10 August 2015 ASX: AOH, FSE: A2O TURKEY CREEK PIT OPTIMISATION STUDY ADDS 2 YEARS MINE LIFE TO THE LITTLE EVA PROJECT AT CLONCURRY • Estimated oxide and sulphide resources within the optimum pit is 17.3 million tonnes at 0.51% copper for 87,000 tonnes of contained copper • Potential to extend the life of the 7Mtpa Little Eva mine life up to 13.5 years Altona Mining Limited (“Altona” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the outcome of a pit optimisation study for the newly discovered Turkey Creek deposit at the Company’s 100% owned Cloncurry Copper Project near Mt Isa in Queensland. The oxide and sulphide Mineral Resource at Turkey Creek that falls within the optimum pit is: 17.3 million tonnes at 0.51% copper for 87,000 tonnes of contained copper. If only sulphide ore is considered then the Mineral Resource within the pit is: 10.6 million tonnes at 0.47% copper for 50,000 tonnes of contained copper. These potentially mineable resources have not been classified as Ore Reserves. Metallurgical testwork has been completed on sulphide mineralisation only. Metallurgical drilling, definitive testwork, geotechnical and mine designs are required to bring the Mineral Resource to Ore Reserve status. Altona will be undertaking these studies in coming months. Integration of the Turkey Creek deposit into the Little Eva Project, which envisages a 7 million tonnes per annum processing facility, has the potential to add up to 2.5 years mine life to the current 11 year mine life. Altona Mining Managing Director Dr Alistair Cowden said: “The study demonstrates that mine life at Little Eva will easily exceed 11 years and that the mining and treatment of the copper oxide mineralisation through the proposed Little Eva plant, even at low recoveries, could add significant value to the project. Numerous deposits in the wider Cloncurry Project have oxide caps and Altona will report on all oxide resources in coming months.” “We expect that the proposed A$345 million Joint Venture envisaged in the recently announced Framework Agreement with Sichuan Railway Investment Group will consider developing a significant inventory of oxide across the project further enhancing the attractiveness of this major copper development project.” AOH0712 At Turkey Creek the main copper sulphide mineralisation is capped by copper oxide mineralisation from surface to depths of 25 to 45 metres. This material may be amenable to treatment through the proposed Little Eva flotation circuit via sulphidisation or via the addition of a leach circuit. The study highlights opportunity for a significant improvement in the project value as additional near surface copper oxide mineralisation occurs at all the deposits in the project mine plan. This material has not been included in the Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”). In the current plan the material is mined early as pre-strip to access the copper sulphide zones and stockpiled for future treatment. Turkey Creek is located 1.5 kilometres east of the planned Little Eva open pit mine and processing plant and lies within granted Mining Leases. Please direct enquiries to: Alistair Cowden Managing Director Altona Mining Limited Tel: +61 8 9485 2929 [email protected] David Tasker Professional Public Relations Perth Tel: +61 8 9388 0944 [email protected] Jochen Staiger Swiss Resource Capital AG Tel: +41 71 354 8501 [email protected] About Altona Altona Mining Limited is an ASX listed company which recently sold its successful Outokumpu mine in Finland and is now focussed on the Cloncurry Project in Queensland, Australia. The Cloncurry Copper Project has Mineral Resources containing some 1.65 million tonnes of copper and 0.41 million ounces of gold. The first development envisaged is the 7 million tonnes per annum Little Eva open pit copper-gold mine and concentrator. Altona has completed a Framework Agreement with Sichuan Railway Investment Group to fully fund and develop Little Eva. Little Eva is permitted (1) with proposed annual production of 38,800 tonnes of copper and 17,200 ounces of gold for a minimum of 11 years. A Definitive Feasibility Study was published in March 2014. Altona Mining is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. 1 Refer to the ASX release ‘Cost Review Delivers Major Upgrade to Little Eva’ dated 13 March 2014 which outlines information in relation to this production target and forecast financial information derived from this production target. The release is available to be viewed at www.altonamining.com or www.asx.com.au. The Company confirms that all the material assumptions underpinning the production target and the forecast financial information derived from the production target referred to in the above-mentioned release continue to apply and have not materially changed. AOH0712 2. APPENDIX 1 Turkey Creek Pit Optimisation Study Outline and Results Pit optimisations were undertaken by independent resource consultancy Optiro Pty Ltd. Input parameters for the pit optimisation were based on the Company’s Little Eva Project Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”). Please see ASX