P O RTFO LI O 2 016 Prices, 8 April 2016. CO N T E N TS The enterprise NZZ Page 3 NZZ Geschichte Page 59 Neue Zürcher Zeitung Page 5 Gesellschaft Page 63 NZZ am Sonntag Page 13 Bücher am Sonntag Page 65 NZZ Executive Page 19 NZZ BusinessCombi Page 67 NZZ Domizil Page 25 Sonntagspool Page 71 NZZ Folio Page 29 Cityplus Page 75 Z Page 33 NZZ-Netz Page 77 Stil Page 37 NZZ.ch, Mobile Page 79 Residence Page 41 Discounts and surcharges, Services page, column dimensions and technical data Page 81 Frame Page 47 Contact Page 84 NZZ Campus 2 Page 53 P O RT FO L I O N Z Z The media enterprise NZZ The NZZ media group compromises the two divisions Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG and Freie Presse Holding (FPH). The division NZZ encompasses all activities and products of the parent company. The FPH compromises the shareholdings of the re- gionally significant and strongly anchored media houses St. Galler Tagblatt AG and LZ Medien Holding. The NZZ AG acts as a publisher and producer of publications, websites and TV formats, which are of high quality and are well established in the market. The NZZ AG also includes the highly renowned book publishing house NZZ Libro. The NZZ products target a discerning readership with a high purchasing power. magazines and online media. NZZ Media Solutions AG has offices in Zurich, Eastern and Central Switzerland. This sales structure means that NZZ Media Solutions AG can offer cross-group, customised and targeted multimedia packages to its advertising partners. study MACH Basic. Accordingly its readership figures are lower. From 2014 on, the publisher provides the figures representing these digital users separately. The figures are based on the amount of e-paper users, the generated downloads and the publisher’s own market research results on the use of e-papers. NZZ Media Solutions AG NZZ Media Solutions AG is the centralised sales organisation for the NZZ Media Group. It markets the daily and Sunday newspapers, as well as the regional media, Readership figures Since the certification period 2012/2013, e-papers that do not differ from the actual print products are included in the certified circulation. These users are not yet taken into account in the current readership 3 NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG The internationally renowned Swiss premium daily newspaper Since its establishment in 1780, the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” represents continuous, objective media coverage in the spirit of a liberal belief. With all due care and a high level of expertise, over 200 top qualified journalists in Zurich and around 50 correspondents abroad are providing the readers with reports on the latest events around the world. News are being analysed, assessed and commented. The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” offers background information on the latest events and ensures a reliable orientation in the fast-moving information age. As a modern media brand, NZZ provides an interested and attentive r eadership with highly qualified, payable content which is available on all channels at all times. The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is one of the leading voices of high-quality journalism, both nationally and internationally. 5 e-pa p + 39 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 269,000 people (5.8%) Circulation Total 119,956 copies Switzerland 110,854 copies Outside Switzerland 9,102 copies Composition Male 62%, female 38% Leaders 74,000 people (22.2%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 19,580.–/CHF 72.79 Top leaders 30,000 people (26.7%) P U B L I C AT I O N , A DV E RT I S I N G A N D P R I N T M AT E R I A L D E A D L I N E Publication The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” is published daily from Monday to Saturday Advertising and print material deadline Two days prior to publication at 2 pm (except of Business section) Business section: three days prior to publication at 2 pm S EC T I O N S A N D M A R K E T P L AC E S ( S W I S S E D I T I O N ) 1st section 2 nd section International, Opinion & Debate Switzerland, Zurich & Region, Panorama, Weather 3 section Business, Stock Exchanges and Markets (Finance), Financial investment, Investment Funds (published Tue-Sat), Reflexe 4th section Features, ZH culture (published Tue-Sat), Radio/TV, Sport, Events rd “NZZ Domizil” (real estate) on Saturday “NZZ Domizil” is published every Saturday as a separate section in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” “NZZ Executive” (situations vacant) at the weekend “NZZ Executive” is published every Saturday as a separate section in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and every Sunday in the “NZZ am Sonntag” 5th section, Friday ain topic, Society, Culinary art, Research & Technology, Health, Digital/Engines, M Outdoor, Travel S P EC I A L S U P P L E M E N TS , S P EC I A L T H E M E S Special supplements, special themes For an overview, see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch CO M B I N AT I O N S ”NZZ BusinessCombi” ”NZZ BusinessCombi” is a combination of ”Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and Le Temps ”Cityplus” ”Cityplus” (www.cityplus.ch) is a modular Swiss combination M AG A Z I N E S “Z”Published 8× each year as a supplement in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and “NZZ am Sonntag” “NZZ Folio” Published 12× each year as a supplement in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” “NZZ Campus” Published 4× per year and distributed at selected universities, the ETH and other higher education institutions “NZZ Geschichte” Published 4× per year and is available at newsstands and as a subscription 1 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 6 SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS AND SPECIAL THEMES IN THE NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG Education Finance Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Education I 30 March 16 March Financial year 2015/16 4 January '16 14 December '15 Education II 24 November 10 November Investment funds 28 January 14 January Derivative products 19 May 3 May Art and Culture Digital banking 29 June Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Asset management 15 September 1 September Zurich Festival 28 May 13 May Art Basel 13 June 30 May Reopening of the State Museum 27 July 14 July Lucerne Festival 15 August 14 July Mobility, Business and Society 15 June Travel and Outdoors Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Travel Salzkammergut 27 April 13 April Travel - UNESCO 13 June 30 May Travel - Meran 31 August 17 August Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Car 21 April 7 April Motorcycle 7 May 22 April Opening Gotthard 24 May 10 May Swiss Red Cross 22 June 8 June Aviation 27 October 13 October Bits and Bytes 22 September 8 September Subject to change. 7 R ECO M M E N DAT I O N S Fixed format Swiss edition Total edition Type area Section Publication Rate bw/colour Rate bw/colour 2/1 pages 39,180.– 54,250.– 612 × 440 mm 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sectionMon–Sat 5th section, on request Fri Introductiory panorama 48,970.– 67,820.– 612 × 440 mm 1st section, page 2 and 3 Mon–Sat 27,120.– 291 × 440 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/1 page, first advertising page21,530.– 29,840.– 1/1 page, placement right 24,480.– 1/1 page, back page 19,580.– 291 × 440 mm 291 × 440 mm 291 × 440 mm First advertising page 1st, 2nd and 3rd section 5th section Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Fri 1/2 page landscape 16,280.– 291 × 218 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/4 page landscape 6,120.– 8,480.– 291 × 108 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/4 page portrait 6,120.– 8,480.– 143 × 218 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/1 page 19,580.– 11,750.– Special format/millimetre rates Type of advertising Swiss edition bw colour Total edition Number of columns bw colour Recommendations 3.99 5.27 7.51 all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Mon–Sat Financial advertisements (AGM, dividends etc.) 5.27 7.51 all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Mon–Sat Obituaries, Acknowledgements 3.99 5.68 1 5 columns and 10 columns Publication Mon–Sat N E XT TO T E XT A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Fixed format Total edition Type area Section Rate bw/colour Publication 2/2 pages2 34,170.– 612 × 218 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section Mon–Sat 2/4 pages2 20,500.– 612 × 108 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section Mon–Sat 1/2 page landscape 17,090.– 20,710.– 291 × 218 mm 291 × 218 mm 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th section 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat/Fri Mon–Sat 1/2 page landscape «page two» 17,940.– 20,710.– 291 × 218 mm 291 × 218 mm 1st section, Intern., page 2 3rd section, Business, page 2 Mon–Sat Mon–Sat 1/4 page landscape 10,250.– 12,420.– 291 × 108 mm 291 × 108 mm 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th section 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat/Fri Mon–Sat 1/4 page landscape, page 2 10,830.– 13,130 .– 291 × 108 mm 291 × 108 mm 1st section, page two 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat Mon-Sat 1 2 ates of obituaries = bw/colour. The obituary is placed in the international edition of “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, if possible (without any guarantee). R Half-page- and quarter-page panorama advertisements. 8 N E XT TO T E XT A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Special format/millimetre rates Section Total edition Min. height bwcolour Publication 1st section, International 6.61 9.34 10 columns, min. height 80 mm Mon–Sat 6.61 9.34 10 columns, min. height 60 mm Mon–Sat 3 section, Business 8.47 11.30 10 columns, min. height 80 mm Mon–Sat 4th section, Feuilleton and Sport 6.61 9.34 10 columns, min. height 60 mm Mon–Sat 5th section 6.61 9.34 10 columns, min. height 60 mm Fri 2 nd section, Switzerland and Zurich rd A DV E RT I S E M E N TS O N T E XT PAG E Millimetre rates Placement Total edition bw colour 1st section, International lead item (page 3) Type area max. format Publication 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 1 section, International inside page 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 2 section, Switzerland lead item 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 54 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 2 section, Switzerland inside page 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 2nd section, Zurich and region lead item 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 2nd section, Zurich and region inside page 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 2nd section, Zurich and region, weather 27.03 38.47 54 × 100 mm 54 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 3 section, Business lead item 37.23 53.00 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 3 section, Business inside page 37.23 53.00 54 × 80 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 3 section, Business financial investment 37.23 53.00 54 × 80 mm 113 × on request Mon 3rd section, Business finance 37.23 53.00 54 × 80 mm 54 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 3rd section, Business investment funds1 16.83 23.96 47 × 30 mm Tue–Sat 4th section, Feuilleton lead item 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 54 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 4 section, Feuilleton inside page 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 113 × on request Mon–Sat 4 section, Feuilleton ZH culture 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 113 × 100 mm Tue–Sat 4 section, Feuilleton lead item, Sport (back page) 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Mon–Sat 5th section, Main topic 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 113 × 100 mm Fri 5th section, Society lead item 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Fri 5th section, Society inside page 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 172 × on request Fri 5 section, Research & Technology 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 172 × on request Fri 5 section, Digital/engine lead item 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Fri 5 section, Outdoor 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Fri 5th section, Travel lead item 27.03 38.47 54 × 80 mm 113 × 100 mm Fri 5th section, Travel inside page 27.03 38.47 54 × 30 mm 172 × on request Fri st nd nd rd rd rd th th th th th th 1 Type area min. format 143 × on request Only published in the Swiss edition. 9 S P EC I A L FO R M ATS Fixed format Total edition Type area Section Rate bw/colour Publication Centre panorama I 28,610.– 257 × 218 mm 1st and 2nd section Mon–Sat Centre panorama II 41,290.– 375 × 268 mm 1st and 2nd section Mon–Sat Centre panorama page high 50,060.– 257 × 409 mm 1st and 2nd section Mon–Sat Monolith I 14,540.– 54 × 409 mm 17,360.– 54 × 409 mm 15,260.– 54 × 409 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section 3rd section, Business 1st section, page 2 Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Monolith II 29,060.– 34,720.– 30,510.– 113 × 409 mm 113 × 409 mm 113 × 409 mm 1st and 2nd section 3rd section, Business 1st section, page 2 Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Junior page 18,760.– 22,350.– 19,700.– 172 × 236 mm 172 × 236 mm 172 × 236 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section 3rd section, Business 1st section, page 2 Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat 20,900.– 24,620.– 231 × 318 mm 231 × 318 mm 1st and 2nd section 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat Mon–Sat 1st section 1st section 1st section 1st section Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Junior page 1st section, front page 5,340.– 54 × 10,680.– 113 × 16,010.– 172 × 12,090.– 231 × Other special placements on request. 10 76 mm 76 mm 76 mm 43 mm C L A S S I F I E DS 1 Millimetre rates Section Swiss edition bwcolour Total edition Number of columns bwcolour (fixed formats possible) Publication Education 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Mon/Thu Services 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Mon–Sat 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Tue/Wed/Thu Holiday accommodation/rentals 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Fri Financial market2 5.27 7.51 all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Mon–Sat Leisure 3.99 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Property advertisements5 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Separate rates Mon/Wed Sat (Domizil) Cinema advertisements3+6 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Mon–Sat 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Mon–Sat 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Sat Vehicles/vessels/camping 1+4 5.68 Fri Art trade/galleries/antiques 3 Rendez-vous 2 Recruitment ads Separate rates all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Sat/Sun (Executive) Tourism 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Fri Events3 3.99 5.68 5.27 7.51 even and 5 columns Mon–Sat P R E- P R I N T E D I N S E RTS Publication details and Circulation Total domestic edition Split edition (Zurich and region)7Split edition City of Zurich7 Publication day Monday–FridaySaturday Monday–FridaySaturday Monday–FridaySaturday Circulation (copies to be delivered) 105,000 20,000 Rates Weight Total domestic edition Rate/1000 copies 115,000 48,000 50,000 22,000 Split edition (Zurich and region)7Split edition City of Zurich7 Monday–FridaySaturday Monday–FridaySaturday Monday–FridaySaturday up to 25 g 303.– 31,808.– 34,080.– 15,052.– 15,620.– 6,248.– 6,816.– 26–50 g 379.– 39,760.– 42,600.– 18,815.– 19,525.– 7,810.– 8,520.– 51–75 g 454.– 47,712.–51,120.– 22,578.–23,430.– 9,372.–10,224.– 76–100 g509.– 53,424.–57,240.– 25,281.–26,235.– 10,494.–11,448.– 101–150 g 553.– 58,016.–62,160.– 27,454.–28,490.– 11,396.–12,432.– over 150 g on request – These rates include postage as well as handling charges. – In addition to the insert enclosure fee, a flat rate of 20% of the cost of a 4 colour advertisement is charged per external advertisement. – Inserts qualify for special volume discount. Discounts: In case of simultaneous insertion in “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and “NZZ am Sonntag”, a combination discount of 15% is granted. Minimal height of classifieds = 20 mm, vehicles = 15 mm. Can only be booked in the total edition. Additional classified discount of 30% applies. 4 Second-hand car advertisements appearing on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday attract a 50% discount for two insertions or more of the same content and format. 5 The property section “NZZ Domizil” is published every Friday in the domestic edition. In the international edition, the property advertisements are integrated in the newspaper. A combination discount of 50% on the rates of the “NZZ am Sonntag” is granted in case of simultaneous insertion in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and in the “NZZ am Sonntag”. 6 50% combination discount for simultaneous insertion in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and in the “NZZ am Sonntag”. 7 For logistical reasons, inserts are not included in partial editions that are sent out by post. There is no guarantee that the desired regions are covered solely and completely. 