This communication is intended for investment professionals only and must not be relied on by anyone else. Absolute Return Investing: wahre Diversifikation und robuste Portfolio Konstruktion Dr Jens Kroeske PRM FRM Quantitative Investment Manager Hamburg September 2015 Standard Life Investments weltweit • Standard Life Investments wurde 1998 als eigenständiges Unternehmen gegründet • Standard Life Versicherungsgruppe wurde 1825 gegründet • €352,8 Mrd. Vermögen unter Verwaltung • 570 Investmentspezialisten • 930 weitere Investment Mitarbeiter • Zentrale in Edinburgh • Weitere Büros in Wechselkurs £1:€1.411506 per 30 Juni 2015 * Joint Venture mit HDFC Asset Management ** Strategic Partnership mit Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Limited Quelle: Standard Life Investments, 30 Juni 2015 Boston Hong Kong Dublin Sydney Frankfurt Beijing London Seoul Toronto Mumbai* Tokyo** 2 Multi-Asset Investing Team MAI Team Mitglieder: Durchschnittliche Erfahrung in Branche Anzahl Bereich Durchschnittliche Erfahrung bei Standard Life Investments Ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen 10 Globale Strategie 15 6 Risikoanalyse 11 Multi-Asset Risiko & Konstruktion 13 8 Entwicklung von Ideen und Umsetzung 26 Multi-Asset Management & Umsetzung 18 10 Kommunikation 10 Multi-Asset Investment -Spezialisten 19 6 Stärke Seniorität Größe Guy Stern CFA Leiter Multi-Asset and Makro Investments Globale Strategie Andrew Milligan Jeremy Lawson James McCann Alex Wolf Frances Hudson Dr Chris Faulkner – MacDonagh Multi-Asset Risiko und Konstruktion Dr Brian Fleming CFA PRM Dr Anne Friel PRM Owen McCrossan FIA Dr Jens Kroeske PRM FRM Naglis Vysniauskas Hanyi Chen Harry Smith Stephanie Kelly Roger Sadewsky Sebastian Mackay Adam Rudd CFA Neil Richardson David Sol Jennifer Catlow CFA Gerry Fowler CFA Multi-Asset Umsetzung Govinda Finn Craig Hoyda Dr Robert de Roeck Richard Martin FIA Abdel Chabi-Yo Graeme Lindsay Nicholas Hutchings Multi-Asset / Makro Portfolio Management David Kirkpatrick Harry Barnes Kevin Hogg Audrey Simpson Kenny MacMaster Alex Berry Stephen Kerr Multi-Asset Jason Hepner CFA Scott Smith CFA Colette Conboy Murray Forbes Lynne Provan Andy McNeill Mark Holden Vincent Ropers Zinsen & Reale Renditen Philip Laing Katy Forbes CFA Jack Kelly Adam Skerry Liam O’Donnell CFA Tom Walker Ross Hutchison Aaron Rock Dougie Smyth CFA Multi-Asset Business Management Malin Nairn James Esland CFA Norest Zvavamwe CFA Multi-Asset Investment Spezialisten Christopher Nichols FIA Malcolm Jones FFA David Bint Scott Kay William Martinez CFA Tam McVie* Stuart Peskin CFA* Rebecca Nichols FIA* Jason Yu CFA** Dongyue Zhang FSA CFA** * Basiert in Nordamerika ** Basiert in Hong Kong GARS Portfolio Konstrukteure Reale Renditen und Zins Teams produzieren Makro Analysen, die das GARS Portfolio beeinflussen aber nicht direkt steuern, daher werden diese Teams nicht zur Anzahl der am GARS Produkt beteiligten Spezialisten dazugezählt und sind grau hinterlegt Quelle: Standard Life Investments, 31 Juli 2015 Critical combination of skills and experience 3 Buy portfolio insurance or diversify? • Historically you would have needed to pay 1.8% per quarter, on average, to cap losses at 5% • Tail protection is too expensive over the long run • Diversification is a much more efficient way to deal with tail risk Source: Bloomberg, Standard Life Investments, May 2015 4 But diversification can be hard to achieve Source: Bloomberg, Standard Life Investments, June 2015 • We have seen a significant difference in performance of equity markets in recent times • But: Investors lost between 40 and 60% regardless of the equity market in 2007 to 