Dr. Kerstin Rosenow-Williams Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Kerstin Rosenow-Williams
Curriculum Vitae
Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV)
Ruhr University Bochum
Massenbergstr. 9B, 44787 Bochum
E-Mail: [email protected]
Married, one child, on parental leave (March 2015 - April 2016)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV)
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Since 01/2011
Leading postdoctoral research projects on the impact of climate change on humanitarian
organizations, on humanitarian responses to environmental migration and on the engagement of
Islamic migrant organizations in humanitarian crises.
Teaching courses in the Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA) and at the Faculty of Social
Science, supervising BA and MA students and their theses.
Writing research funding applications in the area of humanitarian studies (specializing on NGOs,
transnationalism, migration, climate change, and humanitarian crises).
Active participation in the scientific community in the areas of humanitarian studies and sociology.
Editing the IFHV Working Paper Series, contacting and supervising authors.
Chair for Sociology / Organisation, Migration, Participation, part time
Researcher in an interdisciplinary project funded by the Mercator Foundation (“Arenas of
political interest representation in Germany”).
Comparatively analyzing lobbying activities of German interest groups in the policy areas of
migration, social services and the environment.
Conducting network analyses and organizational case studies.
Project coordination among four team-members under the supervision of Prof. L. Pries and in
cooperation with three other project teams at two universities.
Since 04/2014
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Dr. rer. soc. (PhD in Social Science), ‘Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam – Muslim
Umbrella Organizations in Germany in the 21st Century’
(graduated with distinction, summa cum laude, May 2011)
Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany
Dipl. Soz. (MA) in Sociology with an emphasis on European Studies
(GPA: 1.2, scale 1-6 with 1 being the highest score, valedictorian)
Bielefeld University, Germany
Undergraduate Studies in Sociology, intermediate diploma
(GPA: 1.2, scale 1-6 with 1 being the highest score)
Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA
Undergraduate Studies in Sociology and English
(GPA: 3.8, scale 1-4 with 4 being the highest score)
Associate Expert
Institute for Migration and Security Studies (IMSS)
Since 2007
Co-authoring research-funding applications in the crosscutting area of migration and security.
Co-initiating a transatlantic study group on the topic ‘The Control of Irregular Migration and its Impact
on Immigrants’ funded by the Foundation for German-American Academic Relations.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
PhD Student and Research Assistant
Chair for Sociology / Organization, Migration, Participation (SOZOMM)
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries
Institute for Sociology
Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany, Prof. Dr. Matthias Koenig
Pilot Study ‘Public Claims Making of Muslim Minorities’, data analysis of court cases.
Editing various books and proof-reading/translating articles.
Institute for European Partnership and International Cooperation (IPZ)
Conducting research on three Muslim umbrella organizations in Germany including bilingual
document analyses and expert interviews with organizational representatives.
Organizing an international summer school for PhD students in the area of migration research.
Scientific Research Assistant
Translating German-English consecutively during international conferences.
Moderating workshops on funding opportunities for town-twinning partnerships.
Conducting ‘European Days’ at schools (age 14–17) and assisting in seminars for youth leaders.
Student Research Assistant
Chair for Sociology, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. Matthias Koenig
Editorial assistant of the International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS).
Jean-Monnet Chair for European Studies, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. Martin
Project ‘Europeanization of Social Inequalities’, preparation of statistical data analysis.
Chair for Sociology of Demography, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. Josef Schmid
Preparing the symposium ‘Past and Future of Demographic Research’, analyzing debates on postmodernity.
Institute for World Society, Bielefeld University, Germany, Dr. Anita Engels
Project ‘Globalization of Science’, interview assistance in the USA, literature research.
UNESCO, Section International Migration and Multicultural Policies, Mr. de Gucheteneire
Summer 2005
Paris, France
Writing two research reports: ‘Fatalities of Migrants during Border Crossings’ and ‘Overview on the
Trafficking Situation World Wide’.
Lecturer, Faculty of Social Science, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
BA Seminar, NGOs in the Era of Globalization: Research Perspectives from Sociology of Organizations,
with Dipl. Soz. Tülay Tuncer-Zengingül (winter term 2014/2015)
BA Seminar, New Challenges of Humanitarian Action in the 21st Century, multiple lecturers, Session on
Peace Building and Reconciliation (winter term 2014/2015)
BA Lecture, Basics in Sociology (Sociology I), three lectures substituted for Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries (winter
term 2014/2015)
International Summer School „Humanitarian Action in the 21st Century“, Session 5 „Refugees, Internally
Displaced Persons and Humanitarian Action” (28 June– 02 August 2014).
BA Seminar, NGOs in the Era of Globalization: Research Perspectives from Sociology of Organizations,
with Dipl. Soz. Tülay Tuncer-Zengingül (winter term 2013/2014)
BA Seminar, Organisation of Interventions in Humanitarian Crises, with Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul (winter
term 2013/2014)
BA Seminar, IDPs in the Context of Armed Conflicts and Climate Change, with Dr. Ulla Pape (winter term
International Summer School „Humanitarian Aid in the 21st Century“, Session 5 „Refugees, Internally
Displaced Persons and Humanitarian Action” (22.-26. June 2013).
