4/7/2016 IRIN | Which countries are most at risk from climate change and how can we help? ennglish The inside stor on emergencies Aid and Polic Con䵷敩ict nvironment and Diater Migration More FATURD TOPIC: 25 YAR A RFUG AFGHANITAN OKO HARAM MAP AND GRAPHIC XCLUIV: PI AN FRONTIÈR FR MAIL UPDAT Also availale in Français News Which countrie Aid and Polic are mot at rik from climate change and how can we help? Oi Anadike http://www.irinnews.org/news/2016/03/29/whichcountriesaremostriskclimatechangeandhowcanwehelp hare this report 1/10 4/7/2016 IRIN | Which countries are most at risk from climate change and how can we help? Oi Anadike ditor-at-Large hare this report NAIROI, 29 March 2016 Most Popular The countrie mot vulnerale Wh to climate change are among the pooret and leat ale to repond. How to reolve that at ec ame of 25 dilemma and help thee place ou ng adapt to a warming world Afg han remain among the knoiet dep orte prolem facing climate 癥牰nancing. es? 6 April 2016 The good news is that identifing those most in need – step one – is now a good deal easier thanks to a gloal league tale developed the Universit of Notre Dame. Maj or dru g shor The Notre Dame Gloal Adaptation Index (ND- tag e GAIN) measures a countr’s vulnerailit in hits relation to its ailit to cope with climate change. ou th ud It calculates exposure to climate stress (for example a reliance on agriculture); sensitivit to the impact of climate shocks; and adaptive capacit. It then scores a countr’s readiness – an 7 April 2016 de䣀䡍ning that in terms of a willingness to leverage its economic, governance and social resources to reduce climate risk. Poli o hop es According to the index, the world’s 䣀䡍ve worst and performers are ritrea, Chad, Central African Zika Repulic, udan and the Democratic Repulic of fear http://www.irinnews.org/news/2016/03/29/whichcountriesaremostriskclimatechangeandhowcanwehelp s in 2/10 4/7/2016 IRIN | Which countries are most at risk from climate change and how can we help? the Congo. comparison, the over-achievers – and ou'd guess at least a couple of them – are New Zealand, Norwa, Denmark, the United s in the vac cine race Kingdom and German, in that order. 6 April Hoora for Paris 2016 One of the important outcomes of the Paris climate summit in Decemer was the recognition that reducing greenhouse gasses is not enough. advertisement Adaptation – how to live with a warming world – THE REACH GROUP is now also accepted as ke, and there is a greater realisation that poorer countries will need support to help achieve that. Paris a蚌ýrmed the 䣀䡍nancing target of $100 illion a ear from pulic and private sources 2020. A game-changer could also e the Green Tolle Smartphone Angebote Inkl. Allnet-Flat mit bis zu 3 GB, LTE Speed und 2 Netzen. o2online.de Climate Fund, which will devote 50 percent of all its funding to adaptation, which has historicall een overshadowed spending on mitigation projects like renewale energ. “Paris was wonderful, ut what’s reall important now is what happens on the ground,” said Koko Warner, of the United Nations Universit’s PETER KAISER® Schuhe | Damenschuhe, Herrenschuhe und Accessoires online kaufen peter-kaiser.de Institute for nvironment and Human ecurit. “The true ardstick of success is in these highl vulnerale countries.” Mone alone will not e enough to uild climate [ ] securit. “The question of access to 䣀䡍nancing is not a simple answer as it concerns multiple challenges including technical capacit to [ Cooles Equipment, Coole Leute, Coole Preise music-town.de ] develop ankale proposals, tackle the knowledge and capacit gaps, and provide access to resources needed to do the necessar feasiilit studies,” arara uchner of the Climate Polic Initiative said in an emailed response. “We need to 䣀䡍nd was to increase the asorptive capacit of countries that need the http://www.irinnews.org/news/2016/03/29/whichcountriesaremostriskclimatechangeandhowcanwehelp 3/10 4/7/2016 IRIN | Which countries are most at risk from climate change and how can we help? asorptive capacit of countries that need the funding the most, and harmonise investment standards, transparenc and governance issues,” noted Warner. “We