Publikationen 2010 - 2015 Innovation Systems Department März 2016 Bücher und Buchbeiträge 2015 Baldauf, M., Fröhlich, P. (2015) Investigating Serendipitous Smartphone Interaction with Public Displays. Lumsden, J. (Ed.), Emerging Perspectives on the Design, Use, and Evaluation of Mobile and Handheld Devices, Information Science Reference, 239-268 Borch, C., Daimer, S., De Roure, D., Deketelaere, K., Dimitropoulos, A., Felt, U., Geuna, A., Glenn, J., Gulda, K., Kolar, J., Gallart, J., Narula, R., Ringland, G., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Smith, J., Tschaut, A. and Van der Wende, M. (2015) The Knowledge Future: Intelligent policy choices for Europe 2050. European Commission, The Knowledge Future: Intelligent policy choices for Europe 2050, Publications Office of the European Union, 1-64 Budde, B. (2015) On the role of expectations for sustainability transitions. A case study on hydrogen and fuel cell technology for transport. Eigenverlag, 1-207 Elena-Perez, S., Leitner, K.-H., Secundo, G. and Martinaitis, Z. (2015) Shaping new managerial models for European universities: The impact of reporting and managing IC. Ordonez de Pablos, P., Edvinsson, L. (Eds.), Intellectual Capital in Organizations: Nonfinancial Reports and Accounts, Routledge, 150-167 Gattol, V., Bobeth, J., Röderer, K., Egger, S., Regal, G., Lehner, U. and Tscheligi, M. (2015) From Bottom-up Insights to Feature Ideas: A Case Study into the Office Environments of Older Knowledge Workers. Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and Interaction Design Methods for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces. 4th IFIP 13.6 Working Conference, HWID 2015, London, UK, June 25-26, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Springer International Publishing, 83-96 Kneucker, R., Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Die öffentliche Verwaltung - 20 Jahre nach 1994. Maurer, A., Neisser, H., Pollak, J. (Eds.), 20 Jahre EUMitgliedschaft Österreichs, WUV Universitätsverlag, Wien, 219-234 Leitner, K.-H., Pinter, D. (2015) Corporate Foresight als Instrument des Innovationsmanagements. Granig, P., Hartlieb, E. und Lingenhel, D., Geschäftsmodellinnovationen: Vom Trend zum Geschäftsmodell, Gabler Verlag, 157-174 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2015) Antizipation von Zukunft zwischen Verwissenschaftlichung und Storytelling. Azzouni, S., Böschen, S. und Reinhardt, C. (Eds.), Erzählung und Geltung. Wissenschaft zwischen Autorschaft und Autorität, Velbrück, 375396 Weber, K.M., Burgelmann, J.-C. (2015) The Future of Research and Innovation. Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, Designing the future: Economic, Societal and Political Dimensions of Innovation, Echomedia, 476-504 Weber, K.M., Burgelmann, J.-C. (2015) Die Zukunft von Forschung und Innovation. Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, Die Gestaltung der Zukunft: Wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Dimensionen von Innovation, Echomedia, 550-591 2014 Dachs, B. (2014) R&D Internationalisation and the Global Financial Crisis. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 183-196 Dachs, B. (2014) The Relationship between the European Union and United States of America. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 81-90 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 1 Dachs, B. (2014) Internationalisation of R&D: A Brief Survey of the Literature. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 5-26 Dachs, B., Hanzl-Weiss, D. (2014) Drivers of R&D Internationalisation in the Automotive Industry and in Knowledge-intensive Business Services. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 119-142 Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.) (2014) The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 1-197 Fürlinger, G. (2014) Die Grundpfeiler eines Gründerökosystems. Funke, T., Zehrfeld A.W. (Eds.), Abseits von Silicon Valley: Beispiele erfolgreicher Gründungsstandorte, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, Frankfurt Gebetsroither-Geringer, E. (2014) Multimethod Modeling and Simulation Supporting Urban Planning Decisions. Walloth, C., Gurr, J.M., Schmidt, J.A. (Eds.), Understanding Complex Urban Systems: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Modeling, Springer International Publishing, 13-27 Kampik, F., Leitner, S. and Zahradnik, G. (2014) R&D Internationalisation in Belgium, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 53-70 Klerx, J., Göllner, J. and Mak, K. (2014) Horizon Scanning for emerging risks in supply chain systems. Göllner, J., Mak, K., Meurers, C. (Hrsg.), Viribus Unitis, HDruckZ-Ast Stift, Wien, 261-271 Korber, M., Paier, M. (2014) Simulating the Effects of Public Funding Research in Life Sciences: Direct research funds incentives. Gilbert, N., Ahrweiler, P. and Pyka, A. (Eds.), Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks, SpringerPhysica Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 99-130 Leitner, K., Curaj, A., Elena-Perez, S., Fazlagic, J., Kalemis, K., Martinaitis, Z., Secundo, G., Sicilia, M.-A. and Zaksa, K. (2014) A Strategic Approach for Intellectual Capital Management in European Universities. Guidelines for Implementation. Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), uefiscdi - Blueprint Series, Bucharest, 1-91 Leitner, K.-H. (2014) Der Theoretiker der Innovation und der Untergang des Kapitalismus. Josef Schumpeters Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942). Androsch, H., Ecker, B. und Matzka, M. (Hrsg.), 1814, 1914, 2014 - 14 Ereignisse die die Welt verändert haben, Brandstätter Verlag, Wien, 169-182 Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2014) Infotainment System Features Set Adaptation to Target Cultures. Snider, M. (Ed.), Cultural Diversity: International Perspectives, Impacts on the Workplace and Educational Challenges, Nova Science Publishers, 159-186 Scherngell, T. (2014) The Structure of Cross-Country R&D Expenditure: A Social Network Analysis Perspective. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 91-104 Vignola-Gagné, E. Biegelbauer, P. and Lehner, D. (2014) Translational research: entrepreneurship, advocacy and programmatic work in the governance of biomedical innovation. Borras, S., Edler, J. (Eds.), The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems: Explaining Change, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 132-158 Wagner, P., Smith, H. and Lemon, M. (2014) School Community Collaboration for Sustainable Development: Digital Handbook for Local Authorities. CoDeS European Commission (Ed.), 1-30 Zahradnik, G. (2014) R&D Internationalisation Across Countries and Over Time. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 39-52 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 2 Zahradnik, G. (2014) The Sectoral Perspective. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 71-80 Zahradnik, G., Urban, W. (2014) Issues in Collecting Data on the Internationalisation of R&D. Dachs, B., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (Eds.), The Internationalisation of Business R&D. New Perspectives on the modern Corporation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 27-38 2013 Bandelow, N. C., Sager, F. and Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Policy analysis in the German-speaking countries: common traditions, different cultures in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Blum, S., Schubert, K. (Ed.), Policy analysis in Germany, Policy Press, 75-89 Barber, M.J., Scherngell, T. (2013) The community structure of European R&D collaboration. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 151-174 Barton, P., Brock, H., Garbsch, M. and Wilhelmer, D. (2013) In-House Programs as Integrated Organizational Setups for Management Learning in Health Care Organizations. Scala, K., Grossmann, R., Lenglachner, M. and Mayer, K. (Eds.), Leadership Learning for the Future, Information Age Publishing Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Innovation Policy Learning. Carayannis, E. G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Springer Science+Business Media, 994-997 Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Wie lernt die Politik? Lernen aus Erfahrung in Politik und Verwaltung. Springer VS Verlag Dachs, B., Montes Pineda, O., Wanzenböck, I. and Gallego, J. (2013) From market and systemic failures to an integrative approach for ServPPINs. Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum, P. (Eds.), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 411433 Finco, A., Oliveri, S., Gerosa, G., Winiwarter, W., Züger, J. and Gebetsroither, E. (2013) Assessing Present and Future Ozone Hazards to Natural Forests in the Alpine Area. Comparison of a Wide Scale Mapping Technique with Local Passive Sampler Measurements. Cerbu, G. A., Hanewinkel, M., Gerosa, G., Jandl, R. (Ed.), Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks, InTech - Open Access Company, 125-145 Gebetsroither, E., Züger, J. and Loibl, W. (2013) Drought in Alpine Areas Under Changing Climate Conditions. Cerbu, G. A., Hanewinkel, M., Gerosa, G., Jandl, R. (Ed.), Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks, InTech - Open Access Company, 165-189 Gerstlberger, W., Knudsen, M.P. and Dachs, B. (2013) Off the Beaten Track - From Product to Service Innovation in Manufacturing Firms. Zanker, C., Som, O. und Kinkel, S. (Hrsg.), Innovationen in der Produktion. Ein multiperspektivischer Ansatz. ISI-Schriftenreihe "Innovationspotenziale", Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 117-134 Gorraiz, J., Schiebel, E., Gumpenberger, C., Hörlesberger, M. and Moed, H. (2013) Proceedings of ISSI 2013 Vienna. 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference. Volume 1 und 2. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Eigenverlag Hidas, S., Wolska, M., Fischer, M.M. and Scherngell, T. (2013) Research collaboration and regional knowledge production in Europe. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 317-334 Kny, E. (2013) Polymer Nanocomposite Materials Used for Food Packaging. Silvestre, C., Cimmino, S. (Eds.), Ecosustainable Polymer Nanomaterials for Food Packaging. Innovative Solutions, Characterization Needs, Safety and Environmental Issues, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 337-375 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 3 Korber, M., Paier, M. (2013) Effects of competence centres on regional knowledge production - an agent-based simulation of the Vienna life sciences innovation system. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 353-374 Lata, R., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2013) Observing integration processes in European R&D networks: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks and co-patent networks. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 131-150 Leitner, S., Dachs, B. and Stehrer, R. (2013) Determinants of International R&D activities. Evidence from a Gravity Model. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 175-200 Reinold, F., Paier, M. and Fischer, M.M. (2013) Joint knowledge production in European R&D networks: Results from a discrete choice modeling perspective. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 201-220 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2013) Glücklich, leistungsfähig und kommunikativ in jeder Lebensphase? Die Frage neuropharmakologisch optimierter Lebensqualität. Popp, R., Garstenauer, U., Reinhardt, U. und Rosenlechner-Urbanek, D. (Eds.), Zukunft. Lebensqualität. Lebenslang. Generationen im demographischenWandel, LIT-Verlag, Wien, 97-118 Schartinger, D. (2013) An institutional analysis of innovation in healthcare services. Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum, P. (Eds.), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 197-227 Scherngell, T. (2013) The networked nature of R&D in a spatial context. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 3-14 Scherngell, T. (2013) Synopsis and outlook. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 375-383 Scherngell, T. (Ed.) (2013) The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations. Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1-383 Vignola-Gagné, E., Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Translational Research. Carayannis, E. G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Springer Science+Business Media, 1834-1843 Wanzenböck, I., Heller-Schuh, B. (2013) The Embeddedness of Regions in R&D Collaboration Networks of the EU Framework Programmes. Scherngell, T. (Ed.), The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations, Springer Science+Business Media, BerlinHeidelberg-New York, 279-298 Wanzenböck, I., Rubalcaba, L., Montes Pineda, O. and Weber, K.M. (2013) Policy developments and measures for enhancing ServPPINs dynamics. Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum, P. (Eds.), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 434-461 Weber, K.M., Heller-Schuh, B. (2013) ServPPINs as instruments for realizing system innovations: two case studies in passenger transport in Austria. Gallouj, F., Rubalcaba, L. and Windrum, P. (Eds.), Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 384-408 Wilhelmer, D., Erler, J. (2013) Innovation Network: An Integrated Organizational Setup for Organizational and Management Learning. Scala, K., Grossmann, R., Lenglachner, M. and Mayer, K. (Eds.), Leadership Learning for the Future, Information Age Publishing Wilhelmer, D., Nagel, R. (2013) Foresight - Managementhandbuch. Das Gestalten von Open Innovation. Carl Auer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1-160 Zasada, I., Loibl, W., Berges, R., Steinnocher, K., Köstl, M, Piorr, A. and Werner, A. (2013) Rural-Urban-Regions: A Spatial Approach to Define Urban-Rural Relationships in Europe. Nilsson, K., Pauleit, S., Bell, S., Aalbers, C. and Sick Nielsen, Th. A. (Eds.), Peri-urban futures: Scenarios and models for land use change in Europe, Springer-Physica Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 45-68 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 4 Zimmermann, N. E., Gebetsroither, E., Züger, J., Schmatz, D. and Psomas, A. (2013) Future Climate of the European Alps. Cerbu, G. A., Hanewinkel, M., Gerosa, G., Jandl, R. (Ed.), Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks, InTech - Open Access Company, 28-36 2012 Aubrecht, C., Freire, S. and Steinnocher, K. (Eds.) (2012) Land Use: Planning, Regulations and Environment. Nova Science Publishers, NY Dachs, B. (2012) Service Innovation Policy Benchmarking. Appendix 1. Austria. Kuusisto, J. (Ed.), Service Innovation Policy Benchmarking. Synthesis of results and 15 Country Reports, European Commission, Brussels, 13-22 Daimer, S., Hufnagl, M. and Warnke, P. (2012) Challenge-oriented policy-making and innovation systems theory: reconsidering systemic instruments. Fraunhofer ISI (Ed.), Innovation system revisited - Experiences from 40 years of Fraunhofer ISI research, Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, 217-234 Drobics, M., Dohr, A., Giesecke, S. and Schreier, G. (2012) LiKeIT – RFID-Based KeepInTouch Lifestyle Monitoring. Augusto, J.C., Huch, M., Kameas, A., Maitland, J., McCullagh, P., Roberts, J., Sixsmith, A. and Wichert, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living Technology for Healthcare, Rehabilitation and Well-being, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 640-651 Giesecke, S. (2012) FLA as a Means of Participation in Modern Democratic Decision Making. Giesecke, S., van der Gießen, A. and Elkins, S. (Eds.), "The role of forward-looking activities for the governance of Grand Challenges". Insights from the European Foresight Platform, Wien, 45-55 Giesecke, S., Johann, D. (2012) Reach and Impact of Forward Looking Activities. Case Study Analysis of follow-up briefs. Giesecke, S., van der Gießen, A. and Elkins, S. (Eds.), "The role of forward-looking activities for the governance of Grand Challenges". Insights from the European Foresight Platform, Wien, 12-21 Giesecke, S., Van der Gießen, A. and Elkins, S. (Eds.) (2012) The role of forward-looking activities for the governance of Grand Challenges. Insights from the European Foresight Platform. Wien, 1-80 Hasu, M., Leitner, K.-H., Solitander, N. and Varblane, U. (2012) Accelerating the Innovation Race: do we need reflexive Brakes? Sveiby, K.-E., Gripenberg, P. and Segercrantz, B. (Eds.), Challenging the Innovation Paradigm. Routledge Studies in Technology, Work and Organisations, Routledge, Oxford, 87-112 Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Weak signals for opting out of the Innovation Race. Sveiby, K.-E., Gripenberg, P. and Segercrantz, B. (Eds.), Challenging the Innovation Paradigm. Routledge Studies in Technology, Work and Organisations, Routledge, Oxford, 143-168 Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Wissensbilanz. Soll und Haben des intellektuellen Kapitals. Roehl, H., Winkler, B., Eppler, M. und Fröhlich, C. (Hrsg.), Werkzeuge des Wandels. Die 30 wirksamsten Tools des Change Managements, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 279-286 Loibl, W. (2012) Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung und die Rolle der Wissenschaft. Egner, H., Schmid, M. (Hrsg.), Jenseits traditioneller Wissenschaft? Zur Rolle von Wissenschaft in einer vorsorgenden Gesellschaft, oekom Verlag, Gesellschaft für ökonomische Kommunikation mbH, München, 217-227 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2012) Das neurowissenschaftliche Selbst. (Re-)Produktion von Geschlecht in der neurowissenschaftlichen Gouvernementalität. Sänger, E., Rödel, M. (Eds), Biopolitik und Geschlecht: Zur Regulierung des Lebendigen, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, 84-107 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2012) Auf dem Weg zu einer neurowissenschaftlichen Gouvernementalität? Heidenreich, F.; Schaal, G.S. (Hrsg.), Politische Theorie und Emotionen. Schriftenreihe der Sektion Politische Theorien und Ideengeschichte der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Nomos, Baden-Baden Publikationen 2010 – 2015 5 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2012) Bio-Politische Ökonomie. Zur Zukunft des Regierens von Biotechnologien. Lettow, S (Ed.), Bioökonomie: Die Lebenswissenschaften und die Bewirtschaftung der Körper, transcript, Bielefeld, 155-180 Weber, K.M. (2012) FLAs and new Patterns of Governance of Research and Innovation. Giesecke, S., van der Gießen, A. and Elkins, S. (Eds.), "The role of forward-looking activities for the governance of Grand Challenges". Insights from the European Foresight Platform, Wien, 4-11 Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Komplementärer Foresight. Ili, S. (Hrsg.), Innovation Excellence - Wie Unternehmen ihre Innovationskraft systematisch steigern, Symposion Publishing, 129-182 2011 Aubrecht, C., Elvidge, C.D., Baugh, K. and Hahn, S. (2011) Identification of wildfire precursor conditions: Linking satellite based fire and soil moisture data. Tavares, J.M.R.S., Natal Jorge, R.M., (Eds.), Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: VipIMAGE 2011, Taylor & Francis, CCR Press, 347-353 Aubrecht, C., Steinnocher, K., Köstl, M., Züger, J. and Loibl, W. (2011) Spatially modeled high detail population and climate prospects for a European transect - An outlook to future patterns of vulnerability. Guarascio M., Reniers G., Brebbia C.A., Garzia F. (Eds.), Safety and Security Engineering IV, WIT Press, 219-232 Butterbach-Bahl, K., Billen, G., Boeckx, P., Erisman, J.W., Garnier, J., Goddard, R., Kreuzer, M., Nemitz, E., Oenema, O., Reis, S., Schaap, M., Simpson, D., Sutton, M.A., de Vries, W., Winiwarter, W. and Zaehle, S. (2011) Nitrogen as a threat to the European greenhouse balance. Sutton MA, Howard C.M., Erisman J.W., Billen G., Bleeker A., Grennfelt P., van Grinsven H. and Grizzetti B. (Eds.), The European Nitrogen Assessment, Cambridge University Press, 434-462 de Vries, W., Leip, A., Reinds, G. J., Kros, J., Lesschen, J. P., Bouwman, A.F., Butterbach Bahl, K., Bergamaschi, P. and Winiwarter, W. (2011) Geographic variation in terrestrial nitrogen budgets over Europe. Sutton MA, Howard C.M., Erisman J.W., Billen G., Bleeker A., Grennfelt P., van Grinsven H. and Grizzetti B. (Eds.), The European Nitrogen Assessment, Cambridge University Press, 317-344 Heller-Schuh, B., Barber, M.J., Henriques, L., Paier, M., Pontikakis, D., Scherngell, T., Veltri, G., and Weber, K.M. (2011) Analysis of Networks in European Framework Programmes (1984-2006). European Commission, EUR 24759 EN, European Union - JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Luxembourg, 1-138 Helmreich, S., Kubeczko, K., Wilhelmer, D. and Düh, J. (2011) Foresight Process. Helmreich, S., Keller, H. (Eds), FREIGHTVISION - Sustainable European Freight Transport 2050, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 17-32 Jonas, M., Marland, G., Winiwarter, W., White, T., Nahorski, Z., Bun, R. and Nilsson, S. (2011) Lessons to be learned from uncertainty treatment: Conclusions regarding greenhouse gas inventories. White, T., Jonas, M., Nahorski, Z. and Nilsson, S (Eds.), Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Springer, 339-343 Knoflacher, M. (2011) Faktum Evolution - Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung und Wahrnehmung. Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Knoflacher, M. (2011) Evolution und Nachhaltigkeit. Knoflacher, M. (Hrsg.), Faktum Evolution - Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung und Wahrnehmung, Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 143-216 Leip, A., de Vries, W., Achermann, B., Billen, G., Bleeker, A., Bouwman, L., Döring, U., Geupel, M., Johnes, P., Le Gall, A.C., Monni, S., Orlandini, L., Prud’homme, M., Simpson, D., Spranger, T., van Aardenne, J., Winiwarter, W. (2011) Integrating nitrogen fluxes at the European scale. Sutton MA, Howard C.M., Erisman J.W., Billen G., Bleeker A., Grennfelt P., van Grinsven H. and Grizzetti B. (Eds.), The European Nitrogen Assessment, Cambridge University Press, 345-376 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 6 Loibl, W. (2011) Housing and Community. Piorr, A., Ravetz, J. and Tosics, I. (Eds.), Peri-Urbanisation in Europe; Towards European Policies to Sustain Urban-Rural Futures, Academic Books, 56-60 Loibl, W., Bells, S. (2011) Population and migration. Piorr, A., Ravetz, J. and Tosics, I. (Eds.), Peri-Urbanisation in Europe; Towards European Policies to Sustain Urban-Rural Futures, Academic books, 50-55 Nokkala, T., Heller-Schuh, B. and Paier, M. (2011) Ranking Lists and European Framework Programmes: Does University Status Matter for Performance in Framework Programmes? Teixeira, P. N., Dill, D. D. (Eds.), Public Vices, Private Virtues? Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei, 111-140 Oenema, O., Bleeker, A., Braathen, N.A., Budnakova, M., Bull, K., Cermak, P., Geupel, M., Hicks, K., Hoft, R., Kozlova, N., Leip, A., Spranger, T., Valli, L., Velthof, G. and Winiwarter, W. (2011) Nitrogen in current European policies. Sutton MA, Howard C.M., Erisman J.W., Billen G., Bleeker A., Grennfelt P., van Grinsven H. and Grizzetti B. (Eds.), The European Nitrogen Assessment, Cambridge University Press, 62-81 Peters-Anders, J., Loibl, W., Ungar, J. und Züger, H. (2011) Climate Twins - eine Applikation zur Suche von Regionen, deren heutiges Klima dem zukünftigen Klima eines Point of Interest entspricht. Thinh, N.X., Behnisch, M. und Margraf, O. (Hrsg.), Beiträge zur Theorie und quantitativen Methodik in der Geographie, Rhombos-Verlag, 117-127 Ravetz, J., Loibl, W. (2011) The dynamics of periurban global change. Piorr, A., Ravetz, J. and Tosics, I. (Eds.), Peri-Urbanisation in Europe; Towards European Policies to Sustain Urban-Rural Futures, Academic Books, 24-29 Roche, I., Vedovotto, N., Besagni, D., François, C., Mounet, R., Schiebel, E. and Hörlesberger, M. (2011) Identification of Emergent Research Issues: the Case of Optoelectronic Devices. Sergiyenko, O. (Ed.), Optoelectronic Devices and Properties, InTech, 125-150 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2011) Die Generierung von Zukunft: Von Utopien zu Idealwelten, Weltmodellen, Szenarien und Foresight. Frietsch, E., Herkommer, C. (Hrsg.), Ideale. Entwürfe einer "besseren Welt" in der Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kultur des 20. Jahrhunderts, Kadmos, Berlin Sutton, M.A., van Grinsven, H., Billen, G., Bleeker, A., Bouwman, F.A.., Bull, K.R., Erisman, J.W., Grennfelt, P., Grizzetti, B., Howard, C.M., Oenema, O., Spranger, T. and Winiwarter, W. (2011) Summary for Policy Makers. Sutton MA, Howard C.M., Erisman J.W., Billen G., Bleeker A., Grennfelt P., van Grinsven H. and Grizzetti B. (Eds.), The European Nitrogen Assessment, Cambridge University Press, xxiv-xxxiv Winiwarter, W., Hettelingh, J.P., Bouwman, L., de Vries, W., Erisman, J.W., Galloway, J., SvirejevaHopkins, A., Klimont, Z., Leach, A., Leip, A., Palliere, C., Schneider, U., Spranger, T., Sutton, M., van der Hoek, K. and Witzke, P. (2011) Future scenarios of nitrogen in Europe. Sutton MA, Howard C.M., Erisman J.W., Billen G., Bleeker A., Grennfelt P., van Grinsven H. and Grizzetti B. 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Toivonen, M., 24th Annual RESER Conference Services and New Societal Challenges: Innovation for Sustainable Growth and Welfare, September 11th-13th, Helsinki, Finland, 1235-1247 Schiebel, E., Roche, I., Besagni, D., Hörlesberger, M. and Francois, C. (2014) A textual approach to measure the interdisciplinary character of research proposals for ERC starting grants. Universiteit Leiden - CWTS 2014 (Ed.), Proceedings of the Science and Technology Indicators Conference 2014 Leiden “Context Counts: Pathways to Master Big and Little Data”, September, 3rd - 5th, Leiden, 534-542 Schrammel, J., Regal, G. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Attention approximation of mobile users towards their environment. ACM Association for Computing Machinery, CHI ´14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April, 26th - May, 1st, Toronto, 1723-1728 Schreier, G., Amanatidou, E., Heller-Schuh, B., Giesecke, S., Miles, I., Pompo-Juarez, L., Saritas, Ö. and Schartinger, D. 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(Eds.), Civilization at the Crossroads. 22nd European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2014), April, 22nd - 25th, Vienna Seidl, R., Paier, M., Schartinger, D., Kaufmann, A. and Kubeczko, K. (2014) The transition to distributed electricity generation: An agent-based model of interdependent household investment decisions. Wilby, J., Blachfellner, S. and Hofkirchner, W. (Eds.), Civilization at the Crossroads. 22nd European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2014), April, 22nd - 25th, Vienna Sundic, M., Leitner, K.-H. (2014) Co-Creation from a Telecommunications Provider's Perspective: A comparative study on innovation with customers and employees. 12th International Open and User Innovation Workshop, July, 28th - 30th, Harvard Tscheligi, M., Isbister, K., Höök, K., Obrist, M., Busch, M. and Hochleitner, C. (2014) "Touch me": workshop on tactile user experience evaluation methods. ACM Association for Computing Machinery, CHI ´14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April, 26th - May, 1st, Toronto, 41-44 Wagner, P., Buchinger, E. and Kienegger, M. (2014) A prospective and participatory approach towards 'responsible' health research and innovation. University of Basilicata, 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics IFKAD 2014 "Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth", June, 11th - 13th, Matera, 1713-1719 Weber, K.M., Dachs, B., Giesecke, S., Leitner, K.H., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Schartinger, D. and Zahradnik, G. (2014) European Sectoral Innovation Foresight: Identifying Cross-Sectoral Patterns and Policy Issues. 5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) "Engage today to shape tomorrow", November, 27th 28th, Brussels Weber, K.M., Daimer, S. (2014) Exploring Transformative Research and Innovation Futures and their Embedding in the ERA. 5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) "Engage today to shape tomorrow", November, 27th 28th, Brussels Weber, K.M., Heller-Schuh, B., Godoe, H. and Roeste, R. (2014) ServPPins, system innovations and transitions in public services: Experiences from intelligent transport systems. 5th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions (IST), August, 27th - 29th, Utrecht Publikationen 2010 – 2015 13 Wulf, L., Garschall, M., Himmelsbach, J. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Hands free - Care free: Elderly People taking Advantage of Speech-only Interaction. ACM, NordiCHI '14 Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational, October, 26th - 30th, Helsinki, 203-206 Wulf, L., Garschall, M., Klein, M. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) The Influence of Age and Device Orientation on the Performance of Touch Gestures. Miesenberger, K., Fels, D., Archambault, D., Penáz, P., Zagler, W. (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs. 14th International Conference, ICCHP 2014, Proceedings, Part II, July 9th - 11th, Paris, 583-590 Wulf, L., Rashid, A., Garschall, M. