Department of Business Administration aa Chair in Human Resource Management Plattenstrasse 14 CH-8032 Zurich Phone +41 44 634 29 86 Fax +41 44 634 49 15 Activities Fall Term 2015 (August 1, 2015 until January 31, 2016) Bachelor’s Curriculum • Lecture “Principles in Human Resource Management (HRM)” (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Andreas Schmid, MA UZH) • Seminar “Team Leadership and Team Organization - Applied Project Management”, Mentoring for first term students of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology (Prof. Dr. Uschi Backes-Gellner, Manuela Morf, MA UZH, Andreas Schmid, MA UZH) 90 Students 35 Students Master’s Curriculum • Lecture “HRM Research” (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Jamie Lee Gloor, MA) 19 Students • Seminar “Strategic HRM” (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Heidi Bodenmann, MA UZH) 16 Students Doctoral Study • PhD Research Seminar in HRM (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Chris Brewster, Dr. Anja Feierabend) • Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungskolloquium within the Department of Business Administration, University of Zurich 7 Participants 20 Participants Executive Education • Executive MBA, University of Zurich, Module “Ethics & Leadership” (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steiger) 26 Participants • Executive MBA, University of Zurich, Module “Human Resource Management” (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach) 31 Participants Bachelor Theses • • • • • • Page 1/6 Livia Zehnder, Kultur als Einflussfaktor auf die Karriereorientierung (Lea Rutishauser, MA UZH) Sandra Rothenfluh, Women and Workplace Incivility (Jamie Gloor, MA) Natascha Moser, Schlafenzug und Schlafprobleme : Betriebliche Konsequenzen und Gegenmassnahmen (Manuela Morf, MA UZH) Randolph Metzger, Neue Führungskräfte: Hürden, Erfolgsfaktoren und Unterstützungsmassnahmen (Manuela Morf, MA UZH) Lea Aebischer, Soziale Unterstützung als Einflussfaktor auf den Erfolg des Talents (Lea Rutishauser, MA UZH) Anja Gähwiler, Employer Branding (Anna Sender, MSc Warsaw School of Economics) Chair in Human Resource Management • • • • • • • • • Pia Hofstetter, Welchen Einfluss hat Nepotismus auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Sozialkapital und Performance von Familienunternehmen? (Andreas Schmid, MA UZH) Marion Busenhart, Unterschiedlicher leader-member exchange (LMX) und Wissenstausch in Teams: Der schädliche Einfluss von Neid (Heidi Bodenmann, MA UZH) Amelie Louise Exner, Der Einfluss von Job Embeddedness auf den Talent Management Prozess in China (Anna Sender, MSc Warsaw School of Economics) Andrés Riera, Telearbeit funktioniert. Oder doch nicht? (Andreas Schmid, MA UZH) Laura Schlegel, Langzeiterwerbslosigkeit: Psychische und soziale Auswirkungen für Stellensuchende (Suanne Mehr, MA UZH) Sophie Schnyder, Der erste Eindruck zählt: Selektionskriterien bei schriftlichen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Susanne Mehr, MA UZH) Catherine Meyer, Arbeitssicherheitsprogramme: Ziele, Bestandteile und Implementierung (Manuela Morf, MA UZH) Lea Benhaida, Vergütungspraktiken in der deutsch- und französischsprachigen Schweiz. Empirische Studie mittels CRANET Datensatz (Anna Sender, MSc Warsaw School of Economics) Yeni Ezgi, Share It – Methoden und Perspektiven der Personalrektrutierung über Social Media (Susanne Mehr, MA UZH) Research Projects (Master Program) • • • • • Verena Braun, Jasmin Egger, Philipp Hartung, & Manuel Scholz, Communication matters: Leader communication, stress and the moderating role of age (Jamie Lee Gloor, MA) Cora Czuk, Diego Fuentes, & Zeyi Huang, The effect of leader integrity on employee engagement: The moderating role of gender egalitarianism (Jamie Lee Gloor, MA) Teresa Bartolomei, Adina Bialas, Rabia Mazhar, & Ramona Mostafa, Still committed or leaving already? The interactive effects of organizational culture and leader support on continuance commitment (Jamie Lee Gloor, MA) Anna Glünkin, Betty Windler, Sofia Lundgren, & Sebastian Kuhn, Co-worker support and affective commitment: The moderating role of employee gender (Jamie Lee Gloor, MA) Yasmin Berglas, Cristina