英語版DVDソフト在庫処分セール社会学分野 新年度・新学期応援キャンペーン。国内在庫品のため翌日出荷可能。有効期限:2016/6/30(木)午後三時まで。期間中でも、完売・販売終了となることがあります。2016/3/24 BVL商品番号 BVL41967 邦題:副題:主題/製品は輸入盤英語版DVDソフト 博物館展示のプロパガンダ:ホロコースト ジェノサイド CBS記者 のボブ・シーファーほか世界中のジャーナリストたち十人の専門家 による討議の記録 司会は、ニューヨーク大学アーサー・ミラー教 授。 会員数十五万人を擁するアメリカ心理学会の2011年大会で上 映された。十人のパネリストは:Panelists include Princeton University’s Danielle Allen; CNN’s Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour; the Honorable Irwin Cotler, M.P. and former justice minister of Canada; Michael Gerson, then a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; Bosnian journalist Kemal Kurspahic, author of Prime Time Crime: Balkan Media in War and Peace ; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum curator Steven Luckert; Westley Moore, formerly of the U.S. Department of State; Stephen Rapp, prosecutor for the Special Court for Sierra Leone; James P. Rubin, then world affairs commentator for Sky News; genocide documentarist J. B. Rutagarama; CBS News’ Chief Washington Correspondent Bob Schieffer; and Scott Straus, author of The Order of Genocide: Race, Power, and War in Rwanda. 制作年 分数 標準価格 (本体価格) 割引価格 (本体価格) Sandwiched between the fictional countries of Northland and Southland lies Midrain Province. Drawing upon a hypothetical situation involving mounting tensions between the Southlanders and the Midrainians, this seminar, moderated by then NYU professor Arthur Miller and filmed on location at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, explores the role of propaganda in situations where genocide is threatened and examines how the use of propaganda during the Holocaust era informs public reaction to its dissemination today. Compelling questions spark a crackling discussion with echoes of Rwanda, Bosnia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo as positions that seem clear in the abstract quickly become muddied by the reality of lives hanging in the balance. (52 minutes) 2008 49 ¥34,000 ¥23,800 Muncie, Indiana, is known to sociologists as Middletown and, since the 1920s, has been the site of influential studies on the attitudes and beliefs of the American people. In this program, a concise documentary essay on Muncie is followed by a spirited discussion with three distinguished academic sociologists: Alan Wolfe, author of One Nation, After All; Bruce Geelhoed, Director of the Center for Middletown Studies; and sociologist Theodore Caplow. They join moderator Ben Wattenberg to explore the latest research on topical wedge issues and America's ongoing struggle to reconcile once-traditional values with such trends as the improved status of women, suburban sprawl, and a growing permissiveness in society. (27 minutes) 1998 27 ¥30,000 ¥21,000 内容説明 原題: Words and Actions: Contexts and Consequences of Propaganda from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum BVL9217 インディアナ州マンシー市は、アメリカのミドルタウンとして知られて いる。ミドルタウンとは1920年代、30年代にこの街を典型的なアメリ カ中流社会として選び調査研究した社会学者リンド夫妻による造語 である。以後この場所は統計調査のメッカとしてアメリカ社会では誰 でも知る名前となり、調査結果も社会の関心を引くようになった。80 年代にはTVドキュメンタリーの題材にも取り上げられた。70年代後 半にマンシーを再調査した社会学者セオドア・カプロー(『ミドルタウ ン・ファミリー』著者)、州立ボール大学ミドルタウン研究センターディ レクターを務めるブルース・ゲールホード教授、アメリカ中間層意識 の変容を研究しているボストン大学社会学教授アラン・ウォルフ(近 著”One Nation After All”)がリンド夫妻以後の全般的なアメリカ社 会の意識の変貌を語り合う。ミドルタウンは本当に存在しているのだ ろうか?放送当時、アメリカを沸かせていたクリントン大統領の不倫 問題にも触れている。放送日:1998年7月2日。 原題: Middletown: Continuity or Change? 輸入発売元:株式会社 グローバル・リンケージ 電話:03-5777-0668 ファクス:03-5777-0669 本体価格は税別です。消費税額を別途申し受けます。 英語版DVDソフト在庫処分セール社会学分野 新年度・新学期応援キャンペーン。国内在庫品のため翌日出荷可能。有効期限:2016/6/30(木)午後三時まで。期間中でも、完売・販売終了となることがあります。2016/3/24 BVL商品番号 BVL10691 邦題:副題:主題/製品は輸入盤英語版DVDソフト 「岐路にたつアメリカ 新世紀展望」21世紀米国経済展望二巻組の第1巻:不安の社会 的費用 好景気と幸福感 史上最高値の株式 国民総所得の上昇 喪失と空虚の感情 原題: The Price of Wealth BVL10692 「岐路にたつアメリカ 新世紀展望」21世紀米国経済展望二巻組の第2巻:拡大する所 得格差 貧富 好景気と倫理・道義上の問題 低所得者層の増大と固定化 社会経済 学の課題 原題: The Great Divide アルカイダ 自爆テロ イスラム過激派 インターネット ムービーメーカー BVL37557 原題: Jihad TV: Terrorism and Mass Media BVL37435 グリーンエコノミー革命のその後:「成長するグリーン・エコノミー」全12巻2005年オンエ ア作品のその後の議論を受けて2007年一時間枠のスペシャル番組が制作された。 