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Augmented Hearing for Elderly People. Broader, Bigger, Better - AAL solutions for Europe - Proceedings of the AAL Forum 2014 Bucharest, September 9th - 12th, Bucharest 2013 Amanatidou, E., Giesecke, S. and Warnke, P. (2013) The ‘challenges’ policy target: the need for novel solutions to old problems? European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 EU-SPRI Forum Annual Conference "Management of Innovation Policies", April, 10th - 12th, Madrid Beckert, B., Schaper-Rinkel, P., (2013) Breaking the boundaries of traditional research funding policies. European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 EU-SPRI Forum Annual Conference "Management of Innovation Policies", April, 10th - 12th, Madrid Dachs, B., Ebersberger, B., Kinkel, S. and Som, O. (2013) The Effects of Production Offshoring on R&D and Innovation in the Home Country. Workshop “Production, R&D and Knowledge Offshoring: Economic Analyses and Policy Implications”,, September, 24th - 25th, Milan Elena, S., Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Coupling with Standardisation and Diversity: Intellectual Capital Reporting Guidelines for European Universities. Academic Conferences and Publishing International (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital ECIC 2013, April, 11th - 12th, Bilbao, 132-141 Fichet de Clairfontaine, A., Lata, R., Fischer, M.M. and Paier, M. (2013) Strong scientific collaboration among European regions: Evidence from a Poisson spatial interaction model. 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August, 27th - 31st, Palermo, Paper Number 887 Hörlesberger, M. (2013) Material Science and the new Geography of the Metalworking Industry - does Science shift with the Industry? International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT), 22nd International Conference on Mangement of Technology - IAMOT. "Science, Technology and Innovation in the Emerging Markets Economy". IAMOT 2013 Proceedings, April, 14th - 18th, Porto Alegre, Brazil Hörlesberger, M. (2013) Large scale manufacturing technology for high-performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites. Dörfel, A., Sankaran, V. (Eds.); ITM, TU Dresden, Proceedings of the 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference 2013, May, 22nd - 24th, Dresden Hörlesberger, M., Wepner, B. (2013) Tracing Research Paths of Scientists by means of Citations. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Proceedings of the ISSI 2013, 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference - Volume II, July, 15th - 19th, Vienna, 1738-1745 Huber, H., Neubauer, G., Nowak, A., Klerx, J., Jager, B., Mak, K. and Meurers, C. (2013) Social Media Information Analysis for Crisis and Disaster Management. International Conference on Public Alerting and Social Media during Crisis and Disasters (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Emergency Management Society, October, 30th - November, 1st, Berlin, Paper Number 16 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 14 Kaufmann, A., Peters-Anders, J., Yurtsever, S. and Petronzio, L. (2013) Automated Semantic Validation of Crowdsourced Local Information - The Case of the Web Application "Climate Twins". Hřebíček, J., Schimak, G., Kubásek, M. and Rizzoli, A. E. (Eds.), Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing. 10th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2013, Proceedings, October, 9th - 11th, Neusiedl am See, 23-30 Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Innovation Futures: Critical perspectives on the pace of innovation and their consequences for business, society and policy. European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 EU-SPRI Forum Annual Conference "Management of Innovation Policies", April, 10th - 12th, Madrid Mulligan, C., Fischer, M.M. (2013) A Bayesian Approach to Discrimination against Women in European Labour Markets: Evidence from the UK. 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August, 27th - 31st, Palermo Pinter, D. (2013) Applications, Limitations and Effects of Corporate Foresight Methods – Towards an Evaluation Framework for Innovation Management. XXIV ISPIM Conference – Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth, June, 16th - 19th, Helsinki Riegler, J., Kubeczko, K. and Loibl, W. (2013) JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends Study. Schrenk, M., Popovich, V.V., Zeile, P. and Elisei, P. (Eds.), REAL CORP 2013 Proceedings - 18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2013, May, 20th - 23rd, Rome Roche, I. Besagni, D., François, C., Hörlesberger, M., Schiebel, E. and Holste, D. (2013) Measuring interdisciplinarity of research grant applications. An indicator developed to model this selection criterion in the ERC’s peer-review process. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Proceedings of the ISSI 2013, 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference - Volume II, July, 15th - 19th, Vienna, 2048-2050 Roche, I. Vedovotto, N., Schiebel, E., Hörlesberger, M., Besagni, D. and François, C. (2013) Are research landscapes from submitted project proposals or from the S&T literature similar? A comparison using text mining and clustering. International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT), 22nd International Conference on Mangement of Technology - IAMOT. "Science, Technology and Innovation in the Emerging Markets Economy". IAMOT 2013 Proceedings, April, 14th - 18th, Porto Alegre, Brazil Roche, I., Besagni, D., Francois, C., Hörlesberger, M. and Schiebel, E. (2013) A bottom-up approach to assess the interdisciplinarity of journals from a multidisciplinary corpus of bibliographic records. iFQ - Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance, ENID - European Network of Indicators Designers, Proceedings of STI 2013 Berlin - 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, September, 4th - 6th, Berlin, 313-318 Scherngell, T., Borowiecki, M. and Yuanjia, H. (2013) Effects of knowledge production and knowledge spillovers on total factor productivity in China: A spatial econometric perspective. 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August, 27th 31st, Palermo, Paper Number 232 Schiebel, E., Züger, Maria-Elisabeth (2013) Publication Bias in Medical Research: Issues and Communities. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Proceedings of the ISSI 2013, 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference - Volume II, July, 15th - 19th, Vienna, 1419-1430 Wagner-Luptacik, P., Oberzaucher, G. (2013) Innovation and talent management: Strategic challenges for ITS professional education and training. The Japan Organizing Committee (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th ITS World Congress "Open ITS to the NEXT", October, 15th - 18th, Tokyo Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2013) What determines the position of regions in European knowledge networks? A comparative perspective on R&D collaboration, co-patent and co-publication networks. 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), August, 27th - 31st, Palermo, Paper Number 332 Weber, K.M. (2013) Research and innovation futures 2030: Emerging issues for science and research policy. European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 EU-SPRI Forum Annual Conference "Management of Innovation Policies", April, 10th - 12th, Madrid Publikationen 2010 – 2015 15 Yeow, J., Kasztler, A. (2013) Capabilities and competencies for innovation management in security organisations. R&D Management Conference 2013 "Skills for Future innovation - Implications for R&D Management", June, 26th - 28th, Manchester 2012 Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Loibl, W. and Ungar, J. (2012) Improving Disaster Preparedness and Response by Considering Time-Dependency of Human Exposure in Crisis Modeling. Rothkrantz, L., Ristvej, H. and Franco, Z. (Eds.), ISCRAM 2012, 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, April 22nd-25th, Vancouver, Canada, 1-5 Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Loibl, W., Steinnocher, K. and Ungar, J. (2012) The contribution of multi-level geospatial information to assessing urban social vulnerability to earthquakes. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Center for Urban Earthquake Engineering (Hrsg.), Joint Conference Proceedings 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), March, 6 th-8th, Tokyo, Japan, 1867-1875 Aubrecht, C., Kienberger, S., Fleiss, M. Steinnocher, K. und Zeil, Pl (2012) Der Beitrag Satelliten-basierter Bodenfeuchte-Information für ausgewählte Anwendungen im Risiko- und Naturgefahrenmanagement. Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., and Griesebner, G. (Hrsg.), Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012 (AGIT). Beiträge zum 24. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, 4. - 6. Juli, Salzburg, 368-373 Barber, M.J., Scherngell, T. (2012) Inter-regional betweenness centrality in the European R&D network: Empirical investigation using European Framework data. European Regional Science Association, 52. Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava, Barré, R., Henriques, L., Pontikakis, D. and Weber, K.M. (2012) Measuring the integration and coordination dynamics of the European Research Area. EU-SPRI Conference “Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms”, June, 12th 13th, Karlsruhe, Bozic, B., Peters-Anders, J. and Schimak, G. (2012) Filtering of Semantically Enriched Environmental Time Series. Seppelt, R., Voinov, A. A., Lange, S. and Bankamp, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the sixth biannial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), July, 1st - 5th, Leipzig, 2395-2402 Cerulli, G., Leitner, K.-H., Poti, B. and Wintjes, R. (2012) Drivers and impacts of the evolution of research costs. R&D Management Conference "Creating and Capturing Value through R&D Management and Innovation", May, 23rd - 25th, Grenoble, Chernyavskaya, T., Weber, K.M. (2012) National Innovation System of Russia: on the way from planned to market economy. The International Conference on Innovative Methods for Innovation Management and Policy (IM2012), May, 21st - 24th, Beijing Dachs, B., Peters, B. (2012) Innovation, Employment Creation and Destruction and Foreign Ownership of Firms. DRUID Society Conference 2012 "INNOVATION and COMPETITIVENESS - Dynamics of Organizations, Industries, Systems and Regions", June, 19th - June 21st, Copenhagen Freire, S., Aubrecht, C. and Wegscheider, S. (2012) When the Tsunami Comes to Town - Improving evacuation modeling by integrating high-resolution population exposure. Rothkrantz, L., Ristvej, H. and Franco, Z. (Eds.), ISCRAM 2012, 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, April 22nd-25th, Vancouver, Canada, 1-5 Hidas, S., Wolska, M., Fischer, M.M. and Scherngell, T. (2012) Agglomeration and network effects on regional knowledge production activities in Europe. European Regional Science Association, 52. Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava, Publikationen 2010 – 2015 16 Holste, D., Scherngell, T., Roche, I., Hörlesberger, M., Besagni, D., Züger, M.-E., Cuxac, P., Schiebel, E. and Francois, C. (2012) Capturing Frontier Research in Grant Proposals and Initial Analysis of the Comparison between Model vs. Peer Review. Archambault, E., Gingras,Y. and Larivière, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of STI 2012 Montréal - 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 1, September, 5th-8th, Montréal, Canada, 389-402 Hörlesberger, M., Roche, I., Louala, C., Vorlaufer, G., Antonot, N. and Wepner, B. (2012) Searching for theoretical concepts in a specific scientific discipline: an approach based on terminological flows. IAMOT - International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2012 Taiwan - Managing TechnologyService Convergences in the Post-Industrialized Society, March, 18th-22nd, Hsinchu, Taiwan Lata, R. , Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2012) Integration Processes in European R&D: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks and co-patent networks. European Regional Science Association, 52. Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava, Leitner, K.-H., Ecker, B. and Steindl, C. (2012) Formula-based unit cost models for funding teaching: strategies and international experiences. University of Salzburg, European University Association - EUA Funding Forum, June, 11th - 12th, Salzburg, Leitner, K.-H., Poti, B., Wintjes, R. and Youtie, J. (2012) How companies respond to growing research costs: Cost control of value creation? R&D Management Conference "Creating and Capturing Value through R&D Management and Innovation", May, 23rd - 25th, Grenoble, Leitner, S., Dachs, B. and Stehrer, R. (2012) The gravity of cross-border R&D expenditure. European Regional Science Association, 52. Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava, Lenz, J.E., Zhang, X. and Hörlesberger, M. (2012) Can a company manage itself to death? Disruptive innovation and Nokia. IAMOT - International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2012 Taiwan - Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the PostIndustrialized Society, March, 18th-22nd, Hsinchu, Taiwan Loibl, W., Peters-Anders, J. (2012) Mobile Phone Data as Source to Discover Spatial Activity and Motion Patterns. Jekel, T., Car, A., Strobl, J., and Griesebner, G. (Hrsg.), GI_Forum 2012: Geovisualization, Society and Learning. Conference Proceedings, 3. - 6. Juli, Salzburg, 524-533 Nesic, S., Rizzoli, A., Schimak, G., Avelino, G., Hrebicek, J., Kaufmann, A. and Donatelli, M. (2012) Semantic annotation of environmental Resources: Does it Really Matter to Resource Users? Seppelt, R., Voinov, A. A., Lange, S. and Bankamp, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the sixth biannial meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), July, 1st - 5th, Leipzig, 2429-2436 Palensky, B., Holste, D., Züger, M.-E., Schartinger, D., Wilhelmer, D. and Hörlesberger, M. (2012) Mapping qualitative indirect impacts on a technology foresight community. IAMOT - International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2012 Taiwan - Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the PostIndustrialized Society, March, 18th-22nd, Hsinchu, Taiwan Poti, B., Leitner, K.-H. and Wintjes, R. (2012) R&D costs evolution, new R&D models and it's implications for policy. EU-SPRI Conference “Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms”, June, 12th - 13th, Karlsruhe, Reinold, F., Paier, M. and Fischer, M.M. (2012) Joint knowledge generation in European R&D networks: Results from a latent regression - index function model. European Regional Science Association, 52. Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava, Roche, I., Vedovotto, N., Francois, C., Besagni, D., Cuxac, P., Hörlesberger, M., Holste, D. and Schiebel, E. (2012) Towards a Methodology based on the Content Analysis to Estimate the Potential Applicability of a Research Project. Poster presentation. Archambault, E., Gingras,Y. and Larivière, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of STI 2012 Montréal - 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 2, September, 5th-8th, Montréal, Canada, 886-887 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 17 Schiebel, E. (2012) Reducing the Number of Links in Science Maps with the Core Document Approach - the Case of Security Research. Poster presentation. Archambault, E., Gingras,Y. and Larivière, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of STI 2012 Montréal - 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 2, September, 5th-8th, Montréal, Canada, 892-893 Steinnocher, K., Gallaun, H., Stemberger, W., Aubrecht, C., Proske, H. und Riedl, M. (2012) Land Information System Austria - Anwendungen in der Raumordnung und im Risikomanagement. Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., and Griesebner, G. (Hrsg.), Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012 (AGIT). Beiträge zum 24. AGITSymposium Salzburg, 4. - 6. Juli, Salzburg, 729-734 Stemberger, W., Banko, G., Gallaun, H., Grillmayer, R., Krenn, P., Mansberger, R., Prüller, R., Steinnocher, K. und Walli, A. (2012) LISA - wie innovative Technologien die Beobachtung von räumlichen Prozessen und die Generalisierung einer Landbedeckungskarte ermöglichen. Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., and Griesebner, G. (Hrsg.), Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012 (AGIT). Beiträge zum 24. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, 4. - 6. Juli, Salzburg, 84-89 Šundić, M., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Crowdsourcing as an Innovation Strategy. A Study on Innovation Platforms in Austria and Switzerland. Harvard Business School, 10th International Open and User Innovation Workshop, July, 30th - August, 1st, Boston, Massachusetts, Thijs, B., Schiebel, E. and Glänzel, W. (2012) Do Second-order Similarities Provide Added-value in a Hybrid Approach? Archambault, E., Gingras,Y. and Larivière, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of STI 2012 Montréal - 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Volume 2, September, 5th-8th, Montréal, Canada, 768-778 Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2012) Human potential for technology and innovation: attracting the next generation. IAMOT - International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2012 Taiwan - Managing Technology-Service Convergences in the PostIndustrialized Society, March, 18th-22nd, Hsinchu, Taiwan Wagner-Luptacik, P., Oberzaucher, G. (2012) Attracting the next generation of intelligent transport systems experts. IEEE, IEEE EDUCON 2012. Collaborative Learning & New Pedagogic Approaches in Engineering Education. Proceedings, April, 17th - 20th, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1009-1012 Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Lata, R. (2012) Embeddedness of European regions in EU funded R&D networks: A spatial econometric perspective. 1st Eurolio European Seminar on Geography of Innovation, January, 26th - 28th, Saint-Etienne, Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T., and Lata, R. (2012) What determines the embeddedness of European regions in EU funded R&D networks? Evidence using graph theoretic approaches and spatial panel modeling techniques. European Regional Science Association, 52. Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava, Weber, K.M., Heller-Schuh, B., Godo, H. and Roste, R. (2012) ICT-enabled system innovations in public services: Experiences from intelligent transport systems. 1st International EIBURS-TAIPS Conference on: Innovation in the public sector and the development of e-services, April, 19th - 20th, Urbino, Züger, J., Steinnocher, K. (2012) Vergleich von ERS Scatterometer SWI-Daten und Ergebnissen eines regionalen Klimamodells. Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., and Griesebner, G. (Hrsg.), Angewandte Geoinformatik 2012 (AGIT). Beiträge zum 24. AGITSymposium Salzburg, 4. - 6. Juli, Salzburg, 412-417 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 18 2011 Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Fröhlich, J., Rath, B. and Steinnocher, K. (2011) Integrating the Concepts of Foresight and Prediction for improved Disaster Risk Management. Santos, M.A., Sousa, L. and Portela, E. (Eds.), ISCRAM 2011, 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Managemen, May, 8th-11th, Lisbon, Portugal Aubrecht, C., Ungar, J. and Freire S. (2011) Exploring the potential of volunteered geographic information for modeling spatio-temporal characteristics of urban population: A case study for Lisbon Metro using foursquare check-in data. Pinto, N.N, Tenedório, J.A., Santos, M., Deus, R., New University of Lisbon, Portugal (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Virtual Cities and Territories, October, 11th - 13th, Lisbon, Portugal, 57-60 Bakker, S., Budde. B. (2011) The Potential and Risks of Technological Hypes: Lessons from the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Case. Lund University, 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions. Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability transition research, June, 13th - 15th, Lund Barber, M., Scherngell, T. (2011) Is the European R&D Network Homogeneous? Spatial Interaction Modeling of Network Communities Determined Using Graph Theoretic Methods. Vienna 2011 Conference on Schumpeter's Heritage - The Evolution of the Theory of Evolution, October, 27th - 30th, Vienna Barber, M.J., Scherngell, T. (2011) Is the European R&D Network Homogeneous? Spatial Interaction Modeling of Network Communities Determined Using Graph Theoretic Methods. 51st Congress of the European Regional Science Association - ERSA, August, 30th - September, 3rd, Barcelona Budde, B. (2011) Challenges of coordination between climate and technology policies: a case study of strategies in Denmark and the UK. Best Paper Award. University of Central Lancashire, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Revisiting the Socio-Political and Technological Dimensions of Climate Change, May, 19th - 20th, Preston, 59-76 Budde, B., Weber, K.M. (2011) The "talking" and the "doing": Discourse and innovation strategies in the automotive industry. Lund University, 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions. Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability transition research, June, 13th - 15th, Lund Bürbaumer, H., Gebetsroither, E., Schriefl, E., Thenius, G., Baumann, M., Kranzl, L., Paparella, C., Wiedenhofer, D. and Winhaber, M. (2011) MOZERT – Modelling personal carbon allocation schemes and analysing their impacts in households and energy system. IAEE - International Association for Energy Economics (Eds.), The 34th IAEE International Conference: Institutions, Efficiency and Evolving Energy Technologies, June, 19th - 23rd, Stockholm, Sweden Dachs, B., Peters, B. (2011) Innovation, employment growth and foreign ownership of firms. 38th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, September, 1st - 3rd, Stockholm Dachs, B., Peters, B. (2011) Innovation, employment growth and foreign ownership of firms. 4th ZEW Conference on Economics of Innovation and Patenting & Final Conference COST Network STRIKE, May, 19th - 20th, Mannheim Fleiss, M., Kienberger, S., Aubrecht, C., Kidd, R. and Zeil, P. (2011) Mapping the 2010 Pakistan floods and its impact on human life: A post-disaster assessment of socio-economic indicators. Altan, O., (Edt.), Gi4DM 2011, GeoInformation for Disaster Management, May, 3rd - 8th, Antalya, Turkey Freire, S., Aubrecht, C. (2011) Assessing Spatio-Temporal Population Exposure to Tsunami Hazard in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Santos, M.A., Sousa, L. and Portela, E. (Eds.), ISCRAM 2011, 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Managemen, May, 8th - 11th, Lisbon, Portugal Freire, S., Aubrecht, C. and Wegscheider, S. (2011) Spatio-Temporal Population Distribution and Evacuation Modeling for Improving Tsunami Risk Assessment in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Altan, O. 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(2015) Smart Cities: Designing for older adults means designing for disability and emotion. OVE aktuell "Ambient Assisted Living". Schwerpunkt GIT - AAL. Newsletter der GIT Gesellschaft für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik im OVE Bergé, L., Wanzenböck, I. and Scherngell, T. (2015) Centrality of regions in R&D networks: Conceptual clarifications and a new measure. Gretha Working Paper, 2015-31, 1-49, February, 25th, University of Bordeaux, France Brudermann, T., Kelz, C., Klettner, S., Röderer, K., Seebauer, S. und Wicher, M. (2015) Mensch und Umwelt: Umweltpsychologische Forschung in Österreich. Psychologie in Österreich Themenschwerpunkt Gestaltung der Umwelt, 35 (2), 116-125 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 33 Buchinger, E. (2015) Expertenmeinung: Österreichs IÖB Performance im internationalen Vergleich. Jahresbericht 2013/2014, 51-53, Dezember 2015, Wien Budde, B. (2015) Production and Demographic Change. Poster presented at the ETEPS seminar, 15th April, Brussels Busch, M. (2015) Panelist "Privacy im Journalismus". Diskussionspanel Universität Wien, 18. Mai, Wien Diamond, L., Reisinger, M., Röderer, K. und Fröhlich, P. (2015) EndnutzerInnenanforderungen an das Smart Grid: Einsichten und Aussichten. Workshop beim 6th Symposium on Communications for Energy Systems, 7. September, Wien Dinges, M. (2015) Peer Review and Grant Management: An overview. Briefing Paper provided for IPN Metodika Workshop, January 31th, Prague Giesecke, S. (2015) A social grid for analyzing social innovation in municipal housing in Vienna – from grass roots-movement to social transformation. HDCA Webinar, October 06th, Vienna Göllner, J., Klerx, J., Mak, K. (2015) Wissensmanagement im ÖBH-Foresight in der strategischen Langfristplanung. Zeitschrift-Band 5/2015, 5, 1-106, März 2015, Wien Haering, B., Weber, M. (2015) New Initiatives for Growth. Policy Brief by the Research, Innovation, and Science Policy Experts (RISE), 1-10, July 2015, Luxembourg Kaufmann, A., and Scherngell, T. (2015) Socio-Economic Determinants of Education-Based Travel in Austria: Evidence from a Spatial Interaction Modelling Perspective. SSRN Working paper series No. 2571226 Laatsit, M., Adolphe, D., Beley, B., Buchinger, E., Ortiz Pajares, M., Garrido, M., Kalytis, R., Pavlaković, I., Rajalo, S., Svendsen, L., Vermeulen, H., Vilén, K., Voort, L. and Putten, M. (2015) ERAC Opinion on Innovation Procurement. 1-34, June, 23th, 2015 Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Auf dem Weg zur automatisierten Innovation. APA Science Dossier zu „Innovating Innovation“, Gastkommentar, 1-5, 16. September, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Open Innovation: Status quo und Chancen für österreichische Unternehmen. APA Science Dossier zu "Open Innovation", Gastkommentar, 1-3, 29. November, Wien Paier, M., Dünser, M., Scherngell, T. und Martin, S. (2015) Effects of Research Policy in Biotechnology: An Empirical Agent-Based Model of Knowledge Generation. SSRN Working Paper Series No. 2628731, 15/7, July 10th Schwarz, S., Sellitsch, D., Tscheligi, M., Graser, A. and Olaverri Monreal, C. (2015) Enhancing Navigation Systems for Pedestrians: A Survey on Route Quality and Information Needs. Round Table Walk21 Vienna 2015 Conference, October 20th - 23rd, Vienna Weber, M., Andrée, D (2015) A new role for EU Research and Innovation in the benefit of citizens: Towards an open and transformative R&I policy. Policy Paper by the Research, Innovation, and Science Policy Experts (RISE), 1-21, June 2015, Luxembourg Weber, M., Eriksson, E.A. (2015) Towards a EuropeanR&I Policy for addressing major societal challenges: the case of security. Policy Brief zum ETTIS Projekt, 4, 1-7, February 2015 2014 Biegelbauer, P., Palfinger, T. (2014) Verschiedene Verfahren der Auswahl von Forschungsprojekten: Ein Vergleich von neun angewandten Forschungsförderungsorganisationen. Forschung, 7, Issue 1-2, 46-51 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 34 Bobeth, J., Gattol, V., Meyer, I., Müller, S., Soldatos, J., Egger, S., Busch, M. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Platform for Ergonomic and Motivating ICT-based Age-Friendly Workplaces. Workshop Paper. NordiCHI2014 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Making Sense Through Design, October, 26th - 30th, Helsinki Breitfeller, D., Scherngell, T. and Paier, M. (2014) The evolution of the biotechnology sector in Austria. Evidence using patents over the time period 1990-2010. SSRN Working paper series No. 2512257 Buchinger, E. (2014) Implementation of the Austrian innovation procurement action plan 2013/2014. PPPI Policy brief, October, Wien Budde, N., Mikko, D., Wessberg, N., Kohl, J., Kieft, A., Hekkert, M., Weber, K.M. (2014) The context of innovation policy matters! Policy implication from a comparison of innovation in the field of energy efficient buildings in Austria. SUSER Policy Brief III, Helsinki Busch, M., Hochleitner, C. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Is This Information Too Personal ? The Relationship between General Information Privacy Concerns and Personality. Workshop on Privacy Personas and Segmentation (PPS) @ SOUPS. Soups Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, July, 9th - 11th, Menlo Park Busch, M., Wolkerstorfer, P., Hochleitner, C. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) PAINLEsS - Personalized Multimodal Persuasive Ambient and Peripheral Interaction for Information Security. Proceedings of the CHI 2014 workshop on Peripheral Interaction: Shaping the Research and Design Space. Bakker, S., Hausen, D., Selker, T., van den Hoven, E., Butz, A., Eggen, B. (Eds.), 17-20, April, 27th, Toronto Busch, M., Wolkerstorfer, P., Hochleitner, C., Regal, G. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Designing a Persuasive Application to Improve Organizational Information Security Policy Awareness, Attitudes and Behavior. Poster. Soups Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, July, 9th - 11th, Menlo Park Dachs, B., Ebersberger, B., Kinkel, S. and Som, O. (2014) The Effects of Production Offshoring on R&D and Innovation in the Home Country. Fraunhofer ISI Discussion Papers Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis No. 39 Dachs, B., Zahradnik, G. (2014) R&D internationalisation during the Global Crisis. vox Dachs, B., Zanker, C. (2014) Backshoring of Production Activities in European Manufacturing. European Manufacturing Survey, Number 3, 1-8, Dezember 2014, Vienna Gerhartinger, M., Scherngell, T. and Zahradnik, G. (2014) Capabilities and opportunities for R&D collaborations between China and Austria in the Green Tech sector. SSRN Working paper series No. 2512233 Gorraiz, J., Gumpenberger, C., Hörlesberger, M., Moed, H., Schiebel, E. (2014) The 14th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. Zeitschrift Scientometrics, 101, 937-938, Hungary Guffarth, D., Barber, M.J. (2014) Network evolution, success, and regional development in the European aerospace industry. FZID Discussion Paper, 92 Prost, S., Röderer, K., Schrammel, J. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Product Boxes and Worst Nightmares: User-generated Design Fiction. Workshop Paper. Alternate Endings: Using Fiction to Explore Design Futures. CHI 2014 Workshop, April, 26th, Toronto Prost, S., Tscheligi, M. and Stutz, M. (2014) Interaction Design for Energy Saving and Shifting in Smart Grids-enabled Households. Poster. Smart Grids Week Graz 2014, 19. bis 23. Mai, Graz Schlögl, S., Garschall, M., Tscheligi, M. (2014) Designing Natural Language User Interfaces with Elderly Users. Workshop Paper. Designing Speech and Language Interactions Workshop. CHI 2014 Workshop, April, 26th, Toronto Schrammel, J., Prost, S., Tscheligi, M. (2014) Personalized Persuasion: Adressing Target Behavior, Persuadability and Persuasive Agents within PEACOX. Position Paper. Personalizing Behavior Change Technologies. CHI 2014 Workshop, April, 27th, Toronto Weber, K.M., Eriksson, E.A. (2014) How to foster security R&l able to support comprehensive societal security. Policy Brief No. 2, November, Vienna Publikationen 2010 – 2015 35 2013 Biegelbauer, P., Konrath, C. und Speer, B. (2013) Distanz und Nähe. Anmerkungen zu Defiziten, Problemen und Herausforderungen der Verwaltungsforschung in Österreich. Österreichische Verwaltungswissenschaftliche Blätter, 3, 2-5 Dachs, B., Ebersberger, B., Kinkel, S. and Som, O. (2013) Does offshoring hurt domestic innovation activities? vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists, Dachs, B., Peters, B. (2013) Innovation, Employment Growth, and Foreign Ownership of Firms – A European Perspective. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-019, 1-48 Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Innovation Futures: How will we innovate in the future? ISPIM Magazine, 01/2013 Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Wissensbilanzen: Steuerung und Reporting des Intellektuellen Kapitals. Handbuch der Unternehmensberatung, 21. Erg.-Lfg., 1-19 Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Messung und Bewertung von Forschungsleistungen in Österreich. Gutachten für den Österreichischen Wissenschaftsrat Prostolupow, I., Pyka, A. and Heller-Schuh, B. (2013) Turkish-German Innovation Networks in the European Research Landscape. FZID Discussion Papers 79-2013, 867-934X, 1-52, Hohenheim University Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. (2013) Embeddedness of European Regions in EU Funded R&D Networks: A Spatial Econometric Perspective. SSRN Working paper series No. 2319391, 1-36 Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2013) Embeddedness of regions in European knowledge networks. A comparative analysis of inter-regional R&D collaborations, co-patents and co-publications. Working Papers on Innovation and Space, University of Marburg, 3, 1-38, Marburg Wilhelmer, D. (2013) Zukunft entsteht in Co-Kreation. Zeitschrift ChangeX - Folge 25 der Serie Zukunft der Zukunft, 4, 12. Dezember 2013 2012 Aguirre-Bastos, C., Weber, K.M. (2012) Foresight and STI Strategy Development in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Vietnam. EFP Brief No. 246, 1-4 Aubrecht, C. (2012) Lichtsch(m)utzfaktor - Die nächtliche Gefahr strahlt bis ins All. MACH, Magazin für Technikgeschichte, Vol. 2, 3340 Buchinger, E. (2012) 4 x Good Practice - Öffentliche Beschaffer als Innovationsbetreiber: ASFINAG - VERBUND - BIG - BBG. Broschüre, Oktober 2012, Wien Dachs, B. (2012) Comment on: From Learning Knowledge Outside to Creating Knowledge Within: Korean Mobile Phone Industry Compared with those of Japan, Taiwan and China (by Lee and Jin). in: Korean Science and Technology in an International Perspective, Mahlich, J., Pascha, W. (Eds.), 219-222, Springer Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg Giesecke, S. (2012) From Transport Forecasting to “Mobility Science”. EFP Brief No. 220, 1-4 Grießler, E., Pichelstorfer, A., Weitzer, K. and Biegelbauer, P. (2012) The Challenge of Public Participation in a Multilevel System: EU Xenotransplantation Policies, 2012, Sociological Series 101/2012. Working Paper, Vienna, Institute for Advanced Studies Publikationen 2010 – 2015 36 Johann, D. (2012) Priority Setting for Research on Information Society Technologies. Follow-up of Foresight on Information Society Technologies in the European Research Area. EFP Brief No. 221, 1-4 Johann, D. (2012) Embedding Foresight in the Colombian Innovation System. Follow-up of the Colombian Technology Foresight Programme. EFP Brief No. 218, 1-4 Kubeczko, K. (2012) Freightvision. EFP Brief No. 226, 1-4 Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Wie wir in Zukunft innovieren. Entwicklungstrends und Herausforderungen für die Innovationspolitik. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 3, 405-423 Leitner, K.-H., Steindl, C. und Ecker, B. (2012) Studienplatzfinanzierung: Internationale Erfahrungen und Implikationen für eine Einführung in Österreich. Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagment und Hochschulpolitik, 11/2, 86-96 Paier, M. (2012) Book review: Handbook on the Economic Complexity of Technological Change by Antonelli, Cristiano. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 15/1 Rath, B., Seibt, C. (2012) FreightVision Austria 2050. EFP Brief No. 231, 1-4 Schartinger, D., Wilhelmer, D., Giesecke, S. and Kubeczko, K. (2012) Learning Effects of a Foresight Exercise: An Accompanying Social Research Study Follow-up of “Freightvision”. EFP Brief No. 234, 1-4 Schiebel, E. (2012) Visualization of relational bibliometric data with the software tool BibTechMon. Poster presentation. Text-mining, Analysis, and Visualization. 2nd Global TechMining Conference, September, 5th, Montréal, Canada Schüler, S., Züger, J., Gebetsroither, E. und Jandl, R (2012) Wald im Klimawandel: Temperaturanstieg und sonst?? BFW-Praxisinformation - Webzeitschrift, Heft 30, 5-8 Soja, G., Züger, J., Knoflacher, M., Kinner, P. and Soja, A.-M. (2012) Climate change impacts on water balance of Lake Neusiedl based on regional climate model scenarios. Posterpräsentation bei: SILMAS Final Conference and SIL-Austria Meeting 2012, 27.-29. Juni, Pörtschach Warnke, P. (2012) BMBF Foresight Foresight Follow-up of ‘Futur – the German Research Dialogue’ & ‘The German BMBF Foresight Process’. EFP Brief No. 240, 1-4 Weber, K.M., Giesecke, S. und Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Forschungs-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik aus einer vorausschauenden Perspektive. Soziale Technik, 22, 11-13, Graz Wessberg, N., Kohl, J., Dufva, M., Hekkert, M., Weber, K.M. and Budde, B, (2012) Accelerating the path for renewable energy and eco-efficient housing in Finland. SUSER Policy Brief No. 1, Helsinki Wilhelmer, D., Erler, H., Wagner-Luptacik, P., Streicher, B. (2012) NETWORK Setups Driving Social Innovation. Discussion Paper ZSI, Nr. 29, ISSN 1818-4162 2011 Barber, M.J. (2011) Identifying communities by locally optimal coarsening. Poster, European Conference on Complex Systems 2011, September, 12th - 16th, Wien Barber, M.J., Scherngell, T. (2011) Characterizing spatial interactions in European R&D network communities. Poster, European Conference on Complex Systems 2011, September, 12th - 16th, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 37 Fröhlich, J. (2011) Innovations- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung am AIT. Das Foresight & Policy Development Department. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis, 20. Jg., Heft 1, 79-83, ISSN 1619-7623 Fröhlich, J., Czerny, W. (2011) Komplexität als Herausforderung für eine nachhaltige Infrastrukturpolitik. Conturen der Zeitenwende & Wendezeiten, 1, 77-95 Giesecke, S., Länger, T. (2011) Prospects of Quantum Key Distribution: Making Data Communication Secure for the Future. EFP Brief No. 183, 1-4 Kalian, K., Steinnocher, K. and Aubrecht, C. (2011) Advanced classification of urban form - Integrated analysis of land cover and plot boundaries for building type identification. GI_Forum 2011, 5th Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg, July, 5th-8th, Salzburg Kny, E., Wasserbacher, D. (2011) Technology Roadmap High Performance Metals 2020. EFP Brief No. 211, 1-4 Kubeczko, K. (2011) Screening Urban Foresight. EFP Policy Reflection. European Foresight Platform Popp, M., Neuberger, M., Hitzenberger, R. und Winiwarter, W. (2011) Gebündelte Kompetenz österreichischer Feinstaub-Experten. Pressegespräch, Kommission für Reinhaltung der Luft, 30. Mai, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Schaper-Rinkel. P., Saritas, O., Warrington, B. and van Rij, V. (2011) Weak Signals and Emerging Issues in Health. EFP Brief No. 198, 4 Schartinger, D., Wilhelmer, D., Holste, D. and Kubeczko, K. (2011) Learning Impacts from a Foresight Exercise: An Accompanying Social research study. Brief for 4th International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), May, 12th - 13th, Seville Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2011) Great Expectations. Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit durch Bildung. Wir schaffen das! Science Center liefern Impulse für die Schule von morgen. Beilage zur Wiener Zeitung, 11, 13. Dezember, Wien Weber, K.M., Georghiou, L. (2011) The Future or European Innovation Policy. EFP Brief No. 182, 1-4 2010 Aubrecht, C., Jaiteh, M., de Sherbinin, A. (2010) Global Assessment of Light Pollution Impact on Protected Areas. Working Paper - CIESIN/AIT; The Earth Institute at Columbia University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network, 2010, 30, January, Palisades, NY, USA Budde, B. (2010) In Netzwerken großer Erwartungen. Der Standard, 22.12.2010, Wien Giesecke, S. (2010) Woher wissen wir, was wir fördern sollen? Foresight als Instrument für strategische Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik in der Stadt. Zeit für einen neuen PUSH, das Wiener Forschungsfest und der Wiener Weg. XING - IN SATANS MÜHLEN - Postdramatisches zum Kapitalismus, 17, Wien Giesecke, S. (2010) Vorhersagen sind schwierig - besonders über die Zukunft. XING - Was Wien treibt. Forschung, Technologie und Innovation, 18, 26-30, 2075-2539, Wien Lata, R.; Scherngell, T. (2010) The Spatio-Temporal Distribution of European R&D Networks: Evidence Using Eigenvector Spatially Filtered Spatial Interaction Models. SSRN Working Paper Series No. 1720945, Rochester Pohl, M., Bortfeldt, R., Grützmann, K., Schuster, S. and Holste, D. (2010) Computational inference of mutually exclusive exon splicing uncovers non-adjacent patterns. Posterpresentation International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology. Satellite Workshop on “Alternative Splicing” - 7th AS-SIG, July, 9th - 10th, Boston Publikationen 2010 – 2015 38 Rath, B., Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2010) Schnittstellenmanagement AIT-FFG im Rahmen des Transfers der Initiative „generation innovation“. Endbericht Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Neue Rahmenbedingungen der Forschungsförderung nötig. Wo bleibt die Nachfrage nach Nanotechnologien? CeNIDE, Nano Energie Newsletter, 2, 14 Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Risiko Nanotechnologie? Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 01/2010, 15-18, Jänner Wepner, B., Schiebel, E. and Hörlesberger, M. (2010) Area 4 – Strategic Research Project 4.3 Tribology-Orientated Technology Monitoring. Posterpräsentation beim AC2T-COMET-Partnerday, 11. November, Wiener Neustadt Vorträge 2015 Aguirre-Bastos, C., Bortagaray, I. and Weber, K.M. (2015) Inclusive policies for inclusive innovation in developing countries: The role of future oriented analysis. 13th Globelics International Conference 2015 “Innovation to reduce poverty and inequalities for inclusive and sustainable development”, 23th-25th September, Havana Barber, M., Guffarth, D. and Scherngell, T. (2015) Determinants of spatial distribution of European aerospace: contrasting R&D and supply. 55th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 25th - 28th, Lisbon, Portugal Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Die Governance von FTI: Welche Rollen für intermediäre Organisationen? FFG Jour Fixe, 29. Januar, Wien Biegelbauer, P. (2015) „Multiorganversagen“: Wissen als Prävention? - „Multiorganversagen“: Lernen als Prävention? Tagung des Forschungsinstituts für freie Berufe der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, 28. April, Wien Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Leistungsfähigkeit und Entwicklungspfade von Forschung und Entwicklung im österreichischen Transportsektor im europäischen Kontext (Horizon 2020). Nationales Transportforum des BMVIT, 11. Mai, Wien Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Champions League oder Regionalauswahl? Leistungsfähigkeit von F&E im österreichischen Transportsektor. Mobility Talks, 3. Juni, Wien Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Demokratische Innovationen: Wie kann die Krisenfestigkeit demokratischer Systeme erhöht werden? FachMittag, 20. Februar, Österreichisches Parlament Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Systemversagen Hypo Alpe Adria: Reform – aber welche? Tag der Politikwissenschaft, 28. November, Salzburg Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Wie lernt die Verwaltung? Wie lernt die Politik? ÖGPW-Sektion „Politik und Verwaltung“, 18. November, Wien Biegelbauer, P., Dinges, M. (2015) Interoperability of Processes for Project Selection Amongst National R&D Funding Organisations: A Case Study In Learning From Experience. ERA-Learn 2020 Workshop on the Practical Implementation of Alignment, September, 29th, Wien Biegelbauer, P., Dinges, M. and Wilhelmer, D. (2015) Engaging with the Future: Coordinating (Future)Government Activities in Research, Technology And Innovation. Living in Technoscientific Worlds Konferenz, Dezember, 4th, Vienna Buchinger, E. (2015) Innovationen in der Wissensgesellschaft: Wissen als Universalie von Technik & Innovationen im Netz der Systeme. SOQUA Sozialwissenschaftliche Berufsqualifizierung-Themen-Cluster 5.1., 16. Jänner, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 39 Buchinger, E. (2015) Das Konzept der innovationsfördernden öffentlichen Beschaffung (IÖB) und Österreichs Performance im internationalen Vergleich. STATISTIK AUSTRIA Fachbeirat für Wissenschafts- und Technologiestatistik, 17. November, Wien Buchinger, E. (2015) Innovation procurement: The Austrian strategic policy approach. European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (eafip) European Commission Conference, October, 27th - 28th, Paris Buchinger, E. (2015) ERAC & Innovation procurement. Horizon 2020: Neue Forschungs- und Innovationsschwerpunkte 2016/17, 22. September, Wien Buchinger, E. (2015) Inclusive innovation: The role of public demand. 13th RC51 Conference “Sociocybernetics Facing Turbulent Times: Media, Politics and Societies", June, 29th - July, 3rd, Zaragoza, Spain Budde, B., Weber, K.M., Hartmann, C., Niederl, A. aud Polt, W. (2015) Opening the other black box: policy-making and policy coordination in the context of sustainability transitions in Austria. International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2015 “Sustainability Transitions and Wider Transformative Change: Historical Roots and Future Pathways”, 25th-28th August, Brighton Busch, M. (2015) Behavior Change in/with the Internet of Things - Technology Experience & Wearable Devices. Internet of Things Event, 4. Februar, Wien Busch, M. (2015) Ambient and Peripheral Interaction in the Internet of Things. IoT Talks: User Interfaces for the Internet of Things, May, 6th, Wien Busch, M. (2015) Persuasive Technologies and Apps for Human Behavior Change. Überall App Congress, 10. Juni, Wien Busch, M. (2015) User Research im Kontext. Erfolg von Produkten und Services durch Contextual Design. Business Treff - What's your Story, Digital City Vienna?, 30. Juni, Wien Busch, M. (2015) Der menschliche Faktor in der Industrie 4.0. CMG-AE Tagung Industrie 4.0, 26. November, Amstetten Busch, M. (2015) Gender Experience. Was hat Geschlecht mit User Experience zu tun? Digital Visions Konferenz, 9. Oktober, Wien Diamond, L., Tondello, G. F., Marczewski, A., Nacke, L. E. and Tscheligi, M. (2015) The HEXAD Gamification User Types Questionnaire: Background and Development Process. CHI PLAY 2015 Personalization in Serious and Persuasive Games and Gamified Interaction, October 5th - 7th, London Dinges, M. (2015) Alignment of research policies, programmes and instruments in the European Research Area: Aims, Functions and Instruments of Joint Programming Initiatives. TAFTIE Academy Networking Workshop, March, 12th, Vienna Dinges, M. (2015) Peer Review and Grant Management. IPN Metodika Workshop, January, 31st, Prague Dinges, M. (2015) COMET Wirkungsanalyse 2015. Bund und Bundesländer Treffen, 25. November, Innsbruck Dinges, M. (2015) Competence Centre Programmes in Austria - Institutionalisation of science industry co-operations: longitudinal considerations. Public-Private-Partnerships in research and innovation, June, 24th, Frankfurt Dinges, M., Zinöcker, K. (2015) Training im Bereich der Evaluation von Forschungs-, Technologie und Innovationspolitik: Interim Evaluationen. Plattform Fteval, 12. Oktober, Wien Dünser, M., Paier, M., Scherngell, T. and Martin, S. (2015) An empirical agent-based model of knowledge generation: The case of policy scenarios in Austrian biotechnology. 4th Workshop of the SKIN Community, May, 19th - 22th, Naples, Italy Publikationen 2010 – 2015 40 Egger, S. (2015) QoE evaluation methodologies and results for web browsing (P.1501 and G.1031). ITU Workshop on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience of Multimedia Services in Emerging Networks, February 9th - 11th, Istanbul Egger, S. (2015) QoE assessment for two exemplary cloud services. ITU Workshop on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience of Multimedia Services in Emerging Networks, February 9th - 11th, Istanbul Fichet de Clairfontaine, A., Fischer, M. M., Lata, R. und Paier, M. (2015) Barriers to Cross-Region R&D collaboration in Europe. COST Workshop on Spatial Econometrics, 15. Mai, Wien Fröhlich, J. (2015) Schafft Wissen Arbeitsplätze? Befunde und Herausforderungen für die österreichische Forschungs-, Technologieund Innovationspolitik. Schafft Wissen Arbeitspläte? Mythos oder Wirklichkeit? Veranstaltungsreihe "Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich - Quo vadis?, 19. März, Wien Fröhlich, J. (2015) Innovation Economics Vienna. A sustainable collaboration between Manfred M. Fischer and AIT/IS. Ceremony of Retirement / Emeritierungsfeier Professor Manfred M. Fischer, 22. September, Wien Fröhlich, J. (2015) AIT Department Innovation Systems. Installation of a Principal Scientist Position in the Research fields of Innovation Studies and ABM. Complexity Science in AIT/IS, November, 2nd, Santa Fe Fröhlich, P. (2015) Sketching the Vision of Pervasive Participation. PerPart 2015 - 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Participation, September 8th, Osaka Fröhlich, P. (2015) BürgerInnen als NutzerInnen: Herausforderungen für partizipatives Design. 9. Stakeholder-Forum Smart City Wien, 5. Mai, Wien Fröhlich, P. (2015) Evaluation in der Mensch-Computer Interaktionsforschung. Gastvortrag im Rahmen der TUW LV Beyond the Desktop, 21. Mai, Wien Garschall, M. (2015) BenutzerInnenzentrierte Entwicklung sprachbasierter AAL-Lösungen. Smarter Lives 2015. Innovative Lösungen für eine alternde Gesellschaft, 11. Juni, Innsbruck Giesecke, S. (2015) Analysing, Understanding and Shaping Social Innovation. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, July, 02nd - 04th, London Giesecke, S. (2015) A Social Grid for Analysing Innovation in Municipal Housing in Vienna - From Grass Roots-movement to Social Transformation. 7th International Social Innovation Research Conference, September, 6th - 08th, York Giesecke, S. (2015) Riding the Tiger – The example of social innovations attempting to establish and to alter the anticipated capitalist development. First International Conference on Anticipation, November, 05th - 07th, Trento Giesecke, S. (2015) Analysing, understanding and shaping social innovation: The example of 100 years social housing in the city of Vienna. 2015 Annual Conference of the EU-SPRI Forum, June, 10th - 12th, Helsinki Giesecke, S. (2015) Success Scenarios of Personal Health Systems. Scenario2015 Conference: Improving Scenario Methodology and Practice, December, 14th - 15th, Warwick, Coventry (UK) Giesecke, S., Uhl, A. (2015) Foresight and the Wicked Problem of Participation. Finland Futures Research Center Conference: Futures Studies Tackling Wicked Problems: Where Futures Research, Education and Action meet, June, 11th - 12th, Finland Göllner, J., Fürstenhofer, N. und Klerx, J. (2015) SRA- Strategisches Lagezentrum für Ressource- Analysis. Rohstofflogistik Symposium, 12. - 13. November, Leoben Publikationen 2010 – 2015 41 Göllner, J., Klerx, J. (2015) Emerging Risks and Disruptive Trends in (Global) Supply Chain Networks. Strategic Foresight Analysis Workshop, October, 21th - 22th, Helsinki Graser, A., Straub, M., Sellitsch, D., Schwarz, S., and Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2015) Why Pedestrians are Still Stuck with Navigation Tools Designed for Cars. Walk21 Vienna 2015 Conference, October 20th - 23rd, Vienna Hörlesberger, M. (2015) Zukunft des Kunststoffs. Kunststoff-Cluster Jahrestagung 2015, 23. Juni, Neuhofen/Ybbs Hörlesberger, M. (2015) Die Materialien der Zukunft. Materialien in Veränderung. Zukunftsweisende Perspektiven für Oberösterreich, 24. Februar, Linz Hörlesberger, M. (2015) Materials Foresight:Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstrategien für Werkstoffe und Materialien. PCCL SYMPOSIUM, 15. April, Leoben Hörlesberger, M., Almansa Martin, A. (2015) Innovative manufacturing concept for textile reinforced plastics in automotive applications. Automotive: high performance applications Conference, March, 11th, Paris Kienegger, M., Hörlesberger, M. and Giesecke, S. (2015) From Foresight to Anticipation. First International Conference on Anticipation, November, 5th - 07th, Trento Klein, P., Wilhelmer, D. (2015) Community of Innovative Practice. Infosyon-Konferenz, 24. - 26. Juli, Wien Konrath, C., Biegelbauer, P. (2015) Die Pfadabhängigkeit von Demokratiereformen in Österreich. Tag der Politikwissenschaft, 28. November, Salzburg Kramer, M. (2015) UX for startups. Startup Live Cluj, Workshop, April, 24th - 27th, Cluj, Romania Kramer, M., Busch, M. (2015) Is your product sellable? Check your solution for User Experience and Technology Acceptance. Workshop im Rahmen des CISCO Entrepreneurs in Residencce Programms, 17. bis 18. Februar, Wien Kramer, M., Murtinger, M. (2015) Customer Experience Innovation Lab. Kundenzentrierte Innovation. Innovationsworkshop der WKNÖ, 3. November, St. Pölten Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Neue Innovationsmodelle: Herausforderungen im Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Forum Austria Innovativ, 30. April, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Frugal Innovation: Innovation by Simplification, Exchange – Netzwerktreffen für Kreativunternehmer/-innen. Exchange – Netzwerktreffen für Kreativunternehmer/-innen, Wirtschaftskammer Wien, 18. Juni, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Open Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges for Business Models. CeDEM 2015, 20. Mai, Krems Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Spannungsfelder und Gestaltungsbedarf für Open Science und Open Innovation. Citizen Science Konferenz 2015, 26. Februar, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2015. Ausschuss für Forschung, Innovation und Technologie des österreichischen Parlaments, 24. Juni, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Management, governance and accountability: The role of intellectual capital reporting in public sector organisations and universities. 11th EIASM Workshop on „Intangibles, Intellectual Capital & Extra-Financial Information“, September, 17th - 18th, Athens Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Open Innovation: Ideen ohne Schranken oder grenzenloser Hype? APA-Science-Event, 01. Dezember, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 42 Mattheiss, E., Regal, G. (2015) BlindFaith - Barrierefreier Schutz der Privatsphäre beim Internetsurfen. IKT-Forum für Menschen mit Behinderungen: Praxis - Forschung - Entwicklung, 7. bis 8. Juli, Linz Olaverri Monreal, C. (2015) Road Users and Human Machine Interaction. FAST-zero 2015 Symposium - 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Toward zero traffic accidents, September 9th - 11th, Gothenburg, Sweden Paier, M., Dünser, M., Scherngell, T., Martin, S. (2015) Knowledge bases evolving under policy scenarios: An empirical agent-based simulation of Austrian biotechnology. IWcee15 – International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics, May, 28th 29th, Rome, Italy Prazak-Aram, B. (2015) ModuLAAr - Ein modulares skalierbares AAL System als Lifestyle Element für Silver-Ager bis zu betreutem Wohnen. AAL Summit 2015, 10. Juni, Wien Prost, S., Fröhlich, P. (2015) Agreement-finding and Transparency in Online Participatory City Planning. The 18th ACM Conferene on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing - CSCW 15, March 14th - 18th, Vancouver Regal, G., Mattheiss, E. (2015) Projekt BlindFaith, Barrierefreier Schutz der Privatsphäre beim Internetsurfen. A-Tag 15, 25. September, Wien Reichl, J., Paier, M. (2015) Smart Grid Cyber Security: Socio-Economic and Legal Aspects. SPARKS Plenary Meeting, January, 28th, Zug, Switzerland Röderer, K., Prost, S., Fröhlich, P. and Tscheligi, M. (2015) Mobile Persuasion: Influencing mobility behaviour through mobile devices. 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, August 24th - 28th, Groningen Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2015) Industry 4.0 futures: Analysis Assessing the impacts of the industrial internet-of-things and developing policy options for production & society in the future. Seminario sobre Internet de las cosas e Industria 4.0, Workshop, February, 12th, Buenos Aires Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2015) Foresight – Citizens as actors in science and the innovation system. Workshop Public Participation in Sociotechnical Innovation Processes with Fragmented Responsibilities: The Case of Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis, November, 12th, Berlin Scherngell, T. (2015) Die Analyse von Innovationsnetzwerken und Netzwerkforschung am AIT. Grundlagen, Basiskonzepte und Projektbeispiele. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen der PI Technologischer Wandel, Standortwettbewerb und GlobalisierungInstitut für Wirtschaftsgeographie und Geoinformatik der WU Wien, 14. April, Wien Scherngell, T. (2015) The Geography of R&D Networks. Development, State of the Art and Prospects. Workshop to celebrate Professor Manfred M. Fischer’s Retirement, September, 21th, Wien Scherngell, T. (2015) Innovationsnetzwerke: Theoretische Grundlagen und analytische Konzepte. PI Technologischer Wandel, Standortwettbewerb und Veranstaltung für Globalisierung - Institut für Wirtschaftsgeographie und Geoinformatik der WU Wien, 14. Dezember, Wien Schiebel, E. (2015) Positionierung der Boku in der Biobased Economy mit einem Fokus auf Biorefinery. Bioökonomie Workshop an der Universität für Bodenkultur, 23. November, Wien Schiebel, E. (2015) Science & Technology Mapping, Knowledge Discovery in Publications - Thema Multiskalensimulation (MSS) in der Tribologie. Erstes Austrian Data Forum im Rahmen des Austrian Internet of Things Day, 04. November, Wien Schwarz, S., Bobeth, J. (2015) User Centered Design and Evaluation in MASELTOV. International Conference on Mobile Applications for Empowerment & Social Inclusion of Immigrants, March 16th - 17th, London Publikationen 2010 – 2015 43 Seidl, R., Paier, M., Schartinger, D. and Kubeczko, K. (2015) Active social acceptance, technology diffusion and policy strategies: An agent-based model of investment in distributed electricity production. International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2015, 27th - 28th August, Brighton/UK Skarbal, B., Teppner, R., Agugiaro, G., Köstl, M., Humer, H. und Orthofer, R. (2015) Szenariorechnungen zum Heizenergiebedarf im Wohnbau in der Region Smart City Rheintal. Implementation Energie-, Emissions- und Immissionsdatenmanagment, 25. Juni, Wien Wanzenböck, I., Fischer, M.M. (2015) R&D Networks and Regional Total Factor Productivity in Europe. 55th ERSA Congress, August, 25th - 28th, Lisbon Wanzenböck, I., Piribauer, P. (2015) R&D networks and regional knowledge production in Europe - Evidence from a space-time model. COST Scientific Workshop on Spatial Econometrics, May, 15th, Vienna Weber, K.M. (2015) Emerging issues in European R&I policy. Eurotech-Meeting, 10. - 11. Mai, Wien Weber, K.M. (2015) From predictive planning to anticipatory governance. 2015 Annual EA Conference „Planning, Prediction, Scenarios. Using Simulations and Maps“, 11th -12th May, Bonn Weber, K.M. (2015) Clusters and Innovation Systems. Some insights from Austria. UNIDO 16th General Conference, 30. November 04. December, Vienna Weber, K.M., Daimer, S. (2015) Broadening the ‘evidence’- Results from comparing VERA and RIF. VERA Final Conference, 21th - 22th January, Brussels Weber, K.M., Daimer, S. (2015) Key tenets of European STI policy: how will they hold in the future? Insights from comparing results from VERA and RIF projects. Meeting of the French, British and German Research Ministries on “Implications for policymaking from foresight work performed in the 7th Framework Programme”, 11th September, Paris Weber, K.M., Rohracher, H. (2015) Moving beyond the innovation focus. IST 2015 Conference, August, 25th - 28th, Brighton Wepner, B., Budde, B., Rhomberg, W., Liedl, G., Stiglbrunner, C. (2015) Potenzialerhebung Lasertechnik. 