2009 5 Unstable risk characteristics Correlation of Global Equities with other market sectors Analysis based on weekly returns Source: MSWRLDL(RI) MSCI world, JPM GBI-EM, S&P GSCI Commodity Index, ML Global High yield, ML Global Broad Corp, ELUK Index, FXJPEMCI Index; Bloomberg, Datastream, Standard Life Investments, 30 June 2015 6 And bond yields bottoming out – which way next? UK bond yields through history • Over 100 years UK bonds have outperformed cash by 0.5% on average 18 16 14 12 • However this hides periods of extreme volatility Yield (%) 10 8 Inflation 6 4 Weak Recovery • 1950-1980: Bonds underperformed cash by nearly 2% 2 Deflation 0 -2 1866 1886 1906 1926 1946 1966 1986 2006 Long-term Gilt Yield Scenario 1: Deflation Scenario 2: Weak Recovery Scenario 3: Inflation 2026 • 1980-2014: Bonds outperformed cash by around 3% Source: Standard Life Investments, Global Financial Data, 30 June 2015 Bonds cycles can be long and varied – bull market coming to an end? 7 Philosophie Grundsätze: Langfristige Markteinschätzungen führen zu positiven Investmentergebnissen Viele Investoren haben einen kurzfristigen Zeithorizont Dies führt zu Marktineffizienzen über 2-5 Jahres-Zeithorizonte Gründliche analysierende, kreative und geduldige Anleger können dies ausnutzen Wir können Rendite bringende, risikoarme Portfolien mit längerfristigen Strategien konstruieren Wir verbinden viele Strategien und können es uns erlauben, geduldig zu sein Kurzfristig entwickeln diese sich unterschiedlich, die meisten sollten erfolgreich sein Im Ergebnis führt dies zu geringem Risiko im Portfolio bei attraktivem Renditepotenzial Ansatz: Wir konstruieren robuste Portfolien für zahlreiche Szenarien Wir erwarten in unserem Basisszenario für zukünftige Marktbedingungen signifikante Renditen für alle unsere Strategien über einen 3-Jahreszeitraum Unsere Selektionskriterien fokussieren auf solche Strategien, die auch dann positive Renditen erzielen, wenn unser Basisszenario falsch ist Wenn also einige Strategien enttäuschen, werden andere dies durch überdurchschnittliche Wertentwicklung kompensieren Wir achten stark auf die Vermeidung konzentrierter Risiken 8 Standard Life Staff Pension Scheme • Background 80% Funded DB plan in 2005 Deficit reduction plan GARS Drive to reduce risk and burden on sponsor • Genesis of GARS Examination of risk drivers The majority of the SL Pension Scheme assets are invested in the GARS Strategy • Transparency and Liquidity Transparent positioning Liquid instruments Safety-first approach Counterparty selection and diversification Traditional Equity-heavy Portfolio Daily collateralisation Cash / G7 Government securities only Daily priced and daily dealing GARS has full commitment and conviction across Standard Life Group 9 Our key multi-asset capabilities Absolute Bonds (ARGBS/GCAR) Global Absolute Return Strategies (GARS) Global Focused Strategies (GFS) Cash + 3% Cash + 5% Cash + 7.5% Equity-like returns over the market cycle Expected volatility 2% to 4% (<5%) 4% to 8% 6% to 12% 2/3 the risk of Equity markets Ideas universe • • Return target Bonds & FX Macro • • Multi-asset Macro • • Multi-asset Macro and Micro Enhanced Diversification Growth Fund (EDGF) • • Multi-asset core Macro Availability Global Global Global ex-US Institutional only UK OEIC & Custom/Localised Institutional fee 45bps* 85bps 120bps 50bps • • • Broad investment freedom – multiple opportunities irrespective of the environment Risk-based portfolio construction – ensures a robust portfolio Longer investment time horizon – exploits established inefficiencies Return target is gross of fees, annualised, evaluated over rolling 3 year periods