GOVER‖ ME‖ T OF!‖ D:A Mi‖ :STRY OF LAW&JuSTicE DEPARTME‖ T OF LEGAL AFFA:RS 鵬 濡ぶ ITI鋸闊 馴 2 nesu切 げ y mmmtOns tぃ o"“ Segeta● ]露 O櫛 00も JI∝ a81 b Depa tlellolし ∞J Alla,円 0鮨 い mme“ d“ h綺 nd“ α 器胞趙 蹴 総 指 ‖ ∬ 酬 柵‖ 胆踊 脚 °鞠 臆驚胤胤柵 Ⅲ 品淵1躙 認胤 mttm搬 甲 Ⅲ喘d“ 0器 『β 鵬晰醗脚漑ξ 騨 蹴 器棚搬棚昔た 鵠Ⅷ Pmm面 “ .or6qn (i9 wit tor in6 s€rvre ot summsB dvt suia to. erec'Iio1 0. decre€,s ol crt fuuns ror he enlorcemont ot mainu'lrnce od€E arld admlnistaljo ol tD esirtes ot tor3Dnem dyinq in tndia Eeooroca arzngsmens ti. i, t€ (v) Aul.iodTaiim oi ofliceB to ex6cuis coniacls and. assuralcos ot pmp€rt oi u{s. Adide 299 (1) oi ho C!{lslitutoo and auho.ulion ol otficld b sroi slaleDenls in suita by or against $e Centrrl Covemment ",0 (v0 hdian (ix) ot fi6 pro3llent ptsi,,t a r;tt'-_ #$ loreiln cluntres in matE6 or civit taw. L.w Commissim L€gar Prclossion hcrud ng ,ltgh r, *,it LagalServrce. (vi0 Treali€6 aM aoeemefis (viiD b3tul fie AivGtes Acr 196j (25 ot 1961) c{ulb. aid p€mom enft€d b prarlcs M0r0 Erla,1?msfl ol he I rnsdlcon ot supreme couri and he co.rt hm [Erat ol enlued to praclrce b€,are he sdpr8re coJn. r€tesnces b ul€ surtm6 co,n tuns ooBs mls< wsdfl! 1430i lhe M of he ibhnes 1952(530t 1952) (xii) hcone &r &p€rbre ribuna. (ri, l0A6liah rdhti.l tor tuoiCi Eftirang€ {xi) Adminls[euo(l 3 E!.rlt ltit A tartrn rdala Law Cradrdo B. (0 tl0 or ooulial6flt Distici Judge wifi not tess fian trr6e y6ars ot sorvice as Distict offc& ol tndim {a) Leg6l S€Mce 0) 16 trn musl hav6 25 (v) d n[Eo rwd.d lkE ln ,pd.ed *lt luaDCory B llr) sDovq ar s.flor h he i6td 0t r {.€q b co/eflmsi ot hda Lrx ss ad!,!c.t h p61im havil!,n tont t nEl grylm. Calrt/Ht0h *vcb ysrr, ,eenil! h r&Mce l-iwcomm6ltil m&r .b le3s tr 2s t trrms ot rdirn r€0ii. d sid recri!3nus cofibird sxpedace r, aa or 25 y?aE as EEclicry adwcab tn !E SuolErno Couriritoi Cotllt L3x qfcer {dtsrg in Botlc]llqri.d Dnit! *cbr aoanuatin*n-trne GrlotgDh pBttm (cat€goq B M anov€). rild3o br ofiue uia!oh. fvo tE,! d flt tE age ot m y€ars Miciover is rdll& h c& d ottu t4e ql da&[(rl ad h ot oaE c.l{rb dl I and ffirrir 6 trr elbfttr he.ruy Z rrtd tdd iionat @adrrtoB/h* L LrG lrb 5. 5i.a lFaart 6. ot Judg€m&Is vdh appUhnt s tlc L.d puutc? rcNbd priMdte secrr 16, ofic8r vm n! ln rwotta rr€ s.3le m 25 FarE ot sa€.is1c. parbintno t0 condit rcFrlr uo,kn! yeaB in hat sca]e Pmctclm.fiocdo- laving not Jue. 0n niMno s,eanorca ([) toto*s tqn ftolnlrod ulilfiity ur6r ileige ot 57 yers as 00 j st tEit cE 2016. dE ah6EcdnlBit i irlFs*dcoi0ririot rfr. L last &b hr ft.6ivin0 apgltcatiolE/ nomimrim b t! IrI XIa. S Ad(li!. ld rutuing repflcdont Appllc€liMrnomimuqE rnsy be senl b j[ q*.tf bo-'&.t.6€d b srn rnr irm"x6ri, di,F,!y ll9l*g.d"ipt4S! llo. z$d4r uct LE9annant d Llgal covemmefl ot hdla {n F0or, A.lvm. i ai I a srt;ni 0h;; r1€lr_ odh-lr(m1 $p€rsiptino |pplrc.rd/Iomimtoo tu 0r pcl ot sa;rbr,_aitli;;-;;id dfthnli.l' re,qly- + ffi?iGffi Oav,24201′ 1lЮ oo91516 ‐ “
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