1 2 3 11 STA N D - BY O P T I O N 40% Discount Agency commission and ATP apply, no further volume discounts Promotion period January and February, July and August Format 1/1 page, colour (other fixed formats by arrangement) Process The client or agency books an advert for a particular calendar week, at least a week in advance, and without specifications on placement. It leaves NZZ Media Solutions to select both the publication day (Monday to Saturday) and where the advertisement is placed within the newspaper. In return for this flexibility, the client receives a discount of 40%. Flexible date Within calendar week (Monday to Saturday) Booking No placement reservation and no last-minute design changes Advertising deadline One week before the Monday of the relevant calendar week Printing material deadline Thursday before the relevant calendar week N Z Z W E E K E N D O F F E R FO R CO M M E R C I A L A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Weekend Offer No. 1 When placing an advertisement on Friday or Saturday in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” or “NZZ BusinessCombi” as well as in the “NZZ am Sonntag”, an advertisement can be placed in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on the following Monday free of charge. Weekend Offer No. 2 When placing an advertisement on Friday or Saturday in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” or “NZZ BusinessCombi”, you receive 50% discount on an advert on the following Monday in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” or “NZZ BusinessCombi”. Weekend Offer No. 3 When placing an advertisement in the “NZZ am Sonntag”, an advertisement can be placed in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on the following Monday at 50% discount. 12 Booking The Weekend Offer only applies to fixed formats. Financial notices and adverts for financial products are excluded. Weekend Offers can be included in volume discounts. Advertising and printing material deadline Deadline for advertisement bookings or cancellations and printing materials is two working days prior to publication, by 2 pm. NZZ AM SONNTAG The premium newspaper among the Sunday newspapers The “NZZ am Sonntag” combines the editorial values of the publishing house NZZ with the special needs of Sunday’s readership. At a high level and with depth, the “NZZ am Sonntag” reports about subjects like economy, politics, sports, science, culture and society, ensuring that its readers are able to join in the discussion even more competently. With its precise research, journalistic skill and intelligent analyses, the “NZZ am Sonntag” provides its readership with information on current events and thus preparing it for an ideal start into the new week. The “NZZ am Sonntag” serves a sophisticated readership which doesn’t want to miss out on high-quality journalism, even on Sundays. With its various innovative supplements and magazines, the “NZZ am Sonntag” sets standards. It provides an interested readership with background information and commercial partners with ideal, cost-effective communications platforms. 13 e-pa p + 32 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Circulation Switzerland 126,855 copies Composition Male 55%, female 45% Leaders 91,000 people (27.5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 24,120.–/CHF 57.84 Top leaders 36,000 people (32.2%) P U B L I C AT I O N , A DV E RT I S I N G A N D P R I N T M AT E R I A L D E A D L I N E Publication The “NZZ am Sonntag” is published on Sunday Advertising and print material deadline Two days prior to publication at 2 pm S EC T I O N S A N D M A R K E T P L AC E 1st section 2 nd section 3rd section Topics of the Day (International + Switzerland) Background (incl. Letters to the Editor) Business/Investments/Real Estate 4th sectionSport/Recreation/Mobile 5th sectionScience/Technology/Medicine 6th section Culture/TV Programmes/Weather “NZZ Executive” (situations vacant) at the weekend “NZZ Executive” is published every Saturday as a separate section in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and every Sunday in the “NZZ am Sonntag” TA B LO I D S U P P L E M E N TS “Gesellschaft” Society supplement published weekly as a supplement in “NZZ am Sonntag” “Bücher am Sonntag” Books supplement published 10 times per year as a supplement in the “NZZ am Sonntag” CO M B I N AT I O N S “Sonntagspool”The “Sonntagspool” is a combination of the “NZZ am Sonntag”, “Zentralschweiz am Sonntag” and “Ostschweiz am Sonntag” M AG A Z I N E “Z” Published 8× each year as a supplement in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and the “NZZ am Sonntag” “Stil” Published weekly as a supplement in “NZZ am Sonntag” “Residence” Published 4× per year as a supplement in “NZZ am Sonntag” “Frame” Published 4× per year as a supplement in “NZZ am Sonntag” “NZZ Campus” Published 4× per year and distributed at selected universities, the ETH and other higher education institutions “NZZ Geschichte” Published 4× per year and is available at newsstands and as a subscription 1 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 14 S P EC I A L S U P P L E M E N TS A N D S P EC I A L T H E M E S I N T H E N Z Z A M S O N N TAG Education Real Estate Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Education I 20 March 4 March Swissbau 10 January '16 14 December '15 Education II 16 October Real estate & Living I 29 May 13 May 30 September Real estate & Living II 25 September 9 September Art and Culture Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Jazz Festival 5 June 20 May Zurich Film Festival 4 September 12 August Mobility, Business and Society Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Medicine I 17 April 1 April Gotthard 15 May 29 April Retail 19 June 3 June "Golden age" -generation 18 September Finance Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Investing and planning ahead I 22 May Derivatives 9 October Investing and planning ahead II 20 November 4 November Car 23 October Medicine II 13 November 23 September Travel and Outdoors Topic Publication date Advertising deadline Giardina 6 March The future of energy 2 October 6 May 19 February 2 September 16 September 7 October 28 October Subject to change. 15 R ECO M M E N DAT I O N S Fixed format Placement in 1st section Rate bw/colour Placement in 2nd to 6th section Rate bw/colour Type area 2/1 pages 53,070.– 48,250.– 611 × 440 mm 1/1 page 26,540.– 24,120.– 291 × 440 mm 14,470.– 291 × 218 mm 1/4 page landscape 7,540.– 291 × 108 mm 1/4 page portrait 7,540.– 143 × 218 mm 1/2 page landscape Special format Placement in 2nd to 6th section bw colour Type area min. height Millimetre rates 4.26 20 mm, 3rd section: 80 mm 7.10 N E XT TO T E XT A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Fixed format Placement in 1st section Rate bw/colour Placement in 2nd to 6th section Type area Rate bw/colour 2/2 pages1 41,550.– 611 × 218 mm 2/4 pages1 24,930.– 611 × 108 mm 1/2 page landscape 20,780.– 291 × 218 mm 12,460.– 291 × 108 mm Placement in 2nd to 6th section bwcolour Type area (10 columns) min. height 22,860.– 1/4 page landscape 13,710.– Special format Section 1st section bwcolour Millimetre rates 8.15 12.63 7.42 11.48 60 mm 1st and 3rd section: 80 mm A DV E RT I S E M E N TS O N T E XT PAG E Millimetre rates bw colour Placement 1st section Type area min. format Type area max. format 26.55 44.21 55 × 80 mm 173 × on request 24.12 40.17 55 × 80 mm 173 × on request 2 , 4 , 5 and 6 section 24.12 40.17 55 × 30 mm 173 × on request Island advertisement (placement on request) 31.31 52.14 55 × 80 mm 55 × 110 mm Placement Rate bw/colour 3 section rd nd th th th Front page 9,980.– Funds page (3 section) rd 1 2,200.– Half-page- and quarter-page panorama advertisements. 16 Type area 69 × 90 mm 114 × 76 mm C L A S S I F I E DS 1 Millimetre rates bw colour Number of columns Section Publication Education 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Services 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Vehicles/vessels/camping3 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Holiday accommodation/rentals 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Financial market 4.26 7.10 all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Sun Leisure 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Cinema advertisements 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Art trade/galleries/antiques2 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Rendez-vous 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Recruitment ads (“NZZ Executive”) Separate rates all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Sat/Sun Tourism 4.26 7.10 all (single and 9 column ads not possible) Sun Events 4.26 7.10 even and 5 columns Sun Property 4 +4 2 S P EC I A L FO R M ATS Fixed format Rate bw/colour Type area Section Centre panorama I 38,290.– 376 × 218 mm 2nd to 6th Centre panorama II 45,310.– 376 × 268 mm 2nd to 6th Centre panorama page high 46,410.– 256 × 406 mm 2nd to 6th 1/1 page, right 33,230.– 291 × 440 mm 1st section, page 5 1st section, page 7 Monolith I 15,800.– 55 × 406 mm 14,790.– 55 × 406 mm 1st section 2nd to 6th Monolith II 28,070.– 26,030.– 114 × 406 mm 114 × 406 mm 1st section 2nd to 6th Junior page 22,920.– 20,840.– 173 × 268 mm 173 × 268 mm 1st section 2nd to 6th Other special placements on request. Minimal height of classifieds = 20 mm, vehicles = 15 mm. Additional classified discount of 30% applies. Second-hand car advertisements appearing on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday attract a 50% discount for two insertions or more of the same content and format. 4 50% combination discount in case of simultaneous insertion in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and in the “NZZ am Sonntag”. 1 2 3 17 N Z Z W E E K E N D O F F E R FO R CO M M E R C I A L A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Weekend Offer No. 1 When placing an advertisement on Friday or Saturday in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” or “NZZ BusinessCombi” as well as in the “NZZ am Sonntag”, an advertisement can be placed in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on the following Monday free of charge. Weekend Offer No. 3 When placing an advertisement in the “NZZ am Sonntag”, an advertisement can be placed in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on the following Monday at 50% discount. Booking The Weekend Offer only applies to fixed formats. Financial notices and adverts for financial products are excluded. Weekend Offers can be included in volume discounts. Advertising and printing material deadline Deadline for advertisement bookings or cancellations and printing materials is two working days prior to publication, by 2 pm. P R E- P R I N T E D I N S E RTS Publication details and Circulation Publication day Circulation (copies to be delivered) Sunday 142,000 copies Rates Weight Rate/1000 copies up to 25 g 400.– 56,832.– 26–50 g 503.– 71,484.– 51–75 g 561.– 79,624.– 76–100 g 630.– 89,392.– 101–150 g 687.– 97,532.– over 150 g on request Rate – These rates include postage as well as handling charges. – In addition to the insert enclosure fee, a flat rate of 20% of the cost of a 4 colour advertisement is charged per external advertisement. – Inserts qualify for special volume discount. Discounts In case of simultaneous insertion in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and in the “NZZ am Sonntag”, a combination discount of 15% is granted. 18 NZZ EXECUTIVE “NZZ Executive” – the jobs part with a lot of advantages With its very own section structure and its innovative editorial concept, “NZZ Executive” generates a very high readership attention and ensures that advertisements are noticed sustainably. The clear section structure provides a good overview and quick orientation. The possibility to combine “NZZ Executive” with Le Temps and to place an advertisement in the international edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” at very low additional costs increases the circulation even more. Thanks to full integration, jobs.NZZ.ch reaches the readers of the news portal NZZ.ch as well and thus provides commercial partners directly with access to the very important target group of passive job seekers in the broad range of experts and executives. 19 M E D I A DATA N Z Z E X EC U T I V E 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 560,000 people (12.0%) Circulation Total Switzerland e-pa p + 58 er : ,000 read e rs Composition Male 56%, female 44% Leaders 123,000 people (36.9%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 27,200.–/CHF 48.57 Top leaders 49,000 people (43.1%) 246,811 copies 237,709 copies M E D I A DATA N Z Z E X EC U T I V E B U S I N E S S CO M B I 1 Readers (German- and french-speaking Switzerland) 667,000 people (10.8%) Circulation Total Switzerland Composition Male 56%, female 44% Cost per page/CPT CHF 33,300.–/CHF 49.93 283,613 copies 274,511 copies R EC R U I TM E N T S EC T I O N OV E RV I E W “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Saturday: “NZZ Executive” recruitment section “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, international edition Monday: “Stellenmarkt” recruitment section “NZZ am Sonntag” Sunday: “NZZ Executive” recruitment section Le Temps Friday: “NZZ Executive BusinessCombi” NZZ onlinejobs.NZZ.ch Advertising and printing material deadline (print) Every Thursday before publication, by 2 pm OV E RV I E W O F TO P I C S Topics in 1st section Front placement Premium placement: Pages 2 and 3, page 5 (non-categorised) Management, Executive Finance Banking, Insurance Consulting, Law Administration 1 Topics in 2nd section Engineering, Technology IT, Telecoms Chemical Industry, Pharmaceuticals Society, Education Medicine, Health Human Resources Marketing, Sales Additional Situations Vacant Ads Situations Wanted Legal Info Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 20 Leaders 147,000 people (33.8%) Top leaders 60,000 people (39.4%) R EC R U I TM E N T A DV E RT I S E M E N TS N E U E Z Ü R C H E R Z E I T U N G A N D N Z Z A M S O N N TAG Fixed format front page Swiss edition Rate bw Rate colour International edition Rate bw Rate colour Type area 14,090.– + 1,175.– + 1,380.– 291 × 215 mm 1/4 page landscape 7,040.– 8,230.– + 589.– + 690.– 291 × 106 mm 1/4 page portrait 7,040.– 8,230.– + 589.– + 690.– 143 × 215 mm 1/2 page landscape 16,460.– Premium1 1/1 page 25,620.– 29,920.– + 2,355.– + 2,760.– 291 × 440 mm 1/2 page landscape 12,810.– 14,960.– + 1,175.– + 1,380.– 291 × 215 mm 1/4 page landscape 6,400.– 7,480.– + 589.– + 690.– 291 × 106 mm 1/4 page portrait 6,400.– 7,480.– + 589.– + 690.– 143 × 215 mm 1/1 page 23,300.– 27,200.– + 2,355.– + 2,760.– 291 × 440 mm 1/2 page landscape 11,650.– 13,600.– + 1,175.– + 1,380.– 291 × 215 mm 1/4 page landscape 5,830.– 6,800.– + 589.– + 690.– 291 × 106 mm 1/4 page portrait 5,830.– 6,800.– + 589.– + 690.– 143 × 215 mm Standard Special format (millimetre rates) bw colour bw colour Standard 5.94 6.79 + 0.60 + 0.68 4.05 4.05 + 0.42 + 0.42 Situation wanted Commercial ads (Swiss edition) 2 6.369.86 Special placements fixed format masthead (rate per insertion, colour) Number of insertions “NZZ Executive” front Back page 2nd section (Executive) Type area 1 insertion 3,190.– 2,680.– 50 × 34 mm 4 – 12 insertions 2,580.– 2,166.– 50 × 34 mm 13 – 25 insertions 2,060.– 1,755.– 50 × 34 mm 26 – 52 insertions 1,860.– 1,545.– 50 × 34 mm Island ad within text bw/colour, type area: Per insertion 2,100.– 50 × 34 mm Continuation of “NZZ Executive” interview pages Special discount 50% discount for island ads when booked together with front page masthead of “NZZ Executive” Premium placements on the pages 2, 3 and 5 and on the 2nd opening page of the jobs part as well as on the backpage of the 2nd part. Full advertising pages can only be placed on the pages 2 and 3. 2 Cumulated with the commercial volume discount. 1 The price including a surcharge for the international edition shall apply to foreign customers. 21 R EC R U I TM E N T A DV E RT I S E M E N TS N Z Z E X EC U T I V E B U S I N E S S CO M B I Fixed format front page Swiss edition Rate bw Rate colour International edition Rate bw Rate colour Type area 19,030.– 21,220.– + 1,175.– + 1,380.– 291 × 215 mm 1/4 page landscape 9,510.– 10,610.– + 589.– + 690.– 291 × 106 mm 1/4 page portrait 9,510.– 10,610.– + 589.– + 690.– 143 × 215 mm 1/2 page landscape Premium1 1/1 page 31,850.– 35,810.– + 2,355.– + 2,760.– 291 × 440 mm 1/2 page landscape 17,860.– 19,840.– + 1,175.– + 1,380.– 291 × 215 mm 1/4 page landscape 8,920.– 9,920.– + 589.– + 690.– 291 × 106 mm 1/4 page portrait 8,920.– 9,920.– + 589.– + 690.– 143 × 215 mm 1/1 page 29,720.– 33,330.– + 2,355.– + 2,760.– 291 × 440 mm 1/2 page landscape 16,790.– 18,580.– + 1,175.– + 1,380.– 291 × 215 mm 1/4 page landscape 8,400.– 9,290.– + 589.– + 690.– 291 × 106 mm 1/4 page portrait 8,400.– 9,290.– + 589.– + 690.– 143 × 215 mm Standard Special format (millimetre rates) bw colour bw colour Standard 8.22 9.01 + 0.60 + 0.68 Situation wanted 5.15 5.15 + 0.42 + 0.42 1 Premium placements on the pages 2, 3 and 5 and on the 2nd opening page of the jobs part as well as on the backpage of the 2nd part. Full advertising pages can only be placed on the pages 2 and 3. The price including a surcharge for the international edition shall apply to foreign customers. 22 S P EC I A L O F F E R : S EC U R I T Y- PAC K AG E Maximize the impact of your job advert with the response multiplier. Offer 1 (book both placements at the same time) – When booking a job advert, the same ad will also be published once within the following 6 weeks in the “NZZ Executive” recruitment section. – When booking the Security-Package before the first placement, the rate for the job advert only increases by 25% for the additional placement. – This package is only available in conjunction with situations vacant advertising. 1st placement 2nd placement Price Reduction 125% 100% Run time: 6 weeks Offer 2 (book second placement retrospectively) –W hen booking a job advert, the same ad will also be published once within the following 6 weeks in the “NZZ Executive” recruitment section. – If the package is booked retrospectively, 50% discount is applied to the second placement within 6 weeks. – This package is only available in conjunction with situations vacant advertising. 