Dr. Tim Krieger Wilfried Guth Endowed Chair Phone: +49-(0)761-203-67651 of Constitutional Political Economy Fax: +49-(0)761-203-67649 and Competition Policy Oce: Wilhelmstraÿe 1b, 4th Floor, Room 4.08 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Email: [email protected] Wilhelmstraÿe 1b Homepage: http://www.wguth.uni-freiburg.de/ D-79085 Freiburg i.Br. Germany Education Third-Year Review/Assistant Professor (Zwischenevaluation als Juniorprofessor), University of Paderborn, 2012 (evaluation committee: Claus-Jochen Haake, Alexander Kemnitz). Ph.D. Economics (Dr. oec. publ.), University of Munich, 2004 (thesis committee: Andreas Haufler, Hans-Werner Sinn, Ray Rees). M.A. Quantitative Economics (Dipl.-Vw. quant. Schwerpunkt), University of Kiel, 2000 (thesis advisor: Gerd Hansen). Certicate North American Studies (Nordamerikastudien-Zertikat), University of Kiel, 2000. Current Position Wilfried Guth Professor of Constitutional Political Economy and Competition Policy, Full Professor (W3, tenured), Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, University of Freiburg, July 2012present. Previous Positions Assistant Professor (W1), Department of Economics, University of Paderborn, June 2007July 2012. Full Professor Ad Interim (W3), Department of Economics, University of Freiburg, April 2012 July 2012. Full Professor Ad Interim (W3), Department of Economics, University of Marburg, October 2010March 2011. Full Professor Ad Interim (W3), Department of Economics, University of Mainz, October 2009 September 2010. Post-Doc and Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Paderborn, March 2006May 2007. Senior Assistant to the University President, NordakademieUniversity of Applied Sciences, Elsmhorn, August 2004February 2006. Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Munich, October 2002July 2004. Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Göttingen, January 2000September 2002. 2 Dr. Tim Krieger Teaching Fellow, Department of Economics and Department of International Relations, Boston University, September 1997-June 1998. Student Research Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Kiel, February 1993June 1994 and January 1996July 1997. Network Aliations and Professional Memberships CESifo Research Network Fellow, Center for Economic Studies, University of Munich, 2013 present. Centre for Security and Society, University of Freiburg, 2013present. Center of Conict Resolution, University of Hamburg, 2012present. Land Research Group: Institutions, Conicts, Property Rights (ICP-L), University of Freiburg, 2014present. American Economic Association, 2011present. American Political Science Association, 2011present. European Economic Association, 2006present. International Institute of Public Finance, 2001present. Network of European Peace Scientists, 2016present. Royal Economic Society, 2015present. Verein für Socialpolitik (Association of German-Speaking Economists), 2000present. Research Committee for Population Economics in the Verein für Socialpolitik, 2010present. Research Committee for Public Economics in the Verein für Socialpolitik, 2014present. Fields of Research Interest Economic Policy, European Union Economics, Political Economy, Institutional Economics, Law & Economics, Economics of Conict, Public Economics, International Relations. Research Books Krieger, T. (2013). Die Finanzkrise und Europas Rolle in der globalen Wirtschaftsordnung. Ch. Goetz Verlag, München. Krieger, T. (2005). Public Pensions and Immigration: A Public Choice Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham/UK and Northampton/MA. Edited Books and Journal Issues Krieger, T., and M.A. Leroch (Eds.)(forthcoming). The Political Economy of Land Grabbing. Special Section, Homo Oeconomicus. 3 Dr. Tim Krieger Krieger, T., B. Neumärker, and D. Panke (Eds.)(2016). Europe's Crisis: The Conict Theoretical Perspective. Nomos, Baden-Baden. Book Chapters Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (forthcoming). How to Deal with International Terrorism. In: Eger, T., S. Oeter, and S. Voigt (eds.): Conditions. International Law and the Rule of Law under Extreme Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen. Krieger, T., B. Neumärker, and D. Panke (2016). Introduction. In: Krieger, T., B. Neumärker, and D. Panke (eds.): Europe's Crisis: The Conict-Theoretical Perspective. Nomos, Baden- Baden, pp. 1323. Krieger, T. (2016). Any Solution in Sight to Europe's Crisis? Some General Thoughts from a Conict Theoretical Perspective. In: Krieger, T., B. Neumärker, and D. Panke (eds.): Crisis: The Conict-Theoretical Perspective. Europe's Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 2733. Haupt, A., T. Krieger, and T. Lange (2014). Education Policy, Student Migration, and Brain Gain. In: Gérard, M., and S. Uebelmesser (eds.): The Mobility of Students and the Highly Skilled. MIT Press, Cambridge/MA, pp. 287319. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2014). Ökonomische Aspekte des neuen globalen Terrorismus. Terrorismus und organisierte Kriminalität: Theoretische und methodische Aspekte komplexer Kriminalität. Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 215233. In: Arnold, H., and P. Zoche (eds.): Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2013). Terrorism: Causes, Eects, and the Role of Money Laundering. In: Unger, B., and D. van der Linde (eds.): Research Handbook on Money Laundering. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham/UK und Northampton/MA, pp. 7891. Krieger, T. (2013). Calculating the Costs of 9/11. In: Klöckner, C., S. Knewitz, and S. Sielke Beyond 9/11: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Twenty-First Century American U.S. Culture. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 123139. (eds.): Haake, C.-J., T. Krieger, and S. Minter (2010): External Border Enforcement, Public Goods and Burden Sharing Mechanisms in the EU. In: Zapata-Barrero, R. (ed.): Contours of the European Union: A Migration-Border Framework. Shaping the Normative Cidob Foundation Edition, Barcelona, pp. 5778. Krieger, T. (2008). Generationengerechtigkeit und das Wahlrecht von Geburt an kritische Anmerkungen aus Sicht der Public-Choice-Theorie. In: Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Gene- Wahlrecht ohne Altersgrenze? Verfassungsrechtliche, demokratietheoretische und entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte. oekem-Verlag, München, pp. 305333. rationen (ed.): Journal Articles (refereed) Bujko, M., C. Fischer, T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (forthcoming). How Institutions Shape Land Deals: The Role of Corruption. Homo Oeconomicus. Dimant, E., T. Krieger, and M. Redlin (2015). A Crook is a Crook ... But is He Still a Crook Abroad?On the Eect of Immigration on Destination-Country Corruption. Review German Economic 16(4), pp. 464489. Brockho, S., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2015). Great Expectations and Hard TimesThe (Nontrivial) Impact of Education on Domestic Terrorism. Journal of Conict Resolution 59(7), 4 Dr. Tim Krieger pp. 11861215. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2015). The Rise of Market-Capitalism and the Roots of AntiAmerican Terrorism. Journal of Peace Research 52(1), pp. 4661. Diergarten, Y., and T. Krieger (2015). Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Commitment Problems and International Law. Law and Development Review 8(1), pp. 217233. Haake, C.-J., T. Krieger, and S. Minter (2013). On the Institutional Design of Burden Sharing when Financing External Border Enforcement in the EU. Policy International Economics and Economic 10(4), pp. 583612. Krieger, T., and J. Ruhose (2013). Honey, I Shrunk the Kids' BenetsRevisiting Intergenerational Conict in OECD Countries. Public Choice 157(12), pp. 115143. Dimant, E., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2013). The Eect of Corruption on Migration, 1985 2000. Applied Economics Letters 20(13), pp. 12701274. Krieger, T., and T. Lange (2012). Education, Life Expectancy and Pension Reform. Pública Española / Review of Public Economics Hacienda 202-(3/2012), pp. 3155. Mayr, K., S. Minter, and T. Krieger (2012). Policies on Illegal Immigration in a Federation. Regional Science and Urban Economics 42(12), pp. 153165. Gries, T., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2011). Causal Linkages between Domestic Terrorism and Economic Growth. Defense and Peace Economics 22(5), pp. 493508. Dreher, A., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2011). Hit and (They Will) Run: The Impact of Terrorism on Migration. Economics Letters 113(1), pp. 4246. Krieger, T., and S. Traub (2011). Wie hat sich die intragenerationale Umverteilung in der staatlichen Säule des Rentensystems verändert? Ein internationaler Vergleich auf Basis von LIS-Daten. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik / Journal of Economics and Statistics 231(2), pp. 266-287. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2011). What Causes Terrorism?. Public Choice 147(12), pp. 327. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2010). Terrorism in the Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. of Conict Resolution Journal 54(6), pp. 902939. Krieger, T., and T. Lange (2010). Education Policy and Tax Competition with Imperfect Student and Labor Mobility. International Tax and Public Finance 17(6), pp. 587606. Dreher, A., and T. Krieger (2010). Diesel Price Convergence and Mineral Oil Taxation in Europe. Applied Economics 42(15), pp. 19551961. Eggert, W., T. Krieger, and V. Meier (2010). Education, Unemployment and Migration. of Public Economics Journal 94(56), pp. 354362. Krieger, T., and S. Stöwhase (2009). Diskretionäre rentenpolitische Maÿnahmen und die Entwicklung des Rentenwerts in Deutschland 2003-2008. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 58(1), pp. 3654. Dreher, A., and T. Krieger (2008). Do Prices for Petroleum Products Converge in a Unied Europe with Non-Harmonized Tax Rates?. The Energy Journal Krieger, T. (2008). Public Pensions and Return Migration. 29(1), pp. 6188. Public Choice 134(34), pp. 163178. 5 Dr. Tim Krieger Krieger, T. (2006). Renten und Zuwanderung ein kritischer Überblick über neue Ergebnisse der Forschung. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Review of Economics 57(1), pp. 94120. Krieger, T., and C. Sauer (2004). Will Eastern European Migrants Happily Enter the German Pension System after the EU Eastern Enlargement?. Social Science Studies Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied 124(1), pp. 130. Krieger, T. (2004). Fertility Rates and Skill Distribution in Razin and Sadka's Migration-Pension Model: A Note. Journal of Population Economics 17(1), pp. 177182. Krieger, T. (2003). Voting on Low-Skill Immigration under Dierent Pension Regimes. Choice Public 117(12), pp. 5178. Krieger, T. (2001). Intergenerational Redistribution and Labor Mobility: A Survey. / Public Finance Analysis FinanzArchiv 58(3), pp. 339361. Journal Articles (non-refereed) Krieger, T., and M. Leroch (forthcoming). The Political Economy of Land Grabbing: Editorial. Homo Oeconomicus. Krieger, T. (2014). Public Pensions and Immigration. CESifo Dice Report 12(2), pp. 1015. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2013). Die ökonomische Theorie des Terrorismus. schaftswissenschaftliches Studium WiSt Wirt- 42(12), pp. 695700. Krieger, T., and B. Neumärker (2013). Eciency, Fairness and Conict in Scientic Publishing Second Thoughts on Nentjes' On the Right to Repeat Oneself . Homo Oeconomicus 30(2), pp. 223230. Krieger, T., and S. Traub (2013). The Bismarckian Factor: A Measure of Intragenerational Redistribution in International Pension Systems. CESifo Dice Report 11(1), pp. 6466. Krieger, T. (2012). Es geht nicht ohne internationalen Ordnungsrahmen Zum Verhältnis von Markt und Staat im Angesicht der Finanzkrise. für christliche Sozialethik Amos international: Internationale Zeitschrift 6(3), pp. 814. Eggert, W., T. Krieger, and S. Stöwhase (2010). Sollte der ermäÿigte Mehrwertsteuersatz abgeschat werden?. Wirtschaftsdienst 90(11), pp. 742748. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2009). Armut, Ungleichheit, wirtschaftliche Schwäche? Empirische Evidenz und methodische Herausforderungen zum Zusammenhang von Ökonomie und Terrorismus. Vierteljahreshefte für Wirtschaftsforschung 78(4), pp. 2940. Eggert, W., and T. Krieger (2009). What is Necessary and What Is Possible in Today's Economic Policy: The Incentive Eects of Economic Stimulus Packages. CESifo Forum 10(2), pp. 3336. Eggert, W., and T. Krieger (2009). Home Ownership als Substitut für Sozialpolitik: Zum Entstehen der Finanzkrise in den USA. Wirtschaftsdienst 89(6), pp. 390396. Krieger, T., and S. Traub (2008). Empirische und experimentelle Evidenz zur staatlich organisierten Alterssicherung und zu gesellschaftlichen Umverteilungspräferenzen in OECD-Ländern. Deutsche Rentenversicherung 63(1), pp. 85102. Krieger, T., and S. Minter (2007). Immigration Amnesties in the Southern EU Member StatesA Challenge for the Entire EU?. in 2009), pp. 1532. Romanian Journal of European Studies, No. 56/2007 (published 6 Dr. Tim Krieger Krieger, T. (2002). Chancen und Risiken für die nationalen Rentensysteme durch internationale Arbeitsmobilität. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 71(2), pp. 199214. Book Reviews Krieger, T. (2009). Review on Andreas Mayert: Alterssicherung und Erziehungsentscheidungen . Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 229(2+3), pp. 353356. Krieger, T. (2008). Review on F. Breyer and W. Buchholz: Ökonomie des Sozialstaats . Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ORDO 59, pp. 569571. Working Papers Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2015). Political Capitalism: The Interaction between Income Inequality, Economic Freedom and Democracy. Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2015). Does Income Inequality Lead to Terrorism? Evidence from the Post-9/11 Era. Krieger, T., L. Renner, and J. Ruhose (2015). Genetic Distance and International Migrant Selection. Haupt, A., and T. Krieger (2013). The Role of Mobility in Tax and Subsidy Competition. Brockho, S., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2012). Looking Back on Anger: Explaining the Social Origins of Left-Wing and Nationalist-Separatist Terrorism in Western Europe, 19702007. Haupt, A., T. Krieger, and T. Lange (2011). Competition for the International Pool of Talent: Education Policy and Student Mobility. Gries, T., S. Jungblut, T. Krieger, and H. Meier (2009). Statutory Retirement Age and Lifelong Learning. Krieger, T., and S. Traub (2008). Back to Bismarck? Shifting Preferences for Intragenerational Redistribution in OECD Pension Systems. Other Publications Dold, M., and T. Krieger (2016). Schulfach Wirtschaft: Finaler Schlag des Groÿkapitals gegen die Arbeiterschaft?. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, January 2016. Brockho, S., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2015). More Education = Less Terrorism? Studying the Complex Relationship between Terrorism and Education. Political Violence @ a Glance, December 2015. Dold, M., and T. Krieger (2015). Informationelle Selbstbestimmung aus ordnungsökonomischer Sicht. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, October 2015. Krieger, T. (2015). Grenze zu, Schengen tot (reloaded). Krieger, T. (2015). Bargeld abschaen?. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, September 2015. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 359. Krieger, T. (2015). Der griechische Pyrrhussieg. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, Krieger, T. (2015). Bargeld ist geprägte Freiheit. July 2015. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, May 2015. 44(7), p. 7 Dr. Tim Krieger Krieger, T. (2015). Warum die Euro-Abwertung die Krise der Europäischen Union verschärft. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, April 2015. Krieger, T. (2014). Schavan, Lübeck und die bildungsföderalen Folgen. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, December 2014. Krieger, T. (2014). Das Schottland-Referendum: Eine Herausforderung für die Autokratien und Demokratien dieser Welt. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, October 2014. Krieger, T. (2014). Warum sich Ordnungsökonomen auch mit Terrorismusforschung beschäftigen sollten. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, July 2014. Krieger, T. (2014). Sollen und werden die Energiekonzerne den Atomausstieg bezahlen?. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, May 2014. WiSt Wirtschafts- Krieger, T., (2014). Bildungsgymna(sia)stik: Die Rückwärtsrolle beim G8. wissenschaftliches Studium 43(5), p. 227. Krieger, T. (2014). Bildungsgymna(sia)stik: Die Rückwärtsrolle beim G8. heit, Wirtschaftliche Frei- March 2014. Krieger, T. (2014). Unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen: Die Finanztransaktionssteuer und der Verbraucherschutz. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, January 2014. Krieger, T. (2013). Mütterrenten, ausbleibende Beitragssenkungen und Renten für langjährig Versicherte: Verschieben sich die politischen Machtverhältnisse zu den Rentnern?. che Freiheit, Wirtschaftli- November 2013. Krieger, T. (2013). Vom Konikt zur regelgebundenen Kooperation Anforderungen an Europas Institutionen nach der Finanzkrise. Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, October 2013. Dimant, E., Krieger, T., and D. Meierrieks (2013). Corruption, Migration and the Brain Drain. Anti-Corruption Research Network, September 2013. Hagist, C., and T. Krieger (2012). Die Euro-Finanzkrise als Verteilungskonikt. me, Ökonomenstim- July 2012. Krieger, T., and S. Minter (2011). Grenze zu, Schengen tot. Ökonomenstimme, Brockho, S., T. Krieger, and D. Meierrieks (2010). Bessere Bildung Ökonomenstimme, = May 2011. weniger Terrorismus?. December 2010. Haupt, A., T. Krieger, and T. Lange (2010). War for Talents: Fluch oder Segen für Entwicklungsländer?. Ökonomenstimme, September 2010. Krieger, T. (2009). Wird die Globalisierung unser Rentensystem verändern? Gesellschaftliche Umverteilungspräferenzen im Rentensystem. ForschungsForum Paderborn, No. 122009, pp. 24 29. Krieger, T., and S. Rohde (2007). Mit Gummibärchen VWL lernen. zeitschrift, Paderborner Universitäts- No. 2/2007, p. 74. Krieger, T. (2006). Kann das Wahlrecht von Geburt für mehr Generationengerechtigkeit sorgen? Eine Untersuchung auf Basis der Public-Choice-Theorie.. Generationengerechtigkeit!, No. 3/2006, pp. 2729. Krieger, T. (2005). Arm und alt?Quo vadis, Rente?. No. 14, pp. 35. campusforum, Nordakademie Elmshorn, Dr. Tim Krieger 8 Media Appearances Badische Zeitung; Capital; detektor.fm; Deutschland-Radio; El Condencial; Euro am Sonntag; Mindener Tageblatt; ntv.de; Radio Regenbogen;Rhein-Zeitung; SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen; Stuttgarter Nachrichten; SWR Südwestrundfunk (SWR 1, SWR 2, SWR 4, SWR TV); Westfalen-Blatt; TV Südbaden; Voice of America News; and others. Research Funding PolygynieKoniktEntwicklung, Research Grant (e14,500), University of Freiburg, 2015. Europe's Crisis: The Conict-Theoretic Perspective (with