PDD 蛍光画像を用いた腫瘍位置の高速 3 次元同定 Real

PDD 蛍光画像を用いた腫瘍位置の高速 3 次元同定
○ 古川 大介 1,林 太郎 1,佐伯 壮一 1,齊藤 俊 1, 梶原 浩司 2,貞廣 浩和 2,
吉川 功一 2,出口 誠 2,坂 真人 2,天野 貴之 2,鈴木 倫保 2
山口大学大学院 医学系研究科 応用医工学系専攻
山口大学 医学部 脳神経外科
【諸言】Fluorescence Molecular Tomography (FMT) または Fluorescence Diffusion Optical
Tomography (FDOT)など,現在では光線力学診断法(PDD)より得られる蛍光画像から蛍光源の位置
る位置と真値との誤差は 1mm 以下であった.また,昨年報告した FDM(有限差分法)とダウンヒル
シンプレックス法を併用し,位置同定を行った場合,約 20 時間要するのに対し,本手法では約数
Real-time estimation of tumor location using PDD image
Daisuke FURUKAWA1, Tarou HAYASHI1, Souichi SAEKI1, Takashi SAITO1, Hirokazu SADAHIRO2,
Koichi YOSHIKAWA2, Makoto DEGUCHI2, Masato SAKA2, Takayuki AMANO2, Koji KAJIWARA2,
Michiyasu SUZUKI2
Applied Medical Engineering Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University,
Department of Neurosurgery, Yamaguchi University school of Medicine
Fluorescence Molecular Tomography or Fluorescence Diffusion Optical Tomography, such as reconstruction
techniques are to identify the tumor location and the form using the PDD image. However, these techniques
require huge computational cost. Thus, these systems are not used during surgery. In this study, we propose to
identify the fluorescence source and the source form at high-speed using PDD image, the optimization
approach and Weighted Residual Method (WRM).
In order to verify the location accuracy of this identification method, we demonstrated using tissue phantom
and fluorescence tube filled with fluorescence dye (AlPcS). This identification method was applied to
fluorescence images which were obtained by the phantom experiments. As a result, between the estimated
positions and the true positions of absolute errors was less than 1mm. The estimated time was a few seconds.
We validate the evidence using small animals, because we confirmed the usefulness of this estimation method
for phantom experiment. The fluorescent micro-tubes ( diameter 0.4mm) filled with AlPcS were inserted in
the brains of the euthanized mice. This estimation method was applied to fluorescence images which were
obtained using the mice. As a result, the phantom and the animal experiments were similar.
Consequently, this proposed method is considered effective as a support system during surgery because of
high-speed calculation and high estimation accuracy.