1st placement Security-Package booking rates Discount on 2nd placement 2nd placement Price Reduction 100% 50% Run time: 6 weeks S ecurity-Package booking rates D iscount on 2nd placement (booked retrospectively) Benefits – You can find the best candidates for the vacancy by running the advert over several weeks. – Double your presence in the market with each placement. – The job advert is inserted up to twice within 6 weeks. S EC U R I T Y PAC K AG E R AT E Fixed format front page ”NZZ Executive”1 bw ”NZZ Executive”1 Total edition2 Total edition2 colourbw colour 1/2 page landscape 17,610.– 20,580.– + 1,470.– + 1,725.– 1/4 page landscape 8,800.– 10,290.– + 736.– + 863.– 1/4 page portrait 8,800.– 10,290.– + 736.– + 863.– Premium fixed format3 1/1 page 32,030.– 37,400.– + 2,945.– + 3,450.– 1/2 page landscape 16,010.– 18,700.– + 1,470.– + 1,725.– 1/4 page landscape 8,000.– 9,350.– + 736.– + 863.– 1/4 page portrait 8,000.– 9,350.– + 736.– + 863.– Standard fixed format 1/1 page 29,130.– 34,000.– + 2,945.– + 3,450.– 1/2 page landscape 14,560.– 17,000.– + 1,470.– + 1,725.– 1/4 page landscape 7,290.– 8,500.– + 736.– + 863.– 1/4 page portrait 7,290.– 8,500.– + 736.– + 863.– Millimetre rate bw colour bw colour Standard 7.42 8.49 + 0.75 + 0.85 “NZZ Executive” is published every Saturday in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and in the “NZZ am Sonntag” Additional placement in the international edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” (Monday). 3 Premium placement on pages 2, 3 and 5, on the 2nd section front page and 2nd section back page. Full pages are only available on pages 2 and 3. 1 2 The price including a surcharge for the international edition shall apply to foreign customers. 23 S I T UAT I O N VAC A N T A DV E RT D I S CO U N TS AmountDiscount AmountDiscount AmountDiscount 20,000.– 2% 300,000.–6% 1,000,000.– 9% 50,000.– 3% 500,000.–7% 1,250,000.–10% 100,000.–4% 800,000.–8% 1,500,000.–11% 200,000.–5% Terms: Valid for all "NZZ Executive" adverts, format and design can be changed, run time of one year. J O B S . N Z Z .C H With their unique integration into the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” news portal, your adverts will directly reach the nzz.ch readership. Benefit from over 10 million monthly visits and reach the most qualified people who will drive your business forward (over 90% with higher education qualifications and in the specialist target group). Do not limit your recruitment to the active job-seeker market. With jobs.NZZ.ch you will extend the reach of your job adverts to address passive job seekers, ensuring you reach the best possible candidates for your vacancy. Your job advert will be optimised for mobile devices and displayed in the NZZ news app for smartphones, available from iTunes (iOS) and Google Play (Android). Single adverts 1 advert on jobs.NZZ.ch, run time: 30 days Please contact us for a personal consultation on +41 44 258 13 15 or via [email protected]. CHF 700.– Subscriptions/packages For maximum perception among passive job seekers, we recommend year-round company presence on jobs.NZZ.ch. We offer various subscriptions or we can put together selected options to tailor a package to your needs. Combined advertising You can combine your print advert with an online advertisement. Additional online advert 1 additional advert on jobs. NZZ.ch, run time: 30 days JOB TEASER Combine print and online with a job teaser in the print edition that links to your online ad. The job teaser is published next to text. Publication dayThursday Advertising deadlineMonday Content Company name/company logo in colour/ job title/location/QR code/job ID Individual rate (including print production) Job teaser print with existing job subscription, online Combined rate (including print production) Online individual advert and job teaser print CHF 1,800.– CHF 2,200.– T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 24 CHF 525.– NZZ DOMIZIL “NZZ Domizil” – the real estate part of “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” “NZZ Domizil” will now be published every Saturday (from 1 January 2016 onwards) as a separate section of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. With its extended editorial part, which addresses private interest groups as well as industry professionals, “NZZ Domizil” reinforces its number one position among publications on real estate. 25 e-pa p + 39 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 269,000 people (5.8%) Circulation Total 119,956 copies Switzerland 110,854 copies Outside Switzerland 9,102 copies Composition Male 62%,female 38% Leaders 74,000 people (22.2%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 19,200.–/CHF 71.38 Top leaders 30,000 people (26.7%) P R O P E RT Y M A R K E T OV E RV I E W “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Monday and Wednesday: Real-estate section Friday: “NZZ Domizil” real-estate section “NZZ am Sonntag” Real-estate section “Residence” “Residence” magazine is published four times a year as an insert in “NZZ am Sonntag” More details can be found in this document in the “Residence” section Advertising and printing material deadline Real-estate section: two working days prior to publication, by 2 pm “NZZ Domizil”: Thursday before publication, by 2 pm S P EC I A L S U P P L E M E N TS Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Title 3 April 18 March 23 March “NZZ am Sonntag” 16 September “NZZ am Sonntag” 25 September 9 September The advertising deadline refers to commercial advertisements. For property advertisements, the advertising deadline is 12 noon, just like the print material deadline. Subject to change. S P EC I A L D I S CO U N TS 10% discount when booking two special supplements in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and/or the “NZZ am Sonntag”2, 15% discount for three bookings2 and 20% discount for four or more special supplement bookings2. 1 2 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. These discounts only apply to commercial advertisements and are not for property adverts. 26 P L AC E M E N T I N T H E N E U E Z Ü R C H E R Z E I T U N G 1 Fixed format Swiss edition Rate bw/colour Total edition Rate bw/colour Type area 1/1 page 19,200.– 26,590.– 291 × 440 mm 1/2 page landscape 11,520.– 15,960.– 291 × 218 mm 8,310.– 291 × 108 mm 8,310.– 143 × 218 mm 1/4 page landscape 6,000.– 1/4 page portrait 6,000.– Special format bwcolourbwcolour Millimetre rates 3.91 Special formats, real-estate section Swiss edition Rate bw/colour 5.57 Front page, advertising panel, top right 2,245.– 5.17 7.36 Type area 55 × 34 mm Page 3, advertising panel 2 580.– 54 × 60 mm Front page, 1/4 page landscape, next to text 10,050.– 291 × 108 mm Page 3, 1/4 page landscape, next to text 10,050.– 291 × 108 mm P L AC E M E N T I N T H E N Z Z A M S O N N TAG ( R E A L- E STAT E S EC T I O N ) 2 Fixed format Rate bw/colour Type area 1/1 page 24,120.– 291 × 440 mm 1/2 page landscape 14,470.– 291 × 218 mm 1/4 page landscape 7,540.– 291 × 108 mm 1/4 page portrait 7,540.– 143 × 218 mm Special format bw colour Millimetre rates 4.26 7.10 1 2 Published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays in the real estate section and as the separate real estate part “NZZ Domizil”. In case of insertion on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, a discount of 50% on the advertisement in “NZZ am Sonntag” (same week) is granted. 27 R E A L E STAT E I N R E S I D E N C E M AG A Z I N E “Residence” – the magazine for living and real estate – offers other attractive advertising opportunities for premium real estate and listings for sales and rental properties in Switzerland and abroad. More details can be found in this document in the “Residence” section. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 28 NZZ FOLIO The intelligent monthly magazine For the past twenty years, each monthly edition of “NZZ Folio” has focused on one theme from every angle. The spectrum includes topics of enduring interest ranging from A to Z. “NZZ Folio” combines journalistic relevance with linguistic skill, and t horough research with independent ideas; high-profile columnists provide entertainment that will hold your attention. “NZZ Folio” is the reading matter of choice for leaders and decision m akers – the magazine for intelligence that lasts the distance. 29 e-pa p + 39 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 339,400 people (7.2%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 23,440.–/CHF 69.06 Circulation Switzerland 120,000 copies P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S Theme Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Business ideas 4 January 9 December '15 15 December '15 In paradise 1 February 6 January 14 January Top and bottom (Hierarchies) 7 March 10 February 18 February Artificial intelligence 4 April 9 March 17 March China 2 May 6 April 14 April VIP – how to become something special 6 June 11 May 19 May The cow 4 July 8 June 16 June Muslims in Switzerland 2 August 6 July 14 July Fathers 5 September Less is more 3 October We are the people 7 November Secrets 5 December 10 August 7 September 12 October 9 November 18 August 15 September 20 October 17 November Subject to change. OV E RV I E W O F TO P I C S TopicContents Online Peter Glaser interviews the owners of the strangest and most interesting websites My future Florian Leu asks young people who have just left school or their apprenticeship about their dreams Icon poet 5 dice – 5 phrases – 1 short story. Join in the game Names in numbers Popular, curious, common names and their history Swiss Council for Accident Prevention Photos from the archives of the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention show a little-known Switzerland On course Barbara Klingbacher attends training courses, from watching grasshoppers to 3D printing In court Andreas Heller criss-crosses the country visiting trials large and small Binder's picture puzzle He who seeks, shall find – but not always. A classic by Hannes Binder Riddle A riddle for clever minds by legendary puzzle inventor, CUS Who lives here? A psychologist and an interior designer examine photos of a residence to work out who lives there The experiment Crazy experiments from all scientific fields, compiled by Reto U. Schneider Folio fun Cartoon on the topic of the month, by cartoonist Gerhard Glück 1 Sources: publisher’s imprint. 30 F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L P L AC E M E N TS Fixed format Rate Type area Bleed margin1 2/1 pages 46,890.– 416 × 273 mm 440 × 297 mm 2/2 pages2 25,870.– 416 × 123 mm 440 × 144 mm 1/1 page 23,440.– 196 × 273 mm 220 × 297 mm 1/2 page landscape2 14,050.– 196 × 123 mm 220 × 144 mm 1/2 page portrait2 14,050.– 88 × 250 mm 105 × 297 mm 1/3 page landscape2 11,160.– 196 × 80 mm 1/3 page portrait2 11,160.– 54 × 254 mm 66 × 297 mm 1/4 page landscape2 8,550.– 196 × 62 mm 1/4 page portrait2 8,550.– 88 × 123 mm Centre panorama I2 21,080.– 215 × 123 mm Centre panorama II2 28,120.– 215 × 273 mm Special placement Rate Inside front cover 26,940.– Inside front cover and page 3 50,380.– Outside back cover 29,460.– 1/1 page next to editorial 26,160.– 1/1 page next to content 25,580.– 1/1 page next to topics at the front 25,580.– Special format Rate Gatefolder (3 pages folded inwards) 94,960.– Series of advertisements available on request Other special placements on request. 1 2 Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. Page sections are placed next to text. 31 I N S E RTS Circulation Total Copies to be delivered 125,000 Loose Inserts Weight Total min. format max. format up to 50 g 41,820.– 105 × 148 mm 210 × 285 mm 51 up to 100 g 46,410.– 105 × 148 mm 210 × 285 mm min. format max. format Glued Inserts (+ 1/1 page 23,440.–) WeightCard1Booklet1 up to 25 g 18,870.– 26 up to 50 g 22,270.– 55 × 80 mm 190 × 210 mm 23,970.– 55 × 80 mm 190 × 210 mm Glued cards and booklets may only be inserted into the total edition. Sachet (+ 1/1 page 23,440.–) Total1 min. format 28,390.– 60 × 80 mm max. format 190 × 210 mm Bound-in Inserts WeightTotal1 min. format max. format up to 25 g 40,120.– 105/115 × 148 mm 220 × 297 mm up to 50 g 41,480.– 105/115 × 148 mm 220 × 297 mm D I ST R I B U T I O N “NZZ Folio” is published on the first Monday of each month. It is part of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” (Swiss edition) and is also delivered to NZZ subscribers abroad. It can also be subscribed separately, is available at newsagents and in the App Store. R E S E RVAT I O N S We accept reservations as placement requests. Following a reservation for a special placement, the order should ideally be placed one month before the advertising deadline, otherwise top placements will be released. Placement reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. For later requests, it may be that the desired placement cannot be confirmed. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 Plus technical costs. 32 Z “Z” – die Substanz des Stils Targeted at intelligent and high-spending readers looking for quality goods and services, “Z” enjoys a wide reach and has an eye-catching format that makes it one of a kind in Switzerland. It is published eight times a year as a supplement to both the Saturday edition of “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and “NZZ am Sonntag”. 33 e-pa p + 58 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 560,000 people (12.0%) Circulation Switzerland 257,000 copies Composition Male 56%, female 44% Leaders 123,000 people (36.9%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 29,500.–/CHF 52.68 Top leaders 49,000 people (43.1%) P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S Theme Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Spring fashion 5/6 March 3 February 16 February Watches & jewellery 16/17 April 16 March 29 March Interior design 21/22 May 20 April 3 May Cars/travel 11/12 June 11 May 24 May Autumn fashion 3/4 September 3 August 16 August Beauty & wellness 8/9 October 7 September 20 September Accessories 5/6 November 5 October 18 October Gifts 3/4 December 2 November 15 November Subject to change. OV E RV I E W O F TO P I C S Topics for premium placements Contents Stuff Product of the month, staged and photographed Contents Zeitgeist – the latest from Switzerland Treasures from the broad spectrum of life (fashion/design/art/hotels) Zeitgeist – the latest from around the world International discoveries Zeitgeist – products Kaleidoscope of stylish watches, jewellery, bags and more Zeitgeist – beautyDecorative touches and fragrances from the world of beauty, the most stylish spas and soothing treatments In Portrait Background information on a company or person in the forms of words, images and numbers Report or Manufactory Reportage from a fashion show, watch/jewellery fair or other recent event Visit to a specialist studio Interview Interview with one of the leading lights in fashion, design or art Other topics Ingredients The produce of the season with recipes and tips At the tableWhat would Coco Chanel have served, and how would she have served it? “Z” presents table decor and cuisine choices for celebrities Destination Travel havens, places to be and special destinations Cities distilled Insider tips from the most beautiful and coolest cities in the world Roundtable One topic, six opinions Quote Recent, important or funny quotes by key people of our time, selected and annotated 1 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 34 F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L P L AC E M E N TS Fixed format Rate Type area Bleed margin1 2/1 pages 62,540.– 532 × 359 mm 556 × 400 mm 2/2 pages2 36,880.– 532 × 174 mm 556 × 196 mm 2/3 pages2 28,030.– 532 × 120 mm 556 × 134 mm 1/1 page 29,500.– 252 × 359 mm 278 × 400 mm 1/2 page landscape2 18,440.– 252 × 174 mm 278 × 196 mm 1/2 page portrait2 18,440.– 124 × 359 mm 138 × 400 mm 1/3 page landscape2 14,015.– 252 × 120 mm 278 × 134 mm 1/3 page portrait2 14,015.– 78 × 359 mm 93 × 400 mm 1/4 page landscape2 9,590.– 252 × 85 mm 278 × 95 mm 1/4 page portrait2 9,590.– 60 × 359 mm 74 × 400 mm Centre panorama I2 Centre panorama II2 27,660.– 124 × 359 mm 35,400.– 252 × 359 mm Special placement Rate Inside front cover 35,400.– Inside front cover and page 3 70,800.– Outside back cover 38,350.– 1/1 page next to content and editorial 34,000.– 1/1 page next to topics at the front 32,450.– Series of advertisements available on request Other special placements on request. 1 2 Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. Page sections are placed next to text. 35 I N S E RTS Circulation Total Copies to be delivered 257,000 Glued Inserts (+ 1/1 page 29,500.–) Price Card1 Price Booklet1 Glued Inserts, 4 color 31,080.– 36,680.– Sachet (+ 1/1 page 29,500.–) Price1 Sachet, 4 color 59,080.– Bound-in Inserts WeightPrice1 min. format max. format up to 50 g 105 × 148 mm 272 × 400 mm 66,080.– D I ST R I B U T I O N “Z” is a supplement to “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on Saturdays and to “NZZ am Sonntag” on Sundays. It is also distributed at 4 and 5 star hotels in Switzerland, at the business lounges at Zurich and Basel airport as well as at selected events and fairs. R E S E RVAT I O N S We accept reservations as placement requests. Following a reservation for a special placement, the order should ideally be placed one month before the advertising deadline, otherwise top placements will be released. Placement reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. For later requests, it may be that the desired placement cannot be confirmed. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 Plus technical costs. 