Please select from the list below for details of the finance offer and terms and conditions specific to your country of business. Sélectionnez dans la liste ci-dessous les détails de l'offre de financement et les conditions générales applicables au pays où vous exercez votre activité. Seleziona dall'elenco qui sotto i dettagli e i Termini e condizioni dell'offerta finanziaria specifici per il tuo paese di attività. In der Liste finden Sie alle Einzelheiten und Bedingungen zum Finanzierungsangebot in Ihrem Land. Seleccione en la lista de abajo los detalles de la oferta de financiación y los términos y condiciones correspondientes al país donde desarrolle su negocio. Austria France Slovakia Benelux – English Germany Slovenia Benelux – Dutch Ireland Spain Bosnia Italy Sweden Bulgaria Norway Switzerland - German Croatia Poland Switzerland - English Czech Republic Portugal United Kingdom Denmark Romania Finland Serbia Austria Die Finanzierung gilt nur für Unternehmen mit Sitz in Österreich und ist abhängig von einer Bonitätsprüfung. Die Angebote basieren auf dem Vertragsmodell „fullpay out“, mit monatlich gleichen Raten, die im Voraus fällig sind. Die Höhe der Leasingraten richtet sich nach dem jeweiligen Finanzierungsvolumen. Die Leasingrate wird einmalig bei der Vertragsaktivierung angepasst. Mit der ersten Rate fällt eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 0,75 % des Anschaffungswertes an, Minimum jedoch Euro 165,--exkl. MwSt. Die gesetzliche Rechtsgeschäftsgebühr wird einmalig vom Finanzamt für Gebühren und Verkehrssteuern vorgeschrieben und ist mit der ersten Vorschreibung fällig. Schriftliche Angebote sind auf Anfrage bei Leasfinanz GmbH erhältlich: Leasfinanz GmbH, 1040 Wien, Operngasse 21. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 22.03.2016. Sony behält sich das Recht vor, diese Aktion jederzeit ohne schriftliche Kundgebung zu ändern oder zu beenden. Sony ist eine eingetragene Marke der Sony Corporation, Japan. Benelux (English) This offering is based on financial lease with periodic payment in advance. For Benelux business users only, subject to credit nd approval. Offer end date 22 March 2016. A documentation fee of €100 plus VAT will be payable with the first rental-. Written quotations are available on request from Five Arrows Media Finance Ltd. Sony reserve the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Benelux (Dutch) De aanbieding is gebaseerd op een financiële lease met vooruitbetaling per overeengekomen periode. Administratie kosten van €100,- worden toegevoegd aan de eerste factuur. De einddatum van deze aanbieding is 22 Maart 2016. Deze aanbieding wordt aangeboden door Five Arrows Media Finance Ltd. Sony behoudt zich het recht voor deze actie op elk moment te kunnen wijzigen of te laten vervallen. Sony is een handelsmerk van Sony Corporation Japan. Bosnia Finance is for business users only in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is subject to all necessary approvals and changes on capital and nd money market. 0% offer, with minimum 20% down payment of net amount. Promotion end date 22 March 2016. Written quotations are available on request. Promotion is being offered by UNICREDIT LEASING DOO, Džemala Bijedića 2, BiH – 71 000 Sarajevo. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Bulgaria Finance is for business users only in Bulgaria and is subject to all necessary approvals and changes on capital and money market. 0% IR financial leasing offer, with minimum 20% down payment of net amount. Minimum value to be financed €10,000. Promotion nd end date 22 March 2016. Written quotations are available on request. Promotion is being offered by UNICREDIT LEASING EAD, 40 Tsarigradsko shosse, Sofia, Bulgaria. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Croatia Renting service is for business users only in Croatia and is subject to credit acceptance and execution of standard documentation. Monthly installment is based on the quarterly payment. Renting service is subject of current VAT regulation in Croatia. Documentation fee is 600 HRK + VAT. Written quotations are available on request. Promotion is being offered by GC Renting nd Croatia d.o.o. – GRENKE Franchise – Av. Većeslava Holjevca 40, HR-10000 Zagreb. Offer end date is 22 March 2016. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Czech Republic • • • min. pořizovací cena: délka financování: paušální poplatek: od 270 tis. Kč (nebo ekvivalent 10 000,- EUR dle aktuálního kurzu EUR) 24 měsíců 1% Požadované dokumenty od koncového zákazníka (nájemce): • výpis z obchodního rejstříku, živnostenský list • osvědčení o přidělení DIČ • kopie daňového přiznání za poslední 2 roky (včetně rozvahy, výkazu zisků a ztrát, příloha k účetní uzávěrce) • rozvaha, výkaz zisků a ztrát za aktuální rok • obchodní a finanční plán (pro společnosti existující kratší dobu než dva roky) • Konec akční nabídky do 22/03/2015. • Společnost Sony si vyhrazuje právo změnit nebo zrušit tuto akční nabídku kdykoliv bez předchozího upozornění. • Sony si vyhrazuje právo kdykoli změnit podmínky akce. • Sony je registrovaná značka společnosti Sony Corporation v Japonsku. Denmark Finansieringen er kun gældende for erhvervskunder, og forudsætter en endelig kreditgodkendelse. Tilbuddet er baseret på en finansiering med kvartalsvis fakturering forud. Tilbuddet er gældende indtil den 22 marts 2016. Forsikring af udstyret tillægges den månedlige ydelse med 0,2%. Etableringsgebyr kr. 2.000,-. Alle priser er ekskl. moms. Tilbud fås ved henvendelse til, [email protected] eller på adressen, Acento Finance A/S, Park Allé 295, 2605 Brøndby. Sony forbeholder sig ret til at ændre eller tilbagekalde denne kampagne til enhver tid uden varsel. Sony er et varemærke for Sony Corporation, Japan. Finland Laskelmat perustuvat rahoitusleasingiin ja vuokrat laskutetaan kvartaaleittain etukäteen. Maksettaviin vuokriin lisätään ALV. Tarjous päättyy 22/03/2016. Vuokrahinnat ovat indikatiivisia ja mikäli korkotaso muuttuu tarjoushetken ja rahoitushetken välillä, vuokrahintoja tarkistetaan. Leasing kuukausimaksuun lisätään vakuutusmaksu joka on 0,25% yhteenlasketuista kuukausimaksuista. Toimitusmaksu 150 eur peritään ensimmäisen vuokran yhteydessä, laskutuspalkkio 9 eur/lasku. Kirjallisen rahoitustarjouksen saa Acento Finance Oy, Äyritie 12 C, 01510 VANTAA. Sony varaa oikeuden muuttaa ehtoja kampanjan aikana yksipuolisesti. Sony® on Sony Corporation Japan:n rekisteröimä tavaramerkki. France Offre réservée aux utilisateurs professionnels établis en France, communiquée sous réserve de l’étude et de l’acceptation du dossier par Azule Finance, selon les conditions et documentations en vigueur. Date de fin de l'offre : demande de location parvenue avant le 22 mars 2016 à Azule Finance Des frais de documentation de 100.00 € HT seront appliqués aux contrats de location mis en place..La présente promotion est mise en œuvre par Azule Finance.Sony se réserve le droit d'annuler et de modifier cette promotion à tout moment, sans préavis. Sony est une marque déposée de Sony Corporation, Japon. Germany Die Finanzierung ist nur für Geschäftsanwender in Deutschland und abhängig vom Kreditstatus. Die Angebote basieren auf einem Financial Leasing bzw. Mietkauf mit regelmäßig im Voraus zu zahlenden Leasingraten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 22. März 2016. Mit der ersten Rate fällt eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von € 75,00 an. Schriftliche Angebote sind auf Anfrage von Azule Finance erhältlich: Azule Finance GmbH, Weiderichstr.13, 47877 Willich. Dieses Angebot wird von der Azule Finance GmbH umgesetzt. Sony behält sich das Recht vor, die Aktion zu jeder Zeit zu ändern oder abzubrechen. Sony ist ein Warenzeichen der Sony Corporation, Japan. Ireland Azule - Terms and Conditions Lease finance is for Ireland business users only. This is subject to credit status and execution of standard documentation; other nd restrictions may apply. Offer end date 22 March 2016. Lease Rental product is available to all business users. All agreements are subject to a documentation fee of €75 plus VAT. Written quotations are available on request from Azule Limited, First Floor, 2-4 High Street, Datchet, Berkshire, SL3 9EA. This promotion is being offered by Azule Limited. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Five Arrows Media Finance Ltd. - Terms and Conditions Finance is for business users in Ireland only and is subject to acceptance and execution of standard documentation. Other nd restrictions may apply. Offer end date is 22 March 2016. A documentation fee of €100.00 plus VAT will be charged together with the first rental. Both lease rental and lease purchase products are available. Written details available on request. If lease purchase products are taken there is a €50.00 plus VAT option to purchase fee payable at the end of the agreement. Written quotations are available on request from Five Arrows Media Finance Ltd., Heron House, 5 Heron Square, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey TW9 1EL, which is supporting this promotion. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Italy L’offerta è di locazione operativa con pagamenti anticipati periodici. L’offerta è valida sino al 22 Marzo 2016. Le tariffe indicate sono indicative e soggette a variazioni al momento dell’accettazione del contratto da parte di Grenkelocazione Srl. Spese d’istruttoria € 50 + IVA addebitate con il 1° Canone. Per quotazioni speciali contattare Grenkelocazione Srl. La locazione è riservata solamente alle imprese ed è soggetta all’approvazione da parte di Grenkelocazione Srl. Sony si riserva il diritto di modificare i termini e le condizioni della promozione o revocare la promozione in qualsiasi momento senza obbligo di preavviso. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Norway Tilbudet er basert på finansiering med periodisk forskuddsbetaling. Tilbudet varer til 22.mars 2016. Etableringsgebyr på kr 1 500,og forsikring av utstyret på 0,2% av finansiert beløp tilkommer. Skriftlig tilbud fås på forespørsel til Acento Finance as, Prinsensgate 22, 0198 Oslo. Sony forbeholder seg retten til å endre eller kansellere tilbudet på ethvert tidspunkt. Sony er et varemerke for Sony Corporation, Japan. Poland Finance is for business users only in Poland and is subject to credit acceptance and execution of standard documentation. Minimum value of a contract is 3,000 PLN without VAT. The offer does not contain fee for using an equipment beyond the basic lease term, handling fee, insurance, VAT. *Applicable to the basic lease term and quarterly instalments, direct debit payment. ** Applicable to the basic lease term, end value 20%, equipment’s value more than PLN100,001 without VAT, quarterly instalments, direct debit payment. Written quotations are available on request. Promotion is offered by GRENKELEASING Sp. z. o.o., ul. Abpa. nd A. Baraniaka 88D, 61-131 Poznań. Offer end date is 22 March 2016. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Portugal Financiamento (locação operacional) para os clientes finais está sujeito a aprovação do nosso departamento de crédito. A oferta é baseada em operações de locação operacional com rendas mensais, constantes e antecipadas. O período de validade terminará a 22/03/2016. Será cobrada uma taxa única de 75€ + IVA aquando da formalização do contrato . Propostas podem ser solicitadas através da nossa plataforma online Esta promoção é oferecida pela GRENKE RENTING S.A. A Sony poderá alterar ou cancelar esta promoção em qualquer altura. Sony é uma marca registrada de Sony Corporation, Japão. Romania Finance is for business users only in Romania and is subject to all necessary approvals. Minimum value to be financed €4,000. 0% * (fixed rate) offer, with minimum 20% down payment. 