Bucher, Yunus Kanbur, & Lamprini Soufis, Positive leadership as the key to employee job satisfaction and the moderating role of tenure (Jamie Lee Gloor, MA) Master Theses • • • • • Page 2/6 Matthias Keller, Internes und externes Employer Branding von VETtrust - Ansätze zur Verbesserung der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und der Attraktivität auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Anna Sender, MSc Warsaw School of Economics) Verena Braun, Die Vermittlung von Strategic HRM durch Fallstudien (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Heidi Bodenmann, MA UZH) Marco Strässle, Mitarbeiterbindung in der industriellen Lebensmittelproduktion – eine Fallstudie anhand der JOWA AG (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Dr. Anja Feierabend) Luana Greguol, Unterschiedliche Leader-Member Exchange und Teamleistungen: Der schädliche Einfluss von Neid in Teams mit ähnlichen Aufgaben (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Heidi Bodenmann, MA UZH) Isabelle Mayer, Employee Mobility and Talent Managemen (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Lea Rutishauser, MA UZH) Chair in Human Resource Management • Florian Reto Bannwart, Assessing the effectivity of gender diversity measures in the professional service sector: The case of Ernst & Young Switzerland (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Manuela Morf, MA UZH) Master Theses Executive Education • Dr. med. Philipp Schütt und Yves von Ballmoos, Was Frauen wirklich wollen! Oder welche Faktoren entscheiden über die Attraktivität von Schweizer Unternehmen für hochqualifizierte Frauen (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach) • Jens Rauschkolb und Patrick Steiner, Fluktuationsanalyse und Retentionmanagement am Beispiel des Vertriebs- Aussen- und Innendienstes der Würth AG Schweiz (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Anna Sender, MsC Warsaw School of Economics) Doctoral Thesis • Anna Sender, Push and Pull Factors in Employee Turnover (Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Prof. Dr. Egon Franck) Examinations • Principles in Human Resource Management (HRM) 74 Participants • HRM Research (poster presentation) 19 Participants • Strategic HRM 16 Participants • Executive MBA, University of Zurich, Module “Ethics & Leadership” 25 Participants • Executive MBA, University of Zurich, Module “Human Resource Management” 32 Participants • Doctoral examination 1 Candidate Presentations • Manuela Morf, Job-design and well-being in different institutional settings, 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, 07-11.08.2015 • Jamie Lee Gloor, Young women are risky business? The “Maybe Baby” effect in employment decisions, Academy of Management, Vancouver, 07-11.08.2015 • Anna Sender, Bruno Staffelbach, A Two-Wave Study on How HRM Practices Relate to Job Embeddedness in China, 75th Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Vancouver, 07.-11.08.2015 • Anna Sender, Lea Rutishauser, Bruno Staffelbach, Too Embedded to be Pulled: Job Embeddedness and Turnover Driven by Unsolicited Job Offers, 75th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 07.-11.08.2015 • Jamie Lee Gloor, Manuela Morf, It’s not just you, but whom you’re with: Balanced Gender Teams Benefit Followers and Women Leaders, Academy of Management, Vancouver, 07.-11.08.2015 • Jamie Lee Gloor, The Risky Business of "Maybe Baby": Preliminary results of the Career and Life Phase of an Assistant Professorship Project, Zurich, 01.09.2015 • Heidi Bodenmann, LMX differentiation and knowledge sharing in teams: the harmful influence of envy, Business Economics Research Seminar HS 15, University of Zurich, 20.10.2015 • Bruno Staffelbach, Executive MBA, Informationsveranstaltung, Universität Zürich, 18.11.15 • Andreas Schmid, Nepotism in Family Businesses: Boon or Bane? The Moderating Role of Nepotism in the Relationship Between Social Capital and Family Business Performance, Business Economics Research Seminar HS 15, University of Zurich, 24.11.2015 Page 3/6 Chair in Human Resource Management • Heidi Bodenmann, Nebenwirkungen von Prämien und Beförderungen: Ergebnisse einer Studie mit der Schweizer Armee, Network