Handapparat_AG-ABI, S onderstandort Takustr. 9, Informatik

Handapparat_A G -A B I, S onders tandort T akus tr. 9, Informatik (P räs enz bes tand)
Autor (Name, Vorname)
Altmann / D unker / Hunter / Murray / K lein (E ds .)
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006
A us tern, Matthew H.
Generic Programming and the STL
B alzert, Heide
Lehrbuch der Objektmodellierung [+ CD-ROM]
B evington, P hilip R . / R obins on, D . K eith
B is hop, C hris topher M.
Data Reduction and Error Analysis
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
B lanchette, J as min / S ummerfield, Mark
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 [+ CD-ROM]
B ono, E dward de
D eonier, R ichard C . / T avaré, S omon /
W aterman, Michael S .
D ümbgen, L utz
D urbin, R ichard / E ddy, S ean / K rogh, A nders /
Mitchis on, G raeme
E ckel, B ruce
E idhammer, Ingvar / F likka, K ris tian / Martens ,
L ennart / Mikals en, S vein-O le
Six Thinking Hats
Elementare Einführung in die angewandte
The Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking
Sequence Comparison. Theory and Methods
Introduction to Computational Genomics. A
case studies approach
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines
The $ 1,000 Genome. The Revolution in DNA
Sequencing and the New Era of Personalized
Computational Genome Analysis. An
Stochastik für Informatiker
Biological sequence analysis. Probabilistic
models of proteins and nucleic acids
Thinking in C++
Computational Methods for Mass Spectrometry
E idhammer, Ingvar / J onas s en, Inge / T aylor,
W illiam R .
Protein Bioinformatics. An Algorithmic
Approach to Sequence and Structure Analysis
J ohn W iley & S ons : C hiches ter, W es t S us s ex,
E vjen, B ill / Hans elmann, S cott / Muhammad,
F arhan, S ivakumar, S rinivas a / R ader, D evin
Professional ASP.NET 2.0
W iley: Indianapolis /IN, 2006
B os ch, K arl
C arnegie, D ale
C hao, K un-Mao / Z hang, L ouxin
C ris tianini, Nello / Hahn, Matthew W .
C ris tianini, Nello / S hawe-T aylor, J ohn
D avies , K evin
P age 1 of 4
Verlag: Ort, Jahr (Ausgabe/Auflage)
(P roceedings ) W orld S cientific: New J ers ey et
al., 2006 06
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 1999
S pektrum A kademis cher V erlag: Heidelberg,
B erlin, 1999
McG raw-Hill: New Y ork, 2003 (3)
S pringer: New Y ork, 2006
T rolltech A S /P rentice Hall: Upper S addle R iver et
al., 2006
P enguin: L ondon et al., 2000. (© 1985, 1999)
vieweg s tudium: B rauns chweig, W ies baden,
2000 (7)
P ocket B ooks : New Y ork, 1977 (© 1962)
S pringer: L ondon, 2009
C UP : C ambridge et al., 2007
C UP : C ambridge et al., 2003
F ree P res s : New Y ork/NY , 2010
S pringer, 2005
S pringer: B erlin et al., 2003
C UP : C ambridge et al., 2009 (13)
P rentice Hall: New J ers ey, 2000 (2)
J ohn W iley & S ons : C hiches ter, W es t S us s ex,
Handapparat_A G -A B I, S onders tandort T akus tr. 9, Informatik (P räs enz bes tand)
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics. An
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics. An
Introduction. 2nd Edition
A Ph.D. Is Not Enough
- VERLUST The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics
The Cartoon Guide to Genetics
S pringer: New Y ork, B erlin, Heidelberg, 2001
Der Latex-Begleiter
A ddis on-W es ley, 2000 / P ears on S tudium, 2002
GCC: The Complete Reference
Principles of Data Mining
McG raw-Hill/O s borne: New Y ork et al., 2002
MIT P res s : C ambridge et al., 2001
The Elements of Statistical Learning
S pringer: New Y ork et al., 2001
B irkhäus er: B as el, B os ton, B erlin, 2006
Hunt, Andrew / T homas , D avid
Hütt, Marc-T hors ten / D ehnert, Manuel
Introduction to Computational Biology. An
Evolutionary Approach
Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical
The Pragmatic Programmer
Methoden der Bioinformatik
J ones , Neil C / P evzner, P avel
An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms
J os uttis , Nicolai M.