36 STIL “Stil” – das Magazin für Lebensart The magazine “Stil” presents contemporary, relevant lifestyles. Dependable, reflective and stimulating, it provides its well-heeled, style savvy readership with orientation in the diverse world of lifestyles. Its readers enjoy the reviews and advice as well as magazine-style background reports, opinions and columns. 37 e-pa p + 32 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Circulation Switzerland 126,855 copies Composition Male 55%, female 45% Leaders 91,000 people (27.5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 15,600.–/CHF 37.41 Top leaders 36,000 people (32.2%) P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S The magazine “Stil” is published every Sunday as a supplement to “NZZ am Sonntag” (with approximately 20 editions as “Stil” special editions focusing on main topics). General advertising deadline: on Thursdays 10 days prior to publication at midday. Print material deadline: on Mondays before publication at 2 pm. “Stil” special Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Cruise 10 January Weddings 17 January Valentine’s Day Travel Mobile (Geneva Motor Show) Fashion (Spring/summer) 21 December '15 4 January 7 January 11 January 7 February 28 January 1 February 21 February 11 February 15 February 25 February 29 February 6 March 13 March 3 March 7 March Beauty (Fitness) 3 April 21 March 24 March Outdoors (Bike) 17 April 7 April 11 April Health 1 May 21 April 25 April Homes/furnishings 8 May 28 April 2 May Switzerland 15 May 4 May 9 May Yoga/fitness(-clubs) 12 June 2 June 6 June Cruise 28 August Beauty (Health) Fashion (Autumn/winter) 4 September 18 September 18 August 22 August 25 August 29 August 8 September 12 September 26 September Travel 2 October 22 September Homes/furnishings 9 October 29 September 3 October Beauty (Winter) 16 October 6 October 10 October Wine & enjoyment* 30 October 20 October 24 October Winter sports 20 November 10 November 14 November Shopping 27 November 17 November 21 November Enjoyment 11 December 1 December 5 December Subject to change. OV E RV I E W O F S EC T I O N S The magazine “Stil” bursts into the colourful lifestyle cosmos every Sunday. Its regular columns include Style radar, Fine dining, Travel, Tools and Sunday outings, where a broad range of topics is explored: Fashion Gadgets Culture Design Watches Art Beauty Travel Exhibitions Wellness Leisure Architecture Cars Outdoors People * 1 This special edition of “Stil” is being enclosed with the “NZZ am Sonntag”, “Zentralschweiz am Sonntag” and “Ostschweiz am Sonntag” one time only. Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 38 F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L P L AC E M E N TS Fixed format Rate Type area Bleed margin1 2/1 pages 31,300.– 436 × 270 mm 460 × 297 mm 2/2 pages2 18,720.– 436 × 133 mm 460 × 146 mm 2/4 pages2 12,480.– 436 × 64 mm 460 × 70 mm 1/1 page 15,600.– 206 × 270 mm 230 × 297 mm 1/2 page landscape2 9,360.– 206 × 133 mm 230 × 146 mm 1/3 page landscape2 7,800.– 206 × 88 mm 230 × 97 mm 1/4 page landscape2 6,240.– 206 × 64 mm 230 × 70 mm 1/4 page portrait2 6,240.– 101 × 133 mm Monolith I2 6,240.– 49 × 270 mm Monolith II2 9,360.– Centre panorama I2 Centre panorama II2 101 × 270 mm 13,940.– 226 × 133 mm 18,720.– 226 × 270 mm Special placement Rate Inside front cover 18,600.– Inside front cover and page 3 34,400.– Outside back cover 19,800.– First left-hand advertisement page 17,300.– First right-hand advertisement page 17,300.– 1/4 page landscape, centred 7,800.– Other options for advertisements and supplements/fixed inserts available on request. 1 2 Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. Page sections are placed next to text. 39 I N S E RTS Circulation Copies to be delivered 142,000 Loose Inserts Weight Rate min. format max. format up to 25 g 36,408.– 105 × 148 mm 210 × 277 mm 26 up to 50 g 40,404.– 105 × 148 mm 210 × 277 mm 51 up to 100 g 44,252.– 105 × 148 mm 210 × 277 mm min. format max. format Glued Inserts (+ 1/1 page 15,600.–) WeightCard1Booklet1 up to 25 g 16,428.– 26 up to 50 g 19,388.– 65 × 85 mm 190 × 210 mm 20,868.– 65 × 85 mm 190 × 210 mm Sachet (+ 1/1 page 15,600.–) Rate1 min. format 31,228.– 55 × 80 mm Bound-in Inserts WeightRate1 Format up to 25 g 34,928.– 230 × 297 mm 26 up to 50 g 36,112.– 230 × 297 mm max. format 190 × 210 mm D I ST R I B U T I O N The magazine “Stil” is a supplement to “NZZ am Sonntag”. R E S E RVAT I O N S We accept reservations as placement requests. Following a reservation for a special placement, the order should ideally be placed one month before the advertising deadline, otherwise top placements will be released. Placement reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. For later requests, it may be that the desired placement cannot be confirmed. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 Plus technical costs. 40 RESIDENCE The magazine for home, living and real estate “Residence” is published quarterly in “NZZ am Sonntag” and the editorial focus is on high-quality real estate, exceptional architecture and other topics around the art of living. It offers an attractive editorial content mix of specialist articles, service-oriented columns with news and trends on furniture, kitchen, bathroom, garden and gadgets. In the second part of “Residence”, real estate partners present high-quality objects for sale as well as for rent: exclusive flats and houses in Switzerland and abroad, to live in and to dream of. 41 e-pa p + 32 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Circulation Switzerland 126,855 copies Composition Male 55%, female 45% Leaders 91,000 people (27.5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 15,600.–/CHF 37.41 Top leaders 36,000 people (32.2%) P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S Publication date For property listings: reservations deadline For Property listings and gallery Commercial advertisements: placements: advertising deadline/ advertising deadline print material deadline Print material deadline 20 March 23 February 4 March 4 March 8 March 15 May 19 April 29 April 29 April 3 May 28 August 2 August 12 August 12 August 16 August 30 October 4 October 14 October 14 October 18 October We only have a limited number of pages available for property listings. Make a reservation to ensure your ad is published. Subject to change. OV E RV I E W Home, living and architecture • Reports, portraits and interviews on property and living in the upmarket segment, ideas for the home, a look at the work of well-known architects, interviews with celebrities from society and the property sector Property • Specialist articles and analysis of the property market • Tips on buying and selling, maintenance and home finance in Switzerland and internationally Topics • Insight into the residential market • Product notes and news on design and accessories – Furniture/lighting – Kitchen – Wellbeing/bathrooms – Garden and outdoors – Home technology and gadgets – Fireplace • Seasonal topics 1 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 42 F I X E D FO R M ATS W I T H I N E D I TO R I A L CO N T E N T A N D S P EC I A L P L AC E M E N TS Fixed format Rate Type area Bleed margin1 2/1 pages 31,200.– 416 × 270 mm 440 × 299 mm 2/3 pages2 13,000.– 416 × 80 mm 440 × 96 mm 2/4 pages2 10,725.– 416 × 57 mm 440 × 73 mm 1/1 page3 15,600.– 196 × 270 mm 220 × 299 mm 1/2 page landscape2 9,360.– 196 × 128 mm 220 × 144 mm 1/3 page landscape2 6,500.– 196 × 80 mm 220 × 96 mm 1/4 page landscape2 4,875.– 196 × 57 mm 220 × 73 mm Monolith I 4,875.– 58 × 299 mm Monolith II 9,360.– 96 × 270 mm Non-next to text ads Rate Type area 1/2 page 3,744.– 196 × 128 mm 1/4 page 1,950.– 196 × 57 mm 108 × 299 mm 1/8 page 975.– 96 × 57 mm Special placement Rate Type area Bleed margin1 Inside front cover3 17,160.– 196 × 270 mm 220 × 299 mm Inside front cover + page 33 34,320.– 416 × 270 mm 440 × 299 mm Outside back cover 18,720.– 196 × 270 mm 220 × 299 mm 2/4 pages, Editorial2 11,800.– 440 × 73 mm Other placements and inserts/glued inserts on request. 1 2 3 Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. Page sections are placed next to text. For inside front cover (left) 5 mm adhesive edge on the right and for inside back cover (right) 5 mm adhesive edge on the left. 43 G A L L E RY FO R S P EC I A L I T Y S H O PS A N D B U S I N E S S E S With its editorial content and exclusive property listings, “Residence” provides the ideal environment for speciality shops and businesses. “Residence” offers these shops and businesses a targeted and cost-effective advertising solution. 32 GALERIE The clear structure of the standardised gallery pages provides an attractive presence among the editorial content. Anzeige Zürich (ZH) Freienbach (SZ) Rüschlikon (ZH) <wm>10CAsNsjY0MDAx1TUyMLYwMgMAmR8okQ8AAAA=</wm> <wm>10CAsNsjY0MDAx1TUyMLG0sAQADLhtZw8AAAA=</wm> <wm>10CFWMIQ7DQAwEX-TTru3L2T1YhUUFVbhJVNz_o-rCCgbt7BzH7A03z_117u9JwLsoLHSbHNF62DTXlqlrHAraA8lAZvQ_X8DcDF7LEUIwCikc4qhwLdoq1P1m-16fH4C_bT6AAAAA</wm> <wm>10CAsNsjY0MDAx1TUCEqamAA5zb9IPAAAA</wm> <wm>10CFWMsQ4CMQxDvyiVnaRpQ0d02-kGxN4FMfP_Ey0bgyVbfvZ5jlrw0_24nsdjEPAqCs-eg62X2m2Ya8nUVTIUtBvNG5t6_PECZhh8bkYIYcxlPIScFm2F_TD3Giyf1_sLfCvu-YAAAAA=</wm> möbel und mehr . . . 1/6 page in the gallery Rate per placement Format 1× 1,300.– 63 × 121 mm from 2× 1,040.– 63 × 121 mm <wm>10CFWMMQ7DMAwDXySDkqxYqsciW9ChyK4lyJz_T7W9FSC58Mjj6Faw_N4_5_7tDFQjGWHWuXkx165VSoSMkiFgfcE10BzyxxM4NkXNyRBjKOGkjWxL1EjW-ZBrjfJc9w8YnUGKgAAAAA==</wm> neu: home-Accessoires lotos furniture Package rates: All 4 issues 3,120.– (780.– per issue) Mo bis Fr: 9.30 –18.30 Uhr, Sa: 9.30 –16 Uhr Öffnungszeiten: Mo – Fr: 10 –18.30, Sa: 9.00 – 17.00 Di bis Fr: 10 – 12, 13.30 –18.30 Uhr, Sa: 10 – 17 Uhr In herzlichem Ambiente unweit des Bellevues bietet der Familienbetrieb auf 130 m2 Schmuck, Accessoires und Möbel. Dank Marken wie Riviera Maison und vielen anderen ergibt sich ein moderner Landhaus-Stil. HAUSER LIVING Gartenmöbel | Pflanzen | Terrassen Starten Sie Ihre Reise ins Reich des Wohnens bei lotos furniture & more und entdecken Sie MöbelOriginale, Paneele, Lampen oder Buddhas sowie aufregende Accessoires aus Asien, Nord- und OstAfrika. Ergänzen Sie Ihr Interieur mit Wohnelementen aus fernen Ländern. Eleganz und Exklusivität für den Innen- und Aussenbereich in grosser Auswahl und stilvoller Atmosphäre. Nur 20 Autominuten von Zürich, gratis Parkplätze. Herzlich GmbH Seefeldstrasse 12 CH-8008 Zürich Tel. +41 44 260 36 30 [email protected] www.herzlich.ch HAUSER LIVING AG Wolleraustrasse 31 | 8807 Freienbach SZ T 055 415 00 80 | www.hauserliving.ch lotos furniture & more AG Seestrasse 112 CH-8803 Rüschlikon Tel. +41 43 233 09 09 [email protected], www.lotos.ch Zürich (ZH) Zürich (ZH) Zürich (ZH) R E A L E STAT E L I ST I N G S <wm>10CAsNsjY0MDAx1TUCEkZmAHO0JwQPAAAA</wm> <wm>10CAsNsjY0MDAx1TUyMLEwMAIAu4GkOQ8AAAA=</wm> <wm>10CFWMrQ6AMBCDn-iW6_2MjUkyRxAEf4ageX_FwCHaNOnXrmvzxJ-Wvh19b2A2JxkmuWEqyYs2NUm1yijhwtAZ5hMXr_rjiVGzssXLEJjgASPPI4dpCej7EN8a6T6vB_AU7tCAAAAA</wm> <wm>10CFWMuw7CMBAEv-is3Xs4Z1yidBEFSn9NRM3_V2A6iilWmp3jmNHw474_zv05CXiIwhM6uWWLtGmubYzvBkNBu9GjM7vyzxdwdIPXcoQQRtElQjxLx1a0Vaj1Btr7en0AOQaMNIAAAAA=</wm> <wm>10CAsNsjY0MDAx1TUyMDYzMAMAEVCAqQ8AAAA=</wm> <wm>10CFVMOQ6AIBB8EWRmd0FXSkNnLIw9jbH2_5VgZzFHMse2lRTxYa37WY9CwFIQaEYunOaYZi1qEt2lhzQBdSFSFxf--gH0rLA2OoEItNbZfBh4btTx0MYaiM91v8CSPVuAAAAA</wm> “Residence” provides environment for property listings. and countries abroad, it offers 11 different templates to provide the DUXiAnA Zürich the perfect schlossberg boutique orientteppiche Mo biscan Fr: 9–19 Uhr, Sa: 9 –17 Uhr Die Schlossberg Boutiquen in Zürich, Basel, Luzern Mo readership bis Mi und Fr: 9.00 –18.30 Uhr, Sa: 9.00 –17 Uhr Here you address a discerning, financially sound of appropriate presentation for each property. Each listing is clear, und Zermatt bieten ein exklusives Angebot an Do Abendverkauf: 9.00 – 20.00 Uhr We take sleep seriously, so that you can take it edler Satinbettwäsche, hochwertigen Cashmerehome buyers and tenants. magazine is Frottee published four for granted. At DUXIANA, good sleep is based The Plaids sowie kuschelig weichem und BadeNach 88 Jahrentimes schliesst sichper auch für Zürichs elegant, compelling and well illustrated, with an individual text in on advanced technology, genuine craftsmanship, mänteln. letztes, exklusives Teppichfachgeschäft der Kreis. strenuous tests and carefully selected materials. Altersbedingt schliesst Y. Soleimani sein Geschäft year and the orattraktiven rental German, French or English. Whenrepresents you sleep in a DUX bed, your body best rests on platform for exclusive sale – mit einem Ausverkauf. more than 85 years of research and development. Strehlgasse 29 8001 Zürich Y. Soleimani property listings. Divided into the various regions in Switzerland DUXIANA Zürich – by Imperial Interiors Tel.: + 41 (0)44 221 31 04 Orientteppiche Nüschelerstrasse 30 CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41 44 211 47 57 [email protected], www.duxbed.ch www.schlossberg.ch Mo – Fr 09.30 –18.30 Uhr Sa 09.30 –17.00 Uhr Uraniastrasse 31 CH-8001 Zürich Telefon 044 212 81 81 E-Mail: [email protected] Residence 1 / 2013 Please note: – The package (number of pages) can be spread across multiple issues. – Volume discounts do not apply to property listings. – The level of discount is based on the guaranteed purchase volume. – Due to page limitations, placements can only be guaranteed if they have been previously reserved. 1 2 Property industry only. Also for private listings. 44 Sales listings1 per page 1 page 3,120.– per placement from 4 pages 2,590.– per placement from 8 pages 2,150.– per placement from 12 pages 1,930.– per placement from 16 pages 1,560.– per placement Rental properties2 per page 1× 3,120.– per placement Reservations: [email protected] or +41 44 258 16 98. –O nce the order has been placed, proofreading is provided free of charge by NZZ Media Solutions for all proof copies written in German. The edits are marked in a PDF and emailed back to the client, who then updates the listing. –O nly real estate listings that are in keeping with the premium character of the magazine will be considered for publication. The publisher reserves the right to reject real estate listings. R E A L E STAT E P R OJ EC TS “Residence” is ideally suited for the presentation and advertisement of major property projects, providing the perfect platform to introduce them to the public. Property projects can be prominently Format Rates 2/1 pages 9,360.– Existing partners benefit from attractive package options. A N N O U N C E M E N TS S EC T I O N Neue Zürcher Zeitung um f displayed on a double page using a customised layout. Projects are presented immediately following the editorial content of the magazine, i.e. before the property advertisements. Kanton Aargau Sonderbeilage 13. November 2013 Optional advertisement As an option, once advertisements have been published in Aarau-Rombach SPINNEREI III Att i ka · T e r rassection senhaus “Residence” they can be in the Real Estate of the Einzigartige Loftsplaced auf dem Kunzareal Stadtblick In der ehemaligen Spinnerei III in Windisch entstehen “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and the “NZZ am Sonntag” at attractive 50 einmalige Lofts mit grosszügigen Grundrissen (90250 m Wohnfläche) und fast vier Meter hohen Räumen. Die Räume können in ihrem rohen Zustand übernommen rates: Nettowohnfläche 204 m und individuell gestaltet werden. Gerne empfangen wir Terrasse 121 m Sie zu einem Beratungsgespräch in unserem Showroom. – Max. two advertisements (inSiethe “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Unter www.spinnerei-drei.ch finden zudem alle Informationen zum Projekt. and/or the “NZZ am Sonntag” as an option) – Size: 173 × 100 mm (six columns) – Colour: four colours (two templates are available) Das Magazin fürWohnen und Immobilien – Prices: “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” CHF 780.– “NZZ am Sonntag” CHF 890.– Exklusives 5.5-Zi-Terrassenhaus mit atemberaubender Weitsicht über die Stadt Aarau bis hin zu den Alpen. 2 2 2 Lassen Sie sich verzaubern von der traumhaften Aussicht und der edlen Grosszügigkeit des Raumkonzepts. CHF 1,495 Mio. inkl. Doppelgarage HIAG Immobilien Mobimo Management AG Frau Jacqueline Wechsler Seestrasse 59 Löwenstrasse 51 8700 Küsnacht ZH Tel. +41Zürich 44 552 25 67 8001 [email protected] Tel. +41 44 404 10 33 www.mobimo.ch [email protected] Free an n o u n c e m e n t s s e c t i o n As an additional measure, the real estate offers are presented on a double-page spread in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” on the Friday before “Residence” is published. That way, each real estate offer receives additional attention. The advertisements are standardised and are depicted in the characteristic layout. Telefon 062 832 41 00 www.hauri-wohnbau.ch You can therefore launch a campaign for your real estate. Lofts für Individualisten Example: www.spinnerei-drei.ch – 1 page in “Residence” – 1 optional advertisement in “NZZ Domizil” (every Saturday) Kanton ZGSZLUURNWOW – 1 optional advertisement in the special “Real Estate & Living” supplement in the “NZZ am Sonntag” (3 April and 25 September) or in the Real Estate section of the “NZZ am Sonntag” THE CLOUD Wohnen unter dem Himmel von Zug Im Norden von Zug entsteht ein anspruchvolles Wohnprojekt: THE CLOUD. Zur Liegenschaft gehören drei Gebäude mit rund 100 Eigentumswohnungen mit 2 1/2 bis 5 1/2 Zimmern. Offene und über Eck angelegte Grundrisse geben zwei- oder sogar dreiseitige Aussichten - dazu spektakuläre Raumhöhen bis 3.14m. Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Webseite: www.cloud-wohnen.ch HIAG Immobilien Mobimo Management AG Frau Jacqueline Wechsler Seestrasse 59 Löwenstrasse 51 8700 Küsnacht ZH Tel. +41Zürich 44 552 25 67 8001 [email protected] Tel. +41 44 404 10 33 www.mobimo.ch [email protected] %), DG -- Das Magazin fürWohnen und Immobilien DG -- -- n -- Example of optional advertisement in property section. -- AG ch ie Region Zürichsee s? n n? 044 787 80 00 Wollerau SZ CHF ab 4’000’000.