115 Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s: whyi st hear t i cl es ys t em s odi f f i cul t ? FuyoOSAWA Abs t r act Thi spaperdi s cus s est hedi achr oni cdevel opmentofnomi nals t r uct ur esofEngl i s h.Iar guet hata f unct i onalD s ys t em wasabs enti near l i erEngl i s hl i keOl dEngl i s handaD s ys t em eme r gedl at eri n Engl i s hasas ynt act i cdevi cet ocompens at ef ort hel os sofmor phol ogi calcas e.Thes ynt act i cDPi sa new comert ot heEngl i s hl anguage.Thef unct i onofaDi si dent i f yi ngt her ef er ent i al i t yofanomi nal andchangi ngi ti nt oanar gume nt .However ,t hi sf unct i oni snotal wayst ake ncar eofbyaD.Wi t hout aD, mor phol ogi calcas ecandot hes amet as k.I nOl dEngl i s h, mor phol ogi calcas eat t achedt onomi nal s coul dc hanget hem i nt oar gume nt s .Asar es ul toft hedemi s eofmor phol ogi calcas edi s t i nct i ons ,t hi s devi cebecameunavai l abl e.Subs equent l yaf unct i onalDs ys t em hasdevel opedt odot hes amej obi n Engl i s h.ThePr es ent day Engl i s h DP i sas ynt act i cneces s i t y andappear edass uch i nt heMi ddl e Engl i s hper i od. A Ds ys t em bel ongst of unct i onalcat egor i eswhos ef unct i oni sgr ammat i calr at hert hans emant i c. orJ apanes el ear ner sofEngl i s h.I ti sver ydi f f i cul tf or Thi sc aus est hedi f f i cul t yofl anguagel ear ni ngf J apanes el ear ner st ounder s t andaDs ys t em.Thes emant i ccont r i but i onofaDs ys t em i ss e condar yand t hen,i ti snoteas yf orl anguagel ear ner s ,s i ncel anguagel ear ner sandchi l dr enar emor edependenton s emant i ccues .Thedi f f i cul t yofaDs ys t em i si nher enti ni t snat ur e. 0.I nt r oduct i on I nt hi spaper ,wet akeupt hedi achr oni cde vel opmentofnomi nals t r uct ur esi nt hehi s t or yof .Ther ear et woai msoft hi spaper .Thef i r s t Engl i s h,put t i ngaf ocusont heeme r genceofar t i cl es ai mi st os how t hatt heEngl i s hdet er mi ners ys t em(DP)i sas ynt act i cneces s i t yandappear edas i s hper i od.I ndoi ngs o,Ial s os how t hat ,gi vent henonuni ver s al i t yof s uchi nt heMi ddl eEngl ai ns s on (1996)Os awa (2003)andOs awa f unct i onalcat egor i es (Gel der en1993),Fukui (1995),Thr (2009),t hevi ew t hatt hes amef unct i onalcat egor i ess houl dexi s ti nal ll anguagesatanys t ageof hei rdevel opme nti snotal wayscor r ect .Rat her , i twoul dbebet t ert ot akeaf l exi bl evi ew ont he t i es : l anguagedevel opmentandonf unct i onalcat egor ( 1) Languagevar i at i oni sduet odi f f er encesi nt hedegr eet owhi chf unct i onalf eat ur esar e ,i . e. ,whet hert heyar eupgr adedt of unct i onalcat ecodi f i e dasgr ammat i calcat egor i es gor i eswhi chhavet hei rownpr oj ec t i oni nt hec l aus es t r uct ur eandi fs o, whi chf eat ur es eupgr aded. ar (Os awa2003:4) Thes econdai mi st os how t hatt hedi f f i cul t yoft heEngl i s har t i cl es ys t em i sas cr i bedt oi t s 116 文学部紀要 第 72号 hi s t or i caldevel opmentwhi chi sme nt i onedaboveandi t snat ur easaf unct i onalcat egor y.I ti s orJ apanes el ear ner si st hecor r ectus eoft he of t ens ai dt hatoneoft hemos tdi f f i cul tpr obl emsf Engl i s har t i cl esa/anandt he .Aswewi l ls eel at eri nt hi spaper ,i nas t udyofgr ammat i caler r or s apanes es t udent s ,t hear t i cl eus ehadahi gherper cent ageofmi s t akest hananyot her madebyJ opoi ntoutt hati ti snotal wayst he gr ammat i calcat e gor y (Ki mi z uka1967).I twoul dbebet t ert f aul tofJ apanes el ear ner s , butt heEngl i s har t i cl es ys t em, orr at heradet er mi ners ys t em hass ome obl ems .Concer ni ngt hi s ,L1i nt er f er encewi l lbedi s cus s edf r om adi f f er entvi ewpoi nt . pr erdes cr i beshow di f f i cul ti ti sf or Theout l i neoft hi spaperi st hef ol l owi ng:t hef i r s tchapt J apanes el ear ner st ous eEngl i s har t i cl escor r ect l y.Thes econdchapt erdeal swi t ht hehi s t or i cal os how t hatt her ewasnodet er mi ners ys t em i nOl dEngl i s handt hes ys t em emer gedl at er f act st mi ners ys t em or i nt heMi ddl eEngl i s hper i od.Thet hi r dchapt erar guest henat ur eofadet er r at heraf unct i onalc at egor yi ngener ali nPr es ent dayEngl i s h. est hedi f f er encesbet ween Thef our t hchapt ert akesupt heJ apanes el anguageanddi s cus s Engl i s handJ apanes e,whi chmayaf f ectJ apanes el ear ner s ・acqui s i t i onofEngl i s h.Fi nal l y,we s i onoft hi spaper . concl udet hedi s cus 1.Japanes el ear ner s AsSwan(1980: §63)s ays ,t hecor r ectus eoft hear t i cl es (a/anandt he )i soneoft hemos t t i cl es ,bot hdef i ni t eandi ndef i ni t e di f f i cul tpoi nt si nEngl i s hgr ammar .I ndeed,t heEngl i s har ar t i cl esar edi f f i cul ti t emsf orJ apanes el ear ner sofEngl i s ht ol ear n. t i gat edt hear t i c l eus eofJ apanes es t udent sandhasar guedt hat Ki mi z uka (1967)hasi nves y.She t hear t i cl eus ehadahi gherper cent ageofmi s t akest hananyot hergr ammat i calcat egor wr i t es : ( 2) J apanes ehasnopar tofs peech e qui val entofEngl i s h ar t i cl es . . .Thatar t i cl eus age emsf ort heJ apanes el ear ner si svi vi dl yr eveal ed cons t i t ut esoneoft hegr eat es tpr obl i nt hehi ghf r