Object-Oriented Programming in C++
J os uttis , Nicolai M.
The C++ Standard Library. A Tutorial Reference A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 2002 (10)
J uris ica, Igor / W igle, D ennis
Knowledge Discovery in Proteomics
K oegel, T imothy J .
The Exceptional Presenter
K opka, Helmut
Latex. Band 1: Einführung
L engauer, T homas (E d.)
Bioinformatics - From Genomes to Therapies.
Vol. 1: Molecular Sequences and Structures
Bioinformatics - From Genomes to Therapies.
Vol. 2: Molecular Interactions
E wens , W arren J . / G rant, G regory R .
E wens , W arren J . / G rant, G regory R .
F eibelman, P eter J .
G onick, L arry / C riddle, C raig
G onick, L arry / S mith, W oollcott
G onick, L arry / W heelis , Mark
G oos s ens , Michel / Mittelbach, F rank / S amerin,
G riffith, A rthur
Hand, D avid / Mannila, Heikki / S myth, P adhraic
Has tie, T revor / T ibs hirani, R obert / F riedman,
J erome
Haubold, B ernhard / W iehe, T homas
Higham, Nicholas J .
L engauer, T homas (E d.)
P age 2 of 4
S pringer: New Y ork, 2005 (2)
New Y ork, 1993
HarperC ollins : New Y ork, 2005
HarperC ollins : New Y ork, 2005 (© 1993)
HarperC ollins : New Y ork et al., 2005 (© 1983)
S iam: P hiladelphia, 1998 (2)
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 1999
S pringer: B erlin, Heidelberg, 2006
T he MIT P res s : C ambridge/Mas s , L ondon/UK ,
J ohn W iley & S ons , L td: C hiches ter/UK , 2003
C R C P res s : L ondon/UK , F lorida/US A, 2006
G reenleaf B ook G roup P res s : Aus tin/T exas ,
A ddis on-W es ley, 2000 / P ears on S tudium, 2002
W iley-V C H: W einheim, 2007
W iley-V C H: W einheim, 2007
Handapparat_A G -A B I, S onders tandort T akus tr. 9, Informatik (P räs enz bes tand)
L engauer, T homas (E d.)
Bioinformatics - From Genomes to Therapies.
Vol. 3: Molecular Function
W iley-V C H: W einheim, 2007
L ippman, S tanley B .
Essential C++
Addis on-W es ley: R eading, Mas s achus etts et al.,
L iu, J un S .
Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing S pringer: New Y ork, 2004
L und, O le / Niels en, Morten / L undegaard, C laus /
Immunological Bioinformatics
K es mir, C an / B runak, S oren
Genome-Scale Algorithm Design.
Mäkinen, V eli / B elazzougui, D jamal / C unial,
Bioligical Sequence Analysis in the Era of HighF abio / T omes cu, A lexandru I.
Throughput Sequencing
Manly, B ryan F . J .
Multivariate Statistical Methods: A primer
Randomization, Bootstrap and Monte Carlo
Manly, B ryan F . J .