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Since 2010
BA Seminar, Sociology of Organizations and the Analysis of Migrant Organizations, with Dipl. Soz. Tülay
Tuncer-Zengingül (summer term 2013).
BA Seminar, IDPs in the Context of Armed Conflicts and Climate Change, with Dr. Ulla Pape (winter term
BA Seminar, Migration and Climate Change from a Sociological Perspective (summer term 2012).
BA Seminar, Participation of Migrants in Comparative Perspective, with Dipl. Soz. Tülay Tuncer-Zengingül
(winter term 2010/2011).
Lecturer, MA Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA), Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Since 2011
MA Lecture, Forced Migration (Summer 2015)
MA Workshop, Research Design and Research Standards (Summer 2015)
MA Module Coordinator, Standards of Humanitarian Action (Summer 2015)
MA Workshop, Research Skills and Scientific Thinking (Winter 2014/2015)
MA Workshop, Academic Writing (Winter 2014/2015) with C. Lülf
MA Seminar, International Relations and Humanitarian Action (Winter 2014/2015) with Prof. U. Andersen
and K. Behmer
MA Seminar, Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Humanitarian Projects (Summer 2014) with
L. Hesse
MA Seminar, Managing Complex Crises (Winter 2013/2014) with Prof. D. Dijkzeul and Dr. M. Moke
MA Seminar, Peace Building and Capacity Building (Summer 2013) with P. Naveau.
MA Seminar, Peace Building and Capacity Building (Summer 2012) with Prof. D. Dijkzeul
MA Seminar, Peace Building and Capacity Building (Summer 2011) with Prof. D. Dijkzeul
MA Thesis Supervision (First Supervisor), NOHA
Lily Gardener (2014): ‘Under the Ash Cloud: Gender distinctions in the resilience of Kemiri community
towards Mount Merapi volcanic activity’.
Efraín Alberto Guzmán Ojeda (2014): ‘Reducing the transference of violence in cases of forced migration
to urban settings. Case Study: Colombia’.
Karolin Etterer (2013): ‘How does the Indonesian Red Cross influence Kali Code residents' vulnerability
to lahars? Addressing unsafe conditions vs. eliminating dynamic pressures and root causes’
Gianna Carolina Sgroi (2013): ‘Analysis of Turkey's Earthquake Preparedness from an Educational
Heiko Königstein (2012): ‘The Impact of Mental Health on Social Reconciliation Projects – an Explorative
Research in Lebanon’.
Stephanie Ellies (2012): ‘Community-level hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities in the Boeny Region of
Jan Wulf (2011): ‘A Balanced Scorecard for the Humanitarian Sector? Adaptability of the Balanced
Scorecard Model to Sector-Wide Performance Management in Humanitarian Aid’.
Since 2011
Career Forum of the ScienceCareerNet Ruhr (Third Party Funding)
Career Forum of the ScienceCareerNet Ruhr (Scientific Career Options)
Qualitative Data Analysis with MAXQDA (Dr. Dresing).
Biographic Research Methods in Intercultural Contexts (Dr. Dick et al.).
Clear and Competent. Academic Presentations for PhD Candidates from Humanities and Social
Sciences (Dr. Frohnen, Mr. Oquita).
Career Planning (Dr. Scholz).
Competent Teaching from the Beginning (IfB, RUB).
Advanced Professional Communication (Dr. Löhken).
Efficient and Competent: The Professional Research Text (Dr. Langer).
Advanced Course in Statistical Methods (Dr. Bissantz).
Academic English Communication Training (Ms. Drawe-Viol).
Planning and Executing an Ethnographic-Exploratory Study (Dr. Stegmaier).
Qualitative Interview Research (Dr. Kruse).
Poster Presentation Workshop (Dr. Lindemair, Mr. Binder).
German (mother tongue), Professional English (C1), Advanced French (B2) and Basic Spanish (B1).
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Second prize for the PhD dissertation awarded by the Deutscher Studienpreis 2012 competition, funded
by the Körber Foundation.
Excellent studies award for the best graduation results of the Faculty for Social Science and Economics,
Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany.
Sum: 185,078°€ (Personal Grants: 128,578°€; Joint Grants: 56,497°€)
European Cooperation in Science and Technology Action “Climate Change and Migration: Knowledge, Law
and Policy, and Theory”, workshop grant “Organizational Perspectives on Environmental Migration”, (with
Dr. Francois Gemenne) (19,341°€).
Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR) Funding Competition ‘Starting Grant’: ‘Humanitarian Reactions
towards Climate Change. An Analysis of Humanitarian Organizations from an Organizational Sociology
Perspective’ (25,919 €).
