Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arterioskleroseforschung e.V. Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Ralf Kinscherf Jahrestagung DGAF 7. - 9. 4. 2016 Tagungsstätte der Universität Gießen Rauischholzhausen Sponsoren: Programm Donnerstag, 7. 4. 2016 12:00 – 14:00 Nachwuchsfördermodul Matthias Schwab, Stefan Winter (Stuttgart) Omics-Technologien 14:30 – 14:40 Begrüßung Ralf Kinscherf (Marburg) 14:40 – 16:20 Metabolismus und Inflammation Vorsitz: Christian Gleissner, Huige Li 14:40 – 15:00 Karsten Grote, Jutta Schuett, Raghav Oberoi, Ann-Kathrin Koch, Harald Schuett, Bernhard Schieffer (Marburg) The NADPH oxidase NOX2 mediates Toll-like receptor 2/6dependent release of granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor from endothelial cells 15:00 – 15:20 Norbert Gerdes, Tom Seijkens, Dirk Lievens, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Holger Winkels, Oliver Soehnlein, Johan W.M. Heemskerk, Christian Weber, Esther Lutgens (Munich, Amsterdam, Maastricht) Platelet CD40 exacerbates atherosclerosis by transcellular activation of endothelial cells and leukocytes 15:20 – 15:40 Christian Erbel, Gregor Rupp, Gabriele Domschke, Fabian Linden, Mohammadreza Akhavanpoor, Andreas O. Doesch, Hugo A. Katus, Christian A. Gleissner (Heidelberg) Differential regulation of aldose reductase expression during macrophage polarization depends on hyperglycemia 15:40 – 16:00 Darya Zibrova, Franck Vandermoere, Olga Göransson, Mark Peggie, Anne Knierim, Katrin Spengler, Benoit Viollet, Nicholas A. Morrice, Kei Sakamoto, Regine Heller (Jena, Dundee, Lund, Paris) GFAT1 phosphorylation by AMPK with subsequent decrease of the hexosamine pathway promotes angiogenesis in endothelial cells 16:00 – 16:20 Ning Xia, Enrico Schramm, Egon Koch, Martin Burkart, Gisela Reifenberg, Ulrich Förstermann, Huige Li (Mainz, Karlsruhe) Crataegus extract WS® 1442 improves vascular function in diet-induced obese mice 16:20 – 16:50 Kaffeepause 16:50 – 17:50 Molecular Anti-Aging Effects of Exercise and Lifestyle (KFO 196, Leiter: Ulrich Laufs, Homburg/Saar) Vorsitz: Christian Werner, Peter Seizer 16:50 – 17:10 Anne Hecksteden (Saarbrücken) Perspectives on individual response to exercise training 17:10 – 17:30 Christian Werner (Homburg) Cardiovascular anti-ageing effects of physical activity 17:30 – 17:50 Joachim Altschmied (Düsseldorf) p27 links caffeine effects to mitochondrial function in the cardiovascular system 17:50 Neuentwicklung im pharmazeutischen Bereich Vorsitz: Stefan Lorkowski Rainer Schulz (Giessen) PCSK9–Inhibierung: mehr als nur LDL-Cholesterin Senkung? 18:30 – 20:30 Parallele Postersitzungen I und II mit „Wine and Cheese“ Freitag, 8.4. 2016 8:30 – 12:30 Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure I Vorsitz: Christian Schulze, Harald Langer 8:30 – 9:00 Ingo Ahrens (Freiburg) Coronary heart disease, microvascular dysfunction and cardiac failure 9:00 – 9:30 Christian Schulze (Jena) Cardiac metabolism in heart failure 9:30 – 10:00 Jan Fiedler (Hannover) Non-coding RNAs in angiogenesis - role for tissue remodelling 10:00 – 10:30 Kaffeepause Vorsitz: Marcus Franz, Ingo Hilgendorf 10:30 – 11:00 Peter Seizer (Tübingen) Atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmia and heart failure 11:00 – 11:30 Harald