equencyofmi s t akes , t hehi ghes tofal lt hes t r uct ur ali t ems .TheJ apanes e t udentmus tnotonl yl ear nt henumer ousr ul esf ort heus agewi t hasmanyexceps et ol ear n t i ons ,buthe/s hemus tal s opr act i cet hem bydr i l l .I ti scompar at i ve l ys i mpl t her ul es ,buti ti snotequal l ys i mpl et oappl yt her ul est oact uals i t uat i ons (Ki mi z uka1967:7879) t i cl esbel ongst ot henew cat egor yf ort heJ apanes e Ki mi z ukaal s os t at est hat・ t heus eofar s t udent s ・ (Ki mi z uka1967:78). eoft heEngl i s har t i cl es ys t em of Mor er ecent l y, Mut o Humphr ey (2006)hasexami nedt heus J apanes es t udyi ngEngl i s hasas econdl anguage .Mut o Humphr ey (2006)hascol l ect edt hedat a as ksf r om 36uni ver s i t ys t udent s (f r es hman,mal eandf emal e)i nNagoya,J apan. f ort hewr i t t ent i s h.St udent swer ef i r s tr equi r ed Al ls t udent sar eEngl i s hmaj orandt hen, mot i vat edt ol ear nEngl t or eadas hor ts t or yandt henpr oducef ourwr i t t ent as ks (200250wor dseach)s uchas (i )maky, (i i )ans wer i ngaques t i on(i i i )cr eat i nganor i gi nals equel ,and(i v)wr i t i nga i ngas ummar dse achwer ei nves t i gat ed.32 cr i t i que.I nt ot al ,144wr i t t ent as kswhi chcons i s tof200250wor Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s 117 wr i t t ent as ksoutof144wer eus edf ori nves t i gat i onofar t i cl eus age.Thecl as s i f i cat i onoft he ar t i cl eus agei ss howni nt het abl e1: Tabl e1 144wr i t t ent as ks (t ot al ) Tot alnumberof ar t i cl es a/an 32wr i t t ent as ks (r andom s ampl e) Per cent ageof ar t i cl est ot ot al (%) Tot alnumberof ar t i cl es Per cent ageof ar t i cl est ot ot al (%) 758 26 212 28 t he 2, 165 74 526 72 Tot al 2, 923 ― 738 ― eus agear edi vi dedi nt o3t ypes : (i )omi s s i on, (i i )unneces s ar yi ns er t i on,and Er r or sofar t i cl e2: (i i i )conf us i on.Ther es ul toft heanal ys i si ss howni nTabl Tabl e2 Omi s s i on a/an Unneces s ar y I ns er t i on Conf us i on Tot alnumber ofer r or s 74 16 33 122 t he 128 17 34 179 Tot al 201 33 67 302 Theomi s s i ont ypeofer r orhass hownt hehi ghes tf r equency (201).Omi s s i onmeanst hel ack er t i oni ndi cat e sar t i cl esar ei ns er t edwher et hey ofanar t i cl ewher ei ti sr equi r ed.Unneces s ar yi ns ar enotneeded.Conf us i onmeanss i t uat i onswher eai sus edi ns t eadoft heorvi cever s a. ear es omeexampl ese numer at edbel ow: Ther A.Omi s s i onofa/an ( 3) Andhet ookout [a]kni f et hathehi di nhi spocket . e. ( 4) It hi nk,i ti snot [a]goodi deaf ort hepeopl ( 5) . . . hebecameunhappy. [A]Few decadesl at er ,t hebr aveman. . . B.Omi s s i onoft he lj udgment . . . ( 6) . . .i sdeci dedbyusand [t he]peopl edeci def oral ( 7) . . .waspl eas ed.Hel i ked [t he]br aveands t r ongman. C.Unneces s ar yI ns er t i onofa/an,t he houl dgeton* a*peopl e. ( 8) It hi nkt hatpol i t i ci anar es ( 9) . . . peopl ecoul dwat ch* a*f i ght i ngwhi chi ncl udeds ol di er s . . . (10) . . . ofhi scount r yand* t he*peopl e . . peopl el i kedt os ee* t he*bl ood. (11) . D.Conf us i on:a/anus edi ns t eadoft he (12) Andt hepr i nces sand* a* [t he]wor kergotmar r i edand. . . 118 文学部紀要 第 72号 (13) . . . ki ngdi dn・tknow t hat* an* [t he]accus edwor kerwas . . . E.t heus edi ns t eadofa/an i s m. (14) . . . t her ewas* t he* [a]ki ngwhohads emi bar bar (15) Theki nghad* t he* [a]ver ybeaut i f uldaught erandhe. . . How s houl dweaccountf ort hos eer r or smadebyJ apanes es t udent s ? Somer es ear cher s (cf . Mut o Humphr ey2006)ar guet hatt hi si spar t l yduet ot heways t udent sl ear nt hear t i cl esat ess ol vest hi spr obl em t os omeext ent . s chool .Then,t hei mpr ovementoft eachi ngpr ocedur Ther ehasbeenwi deagr eementamongr es ear cher sont heef f ectofL1.Aspoi nt edoutabove, anguagehasnoar t i cl es ys t em,andhence,t hi smayexpl ai nt hehi ghes tf r equency t heJ apanes el ys ed200Engl i s h ofomi s s i ont ypeer r or smadebyt heJ apanes es t udent s .Br yant (1984)hasanal es s ayswr i t t enoverat hr eeyearper i odbydi f f er entgr oupsofJ apanes euni ver s i t ys t udent swho nt ens i veEngl i s hs ummerpr ogr ammeatanAmer i canuni ver s i t yandher epor t st hat at t endedanI i anandSl avi cs t udent swi t h er r or sofar t i cl eswer ef r e quent l yencount er edes peci al l yamongAs noar t i cl es ys t em.Fur t her mor e,t heJ apanes el anguagedoesnothaves i ngul arandpl ur alf or m ei snopl ur almar ki ngequi val entt ot heEngl i s hendi ng(e )s .Al t hought he di s t i nct i on.Ther i mi t edt ohumans .Thes edi f f er ences pl ur almar kert ac hii savai l abl e, i t sus ei snotobl i gat or yandl mayal s oaf f ectt heacqui s i t i onofar t i cl esofJ apanes el ear ner s . f er encehascont r i but edt ot hear t i cl eus agee r r or smade I tcannotbedeni edt hatt heL1i nt er byJ apanes es t udent s .Howe ver ,i twoul dbeus ef ult ol ookatt heEngl i s har t i cl es ys t em f r om a di f f er entpoi ntofvi ew.I ndeed,t heus ageoft heEngl i s har t i cl esi sof t ens ai dt obeunl ear nabl e r edt hr ough nat ur alexpos ur et ot hel anguage andunt eachabl e,becaus ei tcan onl y beacqui . . .t o (Dul ay,Bur t ,andKr as