Risk measure is annualised volatility. * After institutional fee rebate Appealing options with established pedigree 10 Investment ansatz Eine große Bandbreite an Renditemöglichkeiten T R A D I T I O N E L L M O D E R N Markt Einzeltitelauswahl • Dynamische Allokation • Aktive Einzeltitelauswahl • Langfristige Risikoprämien, z.Bsp. Aktien, Unternehmensanleihen, Immobilienaktien • Konventionelle Benchmarks • Bottom-up, Focus on Change Prozess • Werden nur eingesetzt bei erwartetem Ertrag auf 3Jahressicht Direktional Relativer Wert • Spezifische direktionale Investmentideen • Suche nach Paaren eng verbundener Märkte oder Segmente • In Märkten mit geringen oder keinen langfristigen Risikoprämien • Nach unserer Einschätzung wird Wertentwicklung der Paarbestandteile über 3 Jahre unterschiedlich sein • Signifikantes Renditepotential auf 3Jahressicht • Gewinn aus unterschiedlicher Wertentwicklung unabhängig von Marktrichtung Dauerhafte Vielfalt – durch ein größeres Spektrum an Möglichkeiten 11 Investment prozess Entwicklung von Ideen Fundamentale wirtschaftliche Analyse SpezialistenMeinungen und Strategien Bewertungsmodelle Quantitative Modelle Strategic Investment Group Selektion • • • Überprüfung Diskussion Zustimmung / Absage Überzeugung Diversifikation Liquidität • Unabhängige Risikoanalyse Multi Asset Risiko und Strukturierung Prä-Transaktionsrisiko Diversifikations-Beitrag Szenario-Analyse Umsetzung Bestimmung der Positionsgröße • Handelspartner RisikoManagement • Investment Governance Multi Asset Management Umsetzung der Strategie Investment Organisation & Überwachung Handel Integriert in komplette Investmentkompetenz von Standard Life Investments 12 Wesentliche merkmale unserer portfolios Ausnutzen von bekannten Marktineffizienzen Positive Ergebnisse überwiegen Geringe Umschlagshäufigkeit / Kosten Beständig diversifiziert Große Bandbreite an ertragsbringenden Strategien Gute Entwicklung in verschiedenen Szenarien Transparenz / Kontrolle Risiken im Portfolio und Ertragsquellen – umfassend und präzise Reguliertes Investmentvehikel, bekannte Fondsstruktur Investierbar / Liquide Fonds ist ohne Einschränkungen täglich handelbar Unterliegende Vermögensgegenstände sind sehr liquide Gute Ergänzung zu bestehendem Portfolio Niedrig korreliert zu traditionellen Investments 13 Building a resilient portfolio Risk management Three stages of risk management: (1) Independent risk modelling using APT system (ex-ante risk) Daily risk reporting Basis for pre-trade risk analysis (2) Scenario analysis Historical extreme events using RiskMetrics Future extreme events modelled internally (3) Realised volatility based on performance (ex-post risk) 15 Risk profiles show diversification effect • The portfolios are exposed to multiple & diverse market risks • Total stand-alone investment risk that is deployed to seek returns is commensurate with the performance objective • Independent risk analysis shows the benefits of investment diversification Source: Standard Life Investments GCAR, GARS and GFS portfolios, 30 June 2015 16 Mitigating Model Risk • Official risk system is supplemented by an internal risk model. • Each strategy is represented by a combination of time series, and current exposures: Two-way check against official risk model • The model covers a longer time period than standard risk model (14 years vs 3-5 years) • Used for monitoring: ex-ante volatility on range of bases unusual behaviour (v-masks, turbulence) changes in correlation variety of diversification measures • Underpins forward-looking scenario analysis • Allows behaviour of current strategies throughout 14yr window to be examined • Basis of ‘sand-box’ for quickly risk-testing exposure changes Source: Standard Life Investments, June 2015 Understanding risk model limitations is key 17 Scenario Analysis • Scenario analysis is used to explore tail risks Conventional risk systems are calibrated using recent history only Value-at-risk is a poor representation of tail behaviour Scenarios should focus on potential portfolio weaknesses, not spurious accuracy • We look at different types of scenarios Historical scenarios using RiskMetrics Large scenario library Creation of bespoke scenarios Forward-looking scenarios Internally modelled Guided by qualitative expert judgement Non-traditional stress scenarios Derivative positions Counterparties Better to be approximately right than exactly wrong 18 Historical Scenarios - GFS Less than half the drawdowns under severe historical stresses -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Black Monday 1987 Gulf War 1990 Rate Rise 1994 Mexican Crisis 1995 Asian Crisis 1997 Russian/LTCM Tech Wreck (April 07 - 14, 2000) Sept 11th Equity Sell-Off (August 23 - October 09, 2002) Equity Rally (October 10 - November 27, 2002) Gulf War 2 (March 01 - 23, 2003) Bond Rally (May 01 - June 13, 2003) Bond Sell-Off (June 14 - July 31, 2003) Emerging Market Sell-Off 2006 (May 01 - June 08, 2006) Subprime Debacle 2007 (July 15 - August 15, 2007) Bank Meltdown 2008 (September 12 - October 15, 2008) Euro Crisis (July 22 - August 23, 2011) QE jitters (May 22 - June 24, 2013) MSCI World (EUR)* % Move * MSCI World Returns prior to 2000 denoted in European Currency Units, except for 1987 which is denoted in German Marks Source: RiskMetrics, 30 June 2015 GFS Current Portfolio 19 Future scenario analysis Some scenarios currently of interest: • Acropolis now • Cold war 2 • Inflation shocker • China crisis • Crunch-time in EM • The Bundesbank strikes back • Deflation starts race to the bottom Shaded regions represent the origin of one or more scenarios Source: Standard Life Investments, June 2015 Modelling techniques can help identify potential concentrations of investment risk 20 Practical Example GARS: China crisis Description Property market slowdown causes growth to drop sharply Key Factor Shock (examples) (estimates) HSI Index -60% Australian Dollar -15% Risk of banking crises as defaults rise Oil Price -47% Social/political unrest as confidence in government breaks down CDX HY +400bp Fixed asset investment deteriorates Labour market strained, wage growth and consumption slows 20% Equity GARS Scenario Impact Estimate 15% Global Equities 10% 5% GARS -29.8% -5.8% 0% 10% 0% -10% -20% -30% -40% -50% Source: Standard Life Investments, June 2015 Focus on potential portfolio weaknesses, not spurious numerical accuracy 21 Practical Example GCAR: Inflation shocker Description US wage and core inflation pressures rise sharply Fed tightens policy more aggressively than expected Capital outflows from EM 16,00% ARGBS Key Factor Shock (examples) (estimates) 2 Year US Yield +250 bps 10 Year US Yield +150 bps S&P 500 -20% USD vs EM +20% Iboxx Euro Corp 14,00% 12,00% Scenario Impact Estimate 10,00% 8,00% iBoxx Eur Corp -5.9% GCAR +1.9% 6,00% 4,00% 2,00% 0,00% Source: Standard Life Investments, March 2015 Focus on potential portfolio weaknesses, not spurious numerical accuracy 22 Ex-post risk analysis • Expected volatility range of 4 – 8% • We track realised volatility relative to expectation and to risk model estimates • Many different bases can be used: monthly, weekly, daily data various window sizes and weightings • Measuring relative to equities is a useful way to normalise • We expect to be 1/3 to 1/2 of equity volatility • Equity