Langer (Tübingen) Platelet activation in tissue remodelling 11:30 – 11:50 Marcus Franz, Dario Neri, P. Christian Schulze, Alexander Berndt (Jena, Zürich) Extracellular matrix reorganisation in pathologic myocardial remodelling: Identification of novel biomarkers and targets for antibody based pharmacodelivery 11:50 – 12:10 Sebastian Diebold, Julia Möllmann, Florian Kahles, Corinna Lebherz, Nikolaus Marx, Michael Lehrke (Aachen) The gut hormone Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is increased in response to myocardial infarction and improves left ventricular function in a GLP-1 receptor-dependent manner 12:10 – 12:30 Vera Jankowski, Yaw Asare, Elisa Liehn, Heike Bruck, Nikolaus Marx, Georg Heinze, Joachim Jankowski (Aachen, Essen, Vienna, Maastricht) Identification of the “vasoconstriction inhibiting factor” (VIF), a potent endogenous cofactor of angiotensin II acting on the AT2 receptor 12:30 – 13:30 Mittagspause 13:30 – 14:50 Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure II Vorsitz: Katharina Schütt, Judith Haendeler 13:30 – 13:50 Judith Haendeler, Joachim Altschmied (Düsseldorf) New insights into mitochondrial telomerase transcriptase in the cardiovascular system 13:50 – 14:10 reverse Ingo Hilgendorf, Timoteo Marchini, Dennis Wolf, Bianca Dufner, Maximilian Mauler, Daniel Duerschmied, Christoph Bode, Pablo A. Evelson, Andreas Zirlik (Freiburg, Buenos Aires) Exposure to air pollution aggravates acute myocardial infarction via alveolar macrophage inflammation 14:10 – 14:30 Mihaela Rusu, Adelina Curaj, Zhuojun Wu, Mareike Staudt, Alexander Schuh, Joachim Jankowski, Elisa Liehn (Aachen) How tissue compliance involves in remodeling of post-MI mouse heart? A multifactorial study by means of liquid-AFM investigations 14:30 – 14:50 Adelina Curaj, Sakine Simsekyilmaz, Mareike Staudt, Mihaela Rusu, Isabella Kanzler, Heidi Noels, Peter Boor, Barbara Mara Klinkhammer, Xiofang Li, Octavian Bucur, Cosmin Holeab, Alice Brinzea, Tolga Taha Sönmez, Adnan Kaabi, Martin Zenke, Nikolaus Marx, Vera Jankowski, Joachim Jankowski, Alexander Schuh, Elisa A. Liehn (Aachen) Neutrophils control fibroblast function after myocardial infarction 14:50 – 15:10 Raghav Oberoi, Birgit Markus; Maren Luchtefeld, Jutta Schütt, Sabine Pankuweit, Karsten Grote, Bernhard Schieffer (Marburg) Altered pattern of circulating monocyte subpopulations in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease 15:10 – 15:40 Kaffeeepause 15:40 – 16:20 Neuentwicklung im pharmazeutischen Bereich Vorsitz: Nikolaus Marx Carsten Rödel (Novartis) LCZ69 16:30 – 17:30 Mitgliederversammlung 18:00 – 18:45 Verleihung des Hauss-Preises mit Vortrag Rory Koenen (Maastricht) JAM-A, a versatile new player in vascular inflammation 18:45 – 19:30 Verleihung der Rudolph-Schönheimer-Medaille mit Vortrag Jürgen Schäfer (Marburg) 20:00 Abendveranstaltung Sonnabend, 9.4. 