hen1982).Cel ceMur ci aandLar s enf r eeman (1983:172)ar guet hat・ agr eatext ent ,wedependondi s cour s econt extt odet er mi newhati sdef i ni t eandwhati si ndef i ni t e. ・ m t hatt hedi f f i cul t y oft hePr e s ent Day Engl i s h ar t i cl e I nt hes ubs equents ect i ons ,Icl ai dEngl i s h s ys t em mi ghtber el at edt ot hedi achr oni cdevel opmentoft heEngl i s har t i cl es ys t em.Ol (700t o1100)l ackedt hecur r entar t i cl es ys t em, mor epr eci s el yadet er mi ners ys t em(DP), andt he ddl eEngl i s hper i od.Thedet er mi ners ys t em wasani nnodet er mi ners ys t em appear edi nt heMi tt hatL1 vat i oni nt r oducedr el at i vel yr ecent l yi nt ot heEngl i s hl anguage.Fur t her mor e,Is ugges i nt er f er encewhi chi sment i onedabovemi ghtbebet t erexpl ai nedi nt er msofaf unct i onalcat egor y. 2.Hi s t or i calf act s :t hel ackofDPi nOl dEngl i s handi t semer gencei n Mi ddl eEngl i s h 2. 1.NPsandDPs Her ei nt hi sc hapt er ,It akeupt hehi s t or i calemer genceofas ynt act i cdet er mi ners ys t em i n i s hi sNP, notDP.Thi smeanst hatOl dEngl i s hhad Engl i s h.Icl ai mt hatt henomi nali nOl dEngl noar t i cl ess uch asa/an,t he . Accor di ngt ot heDP anal ys i s (Abney 1987;Longobar di1994), Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s 119 nomi nal si nPr es ent dayEngl i s har eas s umedt obeapr oj ect i onofaheadD,notaheadN.The s t r uct ur eofnomi nal si st hef ol l owi ng: (16) DP D NP t he/a/my. . dog sdes cr i bedasf ol l ows .AsLongobar di (1994: 628)ar gues , Thedi f f er encebet weenNPandDPi uchass ubj ectand NPsar ei nher ent l ypr edi cat i veandt huscannotoccuri nar gumentpos i t i onss obj ect .I ndeed,pr edi cat i venoun phr as esexpr es s i ng t hepr of es s i on,s oci als t at us ,s ex et c.of ar l yt endt obebar e (Lyons1999,104).NPsar enotr ef er ent i al ;r ef er ent i al humanbei ngspar t i cul i ngapar t i cul arent i t yi nt he nomi nal smaybepar aphr as e das・ t hos et hatar eunder s t oodasdenot uni ver s eofdi s cour s e・ (Rapopor t1995:154).Thi si sexempl i f i edi nt hef ol l owi ngs ent ences : schai r manoft heCommi t t ee. (17) a.J ohni b.* Imetchai r manyes t er day. c.* Chai r mandonat edal otofmoneyt ot hei ns t i t ut i on. ei nher ent l ypr edi cat i veandnotr ef er ent i al .Onl yDP Asi scl ai medi nLongobar di (1994),NPsar canoccuri nar gumentpos i t i ons .AsLongobar di (1994:628)ar gues ,acommonnouni ski ndef er r i ng,notr ef er ent i al . r (18) DPcanbeanar gume nt ,NPcannot . (Longobar di1994:628) s umedt obet akencar eofbyaf unct i onalDi n Ther ol eofpi cki ngoutapar t i cul arr ef er enti sas Pr es ent DayEngl i s h; t her ol eofaf unct i onalDi st ochangepr edi c at i venomi nal si nt oar gument s . spi cki ngoutoper at i oni sbes te xpl ai nedbyt het heor yoft het abi ndi ngpr opos edby Thi i mpl enounl i kedoghasanopen Hi ggi nbot ham(1985).Accor di ngt oHi ggi nbot ham(1985),as pl acei ni tands odenot eseachoft hevar i ousdogs .Thi sopenpl acei sar ef er ent i alar gumenti n eoft hewor ddog,whi chi scal l ed・ Ref er ent i alr ol e・ , orRr ol e .Thi spos i t i on t hear gume nts t r uct ur tbe mus tbeboundf oranNPt obeanar gumentasdi s cus s edabove.Thati s ,anomi nalmus s peci f i edasei t herdef i ni t eori ndef i ni t ef ori nt er pr et at i on.Thi sbi ndi ngme chani s mi si l l us t r at ed bel ow: (19) [DP[DDNP]] DP1* D1* D NP1 t he N1 N 1 dog 120 文学部紀要 第 72号 Thet agr i dss howni nangl ebr acket sar epr oj ect edf r om l e xi cali t emsandar ecar r i edoverby st het aboundbyD,t hati s ,t he ever ynodei nt het r ee.TheRef er ent i alar gumentpos i t i on1i pos i t i on i sdi s char gedby t het abi ndi ng.Theas t er i s ki ndi cat est hatt hepos i t i on cl os esori s yt het ar ol ei nanas s oc i at edt het agr i di sdi s char ged,wecans ayt hata di s char ged.Whenever i t i onsar edi s char ged cons t i t uenti ss at ur at ed.Thecompl et ephr as eDPi ss at ur at ed,i . e.al lpos andt hephr as ei st hemat i cal l ycompl et e (cf .Hi ggi nbot ham 1985:561). Thebar enounmi l ki saDPheadedbyanul ldet er mi ner : (20) DP D NP mi l k Nounsl i kemi l k,wat e r ,orwi near emas snounsandhaveani ndef i ni t eexi s t ent i ali nt er pr et at i on. tdet er mi ner sar eal s ounder s t oodasbel ongi ng Pl ur alcountnounswhi chcanoccurwi t houtover t ot hi sc at egor y.Thi sr eadi ngcomesf r om t hepr i nci pl es t at i ngt hatanempt ydet er mi neri s ectt ot heuni ver s alcons t r ai ntt hati thasanexi s t ent i ali nt er pr et at i onbydef aul t : s ubj ]= def aul texi s t ent i ali nt er pr et at i on (21)[D e (Longobar di1994:641) enceofot herel ement sl i ke Si ncei ti sadef aul t ,t hi si nt e r pr et at i onmaybeover r ul edbyt hepr es quant i f i er soradj ect i ves . 2. 