Durham… Nominees NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM S howdtr time! Direct dtrtoofsell! Abrianna! F irst of Epic Hue Beautiful show heifer sells, dtr heifer of SIDinstraight out ofrun! BVKShe Atwood h out for the Genomics of this the August is a Abrianna EX-92-USA 3yr.which (MAX)sold which 2nd at Madison ‘13fresh and in Balisto out of Epic Hue for was $ 155,000. She will be Res. All-American theand same year, she is a full to Arianna EXSeptember of this in year looks incredible! Shesister has progeny testing 94-USA which 1st atGrand Madison the Royal in ‘12. dam MS over 2600 GTPIwas already! dam&MOM Hue sold for Next $ 200.000 in Kingstead is the fullDellia sisterEX-95 to Alicia the Sale ofChief StarsAdeen 2012! EX-94-USA Great branch of the cowEX-97family, USA and the cowbulls behind Atwood, Archrival and others! more! which delivered likeAftershock, Durham, Iota, Halogen and many HA 02. 23. SEEGER’S RZN EROINLICE Consignor DE 0538153241 Geb. Datum. 14.11.2013 0666519828 Geb. 26-07-2014 M. - Tel. +49 (0)172 2619876 - Email. [email protected] RZHSeegers Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 Bel. SEXED FEMALE Pol Butte USA /| Ins. 80K Milk 02.03.2015 %F %E Fat Eiw SCS Mc BEEMER DPR PL #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 BKB Abby EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Vollschwester zu 3. Mutter 4. Mutter: Shoremar S Alicia EX-97-USA Cookiecutter Hue 2yr. EX-96-CAN & a dtr of herMOM clone: MSVG-88-CAN Goldwyn Alana Maple-Downs-I GW ATWOOD De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Goldwyn Durham) (Bookem xx Watson) Fever Alster VG-85-DE Lookout Pesce Epic Hue2yr. Conf. 2yr. / Due September A termeVG-85-DE fin Septembre La1 274d 7.538kgM 3.6%F 3.1%P (Inc.) LOOKS GREAT! • Fever x EX-91 x Durham x ALICIA! • Die hinter dem UneFamilie des meilleures filles#2 dePTAT EpicVererber de la Race, Archrival, Golden +2354 GTPIAtwood, / One ofAftershock, the best Epic daughter Dreams & vielen anferen! World Wide, GTPI+2354 / The de family behind the 57644, #2 PTAT GTPI+2606 bull • Mère Ms Hue Tango Golden57644, /Archrival, NM +910Atwood, ! / DamAftershock, to Ms Hue Tango Dreams & many GTPI+2606 / NM others! +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! A twood denHue Alicias! F irst dtr aus of Epic to sell! Grossmutter: Best Almira EX-91-DE Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Crackholm FEVER Genervations EPIC Hidden-View BEST Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Best Almira EX-91-DE Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. 90 92 89 912a/ TB-88 EX-91-DE TB-88-CAN MA 7/6 305d 10.948kgM 3.7%484G 409F3.7%P 3.4% 421P 370P 2.04La 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G HL3 305d 13.929kgM 3.6% 494F 3.3% 455P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • EX-91 und großartige Stars 2012 / Sold for $Leistung 200,000 in the Sale /ofEX-91 great production cow Starsand 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Eine Atwoods Familie! Eine Exterh outAtwood for the aus Genomics of this heifer in der the großartigsten August run! She is a ieur-Familien Rindfor kalbt bereits imShe Dezember von in Balisto out ofweltweit. Epic Hue Dieses which sold $ 155,000. will be fresh BEEMER gesext. Kaufen Sie eine bekommen weibliche September of this year and looksund incredible! SheSie haszwei progeny testing aus Seegers Alicedam geht in direkter aufin den overdieser 2600 Familie. GTPI already! Grand MOM Hue soldLinie for $zurück 200.000 Grand Champion Royal Winter Fairof2000, Shoremar Aliciafamily, EX-97, the Sale of Stars der 2012! Great branch the Dellia EX-95S cow Vollschwester zubulls Chieflike Adeen (UGMIota, vonAtwood which delivered Durham, Halogenu.v.a.). and many others! Alh Durham Alida VG-86-DE 2yr. Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-86-DE EX-91-USA2yr. La4 8.265kgM 4.9%G 3.8% 316F 268P 2.04305d 305j 11.603kgL 564G3.2% 3.5%P 409P • Durham x ALICIA!! Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Vollschwester zur: / Full sister BKB Amanda De la famille Dellia comme detonombreux EX-92-USA,Halogen, BKB Abby EX-95-USA & more taureaux, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Shoremar NEXT DAMS S Alicia EX-97-USA 3E Grand Champion Royal 2000 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 1stKings-Rnsm 5-Yr. Madison 2000Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5e Ms Champ 5e Starbuck AdaEX-90-USA EX-94-USA5yr. 2E GMD DOM 6e Aitkenbrae Regancrest-JDV Hanna All-AmericanRudolph ‘90 7e Long-Haven Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM A twood theHue Alicia’s! F irst dtr from of Epic to sell! An Atwood Atwood’s family! Oneinofthe theAugust greatest type h out for thefrom Genomics of this heifer run! Shefamilies is a in history, heifer will calf in December with sexed BEEMER! Balisto outthis of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Buy 1 and get 2 females from thisincredible! family! SheShe is going back ontesting the September of this year and looks has progeny Royal 2000GTPI Grand Champion, EX-97-USA, full sister over 2600 already! GrandShoremar dam MOMS Alicia Hue sold for $ 200.000 in to damGreat behind Atwood & more), same family as theChief Sale Adeen of Stars(3rd 2012! branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, Archrival and more! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 03. NH GOLDSUN Consignor BELLA VG-87-DE 2yr. DE 0769870789 Geb. Datum. 22.12.2012 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Prod. TL15/01 219 Days: 7168kgm 2,9%F 3,1%P Conf. 87 86 86 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. Belegt: / 01.04.2015 SEXED FEMALE Larcrest Commander Bella ist wieder tragend, kalbt Anfang 2016 und ist bereit für die großen Schauen! / Bella is bred back and is due early 2016, just ready for the Big shows in ´16! NH Big Time VG-88-NL 2yr. | Halbschwester von mutter NH Goldsun Bella VG-87-DE 2yr. | NH Roumare Belle EX-92-DE | Halbschwester von mutter SHE SELLS! Toc-Farm GOLDSUN (Goldwyn x Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX-95) NH Batav VG-87-DE Conf. 85 90 88 86 / VG-87-DE La2. 4/3LA 305d 10.499kgM 3.4% 355F 3.3% 342P HL2 305d 12.125kgM 3.4% 406F 3.2% 383P To-Mar Durham FORTUNE Beauty VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 88 86 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. 2/1LA 305d 13.217kgM 3.7% 488F 3.4% 452P • Zenith Sohn @ Select / Zenith son @ Select • 10 Söhne in der Besamung / 10 sons in AI • Halbschwster zu NH Roumare Belle EX-92DE, Sieger Alt RUW Show ‘13 / Maternal sister to NH Roumare Belle EX-92-DE, Sr. Champion RUW Show ‘13 • Schwester zu NH Big Time, HM. 2-Yr. Old Hoornaar ‘08 / Sister to NH Big Time, HM. 2-Yr. Old Hoornaar ‘08 Bereit für die Schau!! Wunderschöne melkende Goldsun Tochter wird verkauft, Sie ist tragend und kalbt wieder im Januar 2016, sie entwickelt sich fantastisch und wird von Tag zu Tag besser und verspricht somit großes für die Schauen in 2016! Sie stammt aus einer tiefen amerikanischen Kuhfamilie welche auf Rupp-Vue Areostar Belief EX-90-USA GMD DOM zurück geht! Ihre Mutter ist einer Schwester zu NH Big Time und NH Roumare Belle, welche beide bereits äußerst erfolgreich im Schauring waren! JESTHER Belinda VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE 3/3La 305d 12.199kgM 4.2% 515F 3.4% 410P HL2 305d 14.304kgM 4.3% 618F 3.4% 480P • Geht zurück auf Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90 / Goes back to Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90 NEXT DAMS 4e Biala VG-87-DE 5e Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Rupp-Vue Rockie Britt VG-87-USA Ready to show!!! Awesome milking Goldsun daughter sells, pregnant and calving again in January 2016, she developes fantastic and is gonna be better and better and has a great prospect for the 2016 shows! She is from a deep American cow family from origin going back on Rupp-Vue Aerostar Belief EX-90-USA GMD DOM! Her dam is a maternal sister to NH Big Time and NH Roumare Belle, both very successful in the showring! 04. LIS Consignor #3 RED GTPI heifer in Europe!! #1 VRC Red heifer in Europe! 08/15 08/15 TILLY RED LUX 799376043 Geb. Datum. 02.03.2015 Lis-Leck Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1604 -0.06 +0.01 43 50 2.80 +3.4 5.0 6.6 0.33 0.30 +0.79 600 2382 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1534 -0.25 -0.02 34 49 128 109 93 133 127 111 111 115 148 Mutter: Morsan Lis Tretica Red VG-86-LUX 2yr. Lis Tilly Red | SHE SELLS!! Awesome heifer!! Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Morsan Lis Tretica-Red VG-86-LUX 2yr. Conf. VG-86-LUX 2yr. La1 305d 9.649kgM 4.0% 383F 3.6% 348P • Mutter von Lis Tiara-Red, ehemalige #1 RBT Rind in Europa und für EUR 40.000€ verkauft / Dam to Lis Tiara-Red, former #1 R&W Heifer in Europe, sold for EUR 40.000! • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI • Vollschwester zu Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-89-CAN (MAX), 8th R&W Royal und an Westcoast Holsteins, Kanada verkauft / Full sister to Morsan Manoman Fools Gold Red VG-89-CAN MAX), 8th R&W Royal & sold to Westcoast Holsteins, Canada Grossmutter: Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN 3yr. 2.04 365d 17.667kgM 3.6% 638F 3.0% 534P 4.03 365d 23.019kgM 3.8% 881F 2.9% 663P • Vollschwester zu Islehaven Gold Dancer VG-88 / Full sister to Islehaven Gold Dancer VG-88 Europas #3 ROT & #1 VRC Rind! Sie hat den Typ, sie hat den Index, sie hat das Pedigree: SIE HAT EINFACH ALLES! Die #3 GTPI rotbunt Färse in Europa und zudem die #1 VCR RED Färse! Sie ist ein wunderschönes Rind, bereit für den Schauring! Außergewöhnliches Pedigree : ROTE Supershot x ROTE Man-O-Man x Rote Goldwyn!! 50% ihrer Nachkommen werden ROT sein, egal welchen Bullen sie benutzen! Ihre Chance um ROTE Käber mit ihren favorisierten schwarzbunten Bullen zu produzieren! Braedale GOLDWYN Marktwain Lee Diana VG-85-CAN Conf. VG-85-CAN 3.06 365d 8.793kgM 3.8% 331F 3.0% 267P • Vater: Comestar Lee / Sired by Comestar Lee NEXT DAMS 4e Marktwain Charles Dixie EX-90-CAN 5e Marktwain Yolanda-Red VG-86-CAN 6e Marktwain TT Yvonne VG-86-CAN Europe’s #3 RED & #1 VRC RED heifer She got the looks, she got the index, she got the pedigree: SHE GOT IT ALL!! The #3 GTPI Red heifer in Europe and #1 VRC RED! She is an awesome heifer, ready for the show ring! She has a unique sire stack: RED Supershot x RED Man-O-Man x RED Goldwyn!! 50% off her offspring will be RED, regardless what bull you use! You can now make RED calves with all of your favourite B&W bulls! 05. SEEBÖRGERS Consignor Only heifer in the breed >160 RZG & >150 RZE 8/15 DGV LPI +3476 / Conf. +16 08/15 08/15 BAILEY DE 0357404574 Geb. Datum. 23.06.2015 J. Seebörger - Tel. +49 (0)4772 245 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1437 +0.10 +0.02 80 48 2.83 +0.3 4.1 8.1 2.39 2.03 +2.56 674 2555 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1607 +0.13 +0.00 78 54 137 119 109 128 112 143 140 150 161 Mapel-Wood MOM Bombi VG-CAN 2yr. (Full sister to grand dam) 3. Mutter: Gen-I-Beq Shottle Bombi EX-94-USA Seagull-Bay SILVER (Mogul x Snowman) Brooke VG-85-DE VG-MS 2yr. Just fresh - looks very promsing Find more info in the sale update • Frisch abgekalbt und äußerst vielversprechend! / Just fresh and looks very promising! • Halbschwester zu / Maternal sister to Brookeroyal (s. Kingboy) @ IPS, 8/15 GTPI +2505 • Supershot Bruder mit 8/15 2623 GTPI / Supershot brother with 8/15 GTPI +2623 Gr.mutter: Mapel Wood Man-O-Man Brooke VG-88 La1. Genervations EPIC Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Mapel Wood Man O Man Brook VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA 3yr. (La1) 2.03 365d 16.439kgM 4.0% 651F 3.5% 575P • Selbe Familie wie der legendäre: GOLDWYN / Same family as the legendairy bull: GOLDWYN! • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Windbrook, Final Cut, Bolivia, Pagewire, Freelance & viele weitere • Mit VG-88-USA 2yr bei Siemers Holsteins eingestuft / Scored VG-88-USA in 1st La. @ Siemers Holsteins RZG>160 / RZE >150 / GTPI >2550!! Sie werden nicht oft ein Kalb finden, welch ein solch komplettes Profil besitzt, sie ist das einzige Kalb der Welt mit >160 RZG & > 150 RZE! Dazu hat sie noch sehr gute GTPI & GLPI Werte mit nicht weniger als +16 Conformation in Kanada! Auch ihr Pedigree ist unglaublich gut : Silver x frisch abgekalbte Epic x VG-88 Man-O-Man x Gen-I-Beq Shottle Bombi EX-94-USA, der Mutter des aktuellen #1 GLPI Bullen Brewmaster, die selbe Familie wie Goldwyn, Windbrook und viele weitere! Gen-I-Beq Shottle Bombi EX-94-USA Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 20* 2.01 365d 14.456kgM 5.0% 730F 3.4% 493P 5.10 365d 25.079kgM 3.7% 920F 3.3% 825P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Boulder, Barometer & Brewmaster, #1 GLPI bulle in Kanada • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Brawler @ Semex / Her full sister is dam to Brawler @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Gen-I-Beq Champion Bambi EX-90-CAN 4* 5e Braedale Baler Twine VG-86-2Y-CAN 33* 6e Braedale Gypsy Grand VG-88-CAN 37* 7e Braedale Moonriver GP-CAN 2yr. 8e Sunnylodge Chief Vick VG-86-CAN 2yr. 31* 9e Sunnylodge Elevation Jan VG-87-CAN 13* 10e Sunnylodge Jane Sheik VG-85-CAN 2yr. 4* RZG >160 / RZE >150 / GTPI >2550!! Not often you will find a heifer with such complete numbers, she is the only heifer in the breed with >160 RZG & >150 RZE (TYPE)! As well she has great GTPI & GLPI numbers with no less than +16 Conformation in Canada! As well her pedigree is as impressive as her numbers: SILVER x fresh Epic x VG-88 Man-O-Man x Gen-I-Beq Shottle Bombi EX-94-USA, dam of the #1 GLPI bull Brewmaster and same family as Goldwyn, Windbrook and many others! B RED HELLE EROIN 06. 23. DG RZN Consignor #1 World #4RZG RED Balisto GTPI heifer in Europe-born 2014! Wide GTPIin+2624 NL Geb. Datum. 10.12.2014 DE 964580606 0666519828 26-07-2014 Anderstrup Holsteins (DK), Diamond Genetics partners - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email.&[email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 08/14 +384 +2346 +0.02 -0.07 +0.04 -0.04 18 67 24 61 2.62 2.85 +2.0 -0.5 5.7 2.6 8.5 8.3 1.38 1.94 2.64 1.89 +2.27 +2.69 480 559 2335 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/15 08/14 +743 +2323 -0.10 -0.25 +0.02 -0.13 22 66 27 64 113 134 119 113 108 105 138 124 111 113 143 121 136 124 141 144 120 99 DGV LPI +3009 / Conf. +14 Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-USA 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Maternal sister to Belle Red, #1 RC GTPI cow World Wide Grossmutter: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Ladys-Manor De-Su 11236 OLYMPIAN BALISTO *RC (Alchemy Dorcy) (Bookem xx Watson) Rainyrdige Super Beth Lookout Pesce Epic Hue*RC VG-86-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-86-CAN 2yr. / Due September A terme fin Septembre 2.03 10.768kgM 3.7% 398F 3.5% 373P LOOKS365d GREAT! 4.06 (Proj) 365d 10.909kgM 3.8%F 3.6%P • Topseller Rockymountain ‘11de fürla Race, Une des meilleures filles Sale de Epic 79.000$ / Topseller Sale ‘11 +2354 GTPI / One of Rockymountain the best Epic daughter for $ 79.000 World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mutter Supersire VG-USA Mère devon Ms Calbrett Hue Tango 57644,Barb GTPI+2606 der #1! /RCD Kuh Rasse (8/15 GTPI + /2yr., NM +910 Dam to der Ms Hue Tango 57644, 2548 / PTAT +2.35 GTPI+2606 / NM +910/ !Dam to Calbrett Supersirepour Barb155.000 VG-USA 2yr., RC$155,000! cow in • Vendue $ ! /the Sold#1for the breed (8/15 GTPI + 2548 / PTAT +2.35 • Barb ist die Mutter des #1 RBT Rindes der Welt: BRANDY (GTPI +2521 / RZG 158) / Barb is dam of the #1 RED heifer World Wide BRANDY (GTPI +2521 / RZG 158) W eltklasse F irst dtr of Rotbuntgenetik!! Epic Hue to sell! Rainyridge SuperDellia Beth *RC VG-86-CAN 2yr. Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA Charlesdale GenervationsSUPERSTITION EPIC Rainyrdige Talent *RC EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOMBarbara Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-95-USA TB-88-CAN 2* 2a TB-88 MA 2.05 11.213kgM4.2%G 4.1% 464F 2.04 298d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.2% 3.7%P358P 421P 3.04 365d 15.633kgM 3.6% 570F 3.3% 514P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • 1st 5-Yr. Old/ Madison Royal ’10 Stars 2012 Sold for $&200,000 in the Sale • All-American of Stars 2012 & Unanimous All-American 5-Yr.est Oldune des plus intéressantes filles de • Hue Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Das #4 for RBTthe GTPIGenomics Rind in Europa & bereits 2335 run! GTPI She / 2.27 h out of this heifer spülbereit: in the August is PTAT a und dazuout eineofder höchsten Olympians mit extrem RZEfresh ( RZGin Balisto Epic Hue which soldnach for $RZG 155,000. Shehohen will be 141 / RZE 136 143 year Euter!!) AbstammungShe für has die Rotbuntzucht & September of–this andOutcross looks incredible! progeny testing frei von allen bekannten Haplotypen. Belle geht auf die legendäre Tony Beauty over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in Familie zurück, sie ist eine Halbschwester zur #1 RDC Kuh Barb, welche die the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, Mutter des #1 GTPI RBT Rindes ist, dieses hat bereits Söhne bei Semex, Select which& delivered like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Sires Cogent undbulls hat Töchter mit bis zu 2751 GTPI gezüchtet. Ladino Park MAN-O-MAN TALENT Long-Langs RF Outside Breeze EX-95-USAEX-91-USA 2E Cookiecutter Shthollerwood DOM Conf. EX-95-USA EX-91-USA 2E 2.03 10.818kgM4.9%G 6.% 670F 463P 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 564G4.3% 3.5%P 409P 4.02 334d 14.479kgM 4.7% 675F 3.5% 505P 8.00 365d 17.223kgM 3.9%by673F 3.4% 589P • Fille de Shottle / Sired Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, Geht zurück auf dieIota, legendäre TONY/ BEATY!! Halogen, Durham… / From GoingDellia back family, on the as legendary several TONY bulls, BEATY!! Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT NEXT DAMS DAMS 4e Briana EX-CAN 2E EX-MS DOM 4e Rayverley Cookiecutter GldMilan Holler-ET TB-88 5e Tony Beauty EX-CAN 5EEX-90 9* GMD DOM 5e Rainyridge Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET Oldest cow ever which won Madison: yrsDOM old! 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr.14GMD 6e TempoRudolph Diana TB-85-CAN 7e Despics Long-Haven Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM W orlddtr Class RED Hue heifer! F irst of Epic to sell! The RED heifer in which is ready to flush: GTPI h out#4for theGTPI Genomics of Europe this heifer in the August run! She is a +2335 PTAT andwhich one ofsold the for highest RZG Olympian’s with Balisto/out of +2.27 Epic Hue $ 155,000. She will be fresh in huge type (RZG 141year / RZE - 143 udders!!)! bloodtesting for September of this and136 looks incredible! SheDifferent has progeny the haplotype free dam and going backsold on the overR&W 2600breed, GTPI already! Grand MOM Hue for $Rainyridge 200.000 in Tony Beauty’s! She is a maternal sister to the #1 RC cow Barb which the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, is dam of the #1 RED GTPI heifer, which has already sons at Semex, which delivered like Durham, Iota,dtrs Halogen others! Select Sires and bulls Cogent and which has up to and GTPImany +2751! 07. RZN Consignor 08/15 Top ranking RZG RED heifer: 149 / RZE 136! 08/15 LATINA RED DE 0770188626 Geb. Datum. 13.05.2015 Nöhl GbR - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +386 +0.03 +0.03 22 20 2.85 +2.9 2.3 7.4 0.58 1.46 +1.40 321 2126 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1178 -0.11 +0.02 39 42 124 115 109 131 127 116 137 136 149 Farnear-TBRBaxter Gen-I-Beq Aset Absolute Legacy VG-87-CAN VG-87-USA 3yr. Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN | One Million Dollar Cow Texel Beauty DEBUTANT RED (Dakker x Superstition x Debutante Rae’s) Gen-I-Beq Sterling Lency *RC VG-88-CAN 4yr. Hunsberger ALCHEMY Ardross STERLING RZH Lana-Red NC Gen-I-Beq Sterling Lency *RC VG-88-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-89-MS 4yr. Just fresh, see sale update 2.03 365d 19.167kgM 4.1% 794F 3.% 607P • Ehemaliges #3 GTPI RBT Rind in Europa / Former #3 GTPI R&W Heifer in Europe • Diese Familie liefert Schaukühe, hohe genomische Nachkommen, positive Bullen und mehr / This family delivered show cows, high genomic animals, proven sires & more! • Mutter von Gen-I-Beq Lancity @ Semex / Dam to Gen-I-Beq Lancity @ Semex • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Lexor, Latimer, Willpower, Liquid Gold, Larson RC & mehr Gen-I-Beq Baxter Legacy VG-87-CAN Conf. VG-87-CAN 2.03 305d 12.026kgM 3.2% 388F 3.1% 376P 4.07 305d 14.948kgM 4.1% 620F 3.0% 452P • Halbschwester zu Lavaman @ Semex / Maternal sister to Lavaman @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG-87-CAN 2yr. 14* 5e Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 21* 6e Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA GMD DOM 7e Tiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 4* 8e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN Eine ROTE Lila Z Hoch plaziertes ROTES RZG Rind aus der großartigen Kuhfamilie von Lylehaven Lila Z! Außergewöhnliches Pedigree für die Rotbuntzucht mit Debutant x Alchemy x Sterling x Baxter x LILA Z! Sie kombiniert einen RZG von 149 mit einem super Typzuchtwert von RZE 136 & 137 für Euter mit einem sehr kompletten Profil! RED from the Lila Z family High ranking RZG RED heifer from a great cow family, the Lylehaven Lila Z’s! Different pedigree for the R&W breeding, Debutant x Alchemy x Sterling x Baxter x Goldwyn x LILA Z!! She has 149 RZG with tremendous type: RZE 136 and 137 udders with a very complete index profile! 08. NH HS SUPERSHOT Consignor LAZIRA DE 0770224517 Geb. Datum. 03.04.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] & Holstein Select - Tel. +49 (0)5433 9143125 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 +1231 +0.11 +0.03 77 46 2.64 +0.3 5.8 7.8 0.97 1.34 +1.21 731 2491 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/15 +1344 +0.36 +0.07 92 53 139 122 94 127 108 116 113 118 153 Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree EX-91-CAN Vollschwester zu 3. Mutter NH HS Supershot Lazira | SHE SELLS! Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Mutter: HLM Lulu Amighetti NUMERO UNO Ensenada Taboo PLANET HLM Lulu Hellmuth’s Planet Lana VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Due: Dezember 2016 La1 305d 10.843kgM 4.1% 444F 3.5% 381P • Eine der höchsten Numero Uno Töchter ihrer Generation für RZG & GTPI / One of the highes RZG & GTPI Numero Uno daughters from her generation • Topseller DHV Sale ´13 für EUR 29.000€ / Top seller DHV Sale ‘13 for EUR 29.000 • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Lexor, Latimer, Larson *RC, Willpower, Let It Snow & andere Calbrett Shottle Lea EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.03 365d 12.079kgM 4.0% 479F 3.4% 410P • Halbschwester zu Goldwyn Lilac VG-89-CAN, der Mutter von Lexor & Latimer / Maternal sister to Comstar Goldwyn Lilac VG89-CAN, dam to Lexor & Latimer NEXT DAMS 4e Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 5e Lylehaven Form Laura EX-94-USA 3E GMD DOM 7* 6e Thiersant Lili Starbuck EX-94-USA 3E 7e Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-CAN 1* Hohe Genomics aus den Lila Z!! 2491 GTPI / 153 RZG Supershot aus der Familie der One Million Dollar Kuh, Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN! Diese Kuh hat bereits die #1 Indexkuh, Schausieger, hohe genomische Vererber und erfolgreiche töchtergetestete Bullen gezüchtet! Laziras Mutter HLM Lul war der Topseller des DHV Sales ´13 mit EUR 29.000! Numbers from the Lila Z family! GTPI +2491 / RZG 153 Supershot going back on the One Million Dollar Cow, Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN! She was able to make #1 index cows, Royal show winners, top ranking young sires and daughter proven sires! Lazira’s dam HLM Lulu was the topseller of the DHV Sale ‘13 for EUR 29.000! 09. Larcrest RR Consignor 09/15 WORLD CLASS Top 10 GTPI calf in Europe! 08/15 DGV Cale II DE 0358633535 Geb. Datum. 22.07.2015 Rinderzucht Reinermann - Tel. +49 (0)1709345814 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1798 +0.07 +0.03 86 62 2.90 +2.0 6.9 8.3 1.64 1.62 +1.99 848 2702 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA R F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1947 +0.25 +0.14 99 79 2.84 114 110 104 7 12 11 +12 3466 Mutter: BB Mogul Cleopatra Now fresh and looks FANTASTIC! Larcrest Cardigan VG-86-USA 2yr. Maternal sister to dam! Grossmutter: Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) BB Mogul Cleopatra NC Conf. Just fresh, looks great Frisch abgekalbt und sieht super aus! Nähere Infos auf dem Update! / Fresh and looks great! See sale update! • Supershot Sohn at Cogent / Supershot son at Cogent • Vollschwester zu DG Candide, Mutter des #2 GTPI Bullen der Welt: DG Charley (GTPI +2851)! / Full sister to DG Candide, dam to the #2 GTPI bull in the World: DG Charley (GTPI +2651)! • Cousine zu: / Full cousin to: Larcrest Commander @ ABS • Halbschwester zu Larcrest Cardigan VG-86USA 2yr., verkauft für 400.000 $ / Maternal sister to Larcrest Cardigan VG-86-USA 2yr., sold for $ 400.000! Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. 2.02 305d 16.212kgM 5.4% 876F 3.7% 594P • Eine der besten jungen Kühe der USA! / One of the greatest young cows in the USA! • Halbschwester zu Chevrolet & Fanatic / Maternal sister is dam to Chevrolet & Fanatic • Vollschwester zu Commander @ ABS / Full sister is dam to Commander @ ABS • Mutter von Larcrest Cardigan, verkauft für $ 400.000 / Dam to Larcrest Cardigan, sold for $ 400.000 Die höchste GTPI Cousine von CHARLEY!! DG Charley 2851 GTPI ist der Bulle der zurzeit in aller Munde ist, hier haben sie die Chance seine höchste Cousine zu kaufen, mit über 2700 GTPI (To 10 GTPI Europa)! Wie es ihr Name schon sagt, Cale 2 ist eine Kopie ihrer fantastischen Großmutter, Larcrest Cale! Eine der absolut besten junegn Kühe Nordamerikas, eingestuft mit VG-89 2yr. sowie Mutter und Großmutter von einigen der höchsten genomisch getesten Tiere der Zucht! De-Su OBSERVER Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-93-USA GMD DOM 2.02 365d 16.357kgM 4.7% 776F 3.7% 613P 5.02 365d 21.042kgM 5.3% 1.110F 3.7% 775P • Sire: Ramos • Schwester zu: / Sister to: O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Contrast & more • Unglaubliche Zuchtkuh! / Huge brood cow! NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1 GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA The highest GTPI cousin to CHARLEY!! The Global sensation is DG Charley (GTPI +2851), this is his highest cousin in the World with >2700 GTPI! A Top 10 GTPI heifer in Europe and one of the highest heifers ever sold! Like her name says, Cale II is a copy of her amazing grand dam Larcrest Cale! One of the very best young cows in the USA, scored with the maximum VG-89 2yr. and dam and grand dam to the highest genomic animals in the breed! 10. COL Consignor #5 GLPI PP heifer in Europe One of the highest RZG PP heifers (B&W base) World Wide 08/15 08/15 CAROLINE *PP DE 0538910924 Geb. Datum. 08.06.2015 Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)15112121766 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +682 +0.04 +0.08 35 44 2.89 +3.6 4.0 5.8 0.58 0.41 +0.28 682 2281 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +993 +0.05 +0.19 44 53 133 121 96 128 118 112 107 109 149 Grossmutter: Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE 2yr. 3. Mutter: Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1. Lorka ZUMBA P (Earnhardt x Meteor) 4. Mutter: Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA Da-So-Burn MOM EARNHARDT P Col Cosmopolitan *PO Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. Due. November 2015 La1 305d 12.360kgM 4.91% 607F 3.76% 465P • Halbschwester zu Col Carmen, #6 GTPI Headliner Tochter weltweit! / Maternal sister to Col Carmen, #6 GTPI Headliner daughter World wide! • Carmen hat Söhne & Töchter > 2600 GTPI und ist die Mutter des Bullen Col Superstar (GTPI +2702) / Carmen has sons & daughters > 2600 GTPI and is dam to the bull Col Superstar (GTPI +2702) • Für EUR 42.000 verkauft / Sold for EUR 42.000 • Hohe GTPI & RZG Nachkommen / Huge ranking GTPI & RZG offsrping • Ihr Vater ist in Europa nicht verfügbar / Her sire is not available in Europe HOMOZYGOT HORNLOS mit 149 RZG! Eines der höchsten HOMOZYGOT HONRLOS Rinder der Welt: 149 RZG auf Schwarzbuntbasis mit tollen Einzelmerkmalen, u.a. +0.19% Eiweiß! Alle ihre Nachkommen werden hornlos sein, ganz egal welchen Bullen sie einsetzen! Benutzen sie die höchsten Bullen für Caroline und züchten sie die nächste Generation von hohen RZG / GTPI hornlos Bullen & Färsen! Das Beste zum Schluss, sie stammt aus der Familie von Larcrest Cosmopolitan!!! Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1 Conf. VG-87-USA La1. GMDD OM 2.04 365d 14.030kgM 4.1% 572F 3.6% 508P • Mutter von / Dam to: O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Contrast & more • Stammkuh hinter: / Foundation cow behind: Commander, Chevrolet, Fanatic & Charley • Ehemalige #1 CTPI Kuh der Rasse / Former #1 GTPI Cow in the breed NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 5th Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 6th Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA Homozygous polled with RZG 149! One of the highest HOMOZYGOUS POLLED heifers World Wide on B&W base: RZG 149 with beloved qaulities in her index, such as +0.19% PROTEIN! ALL her offspring will be polled, no matter what bull you use! Use the highest bulls on Caroline and make the next generation top ranking RZG / GTPI / GLPI polled bulls and heifers! Best of all, she is from a great cow family, that of Larcrest Cosmopolitan!!! 11. CORRINGHAM KB SS Consignor UK 140660102286 Geb. Datum. 24.04.2015 Corringham Holsteins - Tel. +44 (0)7879 456210 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 08/15 DGV CRIMSON %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1546 +0.07 +0.02 79 52 2.58 +0.4 6.2 8.7 1.98 2.46 +2.62 810 2696 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +2001 +0.28 +0.07 102 75 2.45 116 103 104 3 10 15 +14 3453 Die #1 GTPI Kingboy in Europa / The #1 GTPI Kingboy in Europe Links: Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA mit 2 Töchtern! / Crimson with 2 daughters 3. Mutter: Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA GMD DOM | Picture in 1st lactation Morningview Mcc KINGBOY (Mc Cutchen x Superstition) Mutter: Corringham Supersire Crimson Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Lylehaven Durham LIGHTNING Corringham Supersire Crimson Larcrest Chessa EX-90-USA Conf. E V E E E / EX-90-USA DOM Due: October 2015 - Looks fantastic!! 2.08 365d 11.408kgM 4.5% 511F 3.9% 443P • Kalbt im Oktober 2015 im Alter von 27 Monaten und sieht super aus! / Will calf in October ‘15 at 2.03 years, she looks great! • Die #1 Lightning der Welt, bereits mehrer Söhne auf Station! / The # Lightning dtr World Wide & several sons in AI • Mutter von Cosworth @ Intermizoo (GTPI 2471) / Dam to Cosworth @ Intermizoo (GTPI 2471) • Halbschwester zu Larcrest Cale VG-89USA 2yr., Großmutter von DG Charley! (GTPI +2851) / Maternal sister to Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA 2yr., grand dam to DG Charley! (GTPI +2851) Die #1 GTPI Kingboy in Europa!! Weltklasse Rind, Weltklasse Index & Weltklasse Pedigree! Die #1 GTPI Kingboy Tochter in Europa, > 1500kg Milch, 2.58 SCS, +2.62 PTAT & fast 2700 GTPI!!! Ihre Mutter ist eine Supersire Tochter welche im Oktober kalbt und ganz hervorragend aussieht, sie hat ein etwas anderes Pedigree, ihre Mutter ist eine EX Tochter von Lylehaven Lightning (V. Durham), danach kommt dann die einzigartige Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA! Die Kuhfamilie die bereits unzählige Bullen wie Chevrolet, Fanatic, Commander & den #2 GTPI Bullen DG Charley (GTPI 2851)! Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA Conf. EX-93-USA GMD DOM 2.02 365d 16.357kgM 4.7% 776F 3.7% 613P 5.02 365d 21.042kgM 5.3% 1.110F 3.7% 775P • Sire: Ramos • Großmutter von: / Grand dam to: Chevrolet, Commander, Fanatic & andere NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1. GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA The #1 GTPI Kingboy in Europe!! World Class heifer, World Class index & World Class pedigree! The #1 GTPI Kingboy dtr in Europe, >1500 lbs milk, 2.58 SCS, +2.62 PTAT & almost 2700 GTPI!!! Her dam is a Supersire dtr which will calf in October and looks great, she has a bit different bloodlines as she is from an EXCELLENT Lylehaven Lightning (s. Durham) dtr, followed by the one and only Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA! The cow family behind successful bulls as Chevrolet, Fanatic, Commander and the #2 GTPI bull DG Charley (GTPI +2851)! 12. EIT Consignor Prod. Conf. 08/15 TRIX RED VG-86-DE 2yr. DE 0537932265 Geb. Datum. 02.06.2013 Gek. 15.08.2015 Eiting Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1608035393 - Email. [email protected] Weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / See sale update 85 86 87 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +59 +0.24 +0.19 59 22 109 121 104 127 121 124 129 127 134 Mutter: Tilly VG-86-DE Grossmutter: Tiana Red VG-89-DE ELSPE-Red (Elburn x Spencer) KOE Tilly VG-86-DE La2. Conf. 86 86 86 87 / VG-86-DE La2. La1 305d 8.838kgM 4.1% 365F 3.8% 337P HL2 305d 11.433kgM 4.1% 473F 3.7% 427P Gen-I-Beq SELAYO CARMANO KOE Tiana VG-89-DE Conf. 87 88 92 87 / VG-89-DE La4 HL3 305d 10.944kgM 4.1% 450F 3.3% 362P • Mehrere Söhne in der Besamung / Several sons in AI • Klassensieger Färsen RUW Schau ‘13 / 1st place 2-Yr. Odl RUW Schau ‘13 • Mütterliche Halbschwester zu ELLMAU @ RUW / Maternal sister is dam to ELLMAU • Elspe-Tochter verkauft für EUR 11.500 in the Highlight Sale 2014 / Elspe dtr sold for EUR 11.500 in the Highlight Sale 2014 • Ladd P-Tochter verkauft für EUR 15.000 HFK Sale ‘13 / Ladd P dtr sold for EUR 15.000 HFK Sale ‘13 Abgekalbte mit tiefem Pedigree Exterieurstarke junge Rotbuntkuh mit tiefem Pedigree, bereits VG-86 bewertet und aus sehr erfolgreicher deutscher Kuhfamilie. Ihre Mutter war Klassensiegerin der RUW-Schau 2013 und deren Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Ellmau @ RUW. Ihre Vollschwester wurde für EUR 11.500 und ihre Ladd P Schwester für EUR 15.000 verkauft. KOE Therese 11 VG-86-DE Conf. 87 87 86 86 / VG-86-DE 5/4La 305d 12.891kgM 3.8% 489F 3.5% 445P HL2 305d 13.661kgM 4.0% 542F 3.5% 473P • Sire: Lightning NEXT DAMS 4e KOE Tosca 20 VG-86-DE (s. Tulip) 5e KOE Tulipe VG-87-DE (s. Koerier) 6e KOE Thea EX-91-DE (s. Orkan) 7e Koe Tundra VG-86-DE (s. Jubilant) Fresh cow with deep pedigree Beautiful young fresh RED cow with deep pedigree, she already scored VG-86 as a 2yr. old and is from a very successful German family. Her dam was 1st at the RUW Show in 2013 and her full sister is dam to Ellmau @ RUW. A full sister to this cow sold for EUR 11.500 and a Ladd P maternal sister for EUR 15.000! 13. PM Consignor Prod. Conf. RAMONA - FRESH DE 0769891983 Geb. Datum. 16.09.2013 Kalb. Datum / Calf date. 08.09.2015 Peter Meutes - Tel. +49 (0)1606111783 - Email. [email protected] Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh - See sale update 3. Mutter: PM Ricarda EX-90-DE Halbschwester zur Mutter: PM Rimanda EX-90-DE Amighetti NUMERO UNO (Man-O-Man x Shottle) PM Rambada VG-88-DE Conf. 85 88 88 88 / VG-88-DE 4/4LA 305d 10.020kgM 4.3% 435F 3.4% 344P HL1 305d 11.396kgM 4.2% 479F 3.3% 380P Mutter: PM Rafaela VG-88-DE Picston SHOTTLE Comestar LHEROS PM Rebec VG-88-DE Conf. 88 87 90 86 / VG-88-DE 3/3LA 305d 12.777kgM 4.0% 507F 3.2% 406P HL3 305d 14.189kgM 4.0% 564F 3.0% 431P • Ihre Goldwyn-Schwester in der Schweiz ist die Mutter des höchsten Shottle-Sohnes / Goldwyn sister in Switzerland is dam of the highest Shottle son PM Ricarda EX-90-DE Conf. 90 89 86 92 / EX-90-DE 5/5La 305d 13.256kgM 4.8% 729F 3.4% 490P HL4 305d 12.579kgM 4.3% 538F 3.4% 425P • Sired by Startmore Rudolph NEXT DAMS 4e PM Raisa VG-87-DE (s. Bonus) 6/6 La 305d 11.820kgM 3.8%F 3.1%P 5e PM Resi VG-85-DE (s. Mingo) 6e PM Renat VG-85-DE (s. Gotthard) 9/8 La 305d 10.695kgM 3.5% 3.2% 7e Klh Rose VG-86-DE (s. Cadet) Fresh Numero Uno daughter Super opportunity to buy a fresh nice young cow from a super cow family! Deep pedigree full with high lifetime productions and successful brood cows and sons in AI! Fresh Numero Uno daughter Super opportunity to buy a fresh nice young cow from a super cow family! Deep pedigree full with high lifetime productions and successful brood cows and sons in AI! CG 14. OTHEM 23. KNS DG OLLY *P *RC Consignor - FRESH DE Geb. Geb. Datum. 09.08.2013 Kalb. Datum.06.08.2015 NL 0357545492 920078732 Datum. 14.06.2014 KNS Holsteins - Tel.(NL) +49&(0)1722713211 [email protected] Diamond Genetics Cormdale (CAN)- -Email. Tel. +31 (0)84606922 - Email. [email protected] Production test 39.2kgM USA | 80K Milk 1st%F %E 3.8%F Fat 3.1%P Eiw SCS DPR PL Conf. Weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / See sale udpate 09/14 +499 +0.00 +0.04 19 26 2.70 +2.0 4.6 SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 8.6 1.21 2.44 +2.17 507 2054 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +832 -0.02 +0.05 32 33 113 117 114 129 131 100 131 118 137 Cherry Crest Black Heat EX-91-CAN KNS Grand Iota VG-86-DE 2yr. Halbschwester zu KNS Gothem Mutter: KNS Grand Prix*PEX-91-DE Cherry Crest Coal *RC VG-85-CAN 2yr. Zani Bolton MASCALESE Lookout Pesce HUNGER (Bolton x Oman) (Shamrock x Man-O-Man) KNS Grand Prix EX-91-DE Cherry Chrest Colt Coal *RC *PO VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. 92 90 91 / EX-91-DE 85R9086DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. •2.01 Mutter von KNS Grand Iota328F VG-86-DE 2yr. / (Proj) 8.516kgM 3.9%F 3.3%E 282E Dam of KNS Grand Iota VG-86-DE 2yr. • Mehrfache Won several Hunger dtr Schausiergerin sold to Blondin/ Holsteins / show titles Hunger dtr sold to Blondin Holsteins Cherry Crest Sizzling Red Hot EX-91-CAN Braedale GOLDWYN Sandy-Valley COLT P-RED Gina 140 GP-83-DE 2yr. EX-91-CAN Cherry Crest Black Heat Conf. GP-83-DE 90R 91DS 2yr. 91MS 94FL / EX-91-CAN 1* RAMOS Braedale GOLDWYN Gera VG-88-DE Cherry Crest Sizzling Red Hot EX-91-CAN Conf. VG-88-DE 91R 93DS 90MS 91FL / EX-91-CAN 3* 6/5La 305d 10.659kgM 4.5% 396F 360F 3.6%E 3.4% 360P 2.05 305d 9.339kgM 4.2%F 340E HL2 305d10.428kgM 11.437kgM4.3%F 4.7% 444F 541F 3.5%E 3.5% 402P 3.08 305d 365E 5.04 305d 15.634kgM 4.7%F 735F 3.3%E 523E HL 305d 9266KgM3.6%F 4,5% 394F 414F 3.2%E 3,3% 303P 2.054:305d 10.933kgM 352E 4/4 305d 8322KgM3.7%F 4,3% 432F 358F 3.3%E 3,3% 276P 3.09LA: 305d 11.722kgM 387E • 3rd 5-Yr. Old Lotbiniere ‘12 • 1t Int. Calf Glengarry ‘07 • Vater: / Sire: Ked Juror HM. All-American R&W ‘04 • 2nd @inter Calf QC Int. R&W ‘03 NEXT DAMS 4e Geranie VG-88-DE (s. Airport) NEXT DAMS VG-87-DE (s. Command) 5e Grenoble 4e Gretchen Primevalley Astre Lulu *RC VG-88-CAN 6yr. 6e VG-86-DE (s. Model) 5e Andryan Stratos-Raisa-Red GP-CAN 3yr. 6e Albrecht Regina-Red EX-USA 1* 7e Val Brillant Rina-Red VG-85-CAN 4yr. 8e Val Brillant Tina Supreme VG-86-CAN 4yr. A bgekalbte Mascalese von Niermann P olled Hunger KNS Holsteins offeriert eine schöne abgekalbte Färse, Vater ist A Polled & RC dtr of Hunger, full sister in Canada sold ihr to Blondin der populäre Mascalese und ihre Mutter keine geringere als KNS Holsteins. From a deep Canadian Grand dam Cherry Crest Grand Prix EX-91-DE (V.Goldwyn) eine in mehrfache Tolle Black Heat EX-91-CAN was successful the showSchausiegerin. ring and 3rd dam Väterfolge aus tieferwas Kuhfamilie: Mascaleseinx 2004! Goddwyn x Ramos x Ked Sizzling EX-91-CAN HM. All-American Special polled Juror! pedigre opportunity. F Mascales Presh olled Hunger from Niermann KNS Holsteins offers a very nice siredsold by Mascalese A Polled & RC dtr of Hunger, full fresh sistermilker in Canada to Blondin straight outFrom of KNS Grand Prix EX-91-DE Goldwyn) whichCrest has been Holsteins. a deep Canadian family. (s. Grand dam Cherry successful the show was ring.successful A great sire line show from ring a deep Black HeatinEX-91-CAN in the andcow 3rdfamily: dam Mascalese x Goldwynwas x Ramos x Ked Juror!in 2004! Special polled Sizzling EX-91-CAN HM. All-American pedigre opportunity. H T 15. 23. BEECHROW RZN EROINWAINS ATWOOD Consignor IE Geb. Datum. 31.10.2014 DE 221222330793 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 Beechrow Holsteins - Tel. +35 (0) 3878- 537 [email protected] - Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 Email. Show Grand USA |results 80K Milk %F Champion %E National Fat Heifer Eiw Show SCSIreland DPR2015 PL #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 DE +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 One of the favourites for the big shows, such as the SWISS EXPO 2016! %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL +2.69 559 2179 Milk UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 121 124 144 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 Galwaybay Shania EX-91-IE 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Twain Hue VG-88-CAN Beechrow Atwood VG-87-ES VG-88-MS 2yr. | (Atwood from Twains Atwood maternal sister Cookiecutter MOMTwain Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Jr. Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne 2013 Mample-Downs I GW ATWOOD De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Goldwyn MD-Delight Durham Atlee) (Bookem xx Watson) Galwaybay Shania Lookout Pesce EpicTwain Hue EX-91-IE Conf. EX-91-IE A terme fin Septembre / Due September La2 305d 8.466kgM 3.7% 316F 3.1% 266P LOOKS GREAT! 645d 14.327kgM 4.0% 573F 3.4% 483P La3 559d 12.510kgM 3.8% 479F 3.5% 443P • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, • +2354 2 Töchter Enkeltochter bereits GTPI& /1 One of the bestwurden Epic daughter Grand Champion auf der National Jungrinder World Wide, GTPI+2354 Schaude inMs Irland 2 dtrs57644, & 1 grand dtr have • Mère Hue /Tango GTPI+2606 National Heifer /won NM Grand +910 Champion ! / Dam toatMsthe Hue Tango 57644, Show in Ireland GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue Großmutter Beechrow pour von 155.000 $ ! / Atwood Sold for Twain, $155,000! Junior Champion Swiss Expo 2013 / Grand dam of Beechrow Atwood Twain, Jr. Champion Swiss Expo 2013 E Gelegenheit!! Fine irsteinmalige dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Calbrett-I HH EPIC CHAMPION Genervations Eastside S Twain Cookiecutter MOMEX-96-IE Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-96-IE TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA La2 3.8% 404F 350P 2.04305d 305j 10.635kgM 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G3.3% 3.7%P 421P La3 305d 9.630kgM 3.8% 362F 3.3% 314P La4 305d 11.421kgM 4.2% durant 482F 3.2% 364Pof • Vendue pour 200.000$ la Sale Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • Grand Champion of Stars 2012 National Show Milstreet Dairyest Show & 2004 filles de • Hue uneIreland: des plus2002 intéressantes Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Was der besten h outfürforeine theunglaubliche Genomics of Möglichkeit, this heifer ineines the August run! jemals She is ain Europa wirdfor verkauft! Beechrow Twains Balisto geborenen out of EpicSchaurinder Hue which sold $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Atwood wurde bereits Grand der testing September of this yearzum andüberragenden looks incredible! SheChampion has progeny irischen Jungrinder Nationalschau undfor sie$sieht genauso over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam2015 MOMgekürt Hue sold 200.000 in gut aus wie die andere Twain, Becchrow Twain, the Sale of Stars 2012! weltbekannte Great branch of the Dellia EX-95Atwood cow family, die Juniorsiegerin derlike Swiss Expo 2013! ist and bereit für others! die ganz which delivered bulls Durham, Iota, Twain Halogen many großen Aufgaben!! Eastside S Twain Dellia EX-96-IE Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA 2 x Grand Champion Millstreet Dairy Show (‘02 & ‘04) Donnandale SKYCHIEF Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Eastside DerryShthollerwood Twain VG-87-CAN 6yr. DOM Cookiecutter EX-91-USA Conf. VG-87-CAN EX-91-USA 6yr. 2.07 11.701kgM4.9%G 3.6% 426F 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.1% 3.5%P362P 409P 3.10 319d 12.641kgM 3.4% 436F 3.0% 380P 5.11 365d 14.203kgM 3.5%by493F 3.0% 419P • Fille de Shottle / Sired Shottle Lifetime: 77.510Dellia kg Milkcomme de nombreux • De la famille taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Mutter von Eastside Kite Tristin EX-94-CAN From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen,/ Dam of Eastside Kite Tristin EX-94-CAN Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Eastside Cookiecutter Holler-ET TB-883EEX-MS 4. AstreGld Taffy EX-90-CAN 6* DOM 5e Lifetime: Ms Kings-Rnsm Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 91.367Champ kg Milk 6e 3Regancrest-JDV EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM EX & 6 VG dtrsHanna in Canada 7e Eastside Long-Haven Rudolph DeeVG-87-CAN EX-90-USA 2E 5. Conquest Tanya 4yr.GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 6. Algonquin Mr Trisha EX-CAN 4E 1* 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM O lifetime show Fnce irstin dtra of Epic Hue to opportunity! sell! What one of the in greatest show run! heifers h out aforgreat the opportunity, Genomics of this heifer the August Sheever is a born in Europe Beechrow Twains was already Balisto outsells! of Epic Hue which soldAtwood for $ 155,000. She the willconvincing be fresh in Grand Champion the and Irishlooks National Heifer Show 2015 and istesting a September of thisofyear incredible! She has progeny look-a-like of thealready! other famous Twain, Beechrow Twain, the over 2600 GTPI Grand dam MOM Hue soldAtwood for $ 200.000 in Jr. of the Swiss Expo 2013!ofTwain is ready to go the theChampion Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch the Dellia EX-95 cowforfamily, big shows!!! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 23. RZN Consignor USA | 80K #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 H EROIN DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Left & Top: Beechrow Twains Atwood Grand Champion Heifer Show Ireland 2015 Beechrow Atwood Twain Atwood x Atlas x Galwaybay Shania Twain EX-91-IE * Jr. Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne 2013 * Jr. Champion Emerald Expo 2012 Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA * Jr. Champion Nat. Calf Show Ireland 2012 * Jr. Champion Milstreet 2012 * Jr. Champion Nat. Dairy Show 2012 Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September LOOKS GREAT! • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Genervations EPIC MAN-O-MAN Now at Long-Langs Ponderosa Holsteins in Spain and scored VG-87-ES VG-88-MS 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Conf. Expo EX-91-USA Judge Swiss 2013 Mike Deaver about Atwood Twain commented: ‘The best heifer I have ever seen!’ 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Beechrow Twain Eastside testing Atwood Trump VG-89-CAN Tristin EX-94-CAN 4E September of thisAtwood year and looks incredible! She has progeny September 3ry. of this year Eastside and looksKite incredible! She has progeny testing Atwood Atlas x Galwaybay Twain heifer Twain’s sisterMOM to grand dam for $ 200.000 in over 2600 GTPIx already! Grand damShania MOM Hue sold forAtwood $ 200.000 in in Canada from overthe 2600 GTPI already!Maternal Grand dam Hue sold the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H S 16. 23. AH RZNJASPER EROIN AMBUCA EX-92-DE Consignor Production USA | 80K Milk Conformation 1st milking dtr by #1 RZG Balisto DUDE scores World Wide GTPI +2624 VG-87-DE 2yr. DE 0DE0663554133 Geb. Geb. Datum. 04.03.2010 Kälb. / Calf date 10.04.2015 0666519828 Datum. 