Listening Comprehension

Abschlussprüfungen an Hauptschulen in Hessen 2015
Listening Comprehension
Hallo, gleich beginnt der erste Teil der Englisch-Abschlussarbeit für den Hauptschulabschluss:
der Hörverstehenstest, der aus drei Teilen besteht. Bevor ihr die einzelnen Teile hört, erklingt ein
Gong. Ihr könnt bereits während des Abspielens der Texte mit euren Eintragungen beginnen.
Teil 1
Im Teil 1 werdet ihr fünf kurze Ansagen hören. Ihr werdet sie zweimal hören. Vor dem ersten Hören
habt ihr jedes Mal fünf Sekunden Zeit, die Aufgaben zu lesen. Ihr habt jetzt Zeit, die erste Aufgabe zu
(5 Sekunden Pause)
Announcement 1:
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Manchester Piccadilly Station. This train terminates
here. Will all passengers please leave the train
here. We are sorry, but due to technical problems, there will be no connecting service to
Preston Station today.
Announcement 2:
Can we have your attention, please! This is an
important passenger announcement. We have
found a little girl called Emily. She is three
years old and she has lost her daddy. Would
Emily’s father please come to the information
desk near platform five. Thank you.
Announcement 3:
This is a safety announcement. Please listen
carefully. Bike riding, skateboarding and inline skating are not permitted within the sta-
tion building. Please also note that our security cameras are running 24 hours a day to keep
the station safe.
Announcement 4:
Attention, please! This is a security announcement. Please keep a close eye on your luggage
and personal belongings. Do not leave your
bags unattended at any time. Please use the
luggage room next to platform ten.
Announcement 5:
Ladies and gentlemen, we regret to inform
you that the 12.45 express service to Manchester Airport from platform fifteen has been
delayed by twenty-five minutes. The train
now approaching platform fifteen does not
stop here. Stand back from the edge of platform fifteen, the next train will not stop here.
E 2015-1
Abschlussprüfung Englisch 2015
Teil 2
Im Teil 2 werdet ihr fünf Gespräche hören, in denen sich jeweils zwei Personen unterhalten. Ihr werdet
sie zweimal hören. Vor dem ersten Hören habt ihr jedes Mal fünf Sekunden Zeit, die Aufgaben zu
lesen. Ihr habt jetzt Zeit, die erste Aufgabe zu lesen. (5 Sekunden Pause)
Conversation 1: Two travellers
GIRL: Oh, excuse me, …
MAN: Hello. Do you need some help?
GIRL: Yes, please. Can you tell me when the
next train to Liverpool leaves? I can’t find
a timetable anywhere.
MAN: To Liverpool? Well, let me think. Hmm,
the next train will be leaving at 16.24.
GIRL: Are you sure?
MAN: Yes, absolutely. All trains to Liverpool
leave at 24 and 54 minutes past the hour.
So the next train to Liverpool will be the
16.24, leaving from platform fourteen.
GIRL: Oh, thank you very much.
MAN: My pleasure. Have a good journey.
Conversation 2: On the platform
VIVIAN: Oooh, Susan – my backpack is so
heavy. And it’s still quite a long way to
our train.
SUSAN: Well, Vivian, we could use a trolley.
You can get one right here on every platform. You only need a pound for the deposit.
VIVIAN: Great idea. Let’s get a trolley then.
Let me check my purse. Here, I’ve got a
Conversation 3: Saying goodbye
RICK: Oh dear, Lucy, I’ve only got two minutes left. I have to hurry up to catch my
train. I must say goodbye now.
LUCY: OK, Rick, don’t forget to text me
later. Bye-bye. Have a good journey.
RICK: Oh yes, bye. I’ll have to run to make it.
I’ll call you.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ladies and gentlemen, we
regret to inform you that the 12.42 train to
London will be delayed by 35 minutes.
RICK: Oh no! That’s typical! I really hate train
Conversation 4: Buying food and drink
SHOP ASSISTANT: Can I help you, love?
BOY: Oh, yes, please. Well, I need some food
for my journey. Two chicken sandwiches,
please. Or – no, just a second – one chicken
sandwich and one cheese sandwich, please.
SHOP ASSISTANT: So, that’s two sandwiches.
One chicken and one cheese. Anything
BOY: Yeah, something to drink as well. A bottle of water, please.
SHOP ASSISTANT: What size – small, medium,
BOY: Medium, please.
SHOP ASSISTANT: OK. So, anything else?
BOY: That’s all. No, no, wait a minute. It’s a
long journey. I’d better take the large bottle of water.
SHOP ASSISTANT: All right. The large one.
That’s six pounds twenty altogether, please.
Conversation 5: At the help desk
MAN: Excuse me, I need a ticket from Manchester Piccadilly Station to Bolton. How
much is it, please?
ASSISTANT: Well, that depends. The standard
price is £ 3.80.
MAN: Well, I want to go there this afternoon
and come back this evening.
ASSISTANT: So you should buy a return ticket.
That’s £ 6.30. But if you’ve got a Railcard,
it’s only £ 4.15.
MAN: No, I’m sorry. I haven’t got a Railcard.
I don’t normally go by train.
ASSISTANT: Well, then it’s £ 6.30 for the return ticket.
E 2015-2
Abschlussprüfung Englisch 2015
A Listening Comprehension
1. Five announcements at Manchester Piccadilly Station
Tick (+) the right statement. There is only one possible answer.
Announcement 1
The train … K goes to Preston Station today.
K ends at Manchester Piccadilly Station.
K comes from Manchester Piccadilly Station.
Announcement 2
At the information desk there is … K an important passenger.
K a father with his daughter.
K a little girl who can’t find her father.
Announcement 3
In the station you are not allowed to …
K run.
K cycle.
K take pictures.
Announcement 4
You should leave your bags …
K in the luggage room.
K unattended.
K on platform ten.
Announcement 5
The express train to Manchester Airport is …
K 15 minutes late.
K 25 minutes late.
K 45 minutes late.
2. Five conversations
Tick (+) the right statement. There is only one possible answer.
Conversation 1: Two travellers
The next train to Liverpool leaves at …
K 16.54.
K 16.24.
K 14.00.
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