2.Abs enceofaDs ys t em i nOl dEngl i s h i on ofa D i si dent i f yi ng t he I nt hepr evi ouss ect i on,wehaveobs er ved t hatt hef unct r ef er ent i al i t yofanomi nalandchangi ngi ti nt oanar gument .However ,t hi sf unct i oni snot phol ogi calcas ecandot hes amet as k.I nt hi s al wayst akenc ar eofbyaD.Wi t houtaD,mor s ect i on,It ur nt ot heOl dEngl i s hper i odands how t hatt hi si si ndeedt hecas ewi t hOl dEngl i s h. i s h.Icl ai mt hatwi t houtaDs ys t em,mor phol ogi calcas eboundt he Ther ear enoDPsi nOl dEngl hhad Rr ol eofanomi nalandchangei ti nt oanar gumenti nOl dEngl i s h.Al t houghOl dEngl i s t wodemons t r at i ves ,s e (s e o/t ),ande s (i s /e os ),t her ewe r enoar t i cl es (def i ni t eori ndef i nPr es ent dayEngl i s h.I ti swi del yaccept ednotonl yi n ni t e)wi t ht hepr oper t i est heyhavei t r adi t i onalwor kss uchasQui r kandWr enn (19 55:6972),Mi t chel landRobi ns on (1992:106),and Pyl esandAl geo (1993: 114, 128)butal s oi nt hemor er ecentl i t er at ur el i keAbr aham(1997: 2961), us t i (1997:7793),t hatt hes edemons t r at i vesar enotdet er mi ner s , Phi l i ppi (1997:6293)andGi cher .Tr augot t (1972:8587) al t hought het r eat mentoft hei s s uevar i esf r om r es ear chert or es ear al r eadys t at est hatoneoft hemos ts t r i ki ngt hi ngsaboutt heNPi nOl dEngl i s hi st heal mos t r ect l ycor r es pondi ngt oaandt he .Mor er ecent l y, Phi l i ppi (1997) compl et eabs enceofanyt hi ngdi opment ; l anguagesl i keGot hi c, Ol d s t at est hatt hee mer genceofar t i cl esi sar el at i vel yr ecentdevel Hi ghGer man,Ol dSaxonandOl dEngl i s hdonothaveadef i ni t eorani ndef i ni t ear t i c l e.Thi s s umpt i ont hatar t i cl esanddemons t r at i vesdonotcons t i t ut eahomogepos i t i oni sbas edont heas r at i veshavet hes t at usofN. neouscat egor y (s eeGi us t i1997:95123).Iar guet hatdemons t Fi r s t ,l ookatt hef ol l owi ngOl dEngl i s hpar adi gm,whi chs howsnounsi nf l ect edf orcas e, Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s 121 ge nderandnumber : (22) OLDENGLI SH NOUN DECLENSI ON St r ong Mas cul i ne Si ngul ar (s t one) Neut er (deer ) Femi ni ne (l ove) Nomi nat i ve s t an deor l uf u ve Accus at i deor l uf e s t an Geni t i ve s t anes deor es l uf e Dat i ve s t ane deor e l uf e Nomi nat i ve s t anas deor l uf a Pl ur al Accus at i ve s t anas deor l uf a Geni t i ve s t ana deor a l uf a Dat i ve s t anum deor um l uf um Weak Mas cul i ne Si ngul ar (name) Neut er (eye) Femi ni ne (s un) Nomi nat i ve nama eage s unne Accus at i ve naman eage unnan s Geni t i ve naman eagan s unnan Dat i ve naman e agan s unnan Nomi nat i ve naman eagan s unnan Accus at i ve naman eagan s unnan Geni t i ve namena eagena s unnena Dat i ve namum eagum s unnum Pl ur al Thedemons t r at i veswe r ef ul l yi nf l ect edj us tl i kenounsaccor di ngt ot hecas e, genderandnumber heymodi f i ed: oft henounst (23) PARADI GM ofs eDEMONSTRATI VE Ne ut e r Fe mi ni ne Pl ur al Nom. Mas c ul i ne Se t s eo a Acc . one t a a Gen. s s e r a ar Dat . m m e r m Wher ewewoul dus eadef i ni t ear t i cl e,oneoft het wodemons t r at i veswast ypi cal l yus ed:and wher ewewoul dus eani ndef i ni t ear t i cl e,ei t hert henumer alan・ one・ors um ・ acer t ai n・coul dbe us ed. Numer al s (f r om onet ot hr ee)i n Ol d Engl i s hi nf l ect ed accor di ng t ogender ,cas eand 122 文学部紀要 第 72号 number ,t oo.However ,mor ei mpor t ant l y,Ol dEngl i s hf r equent l yhadnowor datal lwher ewe : woul dexpectanar t i cl et oday.Cons i dert hef ol l owi ngexampl es (24) wl s t owe ge wal d bat t l ef i el d (f em.Gen. ) command ・ commandoft hebat t l ef i el d・ (25) f r am f r om be aduwe bat t l e (mas .Dat . ) l e・ ・ f r om t hebat t (26) Oddan be ar n (Gen.Sg. ) s on (neut .Nom.Pl . ) ・ t hes onsofOdda・ (27) Eal l al l eor e ys mi n ear t h i s mi ne (l f r i cExodusxi x5 (OED)) t hi smi ne・ ・ al lt heear (28) be s uan Te mes e by s out h Thames (CP3,18) ・ t hes out hoft heThames ・ (29) hol t es wood (neut .Gen. s g. ) on ende on end (mas . ) ・ att heedgeofawood・ (30) on ont o beor g mount ai n (mas .Acc. ) ・ ont oamount ai n・ (cf .Mi t chel landRobi ns on1992, 107, Pyl esandAl geo1993, 128.Theexampl esf r om(24)t o (26)and (29) (30)ar ef r om Mi t chel landRobi ns on. ) I n (27)or (28)t hedef i ni t ear t i cl et hei sneces s ar yi nPr es ent dayEngl i s hbecaus et heyr ef ert o er ,t hef or m er epl acedt hemas cul i ne s omet hi ngofwhi cht her ei sonl yonei nt hewor l d.Lat nomi nat i ves e :atf i r s ti nt heNor t her ndi al ectar ound950 .Thenomi nat i vemas cul i neandf emi e ohadbecomeeal mos tever ywher eby1300.Thi snew f or m ecamet obeus edasan ni nes ur alf or m a (t ho)wer e i nvar i abl edef i ni t ear t i c l et heaf t er1400.Theneut erf or m tandt hepl l ef tf ort hedemons t r at i vef unct i on.Fr om t heot herOl dEngl i s hdemons t r at i vee ( si s /e os ), t he arnomi nat i veaccus at i veneut ert hi scamet obeus edf oral ls i ngul arf unct i ons ,andanew s i ngul ngeasi nt hepl ur alofadj ect i ves . pl ur alf or m,t hi s eort he s eappear ed,t heendi Ther ei sanal t er nat i vevi ew oft hes i t uat i on, however .Thati s , s e /s e o/tandancoul dhave onedasbot har t i cl eanddemons t r at i ve/numer al ,whi l ePr es ent dayEngl i s hhasf or mer l y f unct i ween Ol dEngl i s h andPr es ent day s epar at ear t i cl es . Hence,t her ei snotmuch di f f er encebet Engl i s h.I ndeed, asJ ohnAnder s onpoi nt sout (p. c. ), exampl esi nwhi cht hos edemons t r at i vesar e i kear t i cl esar ef oundi nt heOl dEngl i s ht ext s .Lookatt hef ol