– 3’500’000.– ab 1’455’000.– Wilen bei Wollerau SZ CHF 2’985’000.– 2’420’000.– 1’890’000.– ab 1’295’000.– 1’190’000.– 785’000.– 6½ Zi. Einfamilienhaus 5½ Zi. Terrassen-Maisonette 5½ Zi. Einfamilienhäuser 5½ Zi. Attikawohnung 6½ Zi. Wohnung 5½ Zi. Wohnung 4½ Zi. Wohnungen 4½ Zi. Reihenmittelhaus 2 Zi. Wohnung www.etzel-immo.ch Altendorf SZ CHF 3’250’000.– ab 2’490’000.– ab 1’630’000.– 1’490’000.– 870’000.– Galgenen SZ CHF 1’490’000.– 720’000.– 5½ Zi. Einfamilienhaus 6½ Zi. Wohnungen 5½ Zi. Attika-Maisonettes 6½ Zi. Eckreihenhaus 3½ Zi. Wohnung 5½ Zi. Einfamilienhaus 3½ Zi. Dachwohnung Schübelbach SZ 4½ Zi. Attikawohnung Schindellegi SZ 988m² Bauland Pfäffikon SZ 4½ Zi. Wohnung mit Studio 5½ Zi. Wohnung 3½ Zi. Terrassenwohnung CHF 3’650’000.– CHF 1’945’000.– 1’325’000.– auf Anfrage Hurden SZ CHF 3’700’000.– Lachen SZ CHF 990’000.– 1’032m² Bauland 4½ Zi. Wohnung Etzel Immobilien AG, Churerstrasse 23, 8808 Pfäffikon SZ 4½ Zi. Wohnung Wädenswil ZH 5½ Zi. Terrassenwohnung 4½ Zi. Wohnung 45 CHF Neubauwohnungen Spelgatti-Areal: 3½ bis 5½ Zi. Wohnungen ab 860’000.– Samstagern ZH ! gt ol rF e rt ta us Ba CHF 970’000.– Richterswil ZH CHF 750’000.– Wo sich Grosszügigkeit und Komfort stilvoll vereinen. Bezugstermin Sommer 2014 Wohnflächen von ca. 100 – 330 m2, 530‘000 – 2‘600‘000 CHF www.onetwenty.ch CHF 1’990’000.– 1’630’000.– Weitere Immobilienobjekte finden Sie auf unserer Webseite Mitglied Schweizerische Maklerkammer Example of announcements section. 044 49110 10 I N S E RTS Circulation Copies to be delivered 142,000 Loose Inserts Weight Price min. format max. format up to 25 g 36,408.– 105 × 148 mm 220 × 285 mm 26 up to 50 g 40,404.– 105 × 148 mm 220 × 285 mm Glued Inserts (+ 1/1 page 15 600.–) Weight Price Card1 Price Booklet1 min. format max. format up to 25 g 16,428.– 19,388.– 55 × 80 mm 210 × 210 mm 20,868.– 55 × 80 mm 210 × 210 mm 26 up to 50 g Bound-in Inserts WeightPrice1 min. format max. format up to 25 g 34,928.– 105/115 × 148 mm 230 × 297 mm 26 up to 50 g 36,112.– 105/115 × 148 mm 230 × 297 mm D I ST R I B U T I O N “Residence” is enclosed in the “NZZ am Sonntag” four times a year. R E S E RVAT I O N S Placement requests can be made with bookings. Please note that special placements must be reserved in advance. Once the reservation has been made, the order should be placed one month before the advertising deadline. If the order is not placed at this time, we will contact you to cancel the reservation. Reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 Plus technical costs. 46 FRAME Switzerland’s biggest film magazine In cooperation with the Zurich Film Festival, “NZZ am Sonntag” presents the magazine “Frame”, offering the latest news on documentaries and TV series. Readers are taken behind the scenes, with background reports on directors and producers as well as interviews, film reviews, festival and red-carpet reports, news from the awards ceremonies, a business section with box-office figures, and much more. “Frame” presents the big picture, explores the socio-political effects of film and television, identifies key players (studio executives, producers and stars), and discovers who is making money and who is losing it. With its extensive background reporting, “Frame” has the editorial freedom to dig deep, in the knowledge that this in itself is a USP in today’s media market. At the same time, “Frame” aims to entertain and relax its readers. 47 e-pa p + 32 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Circulation Switzerland 126,855 copies Composition Male 55%, female 45% Leaders 91,000 people (27,5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 15,600.–/CHF 37.41 Top leaders 36,000 people (32,2%) P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S Theme Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Oscars and Swiss Film Special Cannes 21 February 8 May 22 January 2 February 8 April Zurich Film Festival 11 September 12 August Christmas Special and the best films of 2016 27 November 28 October 19 April 23 August 8 November Subject to change. OV E RV I E W O F S EC T I O N S TopicContents ReviewThe “Frame” film critics discuss key films coming out in the next two months. Particularly interesting new releases are featured over two pages as the “Film of the month”, and around 20 more films are summarised and reviewed on the following pages. The critics' jury is especially popular – six of the leading critics from all over Switzerland rate the current films, and moviegoers can compare the results. Home CinemaIn the “Home Cinema” section we look at all aspects of home viewing, with a focus on television series and television films. We interview the stars of the screen, present profiles and discuss new series. We track down the latest trends in the TV business and offer a viewing programme featuring selected current offerings. 1 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. 48 F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L P L AC E M E N TS Fixed format Price 2/1 pages 31,300.– Type area Bleed margin1 436 × 270 mm 460 × 297 mm 1/1 page2 15,600.– 200 × 270 mm 230 × 297 mm 1/2 page landscape3 13,500.– 200 × 133 mm 230 × 146 mm 1/2 page portrait3 13,500.– 98 × 263 mm 110 × 297 mm 1/3 page landscape3 10,700.– 200 × 88 mm 230 × 97 mm 1/4 page landscape3 7,900.– 200 × 64 mm 230 × 70 mm 1/4 page portrait3 7,900.– 98 × 133 mm Junior page3 Section “movie review” Special placement 13,500.– 149 × 167 mm Price Inside front cover218,600.– Inside front cover and page 3234,200.– Inside back cover216,500.– Outside back cover 19,800.– Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. For inside front cover (left) 5 mm adhesive edge on the right, for inside back cover (right) and page 3 5 mm adhesive edge on the left. 3 Page sections are placed next to text. 1 2 49 Angebot Ab sofort bietet «Frame» eine neue, Auf jeder rechtsliegenden Seite (4 bis Sattraktive P EC I ASonderwerbeform L A DV E RTan: I S I N G FO R5MSeiten) AT: bieten P R Ewir S EIhnen N Tdie E DMöglichBY: «Presented Sponsoring für diespecial advertising keit, Ihr Logo sehr prominent zu pla“Frame” now by:», offersdas a new and attractive format: Rubriken «Home und option «Kritik».for “Homecieren. “Presented by:”, theCinema» sponsorship Cinema” and Review”. The sections each contain to 14 pages. YouDie can placeschliessen your logo very Dietwo beiden Rubriken haben je12einen Rubrik Sie dann mit einer prominently on each right-hand page (4 to 5 pages), and finish the section Umfang von 12 bis 14 Seiten. ganzseitigen Anzeige ab. off with a full-page advertisement. Preis: Sponsoring für 1 Rubrik (inkl. 1 Anzeigenseite) Fr. 21 000.– Rates: Sponsorship of 1 section (incl. 1 advertising page) CHF 21,000.– 1/1 page 1/1 Seite «Presented“Presented by:» by”: WiedasMordenbeginnt HomeCinema CO M P E T I T I O N Description KrimidesJahres Spencer Tracey spielt die Hauptrolle des unbestechlichen Richters Haywood. denn sonst könnten die Linien klarer verlaufen als zwischen den Rettern Europas und den Nazi-Richtern, die sich vor den Siegern für ihre Taten zu verantworten haben? Doch Stanley Kramer (1913–2001), einer der klügsten Aufklärer des amerikanischen Kinos, hat nie Sieger- und Heldenfilme gemacht. Ihn interessierten stets die Kausalitäten des Unheils: des Antisemitismus, der über die NaziGerichtsstuben in die Gaskammern führte. Oder des religiösen Fanatismus wie in «Inherit the Wind» (1960), der heute, mit der Ausbreitung des politischen Islam, wieder aktueller denn je ist. Oder des Rassismus wie in «Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner» (1967), der sich unerkannt gerne dort festsetzt, wo die Keule des Rassismusvorwurfs besonders leicht geschwungen wird. CHF FOTO: EVERETT COLLECTION / KEYSTONE Der Regisseur interessiert sich stets für die Kausalitäten des Unheils. Umfeld des Gerichtsprozesses wird in diesen dramaturgisch äusserst eleganten, filmischen Aufklärungsprozess einbezogen: die Begegnungen der Amerikaner mit der Bevölkerung, in den Unterkünften, in denen sie wohnen, in den Restaurants, in denen sie essen, in privaten Gesprächen. Vor allem aber belässt der Film die wichtigsten wie die unwichtigsten Figuren – und es sind, getreu der dokumentierten Realität dieses Prozesses, sehr viele – in jener moralischen Mehrdeutigkeit, die zwischen Gut und Böse nicht von Beginn weg fein säuberlich trennt, sondern die Grauzone dazwischen erforscht, wo das Böse sich einnisten kann. «Judgment at Nuremberg» umgeht damit die Ursünde des Hollywoodkinos, das ideelle Schwarz-Weiss-Denken, auf vielfältigste Weise. Ausgerechnet, man staunt, bei einem Thema, das sich wohl wie kein zweites anbietet, um das Frontendenken der «terribles simplificateurs» zu rechtfertigen. Wo BlackBerry Q10 79.– * mit NATEL® infinity XL Pia Horlacher war langjährige Film kritikerin der NZZ und der «NZZ am Sonntag». Sie ist Trägerin des Zürcher Journalistenpreises. 66 Frame Mai 2014 Presented by HomeCinema HomeCinema Agenda Das kommt Sherlock Noch mehr Spin-offs. Neben Kinofilm-Adaptionen sind auch Serienableger das grosse Ding. Beide Trends setzten letztes Jahr ein und sind 2014 nicht mehr zu übersehen. Auf «Pretty Little Liars» folgte «Ravenswood», und seit Ende April Meine Fernsehsünden FüreinenMomentwiederTeenager Orange Is the New Black Dramedy-Serie (USA 2014) 13×51–60 Min. Alle Episoden ab 6. 6., Netflix In der 1. Staffel verfolgten wir, wie die hippe New Yorkerin Piper Kerman im Gefängnis landete, weil sie einst als Drogenkurier unterwegs war. In der 2. Staffel werde es noch heftiger, verspricht Autorin Jenji Kohan. Moderner Sherlock: Benedict Cumberbatch. «Ach weisst du, ich schaue es mir nur wegen der Mode an. Das Styling ist wirklich innovativ!» Ja, Sie haben recht, das klingt wie die beliebteste Ausrede, seit es den «Playboy» gibt: «Ich kaufe das Heft nur wegen der lite rarisch hochstehenden Essays!» Doch ich rede hier nicht von Männermagazi nen, ich rede von Jungmädchenserien – die mit Vorliebe von den Müttern der Zielgruppe gesehen werden. Von Frau en im mittleren Alter. Von mir. Zum Beispiel die in der Wiederho lungsschlaufe des Nachmittagsfern sehens angekommene Serie «Gossip Girl», die Blake Lively zur ModeIkone gemacht hat. Darin verfolgt und veröf fentlicht eine anonyme Bloggerin je den Schritt, den die Jeunesse dorée der Upper East Side von New York macht. Die Protagonisten sind zwischen 15 und 21 Jahre alt. Sie verlieben und be kriegen sich, sie intrigieren, verführen und verreisen und sind dabei tatsäch lich immer auf unterschiedlichste Weise und übertrieben gut angezogen, vom Möchtegernrockermädchen bis zur Prinzessin der samtenen Haar maschen. Hand aufs Herz: Geht es uns wirklich um Mode? Natürlich – genau so, wie es den «Playboy»Abonnenten um die Essays geht! Denn dass wir Frauen jenseits des Zielgruppenalters halt Spass an den extravaganten Auf zügen haben, ist keine Erklärung für das Phänomen. Nur eine schlechte Ausrede. Warum also schauen wir Serien wie «Gossip Girl» oder «Pretty Little Liars» oder – wenn wir uns ein bisschen intel lektueller geben wollen – «Girls»? Letz tere ist allerdings eine Kultserie und von daher nicht wirklich zu den Fern sehsünden zu zählen – solange man nicht zugibt, warum man sie sich wirk lich anschaut. Das tut man nämlich nicht wegen der feministischen Grund aussage, dass Frauen sich in erster Linie nicht mehr um ihr Äusseres, sondern um ihre Karriere sorgen (oder wenigstens um Selbstverwirklichung, weil’s mit der Karriere ja nicht klappt). Auch nicht wegen der Kleider, welche die vier Protagonistinnen tragen, wäh rend sie unbeirrt und selbstbewusst Clients who take up at least 1/1 page in one of the four editions of “Frame” in 2016 can BlackBerry Q10 publish a competition in “Frame” magazine for free. NZZ sends the client winners’ letters * and labels. The client sends the tickets to the winners. Lara (Aylin Tezel) und Elvar (Tómas Lemarquis) in «Am Himmel der Tag». Noch mehr Web-Serien. Nach Netflix, Amazon und Hulu will auch Yahoo bald Originalserien anbieten. Vier Comedy-Formate mit Budgets von rund 10 Millionen Dollar sollen im Gespräch sein. Amazon hat mehrere Pilotfolgen in Auftrag gegeben. Die Nutzer des VoD-Dienstes sollen diese bewerten und dadurch mitentscheiden, ob die Serien realisiert werden. Netflix gewann im ersten Quartal 2014 in der Heimat 2,25 Millionen neue Abonnenten, im Ausland 1,75 Millionen. Weltweit hat das Unternehmen jetzt 48,4 Millionen Kunden. Weitere Originalserien sind angekündigt. Mit dem BlackBerry Q10 haben Sie immer alles Wichtige zur Hand. Dank des BlackBerry Hub wechseln Sie zu aktuellen Nachrichten mit nur einer Fingerbewegung, ohne auf die praktische Tastatur verzichten zu müssen. swisscom.ch/q10 Warum schauen Frauen im mittleren Alter so gerne Serien, die für ihre pubertierenden Töchter gemacht wurden? Es sind die Hormone, findet Milena Moser Sherlock ist zurück – wie hat er das gemacht? Die dritte Staffel mit Benedict Cumberbatch als modernem Meisterdetektiv. Ab 10. 6. auch auf DVD. läuft «Supernatural: Bloodlines». Von «NCIS» soll es einen in New Orleans spielenden Spin-off geben. Die nach neun Staffeln vor kurzem abgesetzte Sitcom «How I Met Your Mother» wird durch «How I Met Your Dad» ersetzt; in der Hauptrolle Greta Gerwig («Frances Ha»). Bei BBC und Netflix denkt man über einen Spin-off der britischen Büro-Mockumentary «The Office» nach. «Better Call Saul» folgt auf «Breaking Bad» (Start: November). Behalten Sie Mitteilungen, Facebook und den Preis im Auge. HomeCinema Krimiserie (GB 2013) 3×90 Min. 29. 5., 8./9. 6., ZDF, 21.45 Uhr Zurück in die Achtziger. Wer damals Teenager war, erinnert sich mit Grauen an Tennissocken, Dauerwelle und «Miami Vice»-Blazer aus den achtziger Jahren. Ganz anders verhält es sich offenbar mit einem Rückblick am Bildschirm. Die Serie «The Americans» (FX) über zwei KGB-Spione in den USA ist so erfolgreich, dass sie für eine dritte Staffel verlängert wurde. Und bald gibt es zwei neue TV-Produktionen über die 1980er: Am 25. Mai zeigt HBO das Drama «The Normal Heart» über die Verbreitung von HIV in New York, das auf dem gleichnamigen Theaterstück basiert, mit Julia Roberts in einer Hauptrolle. Ab dem 1. Juni läuft die Drama-Serie «Halt and Catch Fire» über den Beginn des Computerzeitalters (AMC). Das bleibt FOTO: HBO proppenvollen Waggon, picken sich Oscar Grant heraus – und die Wirklichkeit erweist sich für ihn als Bumerang. Forest Whitaker produzierte das erstaunlich professionelle Erstlingswerk, um das sich die Verleiher rangelten. Zuvorderst, wie häufig, der Platzhirsch Harvey Weinstein. Er wollte das vibrierende Drama und setzte sich mit seinem untrüglichen Riecher für lukrative Aussenseiterfilme auch durch. Auf dem Sundance Festival 2013 feierte «Fruitvale Station» seine Premiere, erhielt den Publikumspreis und den Grossen Preis der Jury. Frame Mai 2014 59 Trends Kalter Krieg in «The Americans». Frame Mai 2014 69 lichkeit und hoher Emotionalität. Manche Kritiker haben Coogler Parteilichkeit vorgeworfen: Er zeige Oscar Grant absichtlich erst bei seinen Bemühungen, ein besserer Mensch zu werden, um dann sein ungerechtes, schlimmes Ende besonders heftig zur Geltung zu bringen. Das ist zum einen ein völlig legitimes Mittel, um dem Zuschauer eine Identifizierungs-Offerte zu machen, beleuchtet aber zum anderen eben auch Oscars Bestreben, sich auf dem Weg zur Besserung möglichst «unsichtbar» zu machen. Wie weit er damit kommt, zeigt unverhüllt und roh das Finale: Die Bullen blicken in den 58 Frame Mai 2014 USA rücken näher. Das amerikanische Medienunternehmen AMC Networks («Mad Men», «Breaking Bad», «The Walking Dead») hat den deutschen Pay-TV-Sender Kinowelt TV gekauft. Dieser bietet in erster Linie Spielfilmklassiker an. Offen ist, welchen Einfluss das auf das Programm des Senders hat, der via UPC Cablecom auch in der Schweiz verbreitet wird. Auch Netflix hat im zweiten Halbjahr weitere Expansionspläne für Europa, allerdings nicht für die Schweiz, sondern für Frankreich, Deutschland und Belgien. Offer Matthew McConaughey in «True Detective» Seite 76 Oben: Oscar wird von Cops bedroht, die ihn für einen Schläger halten. Links: Seine Freundin Sophina. den Passagiere überfordert, greifen wahllos nach Schwarzen und fühlen sich bestätigt, wenn die sich handgreiflich zur Wehr setzen. Auch Grant stemmt sich gegen die Handschellen und wird darauf besonders roh auf den Boden gedrückt. Es wird gebrüllt, gedroht, durchgegriffen – bis der tödliche Schuss fällt. Ryan Coogler stellte im fulminante Finale ziemlich exakt die Handy-Videoaufnahmen nach, die von zahlreichen Zugpassagieren gemacht wurden. Er etabliert mit furioser Handkamera-Montage (Kamera: Rachel Morrison) ein Ambiente von explosiver Gefähr- Es gibt wenige Filme, die man möglichst vielen Menschen ans Herz legen möchte. «Judgment at Nuremberg» gehört dazu. Der Tod von Maximilian Schell hat ihn Anfang dieses Jahres wieder in den Fokus einer grösseren Öffentlichkeit gebracht. Schell hat 1962 als junger, unbekannter Schauspieler dafür den Oscar als bester Hauptdarsteller erhalten. Zwar war seine feurige Interpretation von Hans Rolfe, Verteidiger von vier Nazi-Richtern in den Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecher-Prozessen Ende der vierziger Jahre, keine eigentliche Hauptrolle. Die hatte Spencer Tracy als unbestechlicher Richter Haywood inne. Doch der damals 62-jährige Charakterdarsteller war bereits ein Weltstar und auf Auszeichnungen nicht mehr angewiesen. Allerdings ist die unklare Oscarklassifizierung durchaus symptomatisch für diesen wohl berühmtesten aller Gerichtsfilme, in dem trotz riesigem Staraufgebot (Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Marlene Dietrich, Judy Garland, Montgomery Clift) Rollen nicht nach Typecasting oder Sympathiewerten besetzt sind. Im Gegenteil, Produzent und Regisseur Stanley Kramer belässt allen Akteuren ihr