release date 13 March 2014 for full details of this study. Key metallurgical recovery assumptions applied are based on preliminary sighter testwork on sulphide ore, and hypothetical estimates for copper oxide material. A conservative 50% copper recovery has been applied for the copper oxide material. The design and input data of the pit optimisation study is at a scoping level. With the positive outcome of this work, the Company now propose to commence the work required to integrate the deposit into the Little Eva DFS and convert the Mineral Resource to an Ore Reserve. Key to the impact of Turkey Creek is to determine the amenability of the oxide mineralisation to treatment via flotation or leach. Detailed metallurgical testwork on the sulphide ore is required to confirm initial testwork that indicates good recoveries using the Little Eva flotation scheme. Two scenarios were considered to assess open pit mining potential. First both oxide and sulphide mineralisation are processed via flotation; and secondly where only sulphide mineralisation is processed. Recoveries via sulphidisation of oxide ore were set at an arbitrary 50%. The results for each scenario are shown below in Table 1 and the pits for each scenario are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. Table 1: Pit optimisation results Input Parameter Units Rock Waste Strip Revenue Processing Mining NPV Tonnes within pit Grade Total Copper AOH0712 Oxide Fresh Total Oxide Fresh Total Mined Payable Scenario Oxide + Sulphide Sulphide kt kt Ratio $M $M $M $M kt kt 45,945 28,634 1.65 445.6 158.8 167.8 110 4,768 12,542 34,336 23,751 2.24 302.5 96.5 125.3 77 0 10,585 kt 17,311 10,585 % Cu % Cu % Cu t 0.62 0.46 0.51 87,482 0 0.47 0.47 49,922 t 69,654 47,693 3. Inputs The study is based on the March 2015 resource model (refer to ASX release “Maiden Resource Estimate for Turkey Creek” on 18 March 2015). Pit optimisations were undertaken using an NPV Scheduler. The major input parameters into the optimisation process are summarised in Table 2, costs have been obtained from Altona’s internal estimates based on previous Little Eva studies. Metallurgical testwork currently consists of sighter work on sulphide mineralisation only. As such a conservative copper recovery (50%) has been applied to the oxide mineralisation. Table 2: Pit optimisation input parameters Activity Exchange rate Discount rate Initial capital allowance Sustaining capital Dilution Mining recovery Mining rate - Ore movement Rehabilitation cost Mining costs Recovery, fresh copper Recovery, oxide copper Processing cost sulphide ore Concentrate grade Freight, TC, rail, port Smelter Refining Royalties Copper price Copper price Pit slope Units Cost USD : AUD % AUD AUD /yr % % ktpa AUD /t waste AUD /t % % AUD % $ /ton con $ /ton con $ /lb % USD /tonne USD /lb degrees 0.8 8 0 2.93M 6 96 7,000 0.058 3.94 96 50 9.77 25 123 75 0.075 6 6,614 $3.00 43 Deposit overview The Turkey Creek Mineral Resource is estimated at a 0.3% cut-off grade to be 21 million tonnes at 0.59% copper for 123,300 tonnes of contained copper (refer to tables 3 and 4). For a detailed summary of the supporting data please refer to the ASX release of 18 March 2015. The Turkey Creek deposit, while copper dominated, is interpreted as part of the broader iron-oxidecopper-gold (IOCG) style mineral system typical of the Cloncurry district. The neighbouring Little Eva deposit is a more typical IOCG deposit with similarities to the major Ernest Henry deposit located 70 kilometres to the southeast. The deposit extends over 1.8 kilometres in length. Mineralisation occurs at surface, is exposed in subcrop, and is confirmed through drilling in the main zone to 140 metres vertical depth below surface. AOH0712 4. Copper occurs predominantly as primary sulphides in fresh rock and as secondary oxide minerals (malachite) within a near surface cap. Copper sulphide mineralisation is dominated by disseminated chalcocite and bornite, with minor chalcopyrite, both disseminated and in carbonate veinlets. Mineralisation is interpreted to be stratabound, hosted within a sequence of interbedded metasediments (biotite-schists, biotite-scapolite metasediments and marble). The host rocks are altered to carbonate and albite-hematite dominated assemblages. The mineralised zone has a simple tabular geometry that displays strong continuity along strike and down dip. The true width of mineralisation varies from approximately 10-30 metres (southern end) to 30-50 metres (northern end). The main portion of the deposit is oriented north-south and dips 60° to the east. At its northern end, the strike of the mineralisation and host stratigraphy is folded sharply east and dips steeply south. Within the broader mineralised sheet there is an upper and lower zone of stronger copper mineralisation. The broad widths and geometry (60° dips) of the Turkey Creek mineralisation lends itself to open pit mining with relatively low strip ratios (Figure 3). Confidence in the geological interpretation of the deposit is moderate to high. The spatial extent and geometry of the deposit is well constrained by geological surface