26-07-2014 C. Allendörfer Tel. +49 +49 (0)123123123 (0)49 1708155011 - Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein -- Tel. - Email. [email protected] 3/2 La 305d 10.028kgM 4.2%F 416F 3.40% 341P %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI EX-92-DE 08/14results +2346 Show -0.07 -0.04 67 61 1a (Champion DEund Siegerkuh Jung MilkUsingen %F2013 - %E Fat2yr. Old) Eiw 1a und Siegerkuh Jung Bad-Vilbel 2013 - (Champion 2yr. Old) 08/14 -0.252015-0.13 66Champion) 64 1a + Sieger alt und+2323 Miss Bad-Vilbel - (Grand 2.85 -0.5 RZM | RZS | | 113 134 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 1a + Sieger Mittleren Miss Usingen RZD RZN derRZR FLKühe und UDD. RZE 2014 RZG 1b DHV Schau 2013 - (2nd 2yr. Old National DHV Show 2013) 1051a und124 113 124 Champion) 144 Sieger99 Kuh Schau Runkel121 2015 (Grand Vollschwester / Full sister: AH Samanta Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 1st & Champion 2yr. Hessens Zukunft & Grand Krefeld ‘11 AH Jasper Sambuca EX-92-DE | SHE Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. SELLS Wilcoxview JASPER De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Lee x Bellwood) (Bookem x Watson) Saruna LookoutVG-89-DE Pesce Epic Hue Conf. 91fin 91 Septembre 89 88 / VG-89-DE A terme / Due September 5/3La 10.037kgM 4.08% 410F 3.55% 356P LOOKS 305d GREAT! HL2 305d 10.848kgM 4.30% 467F 3.43% 372P • Mutter AH Samanta Une desvon meilleures filles(V. deJasper): Epic de la Race, Siegerfärse Zukunft‘11 +2354 GTPI /Hessens One of the best Epic&daughter Siegerfärse sbt. & Grand Champion Färsen World Wide, GTPI+2354 schaude Krefeld‘11 / • Mère Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 AH Samanta (s.Ms Jasper): /Dam NM of +910 ! / Dam to Hue Tango 57644, 1st & Champion 2yr. Old GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! Hessens Zukunft ‘11 & 1st & Grand ‘11 for $155,000! • Vendue pourChampion 155.000 Krefeld $ ! / Sold Fantastische Schaukuh!! irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Halbschwester Mutter: Lee Saphir VG-89-DE Snow-N Deniseszur Dellia EX-95-USA STBVQ RUBENSEPIC RF Genervations Dixellen DESIGN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Salome VG-86-DE Cookiecutter MOM2yr. Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. 87 86 85 862a/ TB-88 VG-86-DE TB-88-CAN MA 2yr. 2/1 305d 9.100kgM 4.27% 389F 3.75% 341P 2.04La 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P • Eine überragende Familie derenla Sale of Vendue pour 200.000$ durant Mitglieder Frankreich, Stars 2012in/ Deutschland, Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale Italien und der Schweiz verstreut sind of Stars 2012 Schauen vorderefilles de • und Hueauf est sämtlichen une des plus intéressantes Platzierungen Man-O-Man au erringen Monde! /konnten Hue is one of the /most A tremendous cow familydtrs with exciting Man-O-Man inexcellent the breed! members in Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland with great show ring results! Sie sindforaufthe derGenomics Suche nach tollen SCHAUKUH?? eineisherh out of einer this heifer in the AugustHier run!istShe a vorragende Kuh sold zu kaufen bereit ist diebe großen Balisto outMöglichkeit of Epic Hueeine which for $ die 155,000. Shefürwill fresh in Schauen! Sambuca wurde dieses Jahr bereits zweimal zum Grand ChamSeptember year and looks sondern incredible! progeny testing pion gekürt!of Siethis ist nicht nur schön hat She auchhas noch ein tolles over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in Pedigree, Sie ist die 7. te Generation von Exzellenten Kühen im Pedigree, inklusive tollen2012! amerikanischen Schaukuh the Sale der of Stars Great branch of theDelbar DelliaAstro EX-95Splendor cow family, EX-95-USA! Eine Familie mitDurham, Bullen inIota, der Besamung which delivered bulls like Halogen und and Schausiegern many others!in Deuschland, Italien, Frankreich der Schweiz und vielen weiteren Ländern! Shoremar Saphir EX-90-DE EX-91-USA DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-USA 8/7 305d 10.669kgM 4.03%564G 430F3.5%P 3.32%409P 354P 2.04La305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G HL 7 305d 12.593kgM 3.79% 477F 3.32% 418P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Anpaarungskuh für Masterrind, RSA & ZBH / De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux Bull dam for Masterrind, & ZBH / taureaux, Halogen, Iota,RSA Durham… • 6.From Generation EX in as Folge / bulls, Halogen, Dellia family, several 6. Iota, Generation EX in a row Durham… NEXT NEXT DAMS DAMS 4e Hilltop-Hanover-K Sassy EX-92-USA 4e A Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM s. Ocean-View 5e Ms Kings-RnsmSexation Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5e Astro Splendor Astronaut) 6e Delbar Regancrest-JDV HannaEX-95-USA EX-90-USA(s. 5yr. GMD DOM 6e Elevation Splendor EX-91-USA 7e Pinegulf Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Starcross SerenaVG-88-USA EX-USA 3E 3yr. GMD DOM 8e Pinegulf Regancrest Elton Disrael 8e Star ManDellia SadieEX-95-USA EX-USA 2E2E GMD DOM 9e Pinegulf Snow-N Denises B ig time show F irst dtr of Epicopportunity! Hue to sell! Looking great SHOW Thisinis the a big time show opportunity h out forfor thea Genomics of COW?? this heifer August run! She is a to buy aout great one which is ready win! Sambuca won al- in Balisto of Epic Hue which soldtoforgo$ and 155,000. She will be fresh ready 2 Grand Championships this year! AND, she is from a tremenSeptember of thisshe year looksgeneration incredible!EXCELLENT She has progeny testing dous cow family, is and the 7th cow in this over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in pedigree which includes the fantastic American Delbar Astro Splendor EX-95-USA! A family with bullsbranch in AI of andthe tremendous show the Sale of Stars 2012! Great Dellia EX-95 cowwinning family, cows Germany,bulls Italy, France, Switzerland and more! whichindelivered like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! C 17. 23. WIESENFELD DG OLLY *PLOTUS *RC Consignor USA | 80K JOY RED DE Geb. Datum. 21.11.2014 NL 01603504835 920078732 14.06.2014 Wiesenfeld Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)36082 - Email. [email protected] Diamond Genetics (NL) & Cormdale (CAN) 81296 - Tel. +31 (0)84606922 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 09/14 +499 +0.00 +0.04 19 26 2.70 +2.0 4.6 8.6 1.21 2.44 +2.17 507 2054 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +832 -0.02 +0.05 32 33 113 117 114 129 131 100 131 118 137 3. Mutter: Wiesenfeld Rubens Monica EX-95-DE Cherry Crest Black Heat EX-91-CAN 5. Mutter: Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam2yr. EX-97-DE Cherry Crest Coal *RC *P VG-85-CAN Blondin *RC Lookout LOTUS Pesce HUNGER (Goldwyn x Rockymountain (Shamrock x Man-O-Man) Talent Licorice EX-95) Wiesenfeld Mila RC *RC EX-90-DE Cherry Chrest Colt63Coal *PO VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85R 88 92 91 85MS 88 / EX-90-DE 86DS 85FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. La2 2.01305d (Proj)7.725kgM 8.516kgM4.08% 3.9%F315F 328F3.16% 3.3%E244P 282E • 9. Generation EXCELLENT / Holsteins / Hunger dtr sold to Blondin 9th generation Hunger dtr soldEXCELLENT to Blondin Holsteins Grossmutter: Wiesenfeld Mila EX-94-DE Cherry Crest Sizzling Red Kite Hot EX-91-CAN Valleyriver JOYBOY-RED Sandy-Valley COLT P-RED Wiesenfeld Milla RCEX-91-CAN EX-94-DE Cherry CrestKite Black Heat Conf. 90R 95 93 94 91MS 94 / EX-94-DE 91DS 94FL / EX-91-CAN 1* 3/2La 305d 12.048kgM 4.12%396F 496F3.6%E 3.39%340E 409P 2.05 305d 9.339kgM 4.2%F HL3 305d10.428kgM 13.146kgM4.3%F 4.23%444F 556F3.5%E 3.42%365E 449P 3.08 305d 5.04 305d 15.634kgM 4.7%F 735F 3.3%E 523E • Res. Grand Champion Thuringia Holstein Open 2012 • 3rd 5-Yr. Old Lotbiniere ‘12 • 1t Int. Calf Glengarry ‘07 Markwell KITE Braedale GOLDWYN Wiesenfeld EX-95-DE Cherry CrestRubens SizzlingMonica Red Hot EX-91-CAN Conf. 97 95 94 / EX-95-DE 91R9393DS 90MS 91FL / EX-91-CAN 3* 4/2La 305d10.933kgM 12.142kgM3.6%F 4.61%394F 560F3.2%E 3.40%352E 413P 2.05 305d HL3 305d11.722kgM 14.007kgM3.7%F 4.26%432F 597F3.3%E 3.36%387E 470P 3.09 305d • Grand Champion Hessen Zukunft 2008 HM. All-American R&W ‘04 • 2nd @inter Calf QC Int. R&W ‘03 NEXT DAMS 4e Wiesenfeld Integrity Madame EX-90-DE Grand Champion National Show 2002 5e Wiesenfeld Raider Maryam EX-97-DE NEXT 7 xDAMS Grand Champion in Germany 4e European Primevalley Astre Lulu *RC VG-88-CAN 6yr. Champion Brussel 2000 5e Andryan Stratos-Raisa-Red GP-CAN 3yr. 6e Lylehaven Melvin Marrietta EX-93-CAN 6e Matt Albrecht Regina-Red 1* 2E GMD DOM 7e Mistys MarrietteEX-USA EX-92-USA 7e Mity-Fine Val BrillantMatt Rina-Red VG-85-CAN 2E 4yr.GMD DOM 8e Misty EX-96-USA 8e Val Brillant Tina Supreme VG-86-CAN 9e Muroc P I Mike Mit EX-93-USA 3E GMD4yr. 10e Beerston Pioneer Mitzi VG-86-USA R MARYAM! Pote olled Hunger Rotbuntes von Lotus derindirekten derBlondin NationA Polled & Schaurind RC dtr of Hunger, fullaus sister CanadaLinie sold to alund Europaschau-Siegerin, Wiesenfeld Raiderdam Maryam Holsteins. From a deep Canadian family. Grand CherryEX-97, Crest der wohl Schaukuh aller Zeiten in show Europa!! Blackberühmtesten Heat EX-91-CAN was successful in the ringGroßartige and 3rd dam Kombination dieser was Rotfaktor-Linie der Matt Lotus, Sizzling EX-91-CAN HM. All-American in Misty-Familie 2004! Special mit polled dem Goldwyn-Sohn pedigre opportunity.von Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95. Die Mutter von WFD Lotus Joy ist bereits die 9. Generation R MARYAM Ped olled Hungershow heifer sells! A R&W show going backinonCanada the 7 xsold National & the PolledLotus & RCready dtr oftoHunger, full sister to Blondin European of 2000: Wiesenfeld Raiderdam Maryam EX-97-DE!!! Holsteins.Champion From a deep Canadian family. Grand Cherry Crest One the most famouswas show cows ever in Europe. Thisand great BlackofHeat EX-91-CAN successful in the show ring 3rdbranch dam of the family is redwas withHM. theAll-American Red Carrier Goldwyn of Licorice Sizzling EX-91-CAN in 2004!son Special polled Lotus onopportunity. Top! Dam is a 9th generation EX cow. pedigre 18. RZH Consignor #1 RZG Heifer ever to be sold WORLD WIDE!!! 08/15 08/15 GINARY SSHOT DE 0666644447 Geb. Datum. 29.06.2015 RZH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1713214773 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1588 -0.10 +0.02 33 55 2.79 +2.0 5.7 9.3 1.42 1.74 +1.84 620 2482 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1794 -0.22 +0.10 46 71 143 125 109 140 124 128 129 134 170 4. Mutter: Sully Shottle May EX-90-USA Sully-Hart Meridian @ Semex Maternal brother to grand dam Sully Planet 935 VG-87-USA 2yr. | Full sister to Sully Planet Manitoba Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Farnear-TBR-BH CASHMONEY Schillview Oman GERARD Edg Gin Money 2339 NC Sully Hart Gerard 147 Gin GP-USA 2yr. Conf. GP-USA 2yr. Just fresh - see sale update 2.05 305d 11.340kgM 3.3% 372F 3.2% 358P Gerade abgekalbt @ Butlerview Holsteins! Sieht äußerst vielversprechend aus, leicht VG 2yr. old! / Just fresh @ Butlerview Holsteins! Looks very promising, easily VG 2yr. old! • Mutter von: / Dam to: Gambler (GTPI 2523) & Gatekeeper (GTPI 2511) • Halbschwester zu MERIDIAN @ Semex / Maternal sister to MERIDIAN @ Semex • 2 Töchter bereits > 2600 GTPI! / 2 daughters > 2600 GTPI already! • Großartige Zuchtkuh, 3 Nachkommen über >2600 GTPI, Mutter eines 170 RZG Kalbes und mehr / Super transmitter, 3 progeny >2600 GTPI, dam of 170 RZG heifer & more #1 RZG Rind aus Europa wird verkauft! Einzigartige Möglichkeit, RZG Ginary Sshot ist das höchste RZG Rind was jemals auf einer Auktion verkauft wurde! Es ist unmöglich einen noch kompletteren Index zu finden, mit solch einer Leistung, so guten Fitnesswerten, 134 RZE und 170 RZG! Eines der wenigen Kälber in Europa aus dieser Kuhfamilie, der Sully Shottle May EX-90USA Familie, der Mutter des #7 töchtergeprüften TPI Bullen in den USA: Mc Cutchen, Mayfield, Moonboy und vielen anderen! #1 Sully Planet Manitoba VG-85-CAN Conf. VG-85-CAN DOM 5* 2.03 365d 15.100kgM 3.9% 592F 3.3% 501P 4.01 365d 19.808kgM 3.6% 710F 3.2% 636P 6.01 305d 16.256kgM (Proj.) • Mutter von: / Dam to: AltaMerci, Munition, Meridian & mehr • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Penalty, Moonboy, McCutchen, Meteor, Mayfield & vielen weiteren NEXT DAMS 4e Sully Shottle May EX-90-USA DOM 5e Ms Sully Oman Muetze-ET EX-90-USA 6e Johnan Marshall Mint VG-85-USA 7e Poly-Kow Durham Mincy-ET VG-88-USA 8e Poly-Kow Rudolph Mink-ET VG-86-USA GMD DOM 9e Poly-Kow Lindy Mindy-ET VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Footprint Nick Milan VG-89-USA GMD DOM 11e Footprint Mazda Command VG-85-USA GMD DOM 12e Footprint Ned Boy Mercedes VG-85-USA RZG heifer ever to be sold in Europe! Unique opportunity, RZH Ginary Sshot is the highest RZG heifer to be ever sold WORLD WIDE! You can’t find a more complete index with such high production, super fitness traits, 134 RZE (type) and 170 RZG total index! One of the very few heifers in Europe of this cow family, goes back on Sully Shottle May EX-90-USA, dam of the #7 dtr proven sire in the USA: Mc Cutchen, Mafield, Moonboy and others! 19. RZH Consignor Fantastic index: >1800 Milk >60 Protein +2.8 DPR >6 PL GTPI +2631 08/15 08/15 GILAINE DE 0666644449 Geb. Datum. 01.07.2015 RZH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1713214773 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1848 +0.01 +0.02 72 60 2.95 +2.8 6.0 9.7 1.05 1.89 +1.88 757 2631 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1527 +0.01 +0.01 61 52 134 100 103 129 120 113 126 126 151 DGV LPI +3380 Conf. +11 De-Su Mc Cutchen @ Select Sires Maternal brother to 3rd dam Sully Planet Montreal VG-87-USA 2yr. Full sister to Manitoba 4. Mutter: Sully Shottle May EX-90-USA Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Farnear-TBR-BH CASHMONEY Edg Gin Money 2339 NC Sully Hart Gerard 147 Gin GP-USA 2yr. Conf. GP-USA 2yr. Just fresh - see sale update 2.05 305d 11.340kgM 3.3% 372F 3.2% 358P Gerade abgekalbt @ Butlerview Holsteins! Sieht äußerst vielversprechend aus, leicht VG 2yr. old! / Just fresh @ Butlerview Holsteins! Looks very promising, easily VG 2yr. old! • Mutter von: / Dam to: Gambler (GTPI 2523) & Gatekeeper (GTPI 2511) • Halbschwester zu MERIDIAN @ Semex / Maternal sister to MERIDIAN @ Semex • 2 Töchter bereits > 2600 GTPI! / 2 daughters > 2600 GTPI already! • Großartige Zuchtkuh, 3 Nachkommen über >2600 GTPI, Mutter eines 170 RZG Kalbes und mehr / Super transmitter, 3 progeny >2600 GTPI, dam of 170 RZG heifer & more Höchste GTPI Sully May in Europa! Ihre Chance in das höchste Familienmitglied der Sully Shottle May EX-90-USA in Europa nach GTPI zu investieren! Sie hat einen tollen Index mit hoher Leistung & guten Fitnessmerkmalen , dazu kommt noch eine ausgezeichnete Väterfolge zurückgehend auf die einzigartige May! Sie ist die Mutter von so tollen Bullen wie: Mc Cutchen, Meteor & Moonboy, außerdem ist sie die Großmutter von Meridian! Schillview Oman GERARD Sully Planet Manitoba VG-85-CAN Conf. VG-85-CAN DOM 5* 2.03 365d 15.100kgM 3.9% 592F 3.3% 501P 4.01 365d 19.808kgM 3.6% 710F 3.2% 636P 6.01 305d 16.256kgM (Proj.) • Mutter von: / Dam to: AltaMerci, Munition, Meridian & mehr • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Penalty, Moonboy, McCutchen, Meteor, Mayfield & vielen weiteren NEXT DAMS 4e Sully Shottle May EX-90-USA DOM 5e Ms Sully Oman Muetze-ET EX-90-USA 6e Johnan Marshall Mint VG-85-USA 7e Poly-Kow Durham Mincy-ET VG-88-USA 8e Poly-Kow Rudolph Mink-ET VG-86-USA GMD DOM 9e Poly-Kow Lindy Mindy-ET VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Footprint Nick Milan VG-89-USA GMD DOM 11e Footprint Mazda Command VG-85-USA GMD DOM 12e Footprint Ned Boy Mercedes VG-85-USA Highest GTPI Sully May in Europe! Great opportunity to buy the highest GTPI heifer in Europe out of the super transmitting Sully Shottle May cow family! She has a tremendous index full of production & fitness and has a great sire line going back on May hereself! She is the dam of bulls like Mc Cutchen, Meteor, Moonboy and others and grand dam of Meridian! 20. 1st Consignor # Tracht. / Pregnancies Garantie: / Guarantee: C HOICE MALE / FEMALE Daniel Schwartz - Tel. +33 (0)698619557 - Email. [email protected] 3 Transfers in August + 13 Transfers September / Oktober Mindestens 6 Kälber zur Auswahl / At least 6 calves to choose from PARENT AVERAGE OF COMBINATION 08/15 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1238 +0.05 +0.03 59 45 2.82 +0.4 4.8 8.6 2.33 2.66 +3.20 627 2554 Grossmutter: DKR Holyfaith VG-85-DE 2yr. Mutter: NH Holyfaith VG-FR 2yr. View-Home MONTEREY (Mc Cutchen x Robust) US 8/15 NM 739 / PTAT +3.26 / GTPI +2683 Faithlove US 8/15 PTAT +3.11 / GTPI +2424 • HH: Frei / Free • Eines der höcshten Outcross Tiere der Rasse / One of the highest outcross heifers in the breed • Eines der ganz wenigen Tiere weltweit mit >2400 GTPI & >3 PTAT / One of the very few heifers in the World with >2400 GTPI & <3 PTAT • Fantastische Kombination aus Outcross, Kuhfamilie, hohem Typ & hohem Index / Incredible combination between ouctross, cow family, huge type & high index 7. Mutter: Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA Pine-Tree AltaOAK Gillette WINDBROOK NH Holyfaith VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.970kgM 3.4% 339F 2.9% 289P • Schwester zu NH Faithstar & Valor Faizah / Sister to NH Faithstar & Valor Faizah • Schwester zu NH Fabulous @ Ascol / Sister to NH Fabulous @ Ascol Outcross , hoch im Typ & Index! Großartige Möglichkeit für jeden Züchter und / oder Besamungsstationen! Erste Wahl männlich oder weiblich mit der Möglichkeit für einen neuen Superstar mit toller Kombination aus hohem GTPI & PTAT! Faithlove ist eines der höchsten Outcross Rinder der Zucht und dazu noch mit >3 PTAT!! Oak x Windbrook x Pronto aus der Ralma Juror Faith Kuhfamilie! DKR Pronto Faith VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 12.155kgM 4.1% 499F 3.4% 418P • Topseller NH Sale ‘10 für EUR 42.000 / Top seller NH Sale ‘10 for EUR 42.000 • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Cricket, Focus, Gold Crown & more NEXT DAMS 4e Langs-Twin-B Gold Ashley VG-87-USA 2yr. 5e Ralma Finley C-F Chuckle EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET VG-88-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 8e Ralma Leadman Fashion VG-89-USA 9e Ralma Melwood Fortress 10e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM 11e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM 12e Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD Outcross, top ranking type & index! Great opportunity for every breeder and / or AI Station! 1st Choice Male or Female which has the potential to be a new top charting bull with a huge GTPI / PTAT combination! Faithlove is one of the highest outcross heifers in the breed with >3 PTAT as well! Oak x Windbrook x Pronto going back on the Ralma Juror Faith cow family! 21. RR CANDY Consignor 08/15 08/15 CRUSH DE 0357545492 Geb. Datum. 03.05.2015 Rinderzuchtbertieb Reinermann - Tel. +49 (0)1709345814 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1021 -0.02 +0.01 32 34 2.89 +2.9 5.4 6.8 0.85 1.55 +1.46 532 2329 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1407 -0.08 +0.04 47 52 132 115 101 131 127 114 127 124 154 Mutter: RR Fanatic Cake Grossmutter: RR Cookie VG-DE 2yr. View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust) 4. Mutter: Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA FANATIC Maple-Downs-I GW ATWOOD RR Fanatic Cake RR Cookie VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 87 84 84 / VG-85-DE 2yr. Due: November 2015 / Looks great! La1 305d 12.820kgM 4.1% 529F 3.4% 441P • Selbe Familie wie Cricket, Focus, Gold Crown & mehr / Same family as Cricket, Focus, Gold Crown & more • Fanatic x Atwood, tolle Kombination aus Fitness & Typ / Fanatic x Atwood, great combination between production, fitness & type • Gerade zum zweiten mal gekalbt, sieht super aus und wird höher eingestuft werden in dieser Laktation / Fresh for the 2nd time and looks super, will easily increase her score this lactation Tolle Väterfolge aus den Juror Faith´s Perfekte Väterfolge mit Missouri x Fanatic x Atwood! Die optimale Kombination aus Fitness, Leistung und Typ. Dieser Mix macht sich auch in dem Index von RR Candy Crush bemerkbar und resultiert in einem RZG von 154. Weiter hinten im Pedigree finden wir die einmalige Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA, die Zuchtkuh hinter unzähligen bedeutenden Zuchtkühen und positiven Bullen. RR Shottle Cookie VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.840kgM 3.6% 429F 3.3% 386P • Für EUR 20.000 verkauft / Sold for EUR 20.000 • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4e Ralma Christmas Cookie-ET VG-89 EX-MS DOM 5e Ralma Christmas Fudge-ET VG-88-USA GMD DOM 6e Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7e Ralma Leadman Fashion VG-89-USA 8e Ralma Melwood Fortress 9e Ralma Golden Fortune VG-88-USA GMD DOM 10e Ralma Nugget Goldie VG-86-USA GMD DOM 11e Yendora Jaque Pioneer EX-90-USA GMD Great sire line from the Juror Faith’s A great sire line with Missouri x Fanatic x Atwood! The perfect combination between fitness, production and type. A mix which we can see back in the index of RR Candy Crush resulting in RZG 154! Going back on the one and only Ralma Juror Faith EX-91-USA, a foundation cow behind important sires and great brood cows. 22. WILCOR GOLDWYN Consignor O ’KARINA DE 0357989343 Geb. Datum. 12.04.2015 Wilcor Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1737793828 - Email. [email protected] DIE Möglichkeit eine Goldwyn zu kaufen! DIE Möglichkeit eine O´Kalibra Enkeltochter zu kaufen! DIE Möglichkeit! THE opportunity to buy a Goldwyn! THE opportinity to buy an O’Kalibra grand dtr! THE opportunity! Grossmutter: Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra *RC EX-97-CH Grossmutter: Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra *RC EX-97-CH Braedale GOLDWYN (James x Storm) GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 87 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. Mutter: GS Alliance Sid O’Kamila *RC VG-87-DE 2yr. Pine-Tree SID BOSS IRON Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH Conf. EX-97-CH 2. 01 305d 12.500kgM 3.0%F 3.2%P (Inc.) 2.02 305d 9.166kgM 3.6% 329P 3.3% 302P 4.01 305d 14.247kgM 4.0% 571F 2.9% 416P 5.11 305d 14.313kgM 4.0% 573F 3.0% 426P • VG-87 2yr. Sid Färse in Deutschland (88 MAX 2yr. old Einstufung in Deutschland / VG-87 2yr. old Sid in Germany (88 - MAX 2yr. old score in Germany • Nominiert im Wettbewerb der besten Sid-Töchter in der Hotspots Herbst´15 Aus gabe / Nominated in the Favorite Sid dtr con test in the Hotstpots Autumn ‘15 • Ihre Goldwyn Tochter war mit 35.000€ Topseller des Schau der Besten Sales ´15 / Her Goldwyn dtr topped the Schau der Besten Sale ‘15 for EUR 35.000 • Grand Champion European Show Fribourg ‘13 • Grand Champion Swiss Expo in ‘12, ‘13 & ‘15 • 3 x SUPREME CHAMPION Swiss Expo • World Champion (HI Reader’s Choice) ‘13 • Titel: Einflussreichste Kuh der Schweiz´13 / Title: Most influantial cow Switzerland ‘13 • Höchste Einstufung die es jemals in der Schweiz gab / Highest scored cows in Switzerland ever • Mutter von O’Kalif Red @ Semex / Dam to O’Kalif Red @ Semex Goldwyn Enkeltochter aus O´Kalibra!! Dieses Angebot ist eine Sensation und eine Möglichkeit die jeder Typfan lieben wird! Ihr Vater ist Goldwyn und ihre Großmutter ist die 3 x Swiss Expo Supreme Champion, die Europa & Welt Champion Kuh: Decrausaz Iron O´Kalibra EX-97-CH, die erste Kuh in der Schweizer Geschichte welche mit EX-97 bewertet wurde! Mutter dieses Kalbes ist eine tolle Sid, Sid O´Kamilla, welche nominiert ist im Wettbewerb der besten Sid Töchter der Welt und Mutter des Topsellers der Auktion anlässlich der Schau der Besten´15 war. Decrausaz Integrity O’Kitty *RC EX-90-CH Conf. EX-90-CH 2E 3.01 305d 11.292kgM 3.1% 349F 3.3% 369P 4.03 290d 12.250kgM 3.1% 380F 3.1% 375P 5.03 299d 13.372kgM 3.4% 449F 3.1% 419P 6.03 303d 11.970kgM 3.5% 422F 3.2% 377P • Selbe Familie wie Tribute & Mr Burns / Same family as Tribute & Mr Burns NEXT DAMS 4e O Kitten RC VG-89-CH 5e Lystel Cares Factor EX-91-CAN 6e Granduc Carla Astre GP-CAN 2yr. 7e Cloverlands Skylar Cherry Red VG-87-CAN DOM 12* 8e Cloverlands Sexation Courtney GP-USA 9e Cloverlands King Colorado-Red VG-USA Goldwyn grand dtr of O’Kalibra!! This lot is a global sensation and a calf every type lover will admire! She is sired by Goldwyn and her grand dam is the 3 x Swiss Expo Supreme Champion, the European Champion & World Champion Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH, the first cow in Swiss history which scores EX-97!! Dam of this calf is the fantastic Sid daughter Sid O’Kamila, nominated in the Favorite Sid dtr contest and dam of the Schau der Besten ‘15 topseller! H C 23. ROCCA-DG AMANI *RC RZN EROIN BE Geb. Datum. 08-07-2015 DE 656153961 0666519828 26-07-2014 Consignor Roccafarm Holsteins - Tel. +32 (0) 496614477 Tel. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 Sister to lot: Butlerview Doorman Class Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 1st Winter Calf Jr. Holstein Show Madison ‘14 Sister lot: Butlerview Doorman Camilla Snow-NtoDenises Dellia EX-95-USA 3rd Spring Calf Madison ‘14 & HM All-American Dam: Silvermaple Camomile2yr. EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOMDamion Hue VG-88-CAN Mr Apples ARMANI *RC De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Goldwyn KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA) (Bookem xx Watson) Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95-USA Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. E Efin E ESeptembre E / EX-95-USA A terme / Due September 2.03 9.126kgM 4.0% 361F 3.5% 320P LOOKS313d GREAT! 3.03 365d 14.637kgM 4.1% 602F 3.6% 526P • Int. Royalfilles Winter Une Champion des meilleures de Fair Epic‘11 de la Race, • +2354 Int. Champion & Res. Grand GTPI / One of the bestCh. EpicMadison daughter‘11 • All-Canadian & All-American Jr. 2-Yr. ‘10 World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Für $ auf dem57644, Int. Intrigue Sale Mère290.000 de Ms Hue Tango GTPI+2606 verkauft / Sold 290.000, Int. /2012 NM +910 ! / Dam to for Ms $Hue Tango 57644, Intrigue Sale 2012 GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Mutter Dam to: $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Venduevon: pour/155.000 - Butlerview Door Camilla Jr. All-American Winter Calf 2014 - Butlerview Doorman Class 3rd Spring Calf World Dairy Expo Madison ‘12 - Wedgwood WH Camomile VG-88-CAN 2yr. Int. Champ. Vancouver Island 2015 Erbacres DAMION Genervations EPIC Braedale GOLDWYN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Stanhope Camila VG-85-CAN Cookiecutter MOMGoldwyn Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. TB-88-CAN VG-85-CAN2a TB-88 MA 2.01 9.388kgM4.2%G 4.4% 414F 2.04 340d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.4% 3.7%P316P 421P 3.01 321d 10.160kgM 4.5% 455F 3.5% 359P 4.01 365d pour 13.817kgM 4.9%durant 674F 3.3% 458P • Vendue 200.000$ la Sale of Now in 5th lactation, still$ producing! Stars 2012 / Sold for 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 •7 VGest Töchter in Kanada / Hue une des plus intéressantes filles de 7 VG daughters in Canada Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! C Europa! Famomile´s irst dtr oferste EpicTochter Hue toinsell! Hier endlich Ihre Chance eineheifer direkteinTochter aus einer h outistfor the Genomics of this the August run!der Shebesten is a Schaukühe zu kaufen: Damion Balisto outNordamerikas of Epic Hue which sold Silvermaple for $ 155,000. She Camomile will be fresh in EX-95-USA: Int.this Champion Royal & Res. Grand Madison Sie testing selbst September of year and looks incredible! She has2011! progeny wurde für 290.000$ verkauft unddam ist eine Zuchtkuh, ihre in over 2600 GTPI already! Grand MOMwunderbare Hue sold for $ 200.000 Doorman Töchter waren in der Spitze in Madison platziert und ihre the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, melkende Windhammer ist bereits VG-88 und hat die Vancouver Island whichgewonnen! delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Show Kendu Triumphant Charity EX-93-CAN Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA3*DOM Conf. EX-93-CAN EX-91-USA 3* 3.04 12.936kgM4.9%G 3.7% 483F 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.1% 3.5%P403P 409P 4.09 244d 11.048kgM 3.6% 400F 3.1% 344P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • HM Grand Champion Vancouver Island De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Kendu-Broker Cleopatra GP-CAN 2yr. NEXT DAMS 3 dtrs: 1 EXGld & 1Holler-ET VG dtr inTB-88 Canada 4e Cookiecutter EX-MS DOM 5e MsElm-Creft Tab Champ CrystalHaley-ET VG-88-CAN 8yr.GMD DOM 5e Kings-Rnsm EX-90 Lifetime: 6La. Hanna 64.705kgM 4.0%F5yr. 3.3%P 6e Regancrest-JDV EX-90-USA GMD DOM 10eLong-Haven Elm Creft Rockman LindaEX-90-USA EX-CAN 3* 7e Rudolph Dee 2E GMD DOM Lifetime: 76.941kgM 3.4%P3yr. GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael4.3%F VG-88-USA 7 dtrs: Denises 1 x EX &Dellia 5 x VG in Canada 9e Snow-N EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM C first dtrHue to sell Europe! Famomile’s irst dtr of Epic to in sell! Finally here is Genomics your chance buyheifer a direct dtr of one ofrun! the She greatest h out for the ofto this in the August is a North-American showHue cows of the past Silvermaple Balisto out of Epic which sold fordecade: $ 155,000. She willDamion be fresh in Camomile Int. Champion Royal & Res. Madisontesting in SeptemberEX-95-USA: of this year and looks incredible! SheGrand has progeny 2011! She sold $ 290.000 anddam is aMOM greatHue brood cow, Doorman’s over 2600 GTPIfor already! Grand sold forher $ 200.000 in were in the top of their classes of the World Dairy Expo and her milking the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, Windhammer already scored VG-88 and won the Vancouver Island Show! which delivered Iota, Halogen and many others! BREAKING NEWS:bulls She islike REDDurham, CARRIER!! H 24. WEIBLICHE / FEMALE EMBRYOS 23. RZN EROIN Consignor #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 #2 (Grade A embryo’s) SEXED Crasdale BANKROLL x NH McCutchen Isabella DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] 25. WEIBLICHE / FEMALE EMBRYOS USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 (Grade A-0.04 embryo’s) x8.3 NH McCutchen Isabella +2346 #4 -0.07 67 SEXED 61 Heavenly 2.85 GOLDEN -0.5 DREAMS 2.6 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 Email. [email protected] 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 RZE RZG 124 144 Mutter: NH McCutchen Cookiecutter MOM Hue Isabella VG-88-CAN 2yr. 3. Mutter: M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT | Int. Champion European Show Cremona ‘10 Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 24) Crasdale De-Su 11236 BANKROLL BALISTO (Let It Snow x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara) (Bookem x Watson) 25) Heavenly GOLDEN DREAMS Lookout Pesce Epic Hue (Goldwyn x MD Delight Durham Atlee) A terme fin Septembre / Due September NH McCutchen LOOKS GREAT! Isabella • Fantastische Tochter des höchsten töchtergeprüften Typ-Vererbers TPIRace, Top • Une des meilleures filles de Epicder de la 100: McGTPI Cutchen! / the best Epic daughter +2354 / One of Awesome dtrGTPI+2354 of the highest dtr proven World Wide, type sire in the Top 57644, 100: Mc GTPI+2606 Cutchen! • Mère de Ms HueTPI Tango / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! De-Su Bkm MCEPIC CUTCHEN Genervations Breadale GOLDWYN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN M.E.DAL NH Inlove VG-87-DE 2yr. 2a Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN Conf. 86 87 86 872a/ TB-88 VG-87-DE TB-88-CAN MA 2yr. La1 392F 3.5% 330P421P 2.04305d 305j 9.543kgM 11.474kgL4.1% 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P • Traumpedigree / Dream pedigree! Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Goldwyn x M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! E Ilma-Familie Fmbryonen irst dtr ofaus Epicder Hue to sell! Die Ilma-Familie von M.E.Dal der großartigsten h out for the Genomics of thisHolsteins heifer inist theeine August run! She is a Exterieur-Familien siesold stempelt ihre Nachkommen mit Balisto out of Epic der HueWelt, which for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Topexterieur nach Generation. Kat.-Nr. 24 progeny und 25 sind September ofGeneration this year and looks incredible! She has testing eine Kälber von Spitzenexterieurover großartige 2600 GTPI Gelegenheit, already! Grandweibliche dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in vererbern Bankroll Golden Dreams M.E.Dal the Sale ofwie Stars 2012!und Great branch of themit Dellia EX-95Stormatic cow family, Ilma in direkter Linie zu bekommen. whichEX-95 delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Grossmtter: M.E.DAL NHEX-95-USA Inlove VG-87-DE 2yr. Snow-N Denises Dellia M.E.DAL Stormatic Ilma EX-95-IT Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-95-IT EX-91-USA 3/LA 12.100kgM 3.8%4.9%G 465F 3.0% 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 564G 359P 3.5%P 409P HL 2 13.396kgM 3.9% 522F 3.0% 398P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Sr. & Bestcomme Udder Cremona ‘12 De Champion la famille Dellia de nombreux • taureaux, Int. Champion European Show Cremona Halogen, Iota, Durham… / ‘10 • Res. Champion National Show bulls, Cremona ‘10 From Dellia family, as several Halogen, • HM. Jr. Champion Iota, Durham… National Show Cremona ‘09 NEXT NEXT DAMS DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e M.E.DAL Rudolph Ilary EX-91-IT 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET 5e M.E.DAL Raider Jewel VG-87-IT EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 6e A.E. Inspiration Janette EX-93-IT 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Sace ElevationRudolph Janet J.Dee EX-96 2E 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 8e Flettdale Marquis Janet EX-94 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM S exeddtr female embryos the Ilma’s F irst of Epic Hue toof sell! The of M.E. of Dalthis Holsteins, one ofrun! the She greatest h outIlma for family the Genomics heifer inItaly the isAugust is a type families theHue World, theysold stamp generation after Balisto out ofinEpic which for $type 155,000. She will begenerfresh in ation Lot 24of&this 25 are opportunities to She makehas females from this September yeargreat and looks incredible! progeny testing cow with already! sexed embryos by the great Bankroll over family 2600 GTPI Grand dam MOM Huehuge sold type for $sires 200.000 in & with aGreat greatbranch sire line backEX-95 on M.E. Dalfamily, StortheGolden Sale ofDreams Stars 2012! of going the Dellia cow matic EX-95-IT which Ilma delivered bullshereself! like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 26. NH HS ANTON Consignor DE 0770150964 Geb. Datum. 12.07.2014 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] & Holstein Select - Tel. +49 (0)5433 9143123 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 SELLS with > EUR 20.000 worth in embryo contracts! 08/15 MELLOW %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +918 +0.07 +0.05 54 41 2.78 +0.3 4.1 7.7 0.75 1.42 +1.23 528 2305 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1196 +0.09 +0.13 56 54 135 122 101 132 105 120 130 132 154 Mutter: Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr. Halbschwesters / Maternal sisters HS NH Marilyn Monroe & HS NH Mercedes - Sold for EUR 84.000 & 70.000 NH HS Anton Minnesota | SHE SELLS Boldi V S G ANTON (Epic x Man-O-Man) Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 87 87 / VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 10.983kgM 4.86% 534F 3.84% 421P • #1 RZG Sudan der Welt / #1 RZG Sudan World Wide • Eine der besten Sudan´s der Welt / One of the best Sudan dtrs in the breed • Für EUR 20.500 verkauft / Sold for EUR 20.500 • Mutter von HS NH Mercedes, des allerersten Kalbes das je 170 RZG getestet hat und später für EUR 70.000 verkauft wurde / Dam to HS NH Mercedes, the very first heifer which ever tested +170 RZG, sold for EUR 70.000! • Balisto Tochter wurde für 84.000 EUR auf dem German Masters Sale´14 verkauft / Balisto daughter sold for EUR 84.000 in the German Master Sale ‘14 Outcross aus MELLOW!! Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN Mario XACOBEO Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK Conf. VG-87-UK VG-88-MS 2.02 305d 11.526kgM 3.3% 375F 3.4% 388P 3.09 305d 15.901kgM 3.6% 572F 3.1% 493P • Halbschwester zu Caps Mairy 14, #1 Jeeves der Welt / Maternal sister to Caps Mairy 14, #1 Jeeves in the World • Nach England verkauft / Sold to the UK Tolles Rind mit einer Outcross Abstammung, sie ist eine Anton Tochter und wird offen und spülbereit verkauft mit einem Embryonenvertrag von über 20.000€!! Einzigartige Pedigree: Anton x Sudan x Xacobeo aus der Caps Mairy Kuhfamilie! Minnesota ist eine Halbschwester zu Mercedes (verkauft für 70.000€) und zu NH HS Marilyn Monroe welche der Topseller des letzten German Masters Sale war und an Sunview Holsteins, Kanada für 84.000€EUR verkauft wurde! Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.098kgM 4.2%F 428F 3.7%P 370P • Großartige Zuchtkuh! / Huge tranmissting cow! NEXT DAMS 4e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. 5e Caps Mairy VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 6e Agriprize Muffin GP-USA 2yr. 7e Jo-Wal Meg VG-86-USA DOM 8e Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM 9e Jo-Wal Bell May VG-85-USA GMD DOM 10e Jo-Wal Valiant Millie VG-85-USA Outcross from MELLOW!! Super complete index heifer and outcross Anton dtr sells, ready to flush and with a embryo contract value > EUR 20.000! Rare pedigree: Anton x Sudan x Xacobeo from the Caps Mairy cow family! She is a maternal sister to Mercedes (sold for EUR 70.000) and to the German Masters Sale topseller of 2014, NH HS Marilyn Monroe which sold to Sunview Holsteins, Canada for EUR 84.000! 27. DG OH Consignor 08/15 MELODI TP DE 0538920294 Geb. Datum. 15.06.2015 De Oosterhof Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0) 6 31047874 - Email. [email protected] & Diamond Genetics - Tel +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1181 +0.02 +0.04 50 48 2.84 3.0 5.9 7.6 1.06 1.23 +1.43 656 2481 Grossmutter: PG Mylady VG-86-FR VG-86-MS 2yr. Mutter: DG My Love View-Home POWERBALL-P (Earnhardt x Robust) 3. Mutter: Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Ri-Val-Re 2338 NIAGRA DG My Love PG Mylady VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR VG-86-MS 2yr. Due: Oktober 2015 2.02 281d 8.421kgM 3.9% 324F 3.57% 301P • Siegerrind Ambt Delden 2014 / Champion Heifer AMbt Delden 2014 • Vollschwester für 10.000€EUR verkauft / Full sisters sold for EUR 10.000 • Mutter von OH DG Zilver Love, #5 GTPI Silver Tochter in Europa (GTPI +2665) / Dam to OH DG Zilver Love, #5 GTPI Silver dtr in Europe (GTPI +2665) • Selbe Familie wie der Topseller des GM Sale´14, NH HS Marilyn Monroe fü 84.000 EUR verkauft! / Same family as the GM Sale ‘14 Topseller NH HS Marilyn Monroe for EUR 84.000! • Verkauft an Ponderosa Holsteins Spanien / Sold to Ponderosa Holsteins in Spain • Vollschwester zu Neidahl @ RSH - #1 Niagara Sohn für RZG / Full sister to Neidahl @ RSH - #1 Niagra son for RZG • Halbschwester zu Caps Mairy 14, #1 GTPI Jeeves der Welt / Maternal sister to Caps Mairy 14, #1 GTPI Jeeves in the World • Schwestern @ Breadale Holstein, Kanada / Sisters are milking @ Braedale Holsteins, Canada Die Mairy´s! Ihre Mutter ist eine tolle Tochter des #1 TPI Bullen Supersire und vererbt sich ganz hervorragend, sie ist die Mutter der #5 GTPI Silver in Europa mit 2665 GTPI! Die Mairy´s haben bereits viele Ranglistenführer geliefert wie zum Beispiel NH HS Mercedes (verkauft für 70.000 EUR) und den Topseller des letzten German Master Sales, NH HS Marilyn Monroe mit EUR 84.000€! The Mairy’s! Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL VG-MS 2yr. 2.05 305d 10.098kgM 4.2%F 428F 3.7%P 370P • Großartige Zuchtkuh! / Huge transmitting brood cow! • Viele hohe Nachkommen für GTPI, RZG, NVI & mehr Polled from the Mairy’s! / Multiple high offspring for GTPI, RZG, NVI & more NEXT DAMS 4e Caps Mairy 1 VG-85-NL 2yr. 5e Caps Mairy VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. 6e Agriprize Muffin GP-USA 2yr. 7e Jo-Wal Meg VG-86-USA DOM 8e Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey VG-87-USA GMD DOM 9e Jo-Wal Bell May VG-85-USA GMD DOM 10e Jo-Wal Valiant Millie VG-85-USA Her dam is a beautiful dtr of the #1 TPI bull Supersire and a great transmitter, she is dam of the #5 GTPI Silver in Europe with GTPI +2665! The Mairy’s delivered many of World Class ranking heifers such as NH HS Mercedes (sold for EUR 70.000) and of the German Masters Sale 2014 topseller NH HS Marilyn Monroe for EUR 84.000! CH 28. *PO 23. DG RZN AMMY EROIN Consignor 10 GTPI POLLED #1Top RZG Balisto World heifer in Europe! Wide - GTPI +2624 NL Geb. Datum. 04.06.2015 DE 735245569 0666519828 26-07-2014 Diamond Genetics Tel. (0)123123123 +31 (0)38 460 -6922 - Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel.- +49 Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 08/14 +147 +2346 +0.16 -0.07 +0.08 -0.04 50 67 28 61 2.77 2.85 +2.6 -0.5 4.7 2.6 7.8 8.3 1.48 1.94 2.21 1.89 +2.13 +2.69 577 559 2440 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS RZM Fert RZS HL RZD CA RZN DS RZR FL UDD. Conf RZE GLPI RZG 08/15 DGV 08/14 +455 +2323 +0.24 -0.25 +0.35 -0.13 51 66 41 64 2.60 134 110 113 111 105 102 124 8113 12 121 +11 124 299 3013 144 Dam: DG Candide Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Grand dam: Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. View-Home De-Su 11236POWERBALL-P BALISTO (Earnhardt Robust) (Bookem x xWatson) DG Candide Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Due: Spring 2016 LOOKS GREAT! • Mutter von dem #2 GTPI Bullen in der Welt: DG CHARLEY 2851 GTPI & 999 NM $ / Dam tomeilleures the #2 GTPIfilles bull in World • Une des dethe Epic de la Race, DG CHARLEY! +2851 & NMEpic $ 999 +2354 GTPI / GTPI One of the best daughter • Mutter von DG Caylee - #6 GTPI Supershot in World Wide, GTPI+2354 Europa / Dam 57644, to DG Caylee - #6 GTPI • Mère de(08/15) Ms Hue Tango GTPI+2606 (08/15) /Supershot NM +910in! /Europe Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 3rd dam:Denises LarcrestDellia Crimson EX-93-USA GMD DOM Snow-N EX-95-USA Mountfield SSIEPIC DCY MOGUL Genervations Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. VG-89-USA 2yr.MA TB-88-CAN EX-MS 2a TB-88 2.02 16.212kgM4.2%G 5.4% 876F 2.04 305d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.7% 3.7%P594P 421P • Eine derpour besten Observers der Welt / of Vendue 200.000$ durant la Sale One the very bestforObserver Starsof2012 / Sold $ 200,000 in the Sale daughters in the breed! of Stars 2012 • Ihre Halbschwester istintéressantes die Mutter von Hue est une des plus filles de Chevrolet &au Fanatic / Maternal dam Man-O-Man Monde! / Hue is sister one ofisthe to Chevrolet Fanatic most exciting&Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Die Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Commander @ ABS / Full sister is dam to Commander @ ABS • Mutter von Larcrest Cardigan, verkauft für 400.000 $ / Dam to Larcrest Cardigan, sold for $ 400.000 T Fopirst10dtrGTPIofHORNLOS Epic HueSchwester to sell! zu Charley Top 10for GTPI Rind Europa einem großartigen h out theHornlos Genomics of in this heifermit in the August run! ShePedigree! is a Tolle Fitness ( 2.77 7 +2.6 She DPRwill / PTAT +2.13) Balisto out ofund EpicTypzuchtwerte Hue which sold for $SCS 155,000. be fresh in und 2440 GTPI!! ist looks eine Schwester Star in testing der September of thisCammy year and incredible!zum Sheneuen has progeny Holsteinwelt DGalready! Charley, Grand des #2dam GTPIMOM Bullen 2851 GTPI over 2600 GTPI Hueweltweit sold for mit $ 200.000 in /the 999 NMof$!Stars Enkeltochter aus branch der fantastischen dahinter kommt Sale 2012! Great of the DelliaCale, EX-95 cow family, direkt Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA! which die delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! De-Su OBSERVER Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA EX-91-USA GMD DOM DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood Conf. EX-93-USA EX-91-USA GMD DOM 2.02 16.357kgM4.9%G 4.7% 564G 776F3.5%P 3.7% 409P 613P 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 5.02 365d 21.042kgM 5.3% 1.110F 3.7% 775P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Sire: De laRAMOS famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, SchwesterHalogen, zu: / Sister to:Durham… O-Cosmopolitan, Iota, / Cancun, Contrast & vielen anderen From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA GMDDOM DOM Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 La1 EX-MS 5e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA DOM Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90GMD GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOMGMD DOM Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. 7e Larcrest LindyRudolph ChandraDee VG-85-USA 2yr.2E GMD DOM Long-Haven EX-90-USA 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM T POLLED to Charley Fop irst10 dtrGTPI of Epic Hue sister to sell! Top 10for GTPI heifer in Europe stunning pedigree! h out thePOLLED Genomics of this heifer with in thea August run! She is a Super / PTATShe +2.13) andfresh in Balistofitness out ofand Epictype Hue(2.77 whichSCS sold/ +2.6 for $ DPR 155,000. will be GTPI +2440!! a maternal sister to the sensation DG September of Cammy this yearis and looks incredible! Sheglobal has progeny testing Charley, theGTPI #2 GTPI bullGrand in thedam World with GTPI +2851 NM $ 999! over 2600 already! MOM Hue sold for $ /200.000 in Grand dtrofofStars the incredible theDellia Larcrest Crimson EX-93the Sale 2012! Great, followed branch ofbythe EX-95 cow family, USA! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! CH 29. 23. DG RZN ATHLYNN EROIN Consignor GTPIBalisto Main Event #1#1RZG World dtr in Europe! Wide - GTPI +2624 NL Geb. Datum. 23.04.2015 DE 736800181 0666519828 26-07-2014 Diamond Genetics Tel. (0)123123123 +31 (0)38 460 -6922 - Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel.- +49 Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI GTPI 08/15 08/14 +1074 +2346 +0.08 -0.07 +0.00 -0.04 63 67 35 61 2.86 2.85 +1.4 -0.5 5.8 2.6 7.5 8.3 2.23 1.94 2.33 1.89 +2.35 +2.69 657 559 2495 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS RZM Fert RZS HL RZD CA RZN DS RZR FL UDD. Conf GLPI RZE RZG 08/15 GPA 08/14 +1014 +2323 +0.25 -0.25 +0.08 -0.13 63 66 42 64 2.75 134 105 113 110 105 106 124 12 113 13 121 +12 124 299 3013 144 Dam: DG Candide Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Grossmutter: Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Stantons MAINBALISTO EVENT De-Su 11236 (Mogul (Bookemx Superstition) x Watson) DG Candide Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Due: Spring 2016 LOOKS GREAT! • Mutter von dem #2 GTPI Bullen in der Welt: DG CHARLEY 2851 GTPI & 999 NM $ / Dam tomeilleures the #2 GTPIfilles bull in World • Une des dethe Epic de la Race, DG CHARLEY! +2851 & NMEpic $ 999 +2354 GTPI / GTPI One of the best daughter • Mutter von DG Caylee - #6 GTPI Supershot in World Wide, GTPI+2354 Europa / Dam 57644, to DG Caylee - #6 GTPI • Mère de(08/15) Ms Hue Tango GTPI+2606 (08/15) /Supershot NM +910in! /Europe Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Halbschwester Mutter: Larcrest Cardigan Snow-N Deniseszur Dellia EX-95-USA Mountfield SSIEPIC DCY MOGUL Genervations Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. VG-89-USA 2yr.MA TB-88-CAN EX-MS 2a TB-88 2.02 16.212kgM4.2%G 5.4% 876F 2.04 305d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.7% 3.7%P594P 421P • Eine derpour besten Observers der Welt / One Vendue 200.000$ durant la Sale of of the very best/ Observer Stars 2012 Sold for $daughters 200,000 in the Sale breed! of Stars 2012 • Ihre Halbschwester istintéressantes die Mutter von Hue est une des plus filles de Chevrolet &au Fanatic / Maternal dam Man-O-Man Monde! / Hue is sister one ofisthe to Chevrolet Fanatic most exciting&Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Die Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Commander @ ABS / Full sister is dam to Commander @ ABS • Mutter von Larcrest Cardigan, verkauft für 400.000 $ / Dam to Larcrest Cardigan, sold for $ 400.000 D ie #1 MainHue Event in Europa! F irst dtrGTPI of Epic to sell! Europa´s Main Event Cathlynn h out for #1 theGTPI Genomics of thisTochter heifer wird in theverkauft! August run! She isista die Halbschwester des #2 Bullen DG Charley mitbe 2851 Balisto out of Epic HueGTPI which soldder for Welt, $ 155,000. She will fresh in GTPI / 999 of NMthis $!! year Cathlynn hat einen super ausbalancierten September and looks incredible! She has progenyIndex testing mit 1000GTPI Milk,already! + 1,4 DPR, > 2dam Punkte Fundamente & Euter, +in over>2600 Grand MOMfür Hue sold for $ 200.000 2.35 PTATofund 2495 GTPI!! Tolle Chance einDellia Kalb zu kaufen, the Sale Stars 2012! Great branch of the EX-95 cowwelches family, so tolledelivered Kühe wiebulls Calelike & Crimson Pedigree hat!and many others! which Durham,imIota, Halogen De-Su OBSERVER Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA EX-91-USA GMD DOM DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood Conf. EX-93-USA EX-91-USA GMD DOM 2.02 16.357kgM4.9%G 4.7% 564G 776F3.5%P 3.7% 409P 613P 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 5.02 365d 21.042kgM 5.3% 1.110F 3.7% 775P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Sire: De la RAMOS famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, SchwesterHalogen, zu: / Sister to:Durham… O-Cosmopolitan, Iota, / Cancun, Contrast & vielen anderen From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMSCosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1 GMD DOM 4e Larcrest 4e Larcrest Cookiecutter Holler-ETEX-90-USA TB-88 EX-MS 5e Oside Gld Champagne GMDDOM DOM 5e Larcrest Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET GMD EX-90 6e Juror Chanel EX-93-USA DOMGMD DOM 6e Larcrest Regancrest-JDV HannaVG-85-USA EX-90-USA2yr. 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Lindy Chandra 7e Larcrest Long-Haven Rudolph DeeVG-87-USA EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Inspiration Carly 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM T MainHue Event in Europe! Fhe irst#1 dtrGTPI of Epic to sell! Europe’s Main Event sells!inCathlynn is a run! maternal h out for#1 theGTPI Genomics of thisdtrheifer the August She issister a of the #2 bull Hue in the World, the sensation Balisto outGTPI of Epic which sold forglobal $ 155,000. She DG willCHARLEY be fresh in with GTPI +2851 NM $and 999! Cathlynn has aShe super September of this/year looks incredible! hascomplete progeny index testing with >1000GTPI Milk,already! +1.4 DPR, >2 dam points for Hue udder & legs, PTAT over 2600 Grand MOM sold for $+2.35 200.000 in and +2495 Great opportunity heiferEX-95 with cow cowsfamily, like the Sale of GTPI! Stars 2012! Great branchtoofbuy theaDellia Cale Crimson inbulls the like pedigree! which& delivered Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 30. HUL-STEIN Consignor 08/15 08/15 DGV CHINCHILLA NL 964548990 Geb. Datum. 21.06.2015 Hul-Stein Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)5145825453 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1277 +0.08 +0.03 70 47 2.70 +2.2 6.6 8.2 1.00 1.70 +1.68 751 2575 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA R F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1261 +0.30 +0.18 78 60 2.55 110 106 106 3 5 12 +10 3081 Larcrest Commander @ ABS Vollbruder zur mutter / Full brother to dam Mutter: DG Calinda Full sister to grand dam: Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Larcrest Calinda DG Calinda Due: December 2015 • Mutter von Hulstein Corvette (GTPI +2681) - #1 Josuper in Europa und zu der #2 GTPI Bombero in Europa! / Dam to Hulstein Corvette (GTPI +2681) - #1 Josuper in Europe and to the #2 GTPI Bombero in Europe • Cousine zu DG Candide, Mutter von DG Charley (GTPI +2651), #2 Bulle weltweit!! / Full cousin to DG Candide, dam to DG Charley (GTPI +2651), #2 bull World Wide!! • Vollschwester zu COMMANDER @ ABS / Full sister to COMMANDER @ ABS Nach der Geburt gestorben / Died after calving • Mutter von / Dam to Commander @ ABS • Vollschwester zu / Full sister to Larcrest Cale VG-89-USA EX-MS La1. Aus Commanders Vollschwester! Eine Supershot Tochter mit 2575 GTPI aus der Vollschwester zu Larcrest Commander @ ABS! Auch Chevrolet und Fanatic stammen aus dieser Linie, genauso wie der aktuelle #2 GTPI Bulle der Welt, DG Charley (2851 GTPI), er stammt aus derselben Kombination wie das Verkaufskalb! Tolle Möglichkeit eine Crimson zu kaufen! De-Su OBSERVER Larcrest Crimson EX-93-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-93-USA GMD DOM 2.02 365d 16.357kgM 4.7% 776F 3.7% 613P 5.02 365d 21.042kgM 5.3% 1.110F 3.7% 775P • Sire: RAMOS • Schwester zu: / Sister to: O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Contrast & more NEXT DAMS 4e Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87-USA La1 GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Oside Champagne EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Larcrest Juror Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr. 8e Larcrest Inspiration Carly VG-87-USA Out of Commander’s full sister! A Supershot dtr with GTPI +2575 out of the full sister of Larcrest Commander @ ABS! Also Chevrolet and Fanatic are from this branch of the family and the current #2 GTPI bull in the World, DG Charley (GTPI +2851) has the same sire stack and pedigree as this heifer! Super opportunity to bring a Crimson to your herd! CH 31. 23. HS RZN HAMRY EROIN Consignor #1 RZG Balisto World Wide8/15 - GTPI RZG+2624 143 DE 0358095016 Geb. Datum. 05.06.2015 0666519828 26-07-2014 Holstein Select - Tel. +49 (0)5433 9143125 - Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 08/14 +1253 +2346 +0.04 -0.07 +0.02 -0.04 59 67 44 61 3.03 2.85 +2.4 -0.5 4.7 2.6 7.1 8.3 1.49 1.94 2.05 1.89 +2.34 +2.69 608 559 2490 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS RZM HL RZS Fert RZD CA RZN DS RZR F&L FL UDD. Conf RZE GLPI RZG 08/15 DGV 08/14 +1675 +2323 +0.12 -0.25 +0.04 -0.13 73 66 60 64 2.98 134 110 113 109 105 104 124 9113 12 121 +11 124 599 3137 144 Grossmutter: Larcrest VG-87-USA Cookiecutter MOM HueCarlin VG-88-CAN 2yr. Mutter: CNN MOM MogulHue Chamea | Dam2yr. to the 2nd highest GTPI bull in Europe ever @ GTPI +2725 Cookiecutter VG-88-CAN Stantons PULSAR De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Mc Cutchen x Superstition) (Bookem x Watson) CNN Mogul Chamea Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September •LOOKS Top 25 GTPI Rind in Europa / GREAT! Top 25 GTPI heifer in Europe • 2 Pulsar Söhne mit GTPI +2631 & GTPI +2725 2 Pulsar sons at GTPI +2631 • Une des/ meilleures filles de Epic de &laGTPI Race, +2725 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter +2354 • Vollschwester von: Carlo @ AI Total mit GTPI World Wide, GTPI+2354 +2699 FullHue sister to: Carlo @ AI Total with • Mère de/ Ms Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 +2699! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, /GTPI NM +910 • GTPI+2606 Schwester /zuNM Boghill +910 !Glamour Carlin - #7 GTPI Heifer Europa (GTPI +2633) / Sister • Vendue pourin155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! to Boghill Glamour Carlin - #7 GTPI Heifer in Europe (GTPI +2633) Mountfield SSIEPIC DCY MOGUL Genervations Larcrest CarlinMOM VG-87-USA 3yr. Cookiecutter Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. VG-87-USA TB-88-CAN 3yr. 2a TB-88 MA 2.07 15.109kgM4.2%G 5.8% 879F 2.04 305d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.6% 3.7%P543P 421P •3 Söhnepour > 2500 GTPI / durant 3 sons >la2500 Vendue 200.000$ Sale GTPI of • Selbe Familie wie for Chevrolet, Fanatic Stars 2012 / Sold $ 200,000 in the&Sale Commander of Stars 2012/ Same family as Chevrolet, Fanatic Commander • Hue est&une des plus intéressantes filles de • Man-O-Man Ihr Vater war in Europa / aunie Monde! / Hueverfügbar is one of the Her is not Man-O-Man available indtrs Europe mostsire exciting in the breed! E Pulsar Familie Fxklusive irst dtr of Epicaus Hueder to Larcrest sell! Eine exklusiven Mc heifer Cutchen SohnAugust Pulsarrun! mit She einem h outTochter for thedes Genomics of this in the is asuper Index mit positiven DPR, SCSin Balistoaus: out+1253 of EpicMilch Hue which sold forInhaltsstoffen, $ 155,000. She+2.4 will be fresh 7.1, >2 Punkte für year Euter, +2.34 und 2490 GTPI! hat testing September of this and looksPTAT incredible! She has Sie progeny Vollbrüder GTPIGrand & 2725 GTPI, Bullefor ist$der over 2600 mit GTPI2631 already! dam MOMdieser Hue sold 200.000 in zweithöchste Bulle der je in Europa wurde! Tollecow undfamily, the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branchgeboren of the Dellia EX-95 exklusive Linie der Cosmopolitans! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 3. Mutter: Larcrest Comet VG-87-USA DOM Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Roylane Socra ROBUST Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Larcrest Comet VG-87-USA DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-87-USA EX-91-USA DOM 2.02 12.787kgM4.9%G 4.3% 547F 2.04 305d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.1% 3.5%P394P 409P • Schwester zu O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle Contrast & anderen Sister to • De la famille Dellia /comme de nombreux O-Cosmopolitan, Cancun, Contrast & taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Congo, Durham… / more From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e Cosmopolitan La1. GMD DOM 5e Larcrest Ms Kings-Rnsm ChampVG-87-USA Haley-ET EX-90 5e Oside Champagne EX-90-USA DOM 6e Larcrest Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr.GMD GMD DOM 6e JurorRudolph Chanel EX-93-USA GMD DOM 7e Larcrest Long-Haven Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Lindy Chandra VG-85-USA 2yr.3yr. GMD DOM 8e Larcrest Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 8e Carly VG-87-USA 9e Larcrest Snow-NInspiration Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM R are dtr Pulsar fromHue the to Larcrest F irst of Epic sell! family A daughter the exclusive Mc heifer Cutchen son August Pulsar with very h out for theofGenomics of this in the run! aShe is a balanced index: +1253 with fat & protein, +2.4 Balisto out of Epic Hue milk which soldpositive for $ 155,000. She will be DPR, fresh in SCS 7.1, >2of points for udders, +2.34 PTAT andShe GTPI Shetesting has a September this year and looks incredible! has+2490! progeny full at GTPI +2631 and dam GTPI MOM +2725 which 2nd highest overbrother 2600 GTPI already! Grand Hue soldisforthe $ 200.000 in GTPI bullofever born in Europe! Great & thefamily, Larthe Sale Stars 2012! Great branch ofexclusive the Delliabranch EX-95 of cow crest cow whichCosmopolitan delivered bulls likefamily. Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 32. SIEPERMANNS Consignor Due date A NGEL NC DE 0537542715 Geb. Datum. 14.07.2013 Zuchtbetreib Siepermann - Tel. +49 (0)2337482730 - Email. [email protected] Calves before the sale & looks GREAT!! See sale update for more information. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 +963 -0.05 +0.02 23 34 3.10 +1.0 1.6 7.6 2.27 1.73 +2.51 318 2215 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI 08/15 DGV +1480 -0.02 +0.07 50 57 3.07 106 102 100 10 13 10 +14 2897 KHW Super Aderyn *RC VG-85-USA 2yr. Vollschwester zur Mutter KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA | Halbschwester zu Grossmutter De-Su Bkm MC CUTCHEN (Bookem x Planet) KHW Super Adelyn *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.06 365d 14.125kgM 3.3% 466F 3.2% 452P Now in 2nd lactatation • Vollschwester zu KHW Super Aderyn *RC, ehemalige #1 GTPI RC Kuh der Rasse / Full sister to KHW Super Aderyn *RC, former #1 GTPI RC Cow in the breed • Halbschwester zu KHW-I Aika Baxter, Mutter von AIKMAN, ehemaliger #1 RZG Bulle der Welt / Maternal sister to KHW-I Aika Baxter, dam to AIKMAN, former #1 RZG bull in the World Grossmutter: KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Charlesdale SUPERSTITION KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA DOM 2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4% 711F 4.0% 446P 5.07 365d 13.222kgM 5.1% 680F 4.0% 526P • Mutter zu Applejax *RC, Perfect Aiko *RC & Fraiko *RC / Dam to Applejax *RC, Perfect Aiko *RC & Fraiko *RC • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Jotan, Amce, & Advent • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA, Grand & Res. Grand Champion R&W Madison Tolle abgekalbte Mc Cutchen x Aiko´s Mc Cutchen ist der höchste töchtergeprüfte Bulle in der amerikanischen Top 100 TPI Liste, TPI 2468 / PTAT +3.21! Hier wird eine typische Mc Cutchen Tochter verkauft – bedeutet: Sie ist FANTASTISCH! Angel kommt aus 8 Generationen von EXZELLENTEN Kühen aus der Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA Kuhfamilie, ihre Großmutter ist die Halbschwester zu Apple EX-96-USA, Jotan, Acme, Advent und vielen weiteren! Braedale GOLDWYN Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 2E DOM 2.00 365d 13.077kgM 3.8% 498F 3.7% 484P 4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2% 575F 3.3% 459P 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7% 839F 3.5% 628P • Großmutter von: / Grand dam to: Absolute Red, Armani *RC & Big Apple Red • Rotbunte Kuh des Jahres ‘09 / Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘09 NEXT DAMS 4e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM 5e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 6e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 8e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E Awesome fresh Mc Cutchen x Aiko’s Mc Cutchen is the highest dtr proven type bull in the American TPI Top 100, TPI +2468 / PTAT +3.21! And this is a typical Mc Cutchen dtr - means: she is AWESOME! She is from 8 generations EXCELLENT from the Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA cow family, her grand dam is the maternal sister to Apple EX-96-USA, Jotan, Acme, Advent and multiple others! 33. AH Consignor Top ranking RED RZG heifer! & Top 25 RED GTPI heifer in Europe 08/15 08/15 A DVENTURE RED DE 0666631058 Geb. Datum. 30.03.2015 C. Allendörfer - Tel. +49 (0)170 8155011 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1654 -0.01 -0.01 59 46 2.86 -0.7 2.8 7.1 1.07 0.95 +1.64 529 2285 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +2091 -0.33 -0.13 53 58 133 110 99 127 101 127 111 121 146 Mutter: KHW Shamrock Aaryn *RC VG-86-USA 2yr. Maternal sister to grand dam: KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA Grossmutter: KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Dymentholm S SYMPATICO (Snowman x Planet) Braedale GOLDWYN KHW Shamrock Aaryn *RC VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA VG-MS 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.542kgM 4.4% 465F 3.4% 361P • Schwester zu Applejax *RC, Perfect Aiko *RC & Fraiko *RC / Sister to Applejax *RC, Perfect Aiko *RC & Fraiko *RC • Halbschwester zu KHW-I Aika Baxter, Mutter von Gen-I-Beq Aikman *RC, ehemaliger #1 RZG Bulle der Welt / Maternal sister to KHW-I Aika Baxter, dam to Gen-I-Beq Aikman *RC, former #1 RZG Bull World Wide Ladys-Manor PL SHAMROCK KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA DOM 2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4% 711F 4.0% 446P 5.07 365d 13.222kgM 5.1% 680F 4.0% 526P • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Jotan, Amce, & Advent • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA, Grand & Res. Grand Champion R&W Madison Kamps-Hollow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 2E DOM 2.00 365d 13.077kgM 3.8% 498F 3.7% 484P 4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2% 575F 3.3% 459P 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7% 839F 3.5% 628P • Sire: DURHAM • Großmutter von: / Grand dam to: Absolute Red, Armani *RC, Big Apple Red & more • Rotbunte Kuh des Jahres´09 / Red Impact Cow of the Year ‘09 NEXT DAMS 4e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM 5e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 6e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 8e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E GOLDENE Möglichkeit in ROT! Top 25 GTPI rotbunt Rind in Europa und hochrangierend im RZG dazu! Einer der höchsten Leistungszuchtwerte für die Rotbuntzucht mit >2000kg Milch im deutschen Index! Sie hat eine Abstammung die jeder mag, 3. Generationen von schwarzen Bullen und dann die einzigartige Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA. Diese Nummer hat einfach alles: OUTCROSS, INDEX, TYP & eine TOLLE KUHFAMILIE! Golden RED opportunity! Top 25 GTPI RED heifer in Europe and top ranking RZG RED as well with RZG 146! One of the highest production animals for the R&W breed with >2000 kg milk in her German index! She has bloodlines every German breeder likes and as well a mouthwatering Pedigree for the R&W Breed with 3 Generations of b&w sires in the Pedigree going back to the one and only Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-USA. This lot has it all: OUTCROSS, INDEX, TYPE & GREAT COW FAMILY! H 34. DG DEBUTANT A PPLEBLACK *RC 23. NH RZN EROIN #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 DE 0770224492 Geb. Datum. 02.03.2015 0666519828 26-07-2014 Consignor Nosbisch Holsteins Tel.(0)123123123 +49 (0)1714368388 Email. [email protected] & RZH Holstein - Tel. -+49 - Email.- [email protected] Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 08/15 -308 +0.16 +0.09 31 16 2.79 +3.7 3.1 8.2 1.71 1.79 +2.05 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 08/15 DGV +195 +0.44 +0.32 50 41 2.76 111 111 102 3 12 10 NM NM 559 387 RZE Conf 124 +10 GTPI GTPI 2179 2268 RZG GLPI 144 3029 Grossmutter: KHW Hue Regiment Apple 2yr. Red EX-96-USA Cookiecutter MOM VG-88-CAN A true RED legend in the show ring! Mutter: Apples Uno EX-95-USA Armana *RC VG-88-USA 2yr. Snow-N MS Denises Dellia NH DG Debutant Appleblack *RC | 2yr. SHE SELLS! Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN Texel De-SuBeauty 11236 DEBUTANT BALISTO RED (Dakker (Bookemx xSuperstition Watson) x Debutante Rae family) Ms Apples Uno Epic Armana Lookout Pesce Hue*RC VG-88-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-88-USA VG-88-MS A terme fin Septembre / Due2yr. September 2.04 1.239kgM 4.8% 228F 3.1% 147P LOOKS120d GREAT! • Eine der besten Numero Uno Töchter überhaupt, bereits VG-88 2yrEpic eingestuft! • Une des meilleures filles de de la Race, / One of the/very Numero Uno daughter dtrs in the +2354 GTPI Onebest of the best Epic breed, already scored VG-88 2yr. World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Für $ verkauft / Sold for $ 137.000 Mère137.000 de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 • /Ihr für Tango 100.000 $ NMDefender +910 ! /Sohn Dam wurde to Ms Hue 57644, verkauft / /Defender GTPI+2606 NM +910sons ! sold for $ 100.000 • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Amighetti NUMERO Genervations EPIC UNO Carrousel REGIMENT-RED Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA Cookiecutter MOM HueRed TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-96-USA TB-88-CAN DOM 2a TB-88 MA 2.02 13.122kgM4.2%G 4.5% 588F 2.04 365d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.6% 3.7%P469P 421P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 5.03 365d pour 13.975kgM 5.0%durant 693F 3.9% 550P • Vendue 200.000$ la Sale of 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 • Grand Champion & Res. Grand Champion Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de R&W World au Dairy Expo / Hue is one of the Man-O-Man Monde! • Mutter von: / Man-O-Man Dam to: Armani *RC, most exciting dtrs in theAbsolute breed! Red, Big Apple Red & mehr Fantastische Enkeltochter aus APPLE!! irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Ein überragendes Rind wird verkauft, Enkeltochter h out for the Genomics of this heifer ROTFAKTOR in the August run! She isaus a der legendären Rotbunt Schau-sold & Zuchtkuh: KHW Regiment Balisto out of Epic Hue which for $ 155,000. She will beApple fresh in Red EX-96-USA! Mutter von looks Armani, Absolute,She Bighas Apple und vielen September of this year and incredible! progeny testing mehr. Schwester zu Advent, Jotan, KHW Aiko, der over 2600 GTPI already! Grand damAcme MOM & Hue soldGoldwyn for $ 200.000 in Mutter Fraiko,2012! Perfect Aiko und unzähligen anderen! Ihrefamily, Mutter the Salevon of Stars Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow Armana wurde fürbulls 137.000 $ verkauft undHalogen ist bereits Färse VG-88 which delivered like Durham, Iota, andals many others! 2yr eingestuft! Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude *RC EX-95-USA Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-95-USA EX-91-USA 2E DOM 2.00 13.077kgM4.9%G 3.8% 498F 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.7% 3.5%P484P 409P 4.03 365d 13.803kgM 4.2% 575F 3.3% 459P 7.00 365d 18.003kgM 4.7%by839F 3.5% 628P • Fille de Shottle / Sired Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, Red Impact Cow of Iota, the Year ‘09 Halogen, Durham… / • Mutter von Advent, Acme & mehr / From Dellia family, Jotan, as several bulls, Halogen, Dam to Durham… Advent, Jotan, Acme & more Iota, • Stammkuh hinter: / Foundation cow behind: Perfect Aiko *RC, Fraiko *RC, Aikman *RC DAMS & mehr NEXT 4e Cookiecutter NEXT DAMS Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET GMD DOM 4e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3EEX-90 DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 5e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7e Dee 4E EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e Long-Haven D-R-A AugustRudolph EX-96-USA DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 7e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E A wesome dtr of F irst dtr ofgrand Epic Hue to APPLE!! sell! An awesome is selling, CARRIER of the h out for the heifer Genomics of thisRED heifer in the grand Augustdtrrun! She legendis a ary R&Wout Show& Brood cow: KHW Regiment AppleShe Redwill EX-96-USA! Balisto of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. be fresh in Dam of Armani, Absolute, Apple and moreShe andhas sister to Advent, September of this year andBig looks incredible! progeny testing Jotan, Acme andalready! KHW Goldwyn Aiko,MOM damHue of Fraiko, Aiko in over 2600 GTPI Grand dam sold forPerfect $ 200.000 and plenty Her dam forDellia $ 137.000 the Sale of others! Stars 2012! GreatArmana branchsold of the EX-95and cowalready family, scored VG-88 2yr.bulls old!like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! which delivered 35. SIEPERMANNS A IRA TY - FRESH Consignor DE 0537568659 Geb. Datum. 13.12.2013 Zuchtbetrieb Siepermanns - Tel. +49 (0)2337 482730 - Email. [email protected] Prod. Conf. +/- 35 kg Milk / day - See sale update Just fresh - see sale update 08/15 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +370 +0.09 +0.03 38 20 3.09 +0.9 2.6 7.0 1.58 0.86 +2.01 298 2080 3. Mutter: KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Grossmutter: KHW-I Aika Baxter *RC VG-89-CAN 5yr. (MAX) Genervations EPIC (Superstition x Baxter) De Jonge Aiko *BY *RC VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. 85FR 85DS 87MS 86FL / VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 9.721kgM 4.7% 455F 3.5% 341P • Schwester zu Aikman, dem ehemaligen #1 Rotfaktor Bullen der Welt / Sister to AIKMAN *RC, former #1 RC RZG Bull World Wide! Mutter: De Jonge Aiko VG-86-NL 2yr. Gen-I-Beq SAHARA *RC Emerald-Acr-Sa-T BAXTER KHW-I Aika Baxter *RC VG-89-CAN 5yr. Conf. VG-89-CAN EX-91-MS 5yr. (MAX) 2.01 365d 13.577kgM 5.8% 785F 3.7% 499P 5.06 365d 18.414kgM 5.9% 1079F 3.3% 616P • Maximale Einstufung in der zweiten Laktation / Maximum score in her 2nd lactation • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Perfect Aiko RC, Fraiko RC & mehr • Selbe Linie wie: / Close family to: Big Apple-Red, Armani *RC & Absolute Red KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA DOM 2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4% 711F 4.0% 446P 5.07 365d 13.222kgM 5.1% 680F 4.0% 526P • Schwester zu: / Sister to KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA, Grand & Res. Grand Champion R&W Madison • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Advent, Jotan, Acme & mehr NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM 6e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 9e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E 8e Dirkmar Bell Aggiebell VG-85-USA Melkende Aiko! Schöne junge Färse um ihre eigene Aiko Linie zu begründen! Sie ist eine Epic aus Sahara Aiko, der Halbschwester von Aikman *RDC @ Genervations, in der 3ten Generation finden wir dann niemand geringeres als KHW Goldwyn Aiko EX-91-USA, Schwester der legendären roten Kuh KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA und zu Bullen wie Advent, Jotan, Acme und anderen! Milking cow from the Aiko’s Nice young cow to build your own branch of the very strong transmitting Aiko cow family! She is an Epic out of Sahara Aiko, maternal sister of Aikman *RC @ Genervations. 3rd dam is none other than KHW Goldwyn Aiko EX-91-USA, sister to the legendary Red cow KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA and of bulls like Advent, Jotan, Acme and others! 36. Consignor A PPLE 4 RED NL 884257358 Geb. Datum. 04.02.2015 Mts. Nijenhuis - N. Schaffers - Tel. +31 (0)6 23606896 MS Angelina Mr Savage Aysha VG-86-CH 2yr. Halbschwester zur Mutter / Maternal sister to dam Apple with her clone and dtrs being HM Grand, Res Grand & Grand Champion R&W Madison ‘13 LABEL P-RED (Ladd P x Sunrise) Soetten Botter Apple Red VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 85DS 85MS 83FL / VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.05 135d 4.254kgM 3.5% 149F 3.4% 145P (Inc.) • Halbschwester ist die Mutter von Amaury-Red @ Semex / Maternal sister is dam to Amaury-Red @ Semex • Enkeltochter der großartigen, KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA / Grand daughter of the huge R&W Show cow, KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA • Verkauft für EUR 20.000 / Sold for EUR 20.000 Rote APPLE! Hunsberger ALCHEMY *RC Ms Apples Angelina *RC EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA EX-MS 2.02 365d 12.120kgM 4.0% 487F 3.2% 391P 4.09 253d 10.957kgM 4.0% 436F 3.1% 342P • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to MS Candy Apple Red, HM. Grand Champion WDE & Res. Grand Champion Royal • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Ms Delicious Apple Red EX-92-USA, All-American Jr. 2-Yr. Old R&W ‘10 Ein ROTES Jungrind welches auf direktem Wege zur lebenden Legende KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA, Gran & Res. Grand @ Madison zurück geht. Ihre Nachkommen haben bereits in Madison und auf der Royal gewonnen, sie ist die Mutter von Absolute Red, Big Apple Red, Armani und die Schwester zu Jotan, Acme, Advent und vielen anderen! Die Mutter dieses Jungrindes wurde für 20.000€ als Kalb verkauft und kommt direkt aus Apple´s fantastisch züchtender Stormatic Tochter Angelina EX-91! Mutter: Soetten Botter Apple Red VG-85-NL 2yr. Comestar STORMATIC KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA Conf. EX-96-USA GMD DOM 2.02 365d 13.122kgM 4.5% 588F 3.6% 469P 4.01 365d 16.216kgM 4.7% 763F 3.7% 596P 7.00 365d 15.096kgM 5.0% 750F 3.6% 540P • Grand & Res. Grand Champion Madison • One Million Dollar Cow! • Mutter zu / Dam to: Absolute Red, Big Apple Red, Armani *RC & more • Schwester zu: / Sister to: Jotan, Acme & Advent NEXT DAMS 4e Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM 5e Clover-Mist Alisha EX-93-USA 3E DOM 6e Clover-Mist Augy Star EX-94-USA 4E DOM 7e D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM 8e D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E 9e D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E Red APPLE! A RED heifer going back on the living legend KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA, Grand & Res. Grand @ Madison, progeny winning Madison & the Royal, dam to Absolute Red, Big Apple Red, Armani and sister to Jotan, Acme, Advent and others! Dam of this heifer was sold for EUR 20.000 as a calf and is from Apple’s Stormatic daughter Angelina EX-91, a tremendous brood cow! 37. CRESTOMORE HWL HAZEL Consignor LUX 499352769 Geb. Datum. 19.05.2015 J. Schweigen & HaWiLix Hulsteins - Tel. +352 (0)621525777 - Email. [email protected] Genomics US 8/15 PTAT +2.79 | AWESOME SHOW TYPE HEIFER CA 8/15 DGV Conf. +15 / LPI +2924 Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN Grand dtr of Stadacona Outside Abel Grossmutter: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN Val-Bisson DOORMAN (Bookem x Shottle) Morsan Miss Heroic VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN VG-86-MS 2yr. Mutter: Morsan Miss Heroic VG-85-CAN 2yr. Siemers Toys HERO Braedale GOLDWYN Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN Conf. 95R 94DS 95MS 96FL / EX-95-CAN 15* Stadacona Oustide Abel VG-88-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-89-MS 4yr. 35* 2.03 (Proj) 305d 10.771kgM 4.3% 466F 3.1% 337P 2.00 338d 11.668kgM 4.6% 540F 3.3% 383P 3.01 308d 14.441kgM 4.4% 638F 3.2% 461P 5.00 365d 18.363kgM 4.2% 776F 3.2% 596P 2.02 330d 10.088kgM 3.4% 341F 3.1% 311P 3.03 365d 16.601kgM 4.6% 769F 3.0% 496P • Ihr Vater ist der hohe und in Europa nicht verfügbare Typvererber Hero / Her sire is the great type sire Hero and not available in Europe • Direkte Tochter aus Gold Missy EX-95! / Direct daughter from Gold Missy EX-95! • Selbe Familie wie MEGASIRE (GTPI +2612) / Same family as MEGASIRE (GTPI +2612) • Die ungeschlagene Königin von 2011! / The Unbeaten Show Queen of 2011! • Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘11 • All-American 5-Yr., Jr. 3-Yr. & Jr. 2-Yr. Old • All-Canadian 5-Yr. & Jr. 2-Yr. Old • Nom. All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘13 • HM. All-Atlantic 1-Yr. • Finalist Kuh des Jahres‘11 / Finalist Cow of the Year ‘11 • Großmutter von / Grand dam of Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN, HM Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair 2013! NEXT DAMS 4e Stadacona Progress Anibel VG-CAN 3yr. Sind sie bereit für die großen SCHAUEN?! Das beste aus jeder Welt! Wirklich überragendes Kalb des populären Doorman´s aus einer Tochter des exklusiven Typvererbers Hero aus der in 2011 ungeschlagenen Königin: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95CAN (GRAND ROYAL & MADISON´11)!!! Ihre Halbschwester ist die Mutter von Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN (HM Int, Champion Royal´13) und vielen weiteren Schausiegern die alle auf eine Kuh zurück gehen, Abel! Are you ready to win the SHOW?! Best of all World’s! Truly awesome dtr of the ultra popular sire Doorman, out of a dtr of the exclusive type sire Hero, followed by the unbeaten cow in the show ring in 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN (GRAND ROYAL & MADISON ‘11)!!! Her maternal sister is dam of Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95-CAN (HM Int. Champion Royal ‘13) and many more big show winners finds their roots back to Abel! 38. LIS MISS Consignor 08/15 8/15 RZG 145 / RZE 139 08/15 DGV MAGIC LUX 99376024 Geb. Datum. 27.01.2015 Lis-Leck Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1044 +0.05 +0.00 54 33 2.59 +0.9 4.2 8.2 1.89 2.17 +2.68 546 2447 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1663 +0.12 +0.07 74 61 2.54 112 102 101 12 12 11 +15 3212 Liss Miss Magic | SHE SELLS Mutter: Butz-Hill Magicstar VG-88-USA 2yr. Richmond-Fd El BOMBERO (Numero Uno x Superstition) Butz-Hill Magicstar VG-88-USA 2yr. Conf. V V V V V / VG-88-USA 2yr. 2.01 150d 1.4703lbsM 4.7% 694lbsF 3.1% 463lbsP • Überragende Färse VG-88 2yr! / Awesome VG-88 point 2yr. old! • Halbschwester zu MEGASIRE! / Maternal sister to MEGASIRE! • Mutter von Magic @ ST, 8/15 2615 GTPI / Dam to Magic 1609 @ ST, 8/15 GTPI +2615! 4. Mutter: Eastside Lewisdale Missy De-Su Bkm MC CUTCHEN Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Morsan Man D Missy VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 9.276kgM 5.5% 510F 3.7% 345P • Mutter von MEGASIRE (GTPI 2612) / Dam to MEGASIRE (GTPI 2612) • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95, Res. Grand Champion Ontario Spring ‘13 Valleyville Dolman Missy VG-89-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-89-CAN EX-MS 4yr. (MAX) 2.03 365d 15.460kgM 4.0% 631F 3.5% 551P 3.11 365d 20.252kgM 4.6% 941F 3.5% 701P • 1st place Jr. 1-Yr. Old Calgary Spring ‘09 / • Maximale Einstufung in der 2. Laktation / Max. score in 2nd lactation • Ihre Mutter ist die Königin des Jahres 2011: Missy! / Her next dam is the unbeaten Queen of 2011, Missy! NEXT DAMS 4e Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN 16* Grand Champion MADISON & ROYAL 2011 5e Stadacona Outside Abel VG-88-CAN 34* 6e Stadacona Progress Anibel VG-CAN 3yr. Schautyp & Index aus den Missy´s Die Missy Familie ist weltbekannt für ihren großartigen Typ, die 4te Mutter im Pedigree war der unangefochtene Grand Champion der Royal und von Madison in 2011, Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN! Liss Miss Magic ist beinahe spülbereit und hat einen GTPI von 2447 mit +2.68 PTAT (+15 Conformation in Kanda)! Ihre Mutter ist eine tolle VG-88 2yr eingestufte Tochter von Mc Cutchen, sie ist eine Halbschwester des populären Bullen Megasire @ ST ( 2612 GTPI) Show type & index of the Missy’s The Missy’s are well known for their awesome show type, 4th dam in this pedigree was the Royal & Madison Grand Champion of 2011, Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN! LIss Miss Magic is almost ready to flush and has GTPI +2447 with +2.68 PTAT (+15 Conformation in Canada)! Her dam is an awesome VG-88 2yr. old daughter of Mc Cutchen, she is the maternal sister of the popular Megasire @ ST (GTPI +2612)! 39. HH ERA Consignor Top 25 GTPI POLLED in Europe! Top 10 without Powerball! 08/15 08/15 DGV MALARIE *PO BE 812340873 Geb. Datum. 20.04.2015 Hazenpad Holsteins - Tel. +32 (0)496 273887 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +262 +0.11 +0.10 37 36 2.79 +3.1 4.0 5.6 0.62 1.47 +1.86 513 2367 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +204 +0.36 +0.39 45 49 2.66 111 111 111 6 8 8 +9 2995 3. Mutter: Valleyville Dolman Missy VG-89-CAN 4yr. 4. Mutter: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN Kerndtway ERASER *PO (Earnhardt x Observer) Butz-Hill Malarie 2012 GP-83-USA 2yr. Conf. GP-83-USA 2yr. 2.00 67d. 1.953kgM 4.5%F 3.5%P • Halbschwester zu Butz-Hill Magicstar VG-88USA 2yr. / Maternal sister to Butz-Hill Magicstar VG-88-USA 2yr. • Halbschwester zu MEGASIRE! / Maternal sister to MEGASIRE! • Wird später in der Laktation nochmal eingestuft und sollte dann VG werden in der 1.Laktation. / Will be re-scored later this lactation, expectation to go VG in 1st La. HORNLOS aus den Missy´s! Grossmutter: Morsan Man D Missy VG-85-USA 2yr. Sully Hart MERIDIAN Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Morsan Man D Missy VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 9.276kgM 5.5% 510F 3.7% 345P • Mutter von MEGASIRE (GTPI 2612) / Dam to MEGASIRE (GTPI 2612) • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95, Res. Grand Champion Ontario Spring ‘13 Die Missy Familie ist weltberühmt für ihre tollen Schaukühe wie u.a. Valleyville Rae Lynn und der Champion der Royal & Madison von 2011, Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN, welche die 4te Mutter dieses Kalbes ist! Die Missy´s sind in der Lage Nachkommen in den genomischen Toplisten zu platzieren, unter anderem der Bulle Megasire von Jetstream Genetics mit 2612 GTPI, er ist ein Halbbruder zur Mutter dieser Verkaufsnummer! Dieses Kalb ist HORNLOS direkt aus dem Herzen der Missy Familie, rangiert in den Top 25 GTPI Valleyville Dolman Missy VG-89-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-89-CAN EX-MS 4yr. (MAX) 2.03 365d 15.460kgM 4.0% 631F 3.5% 551P 3.11 365d 20.252kgM 4.6% 941F 3.5% 701P • 1st place Jr. 1-Yr. Old Calgary Spring ‘09 / • Maximale Einstufung in der 2.Laktation / Max. score in 2nd lactation • Ihre nächste Mutter ist die ungeschlagene Königin von 2011, Missy! / Her next dam is the unbeaten Queen of 2011, Missy! NEXT DAMS 4e Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN 16* Grand Champion MADISON & ROYAL 2011 5e Stadacona Outside Abel VG-88-CAN 34* 6e Stadacona Progress Anibel VG-CAN 3yr. Polled from the Missy’s! The Missy family is famous of their awesome show cows, such as Valleyville Rae Lynn and the Royal- & Madison Champion of 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN, which is the 4th dam of this lot! They are also able to make top ranking genomic animals, watch at the popular bull Megasire of Jetstream Genetics with GTPI +2612, he is a maternal brother to this lot’s dam! This heifer is POLLED of the Missy’s, in the Top 25 GTPI Polled in Europe and Top 10 from the Polled heifers without Powerball! 40. HH BAL Consignor 08/15 08/15 DGV M ISSY 2 BE 912340878 Geb. Datum. 20.06.2015 Hazenpad Holsteins - Tel. +32 (0)496 273887 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +358 +0.19 +0.13 65 45 2.85 +0.5 +1.2 PL 5.9 0.97 1.30 +1.50 510 2332 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +672 +0.66 +0.41 91 67 2.70 106 103 109 7 8 8 +9 3032 Valleyville Dolman Missy VG-89-CAN 2yr. Morsan Man D Missy VG-85-USA 2yr. De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Morsan Man D Missy VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 9.276kgM 5.5% 510F 3.7% 345P • Mutter von MEGASIRE (GTPI 2612) / Dam to MEGASIRE (GTPI 2612) • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as Valleyville Rae Lynn EX-95, Res. Grand Champion Ontario Spring ‘13 Butz-Hill Megasire @ Jetstream Genetics Maternal brother to this lot Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Valleyville Dolman Missy VG-89-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-89-CAN EX-MS 4yr. (MAX) 2.03 365d 15.460kgM 4.0% 631F 3.5% 551P 3.11 365d 20.252kgM 4.6% 941F 3.5% 701P • 1st place Jr. 1-Yr. Old Calgary Spring ‘09 • Maximale Einstufung in der 2.Laktation / Max. score in 2nd lactation • Ihre nächste Mutter ist die ungeschlagene Königin von 2011, Missy! / Her next dam is the unbeaten Queen of 2011, Missy! Regancrest DOLMAN Eastwide Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN Conf. EX-95-CAN 16* 2.00 338d 11.668kgM 4.6% 540F 3.3% 383P 3.01 308d 14.441kgM 4.4% 638F 3.2% 461P 5.00 365d 18.363kgM 4.2% 776F 3.2% 596P • Die ungeschlagene Königin von 2011 / The unbeaten Queen of 2011 • Grand Champion Royal & Madison ‘11 NEXT DAMS 4e Stadacona Outside Abel VG-88-CAN 34* 5e Stadacona Progress Anibel VG-CAN 3yr. Die Schwester zu Megasire wird verkauft! Butz-Hill Megasire (GTPI 2612) ist einer der populärsten Supersire Söhne der Welt! Hier wird seine Schwester verkauft, HH Bal Missy 2! Ihr Vollbruder mit 01/15 2475 GTPI wurde an Genoservis, CZ verkauft. Das Pedigree geht zurück auf den Grand Champion der Royal & Madison von 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN!! Maternal sister to Megasire Butz-Hill Megasire (GTPI +1612) is one of the most popular Supersire sons in the World! This is his maternal sister selling, HH Bal Missy 2! Her full brother with 01/15 GTPI +2475 sold to Genoservis, CZ. Going back on the Royal & Madison Grand Champion of 2011: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN!! 41. NH Consignor DE 0770224519 Geb. Datum. 13.04.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 #1 RZG RED heifer born in 2015!! 08/15 INDIANSUNSHINE RED %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +846 -0.01 +0.05 29 40 2.89 +1.3 3.0 6.3 1.75 1.57 +2.18 437 2287 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1502 +0.00 +0.16 62 67 141 115 113 134 112 123 130 135 161 Mutter: NH Dakker Indianagirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Indiansunshine Red | SHE SELLS OCD MCCUTCHEN DURANGO (McCutchen x Observer x Goldwyn x Durham) NH Dakker Indianagirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 86 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just Fresh, see sale update • #1 RBT RZG Kuh in Deutschland / #1 RED RZG cow in Germany • Mutter der #1 Roten Durango Tochter: RZG 161 / Dam to the #1 RED Durango dtr: RZG 161 • Halbschwester zu NH Dertour Indian Summer Red, Mutter des #1 PP Rindes weltweit, Lisha mit RZG 156 / Maternal sister to NH Dertour Indian Summer Red, dam to the #1 PP heifer World Wide, Lisha with RZG 156 Grossmutter: NH Bogart Indira *RC PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Kings-Ransom O DAKKER *RC NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Töchter für EUR 39.000€ & EUR 27.000€ verkauft / Dtrs sold for EUR 39.000 & 27.000 • Mutter von Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis / Dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis Die #1 ROTE Durango weltweit! Die höchste rote Durango weltweit und eines der höchsten roten RZG Rinder überhaupt mit einer super exklusiven Blutführung für die Rotbuntzucht. Eine Tochter des Mc Cutchen Sohnes Durango, welcher den tollen Typ (RZE 135) mit ins Pedigree bringt aus einer VG-86 2yr Dakker Tochter aus der India Kuhfamilie. Ihre Mutter ist die aktuelle #1 RBT RZG Kuh und die Halbschwester zu NH Indiansummer Red der Mutter des höchsten PP Rindes weltweit! Macomber Oman BOGART NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE La1 305d 10.922kgM 4.0% 436F 3.5% 386P La2 305d 12.987kgM 3.4% 441F 3.3% 423P • Eine der besten Lawn Boy Töchter weltweit / One of the very best Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide • Überragende hornlos Quelle / Fantastic POLLED source • Selbe Familie wie Gunnar @RMW / Same family as GUNNAR @ RMV NEXT DAMS 4e Isabella EX-90-DE 5e Isabell VG-85-DE 6e Imperiale VG-89 7e EX-92 Ugela Bell 8e EX-94 Ben The #1 RZG RED heifer World Wide The highest RZG RED heifer World Wide with a different pedigree for the R&W breed and a perfect combination of bloodlines. A daughter of the Mc Cutchen son Durango which brought in the great type (RZE 135), from a VG-86-DE 2yr. Dakker from the German India cow family! Her dam is the #1 RED RZG cow in Germany and the maternal sister to Indiansummer, the dam of the #1 PP heifer World Wide! 42. NH DAKKER Consignor Prod. Conf. 08/15 IINDIANGIRL RED DE 0769870817 Geb. Datum. 05.02.2013 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] La1 90d 3.209kgM 4.39%F 141kgF 3.43%P 110kgP 85 86 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1189 +0.13 +0.07 62 47 130 121 93 131 118 119 102 109 147 8/15 GTPI +2122 The #1 RZG RED cow in Germany!! Mutter: NH Bogart Indira *RC PO VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Dakker Indianagril Red VG-86-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS Kings-Ransom O DAKKER *RC (Man-O-Man x Mac) NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Töchter für EUR 39.000 & 27.000 / Dtrs sold for EUR 39.000 & 27.000 • Mutter von Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis / Dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis • Mutter von NH Indiansummer Red P, verkauft für EUR 39.000 und Mutter des #1 RZG PP Rindes weltweit, Lisha PP with RZG 157 / Dam to NH Indiansummer Red P, sold for EUR 39.000 and dam of the #1 RZG PP heifer World Wide, Lisha PP with RZG 157 Grossmutter: NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE Macomber Oman BOGART NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE La1 305d 10.922kgM 4.0% 436F 3.5% 386P La2 305d 12.987kgM 3.4% 441F 3.3% 423P • Eine der besten Lawn Boy Töchter der Welt / One of the very best Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide • Fantastische Hornlosquelle / Fantastic POLLED source • Selbe Familie wie GUNNAR @ RMV / Same family as GUNNAR @ RMV Die #1 ROTE RZG Kuh in Deutschland NH Indiangirl Red wird verkauft! Sie ist die #1 rote RZG Kuh in Deutschland mit 147 RZG und sie ZÜCHTET!!! Ihre Durango Tochter ist die #1 rote Durango der Welt und die #3 ihres Jahrganges weltweit mit 161 RZG! Spezielles Pedigree für die Rotbuntzucht: Dakker x Bogart x Lawn Boy x Ford aus der tiefen deutschen Kuhfamilie von Gunnar, der Isabella Familie! Aggraviation LAWN BOY P-RED Isabella EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE EX-91-MS La 305d 12.602kgM 3.6% 449F 3.5% 438P La2 305 13.350kgM 3.7% 496F 3.1% 481P • Sire: Juror Ford • Viele Söhne auf Station / Many sons in AI • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von GUNNAR @ RMV, ehemalige #1 RZG aller töchtergetesteten Bullen in Deuschland / Her full sister is dam to GUNNAR @ RMV, former #1 RZG Proven bull in Germany NEXT DAMS 4e Isabell VG-85-DE 5e Imperiale VG-89 6e EX-92 Ugela Bell 7e EX-94 Ben The #1 RZG RED Cow in Germany NH Indiangirl Red sells! She is the #1 RED RZG cow in Germany with RZG 147 and proves she can TRANSMIT!!! Her Durango dtr is the #1 RZG Durango in the World and the #3 RZG RED Heifer born in 2015 World Wide with RZG 161! Special pedigree for the R&W breed as Dakker x Bogart x Lawn Boy x Ford from the deep German Isabella cow family! 43. NH Consignor 08/15 08/15 INDIANMOVE RED DE 0770151032 Geb. Datum. 26.11.2014 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +30 +0.01 +0.05 3 13 2.95 +2.0 2.7 6.3 1.65 1.53 +1.25 245 1992 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +957 -0.05 +0.01 35 33 118 112 97 128 118 131 122 127 140 Grossmutter: NH Bogart Indira *RC PO VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Indianmove Red | SHE SELLS! CAPPLE P (Colt P x Destry x Talent x Apple EX-96) NH Dakker Indianagirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 86 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just Fresh, see sale update • #1 RBT RZG Kuh in Deutschland / #1 RED RZG cow in Germany • Mutter der #1 Roten Durango Tochter: RZG 161 / Dam to the #1 RED Durango dtr: RZG 161 • Halbschwester zu NH Dertour Indian Summer Red, Mutter des #1 PP Rindes weltweit, Lisha mit RZG 156 / Maternal sister to NH Dertour Indian Summer Red, dam to the #1 PP heifer World Wide, Lisha with RZG 156 Rot aus der India Familie! Mutter: NH Dakker Indianagirl Red Kings-Ransom O DAKKER *RC NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Töchter für EUR 39.000€ & EUR 27.000€ verkauft / Dtrs sold for EUR 39.000 & 27.000 • Mutter von Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis / Dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis Wunderschönes ROTES Rind mit toller Blutführung, Vater Capple stammt aus der Apple Familie und sie selbst kommt aus der erfolgreichen India Kuhfamilie. Ihre Mutter ist die aktuelle #1 RBT RZG Kuh in Deutschland und ist u.a. die Halbschwester zu Indiansummer, welche selbst für 39.000€ verkauft wurde und die Mutter der aktuellen höchsten roten PP Färse der Welt ist, Lisha! Selbe Familie wie Gunnar! Macomber Oman BOGART NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE La1 305d 10.922kgM 4.0% 436F 3.5% 386P La2 305d 12.987kgM 3.4% 441F 3.3% 423P • Eine der besten Lawn Boy Töchter weltweit / One of the very best Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide • Überragende hornlos Quelle / Fantastic POLLED source • Selbe Familie wie Gunnar @RMW / Same family as GUNNAR @ RMV NEXT DAMS 4e Isabella EX-90-DE 5e Isabell VG-85-DE 6e Imperiale VG-89 7e EX-92 Ugela Bell 8e EX-94 Ben Red heifer from the INDIA Family! Beautiful RED heifer with great combination of bloodlines, sire Capple is from the Apple family and she is from the successful India cow family. Her dam is the current #1 RED RZG cow in Germany and is the maternal sister to Indiansu mmer for example, she sold for EUR 39.000 and is the dam of the #1 PP heifer World Wide, Lisha! Deep cow family, same family as Gunnar for example! 