TOKYO 2015 November 17 / 18, 2015 Part 1 - November 17 (whole day) Recent developments in patent prosecution and litigation in Europe and the US Part 2 - November 18 (am) The European Patent Package: Unitary Patent and UPC Special Part 3 - November 18 (pm) Life Science IP Special ACADEMY HILLS • アカデミーヒルズ ROPPONGI HILLS MORI TOWER 49F • 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49階 greetings ご挨拶 The European Patent Package is expected to come into force in 2017. At the same time, the EPO continues to create new challenges. Some applicants therefore consider more thoroughly whether national IP rights are a suitable alternative to European patents. The system will become more complex and provide new strategic options after establishment of the Unified Patent Court. In the United States, the patent eligibility of computer-related and biotechnology inventions continues to evolve. The US Patent Office continues to play an important role in patent litigation in the United States and new proposed rules of practice before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board seek to increase the efficiency and quality of PTAB decisions. In view of these developments and new case law impacting patent practice it seems increasingly important to have a clear perspective and thorough knowledge of the relevant systems, to be able to decide on the best strategy . This year’s CPPC seminar will provide you with that knowledge and insight for Europe and the US. The first seminar day (Nov. 17) will provide an update on the most relevant patent law developments in general. In view of the forthcoming implementation of the European Patent Package, we will dedicate the morning of the second day (Nov. 18) to the Unitary Patent and the UPC. In the afternoon of the second day, we will focus on IP issues of particular interest for the life sciences industries. As in the past years, in addition to comparative views of the situation in the U.S. and Europe, expert comments from a Japanese perspective will be provided. Simultaneous interpretation into Japanese will be provided throughout both days. 欧州では、欧州特許パッケージが2017年中にも導入される見込みです。一 方で、欧州特許庁は新たな挑戦となる課題を絶え間なく作り出しています。 このため出願人は、欧州特許に代わるものとしての各国での知的財産権の 重要性をより真剣に検討する傾向にあります。 また、統一特許裁判所の設立 後には、制度がより複雑化して新たな戦略オプションが生じます。 米国では、コンピュータ関連やバイオテクノロジー関連の発明の特許性に 関する新しい議論が次々と展開されています。米国の特許訴訟においては、 米国特許庁がいまだ重要な役割を果たしており、米国特許審判部(PTAB)に 対して新たに実務上の規範を提示して、PTABの判断の効率化及び質の向上 を図っています。 このような最近の動きや特許実務に影響を与える判例を見ると、最良の特 許戦略の決定のためには、明確な目標と関連する制度に関する詳しい知識 が非常に重要であることが分かります。 このため、本年度のCPPCセミナーで は、欧州と米国に関する情報と考察をご紹介させていただく予定です。 セミナー初日 (11月17日)には、特許法に関する最新の動きについて全般的 に取り上げます。 二日目(11月18日)午前の部では、予定される欧州特許パッケージの導入を 背景に、欧州単一効特許と欧州統一裁判所に焦点を当てて講演を行います。 また、二日目午後の部の講演では、 ライフサイエンス業界における知財問題 を中心に解説を致します。 セミナーでは、欧米の比較的見地からのレクチャーに加え、 日本の視点から の専門家のコメントも入ります。 両日を通じて講演には日英の同時通訳をご用意しております。 なお、11月17日には、セミナー後にレセプションディナー(会場:51階六本木 ヒルズクラブ)をご用意しております。多くの皆さまのご参加をお待ちしてお ります。 On the evening of Nov. 17, all seminar participants are invited to the CPPC Reception at the Roppongi Hills Club (51st floor). conference venue 会場ご案内 Academy Hills Roppongi Hills Mori Tower 49F 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel: +81 (0)3-6406-6220 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49階 • アカデミーヒルズ 〒106-6108 東京都港区六本木6-10-1 Tel: (03) 6406-6220 Subway 地下鉄 Roppongi Station – Hibiya Line Exit 1C (3 min) 日比谷線「六本木駅」1C出口徒歩3分 (コンコースにて直結) Azabu-Juban Station – Nanboku Line Exit 4 (12 min) 南北線「麻布十番」4出口徒歩12分 Roppongi Station – O-Edo Line Exit 3 (6 min) 大江戸線「六本木駅」3出口徒歩6分 Azabu-Juban Station – O-Edo Line Exit 7 (9 min) 大江戸線「麻布十番」7出口徒歩9分 contact お問合せ先 CPPC Office c/o German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (Ms. Inui) Sanbancho KS Bldg. 5F, 2-4 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan 在日ドイツ商工会議所内 CPPC事務局(担当:乾) 〒102-0075 東京都千代田区三番町2-4, 三番町KSビル5F Tel: +81 (3) 5276-8826, Fax: +81 (3) 5276-8736 Email: [email protected] november 17 ( tue) November 17 (whole day) – Part 1 Recent developments in patent prosecution and litigation in Europe and the US 8:30 Registration / 受付 9:00 Welcome / 開会のご挨拶 9:05 Clarity and Disclaimers 明瞭性と除くクレーム When can you attack a patent for lack of clarity in EPO opposition proceedings? And