volatility depends on the perspective: in currency hedged or unhedged terms Source: Standard Life Investments UK GARS portfolio; Datastream MSWRLDL(RI), MSWRLD$(RI)~£; SunGard Advanced portfolio technologies (APT), 30 June 2015 23 Summary Herausforderung: • Wie kann echte Portfolio Diversifikation erziehlt werden? Grundsätze: Langfristiger Anlagehorizont Breites Anlageuniversum Diszipliniertes Risikomanagement 24 Appendices V-masks for individual positions and overall Short-term v-masks (zero return, exponentially weighted, half-life = 3m, 99% confidence), 1 year of daily data Source: Standard Life Investments, 03 July 2015 26 Financial Turbulence – Measuring the Unusual • An extension to the v-mask methodology Usual +0.5% +0.5% Unusual • Monitors unusual behaviour: Strategy returns (like V-masks) S&P 500 -0.5% S&P 500 FTSE 100 FTSE 100 -0.5% Co-movements Unusual co-movements do not necessarily correspond to big moves The numbers above the bars are the z-scores of the strategies in isolation, based on the previous days moves. The colour of the bar corresponds to the direction of the move green for positive, red for negative. The bar heights show which strategies contributed the most to the overall unusualness score. Source: Standard Life Investments UK GARS portfolio, 30 June 2015 27 Der Global Absolute Return Strategies Fonds Anlageziel: • Euribor + 5% pro Jahr Renditeziel (brutto, im gleitenden 3-Jahresdurchschnitt) • Erwartete Schwankungsbreite: 4% bis 8% Schlüsselfaktoren: • Zeitrahmen: 3-Jahres Investmentperspektive Geduldige Anleger können von ineffizienten Märkten profitieren • Breites Instrumentarium: Große Anlagefreiheit Verschiedene Investmentstrategien bilden ein robustes Portfolio Generierung von Ideen, Analyse von Risiken und Fondsmanagement sind in einem erfahrenen Team integriert • Ausgewogenheit: Risiko-kontrollierte Umsetzung Auswahl der Strategien basiert auf Rendite, Diversifikation und Liquidität Konstruktion von widerstandsfähigen Portfolien, die in verschiedenen Szenarien ein positives Ergebnis erzielen 28 Wertentwicklung Cash (Euribor)** 210 Target Return € GARS (gross)* • Euribor + 5% p.a. Zielrendite 6 Monats Euribor +5% p.a. vor Kosten 200 Price (indexed to 100 at inception) 190 180 • €14,1 Mrd. SICAV Fondsvermögen (per 31/07/2015) 170 160 • 1500+ institutionelle Kunden weltweit (in allen GARS Portfolien per 31/07/2015) 150 140 130 • 7,9% Rendite p.a. brutto (seit Auflage bis 31/07/2015) 120 110 100 • 5,4% Volatilität (Annualisierte Kennzahl, auf Basis monatlicher Renditen, vom 01/07/2006 bis zum 31/07/2015) 90 * Quelle: Standard Life Investments, umgerechnete € Performance von £, Inst. Pooled Pension Portfolio bis 26/01/2011. GARS SICAV Portfolio Wertentwicklung vom 27/01/2011 bis zum 31/07/2015. ** Quelle: Thomson Datastream, 6 Monats Euribor. Wechselkurs £1:€1.41241 per 31/07/2015 Standard Life Investments ist in Übereinstimmung mit den “Global Investment Performance Standards” (GIPS®). Obige fondsspezifische Daten sind eine ergänzende Information zum Euro GARS GIPS® Composite Report, der im Anhang enthalten ist Positive Renditen bei geringem Risiko in schwierigen Marktphasen 29 Risikovergleich 225 Global Equities** € GARS (net)* 215 205 Price (indexed to 100 at inception) 195 185 175 165 • Volatilität: GARS Aktien Global 5,4% 12,9% (annualisiert, auf Basis monatlicher Daten vom 01/07/2006 bis 31/07/2015) 155 145 135 125 115 105 • Maximaler Wertverlust: GARS Aktien Global -14,3% -52,9% (auf Basis täglicher Daten bis zum 31/07/2015) 95 85 75 65 55 • VaR (95%, wöchentlich): GARS Aktien Global -1,3% -3,8% (auf Basis wöchentlicher Daten bis zum 31/07/2015) * Quelle: Standard