Bernhard Neumärker and Diana Panke, University of Freiburg), Conference Grant (e5,000), Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration, 2014. The Political Economy of Land Grabbing (with Marcel Baumann, Reinhart Köÿler and Bernhard Neumärker, University of Freiburg), Research Grant (e20,300), University of Freiburg, 2013. Preferences for Redistribution in Social Insurance Systems: An Experimental Investigation (with Stefan Traub, University of Bremen), Research Grant (e9,500), Research Network on Pensions (FNA) of the German Federal Pension Insurance, 2006/2007. International Portability of Pension Claims, Research Grant (e2,500), University of Paderborn, 2006. Teaching University of Freiburg Advanced Methods in Social Sciences: Doing Research on Terrorism (Lecture at the University College Freiburg, Bachelor, in English), Winter 2015/16. Consumer Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Verbraucherpolitik), Winter 2013/14, Summer 2013, Summer 2012. Constitutional Economics and Political Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Ordnungspolitik), Summer 2014. Introduction to Statistics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Statistik), Summer 2015, Summer 2014. Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on Inequality (Lecture Series/Ringvorlesung, jointly with Sieglinde Lemke, Bachelor, in German and English: Inequality / Ungleichheit), Winter 2015/16. Law & Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Law & Economics: Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts), Summer 2014, Summer 2013. New Institutional Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Grundlagen der Neuen Institutionenökonomik), Winter 2014/15, Winter 2013/14, Winter 2012/13. Taxation, Corporate Finance, and Capital Markets (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Besteuerung, Finanzierung und Kapitalmärkte), Summer 2012. Economics Blog (Seminar, Bachelor and Master, in German), Winter 2015/16, Summer 2015, Dr. Tim Krieger 9 Winter 2014/15, Summer 2014, Winter 2013/14, Summer 2013. The Economics and Marketing of Wine in Southern Baden (Seminar, jointly with Jörg Lindenmeier, Bachelor and Master, in German: Weinökonomie und Weinmarketing in Südbaden), Winter 2015/16. Economic Policy & Public Choice (Lecture, Master, in English), Winter 2015/16, Winter 2012/13. First Steps in Independent Research on Terrorism (Lecture/Topics Course, Master/Ph.D., in English), Summer 2012. Global Economic Governance (Lecture, Master, in English), Winter 2015/16, Winter 2014/15, Winter 2013/14, Winter 2012/13. New Systems Competition (Lecture, Master, in English), Summer 2013. Behavioral Consumer Economics (Seminar, Master, in English), Summer 2014. Education Policy in Globalizing and Ageing Societies (Seminar, Master, in English), Summer 2012. Recent Developments in Institutional Economics (Seminar, Master, in English), Winter 2013/14. The Economics of Crime (Seminar, Master, in English), Summer 2015, Summer 2013. The Economics of Marriage Institutions (Seminar, Master, in English), Winter 2015/16. The Political Economy of International Migration (Seminar, Master, in English), Winter 2014/15, Winter 2012/13. The Political Economy of Land Grabbing (Interdisciplinary Seminar, Master, in English, Winter 2013/14). University of Hamburg The Economics of Terrorism (Lecture, Master/Ph.D., in English), Summer 2015, Summer 2014, Summer 2013, Summer 2012. University of Paderborn Economics of the Welfare State (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Ökonomie des Sozialstaats), Summer 2009, Summer 2008, Summer 2007. European Union Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in English), Winter 2006/07. Foundation of Economic and Social Policy (Lecture and Tutorial, Bachelor, in German: Grundlagen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik), Summer 2011. Intermediate Public Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Finanzwissenschaft), Winter 2006/07. Introduction to Economic Policy (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftspolitik), Summer 2009, Summer 2008, Summer 2007. Economics of the Welfare State (Lecture, Master, in English), Summer 2006. Public Choice I+II (Lecture, Master, in English), Winter 2011/12, Winter 2008/09, Winter 2007/08. Social Policy (Seminar, with W. Eggert, Master, in English), Summer 2006. Dr. Tim Krieger 10 The Economics of Crime in a Globalized World (Seminar, Master, in English), Winter 2011/12. The Economics of International Terrorism (Seminar, Master, in English), Winter 2007/08. The Political Economy of International Migration (Seminar, Master, in English), Winter 2008/09. University of Marburg Introduction to New Institutional Economics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Grundlagen der