Talks – Kevin Mulligan 2016 January 27-8 « Quasi-judging, quasi-emoting & quasi-desiring », Collège de France, Paris. April 18 „De la rectitude politique“, Cercle des étudiants libéraux et libertariens, Geneva. April 27 „Was war, ist und soll die analytische Philosophie in Europa ?“, Munich, Centre for Mathematical Philosophy 19-20 May « Styles de pensée », Histoires et historiens des idées – Figures, méthodes, problèmes, Collège de France, Paris. 3 June “Seeing Sadness”, Ferrara. 6-7 June „Normative Grounding“, Helsinki 16-18 June “Claims & their Cash Value”, Ernst Mach Centenary Conference, Vienna. 27-8 June « Essence – Syntax & Ontology », 5th Italian Conference on Analytic Ontology, Padova. 15-17 September “Why is the History of Early Twentieth Century Philosophy so Awful ?”, La Philosophie et son histoire – un débat actuel, Société Suisse de philosophie, Genève. November 10-11 „Object-dependent Mental States and Acts“, Intentionality and Modality, Turin. 2015 23 March « Happiness, Good Luck & Kitsch », Milan, State University 3-7 June “How to Read the Later Witgenstein. An Austrian Guide“, Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Bertrand Russell Society, Dublin. 17-20 June Round Tables on intentionality, Austro-German theories of meaning and Wittgenstein et la philosophie austro-allemande, SOPHA, Montréal 1-3 July « Connectors vs Properties », The Metaphysics of Properties and Relations, Bergamo 15-17 September « The Mind & its Formal Objects », Realism and Objectivity, Matera 21-22 September « The Nature of Certainty » Madrid 1-3 October « Ouch ! », Keynote Lecture, Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, Venice. 27 October «Correctness», Keynote Lecture, Intenzionalità e Realtà nella Tradizione filosofica austro-tedesca, Roma Tre, Rome. 30-31 October “How to Read the later Wittgenstein. An Austrian Tool Kit, I-III”, Master Class, with Hanjo Glock, Zürich. 17 November « Sull’espressività », Parma 20-21. November « Kant et le Pharisaïsme », Philosophies autrichiennes et Anti-Kants, Geneva. 27-8 November « Wert, Panentheismus und Chaos », Christian von Ehrenfels. Philosophie Gerstaltpsychologie, Graz 1 December „Weil, Weil, Weil“, Bolzano Lecture & Keynote Address, Mind and Metaphysics, Salzburg 2-3 December „Austrian Verificationism: From Husserl to Wittgenstein“, The Vienna Circle, Zürich 2014 19-21.02.2014 “La felicità oggi”, Lugano 7-8.03.2014 “Interest – the Cognitive Emotion”, Epistemic, Semantic and Ethical Dimensions of Curiosity, Istanbul 18.03.2014 “Truth – its Nature, Origin, Ground & Value”, Glasgow. 25.04.2014 “Truth – its Nature, Ground & Origin”, Colloquium in honour of Wlodek Rabinowicz, Lund 14-16.05.2014 “Mental Operations”, Keynote address, Mind & Language, Academy of Science, Prague 21.06.2014 “Essence, Form and Sense”, The World as I Found it, Workshop on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus , Fribourg, Switzerland. 16-19.07.2014 “Possibilities – Pure & Impure. From Bolzano to Husserl”, Bolzano in Prague 2014, Academy of Science, Prague 25-6.08.2014 “Is Un/certainty an Affective Phenomenon?”, Epistemic Emotions and Epistemic Feelings, CISA, Geneva. 13.10.2014 “The Origin of the Concept of Truth: Husserl vs Dummett”, IHPST, Paris 16-17.10.2014 “Sulla natura delle qualità”, La Rinascita dell’ontologia, Macerata. 19-23.10.14 “How Happiness can Harm you”, Circuits for Positive Emotions, Monte Verità, Ascona. 