Die Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkte (NFS) sind ein Förderinstrument des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds WOHLBEFINDEN NACH SCHEIDUNG UND VERWITWUNG BINA KNÖPFLI, STEFANIE SPAHNI & PASQUALINA PERRIG-CHIELLO SCHWEIZERISCHE HOFFNUNGSKONFERENZ BERN, 7. SEPTEMBER 2015 ÜBERWINDUNG DER VERLETZBARKEIT IM VERLAUF DES LEBENS OVERVIEW ! Introduction The role of intimate relationships for well-being ! Swiss research project IP212 ‘Partnerships in later life’ ! Separation/divorce after long-term marriage ! Spousal bereavement in older age Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 2 PARTNERSHIPS TODAY Increase in life expectancy – increase in partnership duration But: economical progresses and social changes also led to higher divorce rates Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 3 4.$Detention$in$jail$or$other$institution$ 5.$Death$of$a$close$family$member$ 6.$Major$personal$injury$or$illness$ 7.$Marriage$ 8.$Being$fired$at$work$ ...$ 63$ 63$ 53$ 50$ 47$ ...$ PARTNERSHIP STATUS AND WELL-BEING $ $ $ $ ! Gallup-Study: Well-Being Sub-Index Scores, by Marital Status $ $ % % % % Work% % Life% Emotional% Physical% Healthy% Environ; Basic% Evaluation% Health% Health% Behavior% ment% Access% All$U.S.$ 48.8$ 79.0$ 76.7$ 63.4$ 47.2$ 81.9$ adults$ Married$ 52.0$ 81.1$ 77.8$ 65.9$ 51.2$ 85.1$ Single$ 53.2$ 78.2$ 79.7$ 59.0$ 41.1$ 79.1$ Widowed$ 31.9$ 79.1$ 70.3$ 68.9$ 49.1$ 81.9$ Domestic$ 49.1$ 75.9$ 75.8$ 59.4$ 45.3$ 74.0$ Partner$ Divorced$ 34.8$ 73.2$ 70.2$ 59.7$ 43.2$ 77.4$ Separated$ 30.7$ 68.5$ 67.8$ 56.6$ 41.6$ 70.3$ $ Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, Jan. 1- Dec. 31, 2011 Source: Brown & Jones (2012) Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 4 SWISS RESEARCH PROJECT IP212 ‘RELATIONSHIPS IN LATER LIFE’ ! Project leader: Prof. Dr. Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello (University of Bern) ! Study is part of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research “LIVES - Overcoming Vulnerability: Life Course Perspectives” (funded by the National Centres of Competence in Research). ! Aims of the research project are: ! To examine determinants and outcomes of critical life events related to intimate relationships, whether due to divorce or bereavement in the second half of life and ! To examine conditions of long-term relationships. ! Longitudinal, interdisciplinary survey-study conducted in the German- and French-speaking regions in Switzerland: ! ! ! ! Socio-demographic variables, biographical information Personality Well-being (psychological and physiological) Relationships: current status, events in the past (divorce, separation, bereavement) Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 5 SWISS RESEARCH PROJECT IP212 ‘RELATIONSHIPS IN LATER LIFE’ – SAMPLE ! The Federal Office of Statistics supplied us with a random sample of 6‘889 persons: persons, who experienced a divorce or a spousal bereavement in the past 2-5 years as well as long-term married persons. ! Contacted!persons! Participants! ! 1st!wave!of!data! gathering! 2012! 6889!persons! 2856!persons:! • Divorced:!1107! • Widowed:!569! • Married:!1085! 2nd!wave!of!data! gathering!! 2014! 2784!persons! 2173!persons! • Divorced:!780! • Widowed:!464! • Married:!898! Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 3rd!wave!of!data! gathering! 2016! 2173!persons! ! 07.09.15 6 DIVORCE: A FREQUENT BIOGRAPHICAL TRANSITION IN MIDDLE AGE Total number of divorces by age groups, 2013 7000 6000 Men Women Number of divorces 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -30 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Age Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 70+ Source: BFS, 2015 07.09.15 7 REASONS FOR SIGNIFICANT INCREASE OF DIVORCE RATES AFTER LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS ! Longer life-time expectancy ! Changing values ! Lower traditional barriers of divorce ! Changes in divorce laws in