9. Sitzung des strategischen Beirats der FTI-Initiative „Produktion der Zukunft“, 29. Mai, Wien Wepner, B., Wagner, P. (2015) Functional Textiles - Trends and Analysis of Scientific Knowledge. 2BFUNTEX Final Conference, November, 14th, Milan Wilhelmer, D. (2015) Smart City als Living Lab – Beispiel SC Projekt Villach Vision step I. Smart City Fokus - „Soziale Innovation in der Smart City“, 15. September, Aspern Wilhelmer, D. (2015) Foresight & soziale Innovation. Smart City Villach Forum - Stakeholder Dialog, 22. Oktober, Villach 2014 Berge, L., Wanzenböck, I. and Scherngell, T. (2014) Centrality and closure of regions in inter-regional R&D networks: A new measurement approach. 54th ERSA Congress - Regional development & globalisation: Best practices, August, 26th - 29th, St. Petersburg Biegelbauer, P., Konrath, C. (2014) Demokratische Innovationen in einem System mit hoher Pfadabhängigkeit: kann Österreich reformiert werden? Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2014, 29. November, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 44 Biegelbauer, P., Vignola-Gagné, E. and Lehner, D. (2014) Coordinating Sciences, Technologies, Organisations and Policies: Translational research in Austria and Germany. 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference - Science and Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, June, 18th - 20th, Manchester Bobeth, J., Gattol, V., Meyer, I., Müller, S., Soldatos, J., Egger, S., Busch, M. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Platform for Ergonomic and Motivating ICT-based Age-Friendly Workplaces. NordiCHI'14 - 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, October 26th - 30th, Helsinki Buchinger, E. (2014) Innovation: Within and between systems. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology “Facing an unequal world: Challenges for global sociology”, July, 13th - 19th, Yokohama, Japan Buchinger, E. (2014) Luhmann and constructivism. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology “Facing an unequal world: Challenges for global sociology”, July, 13th - 19th, Yokohama, Japan Budde, B., Konrad, K. (2014) Governing Fuel Cell Innovation in a Dynamic Network of Expectations. 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference - Science and Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, June, 18th - 20th, Manchester Busch, M., Hochleitner, C. and Tscheligi, M. (2014) Is This Information Too Personal? The Relationship between General Information Privacy Concerns and Personality. SOUPS - Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, July, 9th - 11th, Menlo Park Busch, M., Lorenz, M., Rentzos, L., Tscheligi, M. and Klimant, P. (2014) Being There! The Influence of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality Environments. Combined with two different Navigation Methods on Presence. VisionAIR General Assembly, December 2nd - 4th, Rennes, France Dachs, B., Zahradnik, G. (2014) The internationalisation of R&D before, during and after the crisis. Third IRIMA Workshop on the Internationalisation of Corporate R&D and Innovation, June, 5th, Brussels Dachs, B., Zahradnik, G. (2014) R&D Internationalisation and the Global Financial Crisis. Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2014, 28.-29. November, Wien Dachs, B., Zahradnik, G. (2014) R&D Internationalisation and the Global Financial Crisis. 40th EIBA Conference - The Future of Global Organizing, December, 11th - 13th, Uppsala Dinges, M. (2014) INNO-Appraisal. Understanding Evaluation of Innovation Policy in Europe. Final Conference Eval-Inno – Development of Evaluation Competences in SEE, March, 25th - 26th, Vienna Dinges, M., Wilhelmer, D. (2014) Koordinierte Strategien, aktiv im Leben. "Zu Fuß nachhaltig & aktiv mobil – Bewegung & Begegnung". 8. Fachkonferenz für FußgängerInnen, 16. bis 17. Oktober, Innsbruck Fröhlich, J. (2014) Complex Social Systems. Innovation Processes, Innovation Systems, Innovation Policy. Design Studio "Open Systems and their Enemies", 10th January, Los Angeles Fröhlich, J. (2014) Social Networks. Networks used to govern complex social systems. Noyce Leadership Institute - SPONSORS Capstone Intensive, 24th April, Leesburg, Virginia Fürlinger, G. (2014) Analyzing Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Workshop. Global Entrepreneurship Congress, March, 17th - 20th, Moscow Fürlinger, G. (2014) Incubators vs. Accelerators. Fostering university spin-offs by leveraging exploration and execution. UniversityIndustry Conference, April, 23rd - 25th, Barcelona Fürlinger, G. (2014) Entrepreneurship Ecosystems. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Networking Meeting, September, 17th - 18th, Brussels Publikationen 2010 – 2015 45 Garschall, M. (2014) vAssist - User-driven development of speech-based assistive services. AAL Forum 2014: MAIL-Workshop "Mobile Apps for Independent Living. An end user, business and technical perspective on mobile apps to support independen living of older people, September, 9th, Bucharest Havas, A., Weber, K.M. (2014) FLAs and STI policy governance: a suggested framework to explore potential impacts. HSE Annual Conference on Foresight and STI Policy, November, 6th-7th, Moscow Hribernik, B., Hörlesberger M. (2014) Austrian Materials Foresight. Foresight für Hochleistungswerkstoffe zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Produktionsstandortes Österreich. Alpbach Forschermeeting, 20. August, Alpbach Kriszt, B. Hribernik, B. und Hörlesberger, M. (2014) Austrian Materials Foresight. Foresight für Hochleistungswerkstoffe zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Produktionsstandortes Österreich - Ergebnisse. Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Produktion der Zukunft, 7. Oktober, Wien Kriszt, B., Hribernik, B. und Hörlesberger, M. (2014) Austrian Materials Foresight. Foresight für Hochleistungswerkstoffe zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Produktionsstandortes Österreich. ASMET-Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik. Zukunftskonferenz des Austrian Materials Foresight, 12.-14. Mai, Leoben Kubeczko, K., Langer, L., Paier, M. and Smith, P. (2014) On Socio-technical Concerns for Smart Grid Security and Resilience. COOP Workshop: The Internet as Critical Infrastructure: socio-technical issues, May, 27th, Nice Kubeczko, K., Weber, M. (2014) FTI-Politik für Wien: Urban Trends, R&I Governance, Instrumente. Beiratssitzung zum Innovationsstrategieprozess der Stadt Wien, 26. Mai, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2014) Innovation Futures: How will we innovate in the future? International Conference "New Challenges for Economic and Business Development", 8. Mai, Riga Leitner, K.-H. (2014) Methoden der Zukunftsforschung und ihre Bedeutung für das Innovationsmanagement. 11. Forum Innovation, Plattform für Innovationsmanagement, 10. April, Perchtoldsdorf Leitner, K.-H. (2014) Crowdsourcing und Open Innovation als neue Innovationsstrategie: Chancen, Risiken und Erfolgsfaktoren. APA E-Business-Community Event, 31. Juli, Wien Litzenberger, M., Dünnebeil, G. and Orthofer, R. (2014) Management and Analysis of Large Heterogeneous Time-Series Data. CeDEM 14, Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government, Workshop "Sensor and Government Data: their Role in Public Policy", 21. bis 23. Mai, Krems Loeber, A., Biegelbauer, P. and Griessler, E. (2014) Expert knowledge and new forms of deliberative knowledge production: rivals or good companions in knowledgeintensive policy-making? Experiences with xenotransplantation. 2014 ECPR General Conference, September, 3rd - 6th, Glasgow Luther, F., Fischer, M.M. and Scherngell, T. (2014) The geography of collaborative knowledge production in China. 54th ERSA Congress - Regional development & globalisation: Best practices, August, 26th - 29th, St. Petersburg Meyer, S. (2014) Urban policies and the competition for academic talent: Vienna and Munich in comparison. The 2nd Geography of Innovation Conference, January, 23rd - 25th, Utrecht Olaverri-Monreal, C. (2014) Societal impacts and expectations introducing automated vehicles to smart cities. ICCVE 2014 - The 3rd International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo, November 3rd - 7th, Vienna Paier, M. (2014) ISGAN Annex 7: Smart Grids Transition. IEA Networking Event "Electricity Supply of the Future: Renewable Generation - Smart Grids - Active Customers", October, 15th, Vienna Publikationen 2010 – 2015 46 Paier, M. (2014) ABM supporting ex-ante impact assessment of national RTI policy: Knowledge production in different sectorial contexts. SKIN 3 Workshop: Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Policy, May, 22nd - 23rd, Budapest Paier, M., Fichet de Clairfontaine, A., Lata, R. and Fischer, M.M. (2014) Scientific collaboration in the EU Framework Programme: An intensity-heterogeneity approach. 15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS), July, 27th - 30th, Jena Pinter, D. (2014) Corporate Foresight – Erfahrungen mit Scenario Planning. 14. deutsch-österreichisches Warenlehre Symposium, 3.-5. April, Wolfsburg Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2014) Exploring the future of research: Research and Innovation Futures 2030. Presentation at the Research Council of Norway, May, 13th, Oslo Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2014) Zukunftsszenarien als Governance-Instrument. Von Technikzukünften zu politischen Zukünften. Frühjahrstagung 2014 der DGS-Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung, „Die Bedeutung technischer Zukunftsvorstellungen für die Entwicklung, Einführung und Bewertung neuer Technologien“, 22. - 23. Mai, Essen Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2014) Futuring, visioneering, anticipation: The use of Future Knowledge Objects in the governance of emerging technologies. The Interdisciplinary International Graduate Summer School, "The Regulative Capacity of Knowledge Objects: Opening the Black Box of Knowledge Governance", July, 28th - August, 1st, San Sebastian Schartinger, D., Amanatidou, E., Heller-Schuh, B., Giesecke, S., Miles, I., Pompo-Juarez, L., Saritas, Ö. and Schreier, G. (2014) Personal health systems technologies: market and policy aspects. 1st ATHEA Conference on Health Economics, November, 28th, Vienna Seidl, R., Paier, M. and Schartinger, D. (2014) Investment decisions into micro-genereation: An agent-based modelling approach to social acceptance of distributed electricity production. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, December, 5th, Vienna Seidl, R., Paier, M., Barber, M.J. (2014) Distributed investment into small-scale electricity production: Exploring sustainability transitions with an ABM approach. 5th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), August, 27th - 29th, Utrecht Seidl, R., Paier, M., Schartinger, D., Kaufmann, A. and Kubeczko, K. (2014) The transition to distributed electricity generation: An agent-based model of interdependent household investment decisions. STS Conference 2014 “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies”, May, 5th - 6th, Graz Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2014) Embeddedness of regions in European knowledge networks. A comparative analysis of inter-regional R&D collaborations, co-patents and co-publications. 7th Summer Conference in Regional Science, June, 26th - 28th, Marburg Wanzenböck, I.. Piribauer, P. (2014) The impact of R&D networks of regions on regional knowledge production in Europe. 54th ERSA Congress Regional development & globalisation: Best practices, August, 26th - 29th, St. Petersburg Weber, K.M. (2014) Foresight: Recent developments in Europe. USA-European Seminar "Dialogue on International Research & Innovation Policy, January, 24th, Washington Weber, K.M. (2014) Towards mission-oriented governance systems: the case of security. 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference - Science and Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, June, 18th - 20th, Manchester Weber, K.M. (2014) Foresight - Szenarien - Roadmaps: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen strategischer Vorausschau im Spannungsfeld zwischen gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen und technologischen Möglichkeiten. ASMET-Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik. Zukunftskonferenz des Austrian Materials Foresight, 12.-14. Mai, Leoben Weber, K.M. (2014) Governmental Organisations and Foresight. Opportunities and Challenges for Integration. ETEPS Research Meeting, October, 16th, Prague Publikationen 2010 – 2015 47 Weber, K.M. (2014) Mission-oriented RTI policy and programmes. The case of security. ETTIS High-Level Event "Shaping Societal Security in the European Union", November, 20th, Brussels Weber, K.M., Polt, W. (2014) System innovation - Relevance, key features and barries, Keynote. Joint OECD-BIAC Symposium on System Innovation, November, 17th, Graz Wolkerstorfer, P. (2014) IT-Security Awareness. Grundlagen und Lösungsansätze aus Sicht der HCI Forschung. PITS - Public IT-Security 2014, 23.-24. September, Berlin 2013 Barber, M. (2013) Detecting hierarchical communities in networks: a new approach. Workshop Stochastic and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, July, 24th - 28th, Bielefeld Besagni, D., Hörlesberger, M., Schiebel, E., Roche, I. and François, C. (2013) Is interdisciplinarity a relevant criterion for the selection of project proposals by funding agencies? A case study implementing a text-mining-based indicator. 3rd Global TechMining Conference, September 24th - 25th, Atlanta Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Lernen in der Verwaltung. Veranstaltungsreihe „Public Management im Dialog“ der FH Campus Wien, 13. Dezember, Wien Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Lücken, Defizite, Probleme und Herausforderungen in der Befassung mit dem Verhältnis von Politik und Verwaltung in Österreich. Politik und Verwaltung in Österreich. Konferenz der ÖGPW-Sektion Politik und Verwaltung, 27. Mai, Wien Biegelbauer, P. (2013) Lernen und Nichtlernen in Politik und Verwaltung: Fallbeispiele aus der österreichischen Forschungs-, Technologie- & Innovationspolitik. Habilitationsvortrag, 27. Juni, Innsbruck Biegelbauer, P., Lehner, D. und Vignola-Gagné, E. (2013) Die Mühen der Ebene(n). Die Koordination von TR-Maßnahmen. Jahrestagung der Sektion Policy-Analyse und Verwaltungswissenschaft der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, 2. März, Bamberg Biegelbauer, P., Palfinger, T. (2013) Getting (to) the Best: Different Ways of Selecting Research Projects. TAFTIE Academy Workshop on Project Selection Procedures, 19. März, Madrid Biegelbauer, P., Seibt, C. (2013) Politikkoordination über Politikfeldgrenzen hinaus. Politik der Vielfalt. 3-Länder-Tagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW) und der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (SVPW), 19.-21. September, Innsbruck Biegelbauer, T., Palfinger, T. (2013) Selecting Innovation: Project Selection Procedures in Research Funding Agencies. International Scientific Conference on STI Policy Evaluation. Evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations: new horizons and new challenges, 14. November, Wien Buchinger, E. (2013) Netzwerke: Nutzen & Mehrwert. Brücken in Ausbildung und Beruf - was partnerschaftliche Netzwerke leisten können, 17. Dezember, Wien Buchinger, E. (2013) Innovation in social system theory. 12th International Conference of Sociocybernetics, June, 24th - 28th, Mérida, Yucatan, México Buchinger, E. (2013) Sustainable and Innovation Promoting Public Procurement. 12th IAS-STS Annual Conference on "Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies", May, 6th - 7th, Graz Publikationen 2010 – 2015 48 Buchinger, E. (2013) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung: Eine Politikaufgabe? Österreichischer Kongress für Soziologie, Sektion Technik- und Wissenschaftssoziologie, 27. September, Linz Buchinger, E. (2013) Kommunale Beschaffung: Profitieren vom Beitrag zu Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit. Niederösterreichischer Energie- & Umwelt Gemeindetag, 6. September, St. Pölten Buchinger, E., Grill, H. (2013) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung: Ziel & Nutzen. Geschäftschancen im Gesundheitsbereich Öffentliche Beschaffer treffen innovative Unternehmen, 2. Dezember, Wien Buchinger, E., Pecharda, C. (2013) Innovation procurement: The Austrian policy mix. Innovation Procurement for the benefit of industries, SMEs & stronger public services, November, 14th - 15th, Krakow, Poland Dachs, B. (2013) Innovation, Employment Growth and Foreign Ownership of Firms. A European Perspective. WIFO Vortragsreihe, 31. Jänner, Wien Dachs, B. (2013) Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung. Treffen des F&E-Ausschusses der FahchochschulKonferenz, 20. Juni, Linz Dachs, B. (2013) Aktuelle Herausforderungen für das Patentsystem. Technologiegespräche Alpbach, Arbeitskreis 11: Intellectual Property, 23. August, Alpbach Dachs, B. (2013) Servitisation of European Manufacturing. 1st EPESIS Reunion Workshop, October, 7th, Vienna Dachs, B., Peters, B. (2013) Innovation, Employment Growth and Foreign Ownership of Firms. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG 2013), May, 10th - 11th, Innsbruck Dinges, M. (2013) Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) - Ziele, Funktionen, Instrumente. Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung des BMWF: - Das neue ERA NET Schema und Joint Programming unter Horizon 2020, 19. November, Wien Dinges, M., Edler, J. and Weber, K.M. (2013) Positioning competence centres via monitoring data. Towards a systematic approach based upon the evidence from the evaluation of the Austrian Competence Centre Programme. International Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Evaluation Conference, November, 14th-15th, Vienna Fröhlich, J. (2013) Innovationsstandort Österreich. Perspektiven? GFF Science Forum, 10. Juni, Wien Giesecke, S. (2013) Improving Participatory Aspects in Foresight. IFA Academic Seminar “Participatory Futures for Smarter Foresight. From Foresight to Impact”, September, 16th - 19th, Winterthur Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten II. BMWF Workshop Forschungsinfrastrukturdatenbank, 10. April, Wien Kienegger, M. (2013) Roadmap 2020 – Personalisierte Medizin in der Nephrologie. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie und Hypertensiologie, 20. September, Linz Kimpeler, S., Schirrmeister, E. and Warnke, P. (2013) Zukunfts-Literacy Trainer. ITA Forum 2013, 27. September, Berlin Knoflacher, M., Seibt, C., Tötzer, T., Kaufmann, A., Köstl, M., Loibl, W. und Rhomberg, W. (2013) Transdisziplinäre Herausforderungen der Mobilitätsgestaltung am Beispiel Österreich. GAiA - Jahrestreffen 2013, 26.-27. April, Wien Korber M. (2013) Agentenbasierte Modellierung von Komplexität in den Biowissenschaften – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses öffentlicher Förderungen auf Forschungstätigkeiten. Jour fixe Simulation komplexer Systeme Forschen in der Von-Neumann-Galaxis, Universität Wien, 21. März, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 49 Korber, M., Paier, M. (2013) Direct Research Funds vs. Tax Incentives in Life Sciences:An Agent-Based Simulation of Research Performance. EMAEE 2013, 8th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics, June, 10th - 12th, Sophia-Antipolis Korber, M., Paier, M. (2013) An agent-based simulation study of the Austrian Competence Centres Programme. The impact of public funding on knowledge production. 53rd Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Special Session on New Tools for Regional Innovation Policy, August, 27th - 31st, Palermo Kubeczko, K. (2013) Reforming impact assessment and monitoring methodologies for environmental Research & Innovation activities. A Policy ‐ Science event on “Ecological Economics and the EU‐level policy making: where do we stand in terms of interaction?, June, 18th, Brussels Kubeczko, K. (2013) Application of Foresight in Strategy Development. South Moravian Innovation Center, February, 20th, Brno Lata, R., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2013) Integration Processes in European R&D: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks, co-patent networks and co-publication networks. WIFO Vortragsreihe, 12. Februar, Wien Lata, R., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2013) Integration Processes in European R&D: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks, co-patent networks and co-publication networks. WiiW, FIW-Seminar in International Economics, March, 14th, Vienna Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2013. Präsentation im Ausschuss für Forschung, Technologie und Innovation des österreichischen Parlaments, 5. Juni, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Innovation Futures: Expanding the way how we think and teach about innovation. XXIV ISPIM Conference – Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth, June, 16th - 19th, Helsinki Leitner, K.-H., Wilhelmer, D. (2013) Corporate Foresight als Instrument des Innovationsmanagements. Innovationskongress 2013 - Die Kunst der Innovation – Vom Trend zum Geschäftsmodell, 14. - 15. November, Villach Loibl, W., Formayer, H., Truhetz, H., Schöner, W., Anders, I., Gobiet, A., Heinrich, G., Awan, N., Nadeem, I., Schicker, I., Suklitsch, M. and Züger, J. (2013) reclip:century 2 – regional climate simulations for the Greater Alpine Region till 2100. 14. Österreichischer Klimatag - "Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung", 4.-5. April, Wien Orthofer, R. (2013) Erfahrungen bei der Wiener Emissionserhebung 2012. Bundesländer-Arbeitsgruppe Treibhausgas- und Luftschadstoffbilanzierung, 12.-13. März, Wien Paier, M., Seidl, R., Schartinger, D., Kaufmann, A., Gebetsroither, E., Korber, M., Kubeczko, K. and Barber, M.J. (2013) Distributed investment in electricity generation - An agent-based approach. Conference on Energy Systems in Transition: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Contributions, October, 9th-11th, Karlsruhe Roche, I., Vedovotto, N., Besagni, D., François, C., Hörlesberger, M. and Schiebel, E. (2013) How to address the role of a journal as a knowledge transfer vector between disciplines? A case study relying on citations analysis. 14th Collnet Conference, August, 15th - 17th, Tartu, Estonia Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2013) Selbstbestimmte Fremdbestimmung? Innovationsdynamiken konvergierender Technologien. TA13 Konferenz, ITA Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, “Sicherheit als Technik”, 3. Juni, Wien Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2013) Re-Contextualizing Science in Society? Contested Futures of Science and Knowledge. Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network – Biennial Conference 2013: Knowing, Making, Governing, July, 16th, Singapore Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2013) Die politische Ordnung der Zukunft. Zum Wandel der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion von politischem Zukunftswissen. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ZiF "Zukunftsexpertise. Zur Generierung, Legitimierung, Verwendung und Anerkennung von Zukunftswissen", 23.-25. Jänner, Bielefeld Schartinger, D. (2013) Introducing Change in Austrian Health Care. A Tale of Two Strategies. HMD Gruppenseminar, June, 27th, Vienna Publikationen 2010 – 2015 50 Schartinger, D., Waring, J. and Windrum, P. (2013) Institutional Work and the Development of Patient-Centred Education in Hospitals. Presentation at the Oslo Paper Workshop - Special Issue on "Innovation and Hospitals", December, 12th, Oslo Schartinger, D., Womser, T. (2013) Trademarks and service innovation. 23rd International RESER Conference, September, 19th - 21st, Aix-enProvence Scherngell, T. (2013) Towards an integrated European Research Area? Findings from Eigenvector spatially filtered spatial interaction models using European Framework Programme data. Invited talk at the at the Department of Economics, University of Napoli "Federico II„, April, 9th, Napoli Scherngell, T. (2013) Die Analyse von Innovationsnetzwerken und Netzwerkforschung am AIT. Grundlagen, Basiskonzepte und Projektbeispiele. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des Seminar aus Wirtschaftsgeographie, 17. Dezember, Wien Schiebel, E. (2013) Demonstration session DBF: Bibliographic measurement of interdisciplinarity in research proposal; Identification of "frontier research" and "emerging research areas" in research proposals: A bibliometric approach. Final workshop of the DBF & ERACEP Coordination and Support Actions, February, 20th - 21st, Brussels Schiebel, E. (2013) Green Technologies „Business Opportunities“. „Globale Megatrends“ – Innovative Kooperationsmodelle von Unternehmen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit für die globalen Herausforderungen von morgen, corporAID, 22. April, Wien Steininger, K., König, M., Haas, W., Weisz, U., Götzl, M., Zulka, K.P., Luftensteiner, H., Jandl, R., Köppl, A., Kettner, C., Sinabell, F., Meyer, I., Loibl, W., Mechler, R., Prettenthaler, F., Mollay, U., Kranzl, L., Formayer, H., Perfler, R., Lexer, M., Schmid, E., Anders, I. and Themessl, M. (2013) Cost of Inaction: Assessing Costs of Climate Change for Austria. 14. Österreichischer Klimatag - "Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung", 4.-5. April, Wien Stiles, R., Hagen, K., Trimmel, H., Gasienica-Wawrytko, B., Loibl, W., Köstl, M., Tötzer, T. and Pauleit, S. (2013) Urban fabric types and microclimate response – assessment and design improvement. 14. Österreichischer Klimatag - "Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung", 4.-5. April, Wien Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2013) Research and innovation to meet Europe´s grand challenges. 1st COST MP1106 Training School "A Way to Smart Europe", April, 23rd - 25th, Twente Warnke, P. (2013) Societal Voice for Societal Challenges: Revisiting the S in Steep. IFA Academic Seminar “Participatory Futures for Smarter Foresight. From Foresight to Impact”, September, 16th - 19th, Winterthur Warnke, P., Gransche, B. (2013) “Zukunftsaushandlungsexpertise“ – Herausforderungen aus der Praxis. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft ZiF "Zukunftsexpertise. Zur Generierung, Legitimierung, Verwendung und Anerkennung von Zukunftswissen", 23.-25. Jänner, Bielefeld Warnke, P., Schirrmeister, E., Bogenstahl, C. and Kimpeler, S. (2013) Small seeds for Grand Challenges. Analysing discounted seeds of change for demand-led RTI policy. IFA Academic Seminar “Participatory Futures for Smarter Foresight. From Foresight to Impact”, September, 16th 19th, Winterthur Weber, K.M. (2013) Future Perspectives on Science 2.0. Exploring new ways of doing and organizing research. High-Level Seminar “Implications of Science 2.0 for Research and Innovation Policy", January, 23rd, Brussels Weber, K.M. (2013) Research and innovation futures 2030: Emerging issues for science and research policy. IFA Academic Seminar “Participatory Futures for Smarter Foresight. From Foresight to Impact”, September, 16th - 19th, Winterthur Weber, K.M. (2013) Bridging the gap between orientation and navigation. The ETTIS Foresight approach. ETTIS Mid-term Conference "Securing Europe: Future Threats and Trends", May, 15th - 16th, Dublin Publikationen 2010 – 2015 51 Weber, K.M. (2013) Can we anticipate and shape system change? Building anticipatory governance for system transitions. TEKES Seminar „System innovation and transitions – do we need new policies and strategies?“, November, 28th, Helsinki Weber, K.M., Budde, B. (2013) "Aufstieg & Fall" von Technologie-Hypes anhand der Brennstoffzellentechnologie. Einladung zum Vortrag bei Bayer MaterialScience, February, 22nd, Leverkusen Weber, K.M., Budde, B. (2013) Hoffnungen, Hypes, Enttäuschungen: Lehren aus der Brennstoffzellentechnologie. FWF Vortragsreihe „Am Puls“ Nr. 35, 10. September, Wien Weber, K.M., Polt, W. (2013) Assessing mission-oriented R&D programmes. Combining foresight and assessment. FTEval Conference “Evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations: new horizons and new challenges”, November, 14th 15th, Vienna Weber, K.M., Rohracher, H. (2013) Moving beyond the innovation focus. Expanding the innovation systems framework for explaining transformative change. 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, June, 19th-21st, Zurich Wepner, B. (2013) Identifying Emerging Technologies with relevance to security. Workshop on Emerging Technologies and Critical Dependencies: Small Scale Energy Harvesting & Smart Textiles, September, 26th, Brussels Wepner, B., Huppertz, G. (2013) Identification of Emerging Technologies with Security Implications: Experience and Results from the ETCETERA project. European Technology Assessment Conference, March, 13th - 15th, Prague Wepner, B., Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2013) Functional Textiles - Research Fronts in Scientific Literature. A Bibliometric Assessment. CROSSTEXNET Final Event, April, 11th - 12th, Roubaix Whitelegg, K., Schiebel, E. and Roche, I. (2013) DBF - Capturing dimensions of frontier research with bibliometrics; Identification of "frontier research" and "emerging research areas" in research proposals: A bibliometric approach. Final workshop of the DBF & ERACEP Coordination and Support Actions, February, 20th - 21st, Brussels 2012 Aubrecht, C. (2012) Recent progress in geospatial disaster risk and vulnerability research. University of Tokyo, Material Sustainability Laboratory, March, 5th, Tokyo, Japan Aubrecht, C. (2012) Nächtliche Erdbeobachtung - Anwendungen des satellitenbasierten Monitorings künstlicher Beleuchtung. Symposium "Ist die Welt rund um die Uhr geöffnet? Chancen und Risiken künstlicher Beleuchtung", 2. - 4. Februar, Linz Aubrecht, C., Steinnocher, K., Freire, S., Loibl, W., Peters-Anders, J. and Ungar, J. (2012) Time-Dependency of Social Vulnerability in Crisis Modeling and Management. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2012. Geophysical Research, April, 22nd - 27th, Vienna, Austria Biegelbauer, P. (2012) The Governance of Translational Research: Comparison ASC and TRAIN. Vortrag gehalten an der Privaten Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Informatik und Technik GmbH (UMIT), 9. Februar, Hall in Tirol Biegelbauer, P. (2012) Decision-Making on Complex and Sensitive Issues - A Case for Citizen Participation? Experiences with Xenotransplantation: The Governance of Participatory Technology Assessment, June, 12th, Wien Haus, Brüssel Biegelbauer, P. (2012) Decisions, Policy Evidence and Participation: How Democratic is Democratic Policy-Making? Conference on Evidence for Sustainable Development 2012, 5.- 6. Oktober, Berlin Publikationen 2010 – 2015 52 Biegelbauer, P. (2012) Governance Structures for Translational Research: Austria, Finnland and Germany. International Conference on Translational Research in Biomedicine: Challenges and Good Practice, 19. November, Berlin Biegelbauer, P. (2012) Verwaltung regional, national und europäisch: Kommunikation ja, Kooperation nein? Tag der Politikwissenschaft der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft, 30. November, Universität Graz Biegelbauer, P., Griessler, E. und Loeber, A. (2012) (Nicht)Wissen und (Nicht)Entscheidungen in Politik und Verwaltung. Vortrag am Institut für Höhere Studien, 2. April, Wien Biegelbauer, P., Lehner, D. und Vignola-Gagné, E. (2012) The Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Systems in Europe: New Trends, New Challenges Translational Research and the Governance of the Emerging Genomic Medicine. Jean Monnet Conference, March, 1st, Denmark, Copenhagen Business School Buchinger, E. (2012) Innovationsfördernde und nachhaltige Beschaffung – Potentiale und Herausforderungen. Öffentliche Beschaffungsmanger/innen - Wege bereiten für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit, 30. Oktober, Linz Buchinger, E. (2012) Public procurement of innovation as part of a demand-side innovation policy mix: Austrian experiences. UNDERPINN Conference, March, 22nd - 23rd, Manchester Buchinger, E. (2012) Innovation & GPP: Green public procurement and its innovation cycle location. ECOPOL Work Group 3 „GPP Meeting“, February, 14th, Graz Buchinger, E. (2012) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung (IÖB) in Wien? IÖB-Instrument und Handlungsoptionen. ZITWorkshop „Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung“, January, 17th, Wien Buchinger, E. (2012) Information-Mitteilung-Verstehen. Arbeitskreis „Information Studies“ der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft OCG, 18. Dezember, Wien Budde, B. (2012) New Economic Opportunities and Business Models for Electric Vehicles: Lessons learned from hopes, hypes and disappointment. International Energy Agency Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Implementing Agreement Task 18 Workshop: “New Economic Opportunities and Business Models for Electric Vehicles”, March, 20th, Barcelona Budde, B., Alkemade, F. (2012) On the relation of discourse and innovation activities, A comparison of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles. Sustainable Transitions: Navigating Theories and Challenging Realities, August, 29th - 31st, Copenhagen Budde, B., Konrad, K. (2012) Networks of expectations. Using the multi-level perspective of transition theory to analyze expectations. EuSPRIng School - Anticipation in the Governance of Innovation, March, 15th - 17th, Vienna Budde, B., Konrad, K. (2012) Erwartungsnetzwerke: mobile Brennstoffzellen, die Wasserstoffvision und Klimawandel. 12. österreichische TAKonferenz: Nachhaltigkeit durch Technik? Zukünftige Aufgaben für die Technikfolgenabschätzung, 4. Juni, Wien Dachs, B. (2012) Innovation und wissensintensive Dienstleistungen. 8. Arbeitsgruppentreffen der Nationalen Clusterplattform, 2. Februar, Wien Dachs, B. (2012) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Expert Group on International STI Cooperation, DG Research and Innovation, March, 29th, Brussels Dachs, B. (2012) Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung. Eine Herausforderung für die F&E-Statistik. Fachbeirat für Wissenschafts- und Technologiestatistik, 18. Dezember, Wien Dachs, B., Leitner, S., Stehrer, R. and Zahradnik, G. (2012) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Dissemination Seminar „Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact“, May, 23rd, Brussels Publikationen 2010 – 2015 53 Dachs, B., Schartinger, D. (2012) Leveraging public investments in HERD to stimulate innovation. Examples from Germany and Austria. Workshop of the SSHRC-Industry Canada Initiative on Leveraging public investments in higher education R&D to stimulate innovation, May, 31st, Kitchener Fröhlich, J. (2012) Investigating the structure and dynamics of European R&D networks. Analysis of complex social systems. 6th Jagna International Workshop: Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Simulation in interdisciplinary Sciences, January, 4th - 7th, Jagna, Bohol, Philippines Fröhlich, J. (2012) Governance of Innovation Systems. New considerations from an RTI-policy perspective. AIM TIES Seminar Series, January, 9th, Manila Fröhlich, J. (2012) Neue Impulse für eine nachhaltige Infrastrukturpolitik. Befunde aus der Analyse von Kooperationsmodellen zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. GAiA - Jahrestreffen 2012, 20. - 21. April, Lüneburg Fröhlich, J. (2012) Innovationsorientierte nachhaltige Infrastrukturpolitik - das Beispiel Energiepolitik. Die Energiestadt von morgen, 24. April, Wien Holste, D. (2012) Development of a bibliometric model for the identification of frontier research. Modeling the influence of indicators of attributes for frontier research on ERC proposal acceptance. June, 1st, iFQ, Berlin Jarmai, K. (2012) Shaping social reality: foresight as catalyst for institutional change? EU-SPRI Conference 2012 "Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms", June, 12th - 13th, Karlsruhe Jarmai, K. (2012) Mutual learning and networking: Increasing the innovation potential through foresight. 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava Klerx, J. (2012) Scanning for future threats with intelligent agents. Workshop Impact of Science and Technology on Future Capabilities Development, December, 17th, Brussels Klerx, J., Wepner, B. (2012) Using Social and Other Internet Media in Crisis Communications. 3rd Annual Control Room Communications Conference, December, 10th - 12th, Copenhagen Korber, M., Paier, M. (2012) Exploring the Effects of Public Research Funding on Innovation in Life Sciences – An Agent-based Simulation. SKIN Workshop 2012, May, 31st, Koblenz Korber, M., Paier, M. (2012) Simulating the effects of public research funding on innovation in life sciences: direct research funds vs. Tax incentives. 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava Kubeczko, K. (2012) Forward Looking Activities – Foresight. JPIsToCoWork Workshop, September, 20th, Vienna Kubeczko, K. (2012) Megatrends for Urban Development – A Long Term View on Governance. Urban Megatrends Workshop - JPI Urban Europe, September, 18th, Vienna Kubeczko, K. (2012) Cities and the imperative of sustainability. Where are we? Conference "Ecocities of the future – Innovation within territories", October, 18th, Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines Kurz, C., Orthofer, R., Sturm, P., Kaiser, A., Uhrner, U. and Reifeltshammer, R. (2012) Projection of the air quality in Vienna between 2005-2020 for NO2 and PM10. 8th International Conference Air Quality - Science and Application, March, 19th - 23rd, Athen, Greece Lata, R., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2012) Observing Integration Processes in European R&D: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks, co-patent networks and co-publication networks. International PhD Course on Economic Geography, November, 19th - 22nd, Utrecht Publikationen 2010 – 2015 54 Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Innovation Futures – wie Unternehmen in Zukunft innovieren. Innovation Lounge, 9. Forum Innovation, 28. März, Perchtoldsdorf Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Innovation Futures: Wie Unternehmen in Zukunft Innovieren. Business Breakfast zum Thema „The Future of Innovation“, 18. September, Wien Leitner, K.-H. (2012) The Future of Innovation. Hanken Focus Forum: The future of innovation, Innovation Research Seminar, April, 16th, Helsinki Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Emerging patterns of innovation: How will we innovate in the future? Innovation Policy Workshop in India, November, 20th, New Delhi Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Innovation Futures: How will we innovate in the Future. IncoNet Workshop on “Innovating Innovation Systems”, May, 14th, Vienna Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Innovation Futures: How new innovation models can support sustainability transitions? European Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP), May, 3rd - 5th, Bregenz Leitner, S., Dachs, B. and Stehrer, R. (2012) Determinants of the R&D activities of multinational firms abroad. 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava Leitner, S., Stehrer, R. and Dachs, B. (2012) Gravitational forces of cross-border R&D expenditure. Seminar in International Economics, WIIW, June, 21st, Vienna Loibl, W. (2012) Aktuelle Themen und Projekte im Kontext mit raumzeitlicher Analyse und Modellierung. VRVisForum #34, 21. Juni, Wien Loibl, W., Dalhammer, E. (2012) Die Europäische Perspektive und die österreichische Sicht - ESPON Ergebnisse mit Österreichbezug. Klimawandel und Risiko, 4. Juni, Wien Motamedi, K., Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Adaptive Foresight: A New Approach to Governing Sustainable Transorganizational Innovation Processes. Transorganization System (TS) and Consulting. The Informal Economy - AOM 2012, August, 3rd - 7th, Boston, Massachusetts Mulligan, C. (2012) Employment protection strictness & discrimination: a frictional approach. 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava Orthofer, R., Hahn, H. (2012) Emissionsdatenmanagement für österreichische Bundesländer. 13. Bund-Länder-Fachgespräch "Emissionskataster", 8.-9. Mai, Bremen, Deutschland Paier, M. (2012) Smart Grids Transitions - Preparation of a Social Sciences Annex in ISGAN. Smart Grids Week 2012, May, 21st 25th, Bregenz Paier, M. (2012) Smart Infrastructure Investment for the transition to a low-carbon electricity system. Research Days 2012 „SelfOrganization and Smart Grids“. Lakeside Labs, July, 9th - 13th, Klagenfurt Paier, M., Korber, M., Gebetsroither, E. and Kubeczko, K. (2012) Smart in the City: Institutions Affecting User Involvement in Future Electricity Grids. 52th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 21st - 25th, Bratislava Paier, M., Korber, M., Gebetsroither, E., Kubeczko, K., Schartinger, D., Kaufmann, A., Biegelbauer, P. und Buchinger, E. (2012) Infrastrukturaufbau für ein nachhaltiges Energiesystem. Ein Multi-Agenten-Modell für Investitionen in Smart Grids. TA'12, Nachhaltigkeit durch Technik? Zukünftige Aufgaben für die Technikfolgenabschätzung, 4. Juni, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 55 Pinter, D. (2012) The role of foresight for technological strategic decision making in companies. PhD course on "Strategic Foresight in Engineering", Technical University of Denmark, September, 19th, Copenhagen Rhomberg, W., Budde, B. (2012) Service Innovations in Austria. Workshop Service Innovations in Austria: Main Insights from 14 Case Studies, 16. Februar, Wien Roche, I., François, C., Gumpenberger, C., Gorraiz, J., Wieland, M. and Schiebel, E. (2012) Análisis bibliométrico de la literatura secundaria sobre la publicación de resultados negativos. XII Congreso Internacional de Información – INFO 2012, April, 16th - 20th, La Habana, Cuba Roche, I., Vedovotto, N., Francois, C., Besagni, D., Hörlesberger, M., Holste, D., Schiebel, E. and Cuxac, P. (2012) Assessment of the applied orientation of a researcher’s production: An informetric approach based on content analysis. 8th International Conference on Webometrics,Informetrics and Scientometrics and 13th COLLNET Meeting, October, 23rd-26th, Seoul, Korea Roche, I., Vedovotto, N., François, C., Besagni, D., Cuxac, P., Hörlesberger, M., Holste, D. and Schiebel, E. (2012) Evaluation du potentiel d'applicabilite d'un project de recherche: vers une methodologie fondee sur l'analyse de contenu. Le 3éme Séminaire de Veille Stratégique, Scientifique et Technologique - VSST'12, Mai, 24th - 25th, Ajaccio, France Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2012) Partizipation und die Generierung von Zukunftswissen: Governance oder Gouvernementalität. Frühjahrstagung der Sektion "Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) und des Arbeitskreises "Politik, Wissenschaft und Technik" der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft DVPW, 23. März, Hamburg Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2012) Neuro-Enhancement – Glücklich, leistungsfähig und kommunikativ in jeder Lebensphase? Tagung, „Zukunft : Lebensqualität : Lebenslang – Generationen im demographischen Wandel“, 10. - 11. Mai, Salzburg Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2012) Paradigm shift in innovation policy? From improving services through digital convergence towards improving human performance through converging technologies. ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum workshop Edinburgh: ‘Messiness of convergence’ Challenges to Researching, Engaging, Governing, September, 27th 28th, Edinburgh Schiebel, E. (2012) Technology Foresight. 3. Workshop des Center of Excellence zu Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, 13. Juli, Horgen, Schweiz Schiebel, E. (2012) Visualization of Relational Bibliometric Data using the Tool BibTechMon. Text-mining, Analysis, and Visualization - 2nd Global TechMining Conference, September, 5th, Montréal, Canada Schiebel, E., Hörlesberger, M. (2012) Umwelttechnologie-Kompetenz in Wien und Österreich. Ergebnisse der Studie "Bibliometrische Analyse F&TAkteure und ihre Kompetenzbereiche in der Umwelttechnologie in Wien und Österreich". Green IQ Innovation, 4. Juni, Wien Soja, G., Züger, J., Knoflacher, M., Kinner, P. and Soja, A.-M. (2012) Wasserbilanz des Neusiedler Sees - bisherige und mögliche zukünftige Entwicklung auf Basis regionaler Klimamodell-Szenarien. 13. Österreichischer Klimatag Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, 14.-15. Juni, Wien Steinnocher, K. (2012) Räumliche Disaggregation - Kleinräumige Modellierung von Bevölkerung auf Rasterbasis. KORIS Forum 2012, 22.-23. November, Berlin Steinnocher, K. (2012) Synergien nutzen – Integration von kleinräumigen statistischen Daten und Informationen aus der Erdbeobachtung. Fachbeirat für Register und Systematiken, Statistik Austria, 18. Dezember, Wien Vignola-Gagné, E., Biegelbauer, P. (2012) Translational Research: A New Form of Governance for Genomic Medicine? ESCR Genomics Network Conference 2012: Genomics in Society: Facts, Fictions and Cultures, April, 23rd, London, UK Publikationen 2010 – 2015 56 Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2012) Innovation systems & networks. CEEscience Meeting, March, 7th, Vienna Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2012) Außerschulische Lernumgebungen. Europäisches Forum Alpbach. „Erwartungen – Die Zukunft der Jugend“. Alpbacher Technologiegespräche 2012. Arbeitskreis 9: Gesucht: jung, technisch begabt, wissbegierig. Nobelpreisträger/in von morgen., 23. bis 25. August, Alpbach Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Lata, R. (2012) What determines the embeddedness of European regions in EU funded R&D networks? Evidence using graph theoretic approaches and spatial panel modeling techniques. PhD Colloquium IIDEOS - Innovation, Industrial Dynamics, Entrepreneurship, Organisation and Space, January, 26th, Marburg Weber, K.M. (2012) Combined Heat and Power in Europe. STS perspectives on a pioneering technology. Symposium to celebrate the contribution of Dr. Stewart Russell, March, 30th, Edinburgh Weber, K.M. (2012) Innovationskultur als Grundvoraussetzung für Innovationsfähigkeit. Konzepte und (inter-)nationale Erfahrungen. Alpbacher Technologiegespräche 2012 - Arbeitskreis 7 "Schlüsselelemente erfolgreicher Innovationskulturen", 23. - 24. August 2012, Alpbach Weber, K.M. (2012) Technology Convergence. Some generic policy issues. OECD-Workshop on „Technology Convergence“, October, 10th, Paris Weber, K.M., Rohracher, H. (2012) Systems of innovation production and consumption. A systems perspective on goal-oriented transformative change to tackle grand challenge. 2012 EU-SPRI Conference “Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms”, June, 12th - 13th, Karlsruhe Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Projekt Vision 2050. Villach am Weg zur Smart City. Abschlussveranstaltung smart city Villach, 12. Jänner, Villach Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Corporate Foresight für KMU - Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten. Gastvortrag an der FH Technikum Wien, 19. Mai, Wien Wilhelmer, D. (2012) User Innovation. Sustainable Urban Development. Case Smart City. ERSCP 2012, 2. - 4. Mai, Bregenz Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Foresight - Ein neuartiges Instrument für regionales Innovieren. Innovationskongress 2012. The Secrets of Innovation - nachhaltig erfolgreich innovieren, 15. - 16. November, Villach Wilhelmer, D., Erler, H. (2012) INNOnetzwerk Swarovski - Über die Kunst, Fehler und Krisen als Quelle für soziale Innovationen zu nutzen. 35. Innovationspool: Aus Fehlern lernen - Fehler- und Konfliktkultur im Innovationsmanagement. Plattform für Innovationsmanagement, 22. Februar, Wien Wilhelmer, D., Riegler, G. (2012) User Innovation. Nachhaltige, regionale Entwicklungen, Beispiel Smart City. Zukunftswerkstatt: Lebens(t)räume. Visionen und Konzepte für das Bauen und Wohnen 2020+, 13. Juni, Wien Wilhelmer, D., Riegler, G. (2012) User Innovation als Treiber nachhaltiger, regionaler Entwicklungen am Beispiel Smart City. 9. Forum Innovation mit Seminaren und Innovation Lounge, 29. März, Perchtoldsdorf Wolf-Eberl, S., Wagner-Luptacik, P. and Oberzaucher, G. (2012) Different approaches to human resources related to mobility. IIID Traffic & Transport 2012. 7th International Expert Forum Traffic & Transport Information Systems. New challenges, new education, new jobs, September, 6th - 7th, St. Pölten Publikationen 2010 – 2015 57 2011 Aubrecht, C. (2011) Spatio-temporal aspects of Disaster Management: Social vulnerability modeling and risk communication for improving risk governance. Research seminar at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Applied Sciences Program, July, 19th, Greenbelt, USA Aubrecht, C. (2011) "Kann GIS Leben retten?" - GeoInformationssysteme als Herzstück im Katastrophenmanagement. 54. Competence Circle of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), 22. November, Wien Aubrecht, C., Arnoux, J.J. (2011) Nighttime Earth Observation - The Science and User Community's Perspective on a NYX Satellite Mission. NYX (A Nighttime Optical Imaging Mission)' PRR meeting, December, 1st, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands Aubrecht, C., Elvidge, C.D., Baugh, K.E. and Hahn, S. (2011) Linking DMSP fire detections and soil moisture anomalies: An indicative relationship? Gi4DM 2011, GeoInformation for Disaster Management, May, 3rd - 8th, Antalya, Turkey Aubrecht, C., Freire, S. (2011) Advanced Tsunami Risk Assessment through Integration of Temporal Aspects in Population Exposure Modeling. EGU - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, April, 3rd - 8th, Vienna, Austria Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Elvidge, C., de Sherbinin, A., Wegscheider, S. and Steinnocher, K. (2011) Social vulnerability: Different scales, different dimensions. IDRiM 2011 - Second International Conference on Integrated Disaster Risk Management - Reframing Disasters and Reflecting on Risk Governance Deficits, July, 14th - 16th, Los Angeles, CA, USA Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Fröhlich, J., Rath, B. and Steinnocher, K. (2011) Time Dependency of Risk Governance Elements - Seeing Foresight and Prediction in a Disaster Management Context. EGU - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 - Geophysical Research Abstracts, April 3rd - 8th, Vienna, Austria Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Zuccaro, G. and Steinnocher, K. (2011) The infinite spiral of disaster management: Spatio-temporal modeling aspects in the context of reducing residual risk. AAG Annual Meeting - Special Symposium on 'Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience, April, 12th - 6th, Seattle, USA Aubrecht, C., Steinnocher, K. (2011) Societal Risk Assessment - Status update: Linking satellite based fire and soil moisture data. GMSM (Global Monitoring of Soil Moisture for Water Hazards Assessments)' Phase 2 Progress Meeting, 16. Dezember, Wien Barber, M., Buchinger, E. (2011) Message exchange model: Luhmann angewandt - Kontingenz, Erwartung, und Lernen in konzeptueller und mathematischer Modellierung. Wiener Diskussionsgruppe “Simulation komplexer Systeme - Forschen in der Neumann-Galaxis, 24. November, Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst (IWK), Wien Buchinger, E. (2011) Rationality formation in innovation policy making: Governance of science and technology. 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association - RN24 Sociology of Science and Technology, September, 7th-10th, Genevea, Switzerland Buchinger, E. (2011) How expectation-expectation in meaning constituting systems governs innovation as an evolutionary processes. 10th International Conference of - Sociocybernetics SOCIOCYBERNETICS AND THE INCREASING COMPLEXITY OF SOCIAL LIFE, June, 20th - 25th, Cracow, Poland Buchinger, E. (2011) Von Standards bis Beschaffung: Zum Einsatz innovationspolitischer Instrumente bei der Umsetzung des IVSAktionsplans. ITS Austria Konferenz, 21. November, Wien Buchinger, E. (2011) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung: Ziele & Instrumente & Stand der Aktivitäten. Auftaktveranstaltung der „KIRAS Innovationsplattformen“, 19. Oktober, Wien Buchinger, E. (2011) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung: Ökologische Aspekte. naBe Aktionstag, 5. Oktober, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 58 Buchinger, E. (2011) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen. Keynote im Rahmen des Stadtgesprächs „Von der Forschung zum Produkt“, 8. Juni, Rathaus, Wien Budde, B. (2011) How useful are patent studies in the automotive industry? A case study of fuel cell, electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. Patents and Sustainability Seminar, June, 7th, Utrecht Dachs, B., Weber, K.M. and Rubalcaba, L. (2011) Policy implications of ServPPIN. ServPPIN Final Conference, January, 26th, Brussels Finco, A., Gerosa, G., Oliveri, S., Marzuoli, R., Züger, J., Gebetsroither, E. and Winiwarter, W. (2011) Assessing ozone hazards to natural forests in the Alpine area. Comparison of a wide scale mapping technique with local passive sampler measurements. Ozone, climate change and forest Conference, June, 14th - 16th, Prague Freire, S., Aubrecht, C. and Wegscheider, S. (2011) Tsunami risk in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area - Modeling spatio-temporal population exposure and evacuation / Risco de tsunami na área metropolitana de Lisboa – Modelação espácio-temporal da exposição e evacuação da população. CPG 2011, 8th Congress of Portuguese Geography, October, 26th - 29th, Lisbon, Portugal Friedrich, A. (2011) Interventions in the Austrian Aeronautic Innovation System. Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks: Workshop, March, 31st - April, 1st, Koblenz Fröhlich, J. (2011) Die Mitgestaltung unserer Zukunft - Eine Chance für Österreichs Wirtschaft. Emerging Technologies - Potenziale für Österreichs Forschung und Innovation, 6. Dezember, Haus der Industrie, Wien Fröhlich, J. (2011) Modelle der Kooperation zwischen Wirtschaft und Forschung - China und Österreich im Vergleich. ITA-Seminar, 8. November, Wien Giesecke, S. (2011) Foresight & Democratic Governance. 3-Länder-Tagung "Politische Integration", 13. - 14. Jänner, Basel Giesecke, S. (2011) The Impact of Foresight. Final Conference of the Project "Advanced Industrial and Ecological Technologies for the Sustainable Development of Poland, March, 24th - 25th, Kazimierz Heller-Schuh, B. (2011) Beteiligung, Positionierung und Vernetzung österreichischer Akteure im 7. Rahmenprogramm. 12. Treffen der Nationalen Betreuungsstruktur FFG, 5. April, Wien Heller-Schuh, B., Scherngell, T. und Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Analyse der Beteiligung österreichischer Universitäten an den EU-Rahmenprogrammen. Präsentation der aktuellen Projekte der Abteilung II/8 als Beitrag zum Hochschulplan und als Vorbereitung für Leistungsvereinbarungsgespräche, 7. Juli, Wien Holste, D. (2011) A foresight activity on research and technology in quantum information science and European strategy. Quantum Effects in Biological Systems - QuEBS 2011. 489. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar, August, 1st - 5th, Ulm Holste, D. (2011) Cross-disciplinary areas for research and technology in quantum information science & technology for the forward look activity FARQUEST. Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC) 2011, September, 5th 9th, Zurich Holste, D. (2011) Informationsverarbeitung, Visualisierung und Analyse durch bibliometrische Verfahren. reguläres Informationsseminar am Ludwig Boltzmann Institut - Health Technology Assessment, 12. Juli, Wien Hörlesberger, M., Holste, D., Schiebel, E., Roche, I., François, C., Besagni, D. and Cuxac, P. (2011) Measuring the Preferences of the Scientific Orientation of Authors from their Profiles of Published References. ENID/STI Conference on Actors and networks in European Science, September, 7th - 9th, Rome Jarmai, K. (2011) Foresight as Impulse for Change in Actor Behavior? Yeditepe International Research Conference on Foresight and Futures "Theory Building in Foresight and Futures Studies", August, 24th - 26th, Istanbul Publikationen 2010 – 2015 59 Klerx (2011) Issue Management in Crisis Situations with Social Media. PSC Europe Forum Conference, 30th November - 1st December, Warsaw Konrad, K., Budde, B. (2011) Fuel Cell Hype and the Coupling of Discourse Spheres. Society for Soc ia l Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, November, 2nd - 5th, Cleveland Korber, M. (2011) Impact of Public Research Funding on Biotech Innovation: An Agent-based Simulation. European Conference on Complex Systems 2011, September, 12th - 16th, Vienna Korber, M. (2011) Calibrating an Agent-Based Model: Vienna Biotech Innovation System Meets SKIN. Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks: Workshop, March, 31st - April, 1st, Koblenz Kubeczko, K. (2011) Foresight and Ex-Ante Evaluation for JPIs. Parallel Session on Framework Condition Guidelines for JPIs: a common approach for PSPs? Annual Joint Programming Event 2011, November, 9th, Brussels Kubeczko, K. (2011) Grand Challenges - Rahmenbedingungen für Städte bis 2050. Amstetten 2020+. Fit4set Stakeholder Forum, 16. August, Amstetten Kubeczko, K. (2011) Die großen Herausforderungen - Rahmenbedingungen für Städte bis 2050. Smart City Wien. Fit4set Stakeholder Forum, 23. Mai, Wien Kubeczko, K. (2011) Screening Urban Foresight. EFP Policy Workshop "Screening Urban Foresight", 28. April, Brussels Kubeczko, K. (2011) Trends in Urban Foresight. Biannual Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics - ESEE, June, 16th, Bogazici Kubeczko, K., Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Fröhlich, J. (2011) The role of Competence Centres for a demand/need-oriented innovation policy. Vienna 2011 Conference on Schumpeter's Heritage - The Evolution of the Theory of Evolution, October, 27th - 30th, Vienna Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Finanzierungsmodelle universitärer Lehre: Internationale Fallbeispiele zur Studienplatzfinanzierung und Schlussfolgerungen für Österreich. EUA Workshop „Universities Implementing Full Costing“, February, 28th, Vienna Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Innovation Futures: How Emerging Innovation Patterns Change the European Innovation Landscape. Konferenz Challenge Social Innovation & Vienna Declaration, September, 19th - 21st, Vienna Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Innovation Futures: Methodological Lessons from a bottom-up Foresight Process. Yeditepe International Research Conference on Foresight and Futures "Theory Building in Foresight and Futures Studies", August, 24th - 26th, Istanbul Leitner, K.