l owi ngexampl e: us edl Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s (31) Wi 123 a bl egene,geni m ni gon a gr and . . .f t e, s Wi t h t he ul cer and . . . har d andni m a geol can and andt aket he yol ks and t ake ni ne eggs do t hwi t e aweg and whi t e away and he make t ・ Wi t ht heul cer , t akeni neeggsandboi lt hem har d, andt aket heyol ksandt aket hewhi t eaway( ・Me di c i nalr e c i pe sf r om Sweet1953) I nt hi sexampl e,ai sus edi naways i mi l art ot hear t i cl eofPr es ent dayEngl i s h.However ,as ndi nGe r mani cl anguagesdemons t r at i vesus ed Phi l l i ppi (1997:62 gues ,・ occas i onal l ywef i 93)ar i naways i mi l art ot hear t i cl eoft hemoder nGer mani cl anguages .I nmucht hes ameway,t her e r al sus edi nanar t i cl el i kemanner .However ,i twi l lbes hown ar ei ndef i ni t epr onounsandnume ,t hel at t er t hatt heus eoft hes epr onounsi ss or es t r i ct edt hatwec annotl abelt hem asar t i cl es act i ngasobl i gat or y def i ni t enes smar ker si nt hemoder n Ger mani cl anguages . ・Atwor s t ,my hel anguage.St i l l ,t hemai ncl ai mt hatt he cl ai msmus tber el at i vi z edt oyetear l i ers t agesoft obl i gat or ydet er mi ners ys t em emer gedi nt hehi s t or yoft hel anguagesi ss us t ai nabl e. edeal i ngwi t hachangef r om ones t aget ot henext ,s ot hat ,att he Wes houl dnot et hatwear kewi s e, l i nki ngs t age,t her es i duef r om t hepr evi ousgr ammar si snotexcl udedf r om t hedat a.Li t heear l i es texampl espr oducedbynew gr ammar smayc oexi s twi t ht heexampl esf r om t heol der nval i dat et hecl ai mt hatt her ei s gr ammar s .Howe ver ,t hepr es enceofs uchmi xeddat adoesnoti at r ans i t i onf r om s t ageA t oB.Tr augot t , (1972:86)s ayst hatwedoi ndeedf i ndaf ew i ns t ances ch ar edi f f i cul tt oi nt er pr etast henumer al ,never t hel es s ,i twasmany ofOl dEngl i s h anwhi cent ur i esbef or ei tcamet obeus edasi nNE( i . e.Pr es ent dayEngl i s h). spoi nt ,wes houl dal s odr aw at t ent i ont ot hedat esoft het ext sci t ed.Themedi ci nal Att hi ugges t ,t her e r eci peexampl e (31)i sf r om t he11t hcent ur y.AsQui r kandWr enn (1955:7071)s i sadi f f er encei nt heus eofs eacr os st het i me:i toccur r edmai nl yi nl at eOl dEngl i s hpr os e. t ert henomi nalt omeanal one , onl y, al t houghancoul d I nt heexampl ebel ow, anwaspl acedaf al s obepl acedpr enomi nal l y.I nt hi scas e,t her ewasof t ennoagr eementbet weenanandt he ant ecedentnoun.Thati s ,i tmi ghtbebei ngus edasanadver b: (32) heanawsonl ande (Mar k6,47) ・ heal onewasont hel and・ (33) one namanannewel uf odon (CP5,7) ・ wel ovedt henameonl y・ 2. 3.Cas easabi nder I nt hi ss ect i on,wewi l ls eehow r ef er ent i alar gumentpos i t i onscoul dbeboundbymor phoei nl anguageswi t houtaD s ys t em.Whatf ol l owsdi r ect l yf r om t het abi ndi ngi st hat l ogi calcas hepos i t i oni sdi s char gedby whenmor phol ogi calc as edi s t i nct i onsar epr es enti nal anguage,t t het amar ki ng.Ther ei snoneedf ors ynt act i ct het abi ndi ng.Ther ef or e,noDs ys t em i sneces toft hedemi s eofmor phol ogi calcas edi s t i nct i onsandt hechangei nt hecas e s ar y.Asar es ul ed,aswedi s cus sbel ow, s ys t em f r om bei ngmor phos emant i cal l ybas edt obei ngs t r uct ur al l ybas 124 文学部紀要 第 72号 t het abi ndi nghasbecomene ces s ar y. Onet hi ngIs houl dmakecl eari st hatt het abi ndi ngi s oj ect i on.Ther ef or e,t hef ol l owi ng ef f ect edonl ybyanel ementat t acheddi r ect l yt oanomi nalpr i snotpos s i bl e: (34) * N X X N cas e akencar e I nt heabs enceofaDs ys t em,t het as kofi dent i f yi ngt her ef er ent i al i t yofanomi nali st ofbymor phol ogi calcas eont heheadnounsi nOl dEngl i s h.Cas eaf f i xesat t achedt oheadnouns canbi ndt heRef er ent i alr ol e. (35) Ol dEngl i s h s t anum NP1* N 1* N 1 cas eaf f i x s t an um(dat i ve,pl ur al ) (Os awa2000:63) gument sofpr edi c at esi ft heyar ecas emar kedi nOl dEngl i s h.What Thati s , nounscanbecomear t st hemat i cal l ymot i vat ed madet hi spos s i bl ei st hel exi cal t hemat i cnat ur eofOl dEngl i s handi cas es ys t em.Thel exi cal t hemat i cnat ur emeanst hatal lcons t i t uent si nagi venl anguagebel ong i es (i . e.NP,VP,AP),andal ls i s t erc ons t i t uent sar et hemat i cal l yi nt er r el at ed. t ol exi calcat egor vel oponl yl i mi t edl yi ns ucha Funct i onalcat egor i ess uchasDP,CP,orTPdonotexi s torde l anguage.Onei ns t ant i at i onoft hi snat ur ei samor phos emant i ccas es ys t em. s i gnedt oat hemat i cal l yr el at edNP.Mor phol ogi cal I nOl dEngl i s h, mor phol ogi calcas ewasas cas ewascl os el yr el at edt ot het hemat i cr ol esofnouns .I nPr es ent dayEngl i s ht het hemat i cr ol e ofs ubj ectoft hever bl i keunde r gomeani ng・ t obear ・ , ・ t os uf f er ・ , i snotAgent , butPat i ent .St i l l , t he s i gnednomi nat i vecas e.Li ket hi s ,t her ei snomot i vat ed s ubj ectoft heve r bunde r gocanbeas r el at i onbet we ent hemat i cr ol esands ynt act i ccas esi nPr es ent dayEngl i s h.Ther emaybea manyt omanyr el at i ons hi pbet weens t r uct ur alcas esandt hemat i cr ol es .What everi t st hemat i c ,nomi nat i vecas ecanbeas s i gnedt ot hes ubj ect .However , r ol ei s ,Agent ,Pat i ent ,orExper i encer i i nal exi cal t hemat i cl anguagel i keOl dEngl i s h,mor phol ogi calcas ewasas s i gnedt oat hemat cal l yr el at edNP.Then, t heNPwi t ht hes emant i cr ol eofExper i encert endedt ober eal i z edast he .Undert hi scas es ys t em,acons t i t uenti s dat i veNPobj ect ,r at hert hanast henomi nat i ves ubj ect l i cens edt ooccuri nagi venar gumentpos i t i ononl yi fi ti sas s i gnedanappr opr i at et het ar ol e. gument sbyt het ar ol eas s i gnmentonl y, andt het ar ol esar eexpr es s edi nt he Nounscanbecomear ss uf f i ci entf oraNPt obeanar gument . f or m ofmor phol ogi calcas e: mor phol ogi calcas emar ki ngi 2. 