DAAD travel grant for the 3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies (WCHS), Istanbul, Turkey
Ruhr University Bochum Funding Competition ‘Learning Research’: ‘From Theory to Practical Research in
Organizations: Competent from the Beginning’, (with Dr. Martina Maletzky, Dr. Kyoko Shinosaki,
Dipl. Soz. Tülay Tuncer-Zengingül) (23,156 €).
Ruhr University Bochum Funding Competition ‘E-learning: 5x5000 €’: ‘Methods Dialog 2.0’ (with
Dr. Martina Maletzky and Dr. Mario Paul) (5,000 €).
Ruhr University Bochum Funding Competition ‘Support of Junior Scientists’: ‘Climate Change, Migration
and Humanitarian Action’ (9,662 €).
Erasmus Mundus Scholar Grant from the European Union, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
(2,400 €).
DAAD travel grant for the 2nd Forum of Sociology, International Sociological Association (ISA), Buenos
Aires, Argentina (1,977 €).
Publication grant awarded by the Gesellschaft der Freunde der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V. (500 €).
ESA scholarship awarded for the PhD Summer School at the 10th ESA Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
(flight and accommodation, 700°€).
DAAD travel grant for the 2nd World Conference on Humanitarian Studies (WCHS), Boston, MA, USA
(1,437 €).
PhD scholarship awarded for the final phase of the dissertation, Wilhelm and Günter Esser Foundation,
Bochum, Germany (2,250 €).
Support grant awarded for the establishment of a transatlantic study group, ‘The Control of Irregular
Migration and its Impact on Immigrants’, Foundation German-American Academic Relations, executed in
cooperation with the IMSS, Berlin, Germany (with Dr. Mechthild Baumann) (9,000 €).
Ruhr University Bochum travel grant awarded for the 35th DGS Sociology Congress in Frankfurt am Main,
Germany, and the 31st Day of German Oriental Studies in Marburg, Germany (502 €).
3-year-full-time PhD scholarship from the German Research Foundation (DFG GSC 98/1) for the
dissertation ‘Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam – Muslim Umbrella Organizations in Germany in
the 21st Century’, awarded by the Ruhr University Research School, funded by Germany’s Excellence
Initiative (3,000 € travel costs plus 50 % employment contract BAT IIa, ca. 75.000 €).
Support grant awarded for a personal student assistant to analyze Turkish organizational documents in
the context of the PhD project, RUB Program for Special Activities of PhD students (1,515 €).
ECPR travel grant awarded for the ECPR Joint Session in Münster, Germany (500 €).
DAAD support grant awarded for an internship at the UNESCO in Paris, France (900 €).
Exchange scholarship awarded from the Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA (tuition fee, ca.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
05/2005 –
08/2000 –
Staff Member, Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA).
Editor, IFHV Working Paper Series.
Executive Board Member, Verein zur Förderung der Forschung und Lehre zum
Friedenssicherungsrecht und zum Humanitären Völkerrecht e. V.
Reviewer: Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS), Journal of International Migration and
Integration (JIMI).
Committee Member, Program for Special Activities of PhD Students, Ruhr University Bochum.
Deputy Representatives for PhD candidates, Section Humanities and Social Sciences, Ruhr
University Research School.
Editorial Assistant, International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS).
International Sociological Association (ISA); RC 22 Sociology of Religion, RC 31 Sociology of
European Sociological Association (ESA); Research Network 35: Sociology of Migration.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS); Section ‘Migration und ethnische Minderheiten’.
ECPR (European Consortium of Political Science Research).
Faculty of Social Science, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
Institute for Migration and Security Studies (IMSS), Berlin, Germany.
Ruhr University Research School, Germany; Section ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’.
Institute for European Partnership and International Cooperation (IPZ), Bonn, Germany.
Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe (AEGEE), Bamberg, Germany.
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 2011
Since 2012
Since 2011
Since 2010
Since 2009
Since 2007
Since 2007
Rosenow-Williams, K., Gemenne, F. 2015 (forthcoming) (eds), Organizational Perspectives on Environmental
Migration. (Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration, vol. 5), London: Routledge.
Kortmann, M., Rosenow-Williams, K. 2013, (eds), Islamic Organizations in Europe and the USA: A Multidisciplinary
Perspective. (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology, vol. 3), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2012, Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam in Germany. New Developments in the
21st Century. (Muslim Minorities, vol. 12) Leiden: Brill.
Baumann, M., Lorenz A., Rosenow, K. 2011, (eds), Crossing and Controlling Borders. Immigration Policies and their
Impact on Migrants’ Journeys. Opladen: Budrich UniPress.
Rosenow, K. 2007, Die Europäisierung der Integrationspolitik. (Politik, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft in einer
globalisierten Welt, vol. 5, edited by R. Dombois and T. Faist) Berlin: LIT Verlag.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Rosenow-Williams, K. (2015), ‘Climate Change and the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement’. Moving
the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements. 54: 59-84 (forthcoming).