22-24.10.2014 “Sulla struttura della normatività”, Truth & Normativity, Cagliari. 5-8.11.2014 “Value Actualism and Personal Values”, Conservatism Workshop, Zürich. 15.11.2014 “Las creencias básicas: Ortega y Wittgenstein”, Oviedo 16.11.2014 “Knowledge vs Attitudes”, ICREA, Barcelona 11-13.12.2014 “40 Years of Disappointing Conferences on Brentano et al.; some Conclusions”, Meaning & Intentionality in Anton Marty. Debates & Influences, Oechslin Bibliothek, Einsiedeln. 2013 21-23.03.2013 “Certainty and Guidance”, Social Ontology “Torheit und Interesse”, Vienna 26.03.2013 “The Anti-Philosopher – Horwich’s Wittgenstein”, CEU, Budapest. 9-10.05.2013 “Colori – Katz vs Wittgenstein”, Paolo Bozzi, Psychologist and Philosopher, Turin. 22.05.2013 “Explanation in Metaphysics”, Serious Metaphysics Group, Cambridge 27-29.05.2013 “De la sottise, du pharisaïsme et de l’intérêt”, La Reconstruction de la Raison, Collège de France, Paris. 31.05.2013 “Vedere come”, Parlare di ciò che si vede…Oggetti, colori, suoni, traiettorie a partire da Paolo Bozzi (1930-2003), Trento. 4.6.2013 “Foolishness, its Variety and Antidotes”, The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm. 18.06.2013 „Left-wing vs right-wing Wittgensteinerei“, Philosophies of Philosophy, University College Dublin 22-23.06.13 “Because, Because, Because”, Explanation in Metaphysics, Newcastle, Switzerland. 6-7.12.2013 “Essentialism, Nonsense and Form. Husserl & Wittgenstein”, Keynote address, Scots Philosophical Association, Stirling. 2012 16-17.02.2012 “How to Destroy a European Faculty of Letters. Twenty-five Easy Steps”, Aspects of Trust and Confidence in Scientific Research, The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm. 23-29.02.2012 “Quelques Cartes de l’Esprit. I La Carte fonctionnaliste, II La Carte searlienne, III Ma Carte, IV Les Cartes et leurs conséquences”, Tunis. 12.03.2012 “Oltre gli oggetti, le relazione e le proprietà”, La Metafisica delle Proprietà, Bergamo 25-26.04.2012 “Reasons, because and operations”, Explanation and Evidence, Geneva 24.05.2012 “Innere Freiheit, Torheit und Wahrheit”, Zürich 4-5.06.2012 “Truth is not really a Property”, The Unimportance of Truth and the Importance of Practice, Zürich. 2-5.07.2012 “Emotions, Satisfaction Conditions and Correctness Conditions”, Passions and Emotions in Ancient and Modern Philosophy, Assos, Turkey. 16-20.07.2012 « Ontological Analysis : the philosophical perspective », Lecture series, Summer School on Ontological Analysis, International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA, 18-19.09.2012 “Formal Concepts”, Logical Form, Cambridge. 12-14.10.2012 “Beyond Objects, Properties and Relations”, The Metaphysics of Science: Objects, Relations and Structures, Lausanne. 7.11.2012 “Zur Philosophie des Konservatismus”, Zürich. 29.11.2012 “Vouloir dire, est-ce vouloir ?”, Dijon 6.12.2012 “De l’égologie – de Husserl à Nagel”, Rencontre philosophique romande, Newcastle, Switzerland. 2011 21.01.2011 “Il valore della verità e la stoltezza”, Riflessione sull’oggi, Monza, 6-9.06.2011 “Resistance, Reality & Realisms”, Realisms, Helsinki 1-6.09.2011 “Because, Because, Because”, dialectica Lecture, ECAP7, Milan 16-17.09.2011 “Czesław Miłosz et les valeurs cognitives », Czesław Miłosz, l’Europe et la Russie, Coppet, Switzerland. 23-25.11.2011 “Making true & making known. On Mapping Making”, Truth-Makers and Proof-Objects, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. 