Special Olympics Pre-Games Austria 2016 AS Schi Alpin Kat. 2 (Mittel) Super G Divisioning 16-21 Division: F1 Kneringer, Simone IKADES 01:08.19 Female Bib: 281 22-29 Division: F2 Carlier, Laurence D'odeigne Special Olympics Belgium 41.72 Female Bib: 345 Female Bib: 256 Female Bib: 327 Female Bib: 346 Burger, Diana-Maria Familie Burger 43.78 Reis, Emine Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 2 47.54 Gielis, Lies Special Olympics Belgium 47.67 30+ Division: F3 Gubitzer, Barbara Sportbündel 37.85 Female Bib: Female Bib: 331 Female Bib: 313 Female Bib: 361 Bazant, Brigitta MHSC 39.12 Eiter, Bettina Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 1 49.02 Plörer, Sigrid Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 1 01:13.31 317 12-15 Division: M1 Narenhofer, Daniel Sportbündel 45.07 Male Bib: 367 Male Bib: 263 Ramsbacher, Michael Familie Ramsbacher 13.01.2016 17:33 52.63 AS Preliminary results Super G - 1 Runde Page 1 of 3 Special Olympics Pre-Games Austria 2016 AS Schi Alpin Kat. 2 (Mittel) Super G Divisioning 16-21 Division: M2 Wilflingseder, Jakob Familie Wilflingseder 36.89 Male Bib: 267 Male Bib: 296 Male Bib: 248 Male Bib: 339 Male Bib: 371 Male Bib: 259 Male Bib: 253 Male Bib: 261 Stiefmann, Philipp Lebenshilfe GUV EVOI 39.11 Schellnegger, Matthias Christina lebt 39.21 Schneeweiss, Sören SC Breitenwang 40.62 Schuster, Stefan Sportbündel 44.63 Glantschnig, Matthias Familie Glantschnig 48.67 Steinböck, Tobias Diakonie Gallneukirchen 49.63 Hollnsteiner, Daniel Familie Hollnsteiner 49.66 22-29 Division: M3 Köll, Mathias SC Breitenwang 35.43 Male Bib: Male Bib: 340 Male Bib: 328 Male Bib: 295 Male Bib: 318 Male Bib: 252 Male Bib: 349 337 Schöpf, Andre SC Breitenwang 37.95 Seidel, Marcel Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 2 39.28 Rössl, Sascha Lebenshilfe GUV EVOI 44.71 Schmid, Florian Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 1 46.03 Klambauer, Markus Diakonie Gallneukirchen 46.92 Puttenaers, Junior Special Olympics Belgium 01:09.67 30+ Division: M4 Tomaschek, Klaus Lebenshilfe GUV Tuma was 39.16 Male Bib: Male Bib: 300 Male Bib: 299 297 Zwanzger, Stefan Lebenshilfe GUV Tuma was 43.29 Vennemann, Wolfgang Lebenshilfe GUV Tuma was 13.01.2016 17:33 01:04.32 AS Preliminary results Super G - 1 Runde Page 2 of 3 Special Olympics Pre-Games Austria 2016 AS Schi Alpin Kat. 2 (Mittel) Super G Divisioning 30+ Division: M5 Zach, Christian MHSC 33.75 Male Bib: 333 Male Bib: 332 Male Bib: 322 Male Bib: 246 Male Bib: 323 Male Bib: 319 Male Bib: 325 Male Bib: 338 Köck, Reinhard MHSC 38.15 Gasser, Roland Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 2 43.26 Svitak, Michael BOP Volleys 44.80 Kerschdorfer, Kurt Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 2 45.36 Stark, Hermann Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 1 47.04 Moser, Hans-Jörg Lebenshilfe Tirol Schi Alpin 2 55.72 Resit, Yanal SC Breitenwang 01:01.57 30+ Division: M6 Moritsch, Markus IKADES 37.70 Male Bib: Male Bib: 250 Male Bib: 293 Male Bib: 298 Male Bib: 350 283 Burgstaller, Josef Diakonie Gallneukirchen 40.03 Dreyer, Heimo Lebenshilfe GUV EVOI 41.45 Treiber, Mathias Lebenshilfe GUV Tuma was 44.06 Serneels, Koen Special Olympics Belgium 46.62 Riesenhuber, Siegfried 50.51 Bib: 344 Male Bib: 363 Male Bib: Schloss Klaus Diakonie in der Gemeinde WH Windischgarsten Male Kogler, Hermann Sportbündel 55.02 Quereser, Bernhard Familie Quereser 13.01.2016 17:33 55.32 262 AS Preliminary results Super G - 1 Runde Page 3 of 3
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