Rosenow-Williams, K. (2015) ‘Communicating Climate Risks. A case study of the International Red Cross/Red
Crescent Movement’. Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict 28(2): 130-138 (forthcoming)
Kortmann, M., Rosenow-William, K. (2015), ‘Organisations islamiques en Europe et aux États-Unis: les perspectives
interdisciplinaires et ascendantes’. Social Compass. Special Issue: Being Muslim in North America and Europe:
Belonging, Adaptations, and Comparisons (forthcoming).
Rosenow-Williams, K., Behmer, K. 2015, ‘A Gendered Human Security Perspective on Humanitarian Action in IDP
and Refugee Protection’. Refugee Survey Quarterly 34(3): 1-23. DOI: 10.1093/rsq/hdv006. Published online July
Rosenow-Williams, K., Behmer, K. 2015, ‘Gendered Environmental Security in IDP and Refugee Camps’. Peace
Review 27(2): 188-195. Special Issue: Gender, Conflict and Global Environmental Change. DOI:
10.1080/10402659.2015.1037627. Published online April 2015.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2014, ‘Organising Muslims and Integrating Islam. Applying Organisational Sociology to the
Study of Islamic Organisations’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(5): 759-777.
DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2013.833710. Published online: September 2013.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2014, ‘Lobbying for Civil and Religious Rights of Immigrants and Muslims: Descecuritization
Strategies of Islamic Umbrella Organizations in Germany’. Journal of International Migration and Integration
15(3): 411-430. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-013-0291-7. Published online: July 2013.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Sezgin, Z. 2014, ‘Islamic Migrant Organizations: Little-Studied Actors in Humanitarian
Action’. International Migration Review 48(2): 324-353. DOI: 10.1111/imre.12061. Published online: March 2014.
Kortmann, M., Rosenow-Williams, K. 2013, ‘Islamic Umbrella Organizations and Contemporary Political Discourse
on Islam in Germany: Self-Portrayals and Strategies of Interaction’. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 33 (1): 4160. DOI: 10.1080/13602004.2013.791191. Published online: May 2013.
Rosenow, K. 2009, ‘The Europeanization of Integration Policies’. International Migration 47(1): 133-159. DOI:
10.1111/j.1468-2435.2008.00499.x. Published online: January 2009.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Introduction: Organizational Perspective on Environmental Migration’. In: K. RosenowWilliams, F. Gemenne (eds) Organizational Perspective on Environmental Migration, London: Routledge, 1-18
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Environmental Migration and the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement’. In:
K. Rosenow-Williams, F. Gemenne (eds) Organizational Perspective on Environmental Migration, London:
Routledge, 126-144 (forthcoming).
Gemenne, F., Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Conclusion: The Actors Involved in the Environmental Migration
Complex’. In: K. Rosenow-Williams, F. Gemenne (eds) Organizational Perspective on Environmental Migration,
London: Routledge, 236-240 (forthcoming).
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Transnationale islamische Dachverbände in Deutschland – Eine Debatte’. In: S. Kostner
(ed.), Migration und Integration: Akzeptanz und Widerstand im transnationalen Nationalstaat. Münster: LIT Verlag
Kortmann, M., Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Sicherheitsfragen in der deutschen Islampolitik: Reaktionen der
islamischen Verbände von 9/11 bis zum NSU-Prozess‘. In: U. Hunger (ed.) Staat und Islam. Wiesbaden: Springer
VS (forthcoming).
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Environmental Migration as a Humanitarian Challenge’. In: H.-J. Heintze, P. Thielbörger
(eds), From Cold War to Cyber War. The Evolution of the International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict over the
last 25 Years. Baden Baden: Springer, 87-104.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2014, ‘Zwischen Toleranz und Ignoranz der Vielfalt islamischer Verbände: Eine deutsche
Geschichte’. In: Löw, Martina (ed.): Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund 2012, Frankfurt/M.; New York: Campus, 265-278.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Dijkzeul, D., de la Portilla, R. 2014, ‘Migrant Organizations Active in Humanitarian Crises
in Afghanistan: Theoretical and Empirical Questions’. In: Löw, Martina (ed.): Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt.
Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund 2012,
Frankfurt/M.; New York: Campus, CD-Rom.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Kortmann, M. 2013, ‘Multidisciplinary Research on Islamic Organizations: Heterogeneous
Organizational Forms, Strategies, and Practices’. In: M. Kortmann und K. Rosenow-Williams (eds) Islamic
Organizations in Europe and the USA: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-12.
Kortmann, M., Rosenow-Williams, K. 2013, ‘Conclusion: Similarities and Differences of Islamic Organizations in
Europe and the USA’. In: M. Kortmann und K. Rosenow-Williams (eds) Islamic Organizations in Europe and the
USA: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 242-252.