need more nuance on how to deliver 䣀䡍nancing to reall help the poor, to unravel the knots around climate impact and livelihoods.” That needs to happen quickl, ecause the estimates are that the true climate ill will e in the trillions rather than illions of dollars – especiall if the world cannot keep elow two degrees Celsius of gloal warming agreed in Paris. “We know that pulic resources in all countries are stretched, and that $100 illion will not satisf the needs on the ground,” said uchner. “It is therefore essential that the $100 illion e spent wisel. If we can do this, much more private investment will ow.” Making mone The ND-GAIN index is more than a ranking sstem. Its purpose is "to help usinesses and the pulic sector etter prioritise investments for a more e蚌ýcient response to the immediate gloal challenges ahead,” explained Joce Co㉤楧ee, ND-GAIN managing director. "The private sector is looking for Discover More projects where it can make mone," she added. "The won't e investing in countries with poor governance records, or social structures that are completel confusing to them." That, she suggested, will e left to multinational funding mechanisms pies ans Frontières? like the Green Climate Fund. There is no reliale data on the scale of http://www.irinnews.org/news/2016/03/29/whichcountriesaremostriskclimatechangeandhowcanwehelp 4/10 4/7/2016 IRIN | Which countries are most at risk from climate change and how can we help? There is no reliale data on the scale of private investment owing to Read more adaptation projects. ut, said uchner, “private investment will e ke” and therefore “domestic polic signals are Green Climate criticall important ecause all Fund feel the investors want to see impact, and value heat for mone.” COP 21 - a turning Improving the “ankailit" of projects involves quantifing and enumerating point? risk, and allowing the market to track progress, said Co㉤楧ee. The private sector won't suddenl pivot to rie癥牰ng on climate 癥牰nancing adaptation, ut we should make it "more tempting". A usiness case is easil made for the mega alternative energ initiatives – from solar to wind – sprouting across the gloe. ut adaptation tends to e more granular and local rather than immediatel transformational. “Tons to learn” Warner acknowledges there is “tons to learn” – ut if pulic polic managers can “set the incentives, the private sector will respond”. While corporates ma well hesitate to invest in the most vulnerale countries, “it is important to [ rememer that households and families in these ] countries are also private investors,” said uchner. Developing projects that help them access a㉤楧ordale, clean energ and expand sustainale agriculture "can support economic development and povert alleviation as well as climate change,” she added. http://www.irinnews.org/news/2016/03/29/whichcountriesaremostriskclimatechangeandhowcanwehelp 5/10 4/7/2016 IRIN | Which countries are most at risk from climate change and how can we help? There is a gulf etween genuine, communitappropriate adaptation projects and private sector "green- washing" – good old-fashioned PR spin. Co㉤楧ee cited a Coca-Cola initiative in an unnamed countr to improve the water sources where it ottles as a positive example that had a ene䣀䡍t “eond its fence line”. he also pointed to a mining 䣀䡍rm investing in Mali that uilt a hospital as part of its adaptation e㉤楧orts. Yes, improving healthcare is a form of adaptation, ut she acknowledged a sense of queasiness over that particular deal – with its hint of contract sweetening. “ut we can't turn our ack on investments. We [ just need to demand more from the ] corporates ,” she insisted. Warner agreed, saing the magnitude of investment and the scale-up required to respond to climate change means there is a “signi䣀䡍cant role for the pulic and private sector – we just need to get the mix right”. oa/ag Photo credit: Alerto Guzman, NAA ARCCRT Get latest reports in our inox. uscrie to email alerts hare this report advertisement Join the dicuion http://www.irinnews.org/news/2016/03/29/whichcountriesaremostriskclimatechangeandhowcanwehelp 6/10
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