Institutionenökonomie), Winter 2010/11. Public Expenditure and Public Choice (Lecture and Tutorial, Bachelor, in German: Öentliche Ausgaben und Politische Ökonomie), Winter 2010/11. Global Economic Governance (Lecture, Master, in English), Summer 2012. Institutional Economics (Lecture, Master, in English), Winter 2010/11. University of Magdeburg Macroeconomics (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Makroökonomik), Winter 2010/11. University of Mainz Economics of the Welfare State (Lecture, Diplom, in German: Ökonomie des Sozialstaats), Winter 2009/10. Public Economics (Lecture, Diplom, in German: Öentliche Finanzen), Winter 2009/10. Public Economics and Taxation (Lecture, Diplom, in German: Öentliche Finanzen / Steuerlehre), Summer 2010. Taxation, Corporate Finance, and Capital Markets (Lecture, Diplom, in German: Besteuerung, Finanzierung und Kapitalmärkte), Summer 2010. Recent Challenges to Fiscal and Social Policy (Seminar, Diplom, in German: Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Finanz- und Sozialpolitik), Winter 2009/10. The Economics of Terrorism (Seminar, Diplom, in German: Ökonomische Theorie des Terrorismus), Summer 2010. University of Bremen Social Policy (Lecture, Bachelor, in German: Sozialpolitik), Winter 2008/09. NordakademieUniversity of Applied Sciences Elmshorn General Business Studies 2 (Lecture, Diplom, in German: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Teil 2), Fall 2005. General Business Studies 1 (Lecture, Diplom, in German: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Teil 1), Summer 2005. Dr. Tim Krieger 11 University of Munich Foundation of Economic Policy (Tutorial, Diplom, in German: Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik), Summer 2003. Microeconomics (Tutorial, Diplom, in German: VWL1Mikroökonomie), Winter 2003/04. Social Policy (Seminar, with A. Hauer, Diplom, in German: Soziale Sicherung), Winter 2002/03. The Political Economy of Public Revenues and Expenditures (Seminar, with A. Hauer, Diplom, in German: Die politische Ökonomie öentlicher Einnahmen und Ausgaben), Winter 2003/04. University of Göttingen Microeconomics (Tutorial, Diplom, in German: Mikroökonomie), Summer 2001. Public Economics A (Tutorial, Diplom, in German: Finanzwissenschaft A), Winter 2001/02, Winter 2000/01. Recent Challenges to Fiscal Policy (Seminar, with H. Pollak, Diplom, in German: Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Finanzpolitik), Summer 2002. Social Policy in Open Economies (Seminar, with A. Hauer, Diplom, in German: Sozialpolitik in oenen Volkswirtschaften), Winter 2000/01. Boston University International Economics (Tutorial, Bachelor, in English), Spring 1998. Conference and Seminar Presentations 2015 : Conferences: Jahrestagung des Ausschusses für Bevölkerungsökonomik, Nürnberg, Germany; Workshop The Political Economy of Inequality and Conict, Konstanz, Germany; Workshop Organisiertes Verbrechen: Herausforderungen für Deutschland und Europa, Tutzing, Germany; Conference Die Zukunft der informationellen Selbstbestimmung, Berlin, Germany; Workshop Problemfelder und Ordnung der Weltwirtschaft, Buchenbach, Germany. Research seminars: University of Darmstadt, Germany; IUAV, University of Venice, Italy. 2014 : Conferences: Workshop Europe's Crisis: The Conict-Theoretic Perspective, Freiburg, Germany; Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Hamburg, Germany; Political Economy Workshop, Milan, Italy; Conference International Law and the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions, Travemünde, Germany; Conference International Labor Mobility and Inequality Across Nations, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2013 : Conferences: Workshop Law and Institutional Economics of Revolutions, Hamburg, Germany (discussion); Workshop Competition between Conict and Cooperation, Freiburg, Germany; Workshop Microfoundations of Group Conict, Mainz, Germany. Research seminars: University of Salzburg, Austria. Dr. Tim Krieger 12 2012 : Conferences: Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Dresden, Germany; Conference Constitutional Choice in the Middle East, University of Hamburg, Germany (discussion); Jahrestagung des Ausschusses für Bevölkerungsökonomik, Cologne, Germany (discussion). Research seminars: University of Bremen, Germany. 2011 : Conferences: Annual Conference of the European Economic Association (EEA), Oslo, Norway; Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Seattle, U.S.; Symposium 9/11: Ten Years After, Looking Ahead, University of Bonn, Germany; Finanzwissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium, University of Bremen, Germany; Annual Conference of the Research Committee on Development Economics, Berlin, Germany; Workshop Beyond Basic Questions, Brussels, Belgium; Workshop Transnationale Kriminalität in Deutschland: Organisierte Kriminalität und TerrorismusSituationsdarstellungen und Forschungsfragen, Wiesbaden, Germany. Research seminars: University of Rostock and MPI Demography, Rostock, Germany; University of Plymouth, U.K.; University of Freiburg, Germany. 