44. TWR Consignor 08/15 DGV LPI +3166 / Conf. +12 08/15 A LEXA DE 0357990576 Geb. Datum. 20.04.2015 T.W. Rüters - Tel. +4915140181499 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1811 -0.09 -0.01 43 50 2.78 +1.3 4.7 7.2 1.87 2.08 +2.08 609 2484 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1846 -0.11 -0.05 61 56 136 115 111 124 116 127 131 135 155 Blondin Alexander Armana EX-92-CAN (MAX) Maternal sister to grand dam! 3. Mutter: Smithden Goldwyn Alexandra EX-94-CAN View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust) TWR Shotglass Alexandria Due: Januari 2016 Grossmutter: Blondin Man O Man Arkansas VG-88-CAN Butz-Butler SHOTGLASS Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Blondin Man O Man Arkansas VG-88-CAN 4yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN EX-MS 4yr. 2.00 365d 13.592kgM 4.2% 567F 3.4% 464P 4.05 330d 17.330kgM 4.1% 717F 3.4% 597P • Mutter von Arkansas @ Semex ( GTPI 2601) / Dam to Arkansas @ Semex (GTPI +2601) • Halbschwester zur ehemaligen #1 Kuh in Kanada / Maternal sister is the former #1 GLPI cow in Canada • 3 VG 2yr. Töchter in Kanada bis heute / 3 VG 2yr. old dtrs in Canada till date • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to Blondin Alexander Armana EX-92-CAN @ Ferme Jacobs, HM. All-Quebec Sr. 2-Yr. ‘12 Außergewöhnlich, hoch & kanadisch! Eine etwas anderes Pedigree, Missouri x Shottglass aus der fantastischen kanadischen Zuchtkuh Smithden Goldwyn Alexandra EX-94-CAN, dann kommt die 30* Zuchtkuh Alison! Alexandra ist die Vollschwester zu Admiral @ Semex und hat bereits 4 EX & 13 VG Töchter bis heute. Mutter des Kalbes ist die Halbschwester zu Blondin Arkansas @ Semex mit >2600 GTPI! Smithden Goldwyn Alexandra EX-94-CAN 13* Conf. EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS 13* 2.02 305d 13.367kgM 4.7% 622F 3.3% 447P 4.08 305d 15.275kgM 4.3% 655F 3.3% 506P • Vollschwester zu Admiral @ Semex / Full sister to Admiral @ Semex • 4 Excellente & 13 VG Töchter in Kanada / 4 EXCELLENT & 13 VG dtrs in Canada NEXT DAMS 4e Smithden Allen Alison VG-88-CAN 30* 5e Smithden Rudolph Lana VG-89-CAN 4yr. (MAX) 6e Smithden Lindy Lucille VG-87-CAN 7e Smithden SC Tara EX-CAN Different, high & super Canadian! Different pedigree, Missouri x Shotglass going back on the fantastic Canadian brood cow Smithden Goldwyn Alexandra EX-94-CAN, followed by the 30* brood cow Alison! Alexandra is the full sister to Admiral @ Semex and has already 4 EX & 13 VG Canadian dtrs till date. Dam of this heifer is the maternal sister to Blondin Arkansas @ Semex with >2600 GTPI! HK 23. 1. RZN 45. Wahl EROIN uhkalb / 1st Choice female / Consignor USA | 80K #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk UDC PTAT 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 Consignor Hood Holsteins (DK) - Tel. +45 21264860 - Email. [email protected] DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL +2.69 559 2179 UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 121 124 144 +2323 %F %E -0.25 -0.13 Fat 66 Eiw 64 SCS 134 DPR 113 PL 105 SCE 124 FLC 99 113 NM GTPI The Gloryland Lana Rae family Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. The Gloryland Rae cow family!! From L-R: Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA, Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA, Gloryland LexieMOM Rae EX-95-USA, Gloryland Cookiecutter Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Liberty EX-95-USA 3E Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E The star of GLORYLAND! 25 dtrs avg > EX-90-USA! 20 EXCELLENT daughtersDellia till date Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA G loryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. EX-91-USA A terme fin Septembre / Due September Conf. EX-94-USA 2E 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P Prod. 4.00 365d 11.422kgM 3.3%F 3.3%P | 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0%F 3.4%P | Lifetime: 3.7%F 4.9%G 3.5%P 564G 3.5%P 409P 2.0458.795kgM 305j 11.603kgL LOOKS GREAT! • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux of Stars 2012 • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, Startmore RUDOLPH taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Townson LINDY +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter Marshfield Elevation From Dellia family,TONY as several bulls, Halogen, Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the World Wide, Liza GTPI+2354 Scientific Rae EX-90-USA 5yr. Iota, Durham… most exciting dtrs in3Ethe breed! Hanoverhill TonyMan-O-Man Rae EX-96-USA GMD DOM • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 4e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, 4.09 365d 12.116kgM 2.9%F 357F 3.3% 398P 5e Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-CAN 30* Lifetime: 75.477kgM 4.1%F 3.4%P GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! 6e Glenridge NEXT DAMS Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 2 x QUEEN OFGld THEHoller-ET BREED TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e Cookiecutter • HM All-American Jr. 2-Yr. 1998 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM • Nom All-American 5-Yr. 1991 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM D as Beste Lana Raes F irst dtr ofaus Epicden Hue to sell! Eine besten Gelegenheiten das Beste h outder forwohl the Genomics of this heiferbislang, in the August run!aus Sheder is aLana Rae-Familie in Epic Ihre Hue Herde zu bekommen: 1. Wahl aus garantiert Balisto out of which sold for $ 155,000. She16 will be fresh in weiblichen Trächtigkeiten 4 verschiedenen Kombinationen: September of this year andaus looks incredible! She has progeny testing Durhams, und Grand sogar rote LanaforRae ist DER Star over 2600Archrivals GTPI already! dam Lana MOM Raes. Hue sold $ 200.000 in der Sie hatGreat 20 EX bewertete alle mit Euter the Roxy-Familie. Sale of Stars 2012! branch of theTöchter, Dellia EX-95 cowEXfamily, –which ein wahrer Zuchtgigant. delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! T the Lana Rae’s Fhe irstbest dtr of Epic Hue to sell! One thethe greatest opportunities everintothe bring the run! best She of the h outoffor Genomics of this heifer August is a Gloryland Rae’sHue to which your herd 1st ChoiceShe outwill of be 16 fresh con- in Balisto outLana of Epic soldwith for $a 155,000. firmed FEMALE pregnancies from 4incredible! different combinations, Durham’s, September of this year and looks She has progeny testing Arhrival’s a chance makeMOM a RED Rae isin over 2600and GTPIeven already! Grandtodam HueLana soldRae! for $Lana 200.000 THE star of Stars the Roxy’s, hasbranch 20 EXCELLENT dtrs EX-95 already, allfamily, of them the Sale 2012! she Great of the Dellia cow are having EX udders, a truly breeding giant!! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H TRÄCHTIGKEITEN IN DIE WAHL / PREGNANCIES IN THE CHOICE 23. RZN EROIN Due dates pregnancies / Due dates pregnancies: März / April 2016 | March / April 2016 DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 Consignor RZH Holstein Tel. +49 - Email. [email protected] 3 x WEIBLICHE / FEMALE Regancrest(0)123123123 Elton DURHAM x Gloryland Lexi Rae EX-95-USA 2 x WEIBLICHE / FEMALE Eclipse Atwood’s ACHRIVAL x Gloryland Della Rae EX-92-USA Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM 6 x WEIBLICHE / FEMALE Apple’s ABSOLUTE RED x Libertyraes Sophia *RC EX-94-USA 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 5 x WEIBLICHE / FEMALE Apple’s ABSOLUTE RED x Gloryland Glitter Rae EX-93-USA USA | 80K #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL 16 Confirmed FEMALE pregnancies / 16134 Confirmed FEMALE pregnancies +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 113 105 124 99 113 08/14 3 x WEIBLICH tr. / FEMALE pr. Durham x Gloryland Lexie Rae EX-95 Regancrest Elton DURHAM (Elton x Chief Mark) 5.06 365d 10.120kgM 3.9% 396F 3.3% 332P Lifetime: >80.000 kg Milk in 7 La. • Res. All-Virginia 5yr. Old 2008 • 8. Generation EXCELLENT Eclipse Atwoods ARCHRIVAL (Atwood x Shottle) - #2 PTAT bull World Wide Gloryland Della Rae EX-92-USA (MAX) Conf. E E E E E / EX-92-USA 5yr. (MAX) Lookout Pesce Epic 6 x WEIBLICH tr. /Hue FEMALE pr. A terme fin Red Septembre / Due September Absolute x Libertyraes Sophia *RC EX-94 LOOKS GREAT! Liberty Raes Sophia • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 5 x WEIBLICH tr. / FEMALE pr. Absolute Red x Gloryland Glitter Rae EX-93 4.00 365d 8.337kgM 3.1% 255F 3.4% 287P 121 124 144 4.00 365d 11.422kgM 3.3%F 3.3%P 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0%F 3.4%P Lifetime: 58.795kgM 3.7%F 3.5%P Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Regancrest Elton DURHAM 4.00 365d 11.422kgM 3.3%F 3.3%P 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0%F 3.4%P Lifetime: 58.795kgM 3.7%F 3.5%P Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA • Full sister to Liberty Rae EX-95-USA • Max score in 2nd lactation Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Apples ABSOLUTE Red (Talent x KHW Regiment4.2%G Apple)484G 3.7%P 421P 2.04 305j 11.474kgL • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of Libertyraes Sophia *RC Stars 2012 / Sold forEX-94-USA $ 200,000 in the Sale Conf.ofEStars E E E2012 E / EX-94-USA 2E • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de 3.09Man-O-Man 365d 10.410kgM 4.2%/433F au Monde! Hue 3.3% is one342P of the 5 La.most 46.925kgM exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-91-USA Pursuit SEPTEMBER STORM 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P Gloryland Liberty Rae EX-95-USA • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle 7.03 21.346kgM 891F 713P • De 365d la famille Dellia4.2% comme de3.3% nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Sire: Durham From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, • Nom. All-American Iota, Durham… 4yr. 20015 Next dam: Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E • 2 EX daughters in USA • Make RED Rae’s Apples ABSOLUTE Red (Talent x KHW Regiment Apple) Glitter Rae F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! RZG Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E Della Rae De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Watson) RZE Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E Gloryland Lexie Rae EX-95-USA 4E Conf. E E E E E / EX-95-USA 4E Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 2179 UDD. Ocean-View SEXATION Lexie Rae @ 11 yrs. old 2 x WEIBLICH tr. / FEMALE pr. Archrival x Gloryland Della Rae EX-92 GTPI Gloryland Glitter Rae EX-93-USA Conf. E E E E E / EX-93-USA NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM Braedale GOLDWYN 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94-USA 2E 4.00 365d 11.422kgM 3.3%F 3.3%P 5.06 365d 13.159kgM 4.0%F 3.4%P Lifetime: 58.795kgM 3.7%F 3.5%P F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! 4.06 She 370dis9.045kgM 3.5% 318F 298P h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! a h out3.3% for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in • 8. Generation EXCELLENT September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 46. LM DKR Consignor 08/15 DGV TP TR DE 538920209 Geb. Datum. 14.03.2015 Longmoor Holsteins - Tel. +44 (0)7816 675485 - Email. [email protected] & Drakkar Holsteins - Tel. +33 (0)6 79961625 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 IVA %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1305 -0.02 +0.03 42 47 2.72 +2.1 4.6 10.4 1.87 1.47 +1.82 546 2408 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS Fert HL CA DS FL UDD. Conf GLPI +1856 -0.11 +0.12 56 73 2.59 109 110 96 7 4 10 +12 3090 Gazelle 55 VG-86-FR VG-89-MS 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Ivana *RC *PO Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED Ri-Val-Re 2338 NIAGRA Ivana *RC *PO Gazelle 55 VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-FR VG-89-MS 2yr. Due: November 2015 2.01 305d 8.836kgM 3.6% 319F 3.3% 289P • Eines der höchsten Rotfaktor & Hornlos Rinder in Europa / One of the highest RC & Polled Heifers in Europe • Topseller Drakkar Sale´13 mit 28.000€EUR / Top seller Vente Drakkar ‘13 for 28.000 EUR • Großmutter einiger sehr hoher hornlos Rinder, u.a. einer hornlosen Färse mit 201 ISU / Grand dam to several high genomic heifers including her +201 ISU Polled daughter • 1st place SPACE ‘13 / 1 Platz Space Show ‘13 Ecume 39 GP-FR 2yr. (s. Stol Joc) Conf. GP-FR 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.501kgM 3.2% 300F 3.1% 298P 3.04 305d 10.797kgM 3.3% 359F 3.2% 340P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Lucifer, Jorryn, Sunny Boy & more! NEXT DAMS 4e Skalsum Pietje 736 VG-87-NL 5e Skalsumer Pietje 614 VG-87-NL 6e Skalsumer Pietje 452 VG-89-NL 7e Skalsumer Pietje 239 VG-87-NL 8e Skalsumer Pietje 175 VG-88-NL Die Pietje Famile 2408 GTPI Supershot aus der altbewährten Skalsumer Pietje Familie! Das ist die Familie die hinter dem ersten Spermamillionär der Rasse steht, Sunny Boy, doch auch Bullen wie Jorryn und viele weitere kommen aus dieser Familie. Ein etwas anderes Pedigree mit Ladd-P, Niagara & Stol Joc! Großmutter Iva war erste auf der Space Schau 2013! The Skalsumer Pietje’s GTPI +2408 Supershot from the good old Skalsumer Pietje cow family! The family behind the first millionaire sire ever Sunny Boy, but also Jorryn and many others. Different maternal line with Ladd P, Niagra & Stol Joc! Grand dam of Iva was 1st at the Space in 2013! H Q 47. UENBY 23. DH RZNDG DVEROIN Consignor Highest dtr of #1 RZG GTPI Balisto World Queen Girl!! Wide - GTPI +2624 DE 0538920203 Geb. Datum. 01.03.2015 0666519828 26-07-2014 Diamond Genetics, Holsteins &- Email. De Volmer Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 RZH Holstein - Tel. Duindam +49 (0)123123123 [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 08/14 +1030 +2346 +0.13 -0.07 +0.06 -0.04 71 67 48 61 2.66 2.85 +2.5 -0.5 5.2 2.6 9.4 8.3 1.51 1.94 1.48 1.89 1.57 +2.69 706 559 2564 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS RZM Fert RZS HL RZD CA RZN DS RZR FL UDD. Conf RZE GLPI RZG 08/15 DGV 08/14 +1331 +2323 +0.40 -0.25 +0.26 -0.13 91 66 71 64 2.60 134 110 113 111 105 99 124 7113 9121 +10 124 499 3236 144 Gr. dam: Buttighofer Beaon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Dam: NH Massey Queen Girl Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Supersire Superstition) (Bookem x xWatson) NH Massey Queen Lookout Pesce EpicGirl Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Due: Oktober 2015 - Looks great LOOKS GREAT! • Mutter des #4 NM $ Bullen weltweit Queenboy: 8/15 GTPI +2711 & NM 939 / Dam des to the #4 huge GTPI NMEpic bullde la Race, • Une meilleures filles&de Queenboy: +2711 NM 939 +2354 GTPI8/15 / OneGTPI of the best&Epic daughter • Erste World Wahl Wide,männlich GTPI+2354für 92.000 € verkauft / 1st Choice sold for EUR 92.000 • Mère de Msson Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 • /Bereits mehrere Söhne Station NM +910 ! / Dam to Msauf Hue Tango /57644, Several sons in AI till !date GTPI+2606 / NM +910 • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Gr. dam:Denises Buttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Snow-N Dellia EX-95-USA Co-Op BossideEPIC MASSEY Genervations End-Road BEACON Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Büttighofer Queen 05 VG-85-DE CookiecutterBeacon MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE TB-88-CAN2yr. 2a TB-88 MA La1 4.4% 479F 419P 2.04305d 305j 11.003kgM 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G3.8% 3.7%P 421P 343d 12.094kgM 4.3% 515F 3.8% 457P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • #1 Beacon Europa Beaconininthe Europe Stars 2012in / Sold for /$ #1 200,000 Sale • Mehrere of Stars Söhne 2012 auf Station / Several sons in AI • Mutter P @intéressantes Genes Diffusion Hue estvon uneIpster des plus filles de (V. Parker),au sehr hoher/ HORNLOS Man-O-Man Monde! Hue is oneBulle of the / Dam to Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! (s. Parker), huge POLLED bull H öchste F irst dtr Tochter of Epic aus Hue Queengirl! to sell! Die höchste Tochterofaus populären Bullenmutter NHisMassey h out for theGTPI Genomics thisder heifer in the August run! She a Queengirl, selbstHue fürwhich 67.000€ verkauft wurde und Balisto outdie of Epic sold for $ 155,000. Shebereits will bemehrere fresh in Söhne auf Station geliefert Queenboy GTPI testing / 939 September of this year and hat, looksu.a. incredible! Shemit has2711 progeny NM Vollbruder zu Queenby im Sale! Eine sold Outcross over$,2600 GTPI already! Grandistdam MOM Hue for $Mutterlinie 200.000 in aus eineroftollen Beacon x Bolton hinten the Sale StarsKuhfamilie, 2012! GreatMassey branchxof the Dellia EX-95weiter cow family, im Pedigree! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Qualle 05 *TYShthollerwood VG-87-DE 2yr.EX-91-USA (s. Bolton)DOM Cookiecutter Conf. VG-87-DE EX-91-USA2yr. La1 4.7% 648F 488P 2.04305d 305j 13.682kgM 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G3.6% 3.5%P 409P • Vollschwester zu/Boateng Borsati / Full sister Fille de Shottle Sired by &Shottle to Boateng & Borsati • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, Ihre Großmutter istIota, die ehemalige Halogen, Durham… #1 / Index cow in Dellia Italienfamily, / Her as 2nd dam isbulls, the former #1 From several Halogen, Index in Italy Iota,cow Durham… NEXT NEXTDAMS DAMS 4e Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e Cookiecutter Quality 17 VG-87-DE 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5e New Farm AaronChamp Quantita EX-91-IT 6e Hanna EX-90-IT EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV New-Farm Aero Ottima 7e RudolphMimma Dee EX-90-USA 7e Long-Haven Pizz-Farm Leadman VG-85-IT 2E 2yr.GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM H ighest of Queen Girl! F irst dtrdtr of Epic Hue to sell! The dtr of of thethis popular damAugust NH Massey Queen h outhighest for theGTPI Genomics heiferbull in the run! She is a Girl, sheout soldoffor EUR 67.000 sons She in AIwill until Balisto Epic Hue whichand soldhas forseveral $ 155,000. be date, fresh in including with GTPI +2711 / NM 939, SeptemberQueenboy of this year and looks incredible! She full hasbrother progenytotesting Queenby! outcross maternal line MOM from Hue a tremendous family, over 2600An GTPI already! Grand dam sold for $ cow 200.000 in Massey Beacon x Bolton in the backofofthe theDellia pedigree! the Salexof Stars 2012! Great branch EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 48. NH Consignor 08/15 08/15 QUEENSELECTION DE 0770224479 Geb. Datum. 12.01.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +794 +0.04 +0.02 41 30 2.74 +1.0 4.6 8.7 1.77 1.63 +1.61 476 2271 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +648 -0.16 -0.07 10 15 106 119 102 129 114 112 131 127 129 Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion (Parker x Beacon Queen) Buttighofer Beaon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Larcrest COMMANDER (Mogul x Observer x Ramos) Büttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.003kgM 4.4% 479F 3.8% 419P 343d 12.094kgM 4.3% 515F 3.8% 457P • #1 Beacon in Europa / #1 Beacon in Europe • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI • Mutter von NH Massey Queengirl, verkauft für EUR 67.000€ / Dam to NH Massey Queen Girl, sold for EUR 67.000 • Großmutter vom hohen #4 GTPI & NM Bullen Queenboy: 8/15 2711GTPI & 939NM / Gr. dam to the #4 huge GTPI & NM bull Queenboy: 8/15 GTPI +2711 & NM 939 • Mutter von Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion (V. Parker), hoher hornlos Bulle! / Dam to Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion (s. Parker), huge POLLED bull Eine spülfähige Queen NH Massey Queengirl (Massey x Beacon Queen) End-Road BEACON Sandy-Valley BOLTON Qualle 05 *TY VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 13.682kgM 4.7% 648F 3.6% 488P • Vollschwester zu Boateng & Borsati / Full sister to Boateng & Borsati • Ihre Großmutter ist die ehemalige #1 Index cow in Italien / Her 2nd dam is the former #1 Index cow in Italy Ein weiteres Mitglied der erfolgreichen Queen Familie! Die Mutter Beacon Queen ist die #1 GTPI Beacon und gleichzeitig auch die Mutter des hohen hornlos Bullen Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion und ebenfalls von NH Massey Queengirl, welche für 67.000€ verkauft wurde und die Mutter von Queenboy mit 2711 GTPI / 939 NM ist. Quality 17 VG-87-DE Conf. VG-87-DE La2 305d 14.058kgM 4.1% 582F 3.4% 482P • Vollschwester zu Colombiano @ Semenzoo & Omatido @ RUW/ Full sister to Colombiano @ Semenzoo & Omatido @ RUW • Nächste Mutter ist die ehemalige #1 Indexkuh in Italien / Next dam is the former #1 Index cow in Italy NEXT DAMS 4e New Farm Aaron Quantita EX-91-IT 5e New-Farm Aero Ottima EX-90-IT 6e Pizz-Farm Leadman Mimma VG-85-IT 2yr. The Queen cow family A member of the successful Queen cow family which has been so successful! Her dam Beacon Queen is the #1 GTPI Beacon and dam of the high polled bull Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion and to NH Massey Queen Girl, which sold for EUR 67.000 and is dam of Queenboy with GTPI +2711 / NM 939! 49. NH MISSOURI Consignor 08/15 08/15 QUEENBABE DE 0770224516 Geb. Datum. 03.04.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +840 -0.05 +0.02 17 31 2.73 +3.2 5.9 7.5 1.00 2.00 +1.68 521 2350 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1011 -0.31 -0.03 8 30 114 123 99 125 131 114 147 137 142 4. Mutter: New-Farm Quantita EX-91-IT Mutter: Buttighofer Beaon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust) Büttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.003kgM 4.4% 479F 3.8% 419P 343d 12.094kgM 4.3% 515F 3.8% 457P • #1 Beacon in Europa / #1 Beacon in Europe • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI • Mutter von NH Massey Queengirl, verkauft für EUR 67.000€ / Dam to NH Massey Queen Girl, sold for EUR 67.000 • Großmutter vom hohen #4 GTPI & NM Bullen Queenboy: 8/15 2711GTPI & 939NM / Gr. dam to the #4 huge GTPI & NM bull Queenboy: 8/15 GTPI +2711 & NM 939 • Mutter von Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion (V. Parker), hoher hornlos Bulle! / Dam to Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion (s. Parker), huge POLLED bull Die Queen Familie Mutter: Buttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-85-DE 2yr. End-Road BEACON Sandy-Valley BOLTON Qualle 05 *TY VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 13.682kgM 4.7% 648F 3.6% 488P • Vollschwester zu Boateng & Borsati / Full sister to Boateng & Borsati • Ihre Großmutter ist die ehemalige #1 Index cow in Italien / Her 2nd dam is the former #1 Index cow in Italy Ein Mitglied der mega erfolgreichen Queen Familie mit einem etwas anderen Pedigree. Sie ist eine Missouri x Beacon x Bolton. Ihre Mutter Beacon Queen ist die #1 GTPI Beacon Tochter und die Mutter des hohen hornlos Bullen Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion und die Mutter von NH Massey Queen Girl, welche für 67.000€ verkauft wurde und die Mutter von Queenboy ist, mit 2711 GTPI / 939 NM $! Quality 17 VG-87-DE Conf. VG-87-DE La2 305d 14.058kgM 4.1% 582F 3.4% 482P • Vollschwester zu Colombiano @ Semenzoo & Omatido @ RUW / Full sister to Colombiano @ Semenzoo & Omatido @ RUW • Nächste Mutter ist die ehemalige #1 Index kuh in Italien / Next dam is the former #1 Index cow in Italy NEXT DAMS 4e New Farm Aaron Quantita EX-91-IT 5e New-Farm Aero Ottima EX-90-IT 6e Pizz-Farm Leadman Mimma VG-85-IT 2yr. The Queen cow family A member of the successful Queen cow family with a different pedigree. She is a Missouri x Beacon x Bolton. Her dam Beacon Queen is the #1 GTPI Beacon and dam of the high polled bull Ipster P @ Genes Diffusion and to NH Massey Queen Girl, which sold for EUR 67.000 and is dam of Queenboy with GTPI +2711 / NM 939! S5 50. SAHARA MOGUL Consignor #4 GTPI calf in Europe! Highest heifer ever to be sold in Europe!! 08/15 08/15 DGV NL 884257473 Geb. Datum. 25.03.2015 Mts. Nijenhuis - N. Schaffers - Tel. +31 (0)6 23606896 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +2000 +0.01 +0.02 79 66 2.88 +2.7 8.0 6.8 1.28 1.23 +1.69 891 2718 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA R F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +2257 +0.21 +0.07 105 92 2.71 117 106 112 11 8 10 +11 3431 Nova-TMJ Golden Erin EX-90-USA Halbschwester zu 3. Mutter Grossmutter: Sahara Sky VG-88-UK La2. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Sahara Mogul Sky 3. Mutter: UFM-Dubs Sheray EX-90-USA Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Sahara Sky VG-88-UK Conf. 88FR 88DS 87MS 89FL / VG-88-UK Due: Oktober 2015 2.10 305d 9.232kgM 4.4% 406F 3.6% 335P La2 305d 10.318kgM 4.3% 444F 3.4% 351P • Kalbt diesen Herbst und sieht super aus! / Due this autumn and looks great! • Aus der äußerst erfolgreichen SHERAY Kuhfamilie, der Familie hinter vielen hoch platzierten Tieren! / From the ultra successful SHERAY cow family, family behind many top ranking animals! • Mogul Sohn @ Cogent / Mogul son @ Cogent • Mutter von Saloon @ Masterrind / Dam to Saloon @ Masterrind • Viele Söhne auf Station / Many sons in AI • Topseller Hessens Zukunft ‘11 für 57.000€EUR / Topseller Hessens Zukunft ‘11 for EUR 57.000 Eine einmalige Chance --- 2718 GTPI!! Dieses Kalb ist das höchste GTPI Rind welches jemals in Europa angeboten wurde! Sie ist die #4 nach GTPI mit 2718! Sie hat einen traumhaften Index mit >2000kg Milch, 66kg Eiweiß & super Fitnessmerkmalen! Auch das Pedigree ist perfekt, ihre Großmutter war mit 57.000 EUR der Topseller von Hessens Zukunft´11 und war eine sehr gute Investition für ihre Käufer mit vielen Bullen die aus ihr in die Besamung gegangen sind! Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) UFM-Dubs Sheray EX-90-USA DOM Conf. EX-90-USA EX-MS DOM 2.01 365d 11.195kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 408P 6.00 365d 14.406kgM 4.4% 1.343F 3.5% 1.085P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Hermy @ CRI, Shamaz @ Select, Major @ ABS & mehr NEXT DAMS 4e UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 5e UFM-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen EX-90-USA 7e UFM Antci Bell VG-87-USA 8e UFM Jax Antci VG-85-USA GMD DOM Highest heifer ever to be sold in Europe This heifer is the highest GTPI heifer ever to be sold in Europe! She is the #4 GTPI calf with GTPI +2718! She has a dream index with >2000 lbs milk, 66 lbs PROTEIN & super fitness traits combined!! Also her pedigree is one you will love, her grand dam topped the ZBH’s Hessens Zukunft in 2011 for EUR 57.000 and have been a great investment for her new owners with plenty of sons in AI!! S3 51. SAHARA MOGUL Consignor 08/15 08/15 DGV NL 884257341 Geb. Datum. 01.02.2015 Mts. Nijenhuis - N. Schaffers - Tel. +31 (0)6 23606896 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +597 +0.15 +0.03 63 28 2.90 +0.9 4.9 8.0 2.85 2.44 +2.88 583 2468 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA R F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +842 +0.50 +0.12 82 40 2.88 112 108 107 6 16 13 +16 3205 Nova-TMJ Damion Emblem EX-90-USA Halbschwester zu 3. Mutter Halbschwester zur 3. Mutter: Nova-TMJ Golden Erin EX-90-USA Morningview Mcc KINGBOY (McCutchen x Superstition) Sahara Mogul Sky Grossmutter: Sahara Sky VG-88-UK Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Sahara Sky VG-88-UK Conf. 88FR 88DS 87MS 89FL / VG-88-UK Due: Oktober 2015 2.10 305d 9.232kgM 4.4% 406F 3.6% 335P La2 305d 10.318kgM 4.3% 444F 3.4% 351P • Kalbt diesen Herbst und sieht super aus! / Due this autumn and looks great! • Aus der äußerst erfolgreichen SHERAY Kuhfamilie, der Familie hinter vielen hoch platzierten Tieren! / From the ultra successful SHERAY cow family, family behind many top ranking animals! • Mogul Sohn @ Cogent / Mogul son @ Cogent • Mutter von Saloon @ Masterrind / Dam to Saloon @ Masterrind • Viele Söhne auf Station / Many sons in AI • Topseller Hessens Zukunft ‘11 für 57.000€EUR / Topseller Hessens Zukunft ‘11 for EUR 57.000 Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) UFM-Dubs Sheray EX-90-USA DOM Conf. EX-90-USA EX-MS DOM 2.01 365d 11.195kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 408P 6.00 365d 14.406kgM 4.4% 1.343F 3.5% 1.085P • Mutter von: / Dam to: Hermy @ CRI, Shamaz @ Select, Major @ ABS & mehr NEXT DAMS 4e UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 5e UFM-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen EX-90-USA 7e UFM Antci Bell VG-87-USA 8e UFM Jax Antci VG-85-USA GMD DOM Die Power der Eroy Familie! Eine Tochter von einem der aktuellen Lieblingsbullen vieler Züchter, KINGBOY! Dieses Kalb ist eine Halbschwester zum #4 GTPI Kalb in Europa und hat auch selbst einen schönen Index, perfektes Alter ( Februar´15) kann schon bald gespült werden und eine sagenhafter Typ Zuchtwert mit fast 3 Punkten für PTAT in den USA und +16 DGV Conformation in Kanada! Aus den UFM-Dubs Eroy´s! Type power from the Eroy’s Daughter of the favourite bull of many, KINGBOY! Maternal sister to the #4 GTPI calf in Europe and a beautiful index hereself as well. Perfect age (February ‘15), soon ready to flush and a tremendous type index with almost 3 points in the USA and +16 DGV Conformation in Canada! From the UFM-Dubs Eroy’s! H 52. SUPERSIRE 23. WELCOME RZN EROIN Consignor Prod. Conf. USA | 80K Milk #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 LISBETH DE 0537307473 Geb. Datum. 21.03.2013 0666519828 Geb. 26-07-2014 Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0) 15112121766 - Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] 1. test: 42,8kgM 3.83%F 3.31%P | 2. test: 44,8kgM 5.30%F 3.83%P 87 %F 86 84 86%E / VG-86-DE Fat 2yr.Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT 08/14 +2346 %F -0.07 Milk DE08/15 Milk %F +1094 +0.16 08/14 +2323 -0.25 The #7 GTPI Cow in Europe! -0.04 %E %E +0.04 -0.13 67 Fat Fat 84 66 61 Eiw Eiw 44 64 2.85 SCS RZM 2.96 134 -0.5 DPR RZS +1.6 113 2.6 PL RZD 6.5 105 8.3 FLC 1.94 SCE RZN RZR 7.8 1.76 124 99 1.89 UDC FL 1.10 113 +2.69 PTAT UDD. +1.99 121 VG-86-DE 2yr. NM GTPI 559 NM RZE 737 124 2179 GTPI RZG 2547 144 Welcome Magna Lone Cookiecutter MOM HueEX-91-USA VG-88-CANGMD 2yr.DOM Welcome Supersire Lisbeth VG-86-DE Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr.2yr. | She Sells! Seagull-Bay De-Su 11236SUPERSIRE BALISTO (Robust (BookemxxPlanet) Watson) Welcome RusselEpic Lisbeth Lookout Pesce Hue VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. 2yr. / Due September A termeVG-87-USA fin Septembre Production will follow, see sale update LOOKS GREAT! • Großmutter von Kellercrest Kingbo Lundy @ Accelerated Genetics, 8/15 / • Une des meilleures filles dePTAT Epic +2.88 de la Race, GTPI +2601 Grand to Kellercrest +2354 GTPI //One of dam the best Epic daughter Kingbo LundyGTPI+2354 @ Accelerated Genetics, World Wide, 8/15 PTAT GTPI 57644, +2601 GTPI+2606 • Mère de Ms+2.88 Hue /Tango • /Großmutter / Grand LEARY @ ABS NM +910 ! von / Dam to Msdam Hue to Tango 57644, (s. Monterey), GTPI+2606 / NM8/15 +910PTAT ! +2.99 / GTPI +2670 • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! E Kuh!!to sell! Furopa´s irst dtr#7 of GTPI Epic Hue Welcome Russel Lisbeth VG-87-USA 2yr. Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Brigeen RUSSEL Genervations EPIC Emerald-Acr-Sa T BAXTER Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Welcome Baxter Laila Cookiecutter MOM HueEX-91-USA TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. TB-88-CAN EX-91-USA 2a TB-88 MA 1.10 14.4003kgM 3.5%484G 487F3.7%P 3.3% 458P 2.04 365d 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 421P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Die #7 for GTPI Cow (> 2 Jahre inheifer 8/15) wird verkauft! ausbalanh out the Genomics of alt this in the AugustSuper run! She is a cierter imEpic PaketHue mitwhich einemsold exklusivem Pedigree!She Lisbeth vor in BalistoIndex out of for $ 155,000. will hat be fresh kurzem gekalbt und year siehtand superlooks aus, incredible! sie ist eingstuft 2yr.,testing ihre September of this She mit hasVG-86 progeny Mutter ist eine Kuh mit einem Outcross Pedigree x Baxter)insie over 2600 GTPItolle already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold(Russel for $ 200.000 züchtet Ihre hohen sindEX-95 Leary cow und Lundy! the Saleaußergewöhnlich! of Stars 2012! Great branchEnkelsöhne of the Dellia family, Tiefe von Welcome-Stock Holsteins den USAand mitmany 5 Generationen whichFamilie delivered bulls like Durham, Iota,in Halogen others! EXCELLENT im Pedigree! Welcome Oman Lady EX-91-USA DOM DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA DOM 2.00 15.463kgM4.9%G 3.5% 538F 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.4% 3.5%P524P 409P 4.07 365d 17.604kgM 3.6% 632F 3.5% 624P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, NEXT DAMS Iota, Durham… 4e Welcome Magna Lone EX-91-USA GMD DOM 5e Welcome Jeff Lonnis EX-91-USA 2E GMD 6e Welcome Luke Loretta VG-88-USA 2yr. 7e Welcome NEXT DAMS Bellman Lace VG-88-USA 3yr. 8e Blackstar Lass VG-88-USA 2yr. GMD 4e Welcome Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM DOM 9e Mark Lacey EX-91-USA 5e Welcome Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET GMD EX-90DOM GMD DOM 10e Welcome Pete Lacey VG-85-USA 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USAGMD 5yr.DOM GMD DOM 11e Welcome Apache LilacDee VG-87-USA 7e Long-Haven Rudolph EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM E Furope’s irst dtr#7 of GTPI Epic cow!! Hue to sell! The #7for GTPI (>2 yrs old in 8/15) sells! Super balanced h out thecow Genomics of this heifer in the August run!index She with is a everything package and ansold exclusive fresh andin Balisto outinofthe Epic Hue which for $ pedigree! 155,000. Lisbeth She willisbe fresh looks great, of already scoredand VG-86 2yr.incredible! and is producing huge! Her dam is September this year looks She has progeny testing aover beautiful a different (Russel Baxter) has bred 2600 cow GTPIwith already! Grandpedigree dam MOM Hue xsold for $and 200.000 in fantastic, herStars high2012! grand sons andofLundy! Deep family Welthe Sale of GreatLeary branch the Dellia EX-95 from cow family, come-Stock Holsteins, 5 EXCELLENT generations the others! pedigree! which delivered bullsUSA like with Durham, Iota, Halogen and in many 53. WILT A ISHA - FRESH Consignor FR 6770877691 Geb. Datum. 15.03.2013 Gaec Wilt - Tel. +33 (0)616111949 - Email. [email protected] Prod. Conf. 1st test: 34.4kgM 3.6%F 3.4%P Not classified yet - see sale update Dam: Tiergarten Damion Emeraude VG-87-FR Mars YORICK (Atwood x Shottle) Tiergarten Damion Emeraude VG-87-FR Conf. VG-87-FR VG-89-MS 5yr. 2.08 305d 7.148kgM 4.1% 293F 3.1% 222P 4.01 305d 10.128kgM 3.8% 382F 3.2% 324P 5.01 305d 10.935kgM 3.7% 400F 3.1% 339P Erbacres DAMION Comestar Leader (STARLEADER) Skiper VG-87-FR Conf. VG-87-FR VG-89-MS Magicienne 3.06 305d 5.625kgM 4.3% 242F 3.2% 180P 7.10 384d 7.998kgM 4.9% 392F 3.0% 240P • Int. Champion Bas Rhin & Best Udder ‘13 • Res. Grand Champion Bas Rhin ‘14 Abgekalbte Yorick x Damion! Ihre Chance eine tolle frisch abgekalbte junge Kuh zu kaufen: Wilt Aisha! Sie ist eine Tochter des ulta populären Typvererbers Mars Yorrick, welcher gerade mit seinen ersten Töchtern in Milch beeindruckt. Ihre Mutter, Damion Emeraude, ist eine bekannte Schausiegerin. Dahinter kommt eine Starleader Tochter aus einer französischen Kuhfamilie. Fresh Yorick x Damion! Buy a beautiful young cow with Wilt Aisha! A fresh dtr of the great type bull Yorick which impress now with his fantastic milking daughters. She is from a show winner, Damion Emeraude, followed by a Starleader dtr from a French cow family. 54. JADORE FR 6770930229 Geb. Datum. 01.01.2014 Consignor Daniel Schwartz - Tel. +33 (0)698619557 - Email. [email protected] Bel: / Insemination date: 27.03.2015 with Silverridge Wickham Mutter: NH Sharontime VG-85-DE 2yr. Grossmutter: Willsbro Million Sharon VG-89-DE 3yr. De-Su Bkm MC CUTCHEN (Bookem x Shottle) NH Sharontime VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. La1 305d 8.386kgM 4.6% 386F 3.4% 285P Just fresh in 2nd lactation 7. Mutter: Condon Aero Sharon EX-91-UK Wabash-Way EXPLODE Willsbro Million Sharon VG-89-DE 3yr. Conf. VG-89-DE 3yr. 2.03 305d 10.055kgM 4.4% 442F 3.4% 344P • Eine der besten Million Töchter der Rasse / One of the greatest Million dtrs in the breed • Mc Cutchen Sohn @ Genes Diffusion / Mc Cuchten son @ Genes Diffusion • Gerade zum zweiten mal gekalbt, wird höher eingestuft! / Just in 2nd lactation and will go up in score! • Die Condon Aero Sharon Familie, Mutter von SHOTTLE / The Condon Aero Sharon family, dam of SHOTTLE Shottle´s Kuhfamilie! England-Ammon MILLION Jadore ist eine schöne Mc Cutchen Tochter welche im Dezember diesen Jahres mit Wickham kalbt, ihr Vollbruder steht bei Genes Diffusion. Sie kommt aus einer extrem tiefen und sicheren Kuhfamilie, der Familie von Condon Aero Sharon EX-91-UK, der höchsten Sterne Zuchtkuh aus England und natürlich ist sie die Mutter der Legende Picston Shottle! Smiddiehill Goldwyn Sharon VG-88-UK EX-MS 2yr. Conf. 88FR 87DS 90MS 88FL / VG-88-UK 2yr. 2.03 305d 14.071kgM 3.7% 522F 3.0% 413P 5.11 305d 10.069kgM 3.9% 393F 2.9% 295P • Champion & Best Udder Jr. Heifer in Milk National Show ‘09 NEXT DAMS 4e Picston Silky Shula 16 EX-91-UK EX-92-MS 5e Picston Ked Shula 3 EX-90-UK EX-91-MS 6e Picston Prelude Shula VG-85-UK 6* 7e Condon Aero Sharon EX-91-UK 60* 8e Condon Inspiration Sally VG-87-CAN 9e Condon Commissioner Sally VG-85-CAN 1* 10e Condon Ormsby Sally VG-85-CAN 11e Condon Texal Lass VG-CAN 3* Shottle’s cow family! Daughter of Mc Cutchen which will calf in December of this year by Wickham, she has a full brother @ Genes Diffusion and comes from a deep cow family going back on the highest star brood cow from the UK, Condon Aero Sharon EX-91-UK, off course the dam as well of the legendary Picston Shottle! J H 55. 23. RZNETTE NC EROIN Consignor - FRESH DE 0538022651 Geb. Datum. 14.07.2015 0666519828 26-07-2014 J. Hennecke - Tel. +49 (0)2953 [email protected] RZH Holstein&- H. Tel.Hesse +49 (0)123123123 - Email. Prod. test: 40kg day Eiw USA | 80K Milk 2nd%F %E Milk /Fat SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT Conf. Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh - see sale update 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NM GTPI 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 3. Mutter: Benner Joyce VG-85-CAN 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Outside Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Vollschwester zum Hue Grossmutter: Benner Cookiecutter MOM VG-88-CAN 2yr. Goldwyn Jamarco VG-87-CAN Sully MERIDIAN De-SuHart 11236 BALISTO (Domain (Bookem xx Planet) Watson) Janet VG-89-DE Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. 89fin 89 Septembre 87 90 / VG-89-DE La3. A terme / Due September La1 305d 10.836kgM 4.2% 455F 3.6% 390P LOOKS GREAT! HL2 305d 12.800kgM 4.5% 573F 3.6% 426P • Dieselbe Familie wie: / Same family Une des meilleures filles de Epic deas laDG Race, Bolton GTPI Class,/ Res. & Res. Best +2354 One Grand of the Champion best Epic daughter Udder Swiss GTPI+2354 Expo 2013 World Wide, • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Grossmutter: JoyDellia EX-91-DE Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA Macomber O-Man Genervations EPICBOGART Joy EX-91-DE MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Cookiecutter Conf. 94 93 90 912a/ TB-88 EX-91-DE TB-88-CAN MA La4. 4/2LA 305d 12.027kgM 4.6%484G 551F3.7%P 3.4% 410P 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 421P HL3 305d 12.597kgM 4.7% 591F 3.4% 428P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Dieselbe Familie Stars 2012 / Soldwie for Jebadiah $ 200,000@ in Semex the Sale/ Same family as Jebadiah @ Semex of Stars 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! D ie Benner LukeHue Jean-Familie F irst dtr of Epic to sell! Melkende Meridian, dessen Töchter weltweit beeindrucken. h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! SheDiese is a Färse Kuhfamilie vonShe Benner Balistostammt out of aus Epiceiner Hue sehr whichtiefen sold for $ 155,000. will Holsteins, be fresh in Kanada. DasofPedigree auf BennerShe Lukehas Jean VG-85,testing September this yeargeht andzurück looks incredible! progeny die Zuchtkuh und Stammkuh hinter sehr for erfolgreichen over23* 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOMeiner Hue sold $ 200.000 in Kuhfamilie, welche zahlreiche geprüfte geliefert the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of Bullen the Dellia EX-95hat, cowdarunter family, Jebadiah bei SEMEX. which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Braedale GOLDWYN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Benner Outside Joyce VG-85-CAN 2yr. DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA Conf. VG-85-CAN EX-91-USA 2yr. 2.08 16.124kgM4.9%G 4.1%F564G 656F 3.5%P 3.4% 542P 2.04 365d 305j 11.603kgL 409P • Söhne Semex, Alta & / Fille debei Shottle / Sired byGenervations Shottle Sons Semex,Dellia Alta &comme Genervations • De la at famille de nombreux • taureaux, 1 EX & 9 VG dtrs in Iota, Kanada Halogen, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS 4e Benner Aeroline Jemima VG-86-CAN 13* 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Benner Luke Jean VG-85-CAN 2yr. 23* 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Benner Grand Julia VG-87-USA 2* 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Benner Blackstar Janet VG-89-CAN 11* 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Caroldale Warden Josey VG-88-CAN 8* 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM T LukeHue Jean’s! Fhe irstBenner dtr of Epic to sell! Fresh of Meridian which daughters are making h out daughter for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! lots She of is a impression from a very family Balisto out around of Epic the Hueworld. which She soldcomes for $ 155,000. Shedeep will cow be fresh in from BennerofHolsteins, Canada. back on Benner Luke Jean September this year and looksGoing incredible! She has progeny testing VG-85, theGTPI 23* brood cow and dam the foundation behind successfulin over 2600 already! Grand MOM Hue sold for $a 200.000 breeding family proven siresDellia like Jebediah @family, Semex the Sale of Starswhich 2012!delivered Great branch of the EX-95 cow and more! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 56. PEAK Consignor The #1 GTPI Yoder dtr in Europe! RZG: see update 08/15 08/15 DGV EXOTIC YODER 8640 NL 751486401 Geb. Datum. 26.05.2015 PEAK Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)6 51533489 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1466 +0.14 +0.04 93 55 2.88 +1.4 6.6 6.8 1.31 1.80 +2.13 839 2675 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA R F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1858 +0.48 +0.14 117 76 2.84 111 108 106 6 7 9 +10 3304 Grossmutter: Nova Shottle Evelyn VG-87-USA 2yr. Mutter: Miller-Ff Ssire Exotic VG-86-USA 2yr. Woodcrest Mogul YODER (Mogul x Planet) - Not available in Europe Miller-Ff Ssire Exotic VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. V V V + V / VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.02 2x 86d 3.047kgM 3.8%F 3.0%P (Inc.) 3. Mutter: Nova-TMJ Golden Edie VG-87-USA 2yr. Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Picston SHOTTLE Nova Shottle Evelyn VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 3yr. 2.01 365d 15.372kgM 3.6%F 555F 3.6%E 549E • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI • Eine der höchsten GTPI Kühe in den USA / One of the highest GTPI Cows in the USA • Mutter von AltaKermit (V. Kingboy) mit GTPI +2735!! / Dam to AltaKermit (s. Kingboy) with GTPI +2735!! • Mutter von Peak Exotic Dancer (V. Alta Spring) #2 GTPI der Rasse: GTPI +2820!! / Dam to Peak Exotic Dancer (s. AltaSpring) #2 GTPI in the breed: GTPI +2820!! • Silver Tochter in den Top 10 Silver weltweit mit +2734 GTPI! / Silver dtr is Top 10 Silver World Wide with GTPI +2734! #1 GTPI Yoder in Europa! Was für eine Möglichkeit!! Die #1 GTPI Tochter, des in Europa nicht verfügbaren YODER´S wird verkauft! Toller Index, hohe Inhaltsstoffe, super Fitnessmerkmale, >2 Typ, und 2675 GTPI! Die Mutter ist eine der sich am besten vererbenden Kühe der Welt, Mutter von AltaKermit (V.Kingboy) mit 2735 GTPI, und ebenfalls die Mutter des #2 GTPI Kalbes der Welt mit 2820 GTPI! Nova-TMJ Golden Edie VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. 2.04 365d 13.712kgM 4.8% 655F 3.4% 470P • Vollschwester zu Goldroy @ Select / Full sister to Goldroy @ Select NEXT DAMS 4e UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 5e UFM-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen EX-90-USA 7e UFM Antci Bell VG-87-USA 8e UFM Jax Antci VG-85-USA GMD DOM #1 GTPI Yoder in Europe! Great opportunity for Europe, #1 GTPI dtr in Europe of the not available YODER! Tremendous index, high components, super fitness, >2 points type and GTPI +2675!! Her dam is one of the top transmitters World Wide, dam of Kermit (s. Kingboy) with GTPI +2735, to the #2 GTPI heifer World Wide with GTPI +2820 and many others! 57. NH ANDERSTRUP KB Consignor DE 0770224499 Geb. Datum. 15.03.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] & Anderstrup Holsteins - Tel. +45 (0)61181631 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 08/15 EVELYN %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +874 +0.03 -0.03 40 23 2.63 +3.6 7.0 7.5 1.41 1.98 +2.21 874 2461 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +458 -0.01 -0.08 17 8 103 125 110 131 127 110 128 126 126 Grossmutter: Nova Shottle Evelyn VG-87-USA 2yr. NH Anderstrup KB Evelyn | SHE SELLS! Morningview Mcc KINGBOY (Mc Cutchen x Superstition) 3. Mutter: Nova-TMJ Golden Edie VG-87-USA 2yr. Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Picston SHOTTLE Supersire Evelina Nova Shottle Evelyn VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. Due: November 2015 2.00 365d 15.554kgM 4.4% 575F 3.7% 475P • Top 15 GTPI Kuh in Europa! / Top 15 GTPI Cow in Europe! • Verkauft für EUR 27.000€ auf dem Drakkar Sale´13 / Sold for EUR 27.000, Vente Drakkar ‘13 • Vollschwester zu Miller-Ff Ssire Exotic, Mutter des #2 GTPI Kalbes der Welt, Peak Exotic Dancer mit 2820 GTPI / Full sister to Miller-Ff Ssire Exotic, dam to the #2 GTPI heifer in the World, Peak Exotic Dancer with GTPI +2820 • Mehrer Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI Kingboy aus den Eroy´s! Jeder liebt die Kingboy Töchter! Hier ist ihre Chance auf eine bereits im März geborene Kingboy aus den Eroys! Ihre Mutter Evelina wurde auf dem Drakkar Sale´13 für 27.000€ verkauft und ist die Vollschwester zur Mutter des #2 GTPI Kalbes der Welt mit 2820 GTPI! Typ & Index kombiniert mit der tollen Eroy Familie! Nova-TMJ Golden Edie VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. DOM 2.04 365d 13.712kgM 4.8% 655F 3.4% 470P NEXT DAMS 4e UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 5e UFM-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e UFM-Dubs Patron Ellen EX-90-USA 7e UFM Antci Bell VG-87-USA 8e UFM Jax Antci VG-85-USA GMD DOM Kingboy from the Eroy’s! Everybody loves the Kingboy daughters! Here a March ‘15 born Kingboy from the Eroy cow family! Her dam Evelina was the 2nd highest seller at the Vente Drakkar ‘13 for EUR 27.000 and her full sister is dam of the #2 GTPI heifer World Wide with GTPI +2820! Type & index combined of the super Eroy cow family. 58. NH GOLDFEVER VG-88-DE 3yr. Consignor DE 0769757324 Geb. Datum. 23.01.2012 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Prod. Conf. LA14/06 305d 9.709kgM 3.6% 347F 3.5% 340P LA2. 