P. O. Box 502203 Indianapolis IN 46250 • [email protected] • www.indiana-okinawa.net INDIANA OKINAWA KENJINKAI インデイアナ沖縄県人会 Newsletter Issue - June 2012 The 36th Annual INDY International Festival The theme this year is Myths and Legends 神話と伝説 if anyone has information, related to this subject, please let us know. 2012 インターナショナル フェステイバルのテーマ 沖縄には数多くの神話と伝説が有り ます。 オジー、 オバーから聞いた 話,探索された情報などが有りまし たら,会長へお知らせ下さい。日時 はまだ不明ですが,11月の中旬頃 ---------------------Officers Pres- Naoko Shepperson V. Pres---Satoko Cook Treas-----Yoko Hughes Sec-------Tsuyako Noah Goodwill Ambassador: Jake Skillman Committee Members Len Coppola Butch Barker Naoko Clark Yoko Condon Yoko Hassing Yoneko Kajii Hatsuko Smith Masako Uthuppuru Tomiko Wickersham Photo: Gary Brockman Tomiko Wickersham Hello Everyone, 会長挨拶 会員の皆様、 こんにちは! 夏休みが始まり、猛暑の厳しい毎日会員の皆さんと御 家族の皆さん、 ご健康でお元気で、お過ごしの事と思 います。 去る、3月24日に恒例の第18回インデイアナ沖縄 県人会の新年会が大成功に終えることができました。 全会員とゲストの皆さんが大変楽しむ事ができました。 パフォーマンスをされた皆さん、素晴らしかったです。 手芸コーナーのクラフトを作られた方、早朝、新年会の 準備(テーブルと椅子)に来られた方 美味しいごちそ うをお料理さらた方、司会者、受付、接待、ゲストの案 内、進行係り、音響、ビデオ、 カメラ、 クラフト担当、チケッ トの販売、皆様大変お疲れ様でした。 皆さんの協力があり皆さんの力で成功する事が出来ま した。 会員の皆様御協力とご支援、誠に有難うござ いました。 次のイベントは恒例の夏のピックニックが7月29日 にあります。 再びLawrence Community Parkで午後 12時から、始めます。 御家族、お友達をお誘いの上ご一緒に来て下さる様、 願っています。 皆さんと一緒に 楽しい日にしまし ょう。 シェパーソン尚子 As the summer vacation starts, I hope all members and their families are doing well with this hot weather and that everyone is in good health. This past 24th of March, we had our 18th annual New Year’s party. It was a great success, and I hope that everyone had a wonderful time. I would like to congratulate everyone who performed at the party. You all did a fabulous job. Thank you to all the members who came in early to help with set-up and to those that prepared the crafts and all the delicious food. I would also like to say a special “thank you” to everyone that worked at the party. We could not have done it without you. Thank you very much everyone for your support and cooperation. Our next event will be the annual summer picnic on the 29th of July. It will be held again at the Lawrence Community Park at 12:00pm. Please come out and join us with your family and friends. Let’s all have a wonderful day together. Sincerely, Naoko Shepperson 2012 Annual Picnic 2012年 ピクニックのご案内 When: July 29 (Sunday) Time: 12:00-5:00 Where: Lawrence Park 5301 N. Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46210 Food, games, Bazaar, Eisa-- and lots of fun!! For more information , please call Naoko Shepperson @ (317) 217-9153 Satoko Cook @ (317) 765-5330 For maps and direction’s see the flyer 新年会 Donation (寄付金) Seiko Ito Bucth Baker Satoko Cook Tomiko Wickersham Hatusko Smith Yoneko Kajii Masako Uthupuru Sakura Restaurant Yoko Hassing THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! $ 300 $ 100 $ 84 $ 80 $ 75 $ 50 $ 50 $ 35 $ Mariko Michelle Cook Megan Miyuki Ishikawa Graduated from Indiana Universary on May 5th, 2002 Major: East Asian Languages and Cultures(東アジア言語と文化) Degree: Bachelor of Arts Our oldest daughter, Megan, has graduated Magna Cum Laude this Mother’s Day (5/13) from IUPUI Honors College with a double major degrees in Chemistry and German, and minoring in Mathematics and International Studies. She has applied, and hopes to attend the Indiana University School of Medicine this fall. Her new job start in August at Okinawa International Exchange at Urasoe City Office. Adapt by JET program from government of Japan (Japan Exchange and Teaching Program.) She was our very first Kempi Scholarship winner and first to go for a full year, all expense paid scholarship study at the Ryuukyu Universary. 