2010 : Conferences: Jahrestagung des Ausschusses für Bevölkerungsökonomik, Bamberg, Germany; Annual Conference of the European Economic Association (EEA), Glasgow, U.K.; Conference Radicalization in Western Societies: Preventing `Homegrown' Terrorism, University of Tübingen, Germany; Workshop Globalization, Education and Taxation, University of Konstanz, Germany (discussion). Research seminars: University of Utrecht, Netherlands; University of Mainz, Germany; University of Marburg, Germany. 2009 : Conferences: EON Ruhrgas Conference Demographic Change and Public Policy, University of Dresden, Germany; Workshop Population Aging and Financial Market, Paris, France; 4th Workshop of the Network for the Economic Analysis of Terrorism (NEAT), Brussels, Belgium; Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Magdeburg, Germany; Jahrestagung des Ausschusses für Bevölkerungsökonomik, Essen, Germany; Paderborner Wiwi-Fakultäts-Forschungsseminar, Braunlage, Germany; Research seminars: Technical University of Dresden, Germany; University of Tübingen, Germany; RWTH Aachen, Germany. 2008 : Conferences: Dresden Leibniz Graduate School Demographic Change and Regional Development Strategies, Dresden, Germany; Workshop Modelling the Eects of Pensions and Other Welfare State Transfers in an Ageing World, Madrid, Spain; Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Graz, Austria; Workshop Beyond Basic Questions, Göttingen, Germany; CESifo/Leibniz Conference Reform of the Welfare State: A New European Model, Munich, Germany (discussion); Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Maastricht, Netherlands; Conference Journées d'Economie Publique Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, France; Research seminars: University of Innsbruck, Austria. Dr. Tim Krieger 13 2007 : Conferences: Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Warwick, U.K.; Workshop Wohlstandsverteilung und Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung, Berlin, Germany; Research seminars: ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 2006 : Conferences: Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Bayreuth, Germany; Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Paphos, Cyprus; Séminaire scientique, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Bordeaux, France; Workshop Wirtschaft, Forschung und Ethik, Gummersbach, Germany; Symposium Wahlrecht von Geburt aneine Chance für mehr Generationengerechtigkeit?, Berlin, Germany. 2005 : Conferences: Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Bonn, Germany. 2004 : Conferences: Annual Conference of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS), Berlin, Germany. 2003 : Research seminars: University of Würzburg, Germany. 2002 : Conferences: Conference Policy Competition and the Welfare State, Den Haag, Netherlands; Conference Institutions in Transition, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Innsbruck, Austria; Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Helsinki, Finland. Annual Conference of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS), Belgirate, Italy. 2001 : Conferences: Annual Conference of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Linz, Austria; 1st Mediterranean Summer School in Theoretical and Applied Economics Inequality, Welfare and Redistribution, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; IZA Workshop The International Mobility of Highly Skilled Workers, Bonn, Germany. 2000 : Conferences: Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Berlin, Germany (discussion). Professional Activities Reviewer for American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, British Journal of Political Science, Bulletin of Economic Research, CESifo Economic Studies, Comparative Political Studies, Crime, Law and Social Change, Defense and Peace Economics, Economic Journal, Economica, Economics Bulletin, Education Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, Homo Oeconomicus, International Economics and Economic Policy, International Interactions, International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, International Migration, International Migration Review, Internatio- Dr. Tim Krieger 14 nal Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Conict Resolution, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Income Distribution, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Public Choice, Regional Studies, Singapore Economic Review, Social Science Journal, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik ; Oxford University Press ; German-Israeli Foundation for Scientic Research and Development, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Departmental Service: Faculty Coordinator on Questions Concerning Diversity (Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, University of Freiburg, since 2015); Elected Member of Faculty Council (Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, University of Freiburg, since 2014); Member of Recruiting Committee for a Full Professorship in Public and Non-Prot Management (University of Freiburg, since 2014); Member of Recruiting Committee for an Assistant Professorship in Public and Non-Prot Management (University of Freiburg, 20132014); Member of Intermediate Examination Committee for Education Majors (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Paderborn, 20092010); Member of Examination Committee (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Paderborn, 20082010); Member of Recruiting Committee for an Associate Professorship in Econometrics (University of Paderborn, 20072008); Coordinator of the Faculty Elections (Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen, 2002); Elected Member of Faculty Council (Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen, 20012002); Member of Quality Management Committee (Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen, 2000). Organization of Conferences and Workshops: Annual Conference of the Research Committee for Population Economics in the Verein für Socialpolitik (Jahrestagung des Ausschusses für Bevölkerungsökonomik), Freiburg, Germany, February 11-13, 2016 (forthcoming); Workshop Large-Scale Land Acquisitions between Resource Conicts and Sustainable Rural Development (with C. Oberlack, University of Bern), Freiburg, Germany, November 17, 2015; Workshop Europe's Crisis: The Conict-Theoretic Perspective (with B. Neumärker and D. Panke), Freiburg, Germany, September 25-26, 2014; Workshop Competition between Conict and Cooperation (with M. Baumann and B. 15 Dr. Tim Krieger Neumärker), Freiburg, Germany, June 12-14, 2013. Editorial Responsibilities: Managing Editor of Students' Blog Think Ordo!Ordnungspolitik neu denken , University of Freiburg. Advising Current Ph.D. students: Jonas Klos (University of Freiburg and Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, expected 2016), Laura Renner (University of Freiburg, expected 2016), Sebastian Czuratis (University of Freiburg, expected 2016), Malte Dold (University of Freiburg, expected 2016). Second advisor to: Eugen Dimant (University of Paderborn, expected 2016), Christoph Freudenberg (University of Freiburg, 2015), Jerg Gutmann (University of Hamburg, expected 2016), Michael Maier (University of Freiburg and ZEW, 2015). (External) Examiner of: Zareh Asatryan (University of Freiburg and ZEW, 2015), Sarah Brockho (University of Freiburg, 2013), Agnes Horvath (Central European University Budapest, 2013), Robert Kappius (University of Freiburg, 2014), Daniel Meierrieks (University of Paderborn, 2012), Steen Minter (University of Freiburg, 2012), Christoph Oberlack (University of Freiburg, 2015), Faiz Ur Rehman (EDLE Program, Universities of Bologna, Hamburg and Rotterdam, 2015), Stephan Wolf (University of Freiburg, 2015). Oers, Honors, Awards & Fellowships Teaching Fellowship (e3000), University College Freiburg, 20152016. Oer from the University of Marburg for a Full Professorship (W3) in Institutional Economics (declined), 2012. Handelsblatt Ranking of German Top Economists below Age 40 (ranked 80th), 2011. Award for Presentations at International Conferences, Verein für Socialpolitik, 2011. APSA Travel Grant, 2011. DAAD Travel Grant, 2011. Oer from the University of Magdeburg for Limited-Term Associate Professorship (W2, 2 Years) in Economic Theory (declined), 2010. 3rd Prize, Intergenerational Justice Award of the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations, 2006. Research Award of the Research Network on Pensions (FNA) of the German Federal Pension Insurance, 2005. Grant for Participation in the Economics 1st Mediterranean Summer School in Theoretical and Applied Inequality, Welfare and Redistribution, Universitat de les Illes Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, 2001. Grant for Participation in the Summer School Interactive Economic Decisions, University of Bonn, 2000. 16 Dr. Tim Krieger Grant for Participation in the 11th Summer School Arbeiten mit ökonometrischen Modellen, RWI Essen, 1998. Teaching Fellowship, Boston University, 19971998. Award for Outstanding Research Paper, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 1995. Full Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 19941995. Last updated: 15. Januar 2016
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