-H., Heller.Schuh, B. (2011) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten. Feed-back Workshop Forschungsinfrastruktur-Erhebung an Universitäten, 7. Dezember, Wien Loibl, W. (2011) reclip:century, A base data set of regional climate scenarios for the Greater Alpine Region (10x10km). International Conference on the Occasion of the 125th Anniversary of Sonnblick Observatory, Climate Change in High Mountain Regions – From Understanding of the Past to Modelling of the Future, August, 29th - September, 1st, Salzburg Loibl, W. (2011) Reclip.century - Entwicklung eines Basisdatensatzes regionalisierter Klimaszenarien für den Alpenraum. Tagung des Klima- und Energiefonds; Klimafolgenforschung in Österreich: Aktuelle Projekte im Überblick, 17. - 18. Mai, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 60 Loibl, W., Anders, I., Formayer, H., Gobiet, A., Haas, P., Matulla, Ch., Nadeem, I., Schicker, I., Schöner, W., Suklitsch, M. and Züger ,J. (2011) Evaluation of regional climate simulations using COSMO-CLM and MM5 for Austria and the Alpine Region. ICAM 2011 - 31st International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, May, 23rd - 27th, Avimore, Scotland Palensky, B., Züger, Maria-Elisabeth and Schiebel, E. (2011) Research communities and research fronts in battery research: using relational bibliometric analysis. IAMOT 2011: 20th International Conference for the International Association of Management of Technology. Technology and the Global Challenges: Security, Energy, Water, and the Environment, April, 10th - 14th, Miami Beach, Florida Peters-Anders, J., Ungar, J. and Loibl, W. (2011) Demonstration of the Climate Twins scenario - using TaToo services to enhance information retrieval about climate change consequences. 25th International Conference on Environmental Informatics, October, 5th - 7th, Ispra, Italy Roche, I., Ghribi, M., Vedovotto, N., Francois, C., Besagni, D., Cuxac, P., Holste, D., Hörlesberger, M., Schiebel, E. (2011) Detecting domain dynamics: Association Rule Extraction and diachronic clustering techniques in support of expertise. Text-mining, Analysis and Visualization. First Global TechMining Conference, September, 13th - 14th, Atlanta Roche, I., Hörlesberger, M., Wepner, B., Louala, C., Antonot, N., François, C., Vorlaufer, G., Schiebel, E. and Besagni, D. (2011) Upcoming concepts in a specific scientific discipline: an analysis based on a categorisation of the related terminology. ENID/STI Conference on Actors and networks in European Science, September, 7th - 9th, Rome Rubalcaba, L., Di Meglio, G., Dachs, B. and Weber, K.M. (2011) Public-private innovation networks in services and policy implications: selected insights from the ServPPIN project. InnoGRIPS ServPPIN Workshop, May, 30th, Brussels Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2011) The role of Future-oriented technology analysis in the governance of emerging technologies: The example of nanotechnology. 4th International Seville Conference on Future Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), May, 13th 14th, Seville Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2011) Szenarien als narrative Zukunftsmaschinen. Tagung von GWTF und GWG: Wissenschaft als Erzählung – Erzählungen der Wissenschaft, 18. - 19. November, Berlin Scherngell, T. (2011) Towards an integrated European Research Area? Findings from Eigenvector spatially filtered spatial interaction models using European Framework Programme data. Invited talk, Workshop on the Analysis of Collaborative networking promoted by the Framework Programme, June, 28th, Brussels Scherngell, T. (2011) Netzwerkforschung am AIT für die österreichische und europäische FTI-Politik: Ausgewählte Projekte und Analysen. Impulsvortrag im Rahmen des Seminars aus Wirtschaftsgeographie, 22. März, Wien Schiebel, E. (2011) Trends der Fügetechnik im Leichtbau aus glober Sicht. Eine Studie zur internationalen Forschung. Forum/Konferenz Leichtbau, 6. Oktober, Wiener Neustadt Schiebel, E. (2011) Networks and other relational, bibliometric visualisation techniques. esss - European Summer School for Scientometrics, September, 12th - 16th, Vienna Schiebel, E. (2011) Bibliometrics and Scientometrics: Concepts and New Developments for the Identification of Emerging R&DIssues. Annual Meeting of the Iberoamerican Indicator Network (RICYT), November, 17th - 18th, Panama City Schiebel, E. (2011) Science Mapping - der Beitrag von Forschungslandkarten zum Technologiescouting. 31. Innovationspool "Open Innovation und Netzwerke", 9. März, Pasching Schiebel, E., Palensky, B. und Züger, Maria-Elisabeth (2011) Technologiemonitoring Verbindungstechniken. Literaturanalyse der Forschungslandschaft. Sitzung der Arbeitskreise "Generelle industrielle Rahmenbedingungen" und "Forschung, Technologie und Innovation" der Industriellenvereinigung Niederösterreich, 26. April, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 61 Seibt, C. (2011) Future of Transport – Foresight - as forward looking activity. 4th International Seville Conference on Future Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA), May, 13th - 14th, Seville Steinnocher, K. (2011) Grid-based population and land take trend indicators - New approaches introduced by the geoland2 Core Information Service for Spatial Planning. NTTS - Conferences on new Techniques and Technologies for Statistics, February, 22nd - 24th, Brussels Steinnocher, K. (2011) A new population grid for Europe - chances and challenges. European Forum for Geostatistics, October 12th 14th, Lisbon Warnke, P., Schirrmeister, E., and Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Innovation patterns for sustainability – Insights from a European Foresight Project on the Future of Innovation. XXII ISPIM Conference - Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges, June, 12th - 15th, Hamburg Weber, K.M. (2011) Devising STI strategies using Foresight, Lessons learnt from international experiences. International Conference on Vietnam’s Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy 2011-2020, October, 5th, Hanoi Weber, K.M. (2011) Foresight to align research and innovation with longer term policy needs in Europe. FarHorizon Final Event – Policy Seminar, February, 17th, Brussels Weber, K.M. (2011) European Innovation Partnerships - Challenges for Implementation. Europe INNOVA - Sectoral Innovation Watch – Final Conference „Dynamics in Sectoral Innovation:Impact on Value Chains and Policy Implications?“, February, 24th, Brussels Weber, K.M. (2011) Dealing with Societal Challenges. Requirements for European FLAs. Seminar „European Forward Looking Activities: Insights for building the future of Innovation Union and ERA", March, 3rd, Brussels Weber, K.M., Grosu, D. (2011) European activities in Foresight – Opportunities for EVC 2.0. Mutual Learning Workshop: Strategic Intelligence for Extended Regional Coherence. UNIDO Eurasian Virtual Center for Foresight 2.0, August, 29th - 31st, Bucharest Weber, K.M., Heller-Schuh, B. (2011) ServPPIN Case-Studies Transport. ServPPIN Final Conference, January, 26th, Brussels Weber, K.M., Rohracher, H. (2011) A systems approach to transition dynamics. Towards new rationales for legitimizing goal-oriented policy strategies. 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions. Diversity, plurality and change: breaking new grounds in sustainability transition research, June, 13th - 15th, Lund University Wilhelmer, D. (2011) Komplementäre Innovationsberatung "Inside Out" und "Outside In"…. Workshop “INNOVATION Inside out & outside in”, 9. Juli, Dornbirn Winiwarter, W., (2011) Environmental Nitrogen cycles – a systems approach. Eingeladener Berufungsvortrag für eine Professur aus Systemwissenschaften, University of Graz, ISIS - Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, 7. September, Graz Winiwarter, W., Gebetsroither E., Zueger, J., Finco, A. and Gerosa, G. (2011) Assessing Ozone Hazards to Natural Forests in the Alpine Area Under Conditions of Future Climate Change. International Conference on the Occasion of the 125th Anniversary of Sonnblick Observatory, Climate Change in High Mountain Regions – From Understanding of the Past to Modelling of the Future, August, 29th - September, 1st, Salzburg Winiwarter, W., Humer, H., und Auernig, C. (2011) Onlineerhebung emissionsrelevanter Daten. Expertenforum Emissionsdatenmangement, 25. Mai, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 62 2010 Aubrecht, C. (2010) Risk and society - Spatial and temporal aspects in disaster prevention and management. First International Conference of Disaster Prevention Technology and Management (DPTM-2010), October, 23rd, Chongqing, P.R. China Aubrecht, C., Freire, S. and Steinnocher, K. (2010) Spatio-temporal aspects of vulnerability: How all comes together in integrated disaster risk management. First Annual Conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management - IDRiM 2010; Nachtnebel, H.P., Cruz, A.M., Amendola, A., Mechler, R., Tatano, H. (Eds.), September, 1st-4th, Vienna, Austria Aubrecht, C., Freire, S., Kienberger, S, Steinnocher, K. and Zeil, P. (2010) The concept of vulnerability within the disaster management cycle - A geospatial perspective, EGU2010-12846. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2010, May, 2nd - 7th, Vienna Aubrecht, C., Jaiteh, M., de Sherbinin, A., Longcore, T. and Elvidge, C. (2010) Monitoring impact of urban settlements on nearby protected areas from space, EGU2010-12758. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2010, May, 2nd - 7th, Vienna Aubrecht, C., Rodrigues, P., Gil, A., Elvidge, C.D. and Longcore, T. (2010) SOS call from nature - Observing effects of artificial night lighting on marine birds on the Azores. Darksky 2010: 10th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky - The Science of light pollution, September, 2nd4th, Kaposvár, Hungary Barré, R., Henriques, L., Pontikakis, D. and Weber, K.M. (2010) A challenge for S&T indicators: Measuring the ERA as an European integration of RIS. 3rd European Network of Indicators Designers Conference (ENID)”STI Indicators for Policy-Making and Strategic Decision”, March, 3rd 5th, Paris Bauer, H., Schueller, E., Caseiro, A., Winiwarter, W. and Puxbaum, H. (2010) Occurence and emissions of airborne fungal spores in Austria. Paper to be presented at SEGH 2010, Society for Envrionmental Geochemistry and Health Galway, June, 27th - July 2nd, Ireland Dachs, B. (2010) Science and Technology Policy in Japan - Comments from an Austrian Perspective. Kommentar zum Vortrag von Prof. Hiroshi Nagano. "Science and Technology Policy in Japan", April, 7th, Wien Elvidge, C.D., Aubrecht, C. (2010) Nighttime Lights from a Geostationary Orbit. HR GEO User Consultation Workshop: Towards High Resolution Imaging from Geostationary Satellites, European Space Agency ESA/ESRIN, April, 14th - 15th, Frascati (Rome), Italy Eyras, E., Holste, D. (2010) Research activity and visibility of central topics of the ASSIG 2010: RNA splicing, on-coding RNA, chromatin. International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology. Satellite Workshop on "Alternative Splicing 7th AS-SIG, July, 9th - 10th, Boston Freire, S., Aubrecht, C. (2010) Spatio-temporal earthquake risk assessment for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area – A contribution to improving standard methods of population exposure and vulnerability analysis, EGU2010-14293. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2010, May, 2nd - 7th, Vienna Fürlinger, G., Paier, M. (2010) Structures of close scientific collaboration in publicly funded R&D networks. XXX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, June 29th - July 4th, Riva del Garda Garbsch, M., Motamedi, K. and Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Systemic Structural Constellation. An New Way of Consulting Using Body Impressions and Feelings. Dare to Care: Passion & Compassion in Management Practice & Research. Academy of Management, August, 6th - 10th, Montréal Giesecke, S. (2010) Foresight as a tool for public engagement incontroversial science and technology development? EASST 2010 "Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social", September, 2nd - 4th, Trento Giesecke, S. (2010) Foresight as a Tool for Societal Coordination. COST Strategic Workshop Foresight on Future Demand for Forestbased Products and Services: Setting the Scene, September, 7th - 8th, Vienna Publikationen 2010 – 2015 63 Hoekman, J. Frenken, K., Scherngell, T. and Tijssen, R. (2010) Linking science to Framework Programmes. STI Science and Technology Indicators Conference "Creating Value for Users", September, 8th - 11th, Leiden Hoekman, J., Frenken, K., Scherngell, T. and Tijssen, R. (2010) Scientific research collaboration, Framwork programmes and innovation: A regional perspective. 50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, August, 19th - 23rd, Jönköping Holste, D. (2010) A comparative Analysis of the Austrian Patent Activity in Environmental Technology. envietech 2010 Internationaler Kongress für Umwelttechnik, 4. - 5. Februar, Wien Hörlesberger, M. (2010) Area 4 - Strategic research project 4.3 "Tribology-orientated technology monitoring". AC2T-COMET-Partnerday, 11. November, Wiener Neustadt Hörlesberger, M. (2010) Identifying New Research Topics, Tracing Emerging Trends. FET Proactive Information Day FP7-CALL 6, January, 21st, Brussels Hörlesberger, M. (2010) Approaching unfamiliar topics or emerging technologies – what can we learn from mathematical models applied in information theory? IAMOT 2010 - 19th International Conference on Management of Technology, March, 7th 11th, Cairo Korber, M. (2010) The Vienna Biotech Innovation System: Calibrating and Agent-Based Model. CESIS Workshop "Innovation and Growth", April, 7th - 8th, Vienna Korber, M. (2010) Agent-Based Modeling: Sumulating the Evolution of the Biotechnology-Cluster in Vienna and the Role of Public RTI Funding. Post-NEMO Workshop, March, 15th - 16th, Hohenheim Korber, M. (2010) The Impact of Public RTI-Funding on Biotechnology Innovation Systems. IRU Innovation Lecture Series, October, 20th, Dublin Korber, M., Paier, M. (2010) Effects of Public RTI Funding in the Vienna Biotech Innovation System. CESIS/WGI Workshop on “Innovation and Growth”, April, 6th - 8th, Vienna Kubeczko, K., Weber, K.M. (2010) Proactive legitimation of RDI policy interventions: beyond market and system failure. Workshop “Conceptual reflections and refinements of the TIS framework”, April, 7th - 9th, Zürich Loibl, W. Formayer, H., Gobiet, A. and Schöner, W. (2010) Reclip:century - a project conducting 21st century regional climate simulation runs focussing on the Greater Alpine Region. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2010, May, 2nd - 7th, Vienna Loibl, W., Peters-Anders, J. and Züger, J. (2010) Climate Twins- a tool to explore future climate impacts by assessing real world conditions: Exploration prinicples, underlying data, similarity conditions and uncertainty ranges. EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2010, May, 2nd - 7th, Viena Paier, M. and Heller-Schuh, B. (2010) How industry-oriented is the European Framework Programme? 11th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators "Creating Value for Users", September, 8th - 11th, Leiden Peters-Anders, J., Loibl, W. (2010) Climate twins - a mapping tool to explore future climate effects, by identifying future climate - current climate regions. 18. Deutschsprachiges Kolloquium für Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie, 25. - 27. Februar, Dresden Piorr, A., Zasada, I., Berges, R., Loibl, W., Tötzer, T., Tosics, Ivan, et. Al (2010) Land Use Change and Sustainability Performance of European Region Types. PLUREL Conference, October, 19 th - 22nd, Copenhagen Rodrigues, P., Aubrecht, C. and Gil, A. (2010) Light pollution impact on Cory's Shearwater populations on São Miguel Island, Azores archipelago - Comparing ground collection data with satellite observations of artificial night lighting. First World Seabird Conference Seabirds: Linking the Global Oceans, September, 7th-11th, Victoria, Canada Publikationen 2010 – 2015 64 Rückert, K., Tappeiner, G. und Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Sustainability & Innovation. Infoseminar - Ausbildung für Führungskräfte, ProjektleiterInnen und BeraterInnen in Unternehmen und Organisationen, 16. März, Wien Rückert, K., Tappeiner, G. und Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Sustainability & Innovation. Infoseminar - Ausbildung für Führungskräfte, ProjektleiterInnen und BeraterInnen in Unternehmen und Organisationen, 17. Juni, Wien Rückert, K., Tappeiner, G. und Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Sustainability & Innovation. Infoseminar - Ausbildung für Führungskräfte, ProjektleiterInnen und BeraterInnen in Unternehmen und Organisationen, 17. Februar, Wien Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Warum „emerging technologies“ eine frühe und umfassende Risikokommunikation brauchen. SciCom 2010 “Berechtigte Information oder mediale Inszenierung? Risikokommunikation im Spannungsfeld der Interessen”, 10. November, Wien Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Boombranche Nanotechnologien - unbezähmbare Zwerge? Nur Kleinigkeiten? Nanotechnologien im Lebensmittelsektor. Nutzen und Risiken für Verbraucher, 29. September, Berlin Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Weak signals in the governance of emerging technologies: the case of nanotechnology. Tentative Governance in Emerging Science and Technology" International Conference, October, 28th - 29th, Twente Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Different futures of making things - Scenarios from recent innovation theories. Die Zukunft der technischen Welt, 29. - 30. Oktober, Bochum Schiebel, E. (2010) Science Mapping - Der Beitrag von Forschungslandkarten zum Technologie Scouting. Kolloquiumsvortrag, 24. November, Universität Ulm Schiebel, E. (2010) Science Mapping: Zur Anwendung relationaler bibliometrischer Verfahren im Forschungs- und TechnologieMonitoring. ODOK - Österreichisches Online-Informationstreffen und Österreichischer Dokumentartag, 23. September, Leoben Steinnocher, K. (2010) Gridded Population – new data sets for an improved disaggregation approach. European Forum for Geostatistics, October, 6th, Tallin, Estland Tappeiner, G., Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Sustainable Innovation - …increasing the number of options…. Innovation Excellence Days Swarovski. Innovation 2.0 - Prozesse, Strukturen, Virtualisierung, 25. - 26. Jänner, Wattens Weber, K.M (2010) Foresight and Innovation in Europe and Austria. An overview of current developments. Round Table “Foresight Thinking, debating and shaping the future”, October, 18th, Beijing Weber, K.M. (2010) Success factors for the upgrading of a national research and innovation system. Institutional reform and innovation performance in Austria after the crisis (invited keynote). EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology EKC 2010, July, 29th - 31st, Vienna Weber, K.M. (2010) STI Foresight Methodological overview? Workshop at NISTPASS – National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategic Studies, March, 4th, Hanoi Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Corporate Foresight für KMU - Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten. MERCUR`10 - Der Innovationspreis der Wirtschaftskammer Wien, 9. Dezember, Wien Wilhelmer, D. (2010) Komplementäre Innovationsberatung "Inside Out" und "Outside In"…. Innovationstag osb, 8. Oktober, Wien Publikationen 2010 – 2015 65 Zwischen und Endberichte von Forschungsaufträgen 2015 Aichholzer, G., Gudowsky, N., Saurwein, F., Rhomberg, W., Weber, M. und Wepner, B. (2015) Industrie 4.0. Foresight & Technikfolgenabschätzung zur gesellschaftlichen Dimension der nächsten industriellen Revolution. Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung (ITA), ITA-AIT-2 Aichholzer, G., Rhomberg, W., Gudowsky, N., Saurwein, F. und Weber, M. (2015) Industrie 4.0 Hintergrundpapier für den 1. Workshop am 04. Mai 2015. Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung (ITA), ITA-AIT-1 Almansa Martin, A., Kny, E., Wepner, B., Kasztler, A., Hörlesberger, M. (2015) Market analysis: Market analysis including business cases. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Bericht zu 3D-LightTrans- Deliverable 5.14 Andersson, T., Ariton, V., Schartinger, D., Ecer, S., Ooms, M., Schröder, A., Slot, K., Van der Torre, W. and Wagner, P. (2015) Policy and Foresight Workshop: Social Innovations with Environmental Impact. European Union, Work Package SI-DRIVE Ballester, L., Merelo, J., Maalej, W., Seigneur, J.-M., Busch, M., Mazza, R., van der Sype, Y.S. and Arfwedson, H. (2015) MUSES: Third Annual Report to the EC. Deliverable D1.3 Ballester, L., Merelo, J., Maalej, W., Seigneur, J.-M., Busch, M., Mazza, R., van der Sype, Y.S. and Arfwedson, H. (2015) MUSES: Dissemination Action Plan and Activities - Year 3. Deliverable D9.4 Ballester, L., Merelo, J., Maalej, W., Seigneur, J.-M., Busch, M., Mazza, R., van der Sype, Y.S. and Arfwedson, H. (2015) MUSES: Consortium Exploitation Plan-Final. Deliverable D9.9 Ballester, L., Merelo, J., Maalej, W., Seigneur, J.-M., Busch, M., Mazza, R., van der Sype, Y.S. and Arfwedson, H. (2015) MUSES: Final Report to the EC. Deliverable D1.4 Ballester, L., Merelo, J., Maalej, W., Seigneur, J.-M., Busch, M., Mazza, R., van der Sype, Y.S. and Arfwedson, H. (2015) MUSES: Communication Action Plan and Activities - Year 3. Deliverable D9.7 Barber, M., Hörlesberger, M., Klerx, J., Schiebel, E., Wepner, B. und Züger, M.-E. (2015) Data Mining und Knowledge Discovery im GF IP. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 118 Bica, S.M., Carmocanu, V., Soare, M., Ruiz, P.A., Antochi, F., Riejos, P.F., Melguizo Madrid, E., Gattol, V. and Loke, B. (2015) LetItFlow: User needs and requirements. SIVECO, Deliverable D.2.1 Biegelbauer, P., Fröhlich, J., Gudowsky, N., Nentwich, M., Peissl, W., Schaper-Rinkel, P. und Wasserbacher, D. (2015) Anforderungen parlamentarischer Arbeit im Bereich FTI. ITA - Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, Projektbericht Nr. ITA-AIT-1 Biegelbauer, P., Heller-Schuh, B., Palfinger, T., Scherngell, T., Philipp, St. (2015) Leistungsfähigkeit und Entwicklungspfade von Forschung und Entwicklung im österreichischen Transportsektor im europäischen Kontext (Horizon 2020). Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Endbericht Bobeth, J. (2015) PEARL: Annual Progress and Finanical Report 2014. Deliverable D1.3.1 Bobeth, J., Gattol, V., Evers, M., Bo-erema, S., Müller, S., Meyer, I. and Kallai, T. (2015) PEARL: Report on User and Stakeholder Requirements. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Deliverable D.2.1 Bothos, E. et al. (2015) OPTIMUM: State-of-the-art Report. Deliverable D1.1 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 66 Buchinger, E., Grabuschnig, W., Kienegger, M., King, R., Modre, R. und Schwabach, H. (2015) Programm "IKT der Zukunft": Neue Themen & neue Instrumente. Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung zur Weiterentwicklung von "IKT der Zukunft" im Rahmen eines modernen und flexiblen Themenmanagements. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 104 Buchinger, E., Kienegger, M. (2015) Umsetzung IÖB-Leitkonzept: Dokumentation, Assessment und Begleitung der Umsetzung des Leitkonzeptes für eine innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 108 Busch, M. (2015) GEMPLAY: 1. Zwischenbericht. 1. Zwischenbericht Busch, M., Wolkerstorfer, P. (2015) MUSES: User Interfaces. Deliverable D4.3 Butzin, A., Rabadjieva, M., Van de Lindt, M., Banerjee, S., Dan Puscaciu, F., Emmert, S., Kapoor, K., D. Santha, S., Wagner, P., Weerakoddy, V., (2015) Social Innovation in Transport and Mobility. An Explorative Study of Social Innovation Governance, Practice Fields and Projects. SI drive, SI-Drive Deliverable Dachs, B., Warnke, P., Dinges, M., Teufel, B., Weber, K.M. und Zahradnik, G. (2015) Herausforderungen und Perspektiven missionsorientierter Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik. Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) (Ed.), Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem12-2015 Diamond, L., Fröhlich, P. und Schrammel, J. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: Fragebogen zu Datenschutzbedürfnissen - Teil I. Deliverable D4.2.1.1 Diamond, L., Fröhlich, P. und Schrammel, J. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: Bericht zu Datenschutzanforderungen durch User - Teil I. Deliverable D4.2.2.1 Dinges, M., Wilhelmer, D., Biegelbauer, P., Palfinger, T., Chaloupka-Risser, C., Haupt, J., Bell, D. (2015) KoStrat - AktiL Koordinierte FTI-Strategien für Mobilität und Lebensqualität vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie; Abteilung Mobilitäts- und Verkehrstechnologien, Endbericht Dinges, M., Zahradnik, G., Wepner, B., Ploder, M., Streicher, J. und Linshalm, E. (2015) Wirkungsanalyse 2015 des österreichischen Kompetenzzentrenprogramms COMET. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 111 Evers, M., Boerema, S., Hermens, H., Gattol, V., Zechmann, B., Bobeth, J., Kallai, T. and Mota, R. (2015) PEARL: Report on First Lab Trials. Deliverable D2.5.1 Evers, M., Boerema, S., Hermens, H., Vollenbroek, M., Gattol, V., Zechmann, B., Bobeth, J., Kallai, T., Mota, R., Meyer, I. and Perakis, K. (2015) PEARL: Evaluation Plan and Sites Preparation. Deliverable D2.4.1 Felder, C. (2015) Rolle und Bedeutung von Open Innovation Strategien in der österreichischen Industrie. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Diplomarbeit Feuerhake, S. (2015) Der Beitrag von Corporate Foresight für die Innovationsaktivitäten von Unternehmen. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 8 Fitzli, D., Inderbitzi, L., Bock, S., Koebel, K., Haering, B., Weber, K.M., Leitner, K.-H., Dinges, M., Simon, N. und Steindl, C. (2015) CTI Invest: Evaluation. econcept AG Freschi, F., Frumento, E., Mazza, R., Pugliese, B., Burwall, M., Zamarripa, S., Olmos, A., Diamond, L., Busch, M. and van der Sype, Y.S. (2015) MUSES: Final Assessment of Trials. Deliverable D8.3 Fröhlich, P., Attems, K., Reisinger, M., Röderer, K., Schrammel, J. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: Bericht über die Potentiale unterschiedlicher Incentivierungsmaßnahmen. Deliverable D5.1.1 Fröhlich, P., Attems, K., Röderer, K., Schrammel, J. und Reisinger, M. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: D 4.2. Report on time-variable tariffs. Deliverable D4.2 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 67 Frumento, E., Letizia, X., Busch, M., Ariu, D., Escravana, N., Consoli, A. and Dragone, L. (2015) DOGANA: Scientific Coordination Plan. Deliverable D1.2 Garschall, M., Himmelsbach, J., Foidl, H., Voltz, O., Boudy, J., Reithner, E., Pelosi, G., Hamou, S.B., Elbaz, S., Sansen, H. and Legouverneur, G. (2015) vAssist: Project Progress Report 7. Deliverable D1.9 Garschall, M., Himmelsbach, J., Reithner, E., Boudy, J., Schlögl, S., Voltz, O., Pelosi, G. and Sansen, H. (2015) vAssist: Final Dissemination Report. Deliverable D5.3 Gavrilovska, L., Atanasovski, V., Denkovski, D., Rakovic, V., Mosmondor, M., Grguric, A., Barone, P., Milani, A., op den Akker, H. , Cabrita, M., Pnevmatikakis, A., Angeletou, A., Mihaylov, M., Vulpe, A., Zaric, N., Radonjic, M., Tonchev, K., Infarinato, F. and Kyriazakos, S. (2015) eWall: Final user and system requirements and architecture. UKIM, Deliverable D2.7 Gentner, D., Stern, M., Stelzer, B. und Schiebel, E. (2015) "Future Shopping" Eine Technologievorausschau anhand IT-gestützter bibliometrischer Analyse und Szenariotechnik. Universität Ulm, ITOP ‐ Schriftenreihe Nr. 4 Heller-Schuh, B., Barber, M., Scherngell, T. (2015) Urban Research in the European Framework Programmes. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-ISReport, Vol. 106 Heller-Schuh, B., Kasztler, A. und Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Forschungsinfrastrukturfinanzierung: FTI-politische Steuerung und Förderung im nationalen und internationalen Kontext. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 99 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. und Züger, M.-E. (2015) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten III. Überblicksdarstellung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 100 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. und Züger, M.-E. (2015) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten III. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 101 Himmelsbach, J., Garschall, M., Reithner, E., Crocco, G., Legouverneur, G. (2015) vAssist: Field Trials Evaluation Report. Deliverable D4.3 Höcher, M. (2015) Knowledge interactions in science-based industries: The Vienna biotech/pharma case. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Thesis Series, Vol. 22 Hörlesberger, M. (2015) 3D-Light Trans Final Report. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Final Report 3D-Light Trans Hörlesberger, M., Knoflacher, M., Cozzoni, E., Lattore, M., Bonino, F. (2015) Life Cycle Analysis. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Bericht zu Projekt 3D-LightTrans-Deliverable 5.15 Houghton Budd, C., Naastepad, C.W.M., Beers, C.P., Kubeczko Klaus (2015) Neoclassical Economics and Innovation – An EU Policy Making Perspective on Legitimising R&I Policy. University of Oxford, Deliverable 1.3 CRESSI Working Papers No. 12/2015 Jarmai, K. (2015) Impact of Foresight Processes on the European Research and Innovation System. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Thesis Series, Vol. 23 Jasmontaite, L., van der Sype, Y.S., Vedder, A., Busch, M., van den Boom, F. (2015) MUSES: Ethics Report. Deliverable D7.5 Kaletka, C., Schröder, A., Dhont, S., Weber, M., Schartinger, D. (2015) Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change. Technische Universität Dortmund, Policy Field Report-WP9 Kallai, T., Gattol, V., Bobeth, J., et al. (2015) PEARL: Use Cases, Scenarios and Integrated Functionalities. Deliverable D2.2 Kasztler, A., Leitner, K.-H. (2015) Forschungsinfrastrukturlandkarte Burgenland. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS Report, Vol. 109 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 68 Klerx, J. (2015) Identifikation von kriminellen Netzwerken in virtuellen Währungsmärkten. Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Arbeitsgruppe für IT-Sicherheit, Bitcrime_AP4_D.4.1_Version 1.2 Leitner, K.