149d 6.665kgM 3.2%F 3.1%P 89 88 88 88 / VG-88-DE 3yr. t VG-88-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS Joylan Durham Glora EX-93-UK | Same family NH Goldfever VG-88-DE 2yr. | SHE SELLS Cracholm FEVER (Goldwyn x Blitz) Niagara VG-88-DE Conf. 88 88 87 88 / VG-88-DE 4/3LA 305d 10.323kgm 4.2% 424F 3.5% 358P HL2 305d 10.583kgM 4.2% 448F 3.6% 376P To-Mar Durham FORTUNE Tir-An Shottle Goldmine EX-92-DK Conf. EX-92-DK LA08/05 305d 10.146kgM 4.4% 447F 3.3% 330P • Res. Champion National Show Denmark ‘08 • Tolle Herdenkuh, 4 Laktation im Schnitt >10.000 kg / Great herd cow, 4 lactations avg >10.000 kg • Ursprünglich Kanadische Familie welche postive Bullen ( u.a. Bonatus), hohe Indexkühe und großartige Schaukühe liefert! / Candian cow family from origin which produced popular sires (like Bonatus), high index cows, great show cows and super herd cows! Großartige Schaukuh aus der Gold Familie Eine tolle Schaukuh wird verkauft, bereits mit VG-88 3yr eingestuft, aus der Goldina Familie stammend welche kanadischen Ursprung hat. Eine Familie welche positive Bullen wie Bonatus, hohe Indexkühe wie zum Beispiel ihre 3. Mutter Goldstück (ehemalige #1 RZG Kuh in Deutschland) und überragende Schaukühe hervorgebracht hat, selbe Familie wie Joylan Durham Glora EX-93 in England Und viele weitere! Picston SHOTTLE Goldstuck VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 12.915kgM 4.6% 598F 3.7% 479P • Ehemalige #1 Indexkuh in Deutschland / Former #1 index cow in Germany • Eine der gefragtesten BullenMutter ihrer Generation / One of the most popular bull dams of her generation NEXT DAMS 4e Goldmarie VG-89-DE 5e Goldina VG-88-DE 6e Gondola EX-90-DE 7e Glorinette EX-92-DE 8e Donovan Sheik Gloriette EX-94-UK 9e Donvan Western Glory VG-CAN Big time show cow from the Gold family A big time show cow sells, scored VG-88 already, from the Goldina cow family with Canadian roots!! A family which produced proven sires like Bonatus, high index cows like her 3rd dam Goldstuck (former #1 RZG cow in Germany) and great show cows, same family as Joylan Durham Glora EX-93 from the UK and many more! 59. 23. AMH RZN Consignor #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 REROIN UTH *P H LUX 99359750 Geb. Datum. 25.04.2015 DE 0666519828 26-07-2014 Antimonium Tel. +352 (0)691663212 - Email. [email protected] RZH HolsteinHolsteins - Tel. +49- (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] %F %F USA | 80K Milk Milk Fat Fat Eiw Eiw SCS RZM DPR RZS PL RZK SCE RZN FLC RZR UDC FL PTAT UDD. NM RZE GTPI RZG 08/14 08/15 DE +2346 +1073 -0.07 +0.00 -0.04 +0.14 67 43 Milk %F %E Fat 61 51 Eiw 2.85 131 RZM -0.5 103 2.6 111 RZS RZD 8.3 114 1.94 120 RZN RZR 1.89 113 FL +2.69 102 UDD. 559 112 RZE 2179 139 RZG 08/14 +2323 64 134 113 124 113 121 124 144 -0.25 %E %E -0.13 66 105 99 Grossmutter:MOM AMHHue Romara EX-90-LUX Cookiecutter VG-88-CAN 2yr. Grossmutter: MH Romara EX-90-LUX2yr. & AMH Rhonda Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN Kerndtway ERASER-P De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Earnhardt Observer) (Bookem x xWatson) AMH Rev Pesce 1132 Epic VG-85-DE Lookout Hue 2yr. Conf. VG-MS/2yr. A termeVG-85-DE fin Septembre Due September La1 290d 7.829kgM 3.3% 255F 3.2% 247P LOOKS GREAT! • Mütterliche Halbschwester zu AMH Rhonda / Maternal sister to filles AMH Rhonda • Une des meilleures de Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Snow-N Denisesvon: Dellia EX-95-USA Halbschwester AMH Rhonda De-Su 521 BOOKEM Genervations EPIC O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-MAN) Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN AMH Romara EX-90-LUX Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-90-LUX TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA HL3 305d 14.656kgM 3.7%484G 537F3.7%P 3.1% 452P 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 421P 4/4La 305d 11.941kgM 3.8% 449F 3.2% 381P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • EXCELLENTE / EXCELLENT Stars 2012 /Oman Sold for $ 200,000Oman in the Sale of Stars 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! H ornlos der Romara-Familie F irst dtraus of Epic Hue to sell! Interessantes Mitglied der Romara-Familie Luxemburg. h out for the Genomics of this heifer in theaus August run! SheEraser is a x Bookem x OofMan x Mandel. Tiefe Kuhfamilie Flam-in Balisto out Epicx Rembrandt Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She willvon be fresh mang aus Luxemburg. September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! AMH Rosaly 744 VG-86-LUX EX-91-USA DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood Conf. VG-86-LUX EX-91-USA 2.00 8.541kgM 3.9% 282P 2.04 305d 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G336F 564G3.3% 3.5%P 409P • Sire: Rembrandt Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e AMH Ria 600 GP-83-LUX (s. Mandel) NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM P olled the Hue Romara family F irst dtrfrom of Epic to sell! Interesting of of thethis Romara Luxembourg! h out for themember Genomics heiferfamily in thefrom August run! She isEraser a xBalisto Bookem Oman Rembrandt x Mandel! Deep cow family from outx of EpicxHue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in Flammang in this Luxembourg. September of year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! M ILA C 60. SILVER 23. WILDER DG OLLY *P *RC Consignor DE Geb. Datum. 30.07.2015 NL 0538957443 920078732 14.06.2014 Wilder Holsteins (0)16090134223 - Email. [email protected] Diamond Genetics- Tel. (NL)+49 & Cormdale (CAN) - Tel. +31 (0)84606922 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk Milk %F %F 08/15 09/14 +0.18 +0.00 +0.03 +0.04 91 19 +1784 +499 %E %E Fat Fat Eiw Eiw RZM SCS RZS DPR RZD PL RZN SCE RZR FLC 63 26 145 2.70 111 +2.0 110 4.6 130 8.6 FL UDC UDD. PTAT RZE NM RZG GTPI 114 1.21 131 2.44 130 +2.17 132 507 163 2054 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG Eine der höchsten Silver-Töchter der Rasse nach gRZG! / One of the highest RZG Silver dtrs in the breed! 08/14 +832 -0.02 +0.05 32 33 Sie 113 114/ American 129 131 100be back 131 before 118the sale, 137 see US-Zuchtwerte kommen vor der Auktion, beachten das Sale117 Update result will Cherry Crest Black Heat EX-91-CAN Wilder Meta *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. Grand dtr of Goldwyn Maja Grossmutter: Wilder 75 VG-86-DE Cherry Crest Coal *RCMerci *P VG-85-CAN 2yr.2yr. Seagull-Bay SILVER Lookout Pesce HUNGER (Mogul x Snowman) (Shamrock x Man-O-Man) Wilder Miley Colt Coal *RC *PO VG-85-CAN 2yr. Cherry Chrest Conf. 85R 86DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. Due: December 2015 2.01 (Proj) 8.516kgM 3.9%F 328F 3.3%E 282E • Hunger dtr sold to Blondin Holsteins / Hunger dtr sold to Blondin Holsteins Cherry Crest Sizzling Red Hot EX-91-CAN Bacchus PICANTO Sandy-Valley COLT P-RED Wilder Merci Black 75 VG-86-DE 2yr. Cherry Crest Heat EX-91-CAN Conf. 90R 87 87 84 91MS 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. 91DS 94FL / EX-91-CAN 1* La1 320F 3.1% 330P 2.05305d 305d10.817kgM 9.339kgM3.0% 4.2%F 396F 3.6%E 340E 3.08 305d 10.428kgM 4.3%F 444F 3.5%E 365E •5.04 Perfect Sohn @ RUW735F & Aikman-Sohn 305dAiko 15.634kgM 4.7%F 3.3%E 523E in Italien in der Besamung / Perfect son @ RUW‘12 & an Aikman • 3rd 5-Yr. Aiko Old Lotbiniere sonInt. in AI in Glengarry Italy • 1t Calf ‘07 O-Bee KRUSADER Braedale GOLDWYN Wilder Goldwyn Maja Red EX-90-DE Cherry Crest Sizzling Hot EX-91-CAN Conf. 93 88 89 / EX-90-DE 91R9193DS 90MS 91FL / EX-91-CAN 3* 5/5La 305d10.933kgM 13.025kgM3.6%F 3.6% 394F 467F 3.2%E 3.2% 416P 2.05 305d 352E HL3 305d11.722kgM 14.666kgM3.7%F 3.5% 519F 3.09 305d 432F 3.1% 3.3%E451P 387E • Weiterhin in Produktion / Still in production HM. All-American R&W ‘04 • Großartige / Great 2nd @interZuchtkuh Calf QC Int. R&Wbrood ‘03 cow NEXT DAMS 4e Wilder Morty Mia VG-88-DE (Morty x Cadon) NEXT DAMS 4e Primevalley Astre Lulu *RC VG-88-CAN 6yr. 5e Andryan Stratos-Raisa-Red GP-CAN 3yr. 6e Albrecht Regina-Red EX-USA 1* 7e Val Brillant Rina-Red VG-85-CAN 4yr. 8e Val Brillant Tina Supreme VG-86-CAN 4yr. S 163 gRZG Pilver olledmit Hunger Eine der höchsten mit 163 sold gRZGtound >130 RZE! A Polled & RC dtr Silver-Töchter of Hunger, fullüberhaupt sister in Canada Blondin Sehr komplettes ohne Fehler, hohedam Leistung Holsteins. From Zuchtwertprofil a deep Canadian family. Grand Cherry(>1.700 Crest kg Milch), positive Fintessmerkmale und sehr gutes Exterieur. Zudem Black Heat EX-91-CAN was successful in the show ring and 3rd ein dam sehr interessante Bullenfolge Silver x Picanto x Krusader Sizzling EX-91-CAN was HM. mit All-American in 2004! Specialgefolgt polledvon der erfolgreichen Zuchtkuh Wilder Goldwyn Maja, EX bewertet, immer pedigre opportunity. noch in Produktion und die Stammkuh einer einflussreichen Kuhfamilie. G 163Hunger Silver dtr! PZGolled One of the Silverfull dtrssister in the with and A Polled & highest RC dtr ofRZG Hunger, in breed Canada sold163 to RZG Blondin >130 for RZE! A asuper profile any holes, Holsteins. From deepcomplete Canadianindex family. Grandwithout dam Cherry Crest she has huge kg milk),in positive fitness anddam high Black Heatproduction EX-91-CAN(>1700 was successful the show ring traits and 3rd type! SheEX-91-CAN has an interesting sire stack as ainSilver Picantopolled x KrusadSizzling was HM. All-American 2004!x Special er followed by the successful brood cow Wilder Goldwyn Maja, which pedigre opportunity. is Excellent, still alive and the foundation of a influantial cow family. 61. ARUMS Consignor #1 GTPI POLLED without Powerball & Lawn Boy in Europe!! 08/15 08/15 DGV KALINKA *PO BE 212298273 Geb. Datum. 08.02.2015 Arums Holsteins - Tel. +32 (0)9 3777333 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +799 +0.22 +0.04 89 35 2.88 -0.1 3.2 6.9 2.04 1.08 +1.60 605 2380 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1220 +0.62 +0.13 109 55 2.82 109 105 103 5 11 5 +8 3028 Mutter: KNS Mogul Missile *PO VG-87-BE 2yr. Arums Kalinka *PO | SHE SELLS! Butz-Hill MEGASIRE (Supersire x Man-O-Man) KNS Mogul Missile *PO VG-87-BE 2yr. Conf. 89FR 86DS 85MS 87FL / VG-87-BE 2yr. 2.05 (Proj) 305d 9.312kgM 4.0%F 3.4%P • Eines der höchsten hornlos Rinder ihrer Generation / One of the highest Polled females from her generation • Einzigartige Quelle für die Honrloszucht / Unique source for the Polled breeding • Für 22.000€EUR auf dem Eurogenes Online Sale´13 verkauft / Sold for EUR 22.000, EG Online Sale ‘13 • KEIN Lawn Boy im Pedigree / NO Lawn Boy in the pedigree #1 HORNLOS Outcross!! Grossmutter: SHB Mrs Poll *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Regancrest-MR Drham SAM SHB Mrs Poll *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.389kgM 4.4% 505F 3.6% 414P • Eine der intressantesten hornlos Tiere der Rasse / One of the most interesting Polled cows in the breed • Mutter von Latopp PP-Red in Deutschland / Dam to Latopp PP-Red in Germany Super exklusive Möglichkeit, Europas höchstes GTPI HORNLOS Rind ohne Lawn Boy oder Powerball im Pedigree! Megasire x Mogul x Mr. Sam!!! Sie selbst ist ein wunderschönes Kalb und stammt aus einer der intressantesten Hornlosquellen der Welt, SHB Mrs. Poll, welche die Großmutter ist. Die Mutter selbst wurde für 22.000€EUR verkauft, hat gerade gekalbt und ist bereits VG-87 als Färse eingestuft! Wulfstock Mabelpoll *PO VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. HL 3 13.832kgM 3.9% 532F 3.3% 450P 4/4 LA 12.418kgM 3.7% 461F 3.3% 414P • Aus der großartigen Blackstar Mabel Kuhfamilie / From the great Blackstar Mabel cow family NEXT DAMS 4e Wulfstock Maracuja VG-85-DE 2yr. 5e Luke Mabelle VG-88-DE 2yr. 6e Mabelle VG-88-DE 7e Marien VG-89-DE 8e Mati VG-88-DE #1 Polled outcross!! Very special polled opportunity, Europe’s highest GTPI Polled heifer without Lawn Boy or Powerball in the pedigree! UNIQUE: POLLED Megasire x Mogul x Mr. Sam!!! She is a beautiful calf hereself and from one of the most interesting polled sources in the World, SHB Mrs. Poll, which is her grand dam. Her dam sold for EUR 22.000, is fresh now and scored already VG-87 as a 2yr. old! ASHER HD EROIN 62. 23. HS RZNDG #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NL Geb. Datum. 25.12.2014 DE 766351501 0666519828 26-07-2014 Consignor Diamond Genetics Tel. (0)123123123 +31 (0)38 460 -6922 - Email. [email protected] & RZH Holstein - Tel.- +49 Email. [email protected] Hul-Stein - Tel. +31 (0)5 14582453 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 08/15 +539 +0.26 +0.08 90 37 2.91 +1.9 4.0 8.4 0.97 0.90 +1.32 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 08/15 +958 +0.44 +0.11 83 44 133 108 113 131 123 122 118 NM NM 559 633 RZE RZE 124 126 GTPI GTPI 2179 2420 RZG RZG 144 153 Gr. Mutter: Heidenskipster Goldwyn Destiny VG-86-NL Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 4. Mutter: Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Mr Moviestar GRAS De-Su 11236 MARDI BALISTO (Mogul (Bookemx Planet) x Watson) Heidenskipster Uno Hue Disa VG-85-NL 2yr. Lookout Pesce Epic Conf. VG-85-NL VG-86-MS 2yr.September A terme fin Septembre / Due See saleGREAT! update LOOKS • Halbbruder zu BAKOMBRE @ Masterrind / Maternal sister to BAKOMBRE Masterrind • Une des meilleures filles de @ Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Maternal brotherDellia to dam: BAKOMBRE @ Masterrind Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA Amighetti NUMERO Genervations EPIC UNO Braedale GOLDWYN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Heidenskipster Goldwyn Destiny VG-86-NL Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. VG-86-NL TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA 2.06 11.625kgM4.2%G 3.3% 387F 2.04 305d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.4% 3.7%P400P 421P • Vollschwester von Danillo & Goldday Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale/ of Full Starssister 2012to/Danillo Sold for&$Goldday 200,000 in the Sale • Mutter Bakombre @ Masterrind, of Starsvon 2012 ehemaliger Bulle in Deutschland / • Hue est une#6 desRZG plus intéressantes filles de Dam to Bakombre @ Masterrind, former #6 Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the RZG in Germany mostBull exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Alh Destiny VG-87-USA 3yr. EX-91-USA DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood Conf. VG-87-USA EX-91-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 2.04 365d 15.059kgM4.9%G 3.8% 571F 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.4% 3.5%P517P 409P • Über 20 Shottle Söhne auf Station / Over 20 sons in AI Fille de / Sired by Shottle • Vollschwester zu: Osaka, Duke Dakota / De la famille Dellia comme de & nombreux Full sister Halogen, to: Osaka,Iota, DukeDurham… & Dakota / taureaux, From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Markwell NEXT DAMSDurham Daisy EX-92-USA GMD DOM 5e LukeGld Rapture EX-92-USA GMD DOM 7* 4e Markwell Cookiecutter Holler-ET TB-88 3E EX-MS DOM DOM 5* 6e Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA 3E 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90GMD GMD DOM 7e Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 8e Mars Rudolph Emily EX-94-USA 4E GMD 2E DOM 7e Rockalli Long-Haven Dee EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM E Fine irstDaisy!! dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Ein spülfähiges Rind ausof derthis Familie Durham Daisy h out for the Genomics heifervon in Markwell the August run! She is wird a verkauft mitof2420 143sold RZG.forIhre Mutter istShe eine Balisto out EpicGTPI Hue und which $ 155,000. will be fresh in Halbschwester zur dem geprüften Bullen Babombre September of this year erfolgreich and looks incredible! She has progeny @ testing Masterrind, Großmutter ist die Vollschwester zu $Goldday & in over 2600 GTPI already!Destiny Grand dam MOM Hue sold for 200.000 Danillo, Urgroßmutter ist die Vollschwester zu Duke, & the Saledie of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95Dakota cow family, Osaka! Markwell Durham war erfolgreich auf der Expo which delivered bulls likeDaisy Durham, Iota, Halogen andWorld manyDairy others! und ist eine Enkeltochter von Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA! I Daisy! Ft’sirsta dtr of Epic Hue to sell! A age of the Markwell family h flush out for themember Genomics of this heiferDurham in the Daisy August run! sells She iswith a +2420 andEpic 143Hue RZG.which Her dam a maternal sister thebesucBalistoGTPI out of soldisfor $ 155,000. Sheofwill fresh in cessful proven sire year Bakombre @ Masterrind, damprogeny Destiny testing is the September of this and looks incredible!grand She has full Goldday & Danillo dam is the to Duke, oversister 2600ofGTPI already! Grandand dam3rd MOM Hue soldfull forsister $ 200.000 in Dakota Osaka!2012! Markwell successful at the World the Saleand of Stars GreatDurham branchDaisy of thewas Dellia EX-95 cow family, Dairy and isbulls a grand of Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA! whichExpo delivered like dtr Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 63. COL Consignor #6 GLPI Polled heifer in Europe!! 08/15 #9 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe! 08/15 DAPHANY *PO DE 0538910885 Geb. Datum. 12.05.2015 Colonia Cows - Tel. +49 (0)15112121766 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1264 +0.02 +0.08 52 60 2.95 +0.6 5.3 6.6 0.68 1.51 +1.68 667 2477 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1223 -0.02 +0.22 46 65 140 113 101 123 112 102 125 117 151 Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA GMD DOM 3. Mutter: Seagull-Bay Gold Daisy EX-91-USA View-Home POWERBALL-P (Earnhardt x Robust) Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Wabash-Way EXPLODE Col Darling Markwell Explode Danica NC Conf. NC Due: November 2015 3.01 (Proj) 305d 9.418kgM 3.4% 321F 3.4% 316P • Toller Zweig von Marwell Durham Daisy / Great branch of Markwell Durham Daisy • immernoch > 2450 GTPI / Still > 2450 GTPI • Silver Tochter mit GTPI +2597 / Silver dtr with GTPI +2597 • Verkauft für $ 81.000 / Sold for $ 81.000 • Mutter von Amadeo @ ABS / Dam to Amadeo @ ABS Seagull-Bay Gold Daisy EX-91-USA Conf. EX-91-USA 2.04 365d 14.157kgM 4.1% 575F 3.1% 444P 5.10 365d 16.520kgM 4.6% 753F 3.1% 517P • Cousine zu: / Full cousin to: Danillo & Goldday • Selbe Familie wie Duke, Dakota & Osaka / Same family as Duke, Dakota & Osaka NEXT DAMS 4e Alh Donatella VG-86-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 5e Markwell Durham Daisy-ET EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6e Markwell Luke Rapture EX-92-USA 3E GMD DOM 7* 7e Markwell Bstar E Raven EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 5* 8e Markwell Mark Elite EX-92-USA 4E GMD DOM 9e Rockalli Mars Emily EX-94-USA 4E GMD DOM Top 10 HORNLOS Rind! Die #9 GTPI & #7GLPI Hornlosfärse Europas ist in der Auktion, dazu noch 151 RZG! Eines der höchsten hornlosen Rinder für Eiweiß mit +60kg in den USA! Sie kommt aus der guten alten Familie von Markwell Bstar E Raven, 3. Mutter ist Gold Daisy, die Cousine von Goldday und Danillo und eine Enkeltochter aus der erfolgreichen Madisonschaukuh Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA! Top 10 POLLED heifer! The #9 GTPI & #7 GLPI Polled heifer in Europe, combined with a high RZG of 151 in the German system! One of the highest protein polled heifers with +60 lbs protein in the USA! She is from the great Markwell Bstar E Raven cow family. 3rd dam Gold Daisy is the cousin to Goldday and Danillo and a grand dtr of the successful Madison cow Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA! 64. NH MOGUL Consignor Prod. Conf. 08/15 B RASILIANGIRL VG-87-DE 2yr. DE 0769870803 Geb. Datum. 08.01.2013 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] La1 117d 4.502kgM 4.5%F 3.40%P (Inc.) VG-87-DE VG-88-MS 2yr. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +808 +0.16 +0.01 75 26 2.92 -0.5 +3.1 6.2 2.07 1.74 +1.79 552 2313 Amongst the highest GTPI milking cows in Europe Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-92-USA Halbschwester von Mutter / Maternal sister to dam Grossmutter: Regancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA DOM NH Mogul Brasiliangirl VG-87-DE VG-88-MS 2yr. | SHE SELLS! Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL (Dorcy x Marsh) Butz-Butler Freddie Bina Nach der Kalbung gestorben / Died after calving • Halbschwester zu: / Maternal sister to: Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-92-USA! Intermediate & Res. Int. Champion Madison, HM. Int. Champion Royal, Unanimous All-American, All-Canadian & All-American & more! 3 x Klassensieger @ Madison! / 3 x Classwinner @ Madison! • Halbschwester zu Bankroll @ Select Sires / Maternal sister is dam to Bankroll @ Select Sires • Freddie ist in Europa nicht verfügbar / Freddie is not avialable in Europe Tolle abgekalbte Barbie!! Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE Regancrest Brasilia EX-92-USA DOM Conf. EX-92-USA DOM 2.03 365d 15.050kgM 3.6% 538F 3.0% 449P 5.03 305d 13.386kgM 3.9% 523F 2.7% 367P • Vollschwester zu Braxton / Full sister to Braxton • Selbe Linie wie: Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA, Mutter von Gold Chip, Colt 45 & Großmutter von Cashcoin, Cashmoney, Capital Gain & mehr. / Close family to Regancrest S Chassity EX-92-USA, dam to Gold Chip, Colt 45 & Grand dam to Cashcoin, Cashmoney, Capital Gain & more Tolle melkende Färse, ihr Vater ist die #2 der töchtergeprüften TPI Bullen: MOGUL x Freddie welcher in Europa nicht verfügbar war! Ihre Mutter ist eine Halbschwester zur 3 x Madison Klassensiegerin Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-92-USA, u.a. die Mutter von Bankroll @ Select Sires! In der dritten Generation steht dann die einmalige Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA!! Picston SHOTTLE Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM Conf. EX-92-USA GMD DOM 2.06 365d 14.374kgM 3.9% 561F 3.3% 476P • Sire: Durham • HM. All-American Jr. 3-Yr. Old • Stammkuh hinter: / Foundation cow behind: Brokaw, Bradnick, Cashcoin, High Octain & mehr NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 5e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 6e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 8e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA Awesome fresh Barbie!! Awesome fresh young cow sells, daughter of the #2 dtr proven TPI sire ever: MOGUL out of a Freddie (not available in Europe)! Her dam is the maternal sister to the 3 x Madison classwinner Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-92-USA, also dam to Bankroll @ Select Sires! 3rd dam is the one & only Regancrest- PR Barbie EX-92-USA!! 65. DW Consignor DE 0357385892 Geb. Datum. 29.03.2015 DW Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)4169 649 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 HUGE TYPE: RZE 141! 08/15 BALETTE %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI -31 +0.14 +0.08 36 21 2.80 +1.2 2.1 6.2 1.85 2.19 +2.04 398 2243 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +425 +0.36 +0.19 52 32 123 116 117 127 117 129 140 141 147 Grossmutter: Regancrest DGR Brysha VG-86-USA 2yr. 5. Mutter: Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM LEXINGTON (Lexor x Big Time) Ms Mox E-Bellette Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Will be fresh before the sale, see sale update for more information • #4 GTPI Epic in Europa / #4 GTPI Epic in Europe • Super Väterfolge aus den Barbies / Great sire stack from the Barbie cow family 3. Mutter: Regancrest Mac Breshan VG-86-USA 2yr. Genervations EPIC Ronelee Gold DIGGER Regancrest DGR Brysha VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.06 305d 11.145kgM 3.2% 356F 3.2% 357P • Mehrere Söhne bei ST, Semex, Accelerated & anderen / Several sons @ ST, Semex, Accelerated & more • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Brokaw, Gold Chip, Colt 45, Bradnick, Capital Gain, High Octain & anderen Regancrest Mac Breshan VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.01 365d 12.909kgM 3.5% 451F 3.2% 418P 3.09 365d 15.776kgM 3.9% 611F 3.4% 596P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Ven Dairy Breesh • Breesh war der Topseller des HM Sales´10 / Breesh was the top seller of the HM Sale 2010 NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Breeshia NC 5e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6* 6e Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 7e Regancrest Aerostar Bert EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90-USA 10e Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86-USA 11e Regancrest Standout Bertrand VG-85-USA Die Barbie´s Mit Lexington x Epic x Digger x Mac ein etwas anderes Pedigree aus der großartigen Barbie Familie! Die 5te Mutter ist die legendäre Schau- & Zuchtkuh Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA, der Stammkuh hinter unzähligen positiven Bullen wie Gold Chip, Brokaw und vielen weiteren! The Barbie’s Different pedigree from the Barbie cow family: Lexington x Epic x Digger x Mac! 5th dam is the legendary show- and brood cow Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA, foundation cow behind many successful sires like Gold Chip, Brokaw and many others! E C 66. 23. 4 DGFEMALE OLLY *PMBRYO’S *RC # of embryo’s4 Grade 1 / A NL 920078732 Geb. Datum. 14.06.2014 Consignor De Oosterhof Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)631047874 - Email. [email protected] Diamond Genetics (NL) & Diamond Cormdale Genetics (CAN) - Tel. +31 (0)84606922 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K GS ALLIANCE O’KALIF BRESCIA P Milk SEXED %F FEMALE %E EMBRYO’S: Fat Eiw SCS DPR PLx RZH SCE FLC REDUDC PTAT NM GTPI 09/14 +499 +0.00 +0.04 19 26 2.70 +2.0 4.6 8.6 1.21 2.44 +2.17 507 2054 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +832 -0.02 +0.05 32 33 113 117 114 129 131 100 131 118 137 Grossmutter: Lookout Pesca A Brava VG-88-CAN Cherry Crest Black Heat EX-91-CAN Mutter: RZH Brescia RedVG-85-CAN VG-86-NL 2yr. 2yr. Cherry Crest Coal *RCP *P GS Alliance O’KALIF RED Lookout Pesce HUNGER (Destry x Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra EX-97-CH) (Shamrock x Man-O-Man) RZH Brescia VG-86-NL 2yr.VG-85-CAN 2yr. Cherry ChrestRed ColtP Coal *RC *PO Conf. VG-86-NL 85R 86DS 2yr. 85MS 85FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. 2.04 319P 2.01 315d (Proj)9.198kgM 8.516kgM3.8% 3.9%F347F 328F3.5% 3.3%E 282E • Eine derdtr besten & HORNLOS Kühe/der Hunger sold ROT to Blondin Holsteins Rasse Onesold of the greatestHolsteins RED & Hunger/ dtr to Blondin POLLED cows in the breed • Jr. Champion Heifer Summer Show Beilen ‘13 • 2nd Nat’l HHH Show ‘13 (Against B&W!!) • Verkauft für €EUR 55.000, HM Sale 2012 / Sold for €EUR 55.000, HM Sale 2012 • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI T Kombination! Praumhafte olled Hunger 4. Mutter: Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89-USA Cherry Crest Sizzling Red Hot EX-91-CAN Sandy-Valley COLT PP-RED Lookout Pesce A Brava VG-88-CAN 4yr. Cherry Crest Black Heat*RC EX-91-CAN Conf. 90R VG-88-CAN 4yr. 94FL / EX-91-CAN 1* 91DS 91MS 2,01 421P 2.05 365d 305d 13.179kgM 9.339kgM 4.3% 4.2%F570F 396F3.2% 3.6%E 340E 3.08 305d 10.428kgM 4.3%F 444F 3.5%E 365E •5.04 Großmutter von Blueprint PP @3.3%E Semex / 305d 15.634kgM 4.7%F 735F 523E Grand dam to Blueprint PP @ Semex • 3rd 5-Yr. Old Lotbiniere ‘12 • 1t Int. Calf Glengarry ‘07 Besser esdtr nicht: WEIBLICHE Embryonen, garantiert die A Polledgeht & RC of Hunger, full sister in Canada sold toROT, Blondin Familie vonFrom O´Kalibra der Vaterseite ihrenCherry roten Crest Destry Holsteins. a deepauf Canadian family. (durch Grand dam Sohn und die Barbie´s auf derinMutterseite! Mutter Black O´Kalif) Heat EX-91-CAN was successful the show ring and der 3rd dam Embryonen ist eine was der besten ROTEN & HORNLOSEN Kühe der Rasse: Sizzling EX-91-CAN HM. All-American in 2004! Special polled RZH Brescia Red P, sie hat bereits mehrere Schauen gewonnen, ihre pedigre opportunity. Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Blueprint PP! Tolle Väterfolge mit Alexander x Mr Burns, Shottle und dann Barbie! Golden-Oaks St. ALEXANDER Braedale GOLDWYN Regancrest BreyellRed *RCHot VG-87-CAN 4yr. Cherry CrestMB Sizzling EX-91-CAN Conf. VG-87-CAN 4yr. 91FL / EX-91-CAN 3* 91R 93DS 90MS 2.03 450P 2.05 365d 305d 14.459kgM 10.933kgM 3.1% 3.6%F451F 394F3.1% 3.2%E 352E 4.03 415P 3.09 315d 305d 13.459kgM 11.722kgM 3.3% 3.7%F449F 432F3.1% 3.3%E 387E • Mutter von Redburst @ ‘04 Semex / HM. All-American R&W Dam @inter to Redburst • 2nd Calf @ QCSemex Int. R&W ‘03 NEXT DAMS 4e Regancrest Breye EX-90-USA 5e Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA GMD DOM 6* 6e Regancrest NEXT DAMS Juror Brina EX-92-USA GMD 7e Bert*RC EX-90-USA GMD6yr. DOM 4e Regancrest PrimevalleyAerostar Astre Lulu VG-88-CAN 8e Mark Chairman Bea EX-91-USA 5e Regancrest Andryan Stratos-Raisa-Red GP-CAN 3yr. 2E 9e Board Chairman Bea1*EX-90-USA 6e Regancrest Albrecht Regina-Red EX-USA 10e Regancrest Standout Bea VG-86-USA 7e Val Brillant Apache Rina-Red VG-85-CAN 4yr. 11e Regancrest Bertrand VG-85-USA 8e Val Brillant Standout Tina Supreme VG-86-CAN 4yr. D Pream olled combination! Hunger A dream FEMALE and the Polled combination: & RC dtr of Hunger, fullembryos, sister inguaranteed Canada soldRED to Blondin family of O’Kalibra on the topsidefamily. (through her dam RED Cherry Destry Crest son Holsteins. From a deep Canadian Grand O’Kalif) andEX-91-CAN the Barbie’swas onsuccessful the bottom! Damshow of the embryos one Black Heat in the ring and 3rdisdam of the greatest RED was & POLLED cows in the in breed: Brescia Red P Sizzling EX-91-CAN HM. All-American 2004!RZH Special polled which several shows, her full sister is dam of Blueprint PP! Great pedigrewon opportunity. sire stack with Alexander, Mr Burns, Shottle then Barbie! 67. FG LADD Consignor MADAGASKAR *P RED DE 0357973917 Geb. Datum. 04.05.2015 Future Genetic - Tel. +49 (0) 170 7722531 - Email. [email protected] Sie ist HORNLOS, Sie ist ROT, Sie ist SCHÖN, Sie ist eine MAXIMA!! / She is Polled, She is Red, She is Beautiful, She is a MAXIMA!! RH Talent Maxima EX-94-DE Halbschwester: FG Destry Madonna VG-87 Sold to GS Alliance, Switzerland Mutter: RH Talent Maxima EX-94-DE Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED (Destry x Lawn Boy) RH Talent Maxima EX-94-DE Conf. EX-94-DE E X-95-MS HL3 305d 14.475kgM 4.1% 585F 3.3% 472P 3/3La 305d 12.444kgM 4.1% 515F 3.4% 421P • 4 x ALL-GERMAN: ‘06, ‘07, ‘10 & ‘12 • GRAND CHAMPION Thuringia Holstein Open, Bismark, Lastrup & more! • Int. Champion National Show Oldenburg ‘09 • Eine der besten rotbunten Schaukühe der Welt mit einer unglaublich langen Siegesliste / One of the best R&W show cows in the World with the longest show victory list • Bisher 7 Töchter in Milch: Alle VG-2yr / 7 dtrs till date: All are VG 2yr. • Mutter von / Dam of Madonna & Madame, Champion & Res. Champion Schau Der Besten ‘14 Ladina Park TALENT *RC Comestar LEE RH Meggilee *RC EX-91-DE Conf. 92 92 91 90 / EX-91-DE HL 305d 13.177kgM 4.6% 600F 3.4% 442P 6/5La 305d 11.999kgM 4.3% 520F 3.3% 400P • Mutter von RH Norwin *RC @ AI-Samen / Dam to RH Norwin *RC @ AI-Samen • Großartige Zuchtkuh mit mehreren Söhnen auf Station / Great brood cow with several sons in AI Rot, hornlos, schautyp, MAXIMA!! Vielleicht die beste rote Tochter die es jemals aus Maxima gab, hornlos aus einer der besten roten Schau- & Zuchtkühe der Welt, mit einer fantastischen Siegesliste: RH Talen Maxima EX-94-DE! Sie ist der Traum eines jeden Züchters, sie gewinnt die Schauen, füllt den Milchtank, hat Söhne in die Besamung geliefert und züchtet ganz außergewöhnlich, ihrer ersten 7 Töchter wurden alle Very Good als Färsen eingestuft. Ihre Töchter Madonna & Madame waren Grand & Res. Champion auf der Schau der Besten 2014! Maxima hat vor kurzem wieder gekalbt und ist bereit für die nächsten Schauen und eine noch höhere Einstufung!! Halbschwesters: Madonna & Madame Champion & Res. Champion Schau Der Besten ‘14 RH Meggy VG-88-DE Conf. VG-88-DE 7/7 LA 305d 11.407kgM 4.0% 453F 3.3% 376P HL 6 305d 13.734kgM 4.1% 556F 3.3% 457P NEXT DAMS 4e VG-88 Benefit 5e EX-91 Stockholm 6e VG-87 Orkan 7e VG-85 Templer 8e VG-86 Magier Red, polled, show type, MAXIMA!! One of the greatest RED daughters of Maxima ever, awesome polled heifer out of one of the R&W cows in the World with the longest show title list: RH Talent Maxima EX-94-DE! She is a breeders dream, she wins shows, fills the tank with a lot of milk, has sons in AI and transmits fantastic, her first 7 daughters are all VG 2yr. and her daughters Madonna & Madame were Champion & Res. Champion at the Schau der Besten 2014! Maxima calved again in 4th and might go EX-95-DE this lactation!! 68. BALTSCHANAHOF YORICK BLACK Consignor E RLE CH 120.1114.1111.2 Geb. Datum. 31.08.2014 Baltschanahof Genetics (CH) - Tel. +41 (0)797020691 - Email. [email protected] Wyndford Goldwyn Erle EX-93-UK Res. Champion Agriscot ‘13 Wyndford Windbrook Erle 6 VG-85-CH VG-87-MS 3yr. Mars YORICK (Atwood x Shottle) Wyndford Windbrook Erle 6 VG-85-CH 3yr. Conf. VG-85-CH VG-87-MS 3yr. 2.07 305d 12.447kgM 3.8% 470F 3.3% 409P • 3rd place Swiss Expo ‘14 • Res. Champion Holstein Eliteschau Wattwil ‘13 • 1st place Jr. Expo Aargau ‘13 Wyndford Windbrook Erle 6 VG-85-CH VG-87-MS 3yr. Gillette WINDBROOK Braedale GOLDWYN Wyndford Goldwyn Erle EX-93-UK Conf. EX-93-UK EX-93-MS 2.01 305d 8.531kgM 3.6% 303F 3.0% 251P 3.07 305d 12.054kgM 3.8% 462F 3.1% 370P 4.11 305d 14.442kgM 4.1% 586F 2.9% 414P • Res. Champion Agriscot ‘13 • Res. Champion Heifer in Milk NABS ‘11 • Eine der besten Schaukühe Englands / One of the greatest show cows in the UK Field Of Dreams Formation Erle EX-95-UK Conf. EX-95-UK 3E 9* 2.04 305d 11.927kgM 3.9% 462F 3.4% 401P 3.09 305d 15.191kgM 4.2% 631F 3.2% 486P 5.07 305d 15.436kgM 5.0% 770F 3.4% 526P 6.08 305d 13.083kgM 5.0% 663F 3.3% 429P • Res. Supreme Champion & Res. Sr. Champion NHS ‘03 • Breed Champion Shropsire & Res. Breed Champion Royal Welsh NEXT DAMS 4e Smiddiehill Jed Erle EX-95-UK 4E 5e Smiddiehill Inspiration Erle EX-92-UK 3E 8* 6e Barbican Starbuck Erle EX-91-UK 2E 7e Barbican Warden Erle EX-UK 8e Ellen VG-UK Fantastische Erle! Großartiges Jungrind aus der tollen Erle Kuhfamilie! Seidig schwarze Tochter des hohen Typvererbers Yorrick (Barbie Familie) aus Windbrook Erle, welche bereits VG mit einem VG-87 Euter in der Schweiz eingestuft ist und einen sehr guten 3.Platz auf der Swiss Expo 2014 erreicht hat! Das Pedigree geht zurück auf die vielleicht legendärste Kuh die England je hatte, Fiel-Of-Dreams Formation Erle EX-95-UK, auf dem Sterndale Sale´03 wurde sie zum Rekordpreis von 76.000 gns verkauft und hat sich als überragende Zuchtkuh bewiesen. Awesome Erle! Awesome heifer selling from the Erle cow family! Black & silky dtr of the successful huge type sire Yorick (Barbie family) out of Windbrook Erle which scored already VG with a VG-87 udder in Switzerland and was 3rd in her class at the Swiss Expo 2014! Going back on the legend from the UK, Field-Of-Dreams Formation Erle EX-95-UK, sold for 76,000 gns at the Sterndale Sale ‘03 and a tremendous brood cow! H B 69. 23. DG RZNJK EDER EROIN IRDY #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NL Geb. Datum. 12.02.2015 DE 747280844 0666519828 26-07-2014 Consignor Diamond Genetics Tel. (0)123123123 +31 (0)38 460 -6922 - Email. [email protected] & RZH Holstein - Tel.- +49 Email. [email protected] JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)6 53803396 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 08/15 +1052 +0.08 +0.10 61 58 3.00 -0.6 3.3 6.5 0.64 0.69 +1.12 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 08/15 +1431 +0.21 +0.30 79 80 154 107 109 115 104 112 114 NM NM 559 569 RZE RZE 124 116 GTPI GTPI 2179 2301 RZG RZG 144 156 Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Belinda VG-86-DE Belissima VG-86-DE Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Larcrest COMMANDER De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Mogul (Bookemx Observer) x Watson) Binella Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Besamungsdatum: / Insemination date: April LOOKS2015 GREAT! • Eines der höchsten RZG Rinder ihres Jahrgangs / One of the highest RZGdeHeifers • Une des meilleures filles de Epic la Race, from her generation +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA BORUSSIA Genervations EPIC Golden-Oaks ST ALEXANDER Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Belissima VG-86-DE Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. VG-86-DE TB-88-CANVG-87-MS 2a TB-88 MA 1/1LA 305d 9.892kgM4.2%G 4.4% 484G 433F 3.5% 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 3.7%P347P 421P • Halbschwester ist die Mutter BLUEofRAY Vendue pour 200.000$ durantvon la Sale @ LTR2012 / ZBH / Maternal sister is in dam Stars / Sold for $ 200,000 thetoSale BLUE RAY2012 @ LTR / ZBH of Stars • Vollschwester istplus die Mutter von Goldrush Hue est une des intéressantes filles de @ ZBH / LTR Full sister is dam to Goldrush Man-O-Man au/Monde! / Hue is one of the @ ZBH / LTR Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! most exciting Belina VG-86-DE Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-86-DE EX-91-USALa3 HL3 3.6% 458F 385P 2.04305d 305j 12.721kgM 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G3.0% 3.5%P 409P 3/3La 305d 12.114kgM 3.6% 434F 3.1% 369P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Söhne @ RBWDellia & Genes Diffusion / De la famille comme de nombreux Sons @ RBW & Genes Diffusion taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e VG-86-DEChamp 2yr.- Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5e Belinda Ms Kings-Rnsm 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM C einemHue außergewöhnlichem Pedigree C different pedigree Fommander irst dtr mit of Epic to sell! Fommander irst dtr of from Epic Hue to sell! Eine Commander mit einem tollen Leistungszuchtwert von h outfrühe for the GenomicsTochter of this heifer in the August run! She is a +80kg dazu 156 Sie stammt aus einer tiefen BalistoEiweiß out of und Epic154 HueRZM which sold forRZG. $ 155,000. She will be fresh in deutschen anderem ihre Mutter ist September Kuhfamilie of this yearmit andeinem looksetwas incredible! ShePapier, has progeny testing eine x Alexander x Bolton! DieseHue Kuhfamilie bereits in over Borussia 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM sold forhat $ 200.000 mehrere BullenGreat in Deutschland undDellia Frankreich the Sale positive of Stars 2012! branch of the EX-95hervorgebracht. cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! An early dtrofwith huge production index Germany, h out forCommander the Genomics thisaheifer in the August run!inShe is a +80 kg Protein and Hue 154 which RZM and in total.She Shewill is from a in Balisto out of Epic sold156 forRZG $ 155,000. be fresh German cowoffamily withand a defferent maternalShe line,has herprogeny dam is atesting dtr of September this year looks incredible! Borussia Alexander x Bolton! A cow family delivered multiple over 2600x GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Huewhich sold for $ 200.000 in sons in AI in Germany and France. the Sale ofstations Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 70. NH ANDERSTRUP PB Consignor DE 0770224546 Geb. Datum. 24.05.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] & Anderstrup Holsteins - Tel. +45 (0)61181631 - Email. [email protected] Milk #4 GLPI Homozogyous Polled heifer in Europe and +2299 GTPI!! 08/15 08/15 ITGIRL *RC *PP %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +294 +0.08 +0.09 34 34 2.89 +2.8 +3.2 8.7 1.40 1.22 1.83 441 2299 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +670 +0.21 +0.19 48 42 127 111 103 116 120 111 111 115 139 Grossmutter: NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO Mutter: NH Indianaglamour *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. View-Home POWERBALL-P (Earnhardt P x Robust) 3. Mutter: NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90 Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED Macomber Oman BOGART NH Indianaglamour *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Just fresh - see sale update La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Halbschwester von NH Dakker Indiangirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr., #1 RZG RBT Kuh / Maternal sister to NH Dakker Indiangirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr., #1 RZG RED Cow • Töchter für EUR 39.000 & 27.000 verkauft / Dtrs sold for EUR 39.000 & 27.000 • Mutter von Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis / Dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis • Mutter von NH Indiansummer Red P, für 39.000€EUR verkauft und Mutter des #1 RZG PP Rindes weltweit, Lisha PP mit 157 RZG / Dam to NH Indiansummer Red P, sold for EUR 39.000 and dam of the #1 RZG PP heifer World Wide, Lisha PP with RZG 157 NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE La1 305d 10.922kgM 4.0% 436F 3.5% 386P La2 305d 12.987kgM 3.4% 441F 3.3% 423P • Eine der besten Lawn Boy Töchter der Welt / One of the very best Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide • Fantastische Hornlosquelle / Fantastic POLLED source • Selbe Familie wie GUNNAR @ RMV / Same family as GUNNAR @ RMV NEXT DAMS 4e Isabella EX-90-DE 5e Isabell VG-85-DE 6e Imperiale VG-89 7e EX-92 Ugela Bell 8e EX-94 Ben Eines der höchsten HOMOZYGOTEN Tiere der Welt! #4 HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Heifer sells! Die #4 GLPI aller PP Tiere Europas ist in der Auktion, was für eine Möglichkeit, dazu noch annähernd 2300 GTPI kombiniert mit ihrem Rotfaktor und der großartigen Familie von NH Bogart Indira VG-86 2yr. die schon so viele Bullen und hoch genomische weibliche geliefert hat. Itgirl wird ihnen ausschließlich hornlose Kälber liefern, egal welchen Bullen sie einsetzen, dazu noch die Chance auf rote Kälber. Was für eine Möglichkeit den nächsten Listenführer im Hornlossegment zu züchten! #4 GLPI PP Heifer from Europe is selling, what an opportunity, as well she has nearly 2300 GTPI and is RED CARRIER. She hails from the fantastic cow family of NH Bogart Indira VG-86 2yr, which delivered already plenty of high bulls and charttopping females. Itgirl will bring you only POLLED offspring, doesnt matter what sire you will us on her, as well the chance to get RED calves. What an oppurtunity to breed the next polled cahrttopper! 71. NH ANDERSTRUP Consignor 08/15 ILANA *PP *RC DE 0770224542 Geb. Datum. 21.05.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] & Anderstrup Holsteins - Tel. +45 (0)61181631 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1050 +0.05 +0.12 47 47 130 96 94 111 111 114 108 114 135 NH Lawn Boy India *RC *PO EX-90-DE Halbschwester zur Mutter: NH Dertour Indian Summer Red *PO Kerndtway ERASER *P (Earnhardt P x Observer) Mutter: NH Indianaglamour *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED Macomber Oman BOGART NH Indianaglamour *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. Just fresh - see sale update La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Halbschwester von NH Dakker Indiangirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr., #1 RZG RBT Kuh / Maternal sister to NH Dakker Indiangirl Red VG-86-DE 2yr., #1 RZG RED Cow • Töchter für EUR 39.000 & 27.000 verkauft / Dtrs sold for EUR 39.000 & 27.000 • Mutter von Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis / Dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis • Mutter von NH Indiansummer Red P, für 39.000€EUR verkauft und Mutter des #1 RZG PP Rindes weltweit, Lisha PP mit 157 RZG / Dam to NH Indiansummer Red P, sold for EUR 39.000 and dam of the #1 RZG PP heifer World Wide, Lisha PP with RZG 157 Homozygot aus der Gunnar Familie! Frühe Eraser-P Tochter aus der Kuhfamilie von Gunnar! Nicht nur eine der ersten Eraser-P Töchter sondern auch noch HOMOZYGOT HORNLOS, alle ihre Nachkommen werden genetisch hornlos sein, ganz egal welchenen Bullen sie einsetzen. Diese Familie züchtet, egal in welcher Sparte, aktuell kommt die #1 RZG rbt. Kuh (NH Dakker Indiangirl VG-86 2yr.) aus dieser Familie, genauso wie Indiana (V.Enforcer) das 4/15 #1 RZG Jungrind der sbt. Topliste! NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE La1 305d 10.922kgM 4.0% 436F 3.5% 386P La2 305d 12.987kgM 3.4% 441F 3.3% 423P • Eine der besten Lawn Boy Töchter der Welt / One of the very best Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide • Fantastische Hornlosquelle / Fantastic POLLED source • Selbe Familie wie GUNNAR @ RMV / Same family as GUNNAR @ RMV NEXT DAMS 4e Isabella EX-90-DE 5e Isabell VG-85-DE 6e Imperiale VG-89 7e EX-92 Ugela Bell 8e EX-94 Ben Homozygote from Gunnar´s Family! Early Eraser-P daughter from the Family of the ultra popular Gunnar! She is not only one of the earliest Eraser-P daughters but she is also HOMOZYGOTE POLLED, all here progeny will be POLLED, regardless which bulls you will use on her. This Family has produced for example the current #1 RED RZG Cow in Germany (NH Dakker Indiangrirl VG-86 2yr.) and Indiana (s.Enforcer) the #1 RZG Heifer from the April 2015 run in Germany 72. DG R Consignor NL 842908407 Geb. Datum. 21.03.2015 Rijnhof Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)620044516 - Email. [email protected] & Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 - Email. [email protected] Milk Nyala’s highest RZG Supershot dtr!! 08/15 08/15 N YOME %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1756 -0.04 +0.00 53 52 2.81 +2.6 5.7 7.2 1.16 0.86 +1.29 679 2480 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1773 -0.23 -0.05 44 54 132 116 102 141 127 123 121 125 159 Bailando @ Vost | (Balisto x Tir-An N.U. Nyala) #10 RZG bull in Germany, RZG 160 Tir-An N.U. Nyala Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr. Amighetti NUMERO UNO Klassic BIG TIME Tir-An N.U. Nyala Tirsvad BT Noma VG-89-DK 2yr. (MAX) Conf. VG-89-DK EX-MS (MAX) Due: Oktober 2015 La1 305d 12.953kgM 4.2% 544F 3.4% 440P • Für 84.000€ verkauft / Sold for 84.000 EUR • Großartige Zuchtkuh! / Incredible brood cow • Mutter von: / Dam to bulls like: - Bailando @ Vost (s. Balisto) #10 RZG bull in Germany, 8/15 RZG 160 / RZE 130 - R DG New York (s. Supershot) 8/15 GTPI +2629 - Sold for €EUR 20.000 - R DG Nikkelback (s. Missouri) 4/15 RZG 168 / 8/15 GTPI +2529 - 2 Powerball Söhne gehen in die Besamung / 2 Polled Powerball sons are going to AI • Mutter von LEXINGTON, ehemaliger #1 RZG Bull in Deutschland / Dam to LEXINGTON, former #1 RZG Bull in Germany • Mutter von Leno, Lobach & mehr / Dam to Leno, Loback & more Nyala´s höchste Supershot Tochter Nyalas´s höchste RZG Supershot Tochter wird verkauft, eine frühe Supershot mit 159 RZG / 125 RZE! Mutter, Nyala ist eine tolle Zuchtkuh, sie ist u.a. die Mutter von Balindo #10 RZG Bulle @ Vost, New York mit 2629 GTPI, Nickelback mit 168 RZG, dem #3 GTPI RDC Rind in Europa & den #1 & #2 RZG Powerball Töchtern weltweit u.v.m. Tirsvad Stol Joc Nemo VG-87-DK 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DK 2yr. La1 305d 13.999kgM 3.3% 456F 3.2% 449P • #3 GTPI Stol Joc in Europa / #3 GTPI Stol Joc in Europe • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von Beauty @ OHG / Haar volle zus is moeder van Beauty bij OHG NEXT DAMS 4e Tir-An Oman Neblina VG-87-DK 2yr. 5e BW Marshall Neblina VG-87-NL 2yr. 6e Etazon LL Neon-ET VG-85 7e Tui Onyx Nick VG-86-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 8e Tui Opel Ned Boy VG-89-USA GMD DOM 9e Tui Odyessa Bell VG-86-USA GMD DOM 10e Tui Vanessa Boot Mark Nyala’s highest Supershot dtr Nyala’s highest RZG Supershot dtr sells, early Supershot dtr with RZG 159 / RZE 125! Dam, Nyala is a huge transmitter, dam to the #10 RZG bull Bailando @ Vost, New York with GTPI +2629, Nikkelback with RZG 168, the #3 GTPI RC heifer in Europe, the #1 & #2 RZG Powerball dtrs in the World and many more! S RED HILLY EROIN 73. 23. DG RZN Consignor #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 149 RZG & ready to flush! NL Geb. Datum. 