Save the date for the 4th Annual Forum of the EUSDR

Save the date
für das 4. Annual Forum der EU-Donauraumstrategie (EUSDR)
Das MLR veranstaltet am 29. Oktober 2015, 10.00 – ca. 17.00 Uhr im Rahmen des 4.
Annual Forum der EU-Donauraumstrategie (EUSDR) in Ulm den Workshop
“Creating value-added-chains:
Non genetically modified (GMO-free) soya in the Danube region”
Am Freitag, den 30. Oktober 2015 wird ergänzend eine Exkursion zu Produktions- und
Verarbeitungsstätten von GMO-freiem Soja angeboten.
Sie sind zu beiden Veranstaltungen herzlich eingeladen.
Falls Sie aus Ihrem Arbeitsbereich einen Beitrag liefern möchten, wenden Sie sich
bitte an die genannten Ansprechpartner.
Im Folgenden finden Sie weitere Informationen zu dem 4. Annual Forum:
The 4th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, jointly organized by the
European Commission, the State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Ulm will take place
29 and 30 October 2015 at the Trade Fair Ulm
Please save the date for the most important event of the year for the EU Strategy for the
Danube Region and disseminate this information to relevant stakeholders in
your country.
Kernerplatz 10 · 70182 Stuttgart · Telefon 0711 126-0 · Telefax 0711 126-2255 · [email protected] ·
Under the title “Smart, social, sustainable - Innovation for the Danube Region“, the forum
will put a strong emphasis on topics such as innovation, professional training and dual
education, entrepreneurship and civil society as key factors for a sustainable and integrative growth in the Danube Region.
The stakeholders of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region have been jointly working
together for over four years. Therefore, a focus of this year’s Annual Forum will be to
showcase best practices but also examine the more complex questions of project development and funding.
Several thematic sessions will give the participants of the conference the opportunity to
take a closer look at the complex mechanisms that should be put together on a political,
project and funding level in order to profit largely of the potential of a macro-regional strategy.
Additionally there will be many networking opportunities and interactive offers like workshops, panel discussions and an exhibition area.
The Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, will invite the participants to an evening reception on 29 October.
Further information as well as instructions for the registration will be sent in due time.
Looking forward to welcoming you to the Annual Forum 2015 in Ulm,
State Ministry
City of Ulm
Further information about the EUSDR on
Ansprechpartnerin für weitere Auskünfte ist:
Brigitte Koehler-Neumann, Tel..0711.1262249 (am Vormittag)
Mail: [email protected]
Anfragen per E-Mail richten Sie bitte an [email protected]