原題: Ethical Markets: The New Green Revolution BVL47874 壁をつくるのは誰か 冷戦後の社会 イデオロギー 分断と分離の事例研究 イラク ブ ラジル フランス 原題: Walled In: The Politics of Building Barriers 制作年 分数 標準価格 (本体価格) 割引価格 (本体価格) The dawning of the 21st century was a milestone in the longest and strongest economic expansion in America's history. But as the nation's fortunes rose, the emphasis on wealthbuilding left many feeling psychologically overdrawn. Did consumerism fill that feeling of emptiness? And did an increasing GNP really make Americans any happier? This program explores the hidden emotional costs associated with living during a boom time-a time of absorption with externals that generally leads to a diminished focus on the interior life. (29 minutes) 2000 29 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 During the recent period of high employment and low inflation, the economic fortunes of the U.S. could hardly have been better. But as the rich got richer, the gap between rich and poor grew all the larger. Today's concerns over recession notwithstanding, has the gulf between the haves and the have-nots finally widened to the point of moral indefensibility? Have the nation's obligations to citizens of lower socioeconomic levels been forgotten amid the excitement of getting and spending? This program examines the moral and ethical questions that accompany national prosperity. (29 minutes) 2000 29 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 In al Qaeda's global jihad against the West, videos of smiling suicide bombers and insurgent ambushes have become as important as the attacks they glorify. This program illustrates in chilling detail how Islamic extremists use the power of the Internet and the network sound bite. From the markets of Baghdad, where brightly packaged jihadist DVDs are snapped up by young consumers, to the broadcast studios of Al Arabiya, where editors debate the merits and consequences of airing graphic violence, the program explores the inextricable links between media technology and terrorist agendas. One scene features training footage from the Global Islamic Media Front explaining how to use Windows Movie Maker to craft an effective video. Viewer discretion is advised. (Portions in Arabic with English subtitles, 47 minutes) 2006 48 ¥20,000 ¥14,000 What will it take to create an eco-friendly global economy? This program addresses the financial, technological, and organizational obstacles that must be overcome before human society and planet Earth can truly coexist. Drawn from the series Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy (item #37184) and futurist Hazel Henderson’s book by the same title, the program contains powerful insights from engineers, energy experts, venture capitalists, and product development specialists—all of whom are committed to building a greener world. Interviews with Tradelink president Keith Bronstein, National Venture Capital Association president Mark Heeson, Cleantech chairman Nicholas Parker, and many others enliven the discussion. (59 minutes) 2007 59 ¥38,000 ¥26,600 When the iron curtain dividing Cold War Europe fell, world leaders extolled a new era of freedom and openness. And yet, decades later, the business of constructing barriers is pursued with ever greater physical, financial, and ideological vigor, from the Middle East to the wealthiest societies of the West. Why have walls—be they municipal, regional, or international in scope— become the preferred means of resolving conflicts and addressing (or avoiding) civil unrest? This program investigates in a variety of socioeconomic contexts. Viewers are confronted with the geopolitics of urban and cultural segregation as seen in Iraq, Brazil, and France—and the results are sure to invite parallels with other global hot spots. (53 minutes) 2011 52 ¥34,000 ¥23,800 内容説明 輸入発売元:株式会社 グローバル・リンケージ 電話:03-5777-0668 ファクス:03-5777-0669 本体価格は税別です。消費税額を別途申し受けます。
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