日本政府の JET プログラムに採用され、8月から沖縄県浦添市役所の国際交 流課で働く事になりました。 まり子さんはインデイアナ州立大学に二年生 在留中、KEMPI留学に応募し,IOKから始めての留学生として琉球大学で一年 学び、IUに戻り、去った5月5日に卒業しました。 Proud parent : Edward and Satoko Cook (里子さんはIOKの副会長です) Welcom New Members Sandyjo Cole, Kazue Ingle, Dwayne Ingle Sandy White, Karen Wooldridge Neighbor Kenjinkai Picnic • Ohio Tomono kai ---------------September 15, 2012 • Chicago Kenjinkai -------------------August 12, 2012 • Michigan Okinawa Kenjinkai--------August 4, 2012 Grace Akemi Ishikawa Grace has been selected as one of the drum majors for the Ben Davis High School Marching Giants. They have just completed marching at the 2012 Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, California... and the Indy 500 Festival Parade... and has been invited and will be marching at Washington D.C. next memorial day for the National Memorial Day parade in D.C. As one of the drum majors for the band, Grace will be leading her band through the main parade route next year. The band will also be performing in Hawaii. You can follow Grace and the Ben Davis Bands by joining us on facebook at; https://www.facebook.com/bendavisbands I take all the photographs for the band... Please spread the word amongst Kenjinkai members and join us on facebook. Hannah Mie Ishikawa Hannah has finished her 1st year at IUPUI... she is majoring in English and French. She is one of an officers for the IUPUI International Club this coming school year. By Joji Ishikawa Upcomming Event(ご案内) SHO ART STUDIO 6301 LAFAYATTE RD INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46278 (317) 291-1291 OPENING PARTY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012 5:00 - 8:00 FEATURING THE ART OF XIMENA IZQUIERDO & TSUYAKO NOAH SHO ART STUDIO HOURS MON & FRI 9:30 - 3:00 WED 9:30 - 5:00 SAT 12:00 - 5:00 E-MAIL: [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHY Making moments last forever... SPECIAL OFFER for Indiana Okinawa Kenjinkai Members: $25 off from any child or family package. Moon & Star Photography Gary Brockman (317) 289-6087 3714 N. Breen Drive.,Indianapolis, IN 46235 http://moonandstar.homestead.com/ LUNCH: Mon ~ Sat: 12:00 ~ 2:30 pm Sunday ~ 12:00 ~ 2:30 pm DINNER: Sun ~ Thurs: 5:00 ~ 9:00 pm Fri & Sat: 5:00 ~ 10:00 pm Greenbrook Shoppes 8265 US 31 South Indianapolis, IN 46227 Tel: (317) 883- 1888 2 1 0 2 版 会 社 됚 9 2 됙 Myth & Folklore Turtleback Tombs > < Okinawa is an island rich in tradition and culture. While here, take some time to investigate some of the island’s spiritual beliefs and folklore. 著者:ももココロ • 転載:琉球新報 In addition, Silent prayer for one minute silence at noon in the entire Okinawa Prefecture. 尖閣沖EEZに 中国海洋調査船 また、沖縄県全域において正午に1分間の黙祷(もくと う) も行われる。 