2016 9:00 – 10:40 „Young Investigator Award Session“ Vorsitz: Ralf Kinscherf, Andreas Zirlik 9:00 – 9:20 Jan-Marcus Daniel, Jochen Dutzmann, Laura Korte, Johann Bauersachs, Daniel G. Sedding (Hannover) Adventitial activation by sonic hedgehog signalling is critical for vascular remodeling 9:20 – 9:40 Jona B. Krohn, Joshua D. Hutcheson, Eduardo MartínezMartínez, Carlijn Bouten, Sergio Bertazzo, Michelle P. Bendeck, Christian A. Gleissner, Elena Aikawa (Heidelberg, Boston, Eindhoven, London, Toronto) Discoidin domain receptor-1 (DDR-1) regulates the release of calcifying extracellular vesicles in vascular smooth muscle cellmediated fibrocalcific responses through the TGF-β pathway 9:40 – 10:00 Julia Möllmann, Robert Stöhr, Will A. Coumans, O. Winz, A.T. Vogg, H. J. Kaiser, Corinna Lebherz, F.M. Mottaghy, Joost J. Luiken, Jan F. Glatz, Nikolaus Marx, Michael Lehrke (Aachen) GLP-1 (9-37) reduces cardial glucose uptake and improves left ventricular function in a model of myocardial hypertrophy 10:00 – 10:20 Franziska Pankratz, Caterina Jaenich, Gerard Pasterkamp, Christoph Bode, Sebastian Grundmann (Freiburg, Utrecht) Inhibition of microRNA-100 stimulates atherosclerotic lesion formation in mice, whereas an overexpression of this microRNA seems to have a beneficial effect and microRNA-100 expression levels correlate with the atherosclerotic plaque phenotype in humans 10:20 – 10:40 Jutta Schütt, Julian Kreutz, Maren Luchtefeld, Frank Rühle, Anika Witten, Bernhard Schieffer, Monika Stoll (Marburg, Münster) The influence of SOCS-1 deficiency on the gene expression profile of Ly6C+ and Ly6C- monocytes in an atherosclerotic mouse model 10:40 – 11:10 Kaffeepause 11:10 – 13:00 Inflammation und Atherosklerose Vorsitz: Michael Torzewski, Daniel Sedding 11:10 – 11:30 Dieter Lütjohann, Karen Jaceldo-Siegl, Rawiwan Sirirat, Ella Haddad (Bonn, Loma Linda) Plasma plant sterols and plant sterol intake vary across plantbased dietary patterns among adults from North America 11:30 – 11:50 Carmen Härdtner, Alexandra Lindau, Bianca Dufner, Christoph Bode, Andreas Zirlik, Ingo Hilgendorf (Freiburg) Early atheroprotection by SYK inhibition fails in established disease when local macrophage proliferation dominates lesion progression 11:50 – 12:10 Christian Matthäus, Clara Stiebing, Stefan Lorkowski, Jürgen Popp (Jena) Intracellular lipid uptake by macrophages spectroscopic imaging of white blood cells 12:10 – 12:30 – Raman Anna Savvaidis, Katharina Lysaja, Robert Stöhr, Nikolaus Marx, Katharina Schütt (Aachen) Microvesicles and coagulation: the impact on clot formation and lysis 12:30 – 12:50 Vera Jankowski and Joachim Jankowski (Aachen, Maastricht) Dinucleoside polyphosphates: strong endogenous agonists of the purinergic system 12:50 Vergabe des “Young Investigator Awards“ und der Preise für die besten Poster (Young Investigator Award gestiftet von Pfizer, Posterpreise gestiftet von B. Braun Melsungen) Postersitzung I (Poster 1 – 20) Vorsitz: Huige Li, Andreas Zirlik, Michael M. Hoffmann, Katharina Schütt 1. Lisa Schmölz, Maria Wallert, Stefan Lorkowski (Jena, Melbourne) Optimization of NO measurements in cell culture supernatants via Griess assay 2. Clara Stiebing, Lisa Schmölz, Maria Wallert, Christian Matthäus, Stefan Lorkowski, Jürgen Popp (Jena) Imaging the uptake of lipoproteins by macrophages with Raman Micro-Spectroscopy 3. Prathibha Reddy Gajjala (Aachen) Emerging role of post-translational modifications in atherosclerosis 4. Katrin Spengler, Nderim Kryeziu, Silke Lindenmüller, Alexander Mosig, Regine Heller (Jena) Regulation of VEGF-induced angiogenesis by the AMPKα1/autophagy pathway 5. Sonja Ebenhöch, Frederic Emschermann, Harald F. Langer (Tübingen) Specific