what can you do if your disclaimer is found unclear - can you then disclaim more? Two new EPO decisions have enhanced clarity about these controversial issues. In the US, the Supreme Court’s decision in Nautilis set a new standard for determining whether a patent claim is “indefinite,” and the Federal Circuit’s recent en banc decision in Williamson set a new standard for functional claiming. We will examine the impacts of these decisions and provide practice tips for addressing them. 9:50 Protecting Priority in Europe 欧州における優先権に関する問題 EPO rules on priority can surprise international applicants. Even before an application reaches the EPO, decisions made during the priority year can affect the validity of the priority right. In this talk, we provide practical advice to protect your priority right in Europe. 10:15 Design Patents in US 米国における意匠特許 Japan and the United States joined the Hague Agreement on Industrial Designs on May 13, 2015 permitting Japanese companies to file single design patent applications covering multiple jurisdictions, including the United States. This presentation will focus on practical tips for achieving strong design patent protection in the United States, including the effective use of broken lines to maximize patent scope, strategies for claiming multiple embodiments of varying scope, and claiming color. The presentation also will address how Japanese companies can protect their designs through product configuration trademarks when their design patents expire. 10:40 – 11:10 Coffee Break / 休憩 11:10 Saving Time and Costs in Patent Prosecution 特許権利化における時間と費用の削減 Managing a global patent portfolio can be time-consuming and expensive. We will review strategies available for expediting patent prosecution in US and for saving time and costs at the EPO. 11:55 Means of Evidence and Burden of Proof at the EPO and in the US 欧州と米国における証拠方法と立証責任 Strategic aspects based on case law are presented, which help to make your case at the EPO strong. In the US, the burden of proof is an important consideration in choosing venues for resolving disputes due the variations between the Patent Office and Courts. 12:40 – 13:45 Lunch / 昼食 (Roppongi Hills Club) 13:45 Update on Computer-implemented Inventions コンピューター利用発明に関する最新情報 Discussion of patent eligibilty of computer related inventions in the US after Alice decision and subsequent Patent Office Guidance. With its decision Bildstrom (Image Stream) the German Federal Court of Justice has increased the chances of obtaining patent protection for inventions in the field of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). The talk will explain the changes. Furthermore, changes to the Guidelines for Examination at the EPO regarding Computer Implemented Inventions (CIIs) will be presented. 14:25 FRAND Defense in Europe after the CJEU Judgment Huawei v. ZTE ファーウェイ対ZTE事件に関する欧州司法裁判所判決後の欧州 におけるFRAND抗弁 In July, the Court of Justice for the European Union passed the long awaited judgment on the FRAND defense. The court introduced new rules on how Standard-Essential Patents can be enforced and what standard implementers will have to do to prevent an injunction. We will look at the lessons to be learned from this judgment for patentees and alleged infringers and how this will impact future patent litigation in Europe. 14:50 Claim Construction in US after Supreme Court decision in Teva Pharmaceuticals テバ製薬事件に関する連邦最高裁判決後の米国におけるクレ ーム解釈 Discussion of impact of Supreme Court decision in Teva Pharmaceuticals on claim construction in US which enhances the discretion of the trial court Judge and thus the importnace of a strong evidentiary presentation on claim terms at trial. 15:15 – 15:45 Coffee Break / 休憩 15:45 Inducement and Divided Infringement 侵害への教唆と複数者による侵害 We will look at enforcement of patents when infringing activities are performed by more than one party in view of recent decision on divided infringement by CAFC in Akamai and decisions by the German Federal Court of Justice and the HRC Karlsruhe. 