Other Comprehensive Income: It`s Relevance for Analyzing

IRZ, Heft 09, September 2015
Other Comprehensive Income:
It’s Relevance for Analyzing Financial
Vincent Papa
How useful is OCI information for financial analysis in general and for assessing the
performance of banks in particular? In this article, citing evidence of recent CFA Institute
publication and other recent academic evidence, I argue that assessing OCI line items is
an integral part of understanding the performance of bank financial institutions. The
arguments are predicated on evidence that demonstrates the inherent economic
relevance of available for sale and cash flow hedge re-measurements that are reported
on the OCI section of the statement of comprehensive income.
Vincent Papa, PhD, CFA, Director of financial reporting policy at CFA Institute in London.
Email: [email protected]
■ Banks
■ Performance Reporting
■ Comprehensive Income
■ Income Statement
IRZ – Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung
Herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr. Dirk Hachmeister, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Roman Rohatschek, Linz,
WP/StB Dr. Gernot Hebestreit, Köln, WP/StB Dr. Thomas Senger, Düsseldorf, Dr. Evelyn Teitler-Feinberg,
Verlage: C.H. Beck oHG und Franz Vahlen GmbH, Wilhelmstr. 9, D-80801 München, www.beck.de
E-Mail: [email protected] in Kooperation mit Linde-Verlag, Wien, und Stämpfli-Verlag, Bern
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Abstract und Autoreninfo
Abstract und Autoreninfo