je eigenes Gewicht – wohl wissend, dass ein Vernichtungssystem wie der Nationalsozialismus von Millionen grossen und kleinen Tätern abhängen muss, um Millionen industriell zu morden. Das Wissen ist da, auch wenn es viele in den Trümmern des Dritten Reiches noch leugnen. Es ist die Voraussetzung für die zentrale Frage dieses Prozesses: Wie, wann und wo beginnt das Zusammenspiel aller Elemente, aller Beteiligten, um im Undenkbaren zu enden? «Judgment at Nuremberg» bereitet, nicht nur in der Konfrontation von Anklage und Verteidigung, eine ungeheure Fülle von Fakten aus, in denen kaum eine historische Erklärung des Unerklärlichen ausgelassen wird. Auch das Lange Wege. Eine Untersuchung zeigt, dass die weltweit gleichzeitige Veröffentlichung durch Webserien-Anbieter keinen Einfluss auf die Zeitdauer hat, bis traditionelle Sender eine Produktion zeigen: Es dauert so lange wie eh und je, bis Zuschauer öffentlicher Fernsehstationen, die Netflix und Co. nicht abonniert haben, gratis eine Serie sehen. In der Zeit dazwischen floriert die Piraterie. Dasgeht Am Himmel der Tag Filmdrama (D 2012) 89 Min. Regie: Pola Beck 12. Juni, Das Erste, 22.45 Uhr Ab 12. Juni präsentiert Das Erste an sechs Donnerstagen zwölf Debütfilme. Das preisgekrönte Drama «Am Himmel der Tag» – es erhielt u. a. das Goldene Auge am Zurich Film Festival – macht den Auftakt. Mit der beeindruckenden Aylin Tezel als junger Schwangerer. Shootingstar Am Hang Ausgebissen. Am 22. Juni startet die siebte und letzte Staffel der Zombie-Serie «True Blood» (HBO), die auf den Büchern der «Sookie Stackhouse»Reihe von Autorin Charlaine Harris basiert. Naht damit das Ende des BlutsaugerBooms, den die Mormonin Stephenie Meyer mit ihren «Twilight»-Romanen 2005 lostrat? Regula Freuler Spielfilm (CH 2013) 91 Min. Regie: Markus Imboden 20. Juni, Arte, 20.15 Uhr LizzyCaplan Spass am Styling ist keine Erklärung, nur eine schlechte Ausrede. durch die Welt der hundert Praktika stampfen. Nein. Es sind die Hormone. Der me dizinische Standpunkt ist der einzige, von dem aus diese Zielgruppenverwir rung Sinn ergibt. Die hormonelle Um stellung in den Wechseljahren, die üb rigens auch die Männer durchmachen, ist nämlich mit der in der Pubertät ver gleichbar. Der Körper verändert sich, ohne dass man die geringste Kontrolle darüber hätte. Er tut Dinge, die man sich weder vorstellen konnte noch wollte. Das emotionale Spektrum dehnt sich in ungeahnte Dimensionen aus. Man ist Gefühlsschwankungen ausgeliefert, die man weder kontrollie ren noch vorhersehen kann. Kurz und gut, wenn Blair Waldorf sich aufs Bett wirft, mit den Fäusten auf die Kissen eintrommelt und schluchzt, dass kei ner sie verstehe und alle so gemein sei en – dann weiss ich nur zu genau, wie sie sich fühlt. Dass sie dreissig Jahre jünger ist als ich, um Klassen besser aussieht und Kleider am Leib trägt, die mehr kosten, als ich im Jahr verdiene, steht dieser Identifikation keinesfalls im Wege. Ganz im Gegenteil. Für einen Augenblick lang bin ich sie. Bin ich jung, bin ich schön, bin ich reich. Habe ich das ganze Leben vor mir. Alles ist möglich. Und gleich kommt meine treue Zofe herein, die mir eine heisse Schokolade ans Bett bringt, nur um dann von einem meiner heissblütigen Liebhaber zur Seite geschubst zu wer den. Wenn ich mich in meinem Alter wieder fühlen muss wie ein Teenager, dann möchte ich wenigstens auch etwas davon haben! Natürlich geht das weder auf, noch hält es an. Aber, wie gesagt, die Kraft der Hormone ist nicht zu unterschät zen. Das wissen Sie ja selber. Oder war um lesen Sie diese literarisch hochste henden Essays? Na? 79.– CHF Frame Februar 2014 57 kannt) gibt dem Film seine enorm hohe Spannung. In der Chaostheorie gibt es die Ansicht, Zukunft (ein «Zeitpfeil») sei höchstens bis zum eigenen «Tellerrand» berechenbar. Oscars Entscheidung, in der Silvesternacht aufs Auto zu verzichten, ist klug, weil sie berechenbar scheint. Nicht voraussehbar sind allerdings die Menschen im Vorortzug – was ihm zum Verhängnis wird. Ein Streit, Rufe nach Polizei, und das Chaos ist perfekt. In dessen Verlauf bekommt der Rassismus eine Eigendynamik. Die Cops der Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) zeigen sich angesichts der protestieren- Es wird gebrüllt, gedroht und durchgegriffen, bis der tödliche Schuss fällt. mit NATEL® infinity XL ½ page landscape min. ten lots of two free tickets (cinema, dinner or other events) Felix steht am Hang. Er hat nur eines im Kopf: Valerie. Seine Frau hat ihn nach 15 Jahren verlassen. Verfilmung des Romans von Markus Werner. Mit Henry Hübchen und Martina Gedeck. The Killing Krimiserie (USA 2014) 6×45 Min. Alle Episoden ab 1. 8., Netflix Vierte und letzte Staffel der USAdaption der dänischen Serie «Forbrydelsen» («Kommissarin Lund»), finanziert von AMC und Netflix. Das Finale spielt in einer Militärakademie ausserhalb von Seattle. Ein Küken ist sie keines mehr im Unterhaltungsgeschäft. Aber die heute 31-Jährige wurde lange unterschätzt. Man sah sie in Filmen und Serien wie «Mean Girls», «New Girl» und «True Blood». Dass hinter ihrem wachen Blick mehr steckt, als ihr sanftes Lächeln glauben lässt, ahnten wir schon lange. Lizzy Caplan, die in L. A. aufwuchs, war bislang schlichtweg unterfordert. Der Beweis: die Serie «Masters of Sex» (2. Staffel ab 13. 7.). Endlich eine erwachsene Rolle! Umwerfend die Natürlichkeit, mit der sie die unkonventionelle Virginia Johnson gibt. Diese war in den prüden 1950er Jahren zuerst Sekretärin und bald engste Kollegin (und mehr) des Sexforschers William Masters. Wie Caplan alias Johnson die Probanden dazu überredet, im Namen der Wissenschaft zu masturbieren und zu kopulieren, nimmt einem nicht wegen Erotik, sondern wegen ihrer Schauspielkunst die Luft. Über das Nacktsein vor der Kamera sagte sie: «Die grösste Sorge vieler Schauspielerinnen ist es, mit solchen Szenen zum Sexobjekt reduziert zu werden. Mir passierte das Gegenteil: Ich fühlte mich dadurch stark, ermächtigt, ermutigt.» Die Wirkung ist eklatant. Bitte mehr reife Rollen für Lizzy Caplan! Nina Rehfeld FOTO: AUTUMN DE WILDE / CONTOUR BY GETTY IMAGES In «Wakolda» vertraut sich ein Mädchen Mengele an Seite 62 Oakland geborenen Ryan Coogler, der auch das Drehbuch schrieb, geht es um nichts anderes. Er schildert den Tag Oscar Grants (Michael B. Jordan), eines Kleinkriminellen, vor dem Unglück. Auf Bewährung auf freiem Fuss, verspricht er an Silvester seiner Freundin Sophina (Melonie Diaz), seiner ängstlichen Mutter und seiner vierjährigen Tochter, im neuen Jahr sein Leben zu ändern, ein liebender Vater, besserer Partner und Sohn zu sein. Er bringt die Tochter zur Schule, besorgt Geburtstagskarten für die Mutter und wird, zur Silvester-Sause in der Stadt, aufs Auto verzichten und die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel benutzen. Die Vorsätze umzusetzen, ist nicht leicht und hängt nicht nur von ihm selber ab. Sein alter Job ist vergeben, und einen neuen kriegt er nicht. Die ständige Angst vor unkontrollierbaren, heiklen Situationen ist latent präsent. Was Coogler über Oscar, einen Tag vor seinem jähen Ende, erzählt, muss nicht unbedingt den Tatsachen entsprechen. Er will damit zeigen, wie gefährdet Oscars gute Absicht ist, das kleine Glück im Winkel mit neuem solidem Leben zu finden. Er verklärt ihn nicht, hält eine faire Balance von Distanz und Solidarität und lässt auf tückische Weise den Zuschauer ahnen, dass Oscars sozialer Handlungsrahmen eng und voller Fallen ist. Ein kleiner Fehlgriff, und schon sässe er wieder in der Bredouille. Exakt diese latente Gefahr durch die Erzähldramaturgie (das authentische Ende ist be- FOTOS: ARD DEGETO/BBC/HARTSWOOD FILMS, RBB/ALINFILMPRODUKTION/JUAN SARM, CRAIG BLANKENHORN FOTOS: XENIX, IMPULS PICTURES, DISNEY Naziim Schafspelz ★★★★★ Erfahrungsgemäss wird in überfüllten S-Bahnen der Mensch dem Menschen ein Wolf; auf jeden Fall ein sehr gereiztes, zu Unberechenbarkeiten neigendes Wesen. In der Silvesternacht 2008 auf 2009 in San Francisco, nach Feuerwerk und Jubel, war das nicht anders. In einem Vorort-Nachtzug brach unter den Passagieren ein Streit aus, der zu eskalieren drohte. Die Bahnleitung liess an der Fruitvale Station die Polizei kommen, um mutmassliche Streithähne aus dem Zug zu holen. Dazu gehörte auch der 22-jährige Schwarze Oscar Grant. Dann passierte im Drohverhalten-Furor der rumbellenden Cops das Malheur: Der weisse Polizist Johannes Mehserle schoss Grant in den Rücken. Er überlebte nicht. Mitfahrende haben den grässlichen Vorfall mit Handykameras aufgenommen und im Internet verbreitet. Die Veröffentlichungen brachten wenig: Mehserle wurde zwar wegen Mordes angeklagt, aber von der Jury lediglich wegen fahrlässiger Tötung für schuldig befunden. Von den zwei Jahren Haft musste er nur ein Jahr absitzen. «Ich bin ein Unsichtbarer. Nein, keine jener Spukgestalten, die Edgar Allan Poe heimsuchten, auch keins jener Kino-Ektoplasmen, wie sie in Hollywood hergestellt werden. Ich bin ein wirklicher Mensch ( . . .) Aber trotzdem bin ich unsichtbar – weil man mich einfach nicht sehen will.» Mit diesem furiosen Sarkasmus beginnt Ralph Ellisons Roman «Der unsichtbare Mann», das 1952 erschienene Meisterwerk afroamerikanischer Literatur. Am Befund hat sich bis heute nur wenig geändert, auch wenn Hollywood inzwischen alles unternimmt, die «Unsichtbaren» auf der Leinwand überdeutlich sichtbar in den Vordergrund zu rücken – und nicht nur die Traumfabrik bemüht sich darum. In der Realität der Unter- und Mittelschicht sieht es allerdings anders aus. Da bewegt sich die Wirklichkeit «nicht wie ein Pfeil, sondern wie ein Bumerang» (Ralph Ellison); da gibt es kaum Zukunftschancen, nur die Wiederholung des Immergleichen. Im verblüffenden Spielfilmdebüt «Fruitvale Station» des 1986 in FOTOS: ASCOT ELITE USA, 85 Min. Regie und Drehbuch: Ryan Coogler Mit Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz, Octavia Spencer Ab 19. 6. im Kino Mit dem BlackBerry Q10 haben Sie immer alles Wichtige zur Hand. Dank des BlackBerry Hub wechseln Sie zu aktuellen Nachrichten mit nur einer Fingerbewegung, ohne auf die praktische Tastatur verzichten zu müssen. swisscom.ch/q10 Stanley Kramers aufklärerischer Gerichtsfilm «Judgment at Nuremberg» ergründet das grosse Verbrechen unter Hitler. Von Pia Horlacher Judgment at Nuremberg USA, 1961, 186 Min. Regie: Stanley Kramer DVD in Original- und deutscher Synchronfassung (United Artists) Das aufwühlende Erstlingswerk «Fruitvale Station» rekonstruiert einen wahren Fall von Polizeiwillkür in den USA. Von Wolfram Knorr Fruitvale Station Behalten Sie Mitteilungen, Facebook und den Preis im Auge. Kritik Reprise Explosive Realität Frosch bei Feen 64 * Gilt bei Gerätekauf und gleichzeitigem Abschluss eines neuen Swisscom Abos NATEL® infinity XL (CHF 169.–/Mt.). Mindestvertragsdauer 24 Monate. Preis des Gerätes ohne Abo CHF 849.–. Exkl. SIM-Karte CHF 40.–. 61 Film des Monats Tinker Bell ILLUSTRATION: PATRIC SANDRI Kirsten Dunst und Viggo Mortensen als Betrüger * Gilt bei Gerätekauf und gleichzeitigem Abschluss eines neuen Swisscom Abos NATEL® infinity XL (CHF 169.–/Mt.). Mindestvertragsdauer 24 Monate. Preis des Gerätes ohne Abo CHF 849.–. Exkl. SIM-Karte CHF 40.–. Kritik Presented by Kritik The Two Faces of January Frame Mai 2014 71 70 Frame Mai 2014 Milena Moser gelang 1991 mit dem Debütroman «Die Putzfraueninsel» ihr erster Bestseller. Es folgten viele weitere, zuletzt «Das wahre Leben» (2013). 80 Frame Mai 2014 Kontakt Anzeigen Deutschschweiz Publicitas AG, NZZ Media Seehofstrasse 16 Postfach 8021 Zürich UP FOR GRABS: Telefon 258free 16 tickets 98 Ten lots044 of two to the Fax 044exclusive 258 13 ZFF 70 opening night [email protected] www.nzzwerbung.ch Anzeigen Westschweiz Publicitas SA, NZZ Media Avenue Mon-Repos 22 Case postale 7082 1002 Lausanne Telefon 021 317 88 08 Fax 044 258 13 70 [email protected] www.nzzwerbung.ch Sandra Angst Product Manager «Frame» Telefon 044 258 17 03 [email protected] Yves Gumy Key Account Manager Telefon 021 317 88 08 [email protected] 50 Geniessen Sie einen Abend mit Hollywood-Flair an der Opening Night des 10. Zurich Film Festival und lassen Sie sich vor dem Film mit kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten vom Buffet verwöhnen. Interviews und Autogramme von Internationalen Film-Stars gibt es am grünen Teppich ab 19:00 Uhr. Überall dieselbe alte Leier. Das Layout ist fertig, der Text lässt auf sich warten. Damit das Layout nun nicht nackt im Raume steht und sich klein und leer vorkommt, springe ich ein: der Blindtext. Genau zu diesem Zwecke erschaffen, immer im Schatten meines großen Bruders Lorem Ipsum, freue ich mich jedes Mal, wenn Sie ein paar Zeilen lesen. Teilnahme über: www.frame.ch/zu-gewinnen Teilnahmeschluss: 14.04.2015Blindtext. Genau zu diesem Zwecke erschaffen, immer im Schatten meines großen Bruders Lorem Ipsum, freue ich mich jedes Mal, wenn Sie ein paar Zeilen lesen. Weitere Informationen Ausführliche Informationen zu Preisen, Formaten, Mediadaten und technischen Richtlinien finden Sie jederzeit aktuell unter www.nzzwerbung.ch. Gerne beraten wir Sie auch in einem persönlichen Gespräch. Alle Preise in Schweizerfranken, brutto, exkl. 8% MWSt und gültig für Kunden in der Schweiz. Im Weiteren gelten die Insertionsbestimmungen des Tarifs der «NZZ am Sonntag» sowie die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unter www.nzzwerbung.ch. P E R K S PAC K AG E S Purposefully reach an affluent readership that is interested in culture and benefit from attractive special rates with our culture packages. Supplement your advertising presence in “Frame” with an additional advertisement in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, “NZZ am Sonntag” and “Stil” magazine publications or on “NZZ.ch”. Perks package – 1/1 page Package 1 Package 2 Package 3 20% Package discount 30% Package discount 40% Package discount 28,480.– instead of 35,600.– 83,608.– instead of 119,440.– 142 740.– instead of 237 900.– 1 × 1/1 page in “Frame” 1 × 1/1 page in “Stil” Rectangle on “NZZ.ch” in the environment of Feuilleton 2 × 1/1 page in “Frame” 2 × 1/1 page in “Stil” 2 × 1/1 page in the “NZZ am Sonntag” Rectangle on “NZZ.ch” in the environment of Feuilleton 3 × 1/1 page in the magazine “Frame” 3 × 1/1 page in the magazine “Stil” 3 × 1/1 page in the “NZZ am Sonntag” 3 × 1/1 page in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Rectangle on “NZZ.ch” in the environment of Feuilleton Package 1 Package 2 Package 3 15% Package discount 25% Package discount 35% Package discount 23,171.– instead of 27,260.– 72,060.– instead of 96,080.– 127,004.– instead of 195,390.– 1 × 1/2 page next to text in “Frame” 1 × 1/2 page next to text in “Stil” Rectangle on “NZZ.ch” in the environment of Feuilleton 2 × 1/2 page next to text in “Frame” 2 × 1/2 page next to text in “Stil” 2 × 1/2 page next to text in the “NZZ am Sonntag” Rectangle on “NZZ.ch” in the environment of Feuilleton 3 × 1/2 page next to text in “Frame” 3 × 1/2 page next to text in “Stil” 3 × 1/2 page next to text in the “NZZ am Sonntag” 3 × 1/2 page in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Rectangle on “NZZ.ch” in the environment of Feuilleton Perks package – 1/2 page Perks package – Deluxe Package Deluxe Package 1 Deluxe Package 2 Package discount 4 for 3 Package discount 4 for 3 46,800.– instead of 62,400.– 40,500.– instead of 54,000.– 4 × 1/1 page in “Frame” 4 × 1/2 page next to text in “Frame” Media services1 Package 1 527,000 Readers / 834,000 Contacts / 11,3% Reach / 100,000 AdImpressions Package 2 707,000 Readers / 2,503,000 Contacts / 15,1% Reach / 200,000 AdImpressions Package 3 946,000 Readers / 4,562,000 Contacts / 20,3% Reach / 300,000 AdImpressions Deluxe Package 639,000 Readers / 1,668,000 Contacts / 13,7% Reach 1 Sources: MACH Basic 2015-2, German-speaking Switzerland (Base: 4,668,000 people) and NZZ-Netz. 51 I N S E RTS Circulation Copies to be delivered 142,000 Loose Inserts Weight Price min. format max. format up to 25 g 36,408.– 105 × 148 mm 220 × 285 mm 26 up to 50 g 40,404.– 105 × 148 mm 220 × 285 mm Glued Inserts (+ 1/1 page 15 600.–) Weight Price Card1 Price Booklet1 min. format max. format up to 25 g 16,428.– 19,388.– 55 × 80 mm 210 × 210 mm 20,868.– 55 × 80 mm 210 × 210 mm 26 up to 50 g Bound-in Inserts WeightPrice1 min. format max. format up to 25 g 34,928.– 105/115 × 148 mm 230 × 297 mm 26 up to 50 g 36,112.– 105/115 × 148 mm 230 × 297 mm D I ST R I B U T I O N “Frame” is enclosed in the “NZZ am Sonntag” four times a year and is available as a printed subscription, in the App Store, at newsagents and selected cinemas. R E S E RVAT I O N S We accept reservations as placement requests. Following a reservation for a special placement, the order should ideally be placed one month before the advertising deadline, otherwise top placements will be released. Placement reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. For later requests, it may be that the desired placement cannot be confirmed. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 Plus technical costs. 52 NZZ CAMPUS The direct route to students in Switzerland “NZZ Campus” is the leading journalistic platform for students in German-speaking Switzerland. The multimedia platform provides an enjoyable and authentic reading experience as it is co-authored by students. It also offers customers a wide variety of presentation opportunities – prominent, multimedia-based and at affordable rates. 53 M E D I A DATA 1 Circulation Switzerland 50,000 copies, “NZZ Campus” Switzerland 55,000 copies, “Industry supplement” P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S , N Z Z C A M P U S Theme Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Why do you actually study? 