16:30 Litigation Case Study: Actavis vs. Eli Lily 侵害訴訟のケーススタディ: Actavis vs. Eli Lily Actavis and Eli Lilly have been locked since 2012 in intensely fought disputes before the UK and German courts. The case illustrates the chances and challenges of multi-national patent litigation in Europe and addresses interesting issues of equivalent and indirect infringement. We will also address the case study from a US perspective. 17:15 Q&A and Panel discussionn Q&A / パネルディスカッション How to become an IP World Champion in view of the various new challenges? 18:00 Reception Dinner / レセプション (Roppongi Hills Club) november 18 ( wed) November 18 (am) – Part 2 November 18 (pm) – Part 3 The European Patent Package – Life Science Special Unitary Patent and UPC Special 8:30 Registration / 受付 9:00 Approaching the Introduction of the European Patent Package – What you need to know now 欧州特許パッケージ導入に備えて今知っておくべきこと The European Patent Package (EPP) may well be implemented by end of 2016 or early 2017. It’s time to prepare for it. This lecture lays the foundations. 9:30 Mock Consultation: Litigation strategies 訴訟戦略に関する模擬コンサルティング How to exploit the new options of the EPP? The discussed scenarios will demonstrate the pros and cons of UPC litigation vs. national litigation. 10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break / 休憩 11:15 Portfolio Management in View of the Forthcoming European Patent Package 欧州特許パッケージを考慮したポートフォリオマネージメント Once the UPC will come into force, central and national enforcement will coexist, as well as central and national patent applications will remain alternative ways for obtaining protection. This session will discuss and hint at possible ways to maximize protection and at possible combined strategies to that effect, while also reviewing certain peculiarities of different industries and technical fields. The implications for possible defendants and licensees will also be addressed. 11:40 Panel Discussion: Best strategies and how to prepare for the Unitary Patent and the UPC パネルディスカッション: 欧州単一効特許導入と欧州統一裁判所 設立に向けての最善の戦略 12:00 Q&A . 12:30 – 13:20 Lunch / 昼食 (Roppongi Hills Club) 13:20 The Newest Case Law in Europe on SPCs 欧州における特許延長制度(SPC)に関する最近の判例 A case law review of the jurisprudence on SPCs in Europe is provided, which shows you the possibilities to obtain SPC protection. 13:45 BioSimilars: Sandoz v. Amgen バイオシミラー: Sandoz v. Amgen Pathway to Biosimilar Approval, what notice has to be given to innovators, and when, is the subject from an impendign en banc hearing at the Federal Circuit. 14:10 Patentability of Antibodies: Current EPO Practice 抗体の特許性: 欧州特許庁における 最近の実務 Antibodies are of paramount economic and therapeutic importance. This talk focuses on ways of obtaining protection for antibody claims under the increasingly strict approach of the EPO. 14:35 Claim Drafting in a post-Myriad/Mayo/Akamai/ Ariosa World Myriad/Mayo/Akamai/Ariosa 事件後のクレーム作成 The impact of section 101 of the US Patent Act on claim drafting for bio-based inventions, and how to draft claims in order to avoid Section 101 rejections. 15:00 – 15:15 Coffee Break / 休憩 15:15 New Double Patenting Case Law in the US 二重特許に関する米国での最近の判例 Double Patenting in the US after CAFC decision in Searle v. Lupin – how the safe harbor provisions of Section 121 of the Patent Act apply (or don’t apply) to CIPs in the US. 15:40 Extended Second Medical Use Patents in Europe 欧州における第二医薬用途特許に関する最近の傾向 The Boards of Appeal have confirmed in recent decisions that “extended medical uses”, including patient collectives, dosage regimens or personalized medical applications can be patentable if they concern a “new clinical situation”. Where do we stand with such second medical use patents in Europe? 16:00 Enforcement of Pharmaceutical Patents 医薬特許の権利行使 What needs to be shown to be able to claim infringement of a pharmaceutical use claim? How do courts deal with skinny labeling and off-label use? We will also provide an overview of current pharma latent litigation in US. 16:45 Q&A 17:15 End of Conference / 閉会 speakers 講師 Michelle Baccelli ミケーレ・バッチェッリ Partner, Electrical Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich and Milano (Italy) Electrical Engineer, University of L’Aquila, Italy Former Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in Munich European Patent Attorney, Italian Patent Attorney Specialised in mobile communications, computers, and Internet technology Dr. Thorsten Bausch Dr. トーステン・バウシュ Partner & Co-head of Chemical Dept., Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Dr. rer. nat. (Chemistry), Dipl.