recruitment of immune cells to endothel from different organs 6. Lilli Mey, Sabine Pankuweit, Anja Schwarz, Lisa-Marie Schütz, Ralf Kinscherf, Nadia Al-Fakhri (Marburg) Characterisation of neuropilin-1 in human blood vessels 7. Ann-Katrin Clauder, Max Heiduk, Hanna Bobolowski, Darya Zibrova, Lars-Oliver Klotz, Regine Heller (Jena) Inflammatory cytokines trigger alterations of glucose metabolisation in endothelial cells 8. Dana Kürsten, Christina Valkova, Siegfried Krause, Regine Heller (Jena) Hypochlorite-modified LDL induces redistribution of free cholesterol in endothelial cells implications for eNOS localisation and trafficking 9. Lan Phuong Tran, Swenja Kröller-Schön, Thomas Jansen, Matthias Oelze, Andreas Daiber, Thomas Münzel, Eberhard Schulz (Mainz) Endothelial specific α1AMPK preserves endothelial function during chronic angiotensin II treatment 10. Henry Nording, Johannes Patzelt, Fréderic Emschermann, Sarah Gekeler, John D. Lambris, Emmanouil Chavakis, Meinrad Gawaz, Harald F. Langer (Tübingen, Frankfurt am Main, Philadelphia) Modulation of angiogenesis through the platelet-bound C5a complement receptor 11. Sakine Simsekyilmaz, Elisa A. Liehn, Yaw Asare, Jaco Selle, Janine Köhncke, Setareh Alampour-Rajabi, Gansuvd Shagdarsuren, Ariunaa Togtokh, Andreas Klos, Eva Medina, J. Engelbert Gessner, Erdenechimeg Shagdarsuren (Aachen, Ulanbaatar, Hannover, Braunschweig) C5a receptor deficiency enhances cardiac repair after myocardial infarction by regulating angiogenesis and myofibroblast transdifferentiation 12. Adelina Curaj, Sakine Simsekyilmaz, Mareike Staudt, Andreas Götzenich, Andreea Urs, Mircea Leabu, Elisa A. Liehn (Aachen) Non-invasive up-regulation of heart preconditioning programme in vivo with minimal side effects 13. Adelina Curaj, Mareike Staudt, Roxana Fatu, Andreas O. Kraaijeveld, Joachim Jankowski, Erik A.L. Biessen, Elisa A. Liehn (Aachen, Bukarest, Leiden, Maastricht) Blockade of CCR3 retains the neutrophils, preserving their survival during the healing after myocardial infarction 14. Rawlings Achangwa, Kimon Stamatelopoulos, Federica Francesca Lunella, Alexia Mareti, Chryssa Kritsioti, Nikos Makris, Smaragda Kapatsori, Carolin Amrhein Aikaterini Gatsiou, Andreas Zeiher, Stefanie Dimmeler, Konstantinos Stellos (Frankfurt am Main, Athen) Role of miR-34a in atherosclerosis 15. Christian Erbel, Grigorios Korosoglou, Pearlyn Ler, Mohammadreza Akhavanpoor, Gabriele Domschke, Fabian Linden, Andreas O. Doesch, Sebastian J. Buss, Evangelos Giannitsis, Hugo A. Katus, Christian A. Gleissner (Heidelberg) CXCL4 plasma levels are not associated with the extent of coronary artery disease or with coronary plaque morphology 16. Felix Kork, Vera Jankowski, Joachim Jankowski (Aachen) Menopause and oxidized low-density lipoprotein 17. Elisabeth Ullmann, Sebastian Steven, Matthias Oelze, Moritz Brandt, Swenja KröllerSchön, Tjebo Heeren, Steffen Daub, Mobin Dib, Dirk Stalleicken, Philip Wenzel, Thomas Münzel, Andreas Daiber (Mainz) Increased pulmonary artery pressure, oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension is improved by pentaerythrityl tetranitrate therapy 18. Henry Nording, Annika Giesser, Reinhard Sauter, Johannes Patzelt, Konstantinos Stellos, Tobias Geisler, Meinrad Gawaz, Harald F. Langer (Tübingen, Frankfurt am