07.12.2014 DE 758140201 0666519828 26-07-2014 Anderstrup Holsteins (DK), Nosbisch Holsteins Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. (DE), [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 08/14 +1466 +2346 -0.03 -0.07 +0.01 -0.04 45 67 47 61 2.81 2.85 +0.3 -0.5 2.7 2.6 6.8 8.3 1.03 1.94 1.15 1.89 +1.39 +2.69 485 559 2254 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/15 08/14 +1838 +2323 -0.20 -0.25 +0.01 -0.13 56 66 62 64 137 134 113 101 105 124 119 113 127 121 129 124 149 144 102 99 Gr. Mutter: Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Dymentholm Sunview Snowman Sunday *RC VG-87-USA Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Full sister to Selina Mutter: Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. (very fresh on picture) Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Texel De-SuBeauty 11236 DEBUTANT BALISTO RED (Dakker (Bookemx xSuperstition) Watson) Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. 85fin 87 Septembre 84 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. A terme / Due September 1st test: 40.3kgM 4.08%F 3.52%P LOOKS GREAT! • Vollschwester zu Sympatico RC @ Semex / Full sister to Sympatico RC de @ Epic Semex • Une des meilleures filles de la Race, • +2354 Halbschwester zu of Stoic & Epic Seneca RC / GTPI / One the RC best daughter Maternal sister to Stoic RC & Seneca RC World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mehrere Töchter in der 57644, TOP 25 GTPI+2606 GTPI RCD / Mère de Ms Hue Tango in Europa / Several daughters /RBT NM Rinderliste +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, in the top 25 GTPI RC !/ RED Heifers in Europe GTPI+2606 / NM +910 • Vollschwester ist die Mutter von for SUNFISH Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold $155,000! *RC @ Masterrind / Full sister is dam to SUNFISH *RC @ Masterrind Flevo GeneticsEPIC SNOWMAN Genervations Des-Y-Gen Planet EX-90-USA Cookiecutter MOMSilk Hue*RC TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-90-USA TB-88-CAN EX-92-MS 2a TB-88 MA 2.02 13.603kgM4.2%G 4.5% 613F 2.04 365d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.2% 3.7%P435P 421P 4.01 196d 8.760kgM 4.2% 350F 3.1% 273P inc. • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Ehemalige GTPIfor RCD Kuh der in Rasse / Stars 2012#1 / Sold $ 200,000 the Sale Former GTPI RC Cow in the breed of Stars#12012 • Für verkauft / Sold for filles de Hue1.000.000 est une des$ plus intéressantes $ 1.000.000au Monde! / Hue is one of the Man-O-Man • Mutter & Großmutter zu einigen most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! hochplazierten RCD / RBT Rinder / Red heifers / Dam and grand dam to several chart topping RC / Red Heifers R ot, spülfähig, RZGHue 149to & ein tolles Pedigree! F irst dtr of Epic sell! Eine spülfähigen Färsen undrun! das She kombiniert h outder forhöchsten the Genomics of this roten heifer RZG in the August is a mit einem Pedigree! ohne Fehler mitbeviel Milch Balisto outtraumhaften of Epic Hue which soldEin forIndex $ 155,000. She will fresh in (September +1838kgm) Typlooks ( RZEincredible! 129)! IhreShe Mutter isttesting frisch of und this gutem year and has Selina progeny abgekalbt sehrGrand gut aus, ist die zu over 2600 und GTPIsieht already! damsieMOM HueVollschwester sold for $ 200.000 in Sympatico Semex undbranch Vollschwester zur Mutter von Sunfish the Sale of *RDC Stars @ 2012! Great of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, *RDC Masterrind! der allerersten roten Rinder aus dieser which@ delivered bullsEines like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Mutterlinie überhaupt!! Ensenada Taboo PLANET Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-85-CAN EX-91-USA 2yr. 2.04 365d 13.609kgM4.9%G 4.6% 631F 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.6% 3.5%P485P 409P 4.09 365d 13.203kgM 4.1% 357F 3.5% 466P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Selbe Familie Dellia wie: / Same family as: Secure Red, De la famille comme de nombreux Mr Savage,Halogen, Durham Red, taureaux, Iota,September Durham…Storm, / Sahara RC, Seaguall From Dellia family, &asu.v.m several bulls, Halogen, • Nächste Mutter ist die Rotbunte Weltkuh des Iota, Durham… Jahres 2011./ Next dam is the R&W Global Cow of the Year ‘11 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD2yr. DOM 5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr.7*GMD DOM 6e Drummond Splendor 38*DOM 7e Glen Long-Haven Rudolph DeeVG-86-2YR-CAN EX-90-USA 2E GMD 7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 8e Drummond EX-CAN 14* 9e Glen Snow-N DenisesShower Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* R ed, flush 149 great pedigree! F irst dtr ofage, EpicRZG Hue to &sell! One thethe highest RED of RZGthis flush agein heifers available h outoffor Genomics heifer the August run!AND Shewith is a a great AndHue index withsold no holes, huge production Balistopedigree! out of Epic which for $ 155,000. She will (+1838 be fresh in milk) and good type (RZE dam Selina fresh and looks September of this year and129)! looksHer incredible! Sheishas progeny testing great, full sister to Sympatico Semex to theindam over 2600 GTPI already! Grand*RC dam@ MOM Hueand soldfull forsister $ 200.000 of Masterrind! One of of thethe very firstEX-95 RED heifers to offer theSunfish Sale of*RC Stars@2012! Great branch Dellia cow family, from branchbulls of the family WorldIota, Wide!! whichthis delivered like Durham, Halogen and many others! S HENSEO EROIN*RC 74. 23. DG RZN Consignor #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NL Geb. Datum. 11.08.2014 DE 964580024 0666519828 26-07-2014 Anderstrup Holsteins (DK), Nosbisch Holsteins Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. (DE), [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/15 08/14 +1346 +2346 -0.05 -0.07 +0.02 -0.04 37 67 45 61 2.77 2.85 -0.5 3.7 2.6 6.7 8.3 1.19 1.94 1.11 1.89 +1.25 +2.69 495 559 2260 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/15 08/14 +1196 +2323 -0.05 -0.25 +0.02 -0.13 42 66 42 64 128 134 122 113 83 105 122 124 125 113 108 121 117 124 140 144 105 99 Sunfish *RC @ Masterrind Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. (Cashcoin x Snowman x Planet Silk) Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. | Global R&W Cow of the Year ‘11 Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Swissbec BREKEM *RC De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Man-O-Man) Watson) Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. 85fin 87 Septembre 84 85 / VG-85-DE 2yr. A terme / Due September 1st test: 40.3kgM 4.08%F 3.52%P LOOKS GREAT! • Vollschwester zu Sympatico RC @ Semex / Full sister to Sympatico RC de @ Epic Semex • Une des meilleures filles de la Race, • +2354 Halbschwester zu of Stoic & Epic Seneca RC / GTPI / One the RC best daughter Maternal sister to Stoic RC & Seneca RC World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Vollschwester istTango die Mutter von SUNFISH Mère de Ms Hue 57644, GTPI+2606 Masterrind / Full sister is dam to /*RC NM @ +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, SUNFISH *RC @ +910 Masterrind GTPI+2606 / NM ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 75. Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Flevo GeneticsEPIC SNOWMAN Genervations Des-Y-Gen Planet EX-90-USA Cookiecutter MOMSilk Hue*RC TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-90-USA TB-88-CAN EX-92-MS 2a TB-88 MA 2.02 13.603kgM4.2%G 4.5% 613F 2.04 365d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.2% 3.7%P435P 421P 4.01 196d 8.760kgM 4.2% 350F 3.1% 273P inc. • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Ehemalige GTPIfor RCD Kuh der in Rasse / Stars 2012#1 / Sold $ 200,000 the Sale Former GTPI RC Cow in the breed of Stars#12012 • Für verkauft / Hue1.000.000 est une des$ plus intéressantes filles de Sold for $ 1.000.000 Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the • Mutter & Großmutter zu einigen most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! hochplazierten RCD / RBT Rinder / Dam and grand dam to several chart topping RC / Red Heifers #4 EMBRYOS: MAS X DES-Y-GEN SELINA *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. Anpaarungsbulle nach Wahl des Käufers / Mating sire of buyers choice R otfaktor Silk F irst dtr ofEnkeltocher Epic Hue toaus sell! Spezielles Pedigree, eineofROTFAKTOR Des-Y-Gen h out for the Genomics this heifer Enkeltochter in the Augustaus run! She is a Planet EX-90-USA, für$ 1.000.000 $ imwill Paket mit in BalistoSilk out *RDC of Epic Hue whichwelche sold for 155,000. She be fresh ihren Nachkommen verkauft wurde! Mutter dieser Brekem ist die September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing Vollschwester Sympatico *RDC @MOM Semex und zurfor Mutter von in over 2600 GTPIzualready! Grand dam Hue sold $ 200.000 Sunfish @ Masterrind. 4te Mutter ist dieEX-95 Rotbuntkuh des the Sale*RDC of Stars 2012! GreatDie branch of the Dellia cow family, Jahres 2011: Gen-I-Beq Secret *RDC VG-87-CAN which delivered bulls likeGW Durham, Iota, Halogen and2yr. many others! Ensenada Taboo PLANET Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence *RC VG-85-CAN Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-85-CAN EX-91-USA 2yr. 2.04 365d 13.609kgM4.9%G 4.6% 631F 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.6% 3.5%P485P 409P 4.09 365d 13.203kgM 4.1% 357F 3.5% 466P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Selbe Familie Dellia wie: / Same family as: Secure Red, De la famille comme de nombreux Mr Savage,Halogen, Durham Red, taureaux, Iota,September Durham…Storm, / Sahara RC, Seaguall From Dellia family, &asu.v.m. several bulls, Halogen, • Nächste Mutter ist die Rotbunte Weltkuh des Iota, Durham… Jahres 2011 Next dam is the R&W Global Cow of the Year ‘11 NEXT DAMS NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7* 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 6e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38* 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 7e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 8e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14* 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* R ed Carrier grandHue dtrto ofsell! Silk F irst dtr of Epic Special a RED of CARRIER grand Des-Y-Gen Planet h out forpedigree, the Genomics this heifer in dtr theofAugust run! She is aSilk *RC EX-90-USA, which forsold $ 1.000.000 with her in a in Balisto out of Epic Huesold which for $ 155,000. Sheoffspring will be fresh package!! of this is theincredible! full sister She to Sympatico *RCtesting @ SeptemberDam of this yearheifer and looks has progeny Semex andGTPI to the dam ofGrand Sunfish *RC @ Masterrind RZG 152)! over 2600 already! dam MOM Hue sold for(8/15 $ 200.000 in 4th dam of is the Impact of the YearEX-95 ‘11: Gen-I-Beq the Sale StarsGlobal 2012!R&W Great branchCow of the Dellia cow family, GW Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 76. SCHREUR DG Consignor NL 841948921 Geb. Datum. 18.02.2015 Diamond Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)38 460 6922 - Email. [email protected] & Schreur Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)573 421266 - Email. [email protected] Milk 08/15 08/15 FILYSHOT %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1423 +0.06 +0.03 69 50 2.93 +2.5 5.1 7.3 0.92 0.75 +1.41 668 2473 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1062 +0.27 +0.09 71 45 132 105 102 127 119 114 111 119 146 Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA | Same family Fily Sher VG-86-FR 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Fily Sher VG-86-FR 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 10.799kgM 3.8% 409F 3.1% 335P • Vollschwester zu Fontoy RC @ Evolution / Full sister to Fontoy RC @ Evolution • Mehrere hohe Nachkommen / Several high progeny • Kanu P Tochter wurde für 10.000 EUR€ verkauft / Kanu P dtr sold for EUR 10.000 • Kalbt diesen Herbst zum zweiten Mal und sieht beeindruckend aus! / Will calf again in the autumn and looks very impressive Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret *RC VG-87-CAN 2yr. Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Emerald-Acr Sa T BAXTER Dinas Sher VG-86-FR Conf. VG-86-FR Belis Sher VG-85-FR Conf. VG-85-FR 2.04 305d 11.333kgM 3.8% 432F 3.2% 357P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Secure-Red, Mr Savage, September Storm, Sahara RC, Seaguall, Durham Red, Laron P & many others • Selbe Linie wie Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA, Mutte von Sympatico, Seneca & Stoic / Close family to Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk *RC EX-90-USA, dam to Sympatico, Seneca & Stoic Die großartige Splendor Familie Eine ganz frühe Supershot aus der beeindruckenden Fily Sher, welche im Herbst wieder kalbt und großartig aussieht. Dieses Kalbt geht zurück auf die tolle Kanadische Kuhfamilie von Glen Drummond Splendor welche schon unzählige Schau - / Zuchtkühe hervorgebracht hat! Filyshot hat einen ausgeglichenen Index mit 50 Ibs Eiweiß, kombiniert mit +2.5 Töchterfruchtbarkeit & 2473 GTPI!! 2.06 305d 11.270kgM 3.7% 412F 3.1% 346P 3.11 305d 13.486kgM 3.8% 508F 3.1% 413P 5.01 305d 11.929kgM 3.9% 467F 3.1% 374P • Bolton Schwester wurde für 104.000 $ verkauft. / Bolton sister sold for $ 104.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87-CAN 7* 5e Glen Drummond Splendor VG-86-2YR-CAN 38* 6e Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-CAN 18* 7e Glen Drummond Shower EX-CAN 14* 8e Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth EX-CAN 2E 7* 9e Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-CAN 4* 10e Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN 11e Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha VG-CAN 3* The great Splendor cow family A very early Supershot dtr from the impressive cow Fily Sher which will calf again this autumn! Going back on the Canadian Glen Drummond Splendor cow family which delivered great show- / broodand show cows! Filyshot has a complete index with 50 lbs protein combined with +2.5 DPR and GTPI +2473!! 77. PEAK Consignor Only heifer in Europe >1300 Milk, >50 Protein, >9 PL & >3 DPR 08/15 08/15 DGV SHILA SSHOT 8656 NL 751486564 Geb. Datum. 23.06.2015 PEAK Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)6 51533489 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1398 +0.04 +0.03 63 52 2.71 +3.9 9.3 7.9 1.01 1.33 +1.44 860 2676 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA BCS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1219 +0.15 +0.16 62 56 2.56 122 113 106 107 7 11 7 3269 Ms Moviestar Maui VG-86-USA 2yr. Maternal sister to grand dam 3. Mutter: Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Mutter: RZN Shila Co-Op Bosside MASSEY Roylane Socra ROBUST RZN Shila Ms Moviestar Shaker GP-83-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-83-USA 2yr. Due. März 2016 / March 2016 2.04 305d 12.083kgM 3.2% 382F 3.4% 406P • Vollschwester zu Sergio @ ST / TWG, #4 Massey Sohn der Rasse / Full sister to Sergio @ ST / TWG, #4 massey son in the breed • Anders & sicher: Massey x Robust (nicht verfügbar in Europa) / Different and reliable sire stack: Massey x Robust (not available in Europe) • Ihr Vater ist in Europa nicht verfügbar / Her sire is not available in Europe • Halbschwester zu Mardi Gras @ Jet Stream / Maternal sister to Mardi Gras @ Jet Stream Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 3yr. 2.07 305d 11.871kgM 4.6% 551F 3.4% 401P • Großartige Zuchtkuh / Great brood cow • Mutter der stark benutzten Bullenväter: Mardi Gras & Model / Dam to the heavily used sire of sons: Mardi Gras & Model • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Monterey, Balisto, Platinum, Oak, Sid, Mogul, Supersire & more NEXT DAMS 4e Carter-Corner Shot Meldoy EX-90-USA 5e Pine-Tree Missy Melinda VG-85-USA DOM 6e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM 7e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87-USA 9e Wesswoord Astro Matt Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 10e Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87-USA GMD DOM Einzigartige Indexkombination aus den Missy Sehr spezielle Kombination, einer der höchsten Fitness-& Leistungszuchtwert kombinationen! Sie ist das einzige Rind in Europa welches >1300kg Milch, >50kg Eiweiß, >9 PL & >3 DPR kombiniert, diese ganzen hohen Einzelwerte münden in einem der höchsten Gesamtzuchtwerte in Europa: 2676! Außerdem hat Sie ein spezielles Pedigree, ihre Mutter ist eine Massey aus einer Robust, welcher nie in Europa verfügbar war. Die Rudy Missy Familie, unzählige Bullen stammen aus diesem Imperium wie Mogul, Supersire, Sid, Balisto, Powerball, Mardi Gras & viele mehr! Unique index combination of the Missy’s Very special index combination, one of the highest fitness- & production index combinations! She is the only heifer in Europe which combines >1300 milk, >50 protein, >9 PL and >3 DPR, which results in of the highest GTPI total indexes of Europe: +2676! She has a special pedigree, from a Massey mother, followed by a Robust which is not available in Europe. The Rudy Missy family, which delivered bulls like Mogul, Supersire, Sid, Balisto, Powerball, Mardi Gras & many others! 78. GIL Consignor #7 GTPI POLLED heifer in Europe! 08/15 Highest GTPI POLLED heifer in a European auction ever! 08/15 MAIBALL *P DE 0770227749 Geb. Datum. 20.05.2015 K. Gilessen - Tel. +49 (0)2683 3774 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +885 +0.01 +0.07 35 47 2.73 +3.1 6.2 5.9 0.78 1.84 +1.65 665 2513 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +594 -0.03 +0.26 21 45 126 127 110 139 130 97 131 115 152 Ms Moviestar Maui VG-86-USA 2yr. Maternal sister to grand dam Mr Moviestar Mardi Gras Maternal brother to grand dam 3. Mutter: Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. View-Home POWERBALL-P (Earnhardt x Robust) Co-Op Bosside MASSEY Roylane Socra ROBUST Missy Ms Moviestar Shaker GP-83-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-83-USA 2yr. Due: See sale update 2.04 305d 12.083kgM 3.2% 382F 3.4% 406P • Vollschwester zu Sergio @ ST / TWG, #4 Sohn der Rasse / Full sister to Sergio @ ST / TWG, #4 massey son in the breed • #2 GTPI Massey in Europa, Vollschwester ist die #1 / #2 GTPI Massey in Europe, full sister is the #1 • Outcross: MASSEY x ROBUST (nicht verfügbar in Europa!) / Different: MASSEY x ROBUST (not availble in Europe!) • Ihr Vater ist in Europa nicht verfügbar / Her sire is not available in Europe • Halbschwester zu Mardi Gras @ Jet Stream / Maternal sister to Mardi Gras @ Jet Stream Europas #7 GTPI HORNLOS Rind Die #7 hornlos Färse nach GTPI in Europa wird verkauft, sie hat nicht nur hoch getestet, sondern hat auch noch ein wunderbares Pedigree! Eine Outcross-Abstammung mit Massey als Muttersvater und Robust als Großmuttersvater (nicht verfügbar in Europa!) Die Familie von Wesswood Rudy Missy, unzählige Bullen kommen aus dieser Familie wie zum Beispiel: Supersire, Mogul, Powerball, Sid, Silver, Balisto, Mardi Gras, Oak, Platinum und viele andere! Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 3yr. 2.07 305d 11.871kgM 4.6% 551F 3.4% 401P • Großartige Zuchtkuh / Great brood cow • Mutter der stark als Bullenväter benutzten Bullen: / Dam to heavily used sire of sons: Mardi Gras & Model • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Monterey, Balisto, Platinum, Oak, Sid, Mogul, Supersire & more NEXT DAMS 4e Carter-Corner Shot Meldoy EX-90-USA 5e Pine-Tree Missy Melinda VG-85-USA DOM 6e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM 7e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87-USA 9e Wesswoord Astro Matt Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 10e Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87-USA GMD DOM Europe’s #7 GTPI POLLED heifer The #7 GTPI Polled heifer in Europe sells with a beautiful pedigree! Different sires with Massey as grand sire and Robust as 3rd sire (not available in Europe)! Going back on the successful Wesswood Rudy Missy family, the family behind Supersire, Mogul, Powerball, Sid, Silver, Balisto, Mardi Gras, Oak, Platinum and many others! HIGHEST POLLED GTPI heifer ever in a European auction! 79. PEAK Consignor 08/15 08/15 DGV SHILA SSHOT 8653 NL 751486533 Geb. Datum. 17.06.2015 PEAK Genetics - Tel. +31 (0)6 51533489 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1228 +0.09 +0.04 70 51 2.78 +3.4 6.9 8.7 0.94 1.23 +1.48 780 2617 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA BCS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1114 +0.29 +0.23 74 59 2.73 114 113 102 105 6 10 8 3. Mutter: Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. Maternal brother to grand dam: Mardi Gras @ Jetstream Genetics Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) 3147 Co-Op Bosside MASSEY Roylane Socra ROBUST RZN Shila Ms Moviestar Shaker GP-83-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-83-USA 2yr. Due. März 2016 / March 2016 2.04 305d 12.083kgM 3.2% 382F 3.4% 406P • Vollschwester zu Sergio @ ST / TWG, #4 Massey Sohn der Rasse / Full sister to Sergio @ ST / TWG, #4 massey son in the breed • Anders & sicher: Massey x Robust (nicht verfügbar in Europa) / Different and reliable sire stack: Massey x Robust (not available in Europe) • Ihr Vater ist in Europa nicht verfügbar / Her sire is not available in Europe • Halbschwester zu Mardi Gras @ Jet Stream / Maternal sister to Mardi Gras @ Jet Stream Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 3yr. 2.07 305d 11.871kgM 4.6% 551F 3.4% 401P • Großartige Zuchtkuh / Great brood cow • Mutter der stark benutzten Bullenväter: Mardi Gras & Model / Dam to the heavily used sire of sons: Mardi Gras & Model • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Monterey, Balisto, Platinum, Oak, Sid, Mogul, Supersire & more NEXT DAMS 4e Carter-Corner Shot Meldoy EX-90-USA 5e Pine-Tree Missy Melinda VG-85-USA DOM 6e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM 7e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 8e Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87-USA 9e Wesswoord Astro Matt Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 10e Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87-USA GMD DOM Super(shot) Möglichtkeit für eine Missy! Supershot >2600 GTPI aus der unglaublich erfolgreichen Wesswood Rudy Missy Kuhfamilie, die Familie hinter der aktuellen #1 & #2 der töchtergeprüften Bullen nach TPI: Supersire & Mogul, doch das ist nicht alles, auch Sid, Silver, Powerball, Mardi Gras, Platinum und viele mehr stammen aus dieser Dynastie! Dies ist ein toller Zweig aus den Missy´s mit Massey als Muttersvater und dem in Europa nie verfügbaren Robust als Großmuttersvater! Super(shot) opportunity for a Missy! Supershot with >2600 GTPI from the successful Wesswood Rudy Missy cow family. The family behind the #1 & #2 daughter proven sires ever: Supersire and Mogul, but also behind Sid, Silver, Powerball, Mardi Gras, Platinum and many others! This is a great branch of the family with the outcross bull Massey as MGS and Robust as 3rd sire, this successful sire has never been available in Europe! 80. PG Consignor 08/15 08/15 MANDY DE 0358269033 Geb. Datum. 14.03.2014 Prisma Gen - Tel. +49 (0)1735429187 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +669 +0.08 +0.08 46 40 2.81 +1.9 4.7 5.0 1.35 1.26 +1.05 588 2346 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +722 +0.11 +0.20 40 44 127 113 107 137 122 123 129 127 153 3. Mutter: Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90-USA Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr. | Maternal sister to grand dam LOBACH (Lexor x Big Time) Wesswood Rudy Missy EX-92-USA Mountfield SSI DCY MOGUL Mogul Missy EBH Super Melli 267 VG-87-DE La2. Conf. 87 87 87 87 / VG-87-DE La2. Due: Winter 2016 La1 305d 9.028kgM 3.2% 291F 3.4% 309P • Eine Halbschwester ist die Mutter von Basement @ RUW Top 10 RZG Bulle mit 160 RZG / Maternal sister is dam to Basement @ RUW Top 10 RZG bull with RZG 160 • Aus dieser Familie kommen: / This family producted: Balisto, Powerball-P, Supersire, Mardi Gras, Sid, Mogul, Sargeant, Platinum, Supersire & mehr • Als Embryo aus den USA importiert / Imported as an embryo from the USA • Halbschwester zu Brookview-E- Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr., der Mutter von Mardi Gras! / Maternal sister to Brookview-E Moviestar VG-86-USA 2yr., dam to MARDI GRAS! Komplettes Paket aus den Rudy Missy´s Sehr kompletter deutscher Index bei diesem Lobach Rind aus der extrem erfolgreichen Rudy Missy Kuhfamilie! 127 RZE / 153 RZG! Diese Familie hat bereits Bullen wie Basement (Top 10 RZG Bulle in Deutschland), Powerball, Mogul, Supersire, Silver, Sid und viele weitere geliefert! Charlesdale SUPERSTITION Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90-USA Conf. E E E E V / EX-90-USA 6yr. DOM 2.03 305d 12.732kgM 4.7% 595F 3.4% 434P • Großmutter des ehemaligen #1 GTPI Kalbes in Europa, welches für >100.000 EUR ver kauft wurde. / Grand dam to the former #1 GTPI Heifer in Europe which sold > EUR 100.000 NEXT DAMS 4e Pine-Tree Missy Melinda VG-85-USA DOM 5e Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM 6e Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90-USA GMD DOM 7e Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87-USA 8e Wesswoord Astro Matt Esther VG-87-USA GMD DOM 9e Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87-USA GMD DOM Complete index of the Rudy Missy’s Very complete German index heifer by Lobach out of the extremely successful Rudy Missy cow family! RZE 127 / RZG 153! The family delivered bulls like Basement (Top 10 RZG bull Germany), Powerball, Mogul, Supersire, Silver, Sid and many others! 81. SPH MARIAM *RC VG-88-DE Consignor DE 0664253999 Geb. Datum. 02.02.2012 Stefan & Matthias Zens - Tel. +49 (0)175811412 - Email. [email protected] Prod. Conf. La1 305d 9.664kgM 3.7%F 354F 3.5%P 337P La2 in progress. See sale update 89 87 87 88 / VG-88-DE La2. SPH Mariam | SHE SELLS Grossmutter: Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH Scientific DESTRY (Goldwyn x Durham) Mox Talent Mari VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 85 87 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.664kgM 3.7% 354F 3.5% 337P • Vollschwester zu Mox Talent Mandy EX-93CH, verkauft an GS Alliance, Schweiz und Res. Jr. Champion Expo Bulle ‘10 / Full sister to Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH, sold to GS Alliance, Switzerland and was Res. Jr. Champion Expo Bulle ‘10 Full sister to dam: Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH Ladino Park TALENT Markwell KITE Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH Conf. EX-90-CH 6yr. 2.06 305d 10.137kgM 5.0% 509F 3.7% 377P 4.10 305d 13.290kgM 5.0% 663F 3.4% 455P 6.07 305d 14.667kgM 4.7% 685F 3.5% 506P • Top seller Mox Sale ‘08 für EUR 30.400 / Top seller Mox Sale ‘08 for EUR 30.400 • Int. Champion German Open ‘08 / • 1. & HM. Grand Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne 2008 • All German Holstein Champion Red Heifers • 1st Junior Expo Bulle 2008 Tolle VG-88 Enkeltochter aus Maryrose Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH gehört zu einer der besten rotbunten Kühe Europas, sie war ALL German, Int. Champion der German Open´08 und HM Grand Champion der Swiss Expo! Sie stammt aus der tiefen kanadischen Kuhfamilie von La Presentation Onelle! Diese VG-88 3yr. eingestufte Rotfaktor Destry ist eine Enkeltochter aus Maryrose selbst! Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE Conf. EX-93-DE La2 305d 13.225kgM 3.4% 444F 3.2% 430P La3 305d 10.923kgM 3.7% 402F 3.4% 369P • Res. Grand Champion R&W German Open • All-German 2004 • 3rd place European Show ‘06 NEXT DAMS 4e WFD Mercedes VG-88-DE 5e La Présentation Memo Et Red VG-86-DE 6e De La Presentation Mary VG-86-CAN 4* 7e De La Presentation Onelle VG-86-CAN 13* 8e De La Presentation Lyne VG-CAN 9e De La Presentation Valentine VG-CAN 8e Dirkmar Bell Aggiebell VG-85-USA Tremendous VG-88 grand dtr of Maryrose Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH belongs to the greatest R&W show cows in Europe, she won All German Champion Red Heifer, Int. Champion German Open ‘08 and was HM Grand Champion at the Swiss Expo! She is from the deep Canadian La Presenation Onelle cow family! This VG-88 2nd calver is a Red Carrier grand dtr of Maryrose hereself! 82. QHR Consignor Due 08/15 PERLE - FRESH DE 01603276140 Geb. Datum. 12.12.2014 Heinrich Weckesser - Tel. +49 (0)17654387303 Will calf before the sale, more info in sale update Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +923 +0.04 +0.12 40 44 127 105 100 123 116 123 122 125 143 Halbschwester zur Mutter: Holbra Manoa VG-85-NL 2yr. Grossmutter: Holbra Mascol Pam VG-87-NL 2yr. SURAN (Superstition x Mr Burns) Pam R 1 VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 85 87 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.740kgM 3.7% 436F 3.4% 403P • Halbschwester zu Holbra Manoa VG-85-NL 2yr., Mutter von Telgter Aikman Doreen *RC, eines der höcshten Rotfaktorrinder der Rasse nach GTPI, NVI & RZG / Maternal sister to Holbra Manoa VG-85-NL 2yr., dam to the Telgter Aikman Doreen *RC, one of the highest RC Heifers in the breed for GTPI, NVI & RZG 5. Mutter: Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA Schillview GERARD MASCOL Holbra Mascol Pam VG-87-NL 2yr. Conf. 87FR 85DS 87MS 87FL / VG-87-NL 2yr. 2.01 305d 9.401kgM 4.6% 433F 3.7% 347P 4.10 305d 11.825kgM 4.6% 539F 3.5% 414P 6.03 305d 11.545kgM 4.6% 526F 3.5% 405P • Embryonen wurden weltweit exportiert / Embryos exported World Wide • Lebt und produziert noch / Still alive and producing Abgekalbte Suran aus der Prudence Familie Eine der höchsten Suran Töchter nach RZG, dazu frisch abgekalbt und mit einer sehr schönen Väterfolge: Suran x Gerard x Mascol x Durham x Rudolph aus einer der Kühe mit der höchsten Lebensleistung die je erreicht wurde: Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA! Diese Familie ist immernoch hochaktuell mit erfolgreichen Bullen an Besamungsstationen und großartigen Kühen welche in jede Herde passen! Perle kalbt kurz vor der Auktion ab! Sunday Alh Durham Prudence VG-88-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-88-NL 2yr. 2.04 359d 11.136kgM 5.0% 552F 3.6% 404P 5.06 305d 11.699kgM 4.8% 555 3.5% 413P Life: 1313d 43.009kgM 4.8% 2.055F 3.6% 1.562P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Winston & Watson • 15 Söhne in der Besamung / 15 sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4e Mayerlane-DK Hiawatha EX-90-USA DOM 5e Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 5E GMD DOM 6e Ogden Hanover Sex Prudence EX-91-USA GMD DOM 7e Dreamstreet Rorae Pocohontis EX-93-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Sher-Mar Highmark Hiawatha EX-94-USA 4E GMD DOM 9e Sher-Mar Lee Mitzi EX-91-USA 4E GMD DOM 10e Sher-Mar Mingo Mimi EX-90-USA 2E Fresh Suran from the Prudence family One of the highest RZG Suran daughters in the breed with a very attractive sire stack and pedigree. Suran x Gerard x Mascol x Durham x Rudolph fom one of the highest life time production cows ever: Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA! This family is still full in the picture with successful bulls in AI and great cows which fits every herd! Perle is fresh before the sale! 83. BEECHROW TEQUILA RUMOUR Consignor IE IRL-141652 Geb. Datum. 04-11-2014 Beehrow Holsteins - Tel. +35 (0)3878537002 - Email. [email protected] Show results Classwinner (of her agegroup) at the Irish National Heifer Show 2015!! One of the favourites for the big shows, such as the SWISS EXPO 2016! Mutter: Rapidbay-UK Jades Rumour EX-92-IE & Grossmutter: Rapidbay-UK Rumour Radiance EX-91-IE Rapid Bay Fatal Rose EX-94-CAN Full sister to grand dam 3. Mutter: Rapid Bay Whitsler Rumour EX-95-CAN Tower Vue Prime TEQUILA (Primetime x Sambo) Rapidbay-UK Jades Rumour EX-92-IE Conf. EX-92-IE La3. 2.03 305d 6.134kgM 5.42% 332F 3.72% 228P 5.01 305d 5.301kgM 4.42% 293F 3.85% 204P • UNGESCHLAGEN IM SCHAURING / NEVER BEATEN IN THE SHOW RING • Grand Champion Emerald Expo ‘12 • Jersey Champion All-Britain ‘11 • Grand Champion National Show Milstreet ‘12 • Diese Familie hat bereits mehrere Schausieger geliefert / This family has produced several show winning offspring Gilprat Belles JADE Piedmont Nadine FUROR Rapidbay-UK Rumours Radiance EX-91-UK Conf. EX-91-UK 2.02 305d 7.542kgM 6.6% 497F 4.3%P 322P 4.06 305d 6.983kgM 8.0% 557F 4.0%P 276P 5.06 305d 7.892kgM 8.9%F703F 3.7% 292P • Champion Jersey Calf All-Breeds All-Britain ‘05 • Res. Jr. Champion Royal Show ‘06 • 1st Junior Cow Suffolk County ‘10 • 2nd Junior Cow Radbf Dairy Event ‘10 • Schwester zu Rapid Bay Request / Sister to Rapid Bay Request • Vollschwester zu / Full sister to Rapid Bay Fatal Rose EX-94-CAN, HM All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘10, Res. All-Canadian Jr. 2-Yr. ‘05, Nom. All-Canadian Jr. Calf ‘03 & more! Fantastische Jersey wird verkauft! Dieses Rind hat alles um die ganz großen Schauen wie zum Beispiel die Swiss Expo zu gewinnen! Sie hat bereits ihre Klasse anlässlich der irischen Nationalschau gewonnen und zudem besitzt sie noch ein tolles Pedigree! Tequila aus der ungeschlagenen Jades Rumour, danach kommt Rumour Radience (Vollschwster zu Fatal Rose EX94-CAN), dann die lebende LEGENDE: Rapid Bay Whistlers Rumour EX-95-CAN, eine extrem erfolgreiche Schau-& Zuchtkuh! Rapid Bay Whistlers Rumour EX-95-CAN 6E Conf. EX-95-CAN 6E 16* 2.11 305d 5.740kgM 4.9% 286F 4.0% 230P 5.02 305d 8.181kgM 5.3% 434F 4.0% 324P 8.11 305d 9.467kgM 4.7% 447F 4.0% 380P Lifetime: 83.912kgM 4.9%F 4.0%P - Still alive! • 19 yrs old & still alive!! A LIVING LEGEND • 24 class progeny in Canada: 6 x EX & 17 x VG • Res. All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘08 • All-Canadian Mature Cow ‘05 & ‘03 • 1st place Mature Cow Royal RAWF ‘05 & ‘03 • Grand Champion World’s Jersey Show ‘05 • Grand Champion On Summer Show ‘03 • Grand Champion Grand Prix Jersey Show ‘02 NEXT DAMS 4e Franken G Gemini Roberta VG-89-CAN 3yr. 5e Franken Gemni Roberta EX-CAN 2E x VG-86-CAN x VG-86-CAN x VG-87-CAN Big Time Jersey heifer sells! This heifer has it all in her to win the big shows, such as Swiss Expo! She already won her class (in her age group) at the Irish National Show and has a stunning pedigree! Tequila from the unbeaten Jades Rumour, followed by Rumour Radience (full sister to Fatal Rose EX94-CAN), then the living legend: Rapid Bay Whistlers Rumour EX-95CAN, extremely successful in the show ring and as a brood cow! F C 84. 23. GHH DG GOLDWYN OLLY *P *RC ANCY Consignor USA | 80K DE Geb. Datum. 19.05.15 NL 0358012205 920078732 14.06.2014 Kastens +49 (0)1778549158 DiamondHolsteins Genetics GbR (NL)-&Tel. Cormdale (CAN) - Tel. +31 (0)84606922 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 09/14 +499 +0.00 +0.04 19 26 2.70 +2.0 4.6 8.6 1.21 2.44 +2.17 507 2054 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +832 -0.02 +0.05 32 33 113 117 114 129 131 100 131 118 137 GHH Folwyn Frency VG-88-CH 3yr. Cherry Crest Black Vollschwester / Full Heat sisterEX-91-CAN Vollschwester zum*RC Verkaufstier: GHH 2yr. Golwyn Frency VG-88-CH 3yr. Cherry Crest Coal *P VG-85-CAN Braedale GOLDWYN Lookout Pesce HUNGER (James x Storm) (Shamrock x Man-O-Man) HPH Shottle EX-91-DE 2EVG-85-CAN 2yr. Cherry ChrestMalmö Colt Coal *RC *PO Conf. EX-91-DE 85R 86DS 2E 85MS 85FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. 4/3La 305d 8.516kgM 11.948kgM3.9%F 3.61%328F 431F3.3%E 3.21% 384P 2.01 (Proj) 282E HL3 302d 14.599kgM 3.56% 519F 3.08% 449P • Hunger dtr sold to Blondin Holsteins / • Dam of GHH Goldwyn FrencyHolsteins VG-88-CH 3yr., Hunger dtr sold to Blondin 1st & HM Int. Champion Schau der Besten ‘14 / Dam of GHH Goldwyn Frency VG-88-CH 3yr., 1st & HM Int. Champion Schau der Besten ‘14 • 6th generation EXCELLENT cow! / 6th generation EXCELLENT cow!! Mutter: HPH Sizzling Shottle Malmö EX-91-DE 2E Cherry Crest Red Hot EX-91-CAN Picston SHOTTLE Sandy-Valley COLT P-RED Engstad QF Lad Madleine EX-94-DE Cherry Crest Black Heat EX-91-CAN Conf. 90R EX-94-DE 91DS 91MS 94FL / EX-91-CAN 1* 9/9La 291d 9.339kgM 9.303kgM 4.2%F 4.25%396F 395F3.6%E 3.35%340E 313P 2.05 305d HL4 305d10.428kgM 11.816kgM4.3%F 4.21%444F 497F3.5%E 3.44%365E 406P 3.08 305d 5.04 305d 15.634kgM 4.7%F 735F 3.3%E 523E • Same branch of the family as Quality BC Frantisco EX-96, 2 x Supreme at the Royal • 3rd 5-Yr. Old Lotbiniere ‘12 Winter FairGlengarry and foundation • 1t Int. Calf ‘07 cow of a great show family at Quality Holsteins, Canada / Same branch of the family as Quality BC Frantisco EX-96, 2 x Supreme at the Royal Winter Fair and foundation cow of a great show family at Quality Holsteins, Canada Quality LAD BraedaleFuture GOLDWYN Quality AstreSizzling Felice EX-CAN 27* Cherry Crest Red HotEX-MS EX-91-CAN Conf. EX-CAN 91R 93DS27* 90MS 91FL / EX-91-CAN 3* 4.02 561P 2.05 365d 305d 18.004kgM 10.933kgM 3.1% 3.6%F565F 394F3.1% 3.2%E 352E 5.11 343P 3.09 365d 305d 10.495kgM 11.722kgM 3.8% 3.7%F346F 432F3.3% 3.3%E 387E • 27 HM.STARS All-American R&W ‘04 • 14 & 14 VG dtrs Kanada 2ndEX@inter Calf QC in Int. R&W ‘03 • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 3-Yr. & Jr. 2-Yr. NEXT NEXT DAMS DAMS 4e AJ Felicia 4e Quality Primevalley Astre EX-CAN Lulu *RC7*VG-88-CAN 6yr. 5e Plushanski Valiant Fran EX-90-USA 5e Andryan Stratos-Raisa-Red GP-CAN 4yr. 3yr. 35* 6e Plushanski Chief Faith EX-94-USA 4E 6e Albrecht Regina-Red EX-USA 1* 7e Val Brillant Rina-Red VG-85-CAN 4yr. 8e Val Brillant Tina Supreme VG-86-CAN 4yr. H show opportunity knocks! Puge olled Hunger A beautiful show sells,full a tremendous opportunity buy a Polled & RC dtr heifer of Hunger, sister in Canada sold toto Blondin daughter the aalldeep timeCanadian show favorite andCherry out ofCrest a golden Holsteins.ofFrom family.GOLDWYN Grand dam cross Herwas fullsuccessful sister is one of the greatest young cows Black combination! Heat EX-91-CAN in the show ring and 3rd dam in Europe: GHH Goldwyn Frency VG-88-CH in 3yr., which was 1st at Sizzling EX-91-CAN was HM. All-American 2004! Special polled the Schau der Besten and sold to Switzerland! Her 3rd dam is the pedigre opportunity. fantastic brood cow Quality Astre Felice EX-CAN 27*, foundation cow of a big time show family at Quality Holstein, Canada! H show opportunity knocks! Puge olled Hunger A beautiful show sells,full a tremendous opportunity buy a Polled & RC dtr heifer of Hunger, sister in Canada sold toto Blondin daughter the aalldeep timeCanadian show favorite andCherry out ofCrest a golden Holsteins.ofFrom family.GOLDWYN Grand dam cross Herwas fullsuccessful sister is one of the greatest young cows Black combination! Heat EX-91-CAN in the show ring and 3rd dam in Europe: GHH Goldwyn Frency VG-88-CH in 3yr., which was 1st at Sizzling EX-91-CAN was HM. All-American 2004! Special polled the Schau der Besten and sold to Switzerland! Her 3rd dam is the pedigre opportunity. fantastic brood cow Quality Astre Felice EX-CAN 27*, foundation cow of a big time show family at Quality Holstein, Canada! R H 85. OSA 23. KNS RZN EROIN SALE INFO Consignor USA | 80K #3 gPFT heifer in theBalisto breed!World #1 RZG WideFlush - GTPI +2624 age! DE 0357640738 Geb. Datum. 10.03.2015 0666519828 26-07-2014 KNS Tel.+49 +49(0)123123123 (0)1722713211 - Email. [email protected] RZH Holsteins Holstein --Tel. - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 3. Cookiecutter Mutter: Wendon Rita EX-CAN MOMStarbuck Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 6E 4* Mutter: KNS Rosastern VG-86-DE 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. De-Su 521 Bkm MCCUTCHEN 1174 11236 BALISTO (Bookem x Shottle) Watson) KNS Rosastern VG-86-DE Lookout Pesce Epic Hue 2yr. Conf. 87fin 86 Septembre 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. A terme / Due September La1 305d 10.664kgM 3.68% 392F 3.22% 343P LOOKS GREAT! • Tolle GOLDWYN Färse welche im Januar 2016 wieder / • Une deskalbt meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, Awesome GOLDWYN +2354 GTPI / One of2yr. theold bestwhich Epic will daughter calf again Januar ‘16 World Wide,inGTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Grossmutter: Wendon Skychief Rosalyn EX-96-DE Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Braedale GOLDWYN Genervations EPIC Donnandale SKYCHIEF Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Wendon Skychief EX-96-DE2a Cookiecutter MOMRosalyn Hue TB-88-CAN Conf. 95 97 97 952a/ TB-88 EX-96-DE TB-88-CAN MA 6/6La 305d11.474kgL 12.897kgM 3.05% 394F 3.02% 389P 2.04 305j 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P HL4 305d 15.666kgM 3.86% 448F 3.92% 457P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • 3Stars x GRAND 2012 CHAMPION / Sold for $Hessens 200,000 Zukunft in the Sale • GRAND National DHV Show of StarsCHAMPION 2012 Germany 2006 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de • Man-O-Man Vollschwester Wendon Skychief au zu Monde! / Hue is one Raylene of the EX-96-CAN 6EMan-O-Man (Lebensleistung: >100.000 most exciting dtrs in the breed! kg M) / Full sister to Wendon Skychief Raylene EX-96-CAN 6E (Lifetime: >100.000 kg M) T austoRosalyn! FYP! irst Enkeltochter dtr of Epic Hue sell! Eine Mc Cutchen, einem derinmomentan höchsten h outTochter for thevon Genomics of this heifer the August run! Shetöchtergeis a prüften inHue den which amerikanischen TOP 100! Ihre Mutter ist in Balisto Vererbern out of Epic sold for $TPI 155,000. She will be fresh eine überragende Färse welche im Januar abSeptember of thisGoldwyn year and looks incredible! Shezum has zweiten progenyMal testing kalben muss, sie already! ist eine direkte vonHue niemand anderem als dem over 2600 GTPI Grand Tochter dam MOM sold for $ 200.000 in Grand Champion Deutschen Holstein 2006:EX-95 Wendon the Sale of Starsder 2012! Great branch ofSchau the Dellia cowSkychief family, Rosalyn EX-96-DE!bulls Vollschwester Skychief EX-96 in Kanada which delivered like Durham, Iota,Raylene Halogenistand many others! und produzierte über 100.000kg Milch! Tolle kanadische Kuhfamilie! Wendon Starbuck Rita EX-CAN 6E Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-CAN EX-MS 6E 4* EX-91-USA 5.08 13.175kgM4.9%G 3.2% 422F 2.04 360d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.2% 3.5%P416P 409P 9.09 336d 13.178kgM 3.0% 390F 3.2% 422P Lifetime: 3.1%F • Fille de 73.478kgM Shottle / Sired by3.2%P Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, Vater: / Sire: Hanoverhill Starbuck / Halogen, Iota, Durham… • 3 From EX dtrDellia in Canada EX Töchter in Halogen, Kanada family,/as3 several bulls, • Grand Iota,Champion Durham…Calgary Spring ‘92 & ‘93 NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM NEXT DAMS 5e Wendon Ms Kings-Rnsm Haley-ET EX-90 4e Attract Champ Rena VG-86-CAN 4yr. 4*GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 3 EXCELLENT dtrsHanna in Canada 7e Wendon Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 5e S C Rene VG-85-CAN ry. 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM T Grand dtr of Rosalyn! FYPE! irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! A daughter the highest dtr proven type in the American h out for theofGenomics of this heifer in thebull August run! She is aTPI Top 100:out McofCutchen! damsold is anforawesome Goldwyn 2yr.beold Balisto Epic HueHer which $ 155,000. She will fresh in which will calf again inand the looks Winterincredible! and whichShe is ahas direct dtr oftesting the September of this year progeny German National Champion of 2006: Wendon EX-in over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue Skychief sold for $Rosalyn 200.000 96-DE! sister2012! to Skychief is EX-96 in Canada and the SaleFull of Stars Great Raylene branch ofwhich the Dellia EX-95 cow family, produced >100.000 Milk! Tremendous Canadianand cowmany family! which delivered bullskglike Durham, Iota, Halogen others! 86. LOHMANNS O’KALIF Consignor ROSE RED DE 0538963607 Geb. Datum. 20.05.2015 Bernd Lohmann - Tel. +49 (0)1756160107 - Email. [email protected] Close family: Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA Halbschwester zu Mutter: Wit Rosalinchen Grossmutter: SD Mis Rosanne EX-91-DE GS Alliance O’KALIF (Destry x Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra) WIT Rommy Red VG-86-DE La2. Conf. 88 84 85 86 / VG-86-DE La2. La1 305d 7.851kgM 4.32% 339F 3.74% 294P Gen-I-Beq SECURE RED KHW Kite ADVENT RED SD Miss Rosanne EX-91-DE Conf. 90 93 90 91 / EX-91-DE 3/3La 305d 11.699kgM 4.56% 533F 3.41% 399P HL3 305d 13.878kgM 4.54% 630F 3.24% 449P • Teilnehmerin der Europaschau 2010 / Participated at European Show 2010 • Siegerin der RUW Färsenshau 2010 / Champion RUW 2yr. old Show 2010 Perfekte Rotbuntkombination Traumhaftes Pedigree für die Rotbuntzucht: O´Kalibra auf der Vatersseite mit ihrem roten Destry Sohn O´Kalif und die Blackrose Familie auf der Muttersseite. Rose Red ihre Großmutter SD Miss Rosanne EX91-DE hatte bereits tolle Erfolge im Schauring und kommt direkt aus der Halbschwester von Talent, dies ist die selbe mütterliche Linie aus der auch die legendäre Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA stammt! Rama-Way Outside Rosemary VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. La1 305d 12.343kgM 4.3% 525F 3.4% 417P • Halbschwester zu Talent / Maternal sister to Talent NEXT DAMS 4e Markwell Leader Rose RC EX-91-USA 5e Stookey Elm Park Blackrose EX-95-USA 6e Nandette TT Speckle-Red EX-93-USA 7e Nandette Riley Nana-Red VG-87-USA 8e Nandette Bootmaker Gale VG-89-USA Ultimate RED combination Dream R&W pedigree: O’Kalibra on the topside of the pedigree through her Red Destry son O’Kalif and the Blackrose family on the botton. Rose Red her grand dam SD Miss Rosanne EX-91-DE had great successes in the show ring comes from the maternal sister of Talent and is the same maternal line as the legendary Red cow, Lavender Ruby Redrose EX-96-USA! 87. NH EMERALD Consignor 08/15 #1 GTPI Emerald dtr WORLD WIDE!! 08/15 RELAXTIME DE 0770224520 Geb. Datum. 12.04.2015 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1976 +0.07 +0.01 95 64 2.97 +0.2 3.9 6.4 1.38 1.55 +2.18 768 2618 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1773 +0.06 +0.00 76 80 141 102 107 122 106 106 120 116 148 Grossmutter: FrG Realsnow VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Emerald Relaxtime | #1 GTPI Emerald World Wide, SHE SELLS Mr Ocd Mogul EMERALD (Mogul x Elite) NH Supersire Realtime VG-85-UK 2yr. Conf. VG-85-UK 2yr. La1 131d 5.416kgM 3.7%F 3.1%P @ 47,3 kg Milk / day at the moment • Ihr Kingpin Sohn mit ist bei Genus / Her Kingpin son with almost 2600 GTPI is at Genus, ABS • Auf dem letzten GMS nach England verkauft und macht sich hervorragend! / Sold to the UK and is doing great! 6. Mutter: Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN FrG Realsnow VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 85 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 9.504kgM 4.1% 389F 3.4% 324P HL 2 305d 11.020kgM 4.2% 463F 3.6% 391P • Selbe Familie wie: / Same family as: Mr Sam, Mr Samuelo, Mr Shane, Socrates & many others Die #1 GTPI Emerald der WELT! Die höchste Emerald Tochter der Welt mit einem traumhaftem Index: +1976 Milch, 64kg Eiweiß, positiver Töchterfruchtbarkeit, SCE 6.4, >2PTAT & 2618 GTPI! Weltklasse GTPI Rind mit einem tollen Pedigree, ihre Mutter wurde nach Enland verkauft und hat einen Kingpin Sohn an Genus / ABS geliefert. Weiter hinten im Pedigree finden wir die amerikanische Zuchtikone Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA! Renita 72 VG-88-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-88-DE 2yr. HL2 305d 10.991kgM 3.6% 394F 3.5% 380P 2/2La 305d 10.489kgM 3.4% 361F 3.4% 361P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90-DE - Grand Champion Kuhfreuerwerke & Grand RBW Show ‘11 NEXT DAMS 4e Kerndtway Metro Rosy EX-90-USA 5e Regancrest-UR Robin VG-86-USA 2yr. 6e Regan-Joy Durham Regenia EX-92-USA GMD DOM 7e Sher-Est Emory Swanny EX-90-USA 2E DOM 8e Sher-Est Prelude Swan EX-91-USA 2E GMD DOM 9e Sher-Est S-Wind Saturday EX-90-USA GMD DOM 10e Eng-Our-Acres Mark Sandy EX-91-USA GMD DOM 11e Buena-Vista Tony Sandra EX-91-USA 2E DOM 12e Buena-Vista Riley Sandy EX-90-USA The #1 GTPI Emerald World Wide!! The #1 GTPI Emerald daughter World Wide with a dream index: +1976 lbs milk, 64 lbs protein, positive DPR, SCE 6.4, >2 PTAT and +2618 GTPI!! World Class ranking GTPI heifer with a tremendous pedigree, her mother sold to the UK and has Kingpin son with almost 2600 GPTI at Genus / ABS. Deeper in the pedigree dtrs of Snowman and Goldwyn going back on the American Regan-Joy Durham Regania EX-92-USA! 88. GIL Consignor 08/15 8/15 DGV LPI +3267 / Conf. +11 08/15 CINDY DE 0770227687 Geb. Datum. 