evening of the Chair in Human Resource Management, Univesity of Zurich, 02.12.2015 • Jamie Lee Gloor, Young women = „Risky business“? The maybe baby effect in the early career phase, ZHAW Diversity-Lunch, Winterthur, 09.12.2015 • Bruno Staffelbach, Nebenwirkungen von Prämien und Beförderungen: Ergebnisse einer Studie bei den Berufsmilitärs der Schweizer Armee, Bern, 13.01.16 • Bruno Staffelbach, Workshop „Fähigkeitskonzeption C2 Schweizer Armee“, Birmensdorf 19.01.16 Publications • Bruno Staffelbach, Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte, HR Today: das Schweizer Human Resource Management-Journal, Vol. 17 (7/8), 2015 • Andreas Schmid, Erhöhen erfahrene CEOs die Performance?, HR Today: das Schweizer Human Resource Management-Journal, Vol. 17 (9), 2015 • Jamie Lee Gloor, Frauen über dem Glasdach HR Today: Das Schweizer Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 17 (11), 2015. • Heidi Bodenmann, Wie halten Sie es mit Ihrem Chef?, HR Today: Das Schweizer Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 17 (12), 2015. • Wiebke Doden, Manuela Christina Morf, Sara Kriech, Schweizer HR-Barometer Frühlingsnewsletter 2015: Angst um den Arbeitsplatz – Einflussfaktoren und Folgen in vier Ländern. , Universität und ETH Zürich, 22.12.2015 • Susanne Mehr, Mitarbeiterempfehlungen: Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern, HR Today: das Schweizer Human Resource Management-Journal, Vol. 18 (1/2), 2016 Services within the University • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Chair of the Search Committee “Professorship Business Administration / Academic Director Executive Education” of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology at the University of Zurich • Dr. Anja Feierabend, contact person for Teaching Skills Program of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology at the University of Zurich • Manuela Morf and Andreas Schmid, MA UZH, Mentoring for first term students of the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology Services in favor of other Research and Educational Institutions • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the International HRM Group, University of St. Gallen • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Academic Council of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Board of the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management of the University of St. Gallen • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Co-Investigator for Switzerland of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Project (GLOBE) • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Partner and Swiss representative of the Cranfield Network on Comparative Human Resource Management (CRANET) (with Anna Sender, MSc Warsaw School of Economics and Andreas Schmid, MA UZH) • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Planning Committee for the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Lucerne Page 4/6 Chair in Human Resource Management • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Search Committee for 3 Professorships at the University of Lucerne (Strategic Management, Marketing Management, Empirical Methods) Services in favor of the Public • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Assembly and Member of the Council of the Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member Advisory Board “Great Place to Work” Switzerland • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Board of the “Zürcher Gesellschaft für Personalmanagement” • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Partner (for HR-Governance) of the International Center for Corporate Governance, St. Gallen Reviews of Publications and Research Projects • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Editor-Advisory Board for the „Zeitschrift für Personalforschung” – German Journal of Human Resource Research • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Co-Editor of the Swiss HR-Barometer • Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach, Member of the Editorial Board “Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance” • Several members of the Chair were reviewers for: Swiss National Science Foundation, African Journal of Business Management, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Academy of Management, German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management Guests • Peter Jonker, Director 4N6 Factory, Presentation Executive MBA (EMBA), Module Ethics & Leadership: “Unternehmensethik “& “Integrity Management”, 20.