Life Investments, umgerechnete netto € Wertentwicklung des £ Fund bis zum 26/01/2011. GARS SICAV Wertentwicklung seit 27/01/2011 bis zum 31/07/2015. ** Quelle: FactSet, MSCI World €. Quelle: Standard Life Investments, netto Wertentwicklung vom 12/06/2006 zum 31/07/2015 Quelle: Standard Life Investments, 31/07/2015 Rendite mit weniger Risiko 30 Global Focused Strategies Fund • Our Multi-Asset capabilities are all based on: Objectives aligned with our clients’ needs Collaborative / broad research platform Rigorous risk-based portfolio construction …enabling strong and consistent performance and risk • GFS extends our capability with a distinct and complementary proposition: Enhanced absolute return objective: Cash* +7.5% annualised, on a three year rolling basis Attractive risk, expected volatility: 6% to 12% Regulated SICAV structure: Broad availability, liquidity, multiple currencies • 3 additional sources of added value: Enhanced Macro Strategies Focused Macro Strategies Granular thematic stock-specific strategies * Cash is defined as 6 month EURIBOR Source: Standard Life Investments, 30 June 2015 A distinct and complementary investment proposition 31 GFS launch and development Monthly performance Active GFS paper portfolio 35% GFS cumulative model portfolio July 2012 to 30 November 2013 GFS cumulative Cash +7.5% Cumulative return of 17.4%* Volatility of 4.3%** live cumulative portfoliolive portfolio 30% 25% Cash +7.5% cumulative model portfolio GFS cumulative live portfolio Fund launch 11 December 2013 SICAV (UCITS IV) 20% Extensive international support, over €110m at launch 15% Established interest among clients and research process established with major consultants: >€400m of additional subscriptions to date 10% 5% Prices (£) Bloomberg: SLGFDHC LX Equity GBP, USD, EUR, CAD and SEK share classes 0% * Gross cumulative representative performance, GBP, 30 November 2013 ** From 01 July 2012 to 30 November 2013 Source: Standard Life Investments, gross representative performance, EUR, 30 June 2015 GFS was a paper-based portfolio for illustrative purposes only from 01 July 2012 to 30 November 2013 32 Dynamic diversification 100% 90% 80% Share of Volatility 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q4 06 Q4 07 Q4 08 Q4 09 Q4 10 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13 Q2 13 Q3 13 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 14 Q3 14 Q4 14 Q1 15 Q2 15 Security Selection Relative Value Source: Standard Life Investments UK GARS portfolio, 31 December 2006 to 30 June 2015 Directional Market returns 33 GARS – finding positive strategies in all markets GARS strategy group contributors by calendar year H2 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Equities 2.0% Equities 3.2% Duration 9.4% Credit 7.0% Duration 6.7% Duration 1.8% Cash 1.4% Volatility 4.0% Equities 3.7% Equities 2.4% Security Selection 1.1% Duration 1.3% Cash 1.5% Currencies 3.4% Credit 1.5% Credit 0.6% Security Selection 1.0% Credit 0.8% Inflation 2.7% Currencies 1.2% Cash 0.5% Inflation 0.8% Security Selection -0.6% Volatility 1.1% Cash 0.1% Inflation 0.3% Currencies 0.4% Inflation -2.1% Duration 1.0% Real Estate 0.0% Volatility 0.2% Credit 0.3% Real Estate -2.3% Cash 0.4% Inflation 0.0% Real Estate 0.0% Volatility 0.2% Currencies -4.2% Security Selection -0.6% Security Selection -0.4% Currencies 0.0% Real Estate -0.1% Equities -10.1% Real Estate -0.7% Volatility Total Euro 6.9% Duration 3.6% Credit 4.4% Equities 3.6% Currencies Currencies 3.3% 3.3% Inflation 1.2% Duration 1.8% Currencies 1.7% Equities Equities 1.5% 1.5% Volatility 1.2% Equities 1.2% Credit 0.9% Duration Duration 1.1% 1.1% Cash 