-H., Dachs, B., Degelsegger, A., Ecker, B., Gassler, H., Heller-Schuh, B., Hochgerner, J., Janger, J., Lampert, D., Peneder, M., Ploder, M., Polt, W., Scherngell, T., Schuch, K., Streicher, G., Unger, M., Unterlass, F. und Zahradnik, G. (2015) Stärkefelder im Innovationssystem: Wissenschaftliche Profilbildung und wirtschaftliche Synergien. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 103 Leitner, K.-H., Felder, C., Kasztler, A., Rhomberg, W. (2015) Neue Innovationsmodelle: Potentiale und Herausforderungen für die österreichische Wirtschaft und Innovationspolitik. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 117 Leitner, K.-H., Kasztler, A., Scherngell, T., Wepner, B., Zahradnik, G. (2015) Sino-Austrian RTI cooperation in Green Technologies: The case of a joint Technology Centre. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS Report Vol. 107 Luther, F. (2015) The geography of collaborative knowledge production in China: Evidence from a spatial interaction modeling perspective. Mattheiss, E., Regal, G. und Tscheligi, M. (2015) Blind Faith. Fachlicher Zwischenbericht. Mattheiss, E., Regal, G., Sellitsch, D. und Tscheligi, M. (2015) BlindBits. Zwischenbericht. Nentwich, M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Biegelbauer, P., Fröhlich, J., Gudowsky, N., Peissl, W. und Wasserbacher, D. (2015) Zur Institutionalisierung von Foresight und Technikfolgenabschätzung für das österreichische Parlament. ITA Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, Projektbericht Nr. ITA-AIT-3 Nentwich, M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Biegelbauer, P., Fröhlich, J., Gudowsky, N., Peissl, W., Wasserbacher, D. und Weber, M. (2015) Analyse internationaler Erfahrungen in der FTI-Politikberatung. ITA - Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung Oppenauer-Meerskraut, C., Zechmann, B., Bara, C.-D., op den Akker, H., van Velsen, L., Schaarup, C., Hangaard, S. V., Mihaylov, M., Infarinato, F. and Rizza, F. (2015) eWall: Small scale studies report. Deliverable D6.4 Philipp, S. (2015) Forschung und Entwicklung im österreichischen Transportsektor: Eine empirische Analyse. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Thesis Series, Vol. 24 Polt, W., Streicher, J., Buchinger, E., Dachs, B., Dinges, M., Falk, M., Friesenbichler, K., Hafellner, S., Heller-Schuh, B., Holzinger, F., Janger, J., Kletzan-Slamanig, D., Köppl, A., Kügler, A., Leitner, K.-H., Niederl, A., Rammer, Ch., Reidl, S., Rhomberg, W., Schiffbänker, H., Schliessler, P., Unterlass, F., WagnerSchuster, D., Unger, M., Zahradnik, G. (2015) Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2015 - Bericht der Bundesregierung an den Nationalrat gem. § 8 (2) FOG über die Lage und Bedürfnisse von Forschung, Technologie und Innovation in Österreich. Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie Prost, S., Röderer, K. and Judex, F. (2015) SGMS-HiT Begleitforschung: Bericht über die Durchführung der Feldstudie. Deliverable D5.1 Prost, S., Röderer, K. und Judex, F. (2015) SGMS-HiT Begleitforschung: Bericht über die Analyse und Interpretation der Daten und die Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse von Mensch und Gebäude. Deliverable D6.1 Prost, S., Schrammel, J., Röderer, K. and Mattheis, K. (2015) Peacox: Field Trials II Report. Deliverable D7.5 Regal, G., Lehner, U., Bobeth, J. and Perakis, K. (2015) PEARL: First PEARL User Interfaces. Deliverable D2.3.1 Reisinger, M., Lehner, U., Schrammel, J. und Fröhlich, P. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: 3 Stück Low-Fi Prototypen inkl. Beschreibung des gedachten Anwendungskontexts und der vorgesehenen Funktionsweise und Datenanbindung - Teil I. Deliverable D5.2.1.1 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 69 Reisinger, M., Prost, S., Fröhlich, P., Schrammel, J., Geissler, S. und Klug, S. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: User involvement, requirements and segmentation report. Deliverable D4.1 Reisinger, M., Prost, S., Schrammel, J. und Fröhlich, P. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: Bericht zu Energienutzungspraktiken und Anforderungen durch die UserInnen. Deliverable D.4.1.1 Schaper-Rinkel, P., Wasserbacher, D., Biegelbauer, P., Fröhlich, J., Gudowsky, N., Nentwich, M. und Peissl, W. (2015) Screening potenzieller FTI-Themen mit Relevanz für das österreichische Parlament. ITA - Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung, Arbeitspaket 4, Projekt F&TA Parlament Schiebel, E., Züger, M. (2015) Positionierung der Universität für Bodenkultur in der Biobased Economy mit einem Fokus auf Biorefinery. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS Report Vol. 114 Schrammel, J., Attems, K., Röderer, K., Reisinger, M. und Fröhlich, P. (2015) Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung im ASCR: Bericht über Potentiale zeitvariabler Tarife. Deliverable D4.1.2 Schrammel, J., Prost, S. (2015) Peacox: New Innovative Strategies Report. Deliverable D5.3 Schrammel, J., Prost, S. and Röderer, K. (2015) Peacox: Guidelines for designing persuasive strategies within the mobility context. Deliverable D5.2 Schrammel, J., Prost, S., Bothos, E., Brazil, W. and Caulfield, B. (2015) Peacox: Persuasive Strategies Evaluation Report. Deliverable D7.3 Schwarz, S., Bobeth, J. (2015) MASELTOV: Final Strategy on Ethic Issues. Deliverable D1.6 Schwarz, S., Bobeth, J., Palacio Salazar, E. (2015) MASELTOV: Evaluation of final integrated Prototype. Deliverable D9.4 Staiger, P., Cap, C., Stelzer, B. und Schiebel, E. (2015) „3D‐Druck“ - Eine Technologievorausschau anhand IT‐gestützter bibliometrischer Analyse und Szenariotechnik. Universität Ulm, ITOP ‐ Schriftenreihe Nr. 5 Stutz, M., Strasser, B., Lonauer, T., Pichler, M., Röderer, K., Prost, S., Judex, F., Kaiser, B. und Raudaschl, S. (2015) Smart Grids Modellregion Salzburg – Häuser als interaktive Teilnehmer im Smart Grid: Begleitforschung. Uhl, A. (2015) Die Analyse von Twitterdaten als Beitrag zu Foresight- Prozessen. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 09 Wepner, B., Wagner, P. (2015) Final Report on Foresight and Complexity Workshops. European Commission, Deliverable D1.11, 2BFunTex Wilhelmer, D., Orthofer, R., Stelzer, D., Tötzer, T., Wagner, P. und Gebetsroither-Geringer, E. (2015) SMART CITY VILLACH Good Practice Guide - Guide für BürgerInnen. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS Report, Vol. 112 Wilhelmer, D., Orthofer, R., Tötzer, T., Wagner, P. und Gebetsroither-Geringer, E. (2015) SMART CITY VILLACH Good Practice Guide. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS Report, Vol. 110 Wilhelmer, D., Wagner, P. (2015) SEISMIC NaNet Report - "Report on NaNet Operational Phase". AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Publikationen 2010 – 2015 70 2014 Angeletou, A., Garschall, M., Bara, C., van Velsen, L., Hangaard, S. V., Infarinato, F. and Dall´ Armi, V. (2014) eWall: Evaluation and validation methdology. Deliverable D2.6 Artukovic, M., Potrusil, E., Korn, M., Tvrzský, T. and Schrammel, J. (2014) Peacox: Second Prototype. Deliverable D6.5 Bothos, E., Schrammel, J. and Prost, S. (2014) Peacox: Final Decision Making Support. Deliverable D5.5 Brasher, A., Gaved, M., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Jones, J., Schwarz, S. and Bobeth, J. (2014) MASELTOV: Field Trial and Evaluation Plan. Deliverable D9.1.3 Buchinger, E. (2014) Towards recommendations to overcome publication bias related to clinical trials. From stakeholder mapping and institutional analysis to a multiintervention strategy. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, DUK, UNCOVER project Deliverable 5.2 Buchinger, E., Kienegger, M. (2014) Dokumentation, Assessment und Begleitung der Umsetzung des „Leitkonzeptes für eine innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung“. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 87 Buchinger, E., Kienegger, M. (2014) Assessment IÖB Veranstaltungen 2012/13. Modul 3 der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Umsetzung des IÖB Leitkonzeptes. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 87a Budde, B., Hartmann, C. and Polt, W. (2014) Case Study on System Innovation: Sustainable Building in Austria. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Budde, B., Hold, P., Gommel, H., Minichmayr, J., Rhomberg, W. und Wepner, B. (2014) Potenzialerhebung Leitprojekte. Themenkomplexe im Bereich Produktion für Leitprojektausschreibungen in „Produktion der Zukunft“ und „IKT der Zukunft“. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 91 Budde, B., Liedl, G., Rhomberg, W., Stiglbrunner, C. und Wepner, B. (2014) Potenzialerhebung Lasertechnik. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 98 Budde, B., Prammer, E., Holtgrewe, U. und Rhomberg, W. (2014) Produktion und Demografischer Wandel. Beiträge der Industrie für Lebensqualität in einer alternden Gesellschaft. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 86 Budde, B., Weber, K.M., Niederl, A. and Polt, W. (2014) Case Study on System Innovation: E-mobility in Austria. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Butzin, A., Davis, A., Domanski, D., Dhondt, S., Howaldt, J., Kaletka, C., Kesselring, A., Kopp, R., Millard, J., Oeij, P., Rehfeld, D., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Schwarz, M., Scoppetta, A., Wagner, P. and Weber, K.M. (2014) Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change. SI-DRIVE, Deliverable D1.1 of the EU-funded project SIDRIVE Carlsen, H., Eriksson, E.A., Klerx, J., Weber, M., (2014) Identifying and assessing solutions for societal security – Introducing dynamical thinking. FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency, ETTIS Project Deliverable 5.1 Dachs, B., Scherngell, T. and Zahradnik, G. ( (2014) Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Performance of China. Sociedade Portugueasa de Inovacao, UNUMERIT, AIT Austrian Institute of Tecnology GmbH Deutsch, S., Bobeth, J. (2014) MASELTOV: First Field Trials. Deliverable D9.3 Dinges, M., Leitner, K.-H. und Kasztler, A. (2014) Programmevaluierung AWS Marktrecherche. Ein kritischer Review. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 94 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 71 Dinges, M., Leitner, K.-H. und Kasztler, A. (2014) Programmevaluierung AWS ProTrans. Ein kritischer Review. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-ISReport, Vol. 95 Dinges, M., Leitner, K.-H. und Zahradnik, G. (2014) Evaluierung des Programmes FHplus. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 92 Dinges, M., Whitelegg, K., Kaufmann, A. und Weber, K.M. (2014) Evaluierung der Umwelttechnik BW, Technologie- und Innovationszentrum Umwelttechnik und Ressourceneffizienz Baden-Württemberg GmbH. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Fraunhofer ISI, AIT-IS-Report, Endbericht Dünser, M. (2014) Effects of Specialization on Research Performance in the Vienna Life Sciences: An Agent-Based Model. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 20 Egger, S., Garschall, M., Gattol, V., Hager, M., Himmelsbach, J., Legouverneur, G., Reithner, E. and Wulf, L. (2014) vAssist: Lab Trials Evaluation Report. Deliverable D4.2 Eriksson, E.A., Mobjörk, M., Wester, M., Carlsen, H., Klerx, J., Weber, K.M., Wepner, B., Bellanova, R. and Lagazio, M. (2014) Portfolio of options and their assessment. Report and Policy Brief: Taxonomy for and identification of research based opportunities for societal security. FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency, ETTIS Project Deliverable 5.2 Fichet de Clairfontaine, A. (2014) Scientific collaboration and European Framework Programmes. A novel way to constructing scientific collaboration networks. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 21 Gallauner, T., Ibesich, N., Kampel, E., Lichtblau, G., Pötscher, F., Schieder, W., Storch, A., Stranner, G., Thielen, P., Budde, B., Kubeczko, K. und Whitelegg, K. (2014) Methodische Grundlagen für ein indikatorenbasiertes Ex-Ante Impact Assessment von Energie und mobilitätsrelevanten FTI-Förderpgrammen des BMVIT. Umweltbundesamt, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Gattol, V., Busch, M. (2014) MUSES: User Behavior and Requirements Update. Deliverable D4.2 Gattol, V., Maurer, K. (2014) PEARL: Project Handbook. Deliverable D1.1 Gracia, M. A., Angeletou, A. and Klitzing, H. (2014) T&Tnet: Final user evaluation. Deliverable D3.5 Hangaard, S. V., Mihovska, A., Tabak, M., Infarinato, F., Angeletou, A., Fratu, O. and Pena, C. (2014) eWall: Clinical workflows and pathways. Deliverable D2.5 Heller-Schuh, B., Barber, M., Züger, M.-E. and Scherngell, T. (2014) Report on the content and technical structure of the EUPRO Infrastructure. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 105 Hribernik, B., Kriszt, B. und Hörlesberger, M. (2014) Austrian Materials Foresight. Foresight für Hochleistungswerkstoffe zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Produktionsstandortes Österreich. Montanuniversität Leoben, ASMET - The Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Kaufmann, A., Scherngell, T. (2014) Analysen der Determinanten von Mobilität in Österreich. Ein Beitrag aus wirtschafts- und sozialgeographischer Perspektive zur Erweiterung der verkehrspolitischen Entscheidungsgrundlagen. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Endbericht Kienegger, M., Buchinger, E., Kien, C., Thaler, K. and Wagner, P. (2014) Overcoming publication bias due to non‐publication of clinical trial results. Recommendations to change practice and support evidence‐based medicine. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, DUK, UNCOVER project Deliverable 6.1 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 72 Klerx, J., Parys, J., Wepner, B., Wanzenböck, I., Weber, K.M., Eriksson, E.A., Sweijs, T., Grigoleit, S., Burgess, P. and Bellanova, R. (2014) Security research priorities and the role of government policy. ETTIS, Deliverable D6.1, FP7-funded project ETTIS Kumpf, A., Prazak-Aram, B., Ruppe, G., und Rupp, B. (2014) AAL in der Praxis - Ein Leitfaden zu Fragen der Implementierung und Effizienzsteigerung. WPU Leitner, K.-H., Roth, J. und Röhrich, T. (2014) Analyse der Wirkung des Österreichischen Staatspreis Innovation. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 84 Mattheiss, E., Maurer, K. (2014) Enhanced Pedestrian Routing and Navigation as well as Walkability Assessment of Pedestrian Ways (PERRON). Project Handbook, Technical Risk Analysis and Management Plan. Deliverable D8.1 Nolz, P., Ritzinger, U., Straub, M., Busch, M., Tomschy, R. und Artukovic, M. (2014) FLASH. Bericht Nr. 2 Paier, M., Dünser, M., Martin, S., Scherngell, T., Biegelbauer, P. und Weber, K.M. (2014) Simulation FTI-politischer Maßnahmen - Ein Beitrag zur Ex-ante Wirkungsanalyse. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 96 Paletta, L., Luley, P., Uray, M., Bobeth, J., Deutsch, S., Efremidis, S., Gordano, C., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Gaved, M., Dunwell, I., Neumann, L., Matas, J., Scheitz, W., Spinelli, G., Bersia, N., Artukovic, M., Pearson, C., Wickert, S., Hammani-Birnstingl, M. and Ricardo, S. (2014) MASELTOV: Interim Progress Report and Management Summary. Deliverable D1.1.5 Perez, M. (2014) AHEAD: Periodic Progress Report. Deliverable D1.2b Peters, B., Dachs, B., Dünser, M., Hud, M., Koehler, C. and Rammer, C. (2014) Firm Growth, Innovation and the Business Cycle. Background Report for the 2014 Competitiveness Report. Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Polt, W., Streicher, J., Dachs, B., Dinges, M., Holzinger, F., Hranyai, K., Janger, J., Kernitzkyi, M., Kulmer, V., Langer, I., Leitner, K.-H., Linshalm, E., Ploder, M., Rammer, C., Reinstaller, A., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Weber, K.M., Zahradnik, G., (2014) Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2014. Bundesministerien für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW) und Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT) Prasad, N., Mathur, P., Anggorojati, B., Gavrilovska, L., Atanasovski, V., Fratu, O., Crăciunescu, R., Suciu, G., Martian, A. and Garschall, M. (2014) eWall: Report on the Privacy-by-Design approach. Deliverable D2.8 Rhomberg, W., Kienegger, M. und Schmidt-Bischoffshausen, H. (2014) BMVIT FTI-Luftfahrtstrategie 2014-2020. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 93 Röhrich, T. (2014) Analyse zur Unternehmensentwicklung ehemaliger Teilnehmer am Staatspreis Innovation. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Technology, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 6 Roth, J. (2014) Wirkungseffekte der Teilnahme am österreichischen Staatspreis Innovation. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Technology, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 7 Schartinger, D., Giesecke, S., Pompo-Juarez, L., Amanatidou, E., Schreier, G, Miles, I. and Saritas, Ö. (2014) Strategic Plan for Partnerships in Europe. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, PHS Foresight Project Deliverable D 4.1 Schröder, A., Weerakkody, V., El-Haddadeh, R., Kapoor, K., Butzin, A., Boelman, V., Scoppetta, A., Weber, K.M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Dhondt, W. and Oeij, P. (2014) Methodology Review: Research Propositions, Data Collection and Analysis Frameworki. SI drive, Deliverable D2.1, FP7-funded project SI-Drive Wagner, P., Czerny, W. und Kienegger, M. (2014) FTI-Nachwuchsförderung in Europa ausgehend vom Programm "Talente entdecken" des bmvit. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 102 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 73 Wagner, P., Nußbaumer, B. (2014) Road mapping a feasible scenario to overcome publication bias. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, UNCOVER project Deliverable 5.3 Wagner, P., Whitelegg, K., Weber, K.M. und Wasner, W. (2014) FTI-politische Roadmap zur Ausrichtung der FTI Maßnahmen „Mobilität der Zukunft“ im Themenfeld „Personenmobilität innovativ gestalten“. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Endbericht Wagner, S.T. (2014) Dynamics in the governance of electricity regimes. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Univeryity of Graz, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 5 Weber, K.M., Klerx, J., Wepner, B., Eriksson, E.A., Mobjörk, M.,Wester, M., Svahn, P.W. and Suchier, M. (2014) Report on Government Intervention. ETTIS, Deliverable D6.4, FP7-funded project ETTIS Weber, K.M., Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2014) Research and Innovation Futures 2030. From explorative to transformative scenarios. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, RIF project, Final Report Weber, M., Klerx, J., Wepner, B., Mobjörk, M., Svahn, P.W., Eriksson, E.A., Wester, M., Carling, C. (2014) Needs and opportunities for future research. FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency, ETTIS Project Deliverable 5.3 Wepner, B., Klerx, J., Weber, M., Eriksson, A., Carling, C., Pastuszka, H. (2014) Threat analysis workshop. ETTIS, ETTIS Project Deliverable 6.3 Wepner, B., Klerx, J., Weber, M., Lagazio, M., Svenson, P., Eriksson, E.A., Wester, M., Bellanova, R. (2014) Synthesis and Validation Workshop. FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency, ETTIS Project Deliverable 5.4 Wepner, B., Wagner, P. and Züger, M.-E. (2014) Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Publications and Patents of Functional Textiles and Fibers. Overview and Analysis of Selected Topics. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 89 Wepner, B., Wagner, P. and Züger, M.-E. (2014) Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Publications and Patents of Functional Textiles and Fibers. Overview. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 90 Wolf-Eberl, S., Wagner, P., Simeonov, E., Wahl, H., Krizek, G., Ossberger, M. and Fochler, V. (2014) Wissenstransfer im Mobilitätsbereich durch Stärkung der Partnerschaft zwischen Forschung, Wirtschaft und Bildung. Research & Data Competence OG, Endbericht zum Projekt Nr. 841634, MOWISSTRANS Wolkerstorfer, P., Regal, G. (2014) Usability Expert Review. Review of the W3ACT web platform. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Wulf, L. (2014) AHEAD: Lab Trial Evaluation Report. Deliverable D4-2 Wulf, L., Barralon, P. and Perez, M. (2014) AHEAD: User Interface and Interaction Specification. Prototype D3-1b Wulf, L., Barralon, P., Kreuzer, J., Perez, M. and Ramos, I. (2014) AHEAD: Low-fi Interface Prototypes. Prototype D3-2 Wulf, L., Strehler, M., Perez, M., Aumayr, G. and Haider, G. (2014) AHEAD: Assessment and Evaluation Plan for Lab and Field Trials. Deliverable D4-1 Zahradnik, G., Rhomberg, W. und Leitner, K.-H. (2014) Energieeffizienz in der österreichischen Sachgütererzeugung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-ISReport, Vol. 88 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 74 2013 Allinson, R., Arnold, E., Cassingena Harper, J., Doranova, A., Giljum, S., Griniece, E., Kubeczko, K., Mahieu, B., Markandya, A., Miedzinski, M., Peter, V., Ploeg, M., Stasiakowska, A. and van der Veen, G. (2013) Assessing enviromental Impacts of research and Innovation Policy. technopolis group Biegelbauer, P., Palfinger, T. (2013) Auswahlverfahren von Forschungsförderungsorganisationen im internationalen Vergleich (FOR-AUS). AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 76 Borowiecki, M., Dachs.B., Schartinger, D. and Zahradnik, G. (2013) Innovationsindikatoren und Innovation Leader-Strategie. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-ISReport, Vol. 79 Buchinger, E. (2013) Institutional framework for the discussion of publication bias related to clinical trials: From stakeholder mapping to the hard law & soft law distinction. Deliverable D3.1 Part A of the UNCOVER FP7-funded project under contract number 282574, Deliverable 3.3 UNCOVER Czerny, W., Rath, B. (2013) Innovation & Sustainability Knowledge & Talent Development Programme. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 77 Dachs, B., Ebersberger, B. (2013) The Effects of Production Offshoring on R&D and Innovation in the Home Country. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 75 Dönitz, E., Shala, E., Leimbach, T., Bierwisch, A., Grigoleit, S. and Klerx, J. (2013) Catalogue of Threat Scenarios. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Deliverable D4.4, ETTIS project Enzi, C. (2013) Berücksichtigung von neuen Energiesystemen auf Kategorisierungs- & Berechnungsverfahren für Endenergiedeckung & -bedarf in Wohngebäuden. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 4 Erdmann, L., Schirrmeister, E., Warnke, P. and Weber, K.M. (2013) Modular Scenario Report. New ways of doing research: from explorative to transformative scenarios. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Deliverable D2.1, RIF project Grigoleit, S., Dönitz, E., Klerx, J. and Wepner, B. (2013) Threat scenarios - Results of Interviews and Weak Signal Scanning as well as first results of Focus Group Workshops for the preparation of Threat Scenarios. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Deliverable D4.1, ETTIS project Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Ex-Ante Bewertung einer kapazitäts-orientierten, studierendenbezogenen Universitätsfinanzierung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 74 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Forschungspolitische Bewertung einer kapazitätsorientierten, studierendenbezogenen Universitätsfinanzierung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 78 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Finanzierung der Großforschungsinfrastruktur: Konzeption eines Modells im Rahmen der neuen Universitätsfinanzierung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 80 Hidas, S., Wolska, M. (2013) Research collaboration and regional knowledge production. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 19 Kasztler, A., Klerx, J. and Leitner, K.-H. (2013) Innovationskonzept für die Sicherheitsforschung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Deliverable D.3.1 Kasztler, A., Klerx, J. und Leitner, K.-H. (2013) AP 3 - Analyse internationaler Innovationsmodelle. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Deliverable D.3.1 im Rahmen des Inno4Sec Projekts Publikationen 2010 – 2015 75 Klerx, J. (2013) Publication Bias: Identification of the Internet Community. Deliverable D3.1 Part A of the UNCOVER FP7-funded project under contract number 282574, UNCOVER project deliverable D3.1 Part A Kubeczko, K., Paier, M., Budde, B. und Weber, K.M. (2013) IEA Annex Definition: ISGAN Annex Nr. 7 – Smart Grids Transition. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 83 Kubeczko, K., Whitelegg, K. (2013) Joint Programming Initiatives A process of mutual Learning: Towards a Common adoption of framework. Work package 2 Report, Deliverable D2.2 Lagazio, M., Weber, K.M., Klerx, J., Jarmai, K. and Grigoleit, S. (2013) Lessons learned about the effectiveness of the uptake of research results. Trilateral Research & Consulting LLP, Deliverable D2.3, ETTIS project Leitner, K.-H., Ecker, B. und Heller-Schuh, B. (2013) Maßnahmen zur Qualitätsstandardisierung der Lehre an Universitäten: Ein internationaler Vergleich und Empfehlungen für Österreich im Zuge der Einführung der Studienplatzfinanzierung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Institut für Höhere Studien Wien, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 81 Orthofer, R. (2013) Aktualisierung der Emissionsprojektion 2010 - 2020. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 85 Schartinger, D., Giesecke, S., Heller-Schuh, B., Amanatidou, E., Schreier, G., Miles, I., Pombo-Juárez, L., Saritas, Ö., Kastner, P. and Könnölä, T. (2013) Personal Health Systems. State of the Art. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Deliverable 1.1 Schibany, A., Dinges, M., Reiner, C., Reidl, S., Hofer, R., Marbler, F., Leitner, K.-H., Dachs, B., Zahradnik, G., Weber, K.M., Schartinger, D. und Edler, J. (2013) Ex-post Evaluierung der Kompetenzzentrenprogramme Kplus und K_ind/K_net. Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Schiebel, E., Palensky, B. and Züger, M.-E. (2013) Data sources for bibliometric analysis. Deliverable D2.1 of the UNCOVER FP7-funded project under contract number 282574, UNCOVER project deliverable D2.1 Schiebel, E., Züger, M. (2013) 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-IS-Report, Vol. 82 Schiebel, E., Züger, M.-E. (2013) Bibliometric features of publication bias in clinical trials. Deliverable D2.2 of the UNCOVER FP7-funded project under contract number 282574, UNCOVER project deliverable D2.2 Schiebel, E., Züger, M.-E. and Holste, D. (2013) Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Community in the Field of Publication Bias. Deliverable D3.1 Part B of the UNCOVER FP7-funded project under contract number 282574, UNCOVER project deliverable D3.1 Part B Wagner-Luptacik P., Nußbaumer B. and Van Noord M. (2013) Scenario building to uncover feasible solutions against publication bias. Results of Workshop 1. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Gmb, Danube University Krems and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Eds.), Deliverable 5.1, UNCOVER project Wagner-Luptacik, P., Mandl, B., Tausz, K. und Whitelegg, K. (2013) ways2talents - Machbarkeitsstudie für ein Schülerlabor zu "Intelligenten Verkehrssystemen und -technologien". AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 73 Wagner-Luptacik, P., Wolf-Eberl, S. und Oberzaucher, G. (2013) Fachkräftesicherung für den FTI-orientierten Mobilitätssektor. Rahmenkonzept für das bmvit. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 72 Wepner, B., Huppertz, G. (2013) ETCETERA - Ideas for a novel method for emerging technology identification. Deliverable D4.3, ETCETERA Report of the Deliverable D4.3 Wepner, B., Huppertz, G., López Pino, J., Teichert, O. and Herrera, J. (2013) ETCETERA- Report on the Comparative Analysis of Three Methods to Assess Emerging Technologies Deliverable D4.2. Deliverable D4.2 of the ETCETERA FP7-funded project under contract number 261512, ETCETERA - Report of the Deliverable D4.2 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 76 Wepner, B., Kienegger, M., Zahradnik, G. and Züger, M.-E. (2013) ETCETERA - Report of the Analysis of the Regional Distribution of Patents. Deliverable D2.2 of the ETCETERA FP7-funded project under contract number 261512, ETCETERA - Report of the Deliverable D2.2 Whitelegg, K., Hörlesberger, M., Scherngell, T., Schiebel, E., Holste, D., Roche, I. and Besagni, D. (2013) DBF - Development and Verification of a Bibliometric model for the Identification of Frontier Research. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Synthesis Report Womser, T. (2013) Are Trademarks an Indicator for Innovation? AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Technology, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 2 Wurm, S. (2013) Integration of Innovations from Suppliers in the Value Creation Process. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 3 Zimper, S. (2013) Alignment of process, product and organisational innovations in the manufacturing industry. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Technology, OIET PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 1 2012 Aleksa, M., Becker, G., Frenckell-Insam, B., Höger, A., Jäger, D., Krismer, R., Pol, O., Siegele, S., Veuillet, E., Wagner-Luptacik, P. und Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Active Innsbruck - Action plan for a holistic energy identity 2050. Klima- und Energiefonds Apilo, T., Borowiecki, M., Budde, B., Kasztler, A., Leitner, K.-H., Paasi, J. Valkokari, P., Weber, K.M. and Zahradnik, G. (2012) Practices, future requirements and building blocks of a new innovation model. European Commission, INNOSEC Project, Deliverable 2.1 Barber, M., Heller-Schuh, B., Hudec, M., Leitner, K.