-Chem., European and German Patent Attorney Specialized in chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech patents, in particular litigation, both cross-border and national Frequently involved in cases before the EPO, the German Federal Patent Court, the German Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice Lee C. Bromberg リー・ブロンバーグ Partner, IP Litigation, McCarter & English LLP (Boston, MA & New York, NY) Lead counsel in 50 + patent litigation cases J.D., Harvard Law School; M.A. Cornell, cum laude; B.A. Michigan, magna cum laude Former President of Boston Patent Law Association Admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, Court of Appeals for the Federal, 1st, 2d, and 4th Circuits, the International Trade Commission, and Courts throughout the United States Michael R. Friscia マイケル・フリシャ Partner, IP/IT Group, McCarter & English LLP (Newark, NJ) Bachelor of Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology; J.D. New York Law School Specializes in patent prosecution in mechanical and electrical arts Extensive IP litigation experience; Inter Partes Reexamination / Review; Mediation Adjunct Professor, Seton Hall Law School 1999 – 2006 Christopher Furlong クリストファー・フォーロング Partner, Mechanical Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich B.E., Mech. Eng, Univ. Coll. Dublin European Patent Attorney (1994), Cert. In IP Law, Univ. of London (1995), Chartered British Patent Attorney (2002) Frequent speaker on issues of European IP law Specialised in European prosecution and inter partes validy and infringement proceedings Mark D. Giarratana マーク・ジラターナ Partner, IP/IT Group, McCarter & English LLP (Hartford, CT) Admitted in New York, Connecticut, and to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office J.D., University of Connecticut School of Law, with honors; B.S.M.E., Catholic University Extensive experience in litigating patent and other IP cases in federal courts Advises clients on IP issues related to all aspects of patent, trademark and copyright procurement, litigation, licensing, and the negotiation of IP transactions Maneesh Gulati マニーシュ・グラティ Partner, IP/IT Group, McCarter & English LLP (New York, NY) J.D., Northwestern University School of Law, B.S. in Biochemistry and Political Science, University of Michigan Management and development of patent portfolios, including the drafting, filing and prosecution of patent applications in a variety of genomics, chemical, biotechnological, biomarker and mechanical fields Extensive experience in conducting due diligence and freedom to operate searches, in addition to preparation of opinion letters Dr. Mark A G Jones Dr. マーク・ジョーンズ Associate, Mechanical Engineering Department, Hoffmann Eitle, London DPhil (Physics) (Oxford University), European and Chartered British Patent Attorney Particular interests in applied physics, high-tech manufacturing and medical technology Legal opinions and advisory services with regard to both European and British law and practice Contentious and non-contentious matters before the European and British Patent Offices Dr. Matthias Kindler Dr. マティアス・キンドラー Partner & Co-head of Chemical Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Dr. rer. nat. (Chemistry), European and German Patent Attorney Specialized in chemical and pharmaceutical patents, in particular prosecution, opposition and appeal proceedings before the EPO, invalidation actions and infringement litigations Numerous cases in SPC matters before the German Federal Patent Court, the German Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice Basil S. Krikelis バズル・クリケリス Partner, IP/IT Group, McCarter & English, LLP (Wilmington, DE) J.D. John Marshall Law School; B.S. Purdue University Former molecular Biologist for the DuPont Company Patent professional experienced in patent and trademark prosecution, patent litigation (including Hatch-Waxman litigation), IP Licensing and due diligence, and patent estate management Advise clients on patent filing strategies such as