Campus Belval 11, Portte des Sciences L-436 66 Esch/Alzette T+ +352 46 66 44 1 WORK KSHOP Shapiing new w bord der s spaces s through languages? This worksh hop is part of the Lin nguistic Ecology cou urse of the Master in Learning and Commu unication in Multiling gual and Multiculturral Contexts, with the active participation n of the students enrolled in this progra amme. Organization: Ass-Prof Dr Sabiine Ehrhart Presentation ns will be held in Ge erman, French and English. Translationss are provided by: achinstitut visÀvis Spra Nauwiesersstr. 35 66111 Saarrbrücken Friday, 15 5 April 20 016 urday, 16 6 April 20 016 Satu Campus C Be elval Maison des Scienc ces Humaiines Black Box Wo orkshop Programme P e Vendredi, V 15 avril 9h00-11h00 9 S Shaping new b border spaces s through lang guages? Vis site du MUDAM à Lu uxembourg ville ave ec Danielle Stammet : « Le pottentiel pédagogique e d’un musée contem mporain » Dép éplacement en tran nsport public au Ca ampus à Esch-Bellval Entgrenzen durch Sprachen? 13h15 ot d’accueil Mo Co onstanze Weth, Dire ectrice de l’Institut de d Recherche sur le e Plurilinguisme ML Ling – ECCS/ In nnovative app proaches to language teach hing and learning g in highly div verse contexts s 13h30-14h00 Sabine Ehrhart: Spra achökologie, die luxe emburgische Varian nte von « Mélange M »? 14h00-14h30 Nathalie Schröder: Fremdsprachenlerne en in heterogenen Gruppen G auß ßerhalb des Lernortts Schule. Projektide ee – Faktoren – Erffahrungen Lin nguistic and culturral diversity have become a central issue for ourr societies in the 21st century y. However, add ding one lan nguage or culture e to another is not the most ap ppropriate app proach, and a more comprehensive understa anding of plu urilingualism and p pluriculturalism is s necessary. Our workshop pre esents innovative e initiatives in th he field of langu uage and edu ucation that take into account eco ological needs forr presentdayy language contact situations in diffferent domains like school or tthe workplace, byy adopting a critica al stance. 14h30–15h00 Sarah Schiltz, Joe Blleser und die Mélan nge-Schülergruppe e des Lycée Mic chel Lucius: Darstellung der Gruppenarrbeit zu den Lernerd dialogen 15h00–15h30 1 Kaffeepause 15h30–16h30 Aurora Bagiag : Les fiches f d’activité – un n support pédagogique destiné à orie enter le travail en ta andem linguistique 16h30–17h45 Cla audine Kirsch und María Asunción Bes B Izuel: iTEO – Diigital sto orytelling in a multilin ngual context : Pres sentation, use, discu ussion 18h00–19h30 pen space discussio on Op 20h00 2 Ge emeinsames Abend dessen im Hotel Acacia Dé-limite er l’espaces par p les langes? ? This activity is part o of the MElang-E Project P running frrom 2014201 17. MElang-E is a European-spons sored Erasmus+ Project in the e field of Cooperration for innovattion and the excchange of goo od practices. This conference iss a multiplier event e for the M Multilingual Exp ploration of Langu uages in Europe. ME Elang-E is a lang guage learning pla atform inspired b by serious gam mes. Its target grroup are Europea an language learn ners aged 11--14: upper begin nners and lowerr intermediate learners of English, as well as individuals interested in exploring mu ultilingualism in Europe more generally. ME Elang-E provides plenty of opportunities to develop English com mmunicative skillss in a virtual setting, while also prroviding a firsst taste of languages such as German, G French, Spanish, Ca atalan or Luxembo ourgish. The focu us lies on explorration and enjjoyment, supporte ed by an overarc ching plot-line, en ntertaining que ests, and gamifica ation elements. Samedi, S 16 avril 9h30-10h15 9 Cla audia Polzin-Haum mann und Christina a Reissner : Dé-limiiter l’espace parr les langues? Wie bekommt b man Grun ndsätze sprachenüb bergreifenden Lerrnens in die Köpfe? Ein Blick auf Projek kte im Saarland 10h15-11h00 Jud dith Bündgens-Ko osten: I’m game! Wiie gamification Lern ner/innen bee einflussen kann, und wie dieser Einflus ss für das Sprachen nlernen im me ehrsprachigen Konte ext genutzt werden kann 11h00-11h15 1 Kaffeepause 11h15-12h00 Olg ga Esteve Ruescas s: Mehrsprachbewu usstsein durch linguistische Spiele. Ein n Weg zur plurilingualen kommunikative en Kompetenz? 12h00 1 Offfizielles Ende der Tagung, T gemeinsa ames Mittagessen 13h30-16h00 ema Vorträge von Studierenden des Master-Programms zum The Sprachökologie in edu ukativen Kontexten (offen für alle Intere essierten) 16h00 1 Ende der Tagung
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