-H., Riedmüller, K. und Scherngell, T. (2012) Verknüpfung von Publikations- und Rahmenprogrammsdaten zur Analyse der Publikationstätigkeit aus F&EProjekten in den Rahmenprogrammen. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 54 Beckert, B., Friedewald, M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., Weber, K.M., van Lieshout, M., van der Giessen, A. and Leis, M. (2012) Share your dream. Towards a New Model for Open Collaborative Research in Europe - Summary Report. European Commission, Summary Report Borowiecki, M., Dachs, B., Schartinger, D., Biege, S., Lay, G. and Jäger, A. (2012) The Service Output of Manufacturing Industries. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 57 Buchinger, E. (2012) Unterstüzung der BMVIT-Strategie zu innovationsfördernder öffentlicher Beschaffung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 66 Buchinger, E. (2012) Stakeholder Map. Budde, B., Whitelegg, K. und Weber, K.M. (2012) Mobilitäts- und Verkehrstechnologien. Screening und Auswertung von Foresight Ergebnissen im Politikprozess. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 71 Dachs, B., Biege, S., Borowiecki, M., Lay, G., Jäger, A. and Schartinger, D. (2012) The Servitization of European Manufacturing Industries. MPRA - Munich Personal RePEc Archive, MPRA Paper 38995 Dachs, B., Borowiecki, M., Kinkel, S. and Schmall, T.C. (2012) The Offshoring of Production Activities in European Manufacturing. Frequency, target regions and motives. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 67 Dachs, B., Hanzl-Weiss, D., Kampik, F., Leitner, S., Scherngell, T., Stehrer, R., Urban, W. and Zahradnik, G. (2012) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact - Deliverable 7: Analysis Report. Publikationen 2010 – 2015 77 Dachs, B., Hunya, G., Hanzl-Weiss, D., Foster, N., Kampik, F., Leitner, S., Scherngell, T., Stehrer, R., Urban, W. and Zahradnik, G. (2012) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Final Report Dachs, B., Schartinger, D. (2012) Leveraging public investments in HERD to stimulate innovation. Examples from Germany and Austria. Contribution to the SSHRC-Industry Canada Initiative on Leveraging public investments in higher education R&D to stimulate innovation. Derler, K., Hager, W., Holzmann, A., Kitzberger, R., Lindinger, C., Mara, M., Maritschnegg, M., Moser, S., Sonnleitner, M., Steinmüller, H., Tichler, R., Wagner-Luptacik, P. und Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Smart City Linz - A High Level Approach Towards An Integrated Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020 and Action Plan 2015. Klima- und Energiefonds Fichtinger, R. (2012) Auf dem Weg zur CO2-armen Zementindustrie in Österreich. Innovationspolitische Strategien aus evolutorischökonomischer Perspektive. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 17 Griessler, E., Biegelbauer, P., Hansen, J. and Loeber, A. (2012) "Citizen participation in decision-making on complex and sensitive issues? Griessler, E., Biegelbauer, P., Hansen, J. and Loeber, A. (Eds.) Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten. Zwischenbericht zur Universität Innsbruck. AIT Austrian Instiute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 46 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten. AIT Austrian Instiute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 49 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten, unveröffentlichter Endbericht einer Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 55 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Forschungsinfrastruktur, Forschungs-personal und Forschungsoutput österreichischer Universitäten. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 60 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Ergebnisse der Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten im Kontext der Leistungsvereinbarungen 20132015. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 61 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten II. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 64 Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H. (2012) Analyse der Daten zur Forschungsinfrastrukturerhebung an Universitäten II. Endbericht. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 65 Hindáková, V., Sedivá, L. (2012) Grenzüberschreitende Innovations- und Wissensbeziehungen in der Automobilindustrie. Der Fall der CentropeRegion. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 18 Hofstetter K., Juli, O., Page, J., Ritter, H., Schmidmayer, J., Iglar, B., Schinko, G., Schaffler, V., WagnerLuptacik, P., Wakolbinger, H., Wepner, B., Wilhelmer, D. und Wiltschko, G. (2012) smart city Wien - towards a sustainable development of the city. Klima- und Energiefonds Hörlesberger, M., Pollak, C., Schiebel, E. und Stadlbauer, M. (2012) Bibliometrische und technometrische Analyse. F&T-Akteure und ihre Kompetenzbereiche in der Umwelttechnologie in Wien. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 50 Korber, M. (2012) Agent-Based Modelling of Complexity in Life Sciences. With a special emphasis on the impact of public funding on research activities. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 16 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 78 Kubeczko, K., Weber. K.M. (2012) Urban Futures Pre-Foresight. Towards a joint Urban-Future project between CASTED and AIT F&PD. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 69 Leitner, K.-H., Jégou, F., Warnke, P., Mahn, J., Steinmüller, K.H., Rhomberg, W., von Salvern, S., Schirrmeister, E. and Watkins, V. (2012) Innovation Futures: A Foresight Exercise on Emerging Patterns of Innovation Visions, Scenarios and Implications for Policy and Practice - Final Report. European Commission, Deliverable 7.3 Leitner, K.-H., Rhomberg, W., Warnke, P. and Kasztler, A. (2012) Policy Strategy Report. European Commission, Deliverable 6.1 Leitner, S., Stehrer, R. and Dachs, B. (2012) The gravity of cross-border R&D expenditure. Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Working Paper #91 Ludescher, M. (2012) Die Offene Methode der Koordinierung und die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Europäischen Union. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 14 Paier, M., Palensky, B., Kubeczko, K. und Wilhelmer, D. (2012) Emerging Technologies im Energiebereich. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 59 Reinold, F. (2012) Inter-organisational knowledge generation in European R&D networks. Results from a latent regression - index function model. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD& Master-Theses Series, Vol. 13 Rhomberg, W., Budde, B. und Leitner, K.-H. (2012) BMVIT Nanostrategie - Perspektiven für eine FTI-Politik im Bereich Nanotechnologie. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 68 Schaper-Rinkel, P., Weber, K.M., Wasserbacher, D., van Oost, E., Ordonez-Matamoros, G., Krooi, M., Hölsgens, R., Nieminen, M. and Pelkonen, A. (2012) Exploring the future of research. Trends and drivers in doing and governing research. European Commission, RIF project, Deliverable D1.1 Schibany, A., Borowiecki, M., Dachs, B., Dinges, M., Gassler, H., Heller-Schuh, B., Leitner, K.-H., Rammer, C., Streicher, G., Weber, K.M. und Zahradnik, G. (2012) Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2012. Bundesministerien für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend. Schiebel, E., Kienegger, M., Züger, M.-E. und Nisperuza, L. (2012) Technologiemonitoring im Rahmen des Bio-Screening. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Seibt, C., Wilhelmer, D., Rath, B., Kubeczko, K., Zajicek, J., Toplak, W., Bauer, G., Starkl, F., HofmannProkopczyk, H., Stefan, K. und Schmiele, J. (2012) Freightvision Austria - Foresight 2050. Zukunft des Güterverkehrs in Österreich. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 44 Stehrer, R., Borowiecki, M., Dachs, B., Hanzl, D., Kinkel, S., Pöschl, J., Sass, M., Schmall, T.C. and Szalavetz, A. (2012) Global value chains and the EU industry. Carried out within the Framework Service Contract N° ENTR/2009/033, Final Report Wanzenböck, I. (2012) The influence of societal challenges on STI policy-making within the European multi-level governance system: The case of Joint Programming Initiatives. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 56 Wedam, F. (2012) Der Einfluss von Foresight auf Clusterunternehmen. Eine Fallstudie zum Foresight-Prozess "ECO FUTURE RADAR 2010-2015". AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & MasterTheses Series, Vol. 15 Wepner, B., Hörlesberger, M. and Züger, M.-E. (2012) SFP4.3 Tribology-oriented Technology Monitoring. HOT Tribology. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 58 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 79 Wrbka, T., Hainz-Renetzeder, C. und Knoflacher, M. (2012) Global Change “Climate Change Response of Sensitive Habitats and Landscapes in Austria”. Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISBN 13 978-3-7001-7282-6 Zahradnik, G., Lata, R. and Scherngell, T. (2012) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact - Deliverable 8: Maps. 2011 Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Carat, G., Könnölä, T., Leis, M., Schaper‐Rinkel, P., van Rij, V. and Warrington, B. (2011) Energy: Weak Signals and Emerging Issues for European Policy. European Commission, SESTI Project, SESTI D.6.3 Workshop reports (3/4): Energy Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Könnölä, T., Leis, M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., van Rij, V. and Saritas, O. (2011) D4.3 Evaluation between methods. European Commission - Socioeconomic Sciences and Humanities Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Könnölä, T., Leis, M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., van Rij, V. and Saritas, O. (2011) D4.1 Report on processing. European Commission - Socioeconomic Sciences and Humanities Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Könnölä, T., Leis, M., Schaper‐Rinkel, P., van Rij, V. and Warrington, B. (2011) Health: Weak Signals and Emerging Issues for European Policy. European Commission, SESTI Project, SESTI D.6.3 Workshop reports (4/4): Health Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Könnölä, T., Leis, M., Schaper-Rinkel, P., van Rij, V., Saritas, O., Warrington, B. and Weber, K.M. (2011) D 4.2 Final report on emerging issues. European Commission - Socioeconomic Sciences and Humanities Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Leis, M., Schaper‐Rinkel, P., van Rij, V. and Warrington, B. (2011) Major trends, challenges and emerging issues in Health. European Commission, SESTI Project, SESTI D6.2 Workshop papers (4/4): Health Amanatidou, E., Butter, M., Carabias, V., Leis, M., Schaper‐Rinkel, P., van Rij, V. and Warrington, B. (2011) Major trends, challenges and emerging issues in Energy. European Commission, SESTI Project, SESTI D6.2 Workshop papers (3/4): Energy Barkhordarian, G. (2011) Der Einfluss der Leitmarktinitiative auf die Innovationspolitik ausgewählter Länder. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 12 Biege, S. Borowiecki, M., Dachs, B., Francois, J., Hanzl, D., Hauknes, J., Jäger, A., Knell, M., Lay, G., Pindyuk, O., Schartinger, D. and Stehrer, R. (2011) Convergence of knowledge intensive sectors and the EU’s external competitiveness. Study for DG Enterprise carried out within the Framework Service Contract No ENTR/2009/033 Billing, M. (2011) Die Auswirkung des Klimawandels auf den Wintertourismus in der österreichischen Alpenregion. Eine Abschätzung der erwarteten Entwicklung für die Epoche 2041-2050. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 7 Borowiecki, M. (2011) The Austrian STI Strategy: An Indicator Based View. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 11 Borowiecki, M., Budde, B., Dachs, B., Rhomberg, W. und Schartinger, D. (2011) Dienstleistungslandschaft in Österreich II. AIT Austrian Instiute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 45 Buchinger, E. (2011) Unterstützung der BMVIT-Strategie zu innovationsfördernder öffentlicher Beschaffung. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD Report, Vol. 52 Buchinger, E., Pfliegl, R. (2011) Innovationsfördernde öffentliche Beschaffung - Handlungsoptionen im vorkommerziellen Bereich im Themenfeld Mobilität & Verkehrstechnologien. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD Report, Vol. 48 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 80 Czerny, W., Kubeczko, K. (2011) Konzeption eines forschungspolitischen Instrumentes "Forschungscluster". AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD Report, Vol. 51 Dachs, B. Foster, N., Mitterhauser, M., Urban, W. and Zahradnik, G. (2011) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Deliverable 1: Literature Survey Dachs, B., Hunya, G., Hanzl-Weiss, D., Kampik, F., Leitner, S. and Zahradnik, G. (2011) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. The European Union and non-EU countries. Deliverable 6: Interim Analysis Report. European Commission, DG Research and Innovation Dachs, B., Hyvönen, J., Toivanen, H., Wanzenböck, I. and Weber, K.M. (2011) Lead Markets. INNOVA Sectoral Innovation Watch Report. Dachs, B., Lata, R. und Zahradnik, G. (2011) Innovationsstrategien ausländischer Firmen und finanzielle Performance. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 34 Dachs, B., Wanzenböck, I. (2011) Policies towards Innovation in Services and ServPPINs. ServPPIN Project Report Fröhlich, J., Mittringer, R., Fischer, M.M. und Weber, K.M. (2011) Innovation Economics Vienna - Knowledge and Talent Development Programme. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 42 Fürlinger, G. (2011) Structures of Scientific Collaboration in EU R&D Networks: A Comparison of Network Models. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 5 Gallouj, F., Weber, K.M., Stare, M. and Rubalcaba, L. (2011) The future of the service economy in Europe: meta-foresight analysis? Deliverable 1.4. ServPPIN - The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation Networks, Deliverable 1.4, WP 1 Gratzer, N. (2011) Analysis of National and International Foresight Guides: To what extent do they deal with the implementation and impact of Foresight? AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 32 Heller-Schuh, B., Barber, M.J., Paier, M. and Scherngell, T. (2011) Beteiligung, Positionierung und Vernetzung österreichischer Akteure im 7. Rahmenprogramm. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 33 Heller-Schuh, B., Hudec, M., Leitner, K.-H., Riedmüller, K. und Scherngell, T. (2011) Vergleichende Untersuchung der Publikations- und F&E-Netzwerke österreichischer Universitätsinstitute. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 38 Heller-Schuh, B., Paier, M., Scherngell, T. und Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Analyse der F&E-Netzwerke österreichischer Universitätsinstitute im 7. Rahmenprogramm. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 37 Heller-Schuh, B., Scherngell, T., Barber, M.J. und Leitner, K.-H. (2011) Analyse der F&E-Netzwerke österreichischer Universitäten im 5., 6. und 7. Rahmenprogramm. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 36 Hörlesberger, M., Wepner, B. and Maria-Elisabeth Züger (2011) SFP4.3 Tribology-oriented Technology Monitoring. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 43 Kampik, F. (2011) Cross-country Differences in Innovation Behavior of German Multinational Enterprises in Europe: Evidence from the European Community Innovation Survey. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 9 Kubeczko, K. (2011) Organisation von wissenschaftlichen wissenschaftlichen Workshops im Rahmen der Konferenz "Schumpeter's Heritage". Bericht zur Konferenz. AIT Austrian Instiute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 47 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 81 Kubeczko, K., Ravetz, J. van der Giessen, A. and Weber, K.M. (2011) Screening Urban Foresights and Studies supporting Forward Looking Activities. European Foresight Platform Leis, M., Gijsbers, G., Carabias-Barcelo, V. and Giesecke, S. (2011) Active and Healthy Ageing - A Long-Term View up to 2050. European Commission - EFP - European Foresight Platform Leitner, K.-H., Butler, J., Cerulli, G., Dunnewijk, T., Kampik, F., Kasztler, A., Meijers, H., Poti, B., Meirion, T., Trier, E., Slipersæter, S., Wintjes, R. and Youtie, J. (2011) Analysis of the evolution of the costs of research - trends, drivers and impacts. European techno-economic policy support network, Deliverable 9 Leitner, K.-H., Ecker, B. und Steindl, C. (2011) Finanzierungsmodelle universitärer Lehre: Internationale Beispiele, Erfahrungen und mögliche Strategien für Österreichs Universitäten. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 35 Leitner, K.-H., Rhomberg, W. und Borowiecki, M. (2011) Produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen und Serviceinnovationen als Chance für die niederösterreichische Industrie. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 39 Rubalcaba, L., Di Meglio, G., Gallouj, F., Pyka, A., Windrum, P., Green, L., Sundbo, J., Dachs, B. and Weber, K.M. (2011) ServPPIN: a review of scientific findings. European Commission, Deliverable 7.1.1 - WP 7 Rubalcaba, L., Windrum, P., Gallouj, F., Di Meglio, G., Pyka, A., Sundbo, J. and Weber K.M. (2011) Servppin Final Publishable Summary Report. European Commission Schibany, A., Berger, M., Dachs, B., Dinges, M., Gassler, H., Janger, J., Kampik, F., Reinstaller, A., Streicher, G., Turecek, S., Unterlass, F. and Zahradnik, G. (2011) Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2011. Bundesministerien für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend. Seibt, C., Loibl, W., Kubeczko, K., Maierbrugger, G. Schechtner, K., Kalian, K. und Wasserbacher, D. (2011) mobility_techtrends - Schlüsseltechnologien für die Mobilität 2030. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 22 Thornton, T. (2011) Leit-Markt-Analyse für die Elektronische Gesundheitsakte. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 10 Turecek, S. (2011) Karriereverläufe von Erfinderinnen in Österreich – Der lange Weg zum Patent. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 6 Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2011) "Smart education": Nachwuchsförderung im Kontext der ITS Vienna 2012. Mobilität von morgen braucht innovativen Nachwuchs. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 40 Wanzenböck, I. (2011) Firm-specific drivers of behavioural additionality. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna University of Economics and Business, PhD- & Master-Theses Series, Vol. 8 Weber, K.M. (2011) Dynamising innovation policy: Giving innovation a central role in European policy. Workshop Summary Report. European Commission Weber, K.M. (2011) Managing public-private innovation networks in services – a workbook for practitioners. Deliverable 7.2. ServPPIN - The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation Networks, Deliverable 7.2., WP 7 Weber, K.M., Georghiou, L. (2011) Dynamising innovation policy: Giving innovation a central role in European policy. Synthesis Report. European Commission Winiwarter, W., Köther, T. and Schuman, M. (2011) Uncertainty of Luxembourg's Greenhouse Gas Inventory - Report to support national reporting obligations to UNFCCC, Update 2011. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 53 Publikationen 2010 – 2015 82 Zahradnik, G., Schwarzhappel, M., Prasch, R. and Dachs, B. (2011) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Deliverable 5: Data. European Commission, DG Research and Innovation 2010 Aguirre-Bastos, C. (2010) Capacity Building for Innovation and Sector Systems of Innovation. The case of renewable energy technologies and nanotechnology in Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico (BICSAM. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report Vol. 17 Bertsch, C., Czerny, S., Rath, B. und Wagner-Luptacik, P. (2010) Unterstützung von strategischen Projekten und strategische Begleitung von „generation innovation“ im Sinne des Themenmanagements. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 30 Butler, J., Dunnewijk, Kaloudis, A., T., Leitner, K.-H., Meijers, H., Naess, T., Poti, B., Shapira, P., Slipersaeter, S. and Youti, J. (2010) Report on Literature Review and Framework. Deliverable 2 for project "Analysis of the evolution of the costs of research - trends, drivers and impacts". Dachs, B. (2010) Sectoral Innovation Foresight - Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Europe Innova Innovation Watch, Final Report Dachs, B. Foster, N., Scherngell, T., Steher, R., and Urban, W. (2010) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Deliverable 2: Methodology Dachs, B., Foster, N., Mitterhauser, M., Urban, W. and Zahradnik, G. (2010) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Deliverable 1: Literature Survey. AIT Austrian Instiute of Technology GmbH, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies Dachs, B., Foster, N., Scherngell, T., Stehrer, R. and Urban, W. (2010) Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact. Deliverable 2: Methodology. AIT Austrian Instiute of Technology GmbH, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies Dachs, B., Kampik, F., Peters, B., Rammer, C., Schartinger, D., Schmiele, A. and Zahradnik, G. (2010) Foreign Corporate R&D and Innovation Activities in the European Union. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Dönitz, E., Jégou, F., Mahn, J., Leitner, K.-H., Rhomberg, W., von Saldern, S., Watkins, V. and Warnke, P. (2010) Structured and documented collection of current signals for arising changes in innovation patterns. Deliverable for project "INFU - A Foresight Exercise on Emerging Patterns of Innovation". Drobics, M., Dohr, A., Giesecke, S. and Schreier, G. (2010) LiKeIT - RFID-based KeepInTouch Lifestyle Monitoring. VDI-VDE/IT, Track 3 Fischer, M.M., Fröhlich, J., Weber, K.M. (2010) Innovation Economics Vienna Knowledge and Talent Development Programm. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 14 Fröhlich, J., Kubeczko, K., Scherngell, T., Horvat, M., Zhang, J., Su, J. and Xing, J. (2010) Organizational Models of Cooperation between Enterprises, Universities and R&D Institutions in Austria - A Comparative Analysis. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, CASTED - Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development Ganglberger, E., Leitner, K.-H., Rhomberg, W. und Schellander, S. (2010) Themenkonsolidierung für die Rahmeninitiative „Smart Production“. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, ÖGUT - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik, AIT-F&PD-Report Vol. 21 Giesecke, S., Schaper-Rinkel (2010) Sectoral Innovation Foresight - Future Innovation Challenges in the Retail and Wholesale Sector. Europe Innova Innovation Watch, Final Report Publikationen 2010 – 2015 83 Heller-Schuh, B., Barber, M.J., Henriques, L., Paier, M., Pontikakis, D., Scherngell, T. Schoen, A. Veltri, G. and Weber, K.M. (2010) Analysis of Networks in European Framework Programmes (1984-2006). The European Techno-Economic Policy Support Network (ETEPS) Heller-Schuh, B., Barber, M.J., Scherngell, T. und Paier, M. (2010) Beteiligung, Positionierung und Vernetzung österreichischer Akteure im 7. Rahmenprogramm. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 26 Iglar, B., Pol, O., Lippert, L., Wilhelmer, D., Schön, G., Spitzbart, C., Di Nucci, M.R., Costa, S., Wnuk, R., Zaparty-Makowka, K. and Räisänen, S. (2010) CONCERTO. Reporting Period January 2006 to December 2010. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Jégou, F., Leitner, K.-H., Mahn, J., Mueller, M., Pitisci, G., Rhomberg, W., Schirrmeister, E., Watkins, V. and Warnke, P. (2010) Final set of 20 amplified and contrasted visions. Deliverable 2.3 for project "INFU - A Foresight Exercise on Emerging Patterns of Innovation". Knoflacher, M. (2010) Auswertungen der Parkvorgänge in den Monaten Dezember 2009 und Jänner 2010. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report Vol. 19 Knoflacher, M. (2010) Immobilienbewertung in Gebieten mit Infrastrukturlärmbelastung: Berichtsteil 1: Vergleich gesetzlicher Regelungen in Europa, Berichtsteil 2: Vergleich von Bewertungsmethoden. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 20 Leitner, K.-H. (2010) Analyse der Bedeutung der Uni-Infrastrukturmittel für die Profilbildung der österreichischen Universitäten. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 27 Leitner, K.-H. (2010) Sectoral Innovation Foresight - Automotive. Europe Innova Innovation Watch, Final Report Leitner, K.-H., Ecker, B. und Steindl, C. (2010) Finanzierungsmodelle universitärer Lehre: Internationale Beispiele, Erfahrungen und mögliche Strategien für Österreichs Universitäten. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 29 Orthofer, R. (2010) Emissionsprojektion Wien 2005-2020; Modellierung der Entwicklung der Luftschadstoffemissionen in Wien zwischen 2005 und 2020. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 25 Paier, M., Weber, K.M., Heller-Schuh, B., Scherngell, T. and Barber, M.J. (2010) Integration of empirical data and theoretical results. NEMO Working Paper #21 Piber, P., Scherngell, T. (2010) Empirische Befunde zu F&E Netzwerken in Österreich. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Working Paper Series No. 2 Rhomberg, W. (2010) Strategieinput Smart Production. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 7 Rhomberg, W., Kubeczko, K. (2010) Themenfindung IIP. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report Vol. 15 Schartinger D. (2010) KogCheck – Mental Exercises for Alzheimer Patients on CD-Rom. A Case study on Innovation in Health Services. A report for the project The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation Networks (ServPPIN). European Commission, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Schartinger D. (2010) Training and Supervision of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Austria. A Case study on Innovation in Health Services. A report for the project The Contribution of Public and Private Services to European Growth and Welfare, and the Role of Public-Private Innovation Networks (ServPPIN). European Commission, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Schartinger, D. (2010) Sectoral Innovation Foresight - Construction. Europe Innova Innovation Watch, Final Report Publikationen 2010 – 2015 84 Scherngell, T., Horvat, M., Kubeczko, K., Schartinger, D. and Fröhlich, J. (2010) Organizational Models of Cooperation between Enterprises, Universities and R&D Institutions in China and Austria: A Comparative Analysis. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 28 Schibany, A., Berger, M., Buchinger, E., Dachs, B., Dinges, M., Ecker, B., Falk, M., Gassler, H., HellerSchuh, B., Hofer, R., Huber, P., Janger, J., Reinstaller, A., Streicher, G. und Unterlass, F. (2010) Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht 2010. Bundesministerien für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend., Studie der Arbeitsgemeinschaft TIP Seibt, C. (2010) Evaluierung der Mitgliedschaft des BMVIT in ERTICO. Analyse der Rolle ERTICOs im Netzwerk Europäischer ITS Politik, Beurteilung der Additionalität der Mitgliedschaft. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AITF&PD-Report Vol. 16 - VERTRAULICH Steinnocher, K., Hollaus, M., Mansberger, R., Mattiuzzi, M. and Mocza, G. (2010) Land Information System Austria. LISA - Technical Prototype Verification Document, Vers.2.1 Wagner-Luptacik, P., Rath, B., Czerny, S., Kienegger, M. und Bertsch, C. (2010) Tätigkeitsbericht der Koordinationsstelle generation innovation. Juli 2009 bis Dezember 2009. Wagner-Luptacik, P., Rath, B., Czerny, S., Kienegger, M. und Bertsch, C. (2010) Tätigkeitsbericht der Koordinationsstelle generation innovation. Jänner 2010 bis März 2010. Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. (2010) How do behavioural effects of public R&D subsidies differ across specific firm characteristics? Empirical evidence from a binary regression analysis. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 31 Weber, K.M., Schaper-Rinkel, P. (2010) Sectoral Innovation Foresight - Introduction. Europe Innova Innovation Watch, Final Report Whitelegg, K., Klerx, J. (2010) Assessment des generation innovation Mentoring. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AIT-F&PD-Report, Vol. 24 Wilhelmer, D., Schulte, K. (2010) InnovationsScheck "Ökobüro". Leistungen und Ergebnisse. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Wilhelmer, D., Schulte, K. (2010) InnovationsScheck "Pro Umwelt". Arbeiten und Ergebnisse. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Wilhelmer, D., Schulte, K. (2010) InnovationsScheck "Private Network Solutions PRINETSOL. Arbeiten und Ergebnisse. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Wilhelmer, D., Schulte, K. (2010) InnovationsScheck "VCÖ". Arbeiten und Ergebnisse. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Zahradnik, G., Weber, K.M., Dachs, B. (2010) Sectoral Innovation Foresight - Textiles and Clothing. Europe Innova Innovation Watch, Final Report Publikationen 2010 – 2015 85 Kontakt AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Innovation Systems Department Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Wien, Austria Fax +43 (0) 50550-4599 Josef Fröhlich Head of Department +43 (0) 50550-4501 [email protected] Katharina Sabetzer Marketing & Communications +43 (0) 50550-4518 [email protected] Silvia Steinbrunner Office Management +43 (0) 50550-4500 [email protected]
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