-21.08.2015 • Prof. Dr. Rudolf Steiger, Emeritierter Tit. Prof., Presentation Executive MBA (EMBA), Module Ethics & Leadership: “Selbstführung und Gesprächsführung als Voraussetzungen für Leadership” and “Leadership im Spannungsfeld von Effizienz und Menschlichkeit” & “Zur Wahrnehmung und Überwindung von Konflikten im Berufsalltag”, 21.-22.08.2015 • Matthias Mölleney, Owner of peopleXpert, Presentation HRM Principles: “Future of Work”, 05.10.2015 • John Brewster, PhD Research Seminar in HRM, Zurich, 14.-15.10.15 • Jeannine Pilloud, Head of Personenverkehr SBB Bern, Presentation HRM Principles: “Talent- und Performancemanagement am Beispiel SBB”, 26.10.2015 • Joseph Felder, ehem. CEO Flughafen Zürich, Presentation Strategic HRM: „Storm over Zurich Airport“, 03.11.2015 • Patrick Kilchmann, Head of Services Ammann Gruppe Langenthal, Presentation HRM Principles: “Die Aufgaben, Kompetenzen und Verantwortlichkeiten von Linie und Stab im HRM und das Lernen von Führung: persönliche Erfahrungen”, 16.11.2015 • Matthias Mölleney, Owner peopleXpert, Presentation Executive MBA (EMBA), Module HRM: “Operatives HRM” & Case study “Mühleberg”, 19./21.11.2015 • Daniel Keist, CFO Metall Zug AG, Presentation Executive MBA (EMBA), Module HRM: “HRM bei M&A”, 20.11.2015 • Patrick Kilchmann, Head of Services Ammann Gruppe Langenthal, Presentation Executive MBA (EMBA), Module HRM: “Managing the Firm’s Human Side”, 20.11.2015 • Dr. Eva-Maria Aulich, Managing Director Gießener Graduiertenzentrum Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften (GGS), Presentation Executive MBA (EMBA), Module HRM: „Fallstricke im HRM“, 21.11.2015 Page 5/6 Chair in Human Resource Management • Christine Beerli, Vice-President IKRK Geneva, Presentation HRM Principles: “Internationales HRM am Beispiel des Internationalen Komitees des Roten Kreuzes (IKRK), 30.11.2015 • Yvette Muff, Geschäftsinhaberin mytopic, Presentation Strategic HRM: “Stilllegung Kernkraftwerk Mühleberg”, 01.12.2015 • Korpskommandant Dominique Andrey, Swiss Armed Forces, Presentation Chair Network Meeting, 02.12.2015 • Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb, International Center for Corporate Governance St. Gallen, Presentation Strategic HRM: “Strategic HRM”, 08.12.2015 Special Events • Election of Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach as the new President of the University of Lucerne, 28.10.15 • Network evening of the Chair in Human Resource Management on “Nebenwirkungen von Prämien und Beförderungen: Ergebnisse einer Studie mit der Schweizer Armee”, 02.12.2015 • Appointment of Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach as Full Professor of Business Administration at the University of Lucerne, 09.12.15 • Poster presentation of 5 student groups attending the lecture HRM Research “leadership, culture, and communication”, 11.12. 2015 Funding and Awards • Lea Rutishauser receives from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) a Mobility Scholarship for her project "Social exchange relationships in different cultural and organizational contexts". During her 6-month research stay abroad she will work with Dr. Steffen Giessner from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in Holland. • Jamie Lee Gloor, co-applicant, received the grant of $7,500 for the Career Elixir/Peer mentoring group in 2015. • The Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI supports the project "Innovative Talent Management Framework for Swiss companies of MEM industry in China" with CHF 128’250 for a duration of 22 months. • The Swiss National Foundation (SNF) supports the project "Improving the well-being and career outcomes of temporary agency workers: A two-perspective examination of employability-enhancing practices" with CHF 136'469 for a duration of 22 months. Page 6/6
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