Sezgin, Z., Rosenow-Williams, K. 2013, ‘Integration and Representation of Islam in Austria and Germany’. In:
P. Herrmann and S. Kalaycioglu (eds) Social Policy and Religion. Hauppauge, NY: NOVA Publishers, 93-118.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Tuncer-Zengingül, T. 2013, ‘Religiöse Migrantenorganisationen in einem transnationalen
organisationalen Feld – Die Fallstudien AABF und DITIB im Vergleich’. In: M. Maletzky, M. Seeliger and
M. Wannöffel (eds) Arbeit, Organisation und Mobilität. Eine grenzüberschreitende Perspektive. Frankfurt am Main
and New York: Campus Verlag, 463-482.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2012, ‘Opportunities and Challenges for Organisational Transnationalisation. An Analysis of
the Turkish-Islamic Union of the Presidency for Religious Affairs e.V. (DITIB)’. In: D. Halm and Z. Sezgin (eds)
Migration and Organized Civil Society – Rethinking National Policy. London: Routledge, 134-151.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2012, ‘Grenzüberschreitende Verbindungen muslimischer Dachverbände in Deutschland – von
der Normalität zur Krise und zurück?’ In: H.-G. Soeffner (ed.) Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Verhandlungen des 35. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Frankfurt am Main 2010.
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, CD-ROM.
Rosenow, K., Kortmann, M. 2011, ‘Die muslimischen Dachverbände und der politische Islamdiskurs in Deutschland’.
In: K. Schubert and H. Meyer (eds) Politik und Islam. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 47-86.
Baumann, M., Lorenz A., Rosenow, K. 2011, ‘Linking Immigration Policies and Migrants’ Journeys: An
Interdisciplinary Endeavor’. In: M. Baumann, A. Lorenz and K. Rosenow (eds) Crossing and Controlling Borders.
Immigration Policies and their Impact on Migrants’ Journeys. Opladen: Budrich UniPress, 9-18.
Baumann, M., Lorenz A., Rosenow, K., 2011, ‘Unintended Effects of Immigration Policies for Governments and
Migrants: Conclusions’. In: M. Baumann, A. Lorenz and K. Rosenow (eds) Crossing and Controlling Borders.
Immigration Policies and their Impact on Migrants’ Journeys. Opladen: Budrich UniPress, 273-287.
Rosenow, K. 2010, ‘Von der Konsolidierung zur Erneuerung – Eine organisationssoziologische Analyse der TürkischIslamischen Union der Anstalt für Religion e.V. (DITIB)’. In: L. Pries and Z. Sezgin (eds) Jenseits von ‘Identität
oder Integration’ – Grenzen überspannende Migrantenorganisationen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 169-200.
Rosenow, K., Kortmann, M. 2010, ‘Alle unter einem Dach? Muslimische Vielfalt in Deutschland: Möglichkeiten und
Grenzen der Kooperation’. In: M. Azzaoui and H. Karacuban (eds) DOSSIER Muslimische Gemeinschaften zwischen
Recht und Politik, 43-48. http://migration-boell.de/web/integration/47_2711.asp (10 September 2011).
Rosenow, K. 2008, ‘Die Entstehung einer integrationspolitischen Agenda auf der Ebene der Europäischen Union’. In:
U. Hunger, C. Aybek, A. Ette and I. Michalowski (eds) Migrations- und Integrationsprozesse in Europa –
Vergemeinschaftung oder nationalstaatliche Lösungswege? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 123-142.
Conference Papers
Rosenow-Williams, K., 07/2014, ‘Communicating the Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation in the International
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’, XVIII International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of
Sociology, Session ‘Perceiving, Understanding and Envisioning the Environment’, Yokohama, Japan.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Behmer, K. 04/2014, ‘A Gendered Human Security Perspective on Humanitarian Action in
IDP and Refugee Camps’, European Social Science History Conference. Vienna, Austria.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 11/2013, ‘DITIB und IGMG als grenzüberschreitende islamische Akteure – ein Vergleich‘.
Bosnisch, türkisch, deutsch oder ... Wege zu einem europäischen Islam? Hohenheim, Germany.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Behmer, K. 10/2013, ‘A Gendered Human Security Perspective on Forced Migration and Its
Humanitarian Responses’, 3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies. Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Behmer, K. 05/2013, ‘A Gendered Human Security Perspective on Forced Migration’,
International Conference on Gender and Migration: Critical Issues and Policy Implications. Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Kortmann, M. 12/2012, ‘The development of Turkish-Islamic Organisations in Germany.
Lessons from the Past and Goals for the Future’. Turkish Migration in Europe: Projecting the Next 50 Years.
London, UK.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 08/2012, ‘Muslim organizations in Germany lobbying for rights of social minorities: Contested
issues of naturalization and religious recognition’. ISA 2nd Forum of Sociology, Session ‘Religion and the rights of
social minorities’. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Kortmann, M. 02/2012, ‘Muslims’ struggle for recognition in Germany in the 21st century.
Changing Debates and Collective Responses’, International Conference ‘From Religious Diversity to Religious
Pluralism: What is at Stake?’. Padua, Italy.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 09/2011, ‘Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam. An Organisational Sociological Study of
Muslim Umbrella Organizations in Germany’. 10th ESA Conference: Social Relations in Turbulent Times. Geneva,
Rosenow, K., Sezgin, Z. 06/2011, ‘Activities of Muslim Migrant Organisations in Humanitarian Crises’, 2nd World
Conference of Humanitarian Studies, Panel: Migrant Organizations in Humanitarian Crises. Boston, MA, USA.
