Substantial shareholdings as of 25 September 2015 Name Address Quota Business operations car4you Schweiz AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 100 % Operation of online car classifieds platforms CIL Centre d’Impression Lausanne SA c/o Tamedia Publications romandes, Avenue de la Gare 33, 1000 Lausanne 100 % Operation of a printing facility Distributionskompagniet ApS Bygmestervej 61, DK-2400 København NV 100 % Distribution company Doodle AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 100 % Operation of an online calendar and meeting coordination platform Doodle Deutschland GmbH Dircksenstrasse 40, D-10178 Berlin 100 % Operation of an online calendar and meeting coordination platform DZB Druckzentrum Bern AG Zentweg 7, 3006 Berne 100 % Publishing of the gazette «Bernerbär» and operation of a printing facility DZZ Druckzentrum Zürich AG Bubenbergstrasse 1, 8045 Zurich 100% Operation of a printing facility Espace Media AG (former Berner Zeitung AG) Dammweg 9, 3013 Berne 100 % Publication of the daily newspapers «Berner Zeitung» and «Der Bund» metroXpress Denmark SA Bygmestervej 61, DK-2400 København NV 100 % Publishing of the commuter newspaper «Metroxpress» Newsnet Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 100 % Operation of the online news platform Newsnet AG General-Guisan-Strasse 8, 6304 Zug 100 % Operation of the online news platform Schaer Thun AG Seestrasse 21, 3600 Thun 100 % Production of the «Thuner Amtsanzeiger» Swiss Classified Media AG c/o Tamedia AG, Werdstrasse 21 8004 Zurich 100 % Operation of online classifieds platforms Tamedia AG / Substantial shareholdings as of 25 September 2015 page 1 of 3 Tamedia AG Substantial shareholdings AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 100 % Operation of a online classifieds platform Tamedia Publications romandes SA Avenue de la Gare 33, 1001 Lausanne 100 % Publishing of newspapers and magazines and operation of printing facilities. Advertising services in all areas, mainly in newspapers Verlag Finanz und Wirtschaft AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 100 % Publishing of the biweekly business newspaper «Finanz und Wirtschaft» as well as business magazines and books Zürcher Regionalzeitungen AG Garnmarkt 10, 8400 Winterthur 100 % Operation of a printing facility and publication of newspapers and magazines Olmero AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 96.7 % Web-based solutions for the construction branch Homegate AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 90 % Operation of an internet platform with real estate classifieds Trendsales ApS Langebrogade 6E, DK-1411 København K 88% Operation of an online fashion boutique Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 85 % Publishing of the gazette «Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich» Starticket AG Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 75 % Ticket marketer Swiss Online Shopping AG Chasseralstrasse 1-9, 4900 Langenthal 65 % Operation of an online fashion boutique JobCloud AG Carmenstrasse 28, 8032 Zurich 50 % Operation of online job search platforms Jobsuchmaschine AG Carmenstrasse 28, 8032 Zürich 50% Operation of online job search platforms 20 minuti Ticino SA Via Vergio 8, 6932 Breganzona 50 % Publishing of the daily commuter Newspaper «20 minuti» Berner Oberland Medien AG BOM Rampenstrasse 1, 3600 Thun 50 % Publishing of the daily newspapers «Thuner Tagblatt» and «Berner Oberländer» Tamedia AG / Substantial shareholdings as of 25 September 2015 page 2 of 3 Tamedia AG Substantial shareholdings Edita SA Villa Hadir, L-4530 Differdange 50 % Publishing of the daily commuter newspapers «L’essentiel» in Luxemburg LC Lausanne Cités SA Avenue d’Echallens 17, 1004 Lausanne 50 % Publishing of the gazette «Lausanne-Cités» Société de Publications Nouvelles SPN SA Avenue du Mail 22, 1200 Genève 50 % Publishing of newspapers TVtäglich Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zurich 50 % Publishing of the TV program guide «Tvtäglich» Zattoo Schweiz AG Seestrasse 30a, 8806 Bäch 39.4 % Web-TV Zürcher Oberland Medien AG Rapperswilerstrasse 1, 8620 Wetzikon 37.6 % Publishing of of the daily newspaper «Zürcher Oberländer» and weekly gazette «Anzeiger von Uster» SMD Schweizer Mediendatenbank AG Badenerstrasse 119, 8004 Zurich 33.3 % Operation of a media data base Swissdox AG Badenerstrasse 119, 8004 Zurich 33.3 % Operation of a media data base (subcompany of SMD) Hotelcard AG Burgstrasse 20, 3600 Thun 20 % Operation of the online news platform MoneyPark AG Konradsweg 26, 8832 Wilen 20 % Financial advisory platform Titles and activities not mentioned above like Tages-Anzeiger SonntagsZeitung are an integrated part of Tamedia AG. Titles and activities not mentioned above like Le Matin 24 heures Tribune de Genève Le Journal de Morges are an integrated part of Tamedia Publications romandes SA. Tamedia AG / Substantial shareholdings as of 25 September 2015 page 3 of 3
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