INGEDE Symposium 2016

25th INGEDE Symposium
24 February 2016 in Munich
Association of the Deinking Industry
INGEDE’s Activities 2015
Dr Ulrich Höke
Andreas Faul, Elke Berger
INGEDE stands for …
of interests
of experience
… for the deinking industry
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Who is INGEDE?
INGEDE is the organisation
of the deinking mills.
INGEDE was founded in
1989 by 12 companies.
Currently 28 paper mills
are members of INGEDE,
who utilised about
7,5 million tons of
paper for recycling in 2015.
Holmen Paper AB
Fuenlabrada (Madrid)
28 INGEDE Members
Kübler & Niethammer
LEIPA Georg Leinfelder
Lenzing Papier
Porcari (Lucca)
Norske Skog
Perlen Papier
Laakirchen Papier
SCA Hygiene
Schönfelder Papierfabrik
Stora Enso Group
UPM Group
Chapelle Darblay
Utzenstorf Papier
Van Houtum
Papier- und Kartonfabrik Varel
Weig Karton
Steinbeis Papier
Stora Enso Maxau terminated the membership, effective on 31 Dec 2015
Schönfelder Papierfabrik and Papier- und Kartonfabrik Varel changed form
guest to regular membership by 01 Jan 2015
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Utilisation of paper for recycling by
INGEDE Members 1988–2015
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Changes at the INGEDE Office (1)
• Andreas Faul and PTC, the service provider of the
INGEDE Office for 12 years, parted in March 2015
• Marion Klabunde left PTC as well
• Andreas Faul continued to be
MD of INGEDE and was supported
by his daughter Charlotte
• INGEDE altered the contract with PTC in April and
terminated it by September 2015
• Elke Berger, Christian Trieb
and Jens Winter left PTC
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Changes at the INGEDE Office (2)
• In the 4th quarter, there was an interim solution
with Elke Berger, Andreas Faul and Jens Winter
• Since January 2016, the newly founded
PROPAKMA GmbH handles the INGEDE Office
• The PROPAKMA team:
Elke Berger
Andreas Faul
Jens Winter
Uwe Wollschläger
(previously MD of Papier- und Kartonfabrik Varel)
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE Structure 2016
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE’s main topics
Paper for recycling
• Collection
• Availability
• Quality
• Deinkability
• Removability of
Raising awareness
in the value chain
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Pictures: ERPC, Univ. of Zagreb
INGEDE’s external activities
of interests
of experience
INGEDE Symposium 2016
European Recovered Paper Council
• Activities 2015
• Drafting of new
European Declaration on Paper Recycling
• Bi-annual Paper Recycling Award
• Continuation of work for exemption
of good deinkable products
from testing
• Continuation of work for
cluster tests of
adhesive applications
• Translations of scorecards
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Pictures: ERPC
ISO standardisation of deinkability
• In late 2014, ISO/TC 130 “Graphic Technology”
started drafting a standard about deinkability
• INGEDE got heavily involved from early 2015
• The activities were meetings – internal, in Germany and
Europe as well as overseas – and plenty of discussions
and correspondence
(more details tomorrow at the Member Symposium)
INGEDE Symposium 2016
DIN SPEC 55700: Paper and Pulp —
Deinkability test for printed paper products
• In order to prepare standardisation of
deinkability methods, INGEDE decided
to create a DIN SPEC from INGEDE
Methods 1, 2 and 11 (including updating)
• It is planned to offer this DIN SPEC to ISO/TC 6 “Paper,
board and pulps” for standardisation
• The activity had been prepared since spring 2015, the
first meeting at DIN was in September and the document
should be ready by April 2016
• Actors in this DIN SPEC are from INGEDE, PMV, PTS,
Steinbeis, Stora Enso and UPM
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Quality improvement of paper for recycling
• CEN/TC 172 WG 2 had handled the revision
of the EN 643 until 2014
• After that, they prepared and launched a new work item
“Paper and board — Sampling to determine average
quality of paper for recycling” (in order to be able to
measure the quality prescribed)
• The challenge is to get a representative sample in
laboratory size, e. g. for the determination of moisture
• Two meetings were combined with visits to paper mills
operating entry inspection devices
• Saica, Zaragoza
• Hamburger Hungaria, Dunaújváros
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Conference Attendance & Presentations
2015 (1)
February 2015
Hunkeler Innovationdays, Lucerne (CH)
Andreas Faul & Axel Fischer
April 2015
PTS Altpapierseminar, Dresden (DE)
Andreas Faul
Die Internationale Print & Crossmedia Show, Vienna (AT)
Presentation with Demonstration about
“Deinkability of Digital Prints and Problems with Inkjet and Liquid Toner”
Axel Fischer