2% management fee, 0.03% monthly operational fee payable by the nd Customer. Promotion end date 22 March 2016. Written quotations are available on request. Promotion is being offered by UNICREDIT LEASING CORPORATION IFN SA, 23-25 Ghetarilor Street, Bucharest. Sony reserve the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time ,without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Serbia nd Finance is for business users only in Serbia. Offer end date 22 March 2016. This promotion is being offered by UniCredit Leasing Srbijad.o.o. Beograd. Down payment of 20% required. Security structure would be based upon following cornerstones: - ownership of the leasing object during the leasing contract - insurance of lease objects assigned in favor of UniCredit Leasing Srbijad.o.o. Beograd to be effected by UniCredit Partner doo - promissory notes signed by company - 1.5% management fee calculated on the purchase price - no interim interest in case that payment from UniCredit Leasing to Sony dealer is 3 days before leasing instalment (1. or 15. in the month) - in case of interim VAT financing, client’s interest rate is 6.49% (3 months duration until VAT refund) Copy of commercial registration, balance sheet and profit & loss account for the last three years and credit bureau required. Sony reserve the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Slovakia Podmienky financovania: Minimálna obstarávacia cena: 10 000,- EUR Prvá zvýšená splátka: 20 % z OC + DPH Dĺžka financovania : 24 mesiacov Paušálny poplatok: 0,1 % z OC Platnosť akcie do 22.03.2016. Požadované dokumenty od koncového zákazníka (nájomcu): Výpis z obchodného registra alebo Výpis zo živnostenského registra nie starší ako 3 mesiace (postačuje kópia overená pracovníkom UCL). Osvedčenie o registrácii k DPH. Súvaha, výkaz ziskov a strát a poznámky (príloha účtovnej závierky), výrok audítora, ak spoločnosť podlieha auditu (alebo výkaz príjmov a výdavkov a výkaz majetku a záväzkov) za bežný a jeden predchádzajúci rok Daňové priznanie k dani z príjmov za posledný rok (originál, kópiu overí pracovník UCL) Prehľad prijatých úverov a lízingov Spoločnosť UniCredit Leasing Slovakia, a.s., si vyhradzuje právo vyžadovať akékoľvek dodatočné doklady a potvrdenia, potrebné k schváleniu financovania technológie. Sony si vyhradzuje právo kedykoľvek zmeniť alebo zrušiť túto akciovú ponuku financovania bez oznámenia. Sony je registrovaná značka Sony Corporation, Japan. . Slovenia Finance is for business users only in Slovenia and is subject to all necessary approvals and changes on capital and money market. Minimum value of qualifying promotional products to be leased €5.000. 0.00% offer, with minimum 30% down payment (VAT: possibility of bridge financing). Management fee amounts to 1% of the purchase price or at least 125 € per contract. Promotion end nd date 22 March 2016. Written quotations are available on request. Promotion is being offered by Professional Solutions Europe, a division of Sony Europe Limited in cooperation with UniCredit Leasing, d.o.o., Šmartinska cesta 140, SI - 1000 Ljubljana. Sony reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. UniCredit Leasing, d.o.o. may, at its own discretion decide to refuse financing with respect to customer’s credit rating or other risk factors. Sony professional products, which are subject to this promotion, are provided by Professional Solutions Europe, a division of Sony Europe Limited or their Authorised Professional Solutions Specialists, Sony Authorised Resellers and Sony Approved Independent System Integrators. UniCredit Leasing, d.o.o. shall in no case be liable for (non)availability of such promotional products. Spain El valor mínimo de arrendamiento para beneficiarse de la oferta promocional de los productos y accesorios de Sony es de 10.000 €. El contrato de arrendamiento para usuarios finales está sujeto a la aprobación del departamento de créditos. Estas condiciones son específicas para España, excepto Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla. La oferta se basa en operaciones de arrendamiento con pagos iguales mensuales por anticipado. El periodo de validez finaliza el 22 de Marzo 2016. Una comisión de estudio de 75 Euros se cargará junto con la primera cuota. Presupuestos por escrito pueden ser