Methods in Biology
McG overn, J ames / T yagi, S ameer / S tevens ,
Java Web Services Architecture [+ CD-ROM]
Michael E . / Mathew, S unil
Meffert, B eate / Hochmuth, O laf
Werkzeuge der Signalverarbeitung
Algorithms and Data Structures. The Basic
Mehlhorn, K urt / S anders , P eter
Meyers , S cott
Effective STL
-VERLUSTMeyers , S cott
Effective STL
Motwani, R ajeev / R aghavan, P rabhakar
Randomized Algorithms
Myers , G lenford J . / B adgett, T om / T homas ,
The Art of Software Testing
T odd / S andler, C orey
Bioinformatics Algorithms. Sequence Analysis,
O hlebus ch, E nno
Genome Rearrangements, and Phylogenetic
Pattern Discovery in Bioinformatics. Theory &
P arida, L axmi
P iantados i, S teven
Clinical Trials. A Methodologic Perspective
P olans ki, A ndrzej / K immel, Marek
P os tman, Neil / W eingartner, C harles
Teaching as a Subversive Activity
P age 3 of 4
MIT P res s : C ambridge et al., 2005
C UP : C ambridge/UK , 2015
C hapman & Hall/C R C : B oca R aton, 2005 (3)
C hapman & Hall/C R C : B oca R aton, 2007 (3)
Morgan K aufmann P ublis hers : S an F rancis o,
P ears on S tudium: München et al., 2004
S pringer: Heidelberg, 2008
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 2001 (3)
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 2001 (3)
C UP : New Y ork et al., 2007 (9)
J ohn W iley & S ons : Hoboken/NJ , 2004 (2)
E . O hlebus ch, 2013
C hapman & Hall/C R C : B oca R aton, 2008
J ohn W iley & S ons : Hoboken/NJ , 2005 (2)
S pringer: B erlin, Heidelberg, 2007
D elta B ook, D ell P ublis hing C o., Inc.: New
Y ork/NY , 1969
Handapparat_A G -A B I, S onders tandort T akus tr. 9, Informatik (P räs enz bes tand)
S agan, C arl
S chmidt, B ertil (E d.)
The Demon-Haunted World. Science as a
Candle in the Dark
Bioinformatics. High Performance Parallel
Computer Architectures
B allantine B ooks : New Y ork, 1997 (© 1996)
T aylor & F rancis : B oca R aton et al., 2011
S chölkopf, B ernhard / S mola, A lexander J .
Learning with Kernels
S emple, C harles / S teel, Mike
S iek, J eremy G . / L ee, L ie-Q uan / L ums daine,
T he MIT P res s : C ambridge/Mas s ., L ondon/UK ,
O UP : O xford, New Y ork, 2003
The Boost Graph Library
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 2002
S mith, R . Martin
Understanding Mass Spectra. A Basic Approach J ohn W iley & S ons : Hoboken/NJ , 2004 (2)
S rivas tava, S udhir (E d.)
S rivas tava, S udhir (E d.)
S tephen, G raham A .
S trous trup, B jarne
Informatics in Proteomics
Informatics in Proteomics
String Searching Algorithms
The C++ Programming Language
Algorithms in Bioinformatics. A practical
The Ten Most Wanted Solutions in Protein
C++ Templates. The Complete Guide
Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++
ggplot2. Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
Weighing the Odds, A Course in Probability and
S ung, W ing-K in
T ramontano, A nna
V andevoorde, D avid / J os uttis , Nicolai M.
W eis s , Mark Allen
W ickham, Hadley
W illiams , D avid
Z immermann, K arl-Heinz
An Introduction to Protein Informatics
Z ins s er, W illiam
Writing to Learn
Z velebil, Marketa / B aum, J eremy O .
Understanding Bioinformatics
Z velebil, Marketa / B aum, J eremy O .
Understanding Bioinformatics
P age 4 of 4
T aylor & F rancis : B oca R aton et al., 2005
T aylor & F rancis : B oca R aton et al., 2005
W orld S cientific: S ingapore et al., 1994
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 2001 (3)
T aylor & F rancis : B oca R aton et al., 2010
T aylor & F rancis : B oca R aton et al., 2005
A ddis on-W es ley: B os ton et al., 2003
A ddis on-W es ley L ongman, 1999 (2)
S pringer S cience+B us ines s Media, 2009
C UP : C ambridge et al., 2001
K luwer Academic P ublis hers : B os ton, D ordrecht,
L ondon, 2003
Harper: New Y ork et al., 1989 (© 1988)
G arland S cience, T aylor & F rancis : New
Y orK /US A, Abingdon/UK , 2008
G arland S cience, T aylor & F rancis : New
Y orK /US A, Abingdon/UK , 2008