scope filing, building patent “picket fences”, internal patent filing strategies and developing innovative approaches to generating income and business opportunities from patents and technological know how speakers 講師 Dr. Mieko Matsuzawa 松澤美恵子 Associate, Chemical Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Ph.D. , Materials Science & Eng., Johns Hopkins University; M.E. Tokyo Institute of Technology Work Experience at RIKEN (Wako, Japan) and JHU Applied Physics Laboratory (MD, USA) European Patent Attorney; Member, NY Bar and DC Bar Ryoichi Mimura 三村量一 Partner, Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu, Tokyo Attorney-at-Law (since August 2009), Judge (1979 – 2009) Presiding Judge of Tokyo District Court (Intellectual Property Division) Judge of the Intellectual Property High Court, Japan Publications and lectures on patent law in Japan and Germany Dr. Leo Polz Dr. レオ・ポルツ Partner, Biotechnology Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Dr. rer. nat. (Chemistry), European and German Patent Attorney Pharmaceutical and biotech patents, with a particular focus on patent litigation, opposition and appeal proceedings before the European and German Patent Offices Patent prosecution, legal opinions and due diligence work Litigation experience with patents involving vaccines, cell cultures, PCR, screening methods and hormones Dr. Dirk Schüssler-Langeheine Dr. ディルク・シュスラー=ランゲハイネ Partner & Co-head of Legal Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Attorney-at-Law (since 2000) Specialised in national and multi-jurisdictional patent litigation, licensing, competition law, contract law and arbitration Fluent in Japanese, Doctoral thesis on Japanese law on damages (2004) Publications and lectures on German, European and Japanese IP Law Dr. Georg Siegert Dr. ゲオルク・ズィーガート Partner, Electrical Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Diploma in Physics from the University of Ulm, Germany Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of the Armed Forces, Munich, Germany German Patent Attorney (1998), European Patent Attorney (1999) Specialised in semiconductors, mobile communications, computer, and Internet technology simultaneous translation 同時通訳 : Dr. Andreas Stefferl Dr. アンドレアス・シュテファル Partner, Biotechnology Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Dr. rer. nat. (Biology), European and German Patent Attorney Pharmaceutical and biotech patents, with a focus on patent prosecution, litigation, opposition and appeal proceedings before the European and German Patent Offices Dr. Clemens Tobias Steins Dr. クレメンス トビアス・シュタインス Partner, Legal Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Attorney at law since 1999 Specialized in IP contracts and transactional work, patent litigation Several years work experience at a law firm in Tokyo and counseling Japanese entities on European law Holger Stratmann ホルガー・シュトラートマン Partner & Co-head of Legal Department, Hoffmann Eitle, Munich Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law from King‘s College London (1996) Specialised in national and cross-border patent and unfair competition litigation, licensing and contract law, anti-counterfeiting and product piracy, coordination of EU-wide border seizure proceedings Publications and lectures on patent law, domain grabbing and product piracy Prof. Katsuya Tamai 玉井克哉 教授 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター教授(知的財産法) マックス・プランク国際知的財産法研究所客員研究員(1989 – 92) ジョージ・ワシントン大学ロー・スクール及び連邦巡回区担当 合衆国控訴裁判所客員研究員 (1999 – 2000) 慶應義塾大学特別招聘教授 政策研究大学院大学客員教授 Keith Toms キース・トムズ Partner, IP/IT Group, McCarter & English LLP (Boston, MA) J.D., Harvard Law School, B.A., Augustana College, summa cum An adept IP litigator, with extensive experience enforcing patents, trademarks, and copyrights, both in the federal courts and before administrative bodies, such as the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board Has litigated patents covering numerous technologies, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, computer software, pool products and sporting equipment Yumiko Hayashi · 林由美子 / Keiko Mihara · 三原恵子 / Junji Tomoda · 友田淳治
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