Workshop with Russell Delman, Zurich, February 6 - 7, 2016 Embodied Communication Integrated Listening as a Key to Deeper Relationships Dear Friends, I am grateful for the invitation to return to Zurich this February. In the Embodied Life work, we have an unusual name for an essential practice, it is called “listening-speaking”. When people hear this they imagine that I mean that people should listen to others before they speak. While this is often helpful for deepening relationships, actually, first I mean learning to listen to one’s inner world before speaking. This is challenging. By inner world, I do not mean just your thoughts, opinions, desires and emotions. I mean listening to the wisdom living in the integration of: 1) bodily sensing, 2) freshly experienced feelings, 3) reflective thinking and 4) the external situation. These four elements are all needed for integrated listening and are the basis for learning to listen effectively to others. How can we learn to have this deep listening both naturally and more often? How can we learn to have this even in the speed of many of our interactions? For me these capacities grow first from a practice of presencing. Presencing to me means that we are learning to be grounded in our physical body, connected to our “feeling body” and capable of pausing just long enough to sense the reality of our inner and outer worlds. With practice this can become a natural and very satisfying way of relating. In this seminar, we will grow this capacity through: – Embodied Meditation – if we can not tolerate our own sensations, feelings and thoughts how can we be present in relationship. – Feldenkrais movement lessons – to grow more space in our bodies, allowing the capacity to be present in challenging moments and unwind our embedded reaction patterns. – Embodied Inquiry – to learn from our own inner world what is needed to listen well at all these levels. I hope you will join me in this deep, important and hopefully joy-filled exploration. All best, Russell Delman Workshop with Russell Delman, Zurich, February 6 - 7, 2016 Wochenendseminar mit Russell Delman Am Freitag, den 5. Februar 2016 findet ein öffentlicher Vortrag zum Thema statt (siehe eigenes Blatt). Er kann als Einführung zum Workshop oder auch unabhängig davon besucht werden. Nähere Information unter Zeit 6. und 7. Februar 2016, jeweils 10.00 – 17.00 Uhr Ort Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Hottingen, Asylstrasse 36, 8032 Zürich Kosten CHF 360.– ELMP Students and Graduates CHF 180.– Anmeldung per E-Mail [email protected], bitte um Angabe Ihres Namens, Ihrer Adresse und Telefonnummer, sowie ob ELMP Student oder Graduate Information Regina Schlager, Berufung gestalten, Trottenstrasse 84, 8037 Zürich Kurssprache einfaches Englisch, bei Bedarf mit Übersetzung Die Anmeldungen werden in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs berücksichtigt. Es folgt ein Bestätigungsmail mit den Zahlungsangaben. Der Platz ist gesichert, sobald die Bezahlung erfolgt ist. Stornierungen sind ab 8. Januar 2016 nur möglich, wenn ein/e Ersatzteilnehmer/in vermittelt wird. Ohne Ersatzteilnehmer/in werden bis 21. Januar 2016 50% des Kursbetrages rückerstattet, ab 21. Januar 2016 erfolgt keine Rückerstattung mehr. Am Ende des Workshops erhalten Sie eine Zahlungs- und Kursbestätigung. Für Feldenkraislehrer/innen: Der Workshop gilt als methodenspezifische Weiterbildung A2 (es werden maximal 10 Stunden pro zwei Jahre angerechnet). About Russell Russell Delman began to study Zen meditation and somatic psychology in1970 as an undergraduate student in psychology. His training and personal relationship with Moshe Feldenkrais began in 1975, and he has since helped train more than 2500 Feldenkrais teachers all over the world. In recent years, Russell’s close friendship with Eugene Gendlin (“Focusing”) has strongly influenced his work. Other powerful influences include Non-Violent Communication and his work with Mother Theresa in India. Russell offers a mentorship program “The Embodied Life”. For more information please visit
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