Switzerland Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 8 A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE ADAPTATION PROCESS TO MARITAL BREAKUP: THE DIVORCE-STRESS-ADJUSTMENT-THEORY (AMATO, 2000) Marital breakup Resources / protective factors Interpersonal resources (e.g. new relationship) Possible stressors • Loss of emotional support • Continuing conflicts with exspouse • Dissatisfaction with former relationship • Initiator of separation • Experience of separation • … Variables related to exrelationship (e.g. time since separation) Intrapersonal resources (e.g. personality traits & resilience) Socio-demographic variables (e.g. gender, age, education) Psychological adaptation Severity and dura-on of psychological, behavioural, and health problems Func-on in new roles Iden-ty and lifestyle not -ed to former marriage …personal growth Source: Amato (2000) Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 9 RESOURCES: TIME HEALS SOME WOUNDS Frequency of responses Duration of time to overcome the separation 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 25% 24% 19% 18% 2012 23% 15% 19% 11% 9% Not enough time Less than a year elapsed since event 1-2 years 2014 2-3 year 14% 4 years and longer 13% 11% Never possible to overcome Mourning the relationship 38% Frequency of responses 40% 35% 30% 25% 34% 2012 30% 32% 25% 2014 21% 20% 15% 13% 7% 10% 5% 0% Yes, very much Source: Perrig-Chiello, P., & Knöpfli, B. (2015). Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung Sometimes No No, on the contrary 07.09.15 10 RESOURCES: REPARTNERING 80% Self0rated)health)by)partnership0status) ) 70% 60% 50% 90%# 40% 80%# 30% 90%! Con=nously#married# 80%! Repartnered#divorcees# 70%# 20% 10% 0% 82%# 81%# Self-rated health by partnership-status frequency of response Frequency)of)response)) Percentage of individuals in new partnership Percentage of individuals in new relationship, by gender and measurement point !Table 1 Socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the partnership groups, Switzerland 2012 Continuously Repartnered Single divorcees ! married divorcees (n = 532)! (n = 399)! (n = 424)! n (women/men)! 399 (226/173)! 424 (205/219)! 532 (385/147)! Age in years (SD) (Range: 40-65)! 52.3 (7.9)! 51.1 (7.2)! 52.3 (6.8)! Duration of (ex-) relationship, in 27.8(9.7)! 17.4(9.2)! 21.1(8.9)! years (SD)! !! ! ! 2012 2014 Women 2012 2014 Men 60%# 70%! 50%# 60%! 40%# 50%! Repartnered divorcees Single divorcees 28%# 16%# 16%# 28% 20%# 30%! 10%# 0%! ! ! Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 66%# 81% 66% Single#divorcees# 40%! 0%# 10%! ! Continously married 30%# 20%! 82% 2%# 2%# 6%# 16% 16% 6% 2% 2%Very#bad#4#bad# Very bad - bad So4so## So-so Good#4#very#good# Good - very good Source: Knöpfli, Cullati, Courvoisier, Burton-Jeangros, & Perrig-Chiello (under review) 07.09.15 ! ! ! ! 11 SPOUSAL BEREAVEMENT: A NORMATIVE TRANSITION IN OLDER AGE ! Likelihood increases with age ! A gendered experience: womens‘ higher life expectancy and choice of older partner 6000 CH 2013: 331‘632 widows 76‘035 widowers with average age of 70 years 5000 4000 women 3000 men 2000 1000 0 (BFS, 2014) Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 12 BUT ALSO A CRITICAL LIFE EVENT ! Disbalanced person environment fit: unsettling subjective worldview, intense emotions ! Additional loss of resources: cumulativ stress in the late period of life with decreasing social and physical resources ! Stress (temporarly) is associated with lower wellbeing, higher vulnerability for physical and psychological disease Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 13 PATTERNS OF ADAPTATION Indicators of adaptation: life satisfaction, loneliness, hopelessness, depressive symptoms, subjective health 54% Resilients 39% Copers Well-being like married ones High personal resources Minor difficulties Personal resources, shorter time since loss 7% Vulnerables Severly affected Low personal resources Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 14 RELEVANT