Rosenow, K. 10/2010, ‘Transnationale Verbindungen muslimischer Dachverbände in Deutschland – von der Normalität
zur Krise und zurück?’. 35th DGS Congress: Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 03/2010, ‘Opportunities and Challenges for Transnational Organizations – An Analysis of the TurkishIslamic Union of the Presidency for Religious Affairs e.V. (DITIB)’. ECPR Joint Session, Workshop: Cross-Border
Migrant Organizations – Rethinking National Integration Policy. Münster, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 10/2009, ‘Strategien muslimischer Dachverbände in einer sich wandelnden Umwelt – eine Analyse der
DITIB aus organisationssoziologischer Perspektive’. European Conference for Young Scientists: Religion und
Integration in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Münster, Germany.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Rosenow, K. 05/2009, ‘Muslim Umbrella Organization in Germany after 9/11. Between Institutional Expectations and
Member Interests – a Neo-Institutional Case Study’. International Conference: Living Islam in Europe: Muslim
Traditions in European Contexts. ZMO, Berlin, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 04/2009, ‘The Double Shift in Germany: Securitization of Citizenship? Reactions of Organized Muslims’.
ECPR Joint Session, Workshop: Practices of citizenship and the politics of (in)security. Lisbon, Portugal.
Other Publications (Working Papers, Conference Reports)
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2015, ‘Organizational Perspectives on Environmental Migration. International Expert
Workshop, Rome, 7-8 November 2014’. Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften (HuV-I) 28(1): 43-45.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2012, ‘XIII. Humanitärer Kongress: Reflexionen zum Status Quo und zur Zukunft der
humanitären Hilfe vom 28. bis 29. Oktober 2011 in Berlin’. Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften (HuVI) 25(2): 108-110.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 2012, ‘Transnational Religion, Missionization, and Refugee Migrants in Comparative
Perspective, Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften, Göttingen,
6. bis 7. Oktober 2011’. Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften (HuV-I) 25(1): 41-43.
Behmer, K., Rosenow-Williams, K., Sezgin, Z. 2012, ‘First Humanitarian Congress, Vienna, 21 October 2011’.
Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften (HuV-I) 25(1): 44-45.
Rosenow, K. 2007, ‘The Europeanization of Integration Policies – An Analysis of the Development of a new EU Policy
Field’. Bamberger Beiträge zur Europaforschung und zur internationalen Politik, vol. 15.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Gemenne, F. ‘Organizational Perspectives on Environmental Migration’,
Academia Belgica, Rome, Italy.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Thielbörger, P. ‘Climate Change, Migration and Conflict: Humanitarian
Perspectives and Responses’, Panel, Third World Conference on Humanitarian Studies (WCHS), Istanbul,
Rosenow-Williams, K., Sezgin Z. ‘Role and Legitimacy of New Actors in Humanitarian Crises: Examples
of Religious Organizations and Migrant Organizations’, Expert Workshop, Ruhr University Bochum,
Rosenow-Williams, K., Pries, L. ‘Migration and Flight in Humanitarian Crises: Actors and Strategies’,
Congress of the German Sociological Association, Bochum, Germany.
Rosenow, K., Baumann, M. Transatlantic authors’ workshop in preparation for the edited volume
‘Crossing and Controlling Borders. Immigration Policies and their Impact on Migrants’ Journeys’, IMSS,
Berlin, Germany.
Rosenow, K. together with other Research School fellows ‘Narration/Mediation: The Constitution
of the ‘Self’ in Interdisciplinary Perspective’, Section Day, Ruhr University Research School, Bochum,
Rosenow, K., Baumann, M. Workshop ‘External migration control and its impacts on residing immigrant
communities’, 13th International Metropolis Conference, Bonn, Germany.
Pries, L., Weiß, A., Rosenow, K. ‘Methods of empirical Migration Research’, International Summer
School for PhD students, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
Rosenow, K. together with IPZ staff, ‘Europe after the Reform Treaty – New Ideas and Participation
Opportunities for Citizens and Communities’, XXIV. Conference International Partnership Town Twinning,
IPZ, Bad Pyrmont, Germany.