solicitados, a través de nuestra plataforma Esta promoción se ofrece por GRENKE España (GRENKE RENT, S.A. y GRENKE ALQUILER, S.A. Sony se reserva el derecho de modificar o cancelar esta promoción en cualquier momento. Sony es una marca registrada de Sony Corporation, Japón. Sweden Erbjudandet gäller tom den 22 Mars 2016. Finansieringserbjudandet gäller för företag i Sverige efter sedvanlig kreditprövning. Hyresavgifterna betalas kvartalsvis i förskott. En uppläggningsavgift på 450 kr tillkommer samt att en försäkringspremie på 0,20 % per månad av anskaffningsvärdet. Finansieringsofferter kan erhållas genom Acento Finance AB, Box 1277, 164 29 Kista. Denna kampanj erbjuds genom Acento Finance AB. Sony reserverar sig för att närsomhelst kunna ställa in eller ändra kampanjen utan förvarning. Sony är ett varumärke inom Sony Corporation, Japan. Switzerland (English) Die Finanzierung ist nur für Geschäftsanwender in der Schweiz und abhängig vom Kreditstatus. Die Angebote basieren auf einem Financial Leasing mit regelmäßig im Voraus zu zahlenden Leasingraten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 22. März 2016. Die Höhe der Leasing-Zahlung ist indikativ und abhängig von Zinsänderungen zum Zeitpunkt der Annahme der Geräte. Mit der ersten Rate fällt eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von CHF 120,- an. Schriftliche Angebote sind auf Anfrage von Azule Finance erhältlich: Azule Finance GmbH, Weiderichstr.13, D-47877 Willich. Dieses Angebot wird von der Azule Finance GmbH umgesetzt. Sony behält sich das Recht vor, die Aktion zu jeder Zeit zu ändern oder abzubrechen. Sony ist ein Warenzeichen der Sony Corporation, Japan. Switzerland (German) Die Finanzierung ist nur für Geschäftsanwender in der Schweiz und abhängig vom Kreditstatus. Die Angebote basieren auf einem Financial Leasing mit regelmäßig im Voraus zu zahlenden Leasingraten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 22. März 2016. Die Höhe der Leasing-Zahlung ist indikativ und abhängig von Zinsänderungen zum Zeitpunkt der Annahme der Geräte. Mit der ersten Rate fällt eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von CHF 120,- an. Schriftliche Angebote sind auf Anfrage von Azule Finance erhältlich: Azule Finance GmbH, Weiderichstr.13, D-47877 Willich. Dieses Angebot wird von der Azule Finance GmbH umgesetzt. Sony behält sich das Recht vor, die Aktion zu jeder Zeit zu ändern oder abzubrechen. Sony ist ein Warenzeichen der Sony Corporation, Japan. United Kingdom Azule - Terms and Conditions: Lease finance is for Ireland business users only. This is subject to credit status and execution of nd standard documentation; other restrictions may apply. Offer end date 22 March 2016. Lease Rental product is available to all business users. All agreements are subject to a documentation fee of €75 plus VAT. Written quotations are available on request from Azule Limited, First Floor, 2-4 High Street, Datchet, Berkshire, SL3 9EA. This promotion is being offered by Azule Limited. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan. Five Arrows Media Finance Ltd. - Terms and Conditions: Finance is for business users in Ireland only and is subject to nd acceptance and execution of standard documentation. Other restrictions may apply. Offer end date is 22 March 2016. A documentation fee of €100.00 plus VAT will be charged together with the first rental. Both lease rental and lease purchase products are available. Written details available on request. If lease purchase products are taken there is a €50.00 plus VAT option to purchase fee payable at the end of the agreement. Written quotations are available on request from Five Arrows Media Finance Ltd., Heron House, 5 Heron Square, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey TW9 1EL, which is supporting this promotion. Sony reserves the right to cancel or change this promotion at any time, without notice. Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation, Japan.
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