Dr. Margaret Brearley V08-SA Vortrag 30.07.2016 10:10

Dr. Margaret Brearley
Ehemalige Dozentin für deutsche Mediaevistik an der Universität
Birmingham; frühere akademische Posten an den Selly Oak Theological
Colleges (Judentum/Christentum) und am Institute for Jewish Affairs,
London; zurzeit Wroxton Holocaust Scholar und Leiterin, The
Compassionate Friends UK.
V08-SA Vortrag 30.07.2016 10:10-11:10 am
‘Curative change’
Growth within Grief and Transmutation of Trauma: This paper draws on four principal
sources: psychotherapists working with survivors of torture or Holocaust survivors; Jewish
insights into comforting the bereaved and sitting shivah; formal and informal practices within
TCF UK; and personal friendship with hundreds of bereaved parents within and outside
TCF. Major themes will include: Healing and hope through peer group support – ‘making a
family of strangers’; TCF as informal group therapy; the importance of friendship, food and
accompaniment in comforting grief, overcoming death-imposed solitude and reducing PTSD;
the value of talking therapies; the partial restoration of death-fractured home through
hospitality; the healing nature of empathy – curative change through transforming other lives:
“a broken heart can achieve miracles of love”.