Rosenow, K. together with IPZ staff, ‘Beitrag der Städtepartnerschaften für eine aktive
Unionsbürgerschaft’, XXIII. Conference International Partnership Town Twinning, IPZ, Bamberg,
Rosenow, K. together with AEGEE members, ‘Demokratisierungs- und Liberalisierungsprozesse in
Mittel- und Osteuropa’, AEGEE, Bamberg, Germany.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Rosenow-Williams, K., Kortmann, M. 11/2015, ‘Muslim Reactions on Questions of Security in the German Islam
Policy’, 2nd Witten Conference on Institutional Change: Migration, Institutions, Institutional Change, Session
‘State, Islam, and Institutional Change’, Witten/Herdecke University
Rosenow-Williams, K., 11/2014, ‘Humanitarian Organisations and Climate Change Adaptation’, Risky Monday Lecture
Cycle, University of Applied Science Cologne, Institute for Rescue Engineering.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 11/2014, ‘Environmental Migration as a Humanitarian Challenge. Discussions within the
International Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement’, EU COST Workshop ‘Organizational Perspectives on
Environmental Migration’, Rome, Italy.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 11/2014, ‘Climate Change and Humanitarian Aid: The Challenge is yet to come’, NOHA Guest
Lecture Cycle, Ruhr University Bochum.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 09/2014, ‘Sicherheitsfragen in der deutschen Islampolitik: Reaktionen der islamischen
Verbände von 9/11 bis zum NSU-Prozess’, Kongress 2014 Horizonte der Islamischen Theologie, Panel ‚Islam im
Machtfeld – Islam als Institution’. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 09/2014, ‘Environmental Protection as a Millenium Development Goal and Future
Perspectives’, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Seminar ‘Responsibility for the One World’, Wesseling.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 07/2014, ‘Communicating the Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation in the International
Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’, XVIII International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of
Sociology, Session ‘Perceiving, Understanding and Envisioning the Environment’, Yokohama, Japan.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 07/2014, ‘Innovative Strategies to Cope with Climate Change Across Time and Space - Local
Preparedness As a Humanitarian Challenge?’ XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Session ‘Adapting to Climate
Change: New Ideas and Voices’, Yokohama, Japan.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 06/2014, ‘Umgang mit den Folgen des Klimawandels -Zukünftige Handlungsschwerpunkte für
die humanitäre Hilfe’, Panelteilnahme beim 34. Forum Globale Fragen, ‘Der Klimawandel - Eine Herausforderung
für die humanitäre Hilfe’, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 04/2014, ‘A Gendered Human Security Perspective on Humanitarian Action in IDP and
Refugee Camps’, Session ‘Gender and Migration’. European Social Science History Conference. Vienna, Austria.
Rosenow-Williams, K., 02/2014, ‘Climate Change and Migration’, German Red Cross Youth Section, Campaign
Workshop, Göttingen.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 11/2013, ‘German-Turkish Relations in the Transnational Religious Field’, 1st Turkish-German
Frontiers of Humanities Symposium ‘New Constellations of Migration’, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Koç
University Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 11/2013, ‘DITIB und IGMG als grenzüberschreitende islamische Akteure – ein Vergleich‘,
Bosnisch, türkisch, deutsch oder ... Wege zu einem europäischen Islam?, Akademie der Diözese RottenburgStuttgart.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 11/2013, ‘Climate Change & Humanitarian Action’, From Cold War to Cyber War. 150 Years
Red Cross, 25 Years IFHV, 20 Years NOHA. Ruhr University Bochum.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Behmer, K. 10/2013, ‘A Gendered Human Security Perspective on Forced Migration and Its
Humanitarian Responses’, 3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 10/2013, ‘Climate Change Induced Migration as a Challenge for Humanitarian Organizations?’
3rd World Conference of Humanitarian Studies. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Klose, T. 07/2013, ‘Taking stock of the capacities of humanitarian organizations to respond
to climate change. A case study of the German Red Cross’, COST Workshop on Knowledge-Creation and Capacity
Building for Actions in Climate-Induced Migration. Climate Service Center, Hamburg, Germany.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 05/2013, ‘Amtskirche Islam?’ Panel discussion and live radio show in Deutschlandfunk with
Günther Beckstein, Aiman Mazyek, und Dieter Wiefelspütz. Körber-Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 03/2013, ‘Security for whom? Islamic Organizations and the German State after 9/11’. ESRC
Conference: Whose Security? Migration-(In)security Dilemmas Ten Years After 9/11. Warwick University, UK.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 01/2013, ‘Transnationale islamische Dachverbände in Deutschland – Eine Debatte’.
Ringvorlesung Migration und Integration: Akzeptanz und Widerstand im transnationalen Nationalstaat.
Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 10/2012, ‘Zwischen Toleranz und Ignoranz der Vielfalt islamischer Verbände: Eine deutsche
Geschichte’. 36th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Plenum 2: ‘Religiöse und
Weltanschauliche Vielfalt’. Bochum, Germany.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Rosenow-Williams, K., Dijkzeul, D. 10/2012, ‘Migrant Organizations and Traditional Humanitarian Organizations
Active in Humanitarian Crises’, 36th DGS Congress, Ad-hoc Group: ‘Migration and Flight in Humanitarian Crises:
Actors and Strategies’. Bochum, Germany.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 08/2012, ‘Muslims’ struggle for recognition in Germany in the 21st Century’. International
Sociological Association (ISA) 2nd Forum of Sociology, Session ‘Regimes of religious regulations I: Government
and social regulation of religion’. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 08/2012, ‘Muslim organizations in Germany lobbying for rights of social minorities: Contested
issues of naturalization and religious recognition’. ISA 2nd Forum of Sociology, Session ‘Religion and the rights of
social minorities’. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Rosenow-Williams, K., Kortmann, M. 02/2012, ‘Muslims’ struggle for recognition in Germany in the 21st century.