24.02.2015 K. Gilessen - Tel. +49 (0)2683 3774 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +770 +0.14 +0.07 67 41 2.83 +1.9 6.4 7.1 1.99 2.11 +2.07 715 2558 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +632 +0.45 +0.22 70 44 131 117 109 122 117 130 134 137 151 3. Mutter: Winning-Way Cara EX-90-USA Grossmutter: Circkle-K Freddie 691 EX-90-USA Larcrst COMMANDER (Mogul x Observer) Circle-K Mccutchen 831 • 4 Nachkommen >2500 GTPI / 4 progeny >2500 GTPI • Eine der höchsten und intressantesten Töchter des erfolgreichen MC CUTCHEN / One of the highest dtrs of the popular and succesful dtr proven sire Mc Cutchen! 6. Mutter: Felder Den Barb Cindy EX-91-USA De-Su Bkm MCCUTCHEN Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE Circle-K Freddie 691 EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.04 365d 14.603kgM 540F 3.4% 496P Just fresh in 2nd lactation • Mutter von WALLY @ Select Sires (GTPI +2607) / Dam to WALLY @ Select Sires (GTPI +2607) Das komplette Paket aus exklusiver Kuhfamilie! Hoch testende Commander Tochter mit >2550 GTPI und einem sehr kompletten RZG Index! Sie hat eine tolle Väterfolge mit einem der höchsten töchtergetesteten Bullen im Papier, Mc Cutchen x Freddie x Shottle x Baxter x Finley aus der ehemaligen #1 CTPI Kuh in Amerika, Felder Den Barb Cindy EX-91-USA! Eine Familie die bereits viele positive Bullen hervorgebracht hat, wie aktuell zum Beispiel die aktuelle #1 in Deutschland, Suran! Winning-Way Cara EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 3.11 365d 16.186kgM 3.5% 566F 3.2% 518P • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI NEXT DAMS 4e Winning-Way Mottle VG-87-USA 3yr. DOM 5e Springway Finley Claret EX-91-USA 5yr. 6e Whittier-Farms Christina VG-87-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 7e Whittier-Farms Emery Cin VG-87-USA GMD DOM 8e Felder Den Barb Cindy EX-91-USA GMD DOM 9e Miss Den-Barb Global Cora EX-90-USA GMD DOM 10e Ruann Royalty Cora EX-90-USA DOM 11e Cartnation S Pete Coralline VG-86-USA GMD 12e Diamond-S Eve Corry EX-90-USA GMD DOM 13e Diamond-S Glamour Cass EX-93-USA DOM 14e Diamond S Bvar Cassie EX-90-USA 6yr. GMD 15e Lavacres Poly Caroline EX-91-USA 5yr. Complete package of exclusive family! High ranking Commander dtr with >2550 GTPI and a very complete RZG index! She has a great sire stack coming from one of the highest dtrs of the successful dtr proven sire Mc Cutchen from a Freddie x Shottle x Baxter x Finley going back on the former #1 CTPI cow in America Felder Den Barb Cindy EX-91-USA! A family which delivered plenty of successful sires, such as Suran for example! H C 89. 23. DG RZNJK EDER EROININDEL #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 NL Geb. Datum. 13.03.2015 DE 747280990 0666519828 26-07-2014 Consignor Diamond Genetics Tel. (0)123123123 +31 (0)38 460 -6922 - Email. [email protected] & RZH Holstein - Tel.- +49 Email. [email protected] JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)6 53803396 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 08/15 +1072 +0.06 +0.05 58 46 2.78 +1.6 4.9 6.5 1.43 1.47 +1.59 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 08/15 +1123 +0.15 +0.09 60 47 132 120 99 126 117 128 127 NM NM 559 631 RZE RZE 124 129 GTPI GTPI 2179 2453 RZG RZG 144 152 JK Eder Ciderman Ascol Cookiecutter MOM@ Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Full brother to grand dam, former #1 bull Spain! GrossMutter: JK Eder Snowman Cinderella VG-88-NL 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Larcrest COMMANDER De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Mogul (Bookemx Observer) x Watson) JK Eder Cindere 4 Hue Lookout Pesce Epic A terme fin Septembre / Due September Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / LOOKS GREAT! Just fresh, looks great! See sale update • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, • +2354 #5 GTPIGTPI Fanatic / #5Epic GTPIdaughter Fanatic / Oneweltweit of the best World Wide Wide, GTPI+2354 • Ehemalige PFTTango Fanatic Tochter in Italien / Mère de Ms#1 Hue 57644, GTPI+2606 #1 PFT in Italy /Former NM +910 ! / Fanatic Dam to daughter Ms Hue Tango 57644, • GTPI+2606 Halbschwester JK Eder Cinder *PO – Eines / NMzu +910 ! der höchsten hornlos Rinder in Europa / • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Maternal sister to JK Eder Cinder *PO - One of the highest Polled Heifers in Europe Mutter: Eder Cindere 4 Snow-N JK Denises Dellia EX-95-USA FANATIC Genervations EPIC Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN JK Eder Snowman VG-88-NL Cookiecutter MOMCinderella Hue TB-88-CAN 2a 2yr. Conf. 88FR 86DS 88MS 88FLMA / VG-88-NL 2yr. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 2.02 9.415kgM 3.7% 294P 2.04 305d 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G345F 484G3.1% 3.7%P 421P • Vollschwester zu Controldurant @ Semex & of Vendue pour 200.000$ la Sale Ciderman sister toinControl @ Stars 2012@/ Asol Sold /forFull $ 200,000 the Sale Semex & 2012 Ciderman @ Asol of Stars • Verkauft nachdes Irland, nun >70 kg Milch Hue est une plus intéressantes filles de pro Tag! Inauder 2ten /Laktation! Man-O-Man Monde! Hue is one /of Sold the to Ireland, producing >70 kg dtrs Milk in perthe day! most exciting Man-O-Man breed! W underbare RoxyHue Linie: Die Cinderella´s! F irst dtr of Epic to sell! Die Cinderella´s sind dieofmomentan erfolgreichste h out for the Genomics this heifervielleicht in the August run! SheLinie is a der Roxy´s Snowman Cinderella die Großmutter desbe fresh in Balisto weltweit, out of Epic Hue which sold forist $ 155,000. She will Verkaufskalbes undyear gibtand momentan über 70kgShe Milch ihrer 2ten September of this looks incredible! hasinprogeny testing Laktation, sie istalready! der StarGrand ihreredam Herde in Hue Irland! over 2600 GTPI MOM soldSieforist$ die 200.000 in Vollschwester zu Control @ Semex und Ascol, the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of Ciderman the Dellia@ EX-95 cowdem family, ehemaligen #1 Bullen in Spanien! which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Giessen Bolton Cinderella VG-87-NL 2yr.DOM Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA Conf. VG-87-NL EX-91-USAVG-89-MS 2yr. 2.05 10.329kgM4.9%G 3.4% 351F 2.04 305d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.3% 3.5%P341P 409P • VG in NL, Kanada mehr! / FilleTöchter de Shottle / Sired by & Shottle VG la dtrsfamille in NL, Dellia Canadacomme & more!de nombreux • De • taureaux, Nächste Mutter warIota, Int. Champion Halogen, Durham… National / HHH / Next wasbulls, Int. Champion FromShow Dellia‘10 family, as dam several Halogen, National HHH Show ‘10 Iota, Durham… NEXT DAMS 4e Giessen NEXT DAMSCinderella 15 EX-91-NL 5e Durham Cinderelle VG-89-NLTB-88 EX-MS DOM 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET 6e Wilcoxview Cinderella 3E GMD DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm ChampEX-92-USA Haley-ET EX-90 7e Scientific Cinderaella VG-88-USA EX-MS 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 8e Hanoverhill Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD 7e Long-HavenTony Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2EDOM GMD DOM 9e Hanoverhill TT Roxette EX-94-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 10eSnow-N Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-CAN GMD DOM 9e Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 11e C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA 4E GMD R oxy’sdtr awesome branch: the Cinderella’s! F irst of Epic Hue to sell! The are amongst the mostinsuccessful branches of isthe h outCinderella’s for the Genomics of this heifer the August run! She a Roxy family the grand dam heifer BalistoWorld out ofWide, Epic Snowman Hue whichCinderella sold for $is155,000. She willofbethis fresh in and is now of producing milkincredible! in her 2nd She lactation where she is a September this year>70 andkglooks has progeny testing herd favourite her farmGrand in Ireland! SheHue is the fullforsister to Control over 2600 GTPIatalready! dam MOM sold $ 200.000 in @ Ciderman @ Ascol, theofformer #1 bull in Spain! theSemex Sale ofand Stars 2012! Great branch the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! 90. HWH Consignor DE 0666761993 Geb. Datum. 29.05.2015 HWH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)17654387303 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +0.10 +0.03 71 44 3.01 +0.8 5.6 6.8 1.47 1.46 +1.74 649 2432 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1253 +0.10 +0.03 60 45 130 111 106 140 117 119 129 124 154 *Preliminary +1158 08/15 TONJA 3. Mutter: Vieuxsaule Bolton Halia VG-87-CAN 2yr. Grossmutter: Vieuxsaule Freddie Tanja VG-88-USA Mr Moviestar MARDI GRAS (Mogul x Planet) HWH Sudan Tweety VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.07 305d 8.032kgM 4.2%F 3.6%P (Proj.) Proj. after 1 test • Gerade frisch abgekalbt and bereits VG 2yr. / Just fresh and scored already VG 2yr. • Bereits Söhne von Anton & Lexington auf Station / Already sons in AI by Anton & Lexington Die Dragonfly´s! 4. Mutter: Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly EX-94-CAN Va-Early-Dawn SUDAN Badger-Bluff Fanny FREDDIE Vieuxsaule Freddie Tanya VG-88-USA Conf. VG-88-USA 1.11 365s 20.351kgM 4.8% 975F 3.6% 742P 2.05 365d 20.395kgM 4.8% 979F 3.5% 714P Vieuxsaule Bolton Halia VG-87-CAN 2yr. Conf. VG-87-CAN VG-87-MS 2yr. 1.11 365d 13.729kgM 4.6% 631F 3.5% 484P • Ehemalige # 20 GLPI Kuh in Kanada / • Mutter von: / Dam to: Rocket, Tapic, Susoya & Fomer top 20 GLPI Cow in Canada mehr • Ihre Vollschwester ist die Mutter von FLAME @ Semex / Her full sister is dam to FLAME @ NEXT DAMS 4e Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly EX-94-2E-CAN 19* Semex 5e Vieuxsaule Outside Mary Sol EX-95-CAN 2E 3* 6e Vieuxsaule Char Marie Soleil VG-85-2YR-CAN 7e Vieuxsaule A Marie Michelle GP-83-2YR-CAN 8e Blaueberge Tab Berty GP-83-2YR-CAN 9e Bly-Century Elevation Blossom EX-90-USA 10e Bly-Century Chief Bonnie EX-90-USA 11e Walhowdown Transmitter M Beauty EX-90-USA 12e Walhowdown V I M Winona VG-USA 13e Walhowdon Yeoman M Rio VG-USA 14e Walhowdon Vernon M November EX-90-USA Großartige Gelegenheit ein Mitglied der kanadischen Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly Familie zu kaufen! Mardi Gras aus einer frisch abgekalbten VG 2yr. eingestuften Sudan, dann kommt Freddie Tanya VG-88-USA! Eine der besten Freddie Töchter weltweit, Vollschwester zu der Mutter von Flame @ Semex! Die 4te Mutter ist die unglaubliche Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly EX-94-CAN! The Canadian Dragonfly’s! Nice opportunity to buy a member of the Canadian Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly cow family! Mardi Gras from a fresh VG 2yr. old Sudan from Freddie Tanya VG-88-USA! One of the very best Freddie dtrs World Wide, full sister to the dam of Flame @ Semex! 4th dam is the incredible Vieuxsaule Allen Dragonfly EX-94-CAN! 91. PG Consignor #3 GLPI heifer in Europe! 8/15 RZG 156 08/15 08/15 DGV OZON DE 0358269068 Geb. Datum. 12.06.2015 Prisma Gen - Tel. +49 (0)1735429187 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1878 -0.06 +0.02 54 64 2.76 +2.2 7.0 7.7 1.26 1.21 +1.54 770 2602 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +2517 -0.15 +0.08 77 91 2.73 118 108 109 4 13 13 +13 3604 Hickorymae Shot Ovada-P VG-85-USA Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) Prismagen Epic Oregon • Tot / Died • Halbschwester ist die Mutter von Ocean PP @ Accelerated Genetics / Maternal sister is dam to Ocean PP @ Accelerated Genetics Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr. Genervations EPIC Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. 2.08 305d 13.408kgM 3.8% 503F 3.6% 481P • Fantastische Kuh bei Regancrest Farm, USA / Incredible cow at Regancrest Farm, USA Hickorymae Shot Ovada-P VG-86-USA Conf. VG-86-USA 2.02 305d 10.279kgM 3.7% 382F 3.4% 350P 4.03 305d 11.735kgM 3.8% 445F 3.2% 376P 5.09 305d 10.846kgM 4.0% 430F 3.3% 357P • Diese Familie hat bereits Style-P geliefert! / This family produced: STYLE-P NEXT DAMS 4e Hickorymae Bosco Oval P EX-90-USA 5e Hickorymae Bwood Ossie P EX-90-USA 6e Hickorymae Elotn Ovation P VG-89-USA GMD Das #3 GLPI Rind in Europa Das #3 GLPI Rind in Europa mit +3604 DGV LPI & +13 Conformation! Super kompletter amerikanischer Index mit hohen Leistungs- und Fitnesswerten: +1878 Milch, +64 Eiweiß, +2.2 DPR, +7 PL & >2600 GTPI! Überragende Familie, ihre Mutter ist die Halbschwester zum populären Bullen Ocean PP, danach kommt die weltbekannte Kuh Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr, die Regancrest Farms gehört. The #3 GLPI heifer in Europe The #3 GLPI heifer in Europe with +3604 DGV LPI & +13 Conformation! Fantastic complete American index with a huge production and fitness combination: +1878 milk, +64 protein, +2.2 DPR, +7 PL and >2600 GTPI! Fantastic family, her dam is the maternal sister to popular sire Ocean PP, followed by the popular cow Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr. at Regancrest Farm. 92. Consignor 08/15 08/15 OPIUM *PO DE 0358388735 Geb. Datum. 13.05.2015 Wilhelm Wemheuer - Tel. +49 (0)17630443404 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +326 +0.06 +0.06 29 28 2.89 +1.7 2.3 6.6 0.69 0.42 +0.99 346 2103 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +968 -0.05 +0.12 33 45 127 115 103 124 117 115 111 117 142 3. Mutter: Hickorymae Shot Ovada-P VG-85-USA Opium *PO | SHE SELLS View-Home POWERBALL-P (Earnhardt x Robust) Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr. Hickortymae PARKER-P Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Ohanna P Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. Due. Februar 2016 2.08 305d 13.408kgM 3.8% 503F 3.6% 481P • Vollschwester des populären homozygot Bullen OCEAN-PP @ Accelerated / Full sister of the popular homozygous polled bull OCEAN-PP @ Accelerated • Fantastische Kuh bei Regancrest Farms, USA / Incredible cow at Regancrest Farm, USA Hickorymae Shot Ovada-P VG-86-USA Conf. VG-86-USA 2.02 305d 10.279kgM 3.7% 382F 3.4% 350P 4.03 305d 11.735kgM 3.8% 445F 3.2% 376P 5.09 305d 10.846kgM 4.0% 430F 3.3% 357P • Diese Familie hat bereits STYLE-P geliefert! / This family produced: STYLE-P NEXT DAMS 4e Hickorymae Bosco Oval P EX-90-USA 5e Hickorymae Bwood Ossie P EX-90-USA 6e Hickorymae Elotn Ovation P VG-89-USA GMD Die HONRLOS Quelle Die Hickorymae O Familie ist eine ganz spezielle und erfolgreiche Quelle für die Hornlosgenetik! Großmutter dieses Kalbes ist Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr., eine überragende junge Kuh bei Regancrest Farms, USA! Die Mutter des Kalbes ist eine Vollschwester zu einem der populärsten homozygoten Bullen der Gegenwart: Ocean PP @ Accelerated Genetics. Style-P kommt ebenfalls aus dieser Familie! Special polled source The Hickorymae O family is a very special source for the polled breeding! Grand dam of this lot is Hickorymae Manoman Opine-P VG-87-USA 2yr., a tremendous cow at Regancrest Farm, USA! Dam of this lot is the full sister of one of the most popular Homozygous Polled bulls: Ocean PP @ Accelerated Genetics. Also Style P is from this cow family! 93. WEH Consignor 08/15 Huge RZG / GTPI combination! 08/15 GALAXY DE 357795009 Geb. Datum. 24.04.2015 WEH Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)5848822 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1489 +0.09 +0.02 79 51 2.82 +1.1 6.1 7.6 1.28 0.96 +1.34 761 2524 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1816 +0.04 +0.05 77 67 145 111 110 121 117 120 126 126 158 WEH Georgina VG-86-DE 2yr. (Numero Uno x WEH Georgi 1) Grossmutter: WEH Georgi 1 VG-87-DE 2yr. View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust) 3. Mutter: WEH Grazia VG-86-DE 2yr. Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Emerald-Acr-Sa T BAXTER WEH Gini WEH Georgi 1 VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. 87 87 87 86 / VG-87-DE 2yr. Due: Oktober 2015 2/1LA 305d 13.466kgM 4.1% 551F 3.2% 431P • Sie hat bereits eine Tochter mit 2594 GTPI / Also a GTPI +2594 daughter • Tolle Baxter Tochter / Tremendous Baxter dtr WEH Grazia VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE 2yr. La1 305d 11.351kgM 4.47% 507F 3.79% 430P • Vater: / Sire: Braedale Goldwyn NEXT DAMS 4e WEH Tugolo Galina VG-88-DE 5e Hintze Beltone Gale EX-90-DE 6e Schleif Southwind Gale EX-90-USA 7e Schleif Melwood Dynasty Gale EX-90-USA 8e Schleif Bova Dove Dynasty VG-86-USA 9e Schleif Angel Lad Dove EX-91-USA 10e Schleif Faith Supreme Angel VG-85-USA Perfekte RZG / GTPI Kombination Hoch interessante Missouri Tochter aus einer tiefen amerikanischen Kuhfamilie, entwickelt in der Herde von Hintze (WEH Holsteins). Toller Mix aus Blutlinien und ein super Indexkombination von >2500 GTPI und 158 RZG! Hohe Leistung >1800kg Milch in Deutschland, 145 RZM und hoch im Typ, >120 Fundamend & Euter! Eine großartige Möglichkeit für alle Züchter um möglichst viele Bullen an verschiedene Besamungsstationen zu verkaufen! Fantastic RZG / GTPI combination Very interesting Missouri daughter from a deep American cow family developed in the herd of Hintze (WEH Holsteins). A great mix of bloodlines and a super index combination with >2500 GTPI and 158 RZG! Huge production with >1800 kg Milk in Germany, 145 RZM and high type, >120 F&L & Udder and 126 Udders! A great opportunity for every breeder to sell maximum bulls in AI in different markets! J H 94. 23. THI RZN MISSOURI EROIN ULIA Consignor #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 DE 0538920300 Geb. Datum. 28.06.2015 0666519828 26-07-2014 R. (DE) - Tel. (0)1633799861 - Email. RZHThoenes Holstein - Tel. +49+49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM SCS RZS DPR RZD PL RZN SCE RZR FLC FL UDC UDD. PTAT RZE NM RZG GTPI 08/15 08/14 +1246 +2346 -0.06 -0.07 +0.18 -0.04 43 67 61 137 2.85 116 -0.5 102 2.6 132 8.3 128 1.94 106 1.89 124 +2.69 116 559 158 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 WEH Bronco Jill VG-85-DE 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Bronco grand dtr of WEH Jessica Grossmutter: WEH Garrett Jule VG-86-DE Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. 2yr. View-Home MISSOURI De-Su 11236Day BALISTO (Day x Robust) (Bookem x Watson) WEH Fanatic Jula Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Due: Oktober 2015 LOOKS GREAT! • Familie von Robust / Same family behind ROBUST!! • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! D ie Jenna-Familie von F irst dtr of Epic Hue toHintze sell! 4. Mutter: WEH Jessica VG-88-DE Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA FANATIC Genervations EPIC Schillview Long-LangsGARRETT MAN-O-MAN WEH Garrett Jule 2yr. 2a Cookiecutter MOMVG-86-DE Hue TB-88-CAN Conf. 85 85 86 862a/ TB-88 VG-86-DE TB-88-CAN MA 2yr. La1 4.1% 497F 421P 2.04305d 305j 12.029kgM 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G3.5% 3.7%P 421P • Mütterliche ist die Vendue pourHalbschwester 200.000$ durant la Sale of Mutter von Alta / Stars 2012 / SoldSPRING for $ 200,000 in the Sale Maternal sister is dam to Alta SPRING of Stars 2012 • Mütterliche to Genesis Hue est une Halbschwester des plus intéressantes filles de @ Masterrind Man-O-Man au /Monde! / Hue is one of the Maternal sister Man-O-Man to Genesis @ most exciting dtrsMasterrind in the breed! 158 Missouri mit alternativem aus derrun! Jenna-Familie h outgRZG for the Genomics of this heiferPedigree in the August She is a von Hintze. Missouri x Fanatic x Garrett Mascol xShe Laudan! Diefresh Mut-in Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ x155,000. will be ter ist die Mutterliche von AltaShe Spring. Das Pedigree September of this yearHalbschwester and looks incredible! has progeny testing hat einer einflussreichsten overdenselben 2600 GTPIUrsprung already! wie Grand damder MOM Hue sold for $Vererber 200.000der in aktuellen Robust! Die Familie liefert Listenführer the Sale ofGTPI-Liste: Stars 2012! Great branch of the Delliaalles, EX-95 cow family, für GTPI und RZG. which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! WEH NOG Jenna VG-86-DE 2yr. Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-86-DE EX-91-USA2yr. La1 9.698kgM 4.9%G 4.7% 459F 401P 2.04305d 305j 11.603kgL 564G4.1% 3.5%P 409P La2 305d 10.221kgM 4.2% 524F 3.9% 399P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • Mascol x Laudan De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Durham… NEXTIota, DAMS 4e WEH Jessica VG-88-DE 5e NOG Jessi VG-87-DE 6e Airliner NEXT DAMSJanin EX-90-DE 7e Cookiecutter Jauquet Mountain Misty GP-84-USA VG-MS 4e Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM3yr. 8e Ms CMVKings-Rnsm Melwood Mimi VG-86-USA GMD DOM 5e Champ Haley-ET2yr. EX-90 GMD DOM 9e Regancrest-JDV Briarpatch-R Misty VG-85-USA 3yr.5yr. GMDGMD DOM 6e Hanna EX-90-USA DOM 10eLong-Haven Rilara Mars Las Ravena DOMDOM 7e Rudolph DeeEX-91-USA EX-90-USAGMD 2E GMD 11eRegancrest Rilara Haven Charming VG-87-USA DOM 8e Elton DisraelLas VG-88-USA 3yr.GMD GMD DOM 12eSnow-N Rag Apple Locust-Grove Charm VG-86-USA 9e Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM5yr. T from Fhe irstJenna dtr offamily Epic Hue toHintze sell! 158 with aofdifferent pedigree therun! Jenna h outRZG forMissouri the Genomics this heifer in thefrom August Shefamily is a of Hintze! x Fanatic Garrett x Laudan! dam in Balisto outMissouri of Epic Hue whichxsold for $x Mascol 155,000. She will Her be fresh is the maternal sister thelooks dam of Alta Spring familytesting goes September of this yearofand incredible! Sheand hasthe progeny back on theGTPI same foundation oneMOM of the most sires in over 2600 already! Grandofdam Hue soldinfluantial for $ 200.000 the TPI the moment: Robust! A family done it Saleranking of Starsat2012! Great branch of the Dellia which EX-95 have cow family, all, making top charting & RZG Iota, animals! which delivered bulls likeTPI Durham, Halogen and many others! 95. BOWERSWOOD Consignor 08/15 >2500 GTPI from the HAILEY family!! 08/15 HAILEY 2 IE 341555760857 Geb. Datum. 01.01.2015 Derek Ryan - Tel. +353 86854795 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1397 +0.05 +0.06 64 57 2.92 -0.6 4.4 6.4 1.56 2.11 +2.73 658 2515 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1483 +0.13 +0.18 66 67 2.74 110 108 106 7 10 12 +13 3124 Grossmutter: Crackholm Baxter Hannah EX-CAN 3. Mutter: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN Delaberge PEPPER (Mogul x Planet) Bowerswood Snowman Hannah VG-85-IE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-IE 2yr. La1 (Proj) 305d 10.068kgM 3.7% 367F 2.9% 291P • Tolle Kombination, der hochproduktive Snowman in Verbindung mit den Hailey´s / Great combination, with the production of Snowman on the show time Hailey’s 3. Mutter: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Crackholm Baxter Hannah EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-93-MS 2.00 365d 10.782kgM 4.5% 485F 3.5% 381P 6.01 305d 10.834kgM 4.0%F 3.3%P (Proj.) • Direkte Tochter aus HAILEY! / Direct daughter of HAILEY! Emerald-Acr-Sa T-BAXTER RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN Conf. EX-97-CAN EX-97-MS 2.07 365d 11.304kgM 4.3% 486F 3.6% 404P 5.01 318d 14.832kgM 4.0% 596F 3.0% 443P 6.01 365d 15.646kgM 4.2% 658F 3.3% 513P 8.01 365d 16.775kgM 4.3% 713F 3.4% 564P • Grand Champion Madison & Royal ‘12 & ‘14 • Eine der besten Schaukühe ihrer Generation! / One of the greatest show cows of her generation! NEXT DAMS 4e Mellholm Louie Hanah EX-92-CAN 5e Mellholm Jolt Harriet EX-90-CAN 6e Mellholm Gambler Debra VG-85-CAN Traum Kombination: INDEX & SCHAU! Ein spülfahiges Rind mit >2500 GTPI aus einer der besten Schaukühe die es jemals auf diesem Planeten gab: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97CAN, sie hat unzählige Siege errungen, darunter die Grand Champion Titel auf der Royal und in Madison! Tolles Pedigree mit Snowman als Muttersvater und der Schauikone Hailey weiter hinten im Pedigree, super Index mit hoher Leistung (57 kg Eiweiß), hohem Typ (PTAT +2.73) & > 2500 GTPI! Das komplette Paket!! Dream combination: INDEX & SHOW! A huge index heifer with >2500 GTPI almost ready to flush from one of the most incredible show cows in history: RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97-CAN, she has won so many Grand Championships including the Royal and World Dairy Expo! Great combination with the production of Snowman in the pedigree of the show cow Hailey resulting in a great index with high production (57 lbs protein), high type (PTAT +2.73) and >2500 GTPI!! 96. KHW Consignor LAMETTA DE 0770191746 Geb. Datum. 01.01.2015 Kreutz GbR - Tel. +49 (0)1705561373 - Email. [email protected] Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89-CAN 2yr. (MAX) Goldwyn grand dtr of Ehrhardt Durham Liberty 3. Mutter: Idee Lustre EX-95-USA 3E Mutter: KHW Goldwyn Lustre EX-92-DE Picston SHOTTLE (Mtoto x Aerostar) KWH Goldwyn Lustre EX-92-DE Conf. 94 91 93 92 / EX-92-DE Braedale GOLDWYN Regancrest Elton DURHAM Ehrhardt Durham Liberty EX-90-CAN Conf. EX-90-CAN EX-91-MS 4/4LA 305d 10.598kgM 4.8% 518F 3.4% 396P HL2 305d 11.496kgM 4.8% 449F 3.7% 339P 2.01 365d 12.119kgM 4.6% 563F 3.3% 399P 3.11 365d 14.416kgM 4.6% 669F 3.1% 450P 6.10 365d 12.130kgM 4.0% 484F 3.1% 370P Lifetime: 42.923kgM 4.4%F 3.2%P • Res. Champion 2yr. Old RUW show ‘09 • Teilnehmerin Europaschau Show Fribourg ‘13 / Participant European Show Fribourg ‘13 • Vollschwester zu / Full sister to Bosdale Goldwyn Liberty EX-92-CAN 3E • Halbschwester zu / Maternal sister to Bosdale Dundee Lustre EX-91-CAN -> Mutter von / Dam to Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89CAN 2yr., 1st Jr. 2-Yr Old Royal ‘14 & All-Canadian • 3 Exzellente Töchter in Kanada / 3 Excellent daughters in Canada • DIESE FAMILIE ZÜCHTET SCHAUKÜHE wie / THE SHOW COW FAMILY MAKER like Rockymountain Talent Licorice EX-95, Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto EX-95, Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish EX-95, Idee Goldwyn Lynley EX-92, Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89 and many more!! Traumpedigree aus den Lustre´s Ein golden cross Papier aus einer der besten Exterieurfamilien der Rasse! SHOTTLE x GOLDWYN x DURHAM aus Idee Lustre EX-95 (Royal Grand Champion). Selbe Familie wie die Madison & Royal Champions Licorice, Lotto, Lynley und viele weitere! Die Mutter dieses Kalbes hat die deutschen Farben an der Europascha in Fribourg´13 vertreten und ist eine Schwester zu Bosdale Dundee Lustre EX-91-CAN, Mutter einer der besten jungen Kühe Nordamerikas, Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89-CAN 2yr. Idee Lustre EX-95-USA Conf. EX-95-USA 3E 10* 2.03 329d 10.173kgM 3.9% 393F 3.4% 343P 3.04 365d 13.998kgM 4.5% 650F 3.4% 473P 5.04 365d 25.166kgM 5.0% 1259F 3.2% 805P Lifetime: 70.498kgM 4.8%F 3.2%P • Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2002 • All-Canadian 5-Yr. & Sr. 3-Yr. NEXT DAMS 4e Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA DOM 5e Spring Farm Miss Lynn VG-85-CAN 6e Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88-CAN 2* 7e Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87-CAN 3* 8e Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX-CAN 8* 9e Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG-CAN 5* 10e Eveermot Pathfinder Ormsby VG-CAN 3* Dream pedigree of the Lustre’s A golden cross pedigree from one of the most successful show cow making families! SHOTTLE x GOLDWYN x DURHAM from Idee Lustre EX-95 (Royal Grand Champion). Same family as Madison- & Royal Champions Licorice, Lotto, Lynley and many more! Dam of this heifer was European Show participant and maternal sister to Bosdale Dundee Lustre EX-91-CAN, dam of one of the most successful 2yr. olds in North America last year, Bosdale Gold Lustre VG-89-CAN 2yr., All-Canadian 2yr. Old, owned by Quality Holsteins, Canada! H 97. WEIBLICHE / FEMALE EMBRYOS 23. RZN EROIN #4 A embryo’s)Geb. SEXED R-E-W SEAVER x Datum. JK Eder DG26-07-2014 Doorman Esmeralda DE (Grade 0666519828 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Diamond Genetics & JK Eder Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)38 4606922 - Email. [email protected] Consignor Consignor USA | 80K #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 Family member: Amaranthe EX-90-FR Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Mutter: JK Eder DGHue Doorman Esmeralda Cookiecutter MOM VG-88-CAN 2yr. SEXED R-E-W SEAVER De-Su 11236 BALISTO (Goldwyn Durham) (Bookem xx Watson) JK Eder DG Esmeralda Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September • Fantastisches Jungrind! / Fantastic Heifer! •LOOKS Traumkombination: Doorman x Goldwyn / GREAT! Amazing combination: Doorman x Goldwyn • Mütterliche Halbschwester zu JK Eder DG Uno des Emeraude 1 VG-88 Oldla Race, • Une meilleures filles2yr., de Epic Champion ‘15 Epic daughter +2354 GTPIMarienwaerdt / One of the best /World Maternal to JK Eder Wide,sister GTPI+2354 DG Uno VG-88 2yr., 2-Yr. Old • Mère deEmeraude1 Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 /Champion NM +910Marienwaerdt ! / Dam to Ms‘15 Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Grossmutter: CarfDellia Emeraude EX-91-NL Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA Val-Bisson DOORMAN Genervations EPIC Breadale GOLDWYN Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Carf EmeraudeMOM EX-91-NL Cookiecutter Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Conf. EX-91-NL TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA 2.03 12.624kgM4.2%G 4.1% 515F 2.04 365d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.4% 3.7%P425P 421P 4.00 330d 15.317kgM 3.9% 598F 3.2% 482P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Champion OldforSpace ‘11 in the Sale Stars 20122-Yr. / Sold $ 200,000 • 1st place2012 2-Yr. Old Nationals Le-Mans ‘11 of Stars • Finalst Show ‘12 Hue estNational une des NRM plus intéressantes filles de • Man-O-Man Grand Champion Wintershow ‘14 au Monde! / Hue W-Brabant is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Agathe VG-88-FR Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-88-FR EX-91-USA 2.03 10.366kgM4.9%G 3.2% 332F 2.04 305d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.1% 3.5%P321P 409P 3.06 305d 13.338kgM 3.5% 467F 3.1% 413P • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle • 3rd Cow National Show ‘11 De laSenior famille Dellia comme de Le-Mans nombreux • taureaux, SchwesterHalogen, zu Amarante Iota, EX-90-FR, Durham… / Kuh des Jahres Frankreich 2013 From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, / Sister to Amarante EX-90-FR, Iota, Durham… French Cow of the Year ‘13 • Amarante ist die Mutter von: / Amarante NEXT DAMS is dam to FernandGld @ Holler-ET Semex TB-88 EX-MS DOM 4eCabon Cookiecutter 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 4e Toulouse VG-89-FR 2yr. 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM 5e Rosière EX-90-FR 8e Menthe Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 6e VG-89-FR 7e EX-93-FR 9e Ixias Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 8e Eglantine EX-94-FR S EAVER DOORMAN F irst dtrgesext of Epicx Hue to sell!X GOLDWYN Traumhafte austhe gesextem Sperma h out for theKombination: Genomics of Embryonen this heifer in August run! Shedes is a erfolgreichen Exterieurvererbers Balisto out oftöchtergeprüften Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. Seaver She willaubeseiner fresh in Doorman-Tochter der incredible! französischen Carf September of thisder yearSiegerin and looks SheNationalschau, has progeny testing Emeraude Großartige Kuihfamilie. over 2600 EX-91! GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Carf Hue Emeraude sold for $ etabliert 200.000 sich in bereits ihreoferste melkende Tochter in den the Saleals oferfolgreiche Stars 2012! Zuchtkuh: Great branch the Dellia EX-95 cow family, Niederlanden ist bulls bereits 2y und Siegerfärse. which delivered likeVG-88 Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Female DOORMAN irst dtrSEAVER of EpicxHue to sell!x GOLDWYN Lovely embryo combination, of the few sexed h out for the Genomics of thisone heifer in very the August run!embryos She is a available byofthe successful dtr sold proven sire Seaver, frombeafresh Door-in Balisto out Epic Hue which for type $ 155,000. She will man straight theand French National Champion Carf Emeraude September ofout thisofyear looks incredible! She has progeny testing EX-91-NL! tremendous cow family and she proving over 2600 A GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hueissold for $hereself 200.000now in as brood firstGreat milking dtr in already VG-88 theaSale of cow, Starsher 2012! branch of Holland the Dellia EX-95scored cow family, as a 2yr. old andbulls was 2yr. Old Champion the show! which delivered like Durham, Iota, at Halogen and many others! 98. RZN Consignor 08/15 #3 GTPI Commander in Europe, #7 World Wide! 08/15 MARY-LOU DE 0770188604 Geb. Datum. 16.03.2015 Nöhl GbR - Tel. +49 (0)160 4009205 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1385 +0.11 +0.02 83 48 2.99 +3.0 6.0 6.8 1.09 1.75 +1.97 769 2609 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1389 +0.24 +0.07 81 54 138 108 113 125 116 114 127 125 153 Mutter: Aija Supersire Makea Thurler Commander Chantal (GTPI 2690) Full sister to this lot! Sold for $ 150.000 Grossmutter: Aija Man O Man Naomi VG-85-CAN 3yr. Larcrest COMMANDER (Mogul x Observer) Aija Supersire Makea • Alle ihre Töchter haben über 2500 GTPI getestet! / All her daughtesr are > 2500 GTPI • Mutter der #2, #5, & #7 GTPI Commander Töchter weltweit! / Dam to the #2, #5 & #7 GTPI Commander dtrs World Wide!! • Bereits mehrere sehr hohe Söhne in der Besamung / Huge ranking sons in AI already • Sie macht hohe Nachkommen in allen Systemen! / Makes high offspring on GTPI, GLPI & RZG! • Commander Tochter für 150.000 $ verkauft / Commander dtr sold for $ 150.000 • Commander Sohn hatte >2700 GTPI, aber verstorben / Commander son had GTPI >2700, but died Neue exklusive Kuhfamilie! Seagull-Bay SUPERSIRE Long-Langs Oman Oman (MAN-O-MAN) Aija Man O Man Naomi VG-85-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-85-CAN 3yr. 2.01 365d 11.207kgM 4.2% 475F 3.6% 409P 3.04 303d 13.358kgM 4.0% 558F 3.4% 466P • Mutter von Newman @ Semex / Dam to Newman @ Semex Die #3 Commander Tochter Europas & #7 weltweit wird verkauft! Sie stammt aus einer goldenen Anpaarung welche bereits die #1 & #5 GTPI Commander Töchter der Welt produziert hat! Ihre Mutter Aija Supersire Makea ist ein Zuchtgigant, all ihre Töchter haben >2500 GTPI und sie hat hohe Nachkommen im GTPI. GLPI, & RZG System! Neue Kuhfamilie, erstes Angebot aus dieser Familie in Europa! Aija Shottle Jenny VG-85-CAN Conf. VG-85-CAN VG-87-MS 4yr. 2.02 293d 9.160kgM 3.7% 335F 3.2% 295P 3.03 305d 11.179kgM 4.0% 447F 3.3% 371P • 3 VG Töchter in Kanada bis heute / 3 VG dtrs in Canada till date NEXT DAMS 4e Aija Goldwyn Joyfull VG-86-CAN 4yr. 5 VG dtrs in Canada 5e Aija Out Joy EX-90-CAN 3E Lifetime: 71.032kgM / 1 EX & 5 VG dtrs in Canada New exclusive cow family! The #3 GTPI Commander dtr in Europe sells and the #7 World Wide!! She is from a Golden Cross which delivered as well the #1 & #5 GTPI Commanders World Wide! Her dam Aija Supersire Makea is a realy genomic giant, all her dtrs are >2500 GTPI and has huge ranking offspring on GTPI, GLPI & RZG! New family, first offspring from this family in Europe! 99. CNN H. LINER Consignor Due 08/15 08/15 DGV LUNA - FRESH DE 0537752874 Geb. Datum. 20.07.2013 J. Glietz - Tel. +49 (0)171 6969005 Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / FRESH - More information in sale update Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI -23 +0.19 +0.09 49 26 3.03 +3.9 5.1 8.7 0.85 1.92 +1.82 526 2359 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI -51 +0.59 +0.36 59 35 3.06 112 103 96 2 3 12 +9 2878 Grossmutter: Richmond-FD Liesl EX-90-USA Mutter: Richmond-FD Lorelei *TY EX-90-USA Seagull-Bay HEADLINER (Robust x Planet) Richmond-FD Al Lorelei *TY EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 3.03 305d 11.898kgM 4.8% 576F 3.5% 416P • Mutter zu Lotus @ Semex & St-Louis @ Select / Dam to Lotus @ Semex & St-Louis @ Select • Mutter zu CNN H Liner Lillie, der #4 GTPI Kuh in Europa!! / Dam to CNN H Liner Lillie, the #4 GTPI cow in Europe!! 5. Mutter: Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA Mr Regelcreek SHOT AL RAMOS Richmond-FD Liesl *BY EX-90-USA Conf. EX-90-USA 2.04 305d 12.782kgM 3.9% 504F 3.5% 448P 3.10 305d 14.941kgM 3.9% 579F 3.2% 480P Markland O-Man Lisa VG-86-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-86-USA 2yr. 2.04 305d 12.379kgM 3.9% 479F 3.4% 422P 4.01 305d 17.450kgM 4.1% 712F 3.4% 588P • Söhne auf Station / Sons in AI Abgekalbte Headliner x Shot AL x Ramos Headliner ist der #4 töchtergeprüfte Bulle in den USA und der Vollbruder des #1 Bullen Supersire! Luna ist eine seiner höchsten melkenden Töchter mit einer etwas anderen und intressanten Mutterlinie, sie stamt aus der Kombination mit Shot AL x Ramos, 5. Generation EX sind im Pedigree zu finden, unter anderem Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA! Sie ist die Vollschwester zur #4 GTPI Kuh in Europa. NEXT DAMS 4e Muranda BWM Latin VG-87-USA 5e Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e Beachlawn Bellwood Tammy VG-86-USA GMD DOM 7e Beachlawn Bell Pro Tammy VG-89-USA DOM 8e Beachlawn Bell Cleitus Pro EX-93-USA GMD DOM 9e Beachlawn Dutchoe Bell EX-92-USA Fresh Headliner x Shot Al x Ramos Healinder is the #4 dtr proven sire in the USA and full brother to the #1 bull Supersire! This is one of his highest milking dtrs with an different and interesting maternal line, out of a Shot Al x Ramos, 5 EX generations in the pedigree including Beachlawn Blwood L Lilly EX-93-USA! This is the full sister of the #4 GTPI cow in Europe. 100. GIN LAUSAN - FRESH Consignor DE 0770002134 Geb. Datum. 01.07.2013 K. Gilessen - Tel. +49 (0)2683 3774 - Email. [email protected] Conf. Prod. Genomics Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh, see sale update 1st test: 38,5kgM 3.65%F 3.21%P 8/15 DE: RZG 130 / RZE 125 US: GTPI +2139 CAN: DGV LPI +2951 / Conf. +12 Mutter: Comestar Lautakimy Krusader Grossmutter: Comestar Lautama Goldwyn VG-88-CAN 3yr. Zani Bolton MASCALESE (Bolton x O-Man) Comestar Lautakimy Krusader • Selbe Familie wie Comestar Lee, Lheros, Outside, Stormatic, Starleader, Lauthority & mehr / Same faily as Comestar Lee, Lheros, Outside, Stormatic, Starleader, Lauthority & more 7. Mutter: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN O-Bee KRUSADER Braedale GOLDWYN Comestar Lautama Goldwyn VG-88-CAN 3yr. Conf. VG-88-CAN VG-89-MS 3yr. 10* 2.06 365d 19.087kgM 4.8% 907F 3.6% 691P 6.04 365d 21.193kgM 4.6% 983F 3.3% 690P • 5 Söhne @ Semex / 5 sons @ Semex • Vollschwester zu:/ Full sister to: Lavanguard Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85R 91DS 89MS 89FL / VG-89-CAN 2yr. 29* 1.11 305d 7.731kgM 4.2% 323F 3.6% 275P 4.05 305d 8.252kgM 4.6% 378F 3.4% 279P • Res. All-Canadian Jr. 2-Yr. • 2nd Jr. 2-Yr. Old Royal • Halbschwester zu LAUTHOIRTY @ Semex / Maternal sister to LAUTHOIRTY @ Semex NEXT DAMS 4e Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89-4YR-CAN 21* 5e Comestar Lautelle Emerson VG-85-CAN 2YR 2* 6e Comestar Lausan Black VG-87-CAN 23* 7e Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 23* 8e Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 15* Abgekalbte Mascalese aus den Laurie Sheik´s Fresh milker of the Laurie Sheik’s Eine der einflussreichsten Kuhfamilien die die Zucht je gesehen hat, die Comestar Laurie Sheik´s! Diese Familie liefert unzählige Bullen wie Lauthority, Starleader, Stormatic und viele andere! Diese Nummer ist eine sehr schöne abgekalbte Mascalese aus dieser Familie, 3te Mutter ist die Res. All-Canadian 2-yr. Old Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89-CAN 2yr. (MAX)! One of the most successful cow families in the breed ever, the Comestar Laurie Sheiks’ from Canada! They delivered bulls like Lauthority, Starleadyer, Outside, Stormatic and others! This lot is a very nice fresh Mascalese from this family, 3rd dam is the Res. All-Canadian 2-yr. old Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89-CAN 2yr. (MAX)! 101. HUL-STEIN Consignor 08/15 #17 lbs PROTEIN heifer in Europe: +67!!! 08/15 LOTUS NL 669798632 Geb. Datum. 20.05.2015 Hul-Stein Holsteins - Tel. +31 (0)5145825453 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1947 +0.03 +0.03 80 67 2.81 +0.3 6.4 7.9 1.08 1.01 +1.30 793 2589 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1871 +0.13 +0.08 89 72 149 105 98 123 103 115 121 123 157 Mutter: DG Fanatic Lindsay | As a maiden heifer Grossmutter: Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. Cogent SUPERSHOT (Supersire x Superstition) FANATIC Flevo Genetics SNOWMAN Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL DG Fanatic Lindsay Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Just fresh, see sale update • 3 Töchter > 2500 GTPI / 3 daughtesr test > 2500 GTPI • Supershot Sohn mit +2612 GTPI! / Supershot son with +2612 GTPI! • Eine der höchsten Fanatic Töchter der Welt / One of the highest Fanatic dtrs World Wide • Sie hat Schwestern in Japan / She has siblings in Japan • Sold for EUR 22.000 / Für EUR 22.000 verkauft Eiweißpower aus den 4. Mutter: Bel Iron Irene EX-91-IT Lidia´s! 2.04 305d 9.376kgM 3.8% 370F 3.3% 309P • Sold for EUR 40.000 / Für EUR 40 .000 verkauft • Tolle Snowman Tochter / Tremendous Snowman dtr • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI Jeder Landwirt mag hohes Eiweß! Genau darum ist Lotus ein Kalb welches Träume warh werden lässt mit +72kg Eiweiß im deutschen Test und +67kg im amerikanischen Test, was zie zur #17 nach Eiweiß Kg in Europa macht! Sie hat bereits einen Vollbruder in der Besamung, welcher >2600 GTPI testet! Großmutter dieses Kalbes is Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. (V. Snowman) welche für 40.000€EUR an Ponderosa Holsteins in Spanien verkauft wurde, mehrere Söhne aus ihr stehen auf internationalen Besamungsstationen. Sie stammt aus einer tiefen italienischen Kuhfamilie, aus der auch Mincio gezogen wurde! Bertaiola Bolton Lidia *TY VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.01 305j 9.918kgL 4.4% 438G 3.4% 340P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: MINCIO @ Semenzoo NEXT DAMS 4e Bel Iron Irene EX-90-IT 5e Bel Mtoto Elisa VG-85-IT 6e Bel Astre Unforgettable EX-91-IT 7e Bel Mark Susanne VG-89-IT 8e Bel Inspiration Pamy VG-85-IT 9e Ronchi Mars Pamela EX-91-IT Protein power from the Lidia’s! Every farmer likes high protein! Then Lotus is a farmers dream with +72 protein in her German index and +67 in America what makes her the #17 lbs protein heifer in Europe! She has a full brother in AI which test >2600 GTPI! Grand dam of this heifer is Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. (s. Snowman) which sold for EUR 40.000 to Ponderosa Holsteins in Spain and which has multiple sons in AI and goes back on a deep Italian cow family! Her dam is the full sister to Mincio! 102. NH STYLE Consignor 08/15 08/15 INDIANBABY *PP *RC DE 0770224473 Geb. Datum. 29.02.2014 Nosbisch Holsteins - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI -444 +0.20 +0.09 35 12 2.84 +2.8 3.6 6.1 0.98 0.80 +0.35 393 2091 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG -519 +0.69 +0.33 41 12 110 120 96 126 123 116 115 114 132 Grossmutter: NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. NH Style Indianbaby *PP *RC | SHE SELLS Pine-Tree Ohio STYLE-P (O-Style x Significant) NH Dakker Indianlady *PO VG-85-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-85-DE 2yr. 1. test 32,2kgM 4.26%F 3.58%P • Halbschwester NH Dertour Indian Summer Red, ehemaliges #1 RZG RBT & HORNLOS Rind weltweit / Maternal sister to NH Dertour Indian Summer Red, former #1 RZG R&W & Polled Heifer World Wide • Indiansummer ist die Mutter eines der höchsten PP Rinder der Welt, Vekis DG NH Lisha Red *PP (RZG +156) / Indian Summer is dam to one of the highest PP Heifers World Wide, Vekis DG NH Lisha Red *PP (RZG +156) 3. Mutter: NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Kings-Ransom O DAKKER *RC NH Bogart Indira *RC *PO VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-86-DE VG-86-MS 2yr. La1 305d 10.847kgM 3.9% 427F 3.4% 372P • Töchter für EUR 39.000 & 27.000 verkauft / Dtrs sold for EUR 39.000 & 27.000 • Mutter von Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis / Dam to Indianstar *PP @ Genoservis • Mutter von NH Indiansummer Red P, für 39.000€EUR verkauft und Mutter des #1 RZG PP Rindes weltweit, Lisha PP mit 157 RZG / Dam to NH Indiansummer Red P, sold for EUR 39.000 and dam of the #1 RZG PP heifer World Wide, Lisha PP with RZG 157 Wo Hornlos auf Zuchtwerte & Familie trifft Eine fast spülfähige HOMOZYGOT hornlose Style-P Tochter aus einer tollen ganz kurz nach dem kalben VG-85 2yr eingestuften Dakker Tochter aus der mega Bullenmutter NH Bogart Indira VG-86-DE 2yr. Gero-P (V.Galaxy) @ Masterrind, ist einer der momentan höchsten hornlosen Bullen Deutschlands und wird intensiv als Bullenvater eingesetzt, er ist ein Bruder der Mutter dieser frühen Style-P Tochter aus dem Herzen der Gourmette Familie! Macomber Oman BOGART NH Lawn Boy India *RC PO EX-90-DE Conf. EX-90-DE La1 305d 10.922kgM 4.0% 436F 3.5% 386P La2 305d 12.987kgM 3.4% 441F 3.3% 423P • Eine der besten Lawn Boy Töchter der Welt / One of the very best Lawn Boy dtrs World Wide • Fantastische Hornlosquelle / Fantastic POLLED source • Selbe Familie wie GUNNAR @ RMV / Same family as GUNNAR @ RMV NEXT DAMS 4e Isabella EX-90-DE 5e Isabell VG-85-DE 6e Imperiale VG-89 7e EX-92 Ugela Bell 8e EX-94 Ben Where Polled meets Index & family An early flush age HOMOZYGOUS Polled Style-P daughter from a really nice young Cow, sired by Dakker which scored already VG-85 2yr., when she was just fresh. next dam ist the mega bull dam NH Bogart Indira VG-86 2yr., dam to Gero-P (s.Galaxy) @ Masterrind, one of the highest polled bulls from his Generation. He is a maternal brother to the Dam of this early Style-P daughter from the heart of the Gourmette Family! 103. RR Consignor 08/15 ELEONORE DE 358633530 Geb. Datum. 09.07.2015 Rinderzucht Reinermann - Tel. +49 (0)1709345814 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1441 +0.05 +0.07 62 57 137 104 112 131 115 121 121 124 154 RR Bookem Elise VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr. Vollschwester zur Mutter Mutter: RR Bookem Elina VG-86-DE 2yr. FAMOUS (Fanatic x Beacon x Barbie family) RR Bookem Elina VG-86-DE 2yr. Conf. 86 86 86 85 / VG-86-DE 2yr. Grossmutter: RR Shottle Elisa EX-90-DE De-Su 521 BOOKEM Picston SHOTTLE RR Shottle Elisa EX-90-DE Conf. 92 94 89 89 / EX-90-DE La1 305d 13.313kgM 3.8% 509F 3.6% 474P La1 305d 13.936kgM 4.2% 590F 3.6% 500P La2 305d 17.604kgM 4.1% 727F 3.5% 615P 4/4La 305d 16.105kgM 4.0% 637F 3.4% 554P • Vollschwester zu RR Bookem Elise VG-87DE 2yr. welche bereits mehrere Söhne in der Besamung hat, ihre Defender Tochter wurde für EUR 16.000 verkauft / Full sister to RR Bookem Elise VG-87-DE 2yr. which has several sons in AI and her Defender dtr sold for EUR 16.000 • Schwester zu Pagini ehemaliger #1 Typ Bulle in Deutschland und zu Omanoman, einem der höchsten getesten MOM Söhne / Sister to Pagini, former #1 type bull in Germany and to Omanoman, one of the highest dtr proven MOM sons • Halbschwester zu SNOWMAN! / Maternal sister to SNOWMAN! • Höchste Leistungskühe in Deutschland in der 2.Laktation / Highest production cow in Germany in her 2nd La. • Großmutter von Elburn / Grand dam to Elburn • Mutter von erfolgreichen Bullen wie Pagini, Sunday, Omanoman und andere! / Dam of successful sires like Pagini, Sunday, Omanoman and more! • Full sister to Madison, dam to #1 bull Spain Das Beste aus den Elsa´s Die Kuhfamilie von Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90 ist eine der erfolgreichsten Kuhfamilien der letzten Zeit, nicht zuletzt durch ihren einflussreichen Sohn Snowman. RR Shottle Elisa EX-90-DE gilt als ihre wohl beste Tochter, sie ist eine Milchmaschine, exzellent eingestuft und eine überragende Zuchtkuh. Dieses wunderschöne Verkaufskalb hat mit Famous x Bookem x Elisa ein erstklassiges Pedigree! Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90-NL Conf. EX-90-NL 2.04 305d 10.935kgM 4.7% 509F 3.4% 374P 5.00 305d 12.620kgM 4.2% 536F 3.2% 401P • Zuchtkuh des Jahres ‘11 / Mondial brood cow of the year ‘11 • Mutter des fantastischen SNOWMAN / Dam of the incredible bull Snowman! • Dam to the #4 dtr proven sire in Spain NEXT DAMS 4e Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89-USA 5e Ever-Green-View Elsie EX-92 2E GMD DOM 6e Ever-Green-View Le Grant EX-90 2E GMD DOM 7e Ever-Green-View Leisure EX-91 2E GMD DOM The very best of the Elsa’s The cow family of Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90 is one of the most successful cow families of the past decade, off course her so Snowman is having a great impact on the breed. RR Shottle Elisa EX-90-DE might be Elsa’s best daughter ever, a huge production cow, excellent score and fantastic brood cow. This beautiful calf selling has an attractive pedigree as Famous x Bookem, followed by Elisa! 104. LIS-LECK Consignor 08/15 gRZG 138 08/15 GPA SHASTA 6016-ET LUX 199376016 Geb. Datum. 05.01.2015 Lis-Leck Holsteins - Tel. +352 (0)691664425 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +724 +0.00 +0.00 28 21 2.85 +3.5 3.2 6.5 0.86 1.42 +1.55 383 2216 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS HL Fert CA DS F&L UDD. Conf GLPI +1289 -0.03 -0.01 46 40 2.84 110 110 106 5 5 7 +7 2779 Lis-Leck Shasta 0616 ET | SHE SELLS 3. Mutter: Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-USA DOM Coyne-Farms JETSET (Facebook x Freddie) KFH Supersonic Shasta VG-85-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-85-USA 2yr. Fresh - See sale update • Selbe Familie wie die stark eingesetzten Bullen Bookem & Racer / Same family as the heavily used bulls Bookem, Racer and more! Gr. mutter: Clear-Echo Armstead 1779 VG-88-USA Misty Springs SUPERSONIC Clear-Echo Armstead 1779 VG-88-USA 4yr. Conf. VG-88-USA 4yr. 1.11 365d 30.740kgM 3.7% 1.135F 3.2% 987P • Halbschwester verkauft für $ 91.000 / Maternal sister sold for $ 91.000 • Halbschwester zu Clear-Echo MOM 2150 VG87-USA 2yr., Großmutter des #1 GTPI Kalbes der Welt, De-Su Delta 4900 mit 2834 GTPI! / Maternal sister to Clear-Echo MOM 2150 VG-87-USA 2yr., grand dam of the #1 GTPI calf World Wide, De-Su Delta 4900 with GTPI +2834! Tolles Rind aus toller Kuhfamilie Ein wirklich tolles Rind, nahezu spülbereit und dazu noch aus einer exklusiven und super züchtenden Kuhfamilie von Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-USA, welche die 3. Mutter dieses Kalbes ist! Diese Kuhfamilie produzierte bereits Bullen wie Bookem, Racer und andere, es ist auch die Familie hinter des aktuellen #1 GTPI Kalbes der Welt, DE-Su Delta 4900 mit 2834 GTPI! Diamond-Oak ARMSTEAD Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-USA DOM Conf. EX-94-USA 3E DOM 1.11 365d 13.059kgM 4.1% 539F 3.2% 419P 4.04 365d 17.949kgM 4.5% 808F 3.0% 534P 7.00 305d 16.384kgM 3.8% 616F 3.5% 582P • Vollschwester ist die Mutter zu BOOKEM / Full sister is dam to BOOKEM • Großmutter von Clear-Echo RACER / Grand dam to Clear-Echo RACER NEXT DAMS 4e Clear-Echo Hershl D-Rac 822 VG-87-USA DOM 5e Clear-Echo Decisn L-Rac 505 VG-86-USA GMD DOM 6e Clear-Echo Lily Rac 264-ET GP-84-USA DOM 7e Clear-Echo Jab Racer 45-ET GP-82-USA GMD DOM 8e Clear-Echo Mascot Racer-ET GP-82-USA 3yr. 9e Clear-Echo Troy Frivolous VG-86-USA GMD DOM 10e Clear-Echo Apostle Inez EX-90-USA Super heifer from super family A truly super heifer, almost ready to flush and from the very exclusive and huge transmitting cow family of Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-USA, which is the 3rd dam of this heifer! This family produced bulls like Bookem, Racer and more and is also the family behind the current #1 GTPI heifer in the World, DE-Su Delta 4900 with GTPI +2834! H T 105. 23. WIT RZN APPLE EROINREE *RC Consignor USA | 80K #1 RZG Balisto World Wide - GTPI +2624 DE 0538582898 Geb. Datum. 28.10.2014 0666519828 26-07-2014 Wiethege Holsteins - Tel.(0)123123123 +49 (0)1784222841 Email. [email protected] RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 - Email.- [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN Ernest-Anthony Thriller EX-95-USA 2yr. Same family as Wit Apple Tree *RC Vollschwester zur Mutter: WIT Bradnick Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Takenia Big APPLE REDBALISTO De-Su 11236 (Talent (Bookemx Regiment) x Watson) Tabea VG-86-DE 2yr.Hue Lookout Pesce Epic Conf. 86fin 85 Septembre 86 86 / VG-86-DE 2yr. A terme / Due September TL14/10 200d 6.107kgM 3.9% 240F 3.2% 195P LOOKS GREAT! • Traumhafte Exterieurkombination / Increidlbe type combination • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter World Wide, GTPI+2354 • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! R otfaktor SDHue TobitoEX-96 F irst dtr ofaus Epic sell! 4. Mutter: Ernest-Anthony Tobi EX-96-USA DOM Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Regancrest G-V S BRADNICK Genervations EPIC Kingsmill Atwood VG-87-USA Cookiecutter MOMTrevon Hue TB-88-CAN 2a3yr. Conf. ETB-88-CAN E V V + / 2a VG-87-USA TB-88 MA3yr. 2.09 8.905kgM 4.1% 285P 2.04 219d 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G365F 484G3.2% 3.7%P 421P • Potentiell 4. Generation EX / la Sale of Vendue pour 200.000$ durant Potentially generation of Excellent Stars 20124th / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale of Stars 2012 • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Typstarkes Rotfaktor-Rind dieAugust in direkter h out for the Genomics of von this Wiethege, heifer in the run! Linie She isauf a den Royal Champion, Earnest-Anthony Tobi BalistoWinter out ofFair EpicGrand Hue which sold for $ 155,000. SheSDwill beEX-96, fresh in zurückgeht. Bullenfolge mitincredible! Big Apple She (Apple-Familie) BradSeptember ofStarke this year and looks has progeny xtesting nick x Atwood (Atlees) Durham direktinaus over (Barbie-Familie) 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOMxHue sold (Dellias) for $ 200.000 Tobi EX-96! the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Maple-Downs-I G W ATWOOD Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Ernest-Anthony Topaz EX-94-USA (s. Durham) Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. EX-94-USA EX-91-USA 2.01 12.134kgM4.9%G 4.3% 513F 2.04 370d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.3% 3.5%P401P 409P 3.04 304d 13.281kgM 4.1% 550F 3.2% 430P 4.10 305d 17.014kgM 4.5%by763F 3.3% 558P • Fille de Shottle / Sired Shottle 7.08 18.085kgM 718F 626P • De 305d la famille Dellia4.0% comme de3.2% nombreux taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Ihre Mutter die as EX-96 Tobi! / Halogen, From Delliaist family, several bulls, HerIota, nextDurham… dam is the EX-96 Tobi! • Tobi was Res. Grand Champion Royal, HM. All-Canadian 5-Yr. & Sr. 3-Yr. and All-Canadian 5-Yr. Old NEXT DAMS 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e MsDAMS Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM NEXT 6e Ernest-Anthony Regancrest-JDVSD Hanna GMD DOM 4e Tobi EX-90-USA EX-96-USA 5yr. 3E DOM 7e Alanvale Long-Haven RudolphTina DeeEX-95-USA EX-90-USA2E 2EGMD GMDDOM DOM 5e Inspiration 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM 6e Alanvale Puget Anetia VG-85-CAN 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM R ed Carrier fromHue the to Tobi’s F irst dtr of Epic sell! Beautiful RedGenomics Carrier heifer consigned Wiethege back h out for the of this heifer inbythe August going run! She is on a the amazing Champion: Tobi Balisto out ofRoyal Epic Grand Hue which sold forErnest-Anthony $ 155,000. SheSDwill beEXfresh in 96-USA! Great sire year line with Big Apple as sireShe (Thehas Apple family) x September of this and looks incredible! progeny testing Bradnick family) Grand x Atwood over 2600(Barbie GTPI already! dam(Atlee’s) MOM Huex Durham sold for $(Dellia’s) 200.000from in Tobi hereself! the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! MERCEDES *RC *PO 106. Consignor 08/15 DE 0770248657 Geb. Datum. 18.04.2014 Werner Nohner - Tel. +49 (0)16097253721 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1602 +0.11 +0.11 76 66 144 111 97 114 119 112 109 111 152 Full sister to one of the most exciting bull in the world: RC PO MISSOURI son @ RUW with RZG 168!! 3. Mutter: Apina Massia 125 *RC VG-85-NL 2yr. Mutter: Maya-P Red | As maiden heifer View-Home Day MISSOURI (Day x Robust) Maya P-Red GP-84-DE 2yr. Conf. 84 83 84 84 / GP-84-DE 2yr Just fresh - See sale update • #1 RZG ROT & hornlos Kuh in Deutschland / #1 RZG RED & Polled cow in Germany / • Ihr Missouri Sohn ist einer der interessan testen Bullen der Welt, er hat den RDC & ist HORNLOS mit 168 RZG / Her Missouri son is one of the most exciting bulls World Wide, RC & PO with RZG 168 Grossmutter: Apina Massia 211 Red ASTERIX-P JERUDO Apina Massia 211 Red VG-86-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-86-NL 2yr. 2.02 305d 8.226kgM 4.1% 338F 3.3% 267P 3.02 175d 6.027kgM 4.2% 251F 3.2% 190P • Großartiges Outcross Pedigree für Rotbunt / Great outcross pedigree for R&W • 3 Schwestern VG-86 oder höher / 3 sisters scored VG-86 or higher • Mehrere Söhne auf Station / Several sons in AI Apina Massia 125 *RC VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. 88FR 85DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-NL 2yr. 2.00 305d 10.629kgM 4.5% 473F 3.5% 368P 3.07 381d 10.517kgM 4.6% 479F 3.5% 365P • Embryos an verschiedene Besamungsstationen verkauft / Embryos sold to several AI stations • Nächste Mutter ist eine Schwester zu: / Next dam is sister to: Apina Curtis, Kairo & more NEXT DAMS 4e Massia 48 *RC VG-87-NL 2yr. 5e Apina Massia 14 VG-85-NL 2yr. 6e Massia 13 VG-86-NL 2yr. RC & HORNLOSE Missouri mit 152 RZG Eine der höchsten Rotfaktor und Hornlosrinder mit 152 RZG auf Schwarzbuntbasis! Missouri Tochter und Vollschwester zu einem der interessantesten Bullen der je in Deutschland getestet wurde, einem RDC & HORNLOSEN Missouri mit 168 RZG! Ihre Mutter ist die #1 ROT & HORNLOS Kuh in Deutschland und stammt aus der erfolgreichen Massia Kuhfamilie, der Familie hinter so bekannten Bullen wie: Curtis, Kairo und anderen! RC & POLLED Missouri with 152 RZG One of the highest RC & Polled heifers with RZG 152 on B&W base! Missouri dtr and a full sister to one of the most exciting young bulls tested in Germany ever, an RC & POLLED Missouri son with RZG 168!! Her dam is the #1 RZG RED & POLLED cow in Germany, from the successful Massia cow family, the family behind bulls like Curtis, Kairo and many others! 107. NH SARGEANT Consignor Bel. / Ins. 08/15 08/15 EYELINE DE 0770050414 Geb. Datum. 21.05.2014 Nosbisch Holsteins & J. Hennecke- Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] 29.06.2015 SEXED FEMALE EDG RUBICON Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI +1415 -0.10 +0.00 23 43 3.07 -0.8 1.3 7.3 1.17 0.31 +1.02 287 2039 Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG +1313 -0.35 -0.03 15 41 121 102 99 114 106 114 116 119 129 Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr. Halbschwester zu Grossmutter Mutter: Ven Dairy Sanchez Elita VG-87-DE 2yr. Seagull-Bay SARGEANT (Freddie x Planet) Ven Dairy Sanchez Elita VG-87-DE 2yr. Conf. VG-87-DE 2yr. La1 305d 13.223kgM 3.8% 501F 3.6% 470P 3/2 La 305d 13.562kgM 3.6% 486F 3.5% 372P • Res. Siegerrind / Res. Champion Hamm ‘12 • Eine der besten Leistungskühe @ Nosbisch Holsteins / One of the highest producing cows at Nosbisch Holsteins • Gold Chip Sohn @ Top Q / Gold Chip son @ Top Q Die Lead Mae Dynastie 6. Mutter: Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ Anderstrup Bolton Elita VG-85-NL 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL VG-MS 2yr. 2.03 305d 12.313kgM 3.8% 461F 3.3% 410P • Mutter von Exeter @ LTR / ZBH / Dam to Exeter @ LTR / ZBH • Vollschwester zu Bowers @ Masterrind / Full sister to Bowers @ Masterrind • Halbschwester zu Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., ehemalige #1 GTPI Kuh der Rasse & Mutter von Explode, Evolve, Esteem & mehr / Maternal sister to Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., former #1 GTPI Cow in the breed & dam to Explode, Evolve, Esteem & more • Halbschwester zu Wabash-Way Evett VG86-CAN 2yr. Großmutter von Emmett, Epic & Highway / Maternal sister to Wabash-Way Evett VG-86-CAN 2yr. grand dam to Emmett, Epic & Highway Sargeant hatte eine sehr vielversprechendes Debüt mit den ersten Töchtern in der August Zuchtwertschätzung! Diese Sargeant Tochter kommt aus einer der leistungsstärksten Kühe die jemals bei Nosbisch Holsteins gemolken wurden, Sanchez Elita, welche ebenfalls Reservesieger auf der Schau in Hamm 2012 war, sie hat Söhne in der Besamung und kommt aus der wunderbaren Whittier-Farms Lead Mae Kuhfamilie, welche bereits unzälige Vererber hervorgebracht hat! Sandy-Valley BOLTON Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87-USA 2yr. Conf. VG-87-USA 2yr. GMD DOM 2.02 365d 17.695kgM 3.8% 671F 3.5% 627P • Vollschwester zu: / Full sister to: Eight, Annex & Otto • Ehemalige #1 CTPI Kuh der Rasse / Former #1 CTPI Cow in the breed NEXT DAMS 4e Crockett-Acres Mtoto Elly EX-90-USA GMD DOM 5e Wauregan Rudolph Elly Mae EX-90-USA 6e Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA 3E GMD DOM 7e Raymau Bstar Monica VG-89-USA 2yr. DOM 8e Juniper Jason Maria VG-87-USA DOM 9e JDM-Pride Valiant Maggie EX-91-USA GMD DOM 10e La-Ko-Land Penstate Sadie VG-87-USA GMD DOM 11e La-Ko-Land Bootmaker Sally VG-86-USA 12e La-Ko-Land Monitor Nancy EX-90-USA The Lead Mae cow family Sargeant had a very successful time after his dtr proof he received in August! High productive and very functional cows! This Sargeant dtr comes from one of the highest producing cows ever at Nosbisch Holsteins, Sanchez Elita which was alos Res. Champion at the Show in Hamm 2012, she has sons in AI and come from the Whittier-Farms Lead Mae cow family which is behind so many successful sires! G H 108. 23. NH RZNDEBUTANT EROIN WENGIRL RED Consignor Top flush age RZG #1 ranking RZG Balisto World RED heifer: RZG 151! Wide - GTPI +2624 DE 0770151035 Geb. Datum. 30.11.2014 0666519828 26-07-2014 Nosbisch Holsteins, Diamond Genetics &- Email. Vekis Genetics - Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI GTPI 08/15 08/14 +314 +2346 +0.05 -0.07 +0.12 -0.04 22 67 40 61 3.14 2.85 +3.8 -0.5 3.4 2.6 6.8 8.3 0.40 1.94 0.70 1.89 +1.07 +2.69 401 559 2202 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG RZG 08/15 08/14 +1202 +2323 +0.06 -0.25 +0.31 -0.13 56 66 70 64 143 134 86 113 103 105 115 124 117 113 114 121 123 124 151 144 128 99 Molenkamp Grietje 48 Red VG-86-NL 2yr. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. NH Debutant MOM Gwengirl | SHE 2yr. SELLS!! Cookiecutter Hue RED VG-88-CAN Texel De-SuBeauty 11236 DEBUTANT BALISTO RED (Dakker (Bookemx xSuperstition) Watson) RZH Gwen-P Red Lookout Pesce Epic Hue A terme fin Septembre / Due September Frisch abgekalbt, weitere Infos auf dem Saleupdate / Will be fresh before the sale, LOOKS GREAT! see sale update for more information • Für dem EG Sale ‘13 UneEUR des 35.000€auf meilleures filles de Summer Epic de la Race, verkauft / Sold forofEUR EGdaughter Summer +2354 GTPI / One the35.000, best Epic Sale World‘13 Wide, GTPI+2354 • Ehemaliges #1 RZG Hornlos Rind / Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 #1 RZG Polled inTango the breed /Former NM +910 ! / Dam toHeifer Ms Hue 57644, • GTPI+2606 Eines der höchsten / NM +910rot ! & hornlos Rinder ihrer Generation GTPI & / One the • Vendue pournach 155.000 $ RZG ! / Sold forof$155,000! highest Red & Polled Heifers from her generation for GTPI & RZG • Die ersten Söhne sind bereits in der Besamung / First sons already in AIf S pülfähig 151 F irst dtr ofROT Epicmit Hue to RZG!! sell! RZH Gwen-P Red Dellia EX-95-USA Snow-N Denises Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED Genervations EPIC End-Road BEACON Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN Molenkamp 111TB-88-CAN *RC VG-85-NL CookiecutterGrietje MOM Hue 2a 2yr. Conf. VG-85-NL TB-88-CANVG-88-MS 2a TB-882yr. MA 2.03 10.333kgM4.2%G 3.7% 382F 2.04 305d 305j 11.474kgL 484G 3.6% 3.7%P377P 421P 3.06 305d 12.156kgM 3.9% 1033F 3.7% 981P • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of • Hohes Eiweiß! / Huge Stars 2012 / Sold for $PROTEIN! 200,000 in the Sale • Selbe Familie of Stars 2012 wie: / Same family as: Andyest RC,une Frafan, * Griffit @filles CRV de • Hue des Adventure plus intéressantes Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! Eines höchsten spülfähigen ROTENinRinder in Deutschland h out der for the Genomics of this heifer the August run! She ismit a 151 RZG!! ist ein wunderschönes Rind mitShe einem sehrfresh in Balisto outGwengirl of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. will be intressanten Ladd P x Beacon der erfolSeptember ofPedigree: this year Debutant and looksxincredible! She hasaus progeny testing greichen Grietje Familie! Mutter für EUR in over 2600Molenkamp GTPI already! Grand dam MOM HueGwen sold wurde for $ 200.000 35.000€ dem 2012! EG Summer 2013 hat cow bereits the Sale auf of Stars Great Sale branch of verkauft the Delliaund EX-95 family, mehrere Söhne an Besamungsstationen which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota,geliefert! Halogen and many others! Molenkamp 48 Red VG-86-NL 2yr. CookiecutterGrietje Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. VG-86-NL EX-91-USA2yr. 2.02 11.168kgM4.9%G 3.7% 408F 2.04 305d 305j 11.603kgL 564G 3.5% 3.5%P393P 409P 4.02 305d 12.511kgM 3.6% 448F 3.6% 455P 5.06 305d 13.102kgM 3.7%by481F 3.4% 451P • Fille de Shottle / Sired Shottle • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux • taureaux, SchwesterHalogen, zu Molenkamp Grietje 58,/ Iota, Durham… Mutter von Kuyt-Red RSH und Großmutter From Dellia family, as@ several bulls, Halogen, von Burnet-Red Iota, Durham…@ Masterrind - #2 RZE R&W Bull in Deutschland / Sister to Molenkamp Grietje 58 dam to Kuyt-Red @ RSH and grand damDAMS to Burnet-Red @ Masterrind - #2 RZE NEXT Bull in Germany 4eR&W Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM NEXT DAMS 7e Molenkamp Long-HavenGrietje Rudolph 4e 28 Dee *RC EX-90-USA VG-89-NL 2E GMD DOM 8e Molenkamp Regancrest Grietje Elton Disrael 5e 23 *RCVG-88-USA VG-87-NL 3yr. GMD DOM 9e Molenkamp Snow-N Denises EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM 6e GrietjeDellia 13 *RC VG-85-NL Flush ageofred with RZG irst dtr Epic Hue to 151!! sell! One thethe highest RED of flush heifers in Germany, RZGShe 151! h outoffor Genomics thisage heifer in the August run! is aShe is a super with Balisto outheifer of Epic Huea very whichinteresting sold for $ pedigree: 155,000. Debutant She will bex Ladd fresh in PSeptember x Beacon of from successful cow family!testing Dam thisthe year and looksMolenkamp incredible!Grietje She has progeny Gwen sold GTPI for EUR 35.000 in the EG MOM Summer alreadyin has over 2600 already! Grand dam HueSale sold‘13 forand $ 200.000 several going2012! to AI! the Salesons of Stars Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! MC 109. ET 23. DG OMO OLLY389 *P *RC Consignor DE Geb. Datum. 22.05.2015 NL 0358192389 920078732 / FB20378 Geb. 14.06.2014 WWS Germany - Tel.(NL) +49&(0)1735429187 [email protected] Diamond Genetics Cormdale (CAN)- -Email. Tel. +31 (0)84606922 - Email. [email protected] USA | 80K Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC Momo 389 ist getestet frei von allen in der Wagyu-Zucht bekannten Erbfehlern / 09/14 +499 +0.00 +0.04 19 26 2.70 +2.0 4.6 8.6 1.21 Momo 389 was tested and is free of all recessives known in the Wagyu breed DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZK RZN RZR 08/14 RED WAGYU +832 -0.02 +0.05 32 33 113 117 114 129 131 UDC PTAT NM GTPI 2.44 +2.17 507 2054 FL UDD. RZE RZG 100 131 118 137 The Wagyu breed comes from Japan. It is known for the best beef in the world, Cherry Crest Black Heat EX-91-CAN with special emphasis on marbling. Vater: FB 147152yr. Cherry IWG CrestUmemaru Coal *RC69Z *P VG-85-CAN IWG Umemaru FB 14715 Lookout Pesce 69Z HUNGER (WSI Umemaru FB9979 x Judo FB102) (Shamrock x Man-O-Man) JC MS Hakari Cherry Chrest 84-RC Colt Coal *RC *PO VG-85-CAN 2yr. Conf. 85R 86DS 85MS 85FL / VG-85-CAN 2yr. FB15453 2.01 (Proj) 8.516kgM 3.9%F 328F 3.3%E 282E • Steht in Wisconsin, USA / Housed in USA Holsteins / • Hunger dtrWisconsin, sold to Blondin Hunger dtr sold to Blondin Holsteins Vater: Umemaru 69Z EX-91-CAN FB 14715 Cherry CrestIWG Sizzling Red Hot UKB Harkari’sCOLT Legend Sandy-Valley P-REDFB11732 SR GenjiroGOLDWYN JR 156E Braedale FB7429 UKB MSCrest J84/84-156E Cherry Black Heat EX-91-CAN Conf. 90R 91DS 91MS 94FL / EX-91-CAN 1* FB12434 2.05 305d 9.339kgM 4.2%F 396F 3.6%E 340E 3.08 305d 10.428kgM 4.3%F 444F 3.5%E 365E 5.04 305d 15.634kgM 4.7%F 735F 3.3%E 523E JVP MS Crest 84/48F OliverRed Hot EX-91-CAN Cherry Sizzling Conf. 91R 93DS 90MS 91FL / EX-91-CAN 3* FB12433 2.05 305d 10.933kgM 3.6%F 394F 3.2%E 352E 3.09 305d 11.722kgM 3.7%F 432F 3.3%E 387E • 3rd 5-Yr. Old Lotbiniere ‘12 • 1t Int. Calf Glengarry ‘07 • HM. All-American R&W ‘04 • 2nd @inter Calf QC Int. R&W ‘03 NEXT DAMS 4e Primevalley Astre Lulu *RC VG-88-CAN 6yr. 5e Andryan Stratos-Raisa-Red GP-CAN 3yr. 6e Albrecht Regina-Red EX-USA 1* 7e Val Brillant Rina-Red VG-85-CAN 4yr. 8e Val Brillant Tina Supreme VG-86-CAN 4yr. E roteHunger Wagyu, die in Europa verkauft wird! Prsteolled Momo 389 auffull einen Einstieg in die Wagyu-Zucht A Polled & ist RC ihre dtr ofChance Hunger, sister in Canada sold to Blondin mit einem ganzFrom besonderen Tier. Sie ist die erste jemals in Holsteins. a deep Canadian family. Grandrote damWagyu, Cherrydie Crest Europa verkauft wird, und mit einem starken frei Black Heat EX-91-CAN wasdas successful in the showPedigree. ring and Sie 3rdist dam von allenEX-91-CAN bekanntenwas Erbfehlern und ihre Kuhfamilie lässt sich bis nach Sizzling HM. All-American in 2004! Special polled Japan zurück verfolgen. Wagyu-Fleisch ist bekannt als das qualitativ pedigre opportunity. beste Rindfleisch der Welt mit besonderen Vorzügen F REDHunger Wagyu ever sold in Europe! Pirst olled Momo 389 chance to full startsister the Wagyu breed with very A Polled & is RCyour dtr of Hunger, in Canada sold to aBlondin special animal. is the first RED Wagyu ever dam sold Cherry in Europe Holsteins. FromShe a deep Canadian family. Grand Crestand has a very pedigree, she testedinfree all recessives anddam has Black Heatspecial EX-91-CAN was successful theofshow ring and 3rd aSizzling great cow family in behind going back on original Japanese EX-91-CAN was HM. All-American inthe 2004! Special polled roots! The Wagyu meet is known for the best beef in the world, pedigre opportunity. with special emphasis on marbling which this family stands out for! H 23. RZN EROIN BEER SPONSORS Consignor DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] | 80K Milk %F %E THE FREE DRINKSUSA / BEER IS SPONSORED BY:Fat #3 gPFT heifer in theBalisto breed!World #1 RZG WideFlush - GTPI +2624 age! Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI 08/14 +2346 -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG Anderstrup Holsteins 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 Audi-Zentrum Trier Colonia Cows Drakkar Holsteins Dueholm Breeding Elektro-Service Becker ET-Team Vaessen, Longsdorf Eurogenes European Livestock Service Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Firma Elekro-Leisen GmBH, Irrel Holstein Select Hood Holsteins Hul-Stein HWH Holsteins JK Eder Holsteins K. Gillesen Klaus Heser, Ingendorf Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Lis-Leck Holsteins Livestock Exchange De-Su 11236 BALISTO Genervations EPIC Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN (Bookem x Watson) Lohnunternehmen Carlo Hess Cookiecutter MOM Hue TB-88-CAN 2a Milkrite Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM Conf. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. EX-91-USA Phovoltaik A terme fin SeptembreReinigun, / Due SeptemberPeter Stolz, Graach 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P Puerto Madryn Holsteins LOOKS GREAT! • Vendue pour 200.000$ durant la Sale of Reiterhof & Pferdepensionsstall Michael Peschko, Niederweis • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux of Stars 2012 Rinderzucht Hellwig • Une des meilleures filles de Epic de la Race, taureaux, Halogen, Iota, Durham… / • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de +2354 GTPI / One of the best Epic daughter From Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Spedition Dieckmann Man-O-Man au Monde! / Hue is one of the World Wide, GTPI+2354 Iota, Durham… most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Mère de MsGenetics Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 Vekis / NM +910 ! / Dam to Ms Hue Tango 57644, Viehgeschäft GTPI+2606 / NM +910 ! Franken NEXT DAMS • Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! Viehhandlung Hellebrandt 4e Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 EX-MS DOM 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM Wüstenrot Versicherungen, Jörg Malburg 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM 7e Long-Haven Rudolph Dee EX-90-USA 2E GMD DOM Zuchtbetrieb Reinermann 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM Zuchtbetrieb Siepermann 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM Züchtervereinigung Eifel F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! H / TERMS & CONDITIONS 23.AUKTIONSBEDINGUNGEN RZN EROIN Consignor USA | 80K DE 0666519828 Geb. Datum. 26-07-2014 RZH Holstein - Tel. +49 (0)123123123 - Email. [email protected] Milk %F %E Fat Eiw SCS DPR PL SCE FLC UDC PTAT NM GTPI Auktionsbedingungen Durchführung der Auktion: West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch 08/14 +2346 Holsteins -0.07 -0.04 67 61 2.85 -0.5 2.6 8.3 1.94 1.89 +2.69 559 2179 #3 gPFT heiferRinder-Union in Leitung: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinäraufsicht: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg the breed! DE Milk %F %E Fat Eiw RZM RZS RZD RZN RZR FL UDD. RZE RZG #1 RZG Balisto World Auszug aus den Auktionsbestimmungen. Die vollständigen Auktionsbestimmungen liegen im Auktionsbüro zur Einsicht aus. 1. Die RUW verkauft die+2624 aufgeführten Tiere im eigenen Namen oder in Kommission. Wide GTPI Flush age! 08/14 +2323 -0.25 -0.13 66 64 134 113 105 124 99 113 121 124 144 2. Jeder Auktionsteilnehmer unterwirft sich diesen Auktionsbestimmungen. 3. Zugelassen in der Auktionshalle sind nur Tiere aus amtlich tbc- und bruc.-freien sowie leukoseunverdächtigen Rinderbeständen. Alle Auktionstiere wurden serologisch mit negativem Ergebnis auf BHV-1 untersucht. 4. Alle zur Auktion aufgetriebenen Tiere sind virologisch negativ auf MD/BVD untersucht. 5. Bekannte wertmindernde Mängel werden vom Auktionator angesagt oder stehen im Update. 6. Unvollständige Katalogangaben werden angesagt. Bei weiblichen Zuchtkälbern haftet der Verkäufer mit einer Frist von 2 Jahren nach Verkauf, dass sie nicht aus einer ungleichgeschlechtlichen Zwillingsträchtigkeit stammen (durch Blutgruppenbestimmung nachweisbar) und keine Zwitter sind. 7. Die Auktionsleitung kann nicht für fehlerhafte Angaben im Katalog verantwortlich geamcht werden. 8. Der Verkäufer leistet Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aller Katalogangaben mit einer Frist von 6 Wochen. Die Sicherung der elterlichen Abstammung durch Blutgruppenbestimmungen bei ET-Nachkommen ist erfolgt. 9. Käufer von ersten Wahlen bezahlen direkt 25% vom Zuschlagspreis zzgl. der gesamten Gebühren. Spätestens drei Monate nachdem das letzte Kalb geboren ist, muss die Auswahl stattgefunden haben. Vor der Übernahme sind die restlichen 75% des Zuschlagpreises zu zahlen. Im Falle das die Garantie der 1. Wahl nicht erfüllt werden kann, erhält der Käufer die komplette Anzahlung inklusive der Auktionsgebühr zurück. 10. Bei Doppelgebot und Streitigkeiten entscheidet die Auktionsleitung. 11. Vom Käufer zu zahlender Rechnungsbetrag: Zuschlagpreis + 9,0% Auktionsgebühr + MwSt. + Versicherungsprämie (zzgl. gesetzl. Versicherungssteuer). Die Auktionsgebühr entsteht unabhängig davon, ob die RUW für eigene Rechnung (Eigengeschäft) oder für fremde Rechnung (Kommissionsgeschäft) tätig wird. Die Bezahlung des Rechnungsbetrages hat sofort nach dem Ankauf in bar oder mit bestätigtem Scheck im Auktionsbüro zu erfolgen. 12. Für berechtigte Reklamationen haftet der Beschicker, wenn der Schaden nicht durch eine Versicherung abgedeckt ist. 13. Auktionsversicherung: Die Tiere sind obligatorisch gegen nachfolgend aufgeführte Schäden versichert. Versicherungswert: Zuschlagpreis + MwSt. Höchstbetrag 10.000 €, Höherversicherung Für nicht verkaufte 2yr. Cookiecuttermöglich. MOM Hue VG-88-CAN Tiere gilt als Versicherungswert der Durchschnittspreis der Kategorie. Der Versicherungsschutz endet für Exporttiere an der Grenze, außer bei den Benelux-Staaten. Transportversicherung (100%): Tod oder Nottötung infolge Krankheit oder Unfall (einschl. Brand, Blitzschlag, Diebstahl) im Zusammenhang mit dem Transport. Haftung vom Verlassen des Beschickerstalls bis Eintreffen im deutschen Käuferstall. Tbc-, Brucellose-, Leukoseversicherung (100%): Bei amtstierärztlich nachgewiesener positiver Reaktion (Hautallergietest, Blutuntersuchung) in einem amtlich anerkannt freien bzw. unverdächtigen Bestand. Gewährfrist ein Monat bei Tbc und Brucellose, drei Monate bei Leukose. BHV1-Versicherung: Während des Antransports zur Auktion, bei der Auktion und während des Transportes in den Käuferstall dürfen die Tiere nur mit Rindern Kontakt haben, die die Anforderungen eines BHV1-freien Rindes nach gültiger BVO (Stand Dezember 2001) erfüllen. Wird gegen diese Obliegenheit verstoßen, ist die Versicherungsgesellschaft leistungsfrei. Der Versicherungsfall ist gegeben, wenn die serologische Untersuchung (Probeentnahme) im Käuferstall innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach dem Ankauf ein positives Ergebnis ergibt. Die Versicherungsgesellschaft ist berechtigt, innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach dem Eingang der Reklamation eine Nachuntersuchung durchführen zu lassen. Ergibt sich hierbei ein anderes Ergebnis, so ist die durch einen Amtstierarzt gezogene Probe maßgebend. Untersuchungskosten und Folgeschäden werden nicht erstattet. Bei allen Versicherungsschadensfällen werden Verwertungserlöse angerechnet. Minderwertschäden und Tierarztkosten sind nicht Gegenstand der Versicherung. 14. Verhalten in Schadensfällen: Der jeweilige Tierhalter ist verpflichtet, unverzüglich die Rinder-Union West eG (Tel.: 06569-9690-23) zu benachrichtigen bei Erkrankung und Unfällen während des Transportes oder während des Aufenthaltes auf dem Versteigerungsplatz. Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr. Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 11236 BALISTO SaleDe-Su Conditions Genervations EPIC Sales(Bookem organisation: Rinder-Union West eG, Eurogenes, Nosbisch Holsteins Long-Langs MAN-O-MAN x Watson) Management: Dr. Jürgen Hartmann, Jan de Vries, Arjan v. d. Vlis, Gerd Grebener, Nici Nosbisch / Veterinary Supervision: Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, Bitburg Summary of terms and conditions of sale. The complete terms and conditions of sale can be inspected in theTB-88-CAN sale office. Cookiecutter MOM Hue 2a Cookiecutter Shthollerwood EX-91-USA DOM 1. The RUW is selling the animals which are listed in the sale catalogue on its Conf. own behalf or on commission. TB-88-CAN 2a TB-88 MA Lookout Pesce Epic Hue Conf. EX-91-USA 2. Each auction participant accepts these terms and conditions. A terme finfrom Septembre / Due September 3. All animals are officially acknowledged tuberculosis-, leucosis- and brucellosis-free herds. All animals which are presented in the sale barn were serologically tested negative on BHV-1. 2.04 305j 11.474kgL 4.2%G 484G 3.7%P 421P 4. All animals are virologically negative tested on MD/BVD. 2.04 305j 11.603kgL 4.9%G 564G 3.5%P 409P 5. All known GREAT! value-reducing defects of an animal are announced by the auctioneer or will be mentioned in the sale update. LOOKS 6. Incomplete catalogue information is announced. In the case of female breeding calves, thepour seller is liable to a term of 2 years theof sale, that the female calves do not come from an opposite-sex twin pregnancy • Vendue 200.000$ durant laafter Sale • Fille de Shottle / Sired by Shottle (by blood test detectable) and are no hermaphrodites. Stars 2012 / Sold for $ 200,000 in the Sale • De la famille Dellia comme de nombreux 7. The sale organisation can not be held responsible for any mistakes made in the catalogue. of Stars 2012 • Une meilleures de Epic la Race, 8. The seller des guarantees for a periodfilles of six weeks that allde catalogue information is correct. The assurance of parental descent by blood group determination in ET-offspring occurred. Iota, Durham… / taureaux, Halogen, • Hue est une des plus intéressantes filles de 9. Buyer of firstGTPI choice / calves havebest to payEpic 25% daughter of the purchase price plus the total auction fee. At least three months after the last cow-calf is born,From the selection has to take place. Prior to the acquisition the +2354 Onedirectly of the Dellia family, as several bulls, Halogen, Man-O-Man Monde! / Huewill is be one the remaining of theGTPI+2354 purchase price have to be paid. If the guarnatee can not be fulfilled, theau complete first payment paidof back. World75% Wide, Iota, Durham… 10. In the case of double bids and disputes the auction management will make a decision. most exciting Man-O-Man dtrs in the breed! • Mère de Ms Hue Tango 57644, GTPI+2606 11. Price to be paid by the buyer: Auction price + 9,0% auction fee + tax + insurance premium (plus legal insurance tax). The auction fee will be charged regardless whether RUW trades on own account (own business) +910 business. ! / Dam to MshasHue 57644, or/forNM commission Payment to beTango made directly after the purchase in the sale office in cash or with a confirmed bank check. GTPI+2606 / NMfor+910 ! complaints, if the damage is not covered by insurance. 12. The seller is responsible justified NEXT DAMS 13. • Sale insurance: Vendue pour 155.000 $ ! / Sold for $155,000! 4ehigher Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET TB-88 DOM Sale animals have obligatory insurance for all damages listed further on. Insurance value is the sale price + VAT. The maximum amount is EUR 10.000, insurance is possible. The insurance valueEX-MS for unsold animals is the average price of each category. The insurance coverage will end at the border for export animals, except into the Benelux countries. 5e Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 GMD DOM Transport insurance (100%): 6e Regancrest-JDV Hanna EX-90-USA 5yr. GMD DOM In case of death or putting down as a result of illness or accident (including fire, lightning, theft) in connection with the transport. Liability from leaving the feeder’s barn till arrivalDee in theEX-90-USA German buyer’s 7e Long-Haven Rudolph 2Estable. GMD DOM Tuberculosis, brucellosis, leucosis-assurance (100%): 8e Regancrest Elton Disrael VG-88-USA 3yr. GMD DOM In case of official veterinary proven positive reaction (skin allergy test, blood test) in an officially free or unsuspecting livestock. Warranty period is one month for tuberculosis an brucellosis, 3 months for leucosis. 9e Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM IBR / BHV1-insurance: During the transport to the place of sale, during the sale and during the transport to the buyer’s barn, animals may only get into contact with animals, which meet the requirements of a BHV1-free cattle according to the valid act (December 2001). If the act is violated, the insurance company is not liable to pay. The insurance case is, if the serological investigation (blood test) in the buyer’s barn shows a positive result within 7 days after purchase. The insurance company is entitled within 14 days after receipt of the complaint to have made a follow-up analysis. If this result is different, the result of the sample, taken by the official veterinarian, is decisive. Costs of investigation and damages are not refundable. In all insurance claims the revenues made by utilization will be charged. Impairment losses and veterinary costs are not covered by insurance. Behaviour in case of damages:of this heifer in the August run! She is a h14.out for the Genomics h out for the Genomics of this heifer in the August run! She is a The buyer is obliged to contact Rinder-Union West eG (phone: +49 6569-9690-23) without delay in case of illness and accidents during the transport or during the stay on the auction place. F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! F irst dtr of Epic Hue to sell! Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! Balisto out of Epic Hue which sold for $ 155,000. She will be fresh in September of this year and looks incredible! She has progeny testing over 2600 GTPI already! Grand dam MOM Hue sold for $ 200.000 in the Sale of Stars 2012! Great branch of the Dellia EX-95 cow family, which delivered bulls like Durham, Iota, Halogen and many others! AMS Automatisches Melksystem Die Gesundheit der Kühe entscheidet maßgeblich über den Erfolg am Melkroboter. Mit der richtigen Einstellung des Melkroboters, der optimalen Fütterung und der Beratung durch die AMS-Spezialisten von ForFarmers erreichen Sie die höchste Wirtschaftlichkeit an Ihrem Roboter! • • • • • • • • • Von der Aussaat bis zur Ernte Grubbern Pflügen Tiefenlockern Aussaat Pflanzenschutz Düngung Mähdrusch Transport Rundballenpressen MatthiasZender Hauptstraße1a 54668Niederweis 06568-7488 Nutzen Sie COUNTRY Saatgut für den erfolgreichen Futterbau! Intelligente Mischungskonzepte • Top-Leistungsfähigkeit • Neueste Züchtungsforschung Ihr DSV Berater vor Ort berät Sie gerne: Wolfgang Fisch Mobil +49 172 6106342 Mit dem VR-FinanzPlan Agrar unterstützen wir gezielt die Landwirtschaft – beim täglichen Finanz management genau wie bei Investitionen in Ihrem Betrieb. . Wir kennen Lösungen für die Landwirtschaft. Rufen Sie einfach an: 06561 63 265. Uns Reg erer io verb n und en Jeder Mensch hat etwas, das ihn antreibt Wir machen den Weg frei Der neue : Original Hoftrac. 100 % elektrisch. CO 2 -Abgase, Lärm und Rußpartikel in Gebäuden – das war gestern! Der neue 1160 eHoftrac ® verbannt Emissionen aus Ihrem Arbeitsalltag. Die Innovation für Ihren Betrieb: Hohlgass 3 54636 Rittersdorf T 06561 971070 [email protected] WM_Servatius-Ehlenz_A5_quer_eHoftrac.indd 1 24.07.2015 10:37:23 Trouw Nutrition Deutschland GmbH • Tel.: 0 84 32 / 89-0 • • [email protected] • Beste Futteraufnahme • Höchste Schmackhaftigkeit • Praxiserprobt und wirtschaftlich Ideal für Kälber-Trocken-TMR (mit 10% Einsatzrate) Milki Appetito® Optimale Darmzottenentwicklung Qualität ● Leistung ● Gesundheit Der fortschrittliche Milchviehhalter nutzt die Informationen der Milchleistungs- und Qualitätsprüfung zur Sicherung der Anforderungen - an den Verbraucherschutz - an den Klimaschutz - an die Tiergesundheit - an die Milchqualität - an den Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz - an den Erhalt und Ausbau der Wertschöpfung Raiffeisen Rhein-Ahr-Eifel Handelsgesellschaft mbh Ihr kompetenter Partner für: • Futtermittel • Flüssigdüngung • Holzpellets • u.v.m. Dudeldorfer Straße 59 • 54657 Badem • Telefon 06563 9676-30 -ET s t 4846 49 Robu 1 2 e e r -T Pine 02_P150404_TAG_Anzeige_DINA5_DE_RZ.indd 1 View-Ho m e MISSOU RI 01.09.15 14 Als Partner der hiesigen Metzgereien und Landwirtschaft schlachten und zerlegen wir Grossvieh und Schweine aus unserer Region. Wir kaufen laufend Schlachtvieh aller Art. Ausserdem suchen wir 14 Tage alte Kälber zur Weitermast, Mastvieh und Milchfärsen sowie ganze Viehbestände. Faber GmbH ◦ EG Schlachthof Altstr. 8 ◦ D- 54669 Bollendorf Tel.: 06526/ 9270-0 ◦ Fax: 06526/ 92 70-27 E-Mail: [email protected] Eclair 298242 Besuchen Sie uns: Lancome x Numero Uno x EX-91 Planet Bullenvater aus tiefer kanadischer Kuhfamilie Kombiniert RZE 144 und RZFit 152 Frei von Bookem und Snowman Zuchtwerte Interbull 08/2015 RZG 157 RZM 128 RZE 144 RZS 116 RZN 138 RZR 123 M-kg +1127 F-% +0.13 F-kg +58 E-% + 0.03 E-KG +41 Si% 71 MTY 118 KOE 109 FUN 134 EUT 139 RZRobot n.v. RZD 117 Geburten KVd KVm 110 104 CRI Genetics GmbH Boakenstiege 18 48341 Altenberge Tö./Betr. 0/0 [email protected] Fruchtbarkeit KON RZ 121 108 T: +49 (0) 2505 948860 Ihre Genossenschaft für Tierzucht und Beratung Herdbuchführung I Leistungskontrolle I Besamung I Beratung Qualitätsprogramme I Viehvermarktung I Produktverkauf [passion for breeding] Zone Artisanale et Commerciale 4 • L-9085 Ettelbruck Tel.: +352 26 81 20-0 • Fax: +352-26 81 20-12 • [email protected] Spedition Dieckmann Tiertransporte nach höchstem Standard und mit bestem Tierkomfort. Wir organisieren Ihren Tiertransport zuverlässig, unkompliziert und schnell! Spedition Dieckmann wünscht dem German Masters Sale 2015 einen guten Verlauf! Adres: Ankumer Damm 16, 49599 Voltlage, Duitsland Telefoon:+49 5467 439 16. Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015 Beginn 17:00 Uhr Zentralhallen Hamm Am Donnerstag, den 22. Oktober 2015 ist es wieder so weit. Die Tore der Zentralhallen in Hamm öffnen sich für die große Verbands- und Nachzuchtschau der Rinder-Union West eG. Die besten rot- und schwarzbunten Holsteinkühe aller Altersklassen aus den drei Bundesländern Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland werden in den Ring treten. Als Preisrichter konnten wir die Herren Christian Fischer, (Brunsbek) und Manfred Uhrig, (Sulzbach) gewinnen. Kommen Sie in die Zentralhallen nach Hamm und freuen Sie sich mit uns auf ein interessantes und spannendes Schauspektakel Wir heißen Sie herzlich willkommen! PROGRAMM AM DONNERSTAG, 22. OKTOBER 2015 17:00 Uhr ca. 21:30 Uhr ca. 22:15 Uhr Richten der Schaukühe Präsentation interessanter Nachzucht gruppen von TopQSELECT+Bullen Siegerehrung und Wahl des Grand Champions sowie Verlosung eines wertvollen Zuchtkalbes Im Anschluss geselliger Züchterabend mit Freigetränken inkl. Freibier. Grand Champion 2013: WIT Aklasse (Bes.: Thomas Wiethege, Halver) Rinder-Union West eG Schiffahrter Damm 235a • 48147 Münster Tel.: 0251 9288-0 • Fax: 0251 9288-219 / -236 • E-Mail: [email protected] • THE LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE THE LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE WORLD WIDE, OUR SERVICE IS FULLY INCLUSIVE OF: Sourcing and personally hand selecting commercial and elite cattle Completing all necessary paperwork / health charts Export of the animals until the final destination CONTACT Isaac Lancaster +44 (0)7739566538 Andrew Cope +44 (0)7778056327 Email. [email protected] German Contact: Nici Nosbisch +49 (0)1714368388 Download now! The official Holstein International-app Daily News | Global Network NewsFeed | Jobs | Events | Genetics | Weekly newsletter Free demo of Holstein International | Login Holstein International Digital Archive | HI photography This app will provide you with the latest news from the global Holstein industry, you do not have to miss any information and it is a FREE download! Download now: Hoftierarzt von Nosbisch Holsteins und zuständig für die tierärztliche Betreuung der Auktionstiere Tierarztpraxis Philippe Arnold 1a, rue Dierwies L-6432 Echternach TEL: 00352/7203641 Fax: 00352/7203642 Das Team der Tierarztpraxis Arnold, wünscht der Auktion einen erfolgreichen Verlauf und allen Käufern viel Glück und Gesundheit mit ihren Zukäufen! KH Enforcer Indiana 08/2015 160 gRZG +3372 DGV-LPI +2534 GTPI, #1 Enforcer worldwide Owned with Anderstrup, KH Enforcer Indiana Colonia Cows & Nosbisch Enforcer x VG-86 2y Windbrook x VG-88 Jeeves x VG-85 Goldwyn x EX-90 Ford x VG-85 Elwillo x Aerostar Imperiale VG-89 x Ugela Bell Gourmette EX-92 Chartbreaking RZG – now flushing DE-SU Balisto Ashley NH HS Anton Minnesota DE-SU Balisto Ashley NH HS Minnesota 08/2015 08/2015 160 gRZG 154 gRZG, #2 Anton daughter +3018 DGV-LPI Balisto x Supersonic x Morningview Toystory Amaya EX-92, Morningview Converse Judy EX-93 family Owned with DG UK, Booth & O’Brian Anton x Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87 2y x VG-87 Xacobeo x Caps Mairy 4 VG-85 2y Owned with Nosbisch Holstein Select GmbH – Hauptstr. 50 – 49635 Badbergen – Tel. 05433/ 914126 – Fax 05433/ 914126 – Delivering the Total Package SUHNSTAR 515HO00137 | TW SUHNSTAR Supersire x GP-84 Super x EX-90 Shottle MILK CFP SCE PL DPR UDC FLC PTAT GTPI +1426 122 8.3 6.1 2.5 1.39 1.00 1.89 +2541 • VERY COMPLETE BULL WITH HIGH FERTILITY • POSITIVE FOR ALL LINEAR TRAITS! NEW SULLIVAN 515HO00209 | JK EDER SULLIVAN Tango x VG-85 Bookem x EX-90 AltaBaxter MILK CFP SCE PL DPR UDC FLC PTAT GTPI +1334 83 7.2 5.4 0.8 1.82 1.66 1.87 +2432 Photos: Suhnstar & Sullivan - Alex Arkink, Popeye - Ornia • DIFFERENT SIRE STACK FROM A GREAT COW FAMILY • HIGH PRODUCTIVE LIFE WITH 2.62 SOMATIC CELLS NEW POPEYE 515HO00216 | VEKIS DG POPEYE Balisto x NC Numero Uno x VG-87 Xacobeo MILK CFP SCE PL DPR UDC FLC PTAT GTPI +368 100 6.1 5.3 1.5 1.98 1.11 2.05 +2487 • THE FITNESS SPECIALIST! • HIGH RANKING IN SEVERAL SYSTEMS: +159 gRZG Tel. +31 (0)38 4604311 | [email protected] +151 gPFI +35 gNTM +207 gISU +4210 gICO We still have distributorships available for some countries. Please contact us for more information. W E'LL OPEN UP THE WORLD TO YOUR GENETICS Some examples of genetics delivered through one of the Eurogenes Sales: Drouner AJDH Cosmo VG-87 2yr. I-Cow Aurora Rainyridge Planet Elaine VG-88 2yr. Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87 2yr. Already >7 sons in AI, grand son > 2700 GTPI Sold through the EG Online Heifer Sale Eclipse Atwoods Archrival | The global TYPE sensation! Sold as an embryo through the EG Online Embryo Sale U Dam to the #2 GTPI RC heifer in Europe Sold through the EG Summer Sale Awesome heifer, Jr. Champion Belien 2015 Sold through the German Masters Sale Dtrs sold for € 70.000 & € 84.0000 Mellow sold through the Holland Masters Sale PCOMING EVENTS 9 October German Masters Sale - Bitburg, Germany Every 2 weeks Eurogenes Online Embryo Sale, Online @ 30 October 24/7 Live sale during the National Show in Cremona, Italy Embryo Webshop, Online @ Consign your embryos and heifers now for these upcoming sales through one of the contactpersons on: WWW.EUROGENES.COM LATEST GLOBAL BREEDING NEWS - THE BREEDER PLATFORM ONLINE EMBRYO SALES - TOP RANKING GENOMIC LISTS ONLINE - LIVE HEIFER SALES - THE HOTSPOTS MAGAZINE - HUGE PEDIGREE DATABASE WITH EUROPE’S BEST DONORS - EMBRYO WEBSHOP & MUCH MORE WWW.EUROGENES.COM Thanks to Cowsmo for the pictures. WE OFFER HOUSING POSSIBILITIES FOR FOREIGN BUYERS. DURING THEIR STAY WE CAN FLUSH YOUR ANIMALS AND EXPORT THE EMBRYOS TO YOUR PLACE. CONTACT | NOSBISCH HOLSTEINS | Sonnenhof - 54668 Niederweis - Germany Tel. +49 (0)1714368388 - Email. [email protected] - - Egal was Sie suchen, wir finden es! European Livestock Service: Ihre Adresse wenn es um den Ankauf und die Vermittlung von qualitativ hochwertigen Rindern geht. Von der Anfrage bis zur Lieferung kümmern wir uns um ihre Wünsche und Bedürfnisse. # Anfrage # Vermittlung # Besichtigung # Ankauf # Lieferung # Zufriedenheit Wir freuen uns auf ihre Anfrage: European Livestock Service Viehvermittlung Nici Nosbisch Sonnenhof 54668 Niederweis Deutschland Tel: +491714368388 Email: [email protected]
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