4.Thedemi s eofcas emor phol ogyandt heemer genceofaDs ys t em I nt hepr evi ouss ect i on,wehaveobs er vedhow r ef er ent i alar gumentpos i t i onscanbebound Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s 125 bymor phol ogi calcas e.Themor phol ogi calcas edi s t i nct i onsdecayedi nmanyl anguagesand y. s ynt act i ct het abi ndi ngbyaDs ys t em becameneces s ar Ipr opos et hatachangei nt hecas es ys t em f r om as emant i c bas edt oas t r uct ur albas edone evel i ngofi nf l ect i onalendal s opl ayedani mpor t antr ol ei nt heemer genceofaDs ys t em.Thel i ngshadal r eadybeguni nOl dEngl i s h, andbyt hee ar l yMi ddl eEngl i s hper i odmanyOl dEngl i s h nct i onswe r el os t .Mor phol ogi calcas ecoul dnotper f or mt het as kofi dent i f yi ng i nf l ect i onaldi s t i e.Thet hemat i cal l y t heRef er ent i alr ol eofnounsandt ur ni ngt he mi nt oar gument sanymor mot i vat edc as es ys t em decayedand, s ubs equent l yaf unct i onalDs ys t em hasdevel opedt odot he phol ogi calcas eal r eadypr ogr es s edt oacons i der abl e s amej obi nEngl i s h.Thedemi s eofmor ound1400. ext entdur i ngt heMi ddl eEngl i s hper i od.Thedef i ni t ear t i cl et hemaybees t abl i s hedar Thankst ot hee mer gentD,new nomi nalcons t r uct i onswe r emadepos s i bl e.Forexampl e, and・ swi f ear enotpos s i bl ewi t houtaDgr oupgeni t i vecons t r uct i onss uchast heki ngofEngl s ys t em, s i ncei nt hi scons t r uct i onanot herDPoccur si n [Spec, DP]pos i t i on.AsHamas aki (2003) , i fweas s umet hatt hegeni t i vef or m wasr eanal yz edasaDhead, wecaneas i l ye xpl ai nt hi s ar gues i nnovat i on. 3.Thenat ur eoff unct i onalcat egor i es I nt hepr evi ouss ect i ons ,Ihaveobs er vedt hatt henat ur eofar t i cl esi saf unct i onalcat egor y nt hi ss ect i on,Idi s cus st henat ur eoff unche adD,whi che mer gedi nEngl i s hr at herr ecent l y.I t i onalcat egor i es ,whi chi sr el at edt ot hedi f f i cul t yofl ear ni ngt heEngl i s har t i cl es ys t em ment i onedabove.Whyar et hef unct i onalcat egor i esdi f f i cul tf orf or ei gnl ear ner st ol ear n? I nor der unct i onalcat egor i esar e. t oans we rt hi sques t i on,wemus texami newhatt hef AsAbney (1987)ar gues ,t henat ur eoff unct i onalcat egor i esi smul t i f acet ed.Ihaveenumer act or sbel ow,bas edonAbney (1987:64f . ): at edi mpor t antf (36) 1. Funct i onalel ement scons t i t ut ecl os edl exi calcl as s es . egene r al l yphonol ogi cal l yandmor phol ogi cal l ydependent . 2. Funct i onalel ement sar cal l y Theyar es t r es s l es s ,of t encl i t i csoraf f i xes ,ands omet i me sevenphonol ogi nul l . 3. Funct i onalel ement sper mi tonl yonecompl ement , whi chi si ngener alnotanar gu) ment . (Theys el ectI P,VP,NP,butnotCP,PP,andDP. 4. Funct i onalel eme nt sar eus ual l yi ns epar abl ef r om t hei rcompl ement s . i ccont r i but i oni s 5. Funct i onalel eme nt sl ack・ des cr i pt i vecont ent ・ .Thei rs emant s econdor der , r egul at i ngorcont r i but i ngt ot hei nt er pr et at i onoft hei rcompl ement . at i onalf eat ur es ,r at hert hanpi cki ngoutac l as sof Theymar kgr ammat i calorr el obj ect s . Noneoft hes epr oper t i esar ecr i t er i ali ndeci di ngwhet heranel ementi sl exi cal (t hemat i c)or f unct i onal , al t houghAbneys ayst hatt hef i nalchar act er i s t i ci si ns omes ens et hec r uci alone.But , 126 文学部紀要 第 72号 eachoft hes epr oper t i escons t i t ut e sat endency.Notal loft hes epr oper t i esneedt obes har edby al lf unct i onalcat egor i es . hatOl dEngl i s hdemons t r at i vesar enotaf unct i onalD.TheOl dEngl i s h Wehavear guedt i onof demons t r at i veswhi chhavebeenobs er vedabovemadeani mpor t ants emant i ccont r i but t hei rown.Thes edemons t r at i veswer eus edt odenot eaper s onorat hi ngpoi nt edoutorpr es ent t her mor e,al t hought heus eofanors um dei ct i cal l y,andat t ent i onwasdi r ect edont ot hem.Fur i sr ar e, whent heyar eus ed, t heyme ans omet hi ngmor et hanj us t・ one ( ・cf . Mi t chel landRobi ns on, 1992): (37) anmg・ acer t ai nt r i be・ (38) s um mon・ acer t ai nman・ ,andcanSe condl y,Abneys ayst hatar t i cl esar es t r i ct l yi ns epar abl ef r om t hei rcompl ement notoccurwi t houtt hem ase xempl i f i edi n (39). (39) a.Is aw t he/a* (boy). b.