2 March 1 February 4 February Get that down you! How students eat nowadays 18 May 18 April 21 April (open) 21 September 22 August 25 August (open) 23 November 24 October 27 October Subject to change. P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S , I N D U ST RY S U P P L E M E N T Theme Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline Tax, Audit & Consulting 2 March 25 January 28 January Engineers 18 May 11 April 14 April Diversity 21 September 15 August 18 August Insurance companies 23 November 17 October 21 October Subject to change. OV E RV I E W O F S EC T I O N S , N Z Z C A M P U S SectionContent Student of the month Column How we love nowadays. By Nadja Brenneisen The controversial interview Decision-makers from the world of academia come under critical questioning Criticising lectures Are our professors also suitable as teachers? Blog of the month Legal advice for students Students or student projects for a better world Are you allowed to do that? Answers to questions that students are really interested in The business card for short interviews One job profile and two paths leading to it Student job Profile of a working student Career tip Bullshit bingo These phrases that really don’t mean anything are guaranteed to crop up in a lecture. Bingo! 1 Source: publisher’s imprint 54 FAC TS & F I G U R E S , I N D U ST RY S U P P L E M E N T In the “industry supplement” enclosed in each edition of “NZZ Campus”, we present occupational fields that merit greater attention. It aims to allow students to gain a comprehensive picture of a career path that they may like to pursue. Its high-quality implementation makes the “industry supplement” also very popular among customers operating in these occupational fields. Frequency 4 times per year Pages 20 pages incl. cover Binding Booklet binding Format 180 × 245 mm Paper Cover 115 g/m2, content 60 g/m2 F I X E D FO R M ATS Fixed format Rate Type area 2/1 pages 15,400.– Bleed margin1Product 396 × 270 mm 360 × 245 mm “NZZ Campus” “Industry supplement” 1/1 page 7,700.– 166 × 243 mm 198 × 270 mm 180 × 245 mm “NZZ Campus” “Industry supplement” 1/2 page landscape 4,500.– 166 × 120 mm 158 × 109 mm 198 × 133 mm 180 × 121 mm “NZZ Campus” “Industry supplement” 1/2 page landscape, next to text 5,400.– 166 × 120 mm 158 × 109 mm 198 × 133 mm 180 × 121 mm “NZZ Campus” “Industry supplement” 1/2 page portrait2 4,500.– 81 × 243 mm 97 × 270 mm 77 × 221 mm 88 × 245 mm “NZZ Campus” “Industry supplement” 1/2 page portrait, next to text 5,400.– 81 × 243 mm 97 × 270 mm 77 × 221 mm 88 × 245 mm “NZZ Campus” “Industry supplement” 1/3 page landscape, next to text 4,320.– 166 × 78 mm “NZZ Campus” 1/4 page landscape 2,700.– 166 × 58 mm “NZZ Campus” 1/4 page landscape, next to text 3,240.– 166 × 58 mm “NZZ Campus” 1/4 page portrait3 2,700.– 81 × 120 mm “NZZ Campus” 1/8 page landscape 1,800.– 81 × 58 mm “NZZ Campus” Centre panorama I, next to text 7,200.– 194 × 120 mm “NZZ Campus” Centre panorama II, next to text 9,200.– 194 × 243 mm “NZZ Campus” Special placement Rate Product Inside front cover 8,800.– “NZZ Campus” & “Industry supplement” Outside back cover 7,700.– “Industry supplement” Back page 9,100.– “NZZ Campus” & “Industry supplement” 1/1 page, on the right (page 7) 8,400.– “NZZ Campus” Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. Portrait formats only on outer pages. 3 Next to text not possible. 1 2 55 LO O S E I N S E RTS , N Z Z C A M P U S WeightRate up to 25 g 12,667.– A DV E RTO R I A L S , N Z Z C A M P U S Fixed format Rate Type area 7,700.– 166 × 243 mm 1/1 page Please provide a printable PDF – With the word “advertorial” at the top of the advertisement – Without using the “Triby” or “New Fournier” typefaces CO M PA N Y P R O F I L E M AG A Z I N E , N Z Z C A M P U S & I N D U ST RY S U P P L E M E N T Fixed format Rate 1/1 page 8,500.– Please provide texts and images. We will be happy to compose the advertisement in accordance with publisher specifications (design is included in the rate). Type area Bleed margin1Product 166 × 243 mm 198 × 270 mm 180 × 245 mm Images/logos • Logo: max. 29 × 29 mm • Portrait format image: 90 × 109 mm, Landscape format image: 135 × 92 mm • Logo and image: Resolution 300 dpi “NZZ Campus” “Industry Supplement” Characters • Title: 29 characters1 • Introductory text: 115 characters1 • Content text: 1100 characters1 • Facts: 918 characters1 The contents of the company profile, your logo and a link to your website will be published on www.campus.nzz.ch/advertorials for 12 months, free of charge. 1 Including spaces. 56 C A M P U S . N Z Z .C H Student bloggers report directly from universities on the joys and sorrows of everyday student life. Exclusive articles from journalists around the world. Study-related services round off this offer. Advertising option Format Price per week Maxiboard 994 × 118 pixels 1,600.– Rectangle 300 × 250 pixels 1,600.– Skyscraper 160 × 600 pixels 1,600.– Billboard 560 × 400 pixels 1,600.– Halfpage 300 × 600 pixels 1,900.– Teaser and advertorial 120 × 120 pixels (teaser) 1,200.– Wideboard 994 × 250 pixels 2,100.– Wallpaper 994 × 118 pixels + 160 × 600 pixels 2,400.– Key figures (Survey March 2016) Sessions: 62,000 Users: 50,000 Page Impressions: 97,000 A DV E RT I S I N G I N T H E O N L I N E N E W S L E T T E R Advertising option Format Price per mailing Banner 635 × 352 pixels 1,020.– Key figures 14-day cycle Delivery to over 15,000 newsletter subscribers (as of November 2014) max. three banner advertisements per newsletter Technical data File size max. 75 kb, 72 dpi File formatSWF, GIF, JPG, third-party tag (tags not available in the newsletter) Delivery at least 10 working days prior to placement to [email protected] 57 F R EQ U E N C Y D I S CO U N TS 2 repeats 5% 3 repeats 10% 4 repeats 15% D I ST R I B U T I O N , N Z Z C A M P U S 20,000 students with a subscription to the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and/or the “NZZ am Sonntag” receive “NZZ Campus” by direct mail. In addition, 30,000 copies are sent to over 20 selected universities, the ETH and other higher education institutions. “NZZ Campus” is available as a printed subscription and in the App Store. D I ST R I B U T I O N , I N D U ST RY S U P P L E M E N T 0,000 copies as a loose insert with “NZZ Campus”, of which 20,000 are for students with a subscription to the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and/ 5 or “NZZ am Sonntag” and 30,000 copies go to over 20 selected universities and higher education institutions. 5,000 copies targeted mailing. R E S E RVAT I O N S Placement requests can be made with bookings. Please note that special placements must be reserved in advance. Once the reservation has been made, the order should be placed one month before the advertising deadline. If the order is not placed at this time, we will contact you to cancel the reservation. Reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 58 NZZ GESCHICHTE Switzerland’s first historical magazine In early 2015, NZZ extended its journalistic product range with a magazine focused on historical themes. “NZZ Geschichte” illuminates fascinating facets of both international and Swiss history and their effects on the present. As well as presenting a main topic, various other historical events and processes are explored in articles by internal and external authors. 59 M E D I A DATA 1 Circulation Switzerland 20,000 copies P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S Theme Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline The history of women 14 January '16 9 December '15 21 December '15 The birth of Europe 21 April 28 March 23 March (open) 7 July 8 June 13 June Zwingli – 500 years of reformation 6 October 7 September 12 September Subject to change. OV E RV I E W O F TO P I C S 5 minutes for a historical picture A leading historian explains a historical picture The interview In each issue, Peer Teuwsen interviews a world-famous historian on the big questions of human history Extras Discussion of the most important new historical books The historical puzzle Puzzle writer CUS has designed an extensive historical crossword puzzle exclusively for “NZZ Geschichte” – with attractive prizes for the winners The historic book of my lifeWell-known historians each tell us which history book has had the biggest influence on them 1 Source: publisher’s imprint. 60 F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L FO R M ATS Fixed format Price Type area Bleed margin1 2/1 pages 12,000.– 326 × 213 mm 350 × 240 mm 1/1 page2 6,000.– 147 × 213 mm 175 × 240 mm 1/2 page landscape3 3,000.– 147 × 106 mm 175 × 120 mm 1/3 page landscape3 2,000.– 147 × 71 mm 175 × 80 mm 1/4 page landscape3 1,500.– 147 × 53 mm 175 × 60 mm 1/4 page portrait3 1,500.– 73 × 106 mm Special placement Price Inside front cover2 7,000.– Inside back cover2 6,000.– Outside back cover 7,000.– 1 2 3 Plus 3 mm bleed margin per page. For inside front cover (left) 5 mm adhesive edge on the right, for inside back cover (right) and page 3 5 mm adhesive edge on the left. Page sections are placed next to text. 61 D I ST R I B U T I O N “NZZ Geschichte” magazine is available as a printed subscription, in the App Store, at newsagents and in select museums. R E S E RVAT I O N S We accept reservations as placement requests. Following a reservation for a special placement, the order should ideally be placed one month before the advertising deadline, otherwise top placements will be released. Placement reservations will be confirmed in the order of their receipt. For later requests, it may be that the desired placement cannot be confirmed. T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 62 GESELLSCHAFT The intelligent tabloid supplement of “NZZ am Sonntag” “Gesellschaft” offers intelligent and at the same time entertaining reading material on relevant subjects on a weekly basis, well written and presented in an impressive and elaborately illustrated design. The handy format of “Gesellschaft” ensures that the reading time of the magazine is above-average. 63 e-pa p + 32 er : ,000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Circulation Switzerland 126,855 copies Composition Male 55%, female 45% Leaders 91,000 people (27.5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 15,600.–/CHF 37.41 Top leaders 36,000 people (32.2%) P U B L I C AT I O N , A DV E RT I S I N G A N D P R I N T M AT E R I A L D E A D L I N E Publication “Gesellschaft” is published on Sundays as a tabloid supplement to “NZZ am Sonntag” Advertising deadline On Thursday 10 days prior to publication at midday Print material deadline On Wednesday prior to publication at 2 pm F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L FO R M ATS Fixed format Rate Type area 2/1 pages 34,320.– 438 × 290 mm 2/2 pages2 20,280.– 438 × 141 mm 2/4 pages2 12,170.– 438 × 68 mm 1/1 page 15,600.– 210 × 290 mm 1/2 page landscape2 9,360.– 210 × 141 mm 1/3 page landscape2 6,760.– 210 × 96 mm 1/4 page landscape2 5,460.– 210 × 68 mm Special format bw/colour Column width min./max. height Millimetre rate advertisement panel 25.21 53 mm 30 mm/100 mm “Gesellschaft” is published in tabloid format (235 × 320 mm). T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 2 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. Page sections are placed next to text. 64 BÜCHER AM SONNTAG For book-lovers and literature enthusiasts “Bücher am Sonntag” is published ten times a year on the last Sunday of the month as a tabloid supplement to “NZZ am Sonntag”. It provides book-lovers and literature enthusiasts with an overview on important new publications in fiction and non-fiction. Each edition of the supplement not only includes book reviews but also an essay, a detailed interview or a column written by a famous author. It is complemented by bestseller lists and an agenda containing the most important author readings, book launches and literature podiums. 65 e-pa p er : + 32 000 read e rs M E D I A DATA 1 Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Composition Male 55%, female 45% Leaders 91,000 people (27.5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 8,240.–/CHF 19.76 Top leaders 36,000 people (32.2%) Publication date Advertising deadline Print material deadline 31 January 15 January 22 January 28 February 12 February 19 February 27 March 11 March 18 March Circulation Switzerland 126,855 copies P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S 24 April 8 April 15 April 29 May 13 May 20 May 26 June 10 June 17 June 28 August 12 August 19 August 25 September 9 September 16 September 30 October 14 October 21 October 27 November 11 November 18 November Subject to change. F I X E D FO R M ATS A N D S P EC I A L FO R M ATS Fixed format Rate Type area 16,480.– 440 × 290 mm 1/1 page 8,240.– 210 × 290 mm 1/2 page landscape2 4,920.– 210 × 141 mm 1/4 page landscape2 2,510.– 210 × 68 mm 2/1 pages Monolith2 3,345.– 55 × 277 mm Special format bw/colour Column width min. height Millimetre rate advertisement panel 20.17 55 mm 30 mm “Bücher am Sonntag” is published in tabloid format (235 × 320 mm). D I S CO U N T Special discount on book advertisements 40% Frequency discount 3 repeats Combination discount3 15% 6 repeats 7.5% 10% 10 repeats 5% Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. Page sections are placed next to text. 3 In case of simultaneous insertion (same advertisement, same week, adjusted to NZZ specific formats) in the supplement “Bücher am Sonntag” and in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. 1 2 66 NZZ BUSINESSCOMBI “NZZ BusinessCombi” – Combination of “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and Le Temps Since many years, the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and Le Temps have been offering the very successful and renowned combination “NZZ BusinessCombi”. The “NZZ BusinessCombi” is aimed at a discerning and affluent readership across linguistic regions. Both titles are clearly the first choice among decision-makers. 67 M E D I A DATA 1 Readers German- and french-speaking Switzerland: 372,000 people (6.0%) German-speaking Switzerland: 275,000 people (5.9%) Circulation Total: Switzerland: Composition Male 60%, female 40% Leaders German- and french-speaking Switzerland 98,000 people (22.5%) Cost per page/CPT CHF 30,430.–/CHF 81.80 Top leaders German- and french-speaking Switzerland 41,000 people (27.0%) 156,758 copies 147,656 copies P U B L I C AT I O N D E TA I L S Publication The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and Le Temps are published daily from Monday to Saturday Advertising and print material deadline Two days prior to publication at 2 pm. Business section (third section): 2 p.m., three working days prior to publication R ECO M M E N DAT I O N S Fixed format Swiss edition Rate bw/colour Total edition Type area Rate bw/colour Section NZZ Publication 2/1 pages 58,950.– 70,720.– 72,820.– 88,060.– 612 × 440 mm 612 × 440 mm 1st to 4th section page 2 and 3 Mon–Sat Mon–Sat 1/1 page 30,430.– 37,370.– 291 × 440 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/1 page 34,250.– 41,900.– 291 × 440 mm First advertising page Mon–Sat 1/2 page landscape 16,270.– 20,440.– 291 × 218 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/4 page landscape 8,360.– 10,530.– 291 × 108 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri 1/4 page portrait 8,360.– 10,530.– 143 × 218 mm 1st to 5th section Mon–Sat/Fri A DV E RT I S E M E N TS O N T E XT PAG E Millimetre rates Placement in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Total edition2 bw colour Type area min. format Type area max. format4 Publication 1st section, International Inside page 41.70 52.23 54 × 80 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 2nd section, Switzerland and Zurich Inside page 41.70 52.23 54 × 30 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 3rd section, Business Inside page 51.09 65.60 54 × 80 mm 172 × on request Mon–Sat 3rd section, Business Investment funds3 25.60 32.16 47 × 30 mm 143 × on request Tue–Sat Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, MA Leader 2015, publisher’s imprint. Only to be booked in the total edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. Only published in the Swiss edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. 4 Max. size for the first section in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. Max. size for Le Temps, as per the valid rate. 1 2 3 68 N E XT TO T E XT A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Fixed format Total edition Type area Rate bw/colour Section NZZ Publication 2/2 pages1 49,740.– 612 × 218 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section Mon–Sat 2/4 pages1 31,650.– 612 × 108 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section Mon–Sat 1/2 page landscape 26,490.– 29,820.– 291 × 218 mm 291 × 218 mm 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th section 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat/Fri Mon–Sat 1/4 page landscape 15,500.– 17,500.– 291 × 108 mm 291 × 108 mm 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th section 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat/Fri Mon–Sat 1/4 page landscape, page 2 16,310.– 291 × 108 mm 1st section, page 2 Mon–Sat R ECO M M E N DAT I O N S A N D C L A S S I F I E DS 2 , S P EC I A L FO R M ATS Millimetre rates Type of advertising Swiss edition bw colour Recommendation 6.15 Total edition Number of columns bw colour Publication 7.71 7.33 9.39 All (single and 9 column ads not possible) Mon–Sat Financial advertisement (GM, dividends etc.) 7.33 9.39 All (single and 9 column ads not possible) Mon–Sat 5 columns and 10 columns Mon–Sat Obituaries, Acknowledgements 5.10 3+4 Placement in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” min. format Next to text, 1 section, section International 12.82 15.33 10 columns, min. height 80 mm Mon–Sat Next to text, 2nd section, Switzerland and Zurich4 12.82 15.33 10 columns, min. height 60 mm Mon–Sat Next to text, 3rd section, Business4 14.53 17.13 10 columns, min. height 80 mm Mon–Sat Next to text, 4th section, Feuilleton and Sport4 12.82 15.33 10 columns, min. height 60 mm Mon–Sat Next to text, 5 section 12.82 15.33 10 columns, min. height 60 mm Fri st th 4 Half-page- and quarter-page panorama advertisements. Minimal height of classifieds = 20 mm, vehicles = 15 mm. Rates of obituaries = bw/colour. The obituary is placed in the international edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, if possible (without any guarantee). 