Changing Debates and Collective Responses’, International Conference ‘From Religious Diversity to Religious
Pluralism: What is at Stake?’. Padua, Italy.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 11/2011, ‘Muslimische Dachverbände in Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert’. 4. Sitzung des
erweiterten Vorstandes des Freundeskreises der Ruhr-Universität Bochum e.V. Bochum, Germany.
Rosenow-Williams, K. 09/2011, ‘Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam. An Organizational Sociological Analysis
of Muslim Umbrella Organizations in Germany in the 21st Century’. ESA PhD Summer School. Geneva,
Rosenow-Williams, K. 09/2011, ‘Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam. An Organizational Sociological Analysis
of Muslim Umbrella Organizations in Germany in the 21st Century’. 10th ESA Conference, ‘Research Network
Migration Sociology, Workshop Migration and Shifting Boundaries of Belonging: The Meso-View’. Geneva,
Rosenow, K., Sezgin, Z. 06/2011, ‘Activities of Muslim Migrant Organizations in Humanitarian Crises’, 2nd World
Conference on Humanitarian Studies, Panel Session ‘Diasporas in Crisis: Exploring the Role of Transnational
Networks and Migrant Organizations in Humanitarian and Development Aid’. Boston, MA, USA.
Rosenow, K. 10/2010, ‘Transnationale Verbindungen muslimischer Organisationen in Deutschland – von der
Normalität zur Krise und zurück?’. Jubiläumskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie ‘Transnationale
Vergesellschaftung’, Sektion Religionssoziologie, Workshop ‘Religion(en) als transnationale Akteure’. Frankfurt am
Main, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 09/2010, ‘Die Integration des Islams in Deutschland aus organisationssoziologischer Perspektive’.
31. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Workshop ‘Islam global: Beobachtungen in Europa und den USA’. Marburg,
Rosenow, K. 06/2010, ‘Introduction to the control of irregular migration and its impacts on immigrants’. Authors’
workshop ‘Crossing and Controlling Borders’. IMSS, Berlin, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 03/2010, ‘Opportunities and Challenges for Transnational Organizations – An analysis of the TurkishIslamic Union of the Presidency for Religious Affairs e.V. (DITIB)’. Workshop ‘Cross-Border Migrant Organizations
– Rethinking National Integration Policy’, ECPR Joint Session. Münster, Germany.
Rosenow, K., Kortmann, M. 02/2010, ‘Die muslimischen Dachverbände und der politische Islamdiskurs in
Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert: Selbstverständnis und Strategien’, Interdisziplinäre Tagung ‘Zum Verhältnis von
Politik und Islam. Zwischen symbolischer Inszenierung und materieller Neuerung’. Münster, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 10/2009, ‘Strategien muslimischer Dachverbände in einer sich wandelnden Umwelt – eine Analyse der
DITIB aus organisationssoziologischer Perspektive’. Europäische Tagung für junge WissenschaftlerInnen ‘Religion
und Integration in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft’. Münster, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 10/2009, ‘Muslim Umbrella Organizations in Germany after 9/11 – Between Institutional Expectations
and Member Interests’. International Summer School ‘Migrants’ Networking’. Bochum, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 05/2009, ‘Muslim umbrella organizations in Germany after 9/11 – between institutional expectations and
member interests – a neo-institutional case study’. International Conference ‘Living Islam in Europe: Muslim
Traditions in European Contexts’. Berlin, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 04/2009, ‘The double shift in Germany: Securitisation of citizenship? Reactions of organised Muslims’.
ECPR Joint Session, Workshop ‘Practices of citizenship and the politics of (in)security’. Lisbon, Portugal.
Rosenow, K. 10/2008, ‘Security debates and new migration regime in Germany: Migrant organizations after 9/11’.
13th International Metropolis Conference, Workshop ‘External migration control and its impacts on residing
immigrant communities’. Bonn, Germany.
Rosenow, K. 09/2008, ‘Migrant organizations in Germany after 9/11 – between institutional expectations and
organizational interests – a neo-institutional case study regarding the security discourse’. International Summer
School ‘Methods of empirical Migration Research’. Bochum, Germany.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015
Rosenow, K. 09/2008, ‘Integration Policies concerning Third Country Nationals at EU Level. An Analysis of the role of
supranational actors in the policy process’. European Summer Academy. Gustav-Stresemann Institute, Bonn,
Rosenow, K. 03/2008, ‘Migrant organization in Germany after 9/11 – between institutional expectations and
organizational interests – a neo-institutional case study regarding the security discourse’. European Doctorate on
Migration, Diversity and Identities EDMIDI Intensive Summer Programme. Dublin, Ireland.
CV Dr. Rosenow-Williams, October 2015