mapping and detailed logging of RC chips, supported by soil geochemistry and geophysical interpretation. Reverse circulation drilling is typically on a spacing of approximately 100 metres along strike and 50 metres down dip. The deposit remains open to the east and down dip. Within the northern folded oxide pit the resource is yet to be fully defined. Both additional drilling in this area and the completion of metallurgical testwork on the oxide copper zones, where a conservative 50% recovery has been applied, has the potential to further extend the pits. Drilling and testwork is planned to address these areas. Table 3: Turkey Creek - Total Mineral Resource reported above a range of cut-off grades Cut-off Grade % Copper Tonnes (million) 30.3 0.1 26.5 0.2 23.6 0.25 R 21.0 0.3 16.7 0.4 12.5 0.5 8.3 0.6 R Mineral Resource reported cut-off grade. AOH0712 Grade Copper (%) 0.47 0.52 0.55 0.59 0.65 0.71 0.80 Contained Copper (tonnes) 142,400 137,800 129,800 123,300 108,500 88,700 66,400 5. Table 4: Turkey Creek deposit - Total Mineral Resource reported above a cut-off grade of 0.3% copper Oxide Measured Indicated Inferred Sulphide Measured Indicated Inferred All Measured Indicated Inferred Total Tonnes (million) Copper (%) Gold (g/t) Contained Copper (tonnes) 5.2 0.2 0.64 0.61 - 32,800 1,300 13.0 3.5 0.55 0.54 - 71,000 18,200 17.7 3.4 21.0 0.59 0.58 0.59 - 103,800 19,500 123,300 Note: Totals may not match sub-totals due to rounding. Figure 1: Location of Cloncurry Project AOH0712 6. Figure 2: Plan of maximum NPV pit shells for the with sulphide-oxide (blue) and sulphide only (orange) recovery scenarios Figure 3: Cross section looking north through the main zone of Turkey Creek showing pit shell in the main sulpdide zone of deposit AOH0712 7. Figure 4: Location of Turkey Creek within the central portion of the Cloncurry Project AOH0712 8. Competent Persons Statement and ASX Compliance Competent Persons Statement: The information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Dr Alistair Cowden, BSc (Hons), PhD, MAusIMM, MAIG and Mr Roland Bartsch, MSc. BSc (Hons). Dr Cowden and Mr Bartsch are full time employee of the Company and have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Dr Cowden and Mr Bartsch consent to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears. Little Eva Project production target and forecast financial information: Information in this release refers to a production target and the forecast financial information derived from a production target as disclosed to the market in the ASX release “Cost Review Delivers Major Upgrade to Little Eva” dated 13 March 2014, which is available to be viewed at www.altonamining.com or www.asx.com.au. The Company confirms that all the material assumptions underpinning the production target and the forecast financial information derived from the production target referred to in the above-mentioned release continue to apply and have not materially changed. AOH0712 9. Table 3: Summary of Mineral Resource estimates for the Cloncurry Project TOTAL DEPOSIT Tonnes Grade Cu % COPPER-GOLD DEPOSITS Little Eva 105.9 0.52 A Ivy Ann 7.5 0.57 A Lady Clayre 14.0 0.56 A Bedford 1.7 0.99 Sub-total 129.1 0.53 COPPER ONLY DEPOSITS A Blackard 76.4 0.62 A Scanlan 22.2 0.65 Turkey 21.0 0.59 Creek Longamundi 10.4 0.66 A million A Legend Great A Southern A Caroline Charlie A Brown Sub-total TOTAL Au g/t 0.09 0.07 0.20 0.20 0.10 CONTAINED METAL Copper Gold Tonnes tonnes million MEASURED ounces INDICATED Grade Cu % Tonnes Au g/t 546,000 43,000 78,000 17,000 684,000 295,000 17,000 85,000 11,000 409,000 37.1 37.1 0.60 0.60 475,000 143,000 - 27.0 - 123,000 - 69,000 0.09 0.09 Grade Cu % million INFERRED Tonnes Au g/t 45.0 5.4 3.6 1.3 55.3 0.46 0.60 0.60 1.04 0.49 0.68 - 6.6 18.4 - - - - 0.08 0.08 0.24 0.21 0.09 million Grade Cu % Au g/t 23.9 2.1 10.4 0.4 36.7 0.50 0.49 0.54 0.83 0.51 0.10 0.06 0.18 0.16 0.12 0.60 0.65 42.7 3.8 0.59 0.60 - 17.7 0.59 3.4 0.58 - - - - 10.4 0.66 - 17.4 0.54 94,000 - - - - - 17.4 0.54 - 6.0 0.61 37,000 - - - - - 6.0 0.61 - 3.6 0.53 19,000 - - - - - 3.6 0.53 - 0.7 0.40 3,000 - - - - - 0.7 0.40 - 157.7 286.8 0.61 0.57 963,000 1,647,000 409,000 27.0 64.1 0.68 0.63 42.7 98.0 0.62 0.55 88.1 124.8 0.59 0.57 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 A This information was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004 Edition. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. All other resources classified and reported in accordance with JORC Code 2012 edition. Note: Tonnages are dry metric tonnes and have been rounded, hence small differences may be present in the totals. See ASX release of 23 October 2007 and 26 July 2011 (Longamundi, Great Southern, Caroline and Charlie Brown), 23 April 2012 (Bedford, Ivy Ann and Lady Clayre), 03 July 2012 (Blackard and Scanlan), 22 August 2012 (Legend), 27 May 2014 (Little Eva) and 18 March 2015 (Turkey Creek) for full details of resource estimation. Little Eva is reported above a 0.2% copper lower cut-off grade, all other deposits are above 0.3% lower copper cut-off grade. AOH0712 10.
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