* Thei sagr eatki ng. henounornomi nalel ement s , However ,demons t r at i vesi nOl dEngl i s hwer enotdependentont butt heywe r ei ndependentl exi calel ement s .Theevi dencet os how t hi scomesf r om t hef actt hat edasdemons t r at i vepr onounswi t houtt hecompanyofnomi nal s . t heywe r eus t r at i ves Thef eat ur esenumer at edbyAbney (1987)s t r ongl ys ugges tt hatOl dEngl i s hdemons s uchass e /s e owe r enotaf unct i onalcat egor y,butal exi calcat egor y. nl yf unct i onalcont entandf or m Li ket hi s ,f unct i onalcat egor i esar eas s umedt ohavemai cl os edcl as s es .Ther ei snoagr eementonhow manyf unct i onalcat egor i eswes houl dpos i ti n ei swi deagr eementont hepr es enceofDP,CP,andTP/I P.Car ei s l anguages ,al t hought her neededwhenwepos i tt hei nvi s i bl eori nact i veel ement si nl anguages .If ol l ow t hepr opos al s ai ns s on (1996)andFukuiandSakai (2003).FukuiandSakai (2003:329)ar guet hat madebyThr nal anguage,butt heyar enotact i ve,whatdoest hei r ・ i ft hef unct i onalcat egor i esar epr es enti exi s t enceme an exact l y? ・They pr opos e・ TheVi s i bi l i t y Gui del i nef orFunct i onalCat egor i es ・ ongs i mi l arl i neswi t hThr ai ns s on (1996). al (40) TheVi s i bi l i t yGui del i nef orFunct i onalCat egor i es (i . e.det ect abl e)i nt hepr i mar yl i ngui s t i cdat a. Af unct i onalcat egor yhast obevi s i bl e (FukuiandSakai2003:327) Thr ai ns s on (1996)ar guest hatl anguagesmayvar ywi t hr es pectt ot hef unct i onalcat egor i es t heyhave,andpr opos est her ealMi ni mal i s tPr i nci pl e:・ As s umeonl yt hos ef unct i onalcat egor i es vi dencef or ・ . t hatyouhavee I nt hecas eofPr es ent dayEngl i s hDP,vi s i bl eel ement ss uchasa/an,t he,ar epr es entand i s hi sc onf i r med.Cons i der i ngt hedi f f i cul t yoft hePr es ent day t hen,t hepr es enceofDPi nEngl ant ,whi chi sr epeat ed Engl i s hdet er mi ne rs ys t em,Is ugges tt hatt hef i f t hf eat ur ei smos ti mpor t bel ow: Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s 127 5. Funct i onalel ement sl ack・ des cr i pt i vecont ent ・ .Thei rs emant i ccont r i but i oni ss econdpr et at i onoft hei rcompl ement .Theymar k or der ,r egul at i ngorcont r i but i ngt ot hei nt er gr ammat i calorr el at i onalf eat ur es ,r at hert hanpi cki ngoutacl as sofobj ect s . Thati s , t hef unct i onofDPi sgr ammat i calr at hert hans emant i c, andJ apanes el ear ner sofEngl i s h r ect l y.Aswehaveobs er ved ar er equi r edt ounder s t andt hi si nor dert ous eEngl i s har t i cl escor i nt hepr evi ouss e ct i ons , t hePr es ent dayEngl i s hDPi sas ynt act i cneces s i t yandappear edass uch i s hper i od.I ti sver ydi f f i cul tf orJ apanes el ear ner st ounde r s t andt hi ss ys t em i nt heMi ddl eEngl hes t r uct ur esoft hel anguage f ul l y.Is uppos et hatJ apanes el ear ner sus emeani ngt odi s covert t hatt heyar el ear ni ng (s ees emant i cboot s t r appi ngpr opos edbyPi nker1984), aschi l dr enwhoar e r i ngEngl i s hast hei rL1dos o.Theknowl edgeofs emant i cshel psi nacqui r i ngs ynt ax.I ti s acqui i s h)af unct i onalDi sal s os uppos edt oeme r ge s ugges t i vet hati nf i r s tl anguageacqui s i t i on (Engl l at er (Br own1973).Thi ss ugges t st hatt hef unct i onalD i snoteas yf orEngl i s hchi l dr ent oace,ei t her .I nt er es t i ngl y,t hechi l d・ se ar l ygr ammat i caldevel opmentcanbedes cr i bedast he qui r d1990).Asi swe l lknown,t hechi l d・ sf i r s tl anac qui s i t i onofgr ammat i calc at egor i es (Radf or guagedevel opmenti sdi vi dedi nt ot hef ourmai ns t ages : (41)(ⅰ) pr el i ngui s t i cs t age 0~12mont hs wor ds t age (ⅱ) one- 12~18mont hs (ⅲ) ear l ymul t i wor ds t age 18~24mont hs (ⅳ) l at ermul t i wor ds t age 24~30mont hs oci at epar t i cul ars oundss equenceswi t hpar t i cul ar Att heonewor ds t agechi l dr enbegi nt oas s e concept s .Theypr oducef i r s twor ds .However ,att hi ss t aget hewor dspr oducedbychi l dr enar acat egor i al ,t hati s ,t heyhavenogr ammat i calpr oper t i es .Chi l dr enpr oceedt ot het wowor d egor i esonl y.Thes t agei nvol vi ngf unc(ear l ymul t i wor d)s t agewhi chcons i s t sofl exi calcat l y t i onalcat egor i esi naddi t i ont ol exi calcat egor i e scomesaf t ert hi ss t age.Thes t r uct ur esofear chi l dgr ammar sar oundt heageof24mont hs (+/- 20%)l ackaf unct i onalcat egor yD,andi t s t spr oj ect i onNP,butnoDP.Ther er el at eds ynt act i cphenomena.Thati s ,t her ei sonl yN,andi f or e,t heabs enceofDPsandt heabs enceofr e l at edphenomenaar eexpect edi nt heacqui s i t i on tt hi spr edi ct i on (Radf or d1990:8384): dat a.Theexampl ess uppor (42) a.Wher ehel i copt er ? /He r ehel i copt er . /Wher ebee? (St ef an17mont hs ) . /Wantc ar b.Opendoor ./Wantbal l (St ef an19) c.Opencan. /Openbox. /Eatcooki e (Al l i s on22) i s h. NounsorNPscanoccuri npl aceswher eDPsar eexpect edi nt hecor r es pondi ngadul tEngl Theabs enceofdet er mi ner si nt heaboveexampl esl eadst oungr ammat i cal i t yi nt headul tgr amt i esr el at edt ot hel exi calcat egor yN, whi l et hei r mar s .Li ket hi s , chi l dr enacqui r es emant i cpr oper gr ammar sl ackphenomenai nvol vi ngDP.Al t houghi tneedsmor eel abor at edi s cus s i onbef or e l udi ngt hatchi l dr en・ sear l ys peechi sor gani z edpur el ys emant i cal l y,i ti ss af el ys ai dt hat