Main) Plättchengebundenes oxLDL korreliert negativ mit dem Anaphylatoxin C5a bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit (KHK) 19. Danan Zhu, Sebastian Reith, Nikolaus Marx, Mathias Burgmaier (Aachen) Epicardial fatty tissue is related to coronary plaque vulnerability in patients with type 2 diabetes 20. Michelle J. Pena, Joachim Jankowski, Georg Heinze, Maria Kohl, Andreas Heinzel, Stephan J. L. Bakker, Ron T. Gansevoort, Peter Rossing, Dick De Zeeuw, Hiddo J. Lambers Heerspink, Vera Jankowski (Groningen, Aachen, Wien, Erlangen, Gentofte, Copenhagen) Systems medicine approach for improving risk prediction for renal disease in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes or hypertension Postersitzung I (Poster 21 – 40) Vorsitz: Michael Torzewski, Christian Gleißner, Rory Koenen, Ingo Hilgendorf 21. Andrea-Anneliese Keller, Marten B. Maeß, Fan Fei, Oliver Werz, Dawn M.E. Bowdish, Stefan Lorkowski (Jena, Hamilton) Signalling pathways and autocrine mediators involved in PMA-induced up-regulation of CCR7 in human macrophages 22. Anke Katharina Müller, Lisa Hergesell, Wiebke Schlörmann, Carsten Rohrer, Michael Glei, Stefan Lorkowski (Jena) Influence of roasting on the anti-inflammatory effects of lipophilic nut ingredients 23. Kathrin Ackermann, Anja Schwarz, Gabriel A. Bonaterra, Lisa-Marie Schütz, Ralf Kinscherf (Marburg) Role of GDF-15 on autophagy in human MФ after oxLDL exposition 24. Yingying Zhang, Johannes Patzelt, Frederic Emschermann, Harald F. Langer (Tübingen) Decreased levels of circulating CD11c+ cells after percutaneous therapy for mitral valve regurgitation reveals a potential point of convergence between heart failure and immunity 25. Frederic Emschermann, Harald F. Langer (Tübingen) Flow cytometric analysis of DC precursors in the blood of patients with resistant hypertension undergoing renal denervation 26. Raphael Boneberg, D. Pawlak, Gabriel Bonaterra, Claudia Keppler, Hans Schwarzbach, Anita Pardun, Lena Hannemann, Björn Bogs, Petra Mayr, Olaf Hildebrandt, Ulrich Koehler, Beate Wilhelm, Ralf Kinscherf, Wulf Hildebrandt (Marburg) Pro-atherogenic gene expression of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS): Impact of obesity and CPAP 27. Lukas Heger, Mark Kerber, Christoph Weis, Max Mauler, Moritz Mohr, Daniela Stallmann, Christoph Bode, Christoph Hehrlein, and Ingo Ahrens (Freiburg) Monocytes isolated from patients with sustained peripheral ischemia show upregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 subunit HIF1alpha, after vascular reperfusion therapy with Prostavasin® 28. Insa E. Emrich, Adam M. Zawada, Sarah Seiler, Rima Obeid, Jürgen Geisel, Danilo Fliser, Gunnar H. Heine (Homburg) S-Adenosylhomocysteine – a novel non-traditional cardiovascular risk factor in CKD 29. Wulf Hildebrandt, Hans Schwarzbach, Björn Bogs, Anita Pardun, Lena Hannemann, D. Pawlak, Raphael Boneberg, Michael Dreher, Gabriel Bonaterra, Beate Wilhelm, Petra Mayr, Olaf Hildebrandt, Ulrich Koehler, Ralf Kinscherf (Marburg) Impaired capillarisation and in-vivo microcirculation of skeletal muscle with obstructive sleep apnea: A novel link to insulin resistance? 