0.3% Security Selection 0.8% Security Selection 0.8% Credit Credit 0.7% 0.7% Real Estate 0.0% Inflation 0.6% Duration 0.5% Real Real Estate Estate 0.6% 0.6% Currencies -0.2% Cash 0.2% Real Estate 0.4% Cash Cash 0.2% 0.2% Credit -0.3% Real Estate 0.1% Cash 0.3% Inflation Inflation 0.0% 0.0% Equities -0.8% Volatility -0.1% Inflation -0.1% Security Security Selection Selection -0.2% -0.2% Security Selection -1.3% Currencies -0.6% Volatility -0.4% Volatility Volatility -0.5% -0.5% Total Euro 4.2% 7.3% 2011 -4.5% 2012 8.4% 20.1% 2013 7.4% -0.6% 11.3% 2014 6.5% Source Standard Life Investments, 31 December 2014 (€) Balance: well diversified set of individual strategies within the broader groups 34 1 year cumulative performance attribution Source: Standard Life Investments GARS SICAV portfolio, 30 June 2015 35 Entwicklung der Vermögen in der GARS Strategie 70.000 % Wachstum der Vermögen 27.7% 60.000 €13.3bn 19.0% 50.000 €8.7bn 12.2% 40.000 13.5% € millions 25.0% €7.2bn €6.2bn €5.3bn 30.000 29.4% €3.3bn 30.9% €2.1bn 20.000 27.7% 43.4% 10.000 18.3% €1.4bn €1.1bn 3.8% 9.6% 17.2% 14.9% Dez 06 Jun 07 Dez 07 Jun 08 65.9% -9.6% 30.3% 16.8% SL Pension Scheme Quelle: Standard Life Investments, 30. Juni 2015 GARS UK Pooled Offshore Pooled N. American Pooled Jun 15 Dez 14 Jun 14 Dez 13 Jun 13 Dez 12 Jun 12 Dez 11 Jun 11 Dez 10 Jun 10 Dez 09 Jun 09 Dez 08 Jun 06 0 GARS SICAV 36 Diverse client base Euro Millions Client Types: UK Pooled 36,475 SICAV 13,291 Defined Benefit Pension Plans Defined Contribution Pension Plans Charities / Endowments / Foundations Retail investments Offshore Fund 2,608 Separate US Accounts 7,776 Client Diversity: Only 4 institutional pooled clients over €250m Strategic Investment Allocation Fund 1,512 Standard Life Staff Scheme 5,677 The largest single pooled client has c.€300m invested Investment rationale: Equity replacement / DGF / Risk Parity TOTAL 67,339 Alternative asset / Global Macro / GTAA, with benefits Sustain income and real value of principle A conversion rate of £1:€1.41151 as at 30 June 2015 has been used Source: Standard Life Investments, 30 June 2015 37 The information shown relates to the past. Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of investment can go down as well as up. Any data contained herein which is attributed to a third party ("Third Party Data") is the property of (a) third party supplier(s) (the “Owner”) and is licensed for use by Standard Life**. Third Party Data may not be copied or distributed. Third Party Data is provided “as is” and is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. To the extent permitted by applicable law, none of the Owner Standard Life** or any other third party (including any third party involved in providing and/or compiling Third Party Data) shall have any liability for Third Party Data or for any use made of Third Party Data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Neither the Owner nor any other third party sponsors, endorses or promotes the fund or product to which Third Party Data relates. **Standard Life means the relevant member of the Standard Life group, being Standard Life plc together with its subsidiaries, subsidiary undertakings and associated companies (whether direct or indirect) from time to time." Standard Life Investments Limited is registered in Scotland (SC123321) at 1 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LL. Standard Life Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Calls may be monitored and/or recorded to protect both you and us and help with our training. © 2015 Standard Life, images reproduced under licence 38
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