June 2015
GesPaRec, Bad Herrenalb (DE)
Andreas Faul
1st ICAI – International Conference of Advanced Imaging, Tokyo (JPN)
Presentation on “Paper Recycling and Testing of Deinkability of Digitally Printed Products”
Axel Fischer
July 2015
Zellcheming Expo, Frankfurt (DE)
Andreas Faul
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Conference Attendance & Presentations
2015 (2)
September 2015
NIP 31, Portland, OR (USA)
Axel Fischer gave a short course on “Deinking and Deinkability, Paper Recycling and Ecolabels”
and a “Late Breaking News” presentation about Deinkability of Inkjet Printed Newspaper
and Problems with UV Cured Inks
October 2015
Printing Future Days, Chemnitz (DE)
Presentation on “Recyclability and Deinkability, Ecolabels and Digitally Printed Newspapers”
Axel Fischer
PPA Sustainability Awards, London (UK)
(supported by material of INGEDE)
Axel Fischer
Paper Recycling Conference Europe, Madrid (ES)
Andreas Faul
November 2015
European Paper Week, Brussels (BE)
Andreas Faul
December 2015
VDP Annual Meeting, Leipzig (DE)
Andreas Faul
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Project IMPACTPapeRec
• “Boosting the implementation of participatory strategies
on separate paper collection for efficient recycling”
• Activities 2015:
• Preparation
• Application
• Project was approved in July 2015 – Grant No. 690182
• Project duration: February 2016 to January 2018
• (Ulrich Leberle will report)
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Picture: ITENE
Numerous additional external activities
• Technical Committee Deinking
(paper value chain in Germany)
• Input to project MainStream – eco-design and
eco-management of paper products, WEF
• Zellcheming technical committees
• Jury member of FINAT Recycling Award
• Further individual participations at committees and hearings
• Visits and discussions at companies of the paper value
chain – printers, converters etc.
• Public Relations activities
(Axel Fischer will report)
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE’s project work
of interests
of experience
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Project work – INGEDE Projects
Project No.
Status / remarks
144 14 PTS
Finished in January 2015
145 14 PMV
FTIR Spectroscopy
Presentation today
146 15
Recyclability 2015
Individual results in
recyclability databases
147 15 CTP
Presentation today
148 15 DIN
DIN SPEC 55700
In progress
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Project work – Third party funded projects
Project No.
Status / remarks
IGF 17756N PMV Extraction by supercritical CO2
Will be finished in 2016
IGF 18288N PMV Synergistic effects in deinking
In progress
IGF 18521N PMV Microsticky agglomeration
In progress
IGF 18698
Process water in deinking
Follow-up of INGEDE
Project 132 10;
in progress
Innovhub SI
Finished December 2014,
but documentation & open
tasks finalised (Translation
of INGEDE Methods)
VTT (coord.)
Presentation today
ITENE (coord.)
Presentation today
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE’s Member Activities
of interests
of experience
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE Member Activities 2015
24th INGEDE Symposium in Munich (Feb 2015)
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE Member Activities 2015
• Working group Deinking Process (Anne-Katrin Klar)
two meetings
22/23 April in Renkum
(Parenco, Netherlands)
11/12 November in Plattling
(UPM Plattling, Germany)
• Working group
Paper for Recycling (Manfred Geistbeck)
two meetings
21/22 April in Renkum
(Parenco, Netherlands)
10/11 November in Plattling
(AS Dachau and UPM Plattling)
INGEDE Symposium 2016
INGEDE Member Activities 2015
• Working Group Recyclability
(mainly support for INGEDE’s lobby work)
two meetings to discuss the strategy in ISO/TC 130
10 March, Frankfurt, Germany
11 May, Telephone Conference
monthly publication
part with statistics is for members only
• INGEDE’s LinkedIn groups
• One for all members of INGEDE
• One for members of the INGEDE Board
INGEDE Symposium 2016
Outlook 2016 – Challenges ahead
• Paper for recycling – quantity and quality
• Promote separate and selective collection
– also with respect to declining graphic volumes
• Support in developing high grade sources
• Improve quality
• Proper deinkability assessment on international
• Engagement in ISO/TC 130
• Standardisation of relevant INGEDE Methods
• Monitoring market trends in printing / converting
and their impact on recycling and deinking
INGEDE Symposium 2016
International Association of the Deinking
INGEDE Public Relations
Gerokstr. 40
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen
Oetztaler Str. 5 B
81373 München
Phone +49 89 769-2332
+49 89 769-2338
[email protected]
+49 7142 7742-81
+49 7142 7742-80
[email protected]
INGEDE Symposium 2016