26.11.2011 “Acceptance, Affirmation, Agreement, Acknowledgment, Assertion, Belief, Certainty, Conviction, Denial, Judgment, Refusal & Rejection”, Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional Content, Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences, Paris. 1.12.2011 “Zur Philosophie des Konservatismus”, Krino, Philosophische Gesellschaft, Bern 2010 03.02.10 "Husserls Phantasien", Edmund Husserl zum 150. Geburtstag: Die Philosophie des Vaters der Phänomenologie, Hamburg 16.02.10 "The Mental vs the Psychological. Wittgenstein & Co.", Moral Sciences Club, Cambridge 1-3.04.10 Conférences Hugues Leblanc/Hugues Leblanc Lectures, Montreal, Wittgenstein et ses prédécesseurs austro-allemands : I "De l’esprit et de l’âme", II "Vouloir, vouloir dire etc. ", III "Des Significations primaires et secondaires" 04.05.10 "Tipos de explicación filosófica", Granada 12–14.05.10 09.06.10 Lezioni veneziane/Venice Lectures: I "Persone", II "Relatività", III "Ontologia continentale" "On the Ontology of Mental and Psychological Episodes", Durham 2.07.10 "Eine Karte des Geistes", Symposium anlässlich der Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Manfred Frank, Bewusstsein - Selbst – Gefühl, Tübingen 23-26.08.10 "Collective and Social Persons.Ontology and Politics", Conference on Collective Intentionality VII: Perspectives on Social Ontology, Basel 27-28. 08.10 "On the Absurdity and Immorality of Emotion Regulation. Some Alternatives from Literature and Philosophy”, International Summer School in Affective Science, Emotion Management and Regulation, Geneva. 10-11.09.10 "The Meanings of Bedeutung", Colloque Marty-Bühler, Genève 12.09.10 "William James meets his “German” Critics – Marty, Stumpf, Scheler, Musil, Bühler & Wittgenstein”, Workshop on William James’ Theory of Emotions, Geneva. 14.11.10 “Object-Preference”, Non-Propositional Intentionality, Third Eidos-Thumos joint meeeting, Geneva. 19.11.10 "(Un)Certainties", Belief, Feeling and Emotion, Geneva. 2009 "Von angemessenen Gefühlen zu Werten oder von Werten zu angemessenen Gefühlen?", Tübingen. 02-03.03.09 "Wittgenstein vs la Phénoménologie", I, II, EHESS, Paris 09.03.09 "Wittgenstein vs la Phénoménologie", III, EHESS, Paris "Wittgenstein vs la Phénoménologie", IV, EHESS, Paris 1-3.04.09 "Mitgefühl – einige Missverständnisse", Emotion and Cognition. Transformations in 18th-Century European Literature, Halle 17-19.04.09 "Husserls Analyse des Wissens", Phänomenologie und Philosophy of Mind. Husserl zum 150. Geburtstag, Tübingen 29-30.04.09 "Meinen vs Bedeutung", Karl Bühler, penseur du langage. Linguistique, psychologie et philosophie, Collège de France, Paris. 5-7.08.09 "On Meaning Something and (Abstract) Meanings", Truth and Abstract Objects. Issues from Bolzano and Frege. A Conference in Honour of Wolfgang Künne, Humboldt University, Berlin 25.08-02.09 "Reply to R. de Sousa", CISA Summer School in Affective Science, Chandolin, Switzerland 16.09.09 "The Truth Connective vs the Truth Predicate", Author’s Colloquium (on the work of Wolfgang Künne), GAP7, Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie, Bremen. 24.10.09 "Why Events, Processes and Substances are more fundamental than Objects, Properties and Relations", Ontology: Emergence, Events and Explanation, Belfast. 26-28.11.09 "Husserls Ich", Symposium in Erinnerung an den 150. Geburtstag Edmund Husserls, Academy of Sciences, Göttingen. 