ごーやーどっとネット 日午後0時孝ごろ 前通容下域外で確認された 第他区下向保安本部の兵 のはことしに入り初めて Okinawan Prefecture has declared June 23rd of each year as “Okinawa Memorial Day”, in order to remember the conclusion of the Battle of Okinawa, during the Pacific War of WWII. The Governor of Okinawa, as well as prominent officials, such as the Prime Minister of Japan, the Chairman of the House of Representatives, and Chairman of the House of Councilors, will attend a special ceremony marking the event. The ceremony will be held at the Memorial Peace Prayer Park, in Itoman. With a solemn atmosphere, the ceremony, will honor the more than 200,00 victims, with prayers for permanent world peace and rest for the departed souls. 空機が尖閣諸島の久場島 同本部によると同船は ○ら北西約뗞の日本の排 下洋の科学堂調査を実施す 沖縄県では、毎年6月23 日を太平洋戦争における 沖縄戦の終結した日とし て「慰霊の日」に制定して いる. その日には、糸満市の平 和祈念公園にて「沖縄全 戦没悼式」が行われ沖縄 県知事はもちろん、総理大臣や衆議院議長、参議院議長 などが参列し、おごそかな雰囲気の中で式典が執り行わ れる。式典では、沖縄戦での20万人以上の犠牲者ほか、 戦没者の冥福と世界の恒久平和を願う, 他堂経済水域︵EEZ︶で る と の 事 前 通 容 が あ た Okinawa Memorial Day • June 23 船尾など○ら合計8本のよ が同本部の兵空機が発見 沖縄慰霊の日 • 6月23日 プのようなものをえい兵 している中国下洋調査船 ﹁東密紅2号﹂を発見し た中国の下洋調査船が事 隊は自然解散となり具 て死にそうだたのが丸 事前通容海域外 イだ○ら殺されると言われ 風덁で島を踏みつぶした よ○たとし○思わない﹂ られた反年は知る﹁痩せ 沖縄のお墓は、 「カーミヌクーバカ」 と呼ばれ、大型のものが多く内部は小さなものでも6〜8畳もあ り、戦時中には防空壕がわりにも利用された。 形が亀の甲羅に似ているところから亀甲墓(かめこ うばか ) と言われ、 これは女性の子宮を模したもので、人の一生は、母の胎内から生まれ、死ぬとまた 帰ってゆく、 という 「母体回帰」 の思想。 「お墓(tomb)」 は、 この世からあの世へ生まれ変わるために 籠る 「子宮(womb)」 で、入り口ではなく出口となっている。 旧暦の3月15日の 「清明祭」 シーミーに は、親族が集まって墓参りをし、 お墓の掃除後、 お墓の前で持ち寄った料理を広げ、 ビール、泡盛、飲 食を共にし、歓談しながら交わる 家族の楽しいしいイベントです。 沖縄県の急激な発展、土地問題により、最近は小規模な亀甲墓も見られるようになってきており、集 合霊園に骨壷が納められる納骨堂(コンドミニヤム)式のスタイルも見られる。 「た There are two types of tombs you will see while on Okinawa: the turtleback tomb (kameko-baka) and the gable type. The turtleback tomb is easy to spot due to its distinctive shave (resembling the back of a turtle’s shell). The tombs line the hills and streets and can be seen in a variety of sizes nearly everywhere on the island. Kameko-baka serve as ancestral vaults for holding the remains of the deceased in carefully arranged urns. The rectangular opening located in the center-front of the structure is a conspicuous feature you will find in all tombs and serves as an entrance for placing urns within. These tombs are also built in the shape of a woman’s womb. Buddhists believe the reasoning behind this is to place the deceased back where they originally came from: the womb. You can still see the turtleback tomb, but it is slowly being replaced by the cheaper, space-saving, condominiumstyle tombs. Each April (around March 15th on the lunar calendar), Okinawans participate in memorial services for ancestors in an event known locally as Shiimii (known as Seimei Sai in Japanese). Blood relatives gather in front of tombs in a sort of family reunion where they open special containers of Okinawan ceremonial foods and drink beer and awamori together. This event is a joyful outing that strengthens family ties. てた﹂덀軍事機密덁とつ ﹁どうやて竹槍で北れる The Ryukyuan religion is generally characterized by ancestor worship and the respecting of relationships between the living, the dead, and the gods and spirits of the natural world. 仲
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