30. Florian Kahles, Judith Marx, Anna Makowska, Michael Lehrke, Nikolaus Marx, Hannes M. Findeisen (Aachen, Münster) Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell transdifferentiation and calcification by the epigenetic histone lysine methyltransferase G9a 31. Ann-Kathrin Koch, Karsten Grote, Raghav Oberoi, Jutta Schütt, Bernhard Schieffer, Harald Schütt (Marburg) Nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain-containing protein 1 (Nod1) mediates proatherosclerotic processes and glucose metabolism 32. Heidi Noels, Baixue Zhou, Pathricia V. Tilstam, Wendy Theelen, Xiaofeng Li, Lukas Pawig, Corinna Schmitz, Shamima Akhtar, Sakine Simsekyilmaz, Erdenechimeg Shagdarsuren, Andreas Schober, Ralf H. Adams, Jürgen Bernhagen, Elisa A. Liehn, Yvonne Döring, Christian Weber (Aachen, München, Münster, Maastricht) Deficiency of endothelial Cxcr4 reduces reendothelialisation and enhances neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury in atherosclerosis-prone mice 33. Erik Rasbach, Paul Splitthoff, Gabriel A. Bonaterra, Lilli Mey, Hans Schwarzbach, Lee Eiden, Eberhard Weihe, Ralf Kinscherf (Marburg, Bethesda) Influence of PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide) on the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE-/- mice after normal chow or cholesterol-enriched diet. 34. Paul Splitthoff, Erik Rasbach, Gabriel A. Bonaterra, Lilli Mey, Hans Schwarzbach, Eberhard Weihe, Ralf Kinscherf (Marburg) Influence of the PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide) receptor PAC1 on the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE-/- mice after normal chow or cholesterol-enriched diet. 35. Mathias Burgmaier, Sebastian Reith, Danan Zhu, Leon Schurgers, Nikolaus Marx, Chris Reutelingsperger (Aachen, Maastricht) Circulating annexin A5 levels are related to carotid intima-media thickness but not coronary plaque composition 36. Holger Winkels, Svenja Meiler, Esther Smeets, Dirk Lievens, David Engel, Charlotte Spitz, Christina Bürger, Jannie Borst, Christian Weber, Esther Lutgens, Norbert Gerdes (Müchen, Amsterdam) Deficiency of the co-stimulatory dyad CD27/CD70 exacerbates atherosclerosis 37. Moritz Wagner, Gabriel A. Bonaterra, Hans Schwarzbach, Stefanie Zügel, Jens Strelau, Ralf Kinscherf (Marburg) Effect of growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15) on gene and protein expression in gastrocnemius muscle of hypercholesterolemic ApoE-/- mice after 12 or 20 weeks cholesterol-enriched diet 38. Zuzanna Rowinska, Alma Zernecke, Thomas A. Koeppel, Maryam Sanati, Hubert Schelzig, Joachim Jankowski, Christian Weber, Elisa A. Liehn (Düsseldorf, Aachen, Würzburg, Hamburg, München, Maastricht, Craiova) Role of the CX3C chemokine receptor CX3CR1 in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis after aortic transplantation 39. Sakine Simsekyilmaz, Elisa A. Liehn, Stefan Weinandy, Fabian Schreiber, Remco T.A. Megens, Wendy Theelen, Ralf Smeets, Stefan Jockenhövel, Thomas Gries, Martin Möller, Doris Klee, Christian Weber, Alma Zernecke (Aachen, Gießen, Craiova, München, Hamburg, Würzburg) Targeting In-Stent-Stenosis with RGD- and CXCL1-coated Mini-Stents in Mice 40. Sandra Kraemer, T. Breuer, S. Cremers, Mareike Staudt, Elisa A. Liehn, Andreas Goetzenich, Rüdiger Autschbach (Aachen) Strategies for biofunctionalisation of the surfaces for small diameter vascular grafts
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