04.12.09 "Las emociones - la punta de un iceberg ?", "Emociones y valores - quién lleva los pantalones ?", Gerona. 2008 10.03.08 "Ethique et littérature", Le savoir de la littérature, Geneva 19.03.08 "Description, Systèmes, Apories”, La philosophie peut-elle être systématique et doit-elle l’être ? Collège de France, Paris 21-22.03.08 "Connaissance, Valeur, Comportement", Sorbonne, Paris 3-6.04.08 "Torheit, Unvernünftigkeit und kognitive Werte", Wissen und Wert, Dresden 25.04.08 "Character vs Personality", Character and Emotion, CISA, Geneva 15-17.05.08 "Processi, Proprietà e Priorità”, Ontology. Rise and Transformations from the 16th to the 20th Century, Bari 23-25.05.08 "Foolishness and Relatives", Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park 18-20.06.08 "Make-Believe – Austrian vs Anglo-Saxon Analyses", Pictures, emotions and make-believe: the philosophy and psychology of pictorial perception, Gargnano 3-6.07.08 On Being Blinded by Value", Consciousness & Intentionality, Freiburg, Switzerland 21-26.07.08 "Processes vs Tropes”, ECAP 6, Cracow 5-6.09.08 “Analysis and because”, Concepts and their Analysis, Zürich 8-11.09.08 “Cognitive Emotions, Desires and Values”, Intersubjectivity & Ethics - Adam Smith & Edmund Husserl, Oslo 12-13.09.08 "Tropes and Time", Segelberg Colloquium, Gothenburg 28.09-02.10.08 “Sentiments vs Emotions – Who Wears the Trousers ?”, animal emotionale – The Significance of Emotions in Human Experience, Judgment and Behaviour, ZiF, Bielefeld. 21.11.08 “Factivity, Contraries and Compounds. The Language of Emotions and Values”, GRID Workshop, CISA, Geneva 2007 2-4.01.07 "Husserl on Formal Concepts – an Evaluation", Phenomenology – Between Philosophy and the Sciences, Jerusalem 5-7.01.07 "Wie verhalten sich Gefühle und Werte zueinander?", Emotionen und Gefühle Frankfurt 28-29.03.07 „How (not) to become who you are”, Emotions, Ethics & Authenticity, Munich 4.05.07 "Irony and (Ir)reverence", Journée ironique, Geneva 18-19.05.07 "Facts, Facts & Facts", Gustav Bergmann Colloquium, Rome 31.05-2.06.07 "Egoism and Personal Values", Egoism and Altruism, St. Gallen 13-16.09.07 "Y a-t-il une sensibilité non-sensorielle?", "De la grandeur et de la misère de la philosophie française", Le Beau et l’art, Saint-Maurice, Switzerland. 10-12.09.2007 "The Mind and its Formal Objects", SIFA Graduate conference, Padova. 7.12.07 “Object Preference”, Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Studies, London 14-15.12.07 “The Mind and its Formal Objects”, Intentionality, Freiburg, Switzerland. 2006 09.01.06 “Universals and Explanatory Order”, Abstract Objects, Istituto italiano di scienze umane, Florence 13.01.06 “Della distanza affettiva”, Roma III, Rome 18.01.06 “Sulla natura formale del valore”, La Sapienza, Rome 26-29.4.06 “Was sind und was sollen die unechten Gefühlen ?”, Das Authentische. Zur Konstruktion der Wahrheit in der säkularen Welt, Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona 08.05.06 "Emotions – the Tip of an Iceberg ?", Aarhus 09.05.06 „How Not to Naturalise Value“, Aarhus 8-10.06.06 "Essence, Meaning and Rules", Was Wittgenstein right ?, Reggio Emilia 21.08.06 „Value and Knowledge“, Value, Wellbeing and Responsibility, Lund 24-27.08.06 „Shame, Shame, Shame“, Invited Speaker, European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Belfast 18-19.09.06 “Illusions, Errors and Deception in ‚Inner`Perception", The Crooked Oar. The Illusions of outer and inner perception, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano del Garda 22.11.06 "Wissen, Intentionalität und formale Gegenstände", Düsseldorf 23-25.11.06 "Proper Names and Indexicals – Husserl’s Account", Louvain 26-27.11.06 "Rightness and Knowledge“, Rationality, LERU, Leiden 2005 13.04.05 "Geist – Musil vs Scheler", Cercle Musil, Geneva 18.04.05 "Ci sarà mai una scienza della coscienza ?", Lugano "Sulla metafisica del valore", Catholic University, Milan 19.04.05 "Sull’epistemologia del valore", Catholic University, Milan 20-21.05.05 "Facts as Obtaining States of Affairs vs Primitive Facts", On What (perhaps) There Is, Bergamo 28.04.05 "De la Honte et de la Pudeur", Shame-Guilt Club, Geneva 9-10.06.05 "Acts, Correlates and their Connexions", Respondent Nicholas de Warren, The Thirty Fifth Annual Meeting of the Husserl Circle, Dublin 27-31.08.05 "Feeling, Preferring, Values"; "Value as a Formal Property", Workshop on Value, Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon 13.10.05 "Il cuore falso", Liceo di Bellinzona “Che cos’è la stoltezza ?”, Società filosofica della Svizzera italiana, Bellinzona 27-29.10.05 "Feeling, Preferring and Values", Respondent Fabrice Teroni, Emotions et Rationalité dans la philosophie morale, Neuchâtel & Berne 27.11-1.12.05 "Searle sur tout", Tunis 8.12.05 "Shame, Shame, Shame – Philosophy and Psychology", NCCR Affective Science seminars, Geneva 9-10.12.05 "Selbstliebe, Sympathie usw.", Irony, Satire and (False) Feelings – International Robert Musil Colloquium, Geneva 2004 23.01.04 "Primitive Certainty", Trinity College, Dublin. 19.03.04 “Stati di cose”, Bergamo 23.03.04 “Conoscenza, Credenza e Certezza”, Milan 27.04.04 “Au Coeur du cœur”, Séminaire de philosophie du droit, Geneva 29-30.04.04 “Proposizioni pleonastiche, stati di cose superflue ?”, Proposizioni, Padova 7-8.05.04 “The Ontology of Novels and Capital”, Economic and Literary Signifiers, In Honour of Prof. Richard Waswo, Geneva 14-15.05.04 "The Essence of Truth – Truth-Making vs Fact-Making”, Two days of Truth, Leiden. 22-23.05.04 “Does truth-making have anything to do with truth ?”, Processes, Probability and Propensity, Kronovall, Sweden. 28.05.04 “Object Preference, Objective Preference and Normative Necessity“, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli 25.06-2.07.04 “Truth, Truth-Making and Realism”, Realism. Summer School in Analytic Philosophy, Venice. 1-3.07.04 „Bringing Truth-Bearers Down to Earth“, Husserl and the Historical Epistemology of the Sciences, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin. 8-14.08.04 "Against Wittgenstein and For Ascent", Erfahrung und Analyse, Kirchberg, 27. International Wittgenstein Symposium. 15.10.04 "Che cos’è la conoscenza a priori” ? A partire da Kant", Incontro sulla filosofia di I. Kant. In occasione del bicentenario della morte di Kant, Giornata di studio organizzata dalla Società filosofica della Svizzera italiana, Biblioteca cantonale di Locarno. 23-25.09.04 “Del sapere assiologico”, Filosofia analitica e cultura europea, SIFA, Genua 9-11.12.04 "Truth-Making Trivialised and Fact-Making", Vérités et Vérifacteurs. 20 ans après, Colloque international de métaphysique, Aix-en-Provence 17-18.12.04 "De la nécessité normative", Journées Jean-Louis Gardies (1925-2004), EHESS, Paris
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