conc sal s or el yons emant i cbas edgr ammarwhen chi l dr enr el yons emant i ccues .J apanes el ear ner t heyar el ear ni ngEngl i s h. lent i t i esar edi f f i cul tt o Fur t her mor e,al t houghar guabl y,Is ugges tt hatt hephonol ogi calnul 128 文学部紀要 第 72号 acqui r e,t houghi ti spos s i bl e (cf .Machi da1999 ).I ti spoi nt edoutt hatf unct i onalel ement sar e cal l ydependent .Theyar es t r es s l es s ,of t encl i t i csor gener al l yphonol ogi cal l yandmor phol ogi es ent day af f i xes , ands omet i mesevenphonol ogi cal l ynul l .Aswehaveobs er vedi nc hapt er2aPr Engl i s hD headcanbeanul ldet er mi ner .Thephonol ogi calnul lel ement si ns econdl anguage tne edsmuchcl os erexami nat i onofacqui s i t i onf act s . l ear ni ngar enoteas yt oacqui r e,al t houghi 4.Japanes e I nc hapt er1,wehaveobs er vedt heef f ectofL1i nt er f er encei nt hear t i cl eus ageer r or smade hi sL1i nt er f er encei sr el at edt ot henat ur eof byJ apanes es t udent s .I nt hi schapt er ,Icl ai mt hatt (1995) t heJ apanes el anguage.Thati s ,t heJ apanes el anguagel acksf unct i onalcat egor i es .Fukui ar guest hatJ apanes el ackst hef unct i onalcat egor i esCandD,al t houghi tmayhaveadef ect i veI , eat ur e.I ti sawel l es t abl i s hedf actt hatJ apanes edoesnot whi chcont ai nsnor el evantagr eementf escanoccurf r eel y havet hee qui val ent sofEngl i s har t i cl ess uchasaort he .Thus ,nounphr as wi t houtbei ngacc ompani edbyanyt hi ng,i r r e s pect i veofdi f f er encesi nnounss uchas・ count ur al : abl e・ ,or・ mas s ・ ,ands i ngul arorpl (43) a.J ohnga J ohnnomi nat i ve hono kat t a bookaccus at i ve bought ohn boughtt he Li t er alt r ans l at i on ・ J ohn boughtbook= J ohn boughtabook/J book. ・ cf .* J ohnboughtbook (Pr es ent dayEngl i s h) b.J ohnga t akus anno hono many book kat t a on・ J ohnboughtmanybook= J ohnboughtmanybooks . ・ Li t er alt r ans l at i c.J ohnga mi z uo nonda wat er accus at i ve dr ank ・ J ohndr ankwat er ・ d.J ohnga t akus anno o nonda mi z u- much ・ J ohndr ankmuchwat er . ・ A candi dat ef oraf unct i onalheadDi nJ apanes emi ghtbeacl as sofdemons t r at i vess uchaskono no・ t hatovert her e・ , ands ono・ t hat , t he・ .However , t heybehavel i kepr enomi nalmodi f i er s , ・ t hi s ・ , anmeani ng: kononeart hes peaker , s ononeart hehear er r at hert hanaDhead.Theyar edi f f er enti ul t s anoawayf r om bot hoft hem.Theycancooccurwi t hot herpr enomi nalel ement sgi vi ngr es par al l elt o・ J ohn・ st hatcar ・ ,asi n (44a),andmor ei mpor t ant l y,anocanbedi s pens edwi t hasi n ms el vesasar gument sl i ke (44d): (44b,c).Thevar i antf or mscans t andbyt he (44) a.Tomga Tom b.Tomga Tom J ohnno ano kur umao kat t a J ohn・ s car bought t hat kur umao kat t a car bought Thedi achr oni cdevel opmentofEngl i s hnomi nal s c.Kur umaga Car d.Ar ega That Nom. 129 kos yoos i t a br okedown wat as i no i e des u myGen. hous e i s ・ Thati smyhous e・ act i cphenomenas uchasmodal s ,dos uppor t , Concer ni ngt heIs ys t em,whi chi nvol vess ynt s i oni n s ubj ect ver bagr eement , (s ynt act i c)nomi nat i vecas eas s i gnment ,ands ubj ect Auxi nver Pr es ent day Engl i s h,al loft hes epr oper t i esar el acki ngi nJ apanes e. Dos uppor tandmodal s bswhi char edi s t i ngui s heds ynt act i cal l yf r om (wher ebymodal s ,Imeanas epar at ecl as sofver l exi calver bs )ar es i mpl yl acki ngi nJ apanes e.Ands ubj ect ver bagr eementi sl i kewi s eabs ent r om J apanes easwel l ,s i ncei nt hi sl anguaget her ear enodevi cest oe xpr es s・ f eat ur es . f l yofwhet hert hes enNomi nat i vecas eas s i gnment (gamar ki ng)t akespl acei ndependent t encei st ens edornot .Thi st ot all ackoft her el evantpr oper t i ess t r ongl yi ndi cat est henononalcat egor yI /Ti nJ apanes e.Thus , ・ t ens emor pheme s ・l i ket a (pas t )and pr es e nceoft hef unct i egor yI /T,butar epar tofaver bal r u (pr es ent /nonpas t )i nJ apanes edonotf or m as ynt act i ccat head;andJ apanes es ent encesar ebas i cal l ypr oj ect i onsofV,r at hert hant hos eofI /T. (cf .Fukui 1995,10819). Bas edont heevi dencedi s cus s e dabove,wecanconcl udet hatt heJ apanes el anguagel acks nceofDPf ol l ows .Thi sabs encedef i ni t el yaf f ect sJ apaf unct i onalcat egor i esandt hen,t heabs e nt er f er ence nes el ear ner sofEngl i s h.Thi sl ackoff unct i onalcat egor i esi sanot heras pectofL1i i ns econdl anguageacqui s i t i on. 5.Concl us i on I nt hi spaper , wehaveobs er vedt hataf unct i onalDs ys t em wasabs enti near l i erEngl i s hl i ke act i cdevi cet ocompens at ef or Ol dEngl i s handt heD s ys t em eme r gedl at eri nEngl i s hasas ynt t hel os sofmor phol ogi calcas e.Thes ynt act i cDPi sanew comert ot heEngl i s hl anguage.The t em i ss econdar yandt hen, i ti snoteas yf orl anguagel ear ner st o s emant i ccont r i but i onofaDs ys i cc ues .Thedi f f i acqui r e,s i ncel anguagel ear ner sandc hi l dr enar emor edependentons emant cul t yofaDs ys t em i si nher enti ni t snat ur e. *Thi swor ki ss uppor t edbyGr ant i nAi df orSci ent i f i cRe s ear chofJ apanSoci et yf orPr omot i onofSci ence No. 15K02614. 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