4 Only to be booked in the total edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. 1 2 3 69 S P EC I A L P L AC E M E N TS Fixed format Total edition1 Rate bw/colour Type area NZZ Type area Le Temps Section NZZ Publication Centre panorama I 40,950.– 257 × 218 mm 310 × 220 mm 1st and 2nd section Mon–Sat Centre panorama II 59,970.– 375 × 268 mm 409 × 260 mm 1st and 2nd section Mon–Sat Centre panorama page high 64,360.– 257 × 409 mm 310 × 440 mm 1st and 2nd section Mon–Sat Monolith I 21,560.– 54 × 409 mm 94 × 420 mm 24,160.– 54 × 409 mm 94 × 420 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section Mon–Sat 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat Monolith II 37,500.– 42,710.– 113 × 409 mm 113 × 409 mm 143 × 420 mm 143 × 420 mm 1st and 2nd section 3rd section, Business Junior page 26,370.– 29,670.– 172 × 236 mm 172 × 236 mm 192 × 258 mm 192 × 258 mm 1st, 2nd and 4th section Mon–Sat 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat Junior page maxi 30,180.– 33,600.– 231 × 318 mm 231 × 318 mm 241 × 318 mm 241 × 318 mm 1st and 2nd section 3rd section, Business Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat Mon–Sat P R E- P R I N T E D I N S E RTS Publication details and circulation “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Le Temps Publication Monday–Friday Saturday Monday–Friday Circulation (copies to be delivered) 105,000 115,000 38,000 Rates (Monday–Friday). WeightRate Weight Rate Weight Rate up to 25 g 51 up to 75 g 68,740.– 101 up to 150 g 92,930.– 26 up to 50 g 54,980.– 76 up to 100 g 78,590.– over 150 g on request Rates (NZZ, Saturday/Le Temps, Friday). WeightRate Weight Rate up to 25 g 51 up to 75 g 71,870.– 76 up to 100 g 82,100.– 42,140.– 44,230.– 26 up to 50 g 57,590.– T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 1 Only published in the total edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. 70 SONNTAGSPOOL “Sonntagspool” – Switzerland’s first Sunday combination The three Sunday papers of the NZZ media group make up the advertisement combination “Sonntagspool”. With its attractive offer geared to customer needs, it enables commercial partners to target and reach a very attractive Sunday readership. Very strong reader loyalty, combination of regional and national anchoring, journalistic quality. 71 M E D I A DATA S O N N TAG S P O O L Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 705,000 people (15.1%) Composition Male 55%, female 45% Circulation Switzerland 277,292 copies Combination discount on advertisements 12.5% Combination discount on brochure supplements 25% M E D I A DATA 1 BY R EG I O N “NZZ am Sonntag” “Zentralschweiz am Sonntag” “Ostschweiz am Sonntag” Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 417,000 people (8.9%) Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 220,000 people (4.7%) Readers (German-speaking Switzerland) 111,000 people (2.4%) Circulation Switzerland 135,805 copies Circulation Switzerland 99,513 copies Circulation Switzerland 59,005 copies Composition Male 55%, female 45% Composition Male 52%, female 48% Composition Male 46%, female 54% CO O R D I N AT I O N / R E S E RVAT I O N NZZ Media Solutions AG Falkenstrasse 11 Postfach CH-8021 Zurich Phone +41 44 25 16 98 [email protected] www.sonntagspool.ch www.nzzmediasolutions.ch 1 Sources: WEMF 2015, MACH Basic 2015-2, publisher’s imprint. 72 F I X E D FO R M ATS Fixed format 1st section Rate bw/colour 2nd – 6th section1 Rate bw/colour Type area 2/1 pages 93,990.– 85,410.– 610 × 438 mm 1/1 page 49,580.– 45,060.– 290 × 438 mm 1/2 page landscape 26,660.– 290 × 218 mm 1/4 page landscape 14,320.– 290 × 108 mm 1/4 page portrait 14,320.– 143 × 218 mm N E XT TO T E XT A DV E RT I S E M E N TS Fixed format 2nd – 6th section1 Rate bw/colour Type area 2/2 pages2 76,760.– 610 × 218 mm 2/4 page2 45,600.– 610 × 108 mm 1/2 page landscape 41,740.– 37,960.– 290 × 218 mm 1/4 page landscape 23,900.– 21,750.– 290 × 108 mm 1/4 page recommendations 33,620.– 30,520.– “NZZ am Sonntag” “Ostschweiz am Sonntag” “Zentralschweiz am Sonntag” 114 × 218 mm 108 × 218 mm 114 × 218 mm Junior page 41,910.– 38,100.– “NZZ am Sonntag” “Ostschweiz am Sonntag” “Zentralschweiz am Sonntag” 173 × 268 mm 174 × 220 mm 172 × 220 mm 1st section Rate bw/colour Special format/millimetre rates bw colour bw colour Type of advertising Type area min. height Recommendations, mixed advertising page 8.93 14.09 20 mm3 Recommendations, next to text 14.31 20.95 80 mm4 15.31 22.45 “NZZ am Sonntag” and “Zentralschweiz am Sonntag”: 2nd – 6th section, “Ostschweiz am Sonntag”: 2nd – 4th section. Half-page- and quarter-page panorama advertisements. 3 ”NZZ am Sonntag”: 3rd section = min. height 80 mm, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th section = min. height 20 mm. 4 ”NZZ am Sonntag”: 1st and 3rd section = min. height 80 mm, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th section = min. height 60 mm. 1 2 73 P R E- P R I N T E D I N S E RTS WeightRate WeightRate up to 25 g 87,620.– 76 up to 100 g 125,120.– 26 up to 50 g 98,610.– 101 up to 125 g 138,370.– 51 up to 75 g 111,260.– 126 up to 150 g 144,910.– Copies to be delivered: 299,000 T EC H N I C A L S P EC I F I C AT I O N S For technical specifications and formats for all NZZ products, please see www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. 74 20 auf einen Streich. CITYPLUS Mit Cityplus, dem modularen Schweizer Kombi, sind Sie in 20 Deutschschweizer Kantonen präsent. Natürlich können Sie strategisch wichtige Gebiete auch ganz gezielt bearbeiten. www.cityplus.ch Klug kombiniert. “Cityplus” – the combination that adapts to needs “Cityplus”, the modular Swiss combination, is simultaneously present in up to 20 cantons in German-speaking Switzerland und reaches a total of 1,288,000 readers. In case of booking two “Cityplus” titles (at your discretion), a combination discount of 10% is granted. The sophisticated readership of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” provides the clients with an ideal complement and quality boost. 75 OFFER1 CO O R D I N AT I O N / R E S E RVAT I O N – Two, three or four titles at your discretion – Up to 1,288,000 readers – Media presence in 20 cantons – 10% combination discount – Cumulation of balancing within in the single titles Cityplus Maihofstrasse 76 Clearing office 6002 Luzern Phone +41 41 429 59 51 [email protected] www.cityplus.ch FO R M ATS Fixed format Format Format Format Format NWS2NLZ2NZZ2SGT/SN2 609 × 438 mm 609 × 438 mm 609 × 438 mm 609 × 438 mm 2/2 pages 609 × 218 mm half-page next to text Panorama 609 × 218 mm 609 × 218 mm 609 × 218 mm 2/1 pages 1/1 page 290 × 438 mm 290 × 438 mm 290 × 438 mm 290 × 438 mm 1/2 page landscape 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 290 × 218 mm 1/2 page next to text Monolith I 54 × 438 mm 55 × 418 mm 54 × 409 mm 45 × 438 mm Monolith II 112 × 438 mm 114 × 418 mm 113 × 409 mm 94 × 438 mm Stereolith I (2× Monolith I) 54 × 438 mm 55 × 418 mm 54 × 409 mm 45 × 438 mm Stereolith II (2× Monolith II) 112 × 438 mm 114 × 418 mm 113 × 409 mm 94 × 438 mm Junior page 172 × 220 mm 172 × 220 mm 172 × 236 mm 172 × 218 mm Other options for advertisements formats on requet. Special formate Advertising street Number of pages Recommendations min. 150 mm overall volume 3 pages Next to text Height 90 to 220 mm 4 pages 5 pages Prospectus street Number of pages Weight 4 pages 60 g/m2 8 pages 49 g/m2 12 pages 42,5 g/m2 16 pages 42,5 g/m2 You will find the current prices on www.cityplus.ch. 1 2 Sources: MACH Basic 2015-2. NWS = “Die Nordwestschweiz”, NLZ = “Neue Luzerner Zeitung”, NZZ = “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, SGT = “St. Galler Tagblatt”, SN = “Schaffhauser Nachrichten”. 76 NZZ-NETZ The online platform for attractive advertising opportunities “NZZ-Netz” is the joint online advertising market presence of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, the “Neue Luzerner Zeitung”, the “St. Galler Tagblatt“ and the „Nordwestschweiz Netz“. The sales team in Zurich “audienzz” is in charge of the marketing of “NZZ-Netz”. Our range of offers compromises very attractive advertising opportunities. By placing an ad in "NZZ-Netz", your advertising message benefits from an extended reach of 35.8%. For further information, please refer to www.audienzz.ch. 77 M E D I A DATA 1 P O O L OV E RV I E W Usage data per month Page Impressions 95,363,341 Unique Users 1,577,000 Reach (German-speaking Switzerland) 34% News poolInternational, Switzerland, Regional news, Panorama Business poolEconomy, Finance, International, Switzerland Style poolDigital, Lifestyle, Car, Wine, Style, Interior design, Magazine blogs Regio poolZurich, Central Switzerland, Eastern Switzerland, Region, Municipality Leisure poolTravels, Leisure, Entertainment, Culture, Weather, Sports F I X E D P L AC E M E N TS CPT3 BOOKINGS Standard formats (Maxiboard, Skyscraper, Rectangle, Billboard): Ad Impressions Channel 1 day (fix)2 Standard formats (Maxiboard, Skyscraper, Rectangle, Billboard): Homepage 12,600.–350,000 Run of Site Channel 1 week (fix) 2 Economy 12,400.–250,000 Switzerland 10,100.–250,000 PlacementCTP 35.– Home40.– Ad Impressions M E D I A DATA M O B I L E-S I T E 1 Usage data per month Page Impressions 8,819,090 Unique Clients 1,208,000 Visits 3,792,736 M E D I A DATA M O B I L E A P P 1 Usage data per month Page Impressions 11,585,216 Unique Clients 165,000 Visits 2,408,066 1 2 3 Sources: Net-Metrix-Profil 2015-2/Net-Metrix-Audit November 2015. Price per standard format of choice. Cost per thousand reached. 78 Standard pools 45.– Business pools 55.– NZZ.CH, MOBILE NZZ.ch – the leading platform for news, background and analyses NZZ.ch is among the Swiss media websites with the highest traffic loads. It’s one of the most commonly used platforms in the target groups of leaders and top leaders. NZZ.ch represents reliable, up-to-date and 24/7 media coverage. Mobile The NZZ app and the mobile website provide information on current events 24/7, so that readers are a up-to-date at anytime, anywhere. 79 M E D I A DATA N Z Z .C H 1 Usage data per month Page Impressions 47,402,361 Unique Users 1,119,000 Reach (German-speaking Switzerland) 24% F I X E D P L AC E M E N TS CPT3 BOOKINGS Standard formats (Maxiboard, Skyscraper, Rectangle, Billboard): Standard formats (Maxiboard, Skyscraper, Rectangle, Billboard): 1 day (fix)2 Channel Homepage 6,800.– Ad Impressions PlacementCTP 150,000 Run of Site 45.– Home50.– Channel 1 week (fix)2 Economy 11,700.–200,000 Switzerland 7,400.– Ad Impressions Standard pools 55.– Business pools 65.– 150,000 M E D I A DATA M O B I L E-S I T E 1 Usage data per month Page Impressions 7,236,652 Unique Clients 1,071,000 Visits 3,291,202 M E D I A DATA M O B I L E A P P 1 Usage data per month Page Impressions 8,220,821 Unique Clients 112,000 Visits 1,553,340 CPT3 BOOKINGS S P EC I A L S / K E Y TO P I C S / B LO G S Advertising space Format CTP Home Banner 640 × 106 pixels 320 × 53 pixels 30.- 35.– Interstitial 640 × 832 pixels 320 × 416 pixels 80.– 86.- 1 2 3 On NZZ.ch, various key topics such as the Geneva Motor Show, the future of energy, real estate etc. are presented in different dossiers. There is a possibility to sponsor these topics exclusively. NZZ.ch also includes several blogs which can be supported: Bundesplatz, Interior Design, Nachgewürzt etc. Sources: Net-Metrix-Profil 2015-2/Net-Metrix-Audit November 2015, Net-Metrix-Mobile November 2015. Price per standard format of choice. Cost per thousand reached. 80 DISCOUNTS AND SURCHARGES SERVICES PAGE COLUMN DIMENSIONS TECHNICAL DATA CONTACT 81 D I S CO U N TS Volume discounts AmountDiscount AmountDiscount Amount Discount 12,000.– 2% 300,000.–11% 1,000,000.– 20% 35,000.– 3% 350,000.–12% 1,500,000.– 21% 70,000.– 4% 400,000.–13% 2,000,000.– 22% 100,000.– 5% 450,000.–14% 2,500,000.– 23% 125,000.– 6% 500,000.–15% 3,000,000.– 24% 150,000.– 7% 600,000.–16% 4,000,000.– 25% 175,000.– 8% 700,000.–17% 5,000,000.– 26% 200,000.– 9% 800,000.–18% 250,000.–10% 900,000.–19% Volume discounts are for business advertisements and pre-printed inserts only. Financial advertisements and public notices are excluded (format and text changes as desired, 1 year duration). Bulk space contracts possible. Frequency Discounts1 3 to 5 repeats Special Discounts2 5% Book advertisements AC I&ll/JUP l (Recommendations) 40% Advisory commission35% 6 to 12 repeats 7.5% Charity discounts as per Zewo list450% Annual sales premium 13 to 25 repeats 15% SIX funds (TIF members) “NZZ Folio” (AC II) 26 to 51 repeats 20% 52 repeats or more 25% 20% 3 5% 15% SURCHARGES2 Satellite advertisements (2nd insertion or more) 10% Binding date and placement requirements 10% Please note For real estate advertisements, the same discount levels apply. For job offers, separate discount levels apply (please see separate documentation). Balancing is possible for the following placements: “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, “NZZ am Sonntag”, “NZZ Folio”, “Z”,“Stil”, “Residence”, “Frame”, “NZZ Campus”, “NZZ Geschichte” , “Gesellschaft”, “Bücher am Sonntag”, “NZZ BusinessCombi” and “Sonntagspool”. Discount agreements are valid per company. For bookings which are placed under a different name or on behalf of another company, separate orders have to be made. This does not apply to companies which, according to BDO Visura, benefit from group discount. We are happy to advise you personally via +41 44 258 16 98. Volume and repeat discounts cannot be cumulated. I n case of simultaneous booking and without size correction (valid for advertisements in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, the “NZZ am Sonntag” and special supplements). Valid for advertisements in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, the “NZZ am Sonntag” and special supplements. 3 For agencies recognised by the Association of Swiss Advertising Companies. 4 Valid for advertisements in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, the “NZZ am Sonntag”, “NZZ Folio”, “Z”, “Stil”, “Residence”, “Frame”, “NZZ Campus”, “NZZ Geschichte” , “Gesellschaft”, “Bücher am Sonntag” and special supplements. 1 2 82 N Z Z M E D I A S O LU T I O N S AG S E RV I C E S A N D R AT E S Order changes before advertising deadline per title Dunning per reminder Date correction free Administration cost for second reminder or more 30.– Format adjustment free Interest on late payments 5% New print material etc free Brochure inserts Order changes after advertising deadline per title Date correction 50.– Format adjustment 50.– New print material etc 50.– Exchange of printing plates 50.– Cancellation of order before advertising deadline per title Without alternative date free Additional booking of partial editions (not total edition, split by Zurich region or city) 500.– Invoices per invoice Split invoice (per final invoice) 25.– Retrospective invoice corrections 25.– Special invoices or delivery to addresses other than client base 25.– Special evaluations/statistics per hour 170.– Cancellation of order after advertising deadline per title Without alternative date 50.– Box number ad rate Special courier per delivery Special courier (city of Zurich) 50.– DTP per hour Creation of desktop publishing material 170.– per order 50.– Express fee per delivery 47.– Good-to-print per copies 2nd Printing proofs or more 20.– CO L U M N N U M B E R A N D D I M E N S I O N S I N M I L L I M E T R E S 1 “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” Columns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Advertisements — 55 84114143173202232— 291 Ads on text pages 54 113 172 Ads on investment fund pages 47 94 143 “NZZ am Sonntag” Columns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Advertisements — 55 84114143173202232— 291 Ads on text pages 55 114 173 T EC H N I C A L DATA Detailed information on technical data and formats of all NZZ products is available on www.nzzmediasolutions.ch 1 Single and 9-column ads cannot be placed for imposition reasons. 83 A DV E RT I S E M E N TS D I G I TA L M E D I A F U RT H E R I N FO R M AT I O N Advertisements German-speaking Switzerland NZZ Media Solutions AG Falkenstrasse 11 Postfach CH-8021 Zurich Phone +41 44 258 16 98 [email protected] www.nzzmediasolutions.ch NZZ Media Solutions AG audienzz AG Falkenstrasse 11 Postfach CH-8021 Zurich Phone +41 44 258 16 66 [email protected] www.audienzz.ch www.nzzmediasolutions.ch Detailed information on the latest pricing, formats, media data and technical guidelines is available on www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. We are happy to advise you personally as well. Advertisements French-speaking Switzerland NZZ Media Solutions AG Avenue Mon-Repos 22 CH-1005 Lausanne Phone +41 21 311 48 95 Yves Gumy Key Account Manager [email protected] [email protected] Advertisements International NZZ Media Solutions AG Falkenstrasse 11 Postfach CH-8021 Zurich Phone +41 44 258 16 98 [email protected] www.nzzmediasolutions.ch All rates gross in Swiss francs and apply to clients outside Switzerland. Subject to change. General terms and conditions as per www.nzzmediasolutions.ch apply. For full details of all rates and services, please refer to www.nzzmediasolutions.ch. Foreign customers: The same terms and conditions apply to both Swiss advertisers and foreign customers and advertising agencies. Also, foreign customers always subscribe to the full edition in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, the “NZZ Executive”, the “NZZ Domizil” and the “NZZ BusinessCombi”. Prices may change. 84
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