RESOURCES Discriminant factors in order of their effect-size: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Resilience Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Conscientiousness Agreeableness Spousal support Emotional valence Time since loss Gender Resilient profil ➤ High resilience self-reliance, independence, mastery, perseverance, adaptability, flexibility, balanced perspective of life ➤ High extraversion surgency, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness ➤ Low neuroticism emotional instability, anxiety, irritability, sadness ➤ Positive emotional valence regarding the loss experience Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 15 RELEVANT RESOURCES: SOCIAL SUPPORT What did you do after the loss to cope with the new situation? 61% I was trying to cope with it on my own. 62% 38% 8% I was looking for support and comfort from... family members. friends and acquaintances. a religious institute. 9% 75% I was looking for professional help (doctor, psychologist, ...). were able to count on the help of someone to deal with the loss (especially children, family, friends). Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 16 CONCLUSION ! Divorce and spousal bereavement are frequent critical life events in middle and higher age. ! Even if the loss of a partner is challenging, most of the individuals succeed in adaptation to the new circumstances of life. ! But 7-20% show severe psychological and physical complains. ! Time since loss, personality factors, social and financial resources are decisive for adaptation. Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 17 Thank you very much for your attention Contact: [email protected] [email protected] Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 18 REFERENCES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Amato, P. R. (2000). The consequences of divorce for adults and children. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62(4), 1269-1287. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2000.01269.x Brown, A., & Jones, J. M. (2012). Separation, Divorce Linked to Sharply Lower Wellbeing- Married Americans have highest wellbeing Retrieved 28. January, 2014, from http://www.gallup.com/poll/154001/Separation-Divorce-Linked-Sharply-Lower-Wellbeing.aspx Höpflinger, F., Spahni, S., & Perrig-Chiello, P. (2013). Persönliche Bilanzierung der Herausforderungen einer Verwitwung im Zeit- und Geschlechtervergleich. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 25(3), 267-285. Knöpfli, B., Cullati, S., Courvoisier, D. S., Burton-Jeangros, C., & Perrig-Chiello, P. (under review). Marital breakup in later adulthood and self-rated health: a cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. Perrig-Chiello, P., & Knöpfli, B. (2015). Forschungsdossier: Trennung und Scheidung - im Längsschnitt (2012-2014) (pp. 1-25). Bern: University of Bern. http://www.entwicklung.psy.unibe.ch/unibe/philhuman/psy/entwicklung/content/e5107/e6142/e690783/ Dossier_Scheidung_ger.pdf Perrig-Chiello, P., Knöpfli, B., & Gloor, U. (2013). Späte Scheidungen: Fakten, Gründe und Auswirkungen. Ein interdisziplinärer Blick auf Ergebnisse einer Schweizer Studie. FamPra, Die Praxis des Familienrechts, 4, 845-867. Perrig-Chiello, P., Spahni, S., Höpflinger, F., & Carr, D. (2015). Psychosocial adaptation to spousal loss in a period of social change: Documenting effects of widow(er)hood in 1979 and 2011. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbv004 Spahni, S., Morselli, D., Perrig-Chiello, P., & Bennett, K. M. (2015). Patterns of psychological adaptation to spousal bereavement in old age. Gerontology, 61(5), 456-468. doi: 10.1159/000371444 Nähere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie auf unserer Homepage der Universität Bern: entwicklung.psy.unibe.ch/ content/forschung/lives/ oder unter: lives-nccr.ch/